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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1896)
v: THE NEBRASKA INDEPENDENT. January 16, 189c V How hard it is to loosen tb tentacles el the devilfish if be once had a hold, we can best observe in the cane of our peni tentiary. It is over a year ago that the tentacle were cut in two, bat until to day it was 'not possible to totally re more them. It is impossible to describe all the dif ferent kinds of deVil-flsh which work in the form of monopolies, trusts, contracts etc., and which live by tucking the life blood from the people. By this system in the last thirty years it became possible to transform this earthly paradise into a desert and its 'once proud; free citizens to miserable debt ridden, powerless serfs, who fight amongst themselves for the possession of a bone which is not quite gnawed off. This people hope in vain that the gov ernment, which is controlled by the pluto crats will bring them relief. They will have to fight for themselves to, loosen the iron (trip of the octopus. To make us forget our own misery, our attention is drawn to the condition of Turkey, Armenia, Japan or China, and " our sympathies are for liberating Cuba and Venezuela, but there is nevera single etp taken to remove the misery of our own suffering people or to draw off the iron shackles with which our plutocrats have bound us. There is no other help for this people. It must liberate itself, and this is not so very difficult a job if only ths people once get their eves open and instead of blindly following its corrupt leaders, commence to think and act for them selves. At preseut we have one of the most disastrous business calamities ever known, and which was provoked pur posely and artificially by our plutocrats in order to rob the people and prepare for the last stroke at our liberties. There fore our administration, legislatures and courts employ extraordinary compul sory means, increasing the army, police and Pinkerton's, and procuring enor mous war material. It is high time this people woke up and tight for its rights. Will this neonle doits dutv? " , There must lie a close distinction made between appropriating and stealing or robbing. When a man steals a sausage to silence his hunger he is a common thief and even more detestible asabeg-o-nr. If somebody takes hold of some fellows throat and takes a few cents out 01 nis pocket, he is a bold robber and belongs to the penitentiary; but if a fellow takes with one grip enough so tnat ne can live comfortable ull his future life and have a little to snare for soft soao for lawyers, jurors, etc., he has only to appropriated what he had a rigut to, wnicu ms iaw . vers can ensilv Prove. When Rockefeller. Gould. Vanderbilt, Piirnptrip. Armour. Baron Havemeyer, Pullman, etc., have the throat of the whole people and turn their pockets in side out, tins is a legitimate noble Dull ness, wherefore they not only are admir ert. honored and Dresented with patents of nobility, by the nobility of the old count rv. the thoroughbred decendants of the old robber knights, so that our monev Imroiis stand on the same level with blue blooded sovereigns and princes. Some of these noblemen erect universi ties, where their noble doctrines are taught and their virtues are praised and t tic oeonle honor them as Deueiaccors. Even the devil has no power against "- such gentlemen. If he should try to molest one of them, he builds a church wherefore he will be protected so that the devil loses every claim., Fhed Schwitzeh. The above is condensed being about one-fourth of the article os it came to hand. Correspondents must remember there is a limit to the amount of matter that can be printed in one paper .-Editor Nkbuaska Independent. SWITCHMAN MEETS DEATH W.G. Nlckerson Step Between and la Fatally Hurt. Two Cars At Lincoln Monday morning at about 5 o'clock, Switchman W . G. Aiekerson fell to his death in the Burlington yards. He was standing on the car next to the last of a string of twenty talking to Foreman Bradley who was on tie last car. He evidently forgot that there was an opening between the ears for when he started toward Mr. Bradley he stepped into space and fell to the track below. The last car passed over him severing one leg above the knee and frightfully mangling the other. He was at once taken to the sanitarium, but did not rally, dying at 8:40. He leaves a wife and a two-year- old bov. He was about thirty years of acre. He earned 750 insurance in the Burlington relief fund and 81,200 in the brotherhood of railway trainmen. Populist Papers Combine. The Wealth Maker and Independent both published in Lincoln have been consolidated and will