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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1896)
January 16, loUo. THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. 7 DIRECT LEGISLATION From The Coming Nation. Yon whose souls with Irt are fraught. O'er Labor' situation; -' Whose votes in part; nets were caught, Coma now, give a passing thought To Direct Legislation. When parties you're elected to ; Direct (and rob) the nation. Had not your interests la view, Tie time to try what yon can do - Through Direct Legislation. They're grabbed the lobby boodle ol Combine and Corporation. ' For "Sell" your legislators strove; And trained to fraud, they hate the more For Direct Legislation. ' Since bribes are tempting, yon most kill Incentives to temptation. By leaving to the people's will The supreme power to pass a bill By Direct Legislation. Your party votes through backward years Have brought you tribulation. Depression, bonds, distress and tears. Till now your only hope appears In Direct Legislation. If bonded debts must yearly grow While "Shyiocks" rob the nation. And goldbugn" say: "It shall be so" The people should say "Yes" or "No" Through Direct Legislation. If men who toil should own the land, And thus avert starvation. Come party voters, take your stand For this reform, so Just and grand Called Direct Legislation. If you would crush the trusts that own. Your means of transportation. Whose tributes makes industries groan; If you'd support not. mammon's throne. Try Direct Legislation. On this reformers can unTte And vote for reformation. Then wrongs which Judges will call "right" Will disappear before the light Of Direct Legislation. If Freedom's flag you'd have to float , Above the Coming Nation, And you, my friends, an antidote Forwrongswouldflrid: Comeforth and vote For Direct Legislation, Youngston, 0, Michael MoGovbbn. CLAIMS IT IS BLACKMAIL. York County Man Arrested at Greenwood and Taken Back. W. H. Mclntyre and wife, who claimed to hail from York, were arrested at Greenwood Saturday, and Sunday th BherifE of York county took them back to the scene of trouble. It seems that Mclntyre had some property, two or three horses, harness and a wagon, that a man named John P. Cook of York claims belongs to him, and it is for attempting to get away with this that Mntyre and his wife are charged. The prisoner claims that the whole business is a put up job to blackmail him, and he promises to 6ee the matter to the bitter end at all costs if time and trouble will do it, He says he has bills of sale for the stuff and will keep it if he knows himself. There is another side to the story that may be of another color. ' Hanged Himself in a Barn. Charles Berg, a prominent farmer living in the Swedish settlement about fifteen miles from Chadron, hanged himself in his barn Sunday night. He fas found about 5. o'clock Monday ' lorning hanging to a rafter by a rope. Lte was about 60 years old, owned 160 acres of land, which is heavily mort gaged and was hard pressed for cash. His crops this year were a comparative failure and dispondency over the dark outlook is believed to have been his reason. He leaves a wife and five grown up boys. HUDSON WINS HIS CASE. The Kansas Supreme Court Decides the Printershlp Contest. ToPEKA,Kan.,Jan. 13. The Supreme court this forenoon handed down an opinion in the Snow-Hudson State printership contest, giving the office to J. K. Hudson, the Republican in cumbent. ' One Baby Killed by Another. Saturday afternoon Charley Horn, a 4-year-old son of J. C. Horn, living two miles west of Brock, shot aJittle girl 3 years old, daughter of K. Gilles pie. Mrs. Gillespie with her only child was visiting Mrs. Horn. Little Charley found a revolver and while playing with it the weapon was discharged, tho ball going through the child's body, which caused death at 9 o'clock Sun day morning. Dust Storm at Lyons. There was a fearful dust storm at Lyons Saturday forenoon. The ground is very dry and people hope for snow or rain soon. GRAINS OF COLD. A knave cheats others; a fool him self. Aversion from reproof is not wise; it is the mark of a little mind. A great man can afford to lose; a little insig nificant fellow is afraid of being snuffed out. We should not too much rejoice in hope, if we would enjoy in reality, for the most agreeable pleasures in gen eral are those that we have least ex pected. "Waiting" is the stumbling-block pf progress and reform. Doing is the lever that moves in the world. But few men comparatively have an opportunity to accumulate large for tunes; but, when men, fail to lay by what is necessary for their comfort or independence, almost without excep