hereafter he known as the Nebraska Independent. T. H. Tibbies will be the editor and Frank Eager, secretary of the state central committee of the populists will manage. George Howard Gibson of the Wealth Maker expects to seek a new field, one where he may be at lib- i erty to organize co-operative societies. Mr. Huckins, the former editor of the Independent, is now the editor of the Wahoo New Era. This is the second attempt to maintain a single party op gan at the capital. Barred Oat of Kansas. TorEKA, Kan., Jan. 14. The Su preme court of Kansas has denied a rehearing of the case of Jonathan Backs, a newsdealer at Leavenworth, who after being placed in jail for vio lating the law concerning the making and distribution of scandalous publica tions, sought release by habeas corpus proceedings in the Supreme court. The writ applied for was denied and the law upheld in an opinion written by Associate Justice Allen, the Popu list member of the court. The Kansas City Sunday Sun is the publication in volved in the decision. A Woman Clerk Shoot a Floor Walker. Indianapolis, Ind., Jan. 14. Miss Rath Gordon, a clerk in the dry goods store of Ayres & Co., of this city, fired two shots at Harry Prrviance, a floor walker, for alleged ungentlemanly ' conduct. One shot made an abrasion in Purviance'sside. The second failed to take effect and Puryiance grabbed and overpowered bis assailant before ha could fire again. Reward for the Borden Jewels. Hew Yobk, Jan. 14. Townsend Bur den has offered a reward of $10,000 for the return of the 3 5,000 worth of dia monds stolen from bis residence. DK8TKOY PABTY HULK Then Wa Can Unit to oecnro . Opportunity to Divide on ynes- tlona Affecting our weirarn George Howard Gibson. In Coming Nation. How may the good honest people of all A 1 ll, a parties get together, seems io u i question that in a sense includes all other questions, because it is the question mat must first be answered, lne conviction is forcing itself upon intelligent, thought ful people that party rule is destroying our liberties by dividingus; that it is not safe to entrust power to representative (?) lawmakers; that representative gov ernment, so-called, is a conspicuous, hope less failure. But is there any way by which we can come together? We cannot get togetner as Republicans, or Democrats, or l roni- bitiouists, or Populists, or bimetallism, or ou any new platform constructed o selected umoertaneu -" which divide us. We cannot escape from party bondage by any effort of one party (new or old) to swallow the voters oi an other parties. We cannot get together on any one question like tariff reform, or silver, or government banks, or the rail road question, or the laud question, or prohibition, or socialism, because we can not agree as to which of these questions, or others in dispute, is the most import ant. Must we. then, continue divided B,u hrinlttRslv look on while wealth and nower are being concentrated with in creasing rapidity, and complete depend ence and poverty is being made the con dition of -the great majority? There is but one way of political salva tion. and that Is, to secure political free dom and unity of actiou, by destroying nartv rule, the partisan machinery which nnor ornnna and divides us. The Swiss method of Direct Legislation, a non partisan question, is incomparably more important than any and all party ques tion a because it would remove the nhBtaoW which sennrate us and provide th menus bv which to vote aecisiveiv onri without delav uoon any and all tioi.H i A I'iurht and justice. - . . , i i : '. . ..fA ... n rr .,ia 1 liereiore, tnat majority rummaj mun uuenrefl mid nartv machinery cut off from power, let us urge and plan for the union of all citizens wno aesireBuvi"- th oeonle. Unon the all-im- ,.,,. v , r- - -. . , , ... portant question ol Direct legislation wBiniist unite in order that we may secure an opportunity w uinuovn iu various questions that altect our wenare It will not unite us to simply make Direct Legislation one plank of a party platform which contains divisive ques tions; Three reform parties, at least. mill Ba.tnr-M.llv. without more agitation t1o it, in their platforms. But to make it. n iiriiMn.o- tinner, we muni no, uj r.iher rlnmand joined to it. We mus muira it. nnr sole demand, and aHk all good citizens to vote for the power, the mauna winch win enaoie IUB VUWIO IU riiviita on find settle all other questions, It seems plain to tne writer tnat tue thimr to do is to make a great effort to capture the next Populist convention and in uc it to reduce its demands to one, Direct Legislation, and with that de mand show plainlv, with declaration empmiaizea, mat py uniting in mm u- imuid we can alone secure power to vote upon and settle all questions in which re- hvmers and good citizens are deeply in terested. Let the preamble snow tue bondage we are in under party rule, groupings, divisions, and tne one way m escape, the one way to nuite. Then call ou all believers in popular government to join us in our one great, all-import- nnt .demand, in order that we may put a stop to political corruption, and reacn n vote on each una every question oy any considerable percentage of the people be lieved to be important. And let a list of such known questions be appended, to attract and bind together every class oi good citizens. Beware of Silver Traitors What is the most effective way for a professed bimetallic journal to injure the cause ol tree coinage; uy contentiing that Democratic goldbugs are the guilty party, and hold them up to thecontempt and scorn of the community and assume that the Republican party is innocent of the crime of 1873 by refraining to men tion the constant monometallic record of that party, or, on the other hand, by contending that the Republican party is guilty, not only of the crime of 1873, but of the long catalogue of subsequent crimes, committed by Cleveland Democ- ;y, without calling attention to the fnct that Grover, the First, and his co conspirators rival hhermnn, hunselt, in their unrelenting war upon the people m fiivor of an alien syndicate ol money clmngers and gold gamblers. In fact, it is the stock in trade of Democrats to charge thedoinonetization of silver upon the Republicans, and of Republicans to cliurgt: the Democrats with criminal des truction of silver as a money metal. ve hope that all so-called silver papers will take notice that they must be more im niu tialaud thev must abuse all goldbugs alike, or rest under the just suspicion of aiding in a sham war between the Demo crats and Republicans, as to which is the guiltier party, when everybody khowb that Sherman Republicanism and tleve- Innd Democracy are the same, and we call upon our readers to watch all pro fessed silver men, and all proiessed silver journals to ascertain whether they are for silver, against all goldbugs, or ior deceiving the people as to which of the purties did it, when everybody ought to know that both parties did it and both parties intend to continue to do it and inflict upon this country permanently all the horrors of the Biugle gold standard Silver Knight. Joggling Statesmanship For the last six months evidence of col lusion between the Presideu t of the United States and his ambassador to Great Britain, on the one side, and Lord Salis bury and his cabinet on the other, with regard to the Monroe doctrine, has been accumulating. On the 17th of the pre sent month the people were startled by a bold, manly, and patriotic declaration, signed by the President of the united States, which had been carefully prepnr- ed and couched in good English by Mr. Olney, H-cretary of State. The message breathed the spirit of patriotism, and furnished evidence that the author of the message was imbued with a true spirit of Americanism. The sentiment of tbemess age was echoed and re-echoed through out the land, it was in nnrmony wuu mo the aspirations of the American people. It gave them courage ana nope uim British aggression ou the American con tinent might end. Congress made haste to approve the message, and gave the President fiuu.uuu lor a comunssiuu, which waswhat he asked and all heasked The people responded to the action of Congress, and the glow ot patriotism spread over the land irom ocean to ocean, and from the lakes to the gulfs but, while Congress wus endorsing the patriotic message which tuey nad receiveu irom the White House, the President of the United States was plotting a raid on the financial credit of the couuiry. iteiore the final vote was taken in the Senate, granting the appropriation asked by the President, the private secretary of the Executive was waiting at the door with a message which showed the Senate and the country that the patriotic message which Congress had endorsed wasashara and delusion, for speculative and not for patriotic purposes. In this message which dispelled the illusion that it was possible for Grover Cleveland to enter tain American sentiments, uo iiuuruwu Congress that it was necessary in main taining the Monroe doctrine, to destroy the greenbacks and treasury notes, and thereby contract tne circuianug meumiu five hundred millions more; and it was also necessary, in order to maintain the Monroe doctrine, to strengthen ourcredit with English money loaners by destroy ing all our money but gold, and to apply to Creditor England lor a loan oi goiu with which to resist her aggressions on this continent.