tion it is owing to their calculations and management not being right. It is true there is a liability to illness, and to other overpowering causes, but it is not to such things that disastrous re sults, in the great majority of cases, can be attributed. He who is open without levity, gen erous without waste, secret without craft, humble without meanness, bold without insolence, cautions without anxiety, regular yet not formal, mild yet not timid, firm yet not tyranlcal, passes the ordeal of honor, friendship, virtue. Free Silver Knight. A SEVERE SUNDAY BLAZE The Handsome Residence of C. G. Burr, of Lincoln Badly Damaged. The residence of Carlos C. Burr, on Sixteenth and L streets, Lincoln, was badly damaged by fire and the con tents were almost totally destroyed by smoke and water Sunday afternoon between 3 and 6 o'clock. The loss on the furnishings will not be covered by the insurance of 85,000. The damage to the house itself is considerable, but can be much more than made good by the insurance, which amounts to $34. 900. The fire apparently had its origin near the furnace. It gained a strong headway before it was discovered. No one was at home and the firemen had no clue to the location of the fire. The house was tightly locked, every room was full of smoke, and the flames were eating their way inside the partitions and between floors. It was the nast iest fire the Lincoln firemen have ben called upon to fight for a Jong time and the boys were obliged to all but tear the house down to conquer it. The fire appeared to have started in the basement around the hot air fur nace. It burned through the floor where folding doors separate two parlors. It spread around the doors, gained headway between walls and to the east of the folding ' doors burned out a section of wall about four feet wide from floor to ceiling. This wall and a hole in the floor about ten by four feet appeared to be the extent of destruction by fire on the first floor. Smoke and water did the rest. Plas tering fell from ceilings in each of the apartments. In order to get at the fire, which ap peared from time to time,, in one place and another, walls were ripped open, carpets pulled up in pieces and floors torn up. The fireman's axe and hook had to be used in every conceivable way. Then, when fire was found, it was drenched with Water. The inter ior of the house presented a scene of utter ruin when it was entered Mon day morning. The books on the shelves of the library were not much damaged. The china was not injured, but beyond these two items there will not be much salvage on the contents, The insur ance men will secure estimates from builders for putting the house back to its original condition and will then turn that amount over in settlement. One insurance man says that he believes the house could be repaired for 87,500. Others put it at about. 810,000. PRESIDENT KRUGER FIRM. win Severely PunH the Johannesburg Inv: de -s. London, Jan. 14. A special dispatch from Johannesburg says that warrants are out for the arrest of 200 persons, all leading men in the mines and prin cipal companies of the Stock exchange and of the professional element, but not of the mercantile classes. Among those arrests are several Americans and Germans, including J. S. Curtis, an American engineer. Bail has been refused -the ringlead ers of the recent disturbances. The' others arrested have been liberated, each in 85,000 bail. It is expected that severe measures will be taken against the leaders, in spite Of the fact that it is now apparent that they were de ceived by Dr. Jameson's incursion. Sir Hercules Robinson, the governor of Cape Colony, it appears, has made every effort to secure leniency for the prisoners; but the extreme section of the Boers is much incensed and dim cult to controL The new ministry for Cape Colony is regarded as a device to shield the ex-Premier, Mr. Cecil Rhodes,- and Sir nercules Robinson. Mr. Rhodes, it is also said, is in very bad health. ' Pkktoria, Jan. H. A proclamation issued by President Krueger says that he has long meditated an alteration of the constitution of the Transvaal re public, and he had intended to submit to the next session of the Volksraad a law granting a municipality of Jo hannesburg. "Dare I do so?" con tinued the proclamation, "after what has happened? I will give the answer myself. I know that there are thous ands in Johannesburg to whom I can with confidence entrust this. Let the Johannesburgers make it possible for the government to appear before the Volksraad with the words ''Forget and forgive." England Had Too Much Else to Watch. London, Jan. 14. The Times pub lishes a column article discussing the recent ministerial trouble in Canada, whose "remarkable and significant political crisis has thus far escaped at tention, owing to the Transvaal diffi culties." The Times believes that if the Hon. Makenzie Bowell, the Cana dian premier, succeeds in forming a cabinet, he Will hold office for a few weeks only and will then resign in fa vor of Sir Charles Tupper. Handsome Bequest to a Hospital. Topeka, Kan., Jan. 14. It was learned yesterday that the late J. C Kyle of this city, left 825,000 in cash tor Christ's hospital, a non-sectarian charitable institution here. The de ceased spent the last days of his ill ness at Christ's hospital, and it is sup posed that the kind treatment re ceived prompted him to make the be quest. Williams' Assailant Confesses. Hays City, Kan., Jan. 14. Hank Kufus, who has been arrested for as saulting and robbing Arthur WiUiams on January 1, was taken by the Sheriff last night to Williams room where he made full confession of the crime. Williams is still unconscious, although the physicians have removed the por tions of the skull which were frac tured. NEWS NOTES. Fire destroyed a 1 i-uness block at Wichita Falls, Tex. it was of incen diary origin. An unknown man was killed at Hinckley, Tex., by a man who ob jected to the words of a song. The home of Banker James Keogh, at Sturgeon Bay, Wis,, was destroyed by fire and four persons were badly burned. An east-bound L. E. & St L. par senger train was wrecked at Brown's Switch, Indiana. The fireman was killed. A GLOOMY OUTLOOK. SENATOR TELLER SEES NO HOPE FOR SILVER. The Honse and President are Its Deadly Enemies, an All the Candidates With Any Show for the Presidential Nomina" tlon of Other Parties Against It. St. Locis. Mo., Jan. 14. Senator Henry M. Teller of Colorado is in St. Louis to argue a case in the United States court of appeals on behalf of the Denver and Rio Grande railway. He does not take a hopeful view of the financial situation. "I cannot see," he said, "that there is much hope for silver in the near future. The Senate, of course, is for free coinage, or something akin to it, but the lower house is gold body by a large ma jority. Of this fact there can be no question, and while it is to be regretted there is no immediate remedy. Besides this the third house of the national legislature the President is also for gold. No matter what kind of a bill might be passed for the re lief of silver, Mr. Cleveland would veto it So long as he is President, there fore, there is no chance for silver leg islation and i can see no reason to hope that the next president will be any better. "Among Republicans everywhere one hears talk of Reed, McKinley, Morton and Allison, and from our standpoint they will not do at alL AH of them are notoriously friendly to gold, and with any one of- them in the presidential chair we will be just as badly off as we are at present. The Democrats are not likely to give us a better man. The leaders of the latter party who make slates and control nominations are avowedly unfavora- ble to silver legislation, and they will probably see to it that a gold man is placed at the head of the ticket." "The silver states do not hope to secure the nomination for President of a man who will be friendly' to free coinage? ' was suggested. "Hardly. There was a time when we thought it barely possible that we might at least secure a candidate who would not be unfriendly, but as events are shaping1 themselves, this hope seems to be disappearing. ' The ulti mate relief, I believe, must come from an independent movement of silver men from both parties. Such a move ment is now under way, and I believe it will gather strength as it goes. " ARTIST GIBSON'S ROMANCE. Strange Meeting; with the Lady Whom He Made His Wife. With the mariage in Richmond, Va., of Artist Charles Dana Gibson with Miss Irene Langhorne, one of those ro mances that seem to properly belong to those stories beginning "Once upon a time a beautiful princess," etc., came to a happy conclusion,, says the New York World. Ten years ago Gibson per suaded the humorous paper, Life, to pay him $2 for a drawing. That was his start in New York. What Life wanted at that time was pretty girls, and pretty girls was what Mr. Gibson was simply yearning to draw. Little by little a young lady, first known as the "American girl," and sub sequently as the "Gibson girl," began to be a well known figure in prominent weekly and monthly magazines. When asked, as he often was, who this beau tiful unknown was, Mr. Gibson used to laugh and say she was a dream. Mr, Gibson used to believe that his un known beauty did not exist, but none the less, Pygmalion-like, he