-Silver Knight. WHY 19 IT? How does Reed & Co. fight Cleveland & Co? By denouncing the other s policy and doing the same thing. What chance have the people in the conflict between the forces of Reed and Cleveland? The best chauce in the world to be robbed of what is left. Whv do both the old parties want to increase the circulation of the national banks and to decrease government money Because, they prefer bank rule to gov ernment rule. Whv does Reed play high tariff and Cleveland low tariff to win the same pot? Because, with the high and low as start ers, the confederates have a percentage that no bluffer can beat. How does Speaker Reed manifest his ininart a itv between the rival canoi dates for the presidency opposed to him? By taking all the good things for himself so that there will benotning leu ior mem to quarrel about, with each other. What other banking business is the government in? None whatever. It has done some government business in the wnv of issuing greenbacks and treasury tmtoa hut, the banks want that Btonped mid to fool the people they call it the banking business. How is the government in the banking business? It has a Comptroller of the Currency of national banks, which is an . . . . , . a. n-t. - expensive bureau in tne oepariment.. ine Comptroller of the Currency prepares and issues national bank notes, and in case of the failure of a national bank the government closes up the affairs and foots the bills. What is the difference between the policy of Cleveland and the policy of Reedi About the same difference there is be tween the avordupois of the two chief combatants, or what is the same thing, the difference between them is equal to, the difference between tweedledee and tweedledum. Whv did Sneaker Reed relieve the con stituents of Harrison and McKinley from the onerous duties of chairmanships or committees? Because he did not desire his rivals handicapped in 189(5 with the argument that the sections favorable to them have already received their share of federal patronage. Whv do the goldbugs call issuing money by the government the banking business Because they want to do gov ernment business, and they call the busi ness of the government to issue money and supply the country with a circulat ing medium the baiiKing uiui they can usurp it and rob the people. What similarity is there between Cleve- land and Heed that causes them to be mistaken for each other? Their simila rity in weight is a circumstance which naturally attracts the attention of the sightseers at Washington, but their similarity or devotion to Rothschilds gold standard unites them us brothers in the cause of irold monopoly, and establishesa bond of union that nothing but death can sever. Silver Knight. Rascals In Office, Fools Out By C. E. Walker, 1). P.. Councilor American In. stltute ot Civics. Here we are over thirty years from the close of the Civil war, and instead of ne ing the "prosperous nation" (intact) that weought to be, instead of rejoicing in the recovery from the ravages of an awful rebellion, instead of marching forward in civilization in keeping with our resources God-given, we are suffering the burden of a doubled war debt, and adding to the number of the homeless, the tattered, the outcast, the criminal at a rapid rate, and daily hear the cry of thousands and thousands who perish for lack of bread, and all amidst a cry of "over-production" and returning "good times." As the ravages of the war from which we are rapidly not recovering, there is only necessity to mention that the na tional debt at the close of the war March 1,1866, would purchase 1,486,842,105 bushels of wheat; at the close of 1895 the national debt would purchase 2,1513 620,689 bushels of wheat. The national debt March 1, 1866. Would purchase of cotton 5,885,4 16,66t pounds; at the close of 1895 the national debt would purchase of the same aAicle 14,588,823, 529 pounds; other stapleWln proportion. These figures were gathered by the prince of American historians, Dr. John Clark Ridpath, and are certainly reliable. How is this? Why, simpleenough. The whole volume of money at the close of the war was in fair proportion to the needs of tbe country, the "greenback" as a full legal tender serving the people admirably, and the business of re-build-inu- the broken down interests of the country set in earnestly and we rested with confidence upon our nnanciai couai tion as fixed by the war. The national debt was borne with some alarm, but fears soon subsided and the progressive American people piunged into old enter prises with new vim and attempted new undeitakings in splendid faith, but often to so far over-reach as to find it