worshiped his own creation. Just a year ago at the horse show Mr. Gibson came very near having a paralytic strke, for, as he was turning the corner by the boxes, he almost ran into the living, breathing reality of his artistic vision. It was Miss Langhorne, a Virginia belle. An introduction fol lowed and Mr. Gibson prosecuted his 6uit ardently and successfully. ATCHISON GLOBULES. Nobody seems to be true to anybody. Who was the fool that said that time is money? Nearly all the women overdo the an gel business. Unless love makes you sick, it is not of a good quality. The dirtier a dog is, the more friend ly he is to his master. A man has a right to think lots of things which he had no right to say. If a man behaves himself, people say he is cunning, and hides his meanness. Every woman has a certain look with which she thinks she can squelch a man. When a girl gives a reporter an item, it is usually a "joke" on some other girl. Old age has at least one advantage: elderly people are hardly ever "talked about" Don't regard your troubles too trag ically; they may be comedies to you to-morrow. The kin you like least are the most apt to kiss you when they come and when they go. A real good church member is one who wills her property to the church when she dies. There is nothing a married woman enjoys more than assisting a girl to land a young man. The great disappointment some peo ple feel in knowing so much, is that It doesn't show in their face. What has become of the old fashion ed woman who was always talking about boxing people's ears? It U J uat Wonderful Thet imp th Union Pacific "Overlaud" fast mail No. 8 mil ken to Ogden, Salt Luke, Butte, Helena, Portland, Seattle Sitn Frnncisco and Los Angeles. This Daily Mktkor has the finest equipment coiiHiMiing of Pullman Palace and Uphol stered TonriHt Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars, and Diner. For full informa tion call on or addre E. B. Slowon, General Agent, 1044 0 St, or J. T. Mas tin, C. T. A. VICTORIA BURIED WITH HONORS Naw Jersey's Smallest Dog Had a Fun eral Worthy of a Prince. , From the Buffalo Express: Probably the most novel funeral ever seen la New Jersey occurred in Rahway on Sunday afternoon. The corpse was that of a dog, said to be the smallest of Its kind In America, if not in the world. Victoria was a pure black-and-tan ter rier. Her history is interesting. About fifteen years ago the late Mrs. Garbon etti of Rahway, who was at that time a performer in Barnum's circus, was en gaged In a tour of England with the show. She was exceptionally clever in handling horses, and she frequently re ceived presents from her admirers. One day in Manchester a man sent his com pliments to the fair rider, accompanied by a basket, which contained the small est mite of caninity she had ever beheld. The dog accompanied her on her travels all over the world, and though It never grew to robust size it was always healthy, and she became sincerely at tached to her pet In due course of time Mrs. Garbonettl left the sawdust ring and settled down in Rahway. Last sum mer she was thrown from a buggy and killed, and her husband, who is a farm er near Rahway, presented the dog to Miss Mary McCann, who was with Mrs. Garbonettl when she met with the ac cident Victoria was about six Inches long and her head was less than four Inches from the ground. She weighed about eighteen ounces when in good condition. She was not capable of learning many tricks, but after years of patient training her mistress ouc ceeded in teaching her to sit up on her haunches and sneeze. This latter ac compllshment, it is said, was responsi ble for her death, as she sneeaed so much that asthma set in, and after an illness of less than an hour she died. As a mark of regard for the departed canine Miss McCann had a New York firm manufacture a miniature coffin, which was covered with embossed white plush. The coffin was nine inches long, five wide and four high, and the body of Victoria was arranged in it as if she was taking her daily nap behind the stove. Before the body was committed to the grave an amateur photographer was called in and several pictures were taken of the animal. The dog was buried in Miss McCann's garden, and the bereaved woman says a monument will some day mark the resting place of her departed friend. Superstitions Among Animals. Many authors have alluded to the su perstition about the porcupine, that it possesses the ability to shoot its quills to a considerable distance and thus to wound those who anger it. In proof of the notion the fact that dogs are often found with porcupine quills sticking in their mouths and throats is eometimes cited. The quills do not get there, how ever, by being thrown from the porcu pine, but on account of the eagerness of the dog attempting to seize the ani mal and so fixing the quills in his own flesh. Pliny says that among the Ro mans of his time there was a belief that stags could, by their breath, draw ser pents from their holes in the ground, and after getting them out would then trample them to death. The early hunt ers of this country relate many inci dents concerning the enmity between deer and serpents of all kinds. It 19 well known that stags would often, without hesitation, attack rattlesnakes, and by Jumping high in the air and de scending upon the serpent with the fore hoofs drawn closely together would cut the snake to pieces. The country peo ple of England, as well as several other countries, have an idea that the red ol the robin's breast was caused by the drop of blood which fell upon it at the crucifixion. According to the story the robin, commiserating the condition of Christ, tried to pluck the crown of thorns from his brow and, in doing so, got its breast wet with the blood flow ing from the wounds. The color became permanent, being transmitted from gen eration to generation, and thus, accord ing to the legend, the robin is a perpet ual reminder of the sufferings of Christ Exchange. The Minister's Blunder. . The New Yorkers are telline one an other of a good joke on Rev. John Wes-J ley Brown, rector of St. Thomas' church, previously rector of St. Paul's in this city. His part in the ceremon ial of the Paget-Whitney wedding was to read the service. Either he had marked the wrong place in the prayer book or the singing disconcerted him; at any rate the wedding' party was amazed to hear his rich, full voice utter the words; "I am the resurrection and the life!" "Heaven and earth!" ejacu lated Bishop Potter in a whisper behind him. The rector at once awoke to the fact that he was reading the burial ser vice, and, after one breathless second, he proceeded with the proper ritual. White Frames. If any housewife, says an artist, Is burdened with white frames whose ug liness stares at her, a coat of gilding or ebony will relieve the situation. By all means strive to abolish every bit of white enamel or silver from the walls unless one has that elaborate and per ishable possession a white and gold drawing room. A Good Kcanon. A Sunday-school teacher, wishing to Impress upon his pupil that shame comes of slu, put the question: "My dear boy, why were Adam and Eve not ashamed to be so scantily clad in the garden?" The boy replied prompt ly: "Because there wasn't anybody to look at 'em, sir." A High Smokestack. The largest iron smokestack ever con structed in New England was erected in Rockvllle, Conn., last week. It was 100 feet high, 54 Inches in diameter and weighed ten tons. The stick of timber from which the pulleys were suspended cost 9350 and was brought from Boston on three freight cars. KEPT A PROFOUND SECRET. Only Thtee Persons Kaow How to Make a Wonderful India Paper. The marvelous Oxford India papei was first introduced in 1875. Since then it has revolutionized the bible and pray er book trade, and it is now used for all the more popular devotional books throughout the world. In the year 1841 an Oxford graduate is said to have brought home from the far east a small fold of extremely thin paper, which was manifestly more opaque and tough for its substance than any paper then man ufactured in Europe. He presented it to the Clarendon press. The late Thos. Combe, who had only recently been ap pointed printer to the university, found it to be just sufficient for twenty-tour copies of the smallest bible then in existence diamond 24mo and printed an edition of that number which bore the date of 1842. The books were bare ly a third of the usual thle'-nese, and, although as much as $100 piece was offered for them, no copies were sold, and they were presented to the queen and other distinguished persons. All efforts to trace the paper to its source were futile, and, as years rolled on, the circumetance was forgotten. But early in 1874 a, copy fell into the hands of Arthur E. Miles, who showed it to Mr. Frowde, and experiments were at once set on foot at the Oxford university pa per mills, with the object of producing a similar paper. The first attempts were failures, but success was achieved and Aug. 24, 1875, an edition of the dia mond 24-mo bible, similar in all re spects to the twenty-four copies printed in 1842, were placed on sale. This was the first Oxford bible published by Mr. Frowde. The feat of compression was looked upon as astounding, the demand was enormous, and before very long a quarter