neces sary to go into debt. This going into debt in good faith and with a rather blind hope is the one thing tnat men oio not correctly estimate; and once debt making became the custom, trusting to an expanded currency, the people sud denly found themselves struggling with the system o! contraction now iainy well understood. Money was rising in the scale of purchasing power, and labor products were lainng proportionally u course. Here is tne explanation ui iu financial conundrum that our reduced national debt-from $2,827,808,959 to $1,126,379,100 can toduy purchase nearly twice as much wheat as thirty years ago, and about two and one-half times as much cotton; tne peopie wuo toil keening their eyes upon the reduced Volume of the national debt but forget ting to regard the ascent of the purchas ing power of the war dollar. Where lies the blame? Lincoln said: "If a government contracts a debt with a certain amount ot money in circula tion and then contracts the money volume before the debt is paid, it ia the most heinous crime a government could commit against a people." So our country is Runenng today irom the results of bad faith on the part of its chosen legislators and executives. At the suggestion of the money power our nohle .?) statesmen have gone on legis lating a reduction of our money volume and bv "trades" made between Wall street, Lombard Street and our govern ment officials our gold reserves naveoeen reduced, the country become bankrupt, and weare a spectacle before the civilized world our chief ruler (in name) trying to kick up a little war dust to blind our eyes, or divert attention from the shame less mismanagement of the American people's interests. Whose fault is it? All in all we are a short sighted peo ple. We let these questions of common interest remain unsolved, and elect party leaders whose chief ambition is to "sell to the highest bidder." We are ignorant of very common iuterests aud still more icrnoran t of "methods" bv which our wishes are defeated by our statesmen Should one of us attempt to show up the rascals whom we would now call proies aional politicians or reveal the condition of the neoole as a whole, some one would shout "calamity-howler" and slander the niuiHH of freedom bv declaring, that "we shall come out all right when the Repub licans get in. The blame of increasing poverty rests upon two pillars rascals in office, and fools out. mis is not very compumeu tarv to our servants (?) or to onrselves, but the truth should have right-of-way at any cost. All well informed persons know that many statesmen buy their con veil tion delegates, sell their votes in the Assem blies and halls of Congress, make flatter ing speeches to deceive the people, and vote contrary to public utterance for the lobbyists' money. Law is enacted for monev in legislative assemblies and de feated in court for pay. Attorney-Generals ride onrailroad passesand fnvorthe companies with their "opinions." Com mittees ore made to fool the people, resolutions are made to be voted down for money, and so from "Salary Grabs," "Land Grabs," "Returning Hoards, "Credit Mobiliers," and "Sugar Trusts" the peoples' prayer to be delivered can best be answered by informing them selves aud then reforming the govern ment. Introduce the Initiative, Referen dum, Imperial Mandate, Proportional Representation, and elect all "green hands" to serve' the American people awhile. We may blame ourselves for our stupi dity and save our nation by arousing the masses to two things the fact of en dangered liberty, and to action at the polls. . We may save our country to future generations if we beeiiii now. Let us hasten to the rescue. "Bullet Proof' Medlclns. Perky, Okla., Jan. 14. Pawnee Bill, who has returned from the four bands of the Pawnee tribe, brings word that the Indians have all left their farms and moved into tepees on Black Bear oreek and have gone to ghost dancing and making medicine. "Crazy Horse" claimed to have made medicine that was bullet proof, but when tried as an experiment on his brother in front of the council of chiefs, the bullet pene trated his heart and caused instant death. All of "Crazy Horse's" cattle and ponies were taken away from him as a penalty by chiefs, and there ia talk of the federal officers indicting him on a charge of murder. Dick Moore Knocked Out by Purtell. Kansas City, Mo., Jan. 14. Paddy Purtell and Dick Moore met for the second time in a finish contest last night and after four rounds of fast and furious fighting Purtell knocked Moore out with a swinging right bander. Bank Bobbers Frightened Away. Baldwin, Kan., Jan. 14. Yesterday tnornmg at about 2:30 o'clock the safe in the Baldwin State bank was blown