of a million copies had been sold. The paper when subjected to severe rubbing, instead of breaking into holes, assuming a texture resembling chamois leather, and a strip only three inches wide was found able to support a quarter of a hundredweight without yielding. ' The secret of its manufac ture, It may be said, is known to only three living belnge. PEDANTRY IN BRITISH ARMY, Specimens of Absnrd Insistence Upon Immaterial Forms. " "What made you leave the army at so early an age and with such a fair record behind you and so promising a career in front of you?" I once asked an officer, whose chief defect was a proneness to act on hot-headed im pulse. The purport of his reply was: "At my last inspection I was questioned by the general concerning the prices of the soldiers' socks and Bhirts. gave him to understand that I neither knew nor cared, and, of course, I vHa pretty Bharply reprimanded. I became so disgusted with this and similar ab surdities of regimental pedantry that I sent in my papers. Once, as presi dent of a board to report on an ac cident to a horse, I simply stated that 'the leg was broken,' and received a rather sharp reprimand for embodying an opinion in such trivial language, Thereupon I amended the defect by suggesting that 'the tibia was frao tured,' and was complimented for the satisfactory lucidity of my report. Tra dition declares that in India a similar board recorded an opinion that 'the elephant is dead and smells bad.' The general, in a towering passion, sent back the proceedings for revision, whereupon the board amended its re port, 'The elephant is stiii dead and smells worse.' An Aged Pedestrian. Nathan Pearson, a well-known quaker, residing northeast of Kokomo, Ind., has a record as a pedestrian pos sessed by few of his years, being nearly 80 years old. Though the owner of a barn full of fine horses and vehicles, he prefers walking to riding, no matter what the distance is. Scarcely a week passes but he walks to Kokomo, Peru or Wabash, returning the same day, and he frequently walks to yearly meeting at Plainfleld, a distance of over ninety miles. His love for walking is well known in this section of the country, end no one thinks of asking him to ride, being assured in advance that he would refuse. Cold weather has no ter rors for Mr. Pearson, and he braves the elements the stormiest days if he wants to go somewhere. Slaughter of Rabbits. The annual Kiowa county, Kas., rabbit hunt took place Tuesday, and the event was celebrated near Mullinville with the usual grand ball and banquet One hundred and sixty-five farmers and cowboys on horseback participated in the hunt and nearly 6,000 rabbits were killed. They will be shipped free over the railways and consigned to humane societies in Chicago and Cleveland. The Woods county, Oklahoma, hunt will take place next week and nearly 400 horsemen will participate in it. A Doctor's Hint. Says a New York physician: "Half the calls I have are for imaginary ail ments. Pain is apt to frighten people, too, and I have probably lost money, although I have saved my rest, by tell ing the anxious ones that even quite severe pain without any fever means nothing, and that almost any serious trouble that causes pain must neces sarily produce fever. It is a very sim pie rule to remember, and one that will save much useless anxiety." Stunted Dogs. Stunted dogs are very much admired by Parisian ladles. The demand for them is met by at least forty profes Blonal "dog-dwarfers," who bring up the pups on alcoholic diet, which has the effect of stunting tnem. The Rainiest Spot. ' The rainiest spot in the United States is at Nean Bay, Washington. The an nual rainfall there is 123 inches. In New York city it is 45 inches. IS IT CURABLE A Question Often Asked by Those AJBlot- . With Piles, Is a strained joint curable? Is local infiamation curable? Of course, if properly treated. So is piles. People olten become afflicted with pi res and ask some old "chronic" who has always persisted in the wrong treatment and naturally be discourages them by telling them that their case is hopeless. ibey in turn discourage others, and thus a disease that can in every case be cured by careful and skillful handling is allowed to sap the energy of thousands who might free themselves of the trouble in a few days. Pyramid rile Cure will enre the most aggravated case of hemorrhoids in an astonishingly short time. It relieves the congested parts, reduces the tumors in stantly no matter how large, allays the infiamation and stops the aching or itch ing at once. Thousands who bad resorted to expen sive surgical treatment have been cured by the Pyramid Pile Cure In a number of instances persons who bad spent months in a hospital under a pile spec ialist. It is a remedy that none need fear to apply even to the. most aggravated. swollen and hemorrhoidal tumors. If yon are afflicted with this stubborn disease you can master it and master it quickly. This remedy is no longer an experi ment, but a medical certainty. It is manufactured by the Pyramid Drug Co., of Albion, Mich. DruKftistg sell it at 50 cents per box. It is becoming the most popular pilecure this country has ever known and drug gists everywhere are ordering it for their customers. WOMEN IN CHURCH WORK. Growth and Usefulness of the Order of , Deaconesses. . . The ministry of women In the church has always been a potent factor In the Influence of Christianity. A great Im pulse was giveii to the somewhat de sultory and in some ways regular work of women in the field of evangelization by the passage of the canon of deacon esses in the general convention of 1889. Mrs. Twing in her fourth triennial re port of the woman's auxiliary draws at tention to evidence, derived from her wide travels of how literally the church was taken at her word in passing the admirable canon. Deaconesses are ac tively engaged In prosecuting their ministry in fourteen dioceses and mis sionary jurisdictions in this country. The dignity and power given by the diaconate of female workers has re sulted In commending the deaconess movement In all quarters. Two ad mirable schools are now flourishing, one in New York, the other In Phila delphia, where ladies of cultivation and refinement are studying the practical, intellectual and devotional sides of their future profession. From many large parishes In other quarters calls are constantly being madajor the ser vices of women, thus prepared, trained and set apart It has been found ttfat a deaconess becomes an almost indis pensable agent In carrying on certain branches of philanthropic and elee mosynary work in a parish. A new race of educated Sunday school teach" ers and superintendents is also being introduced in the city parishes in the persons of deaconesses who have under gone a theological course before ven turing to teach children what they ought to know and believe for their souls' health. As teachers, nurses, vis itors of the sick and of the poor, the deaconesses have proved a godsend to many a parish. We are not, therefore, surprised to find that in the far east the missionary churches are seeking to strengthen the hands of the clergy by Instituting deaconesses. Mrs. Twing tells us that a canon of deaconesses, a translation Into Japanese of the Ameri can canon, is now before the church in Japan, and will be acted upon at the next synod. The bishop has already four candidates for the sacred and hon orable office. This is a very hopeful aspect. We quite expect before long to see educated women from all parts of the country seking in the diaconate a sphere of activity which is among the most exalted and useful to be found. The training schools in New York and Philadelphia are already pretty well supplied with students, but this growing movement will ere long necessitate much larger institutions for the sails', faction of its requirements. Ex. Uses for Aluminium. "Perhaps you may doubt the verael ty of my statement, young man," said a well known aluminium manufacture! to a representative of hardware re cently, "but it is, nevertheless, true, i hot tira q to TYiuirincr nrrinmai , ormy ana legs oi aluminium, ana arunciai ears have already bee?, constructed of that metal. As an adjunct to the sci ence of dentistry it needs no recommen dation, its long use in this connection being a guarantee of Its popularity. Yes, it is being used in a great many other ways, also; for horseshoes, army equipments, racing shells, cooking utensils, and is entering largely Into the construction of yachts and torpedo boats, and, in fact, is being adopted wherever it Is possible." Saloon-Keepers' Harvest. A great manufacturing company in Massachusetts recently paid theit. workmen, on Saturday evening, 700 $10 bills, each bill being marked. By the following Tuesday 410 of these bills were deposited in the bank by the saloon keepers of the town. Four thousand and one hun dred dollars had passed from the hands of the workmen on Saturday night and Sunday and left them nothing to show for this great sum of money but headaches and poverty in their homes. Wooden Water Pipes. Wooden water pipes, with a six-Inch bore, are used in the streets of several towns of Washington and Oregon. They last as long as iron pipes and are much cheaper. A pipe-line seven miles long, of pine logs, recently laid, cost only 12.000.