open by experts. They used nitro glycerine and an electric Danery. ina report was mulled, but awoke a party at the hotel, adjoining the bank, who lighted a lamp. It is believed that this frightened away the burglars. They stole a team from the livery barn and went west. The cash was left untouched. May Have Been Foul Play. Atchison, Kan., Jan. U. The body of Jacob Kant, who died at Denton ille, Doniphan county, last week, will be exhumed and an autopsy held. Kant was found dead on a road and it was supposed that he had been killed by a fall from a wagon. There were no marks; on the body, and bis friends are dissatisfied. Foul play is suspected. r i Natural Law Applied The world at large is undoubtedly upon the pointof making perhaps the greatest discovery it is possible to make, viz., the OMNIPOTENCE, AND TUB SUFFICIENCY Ol natural laws. As many view history, every incident thereof, political, social, and industrial, have been but factors to that end. All things work together for good (God). And still it is marvelous that with all our invention, science, and philosophy, we have never stumbled over the fact before. Every day, earnest Christian men will say to you, referring to the present troubled conditions of society, "ah yes, when men allow the spirit of Christ to enter into their hearts all will be well," as if the spirit of Christ were some adventitious thing, something that will eater our hearts when we are pleased to allow it. Those very same Christians will enter into commercial and other relations without ever a thought of applying the spirit of Christ (Love) to such matters. To do so would be con sidered commercial lunacy, if not down right suicide, even by the most "sagac ious" Christian men of affairs. Yet, we never build a railway, a machine, or an edifice of any kind, without first recog nizing and taking into accoant, the law of gravity, a natural law. The refer ence is of conrse, that gravity is "practi cal," hut Love is say accidental. Truly the need of the day is a viriU Christianity, and practical demonstra tions of its usefulness. To preach and prate of laws which are of no practice' service is to bring such laws into deserv ed contempt. Even our artificial laws are repealed when no longer of service, presumably because we do not wish oui children to unearth them, and bring us into ridicule. Now let us see if we can apply the law of Love industrially, and doiug so, the result. It will be admitted as a self evident truth that whenever we part with our labor, or its product, we should receive an equivalent no more, no less. In fact, weshould love others industrially even as we expect them to love us as a matter of business. Now suppose a body of men in possession of the natural facilities necessary to the production of any article of merchandise, or it might even be a railway. They are drawing all profit from the lavish stores of nature, and exchangingwith their fellows at pab (cost). What is the result? No one can now borrow either land or money (all we can really borrow) and compete with them. No concern, stocked and bonded, can stand up ugainst them and live. No more selling labor into bondage. The idler is left out in the cold, for noone can now go into debt in that line of busi nessand live. Not only is "profit" des troyed, but "property" also, and use is now the only title to land or money. Taxes will attend to that. Such being the case all opportunities to produceaml distribute are thrown wide open; effort of every kind is in greater demand than supply and consequently in a position to demand, and get all it earns. And let the simple rural mind, now so agitated on this question of "more money", re member that when there are no debts any volume of money is as good as any other for prices will then find an equit able and undisturbed level, and not be fore. For it is really debt which "con tracts" the currency through interest (usury). Furthermore, as natural laws are applied, artificial law will atrophy. Competition, which is strife to 8:rVE, and a natural law (every one must even tually compete) will bring a pressure to bear against taxes constant and with taxes go government. as we know gov- eminent. Smcerely, Jas. T. R. Green. Das Moines, lu., Jan. 8, 18'JG. The Japanese View. Washington, Jan. 14. The ese legation has received no Japan advises concerning the report that the queen of Corea said to have been murdered, is alive. The affair, however, has been shrouded in so much mystery that officials here would not be sur prised at any developments. In 1882 the same queen, was reported killed and the details of her death were given to the world but after a year of retirement her majesty returned to the capital amid great rejoicing. The recent reports of her assassination have been so exact as to appear authentic, although the officials have viewed some of the circum stances with suspicion. It was said that a Japanese shoshi, or rough killed her, although it is well known that the queen is never seen, even by the foreign representatives. It has al ways seemed inexplicable how one of the shoshi secured access to her. The Japanese government has proceeded, however, on the theory that the queen was dead. A special envoy was sent to inquire into the circumstances of the uprising, and as a result the for mer J Apanese ramiowcr wcrea, tha i l military attache and suite were recalled and placed under arrest. They are now held at the court prison at Hiroschima awaiting trial for alleged complicity in the up rising. The king of Core a has also acted on the theory that the queen is dead. Immediately following her supposed demise the king issued a decree stat ing that the deceased qneen, being a designing woman, would be considered to have occupied the position of concubine during her lifetime. The purpose of the decree was to prevent the succession of the queen's son to the position of crown prince. ine Kings decree excited great indignation among the foreign ministers stationed at Seoul and they protested against it as an act of immorality. The king accordingly revoked the decree and issued an order restoring the queen to the full rank of royal consort. The original decree degrading the queen is said to have been insoired by the Tai Won Knt, who was driven out of Seoul. Mar Renew Relations With Venezuela. London, Jan. 14. The cabinet coun cil Saturday considered the question oi re-establishing diplomatic relation with Venezuela, but no definite con clusion was arrived at An Outbreak In Pern. Lima, Jan. 14. An outbreak against the government has occurred at Moquegua. Troops are being sent to the aid of the local government. HEART 'DISEASE. BOME FACTS REGARDING THS RAPID INCREASE OF HEART TROUBLES. Do Hot Be Alarmed. Bat Look Tor the Canst. Heart troubles, at least among Ameri cans, are certainly increasing, una wane this may be largely due to the worry and excitement of American business life, it is more often the result of weak stomachs, of poor indigestion. 4' Real, organic heart disease is incurable; but not one case in a hundred of heart trouble, is organic. The close relation between heart trouble and poor digestion is because both organs are controlled by branches ot the same great nerves, the Sympa thetic and Pneumogastric. In another way, also, the heart if affected by that form of poor digestion, which causes gas and -fermentation from half digested food; there is a feeling of oppression and heaviness in the chest caused by pressure of the distended stomach on the heart and lungs, interfer ing with their action; hence arises palpi tation and short breath. Poor digestion also poisons the blood, makes it thin and watery, which irritates and weakens the heart. The most sensible treatment for heart troubles is to improve the digestion and to insure the prompt assimilation of food. This can be done by the regular use, after meals, of some safe, pleasant and effective digestive preparation, like Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, which may be found at most drug stores and which contain valuable, harmless digestive ele ments, in a pleasant, convenient form. It is safe to Bay that the regular, per sistent use of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets at meal time, will cure any form of stomach trouble except cancer of the stomach. Full size packages of the Tablets sold by most druggists at 50 cents or by mail from Stuart Co., Marshall, Mich, CHEROKEES PROTEST. File Strong Objections to the Dawes CommUslon Before Secretary Smith. Washington, Jan. 14. -The dele gates of the Cherokee Indian nation, who are now here, have left with the President and Secretary Smith a me morial protesting against the conclu sions of the Dawes commission. In this the delegation says the commis sion "judged us from afar, without a hearing from usand condemned ns out of the mouths of our enemies. They attempted to induce the Chero kee people to make certain changes looking to ultimate statehood, and again using as an inducement and argument the. final and complete removal "of intruders from our country. We hold our lands and money in common and in the light of past experience it would be criminal on our part to enter into further negotiations until we are pro-. pared to definitely determine for our selves the heirs to our estate and placed in full possession. Otherwfa endless litigation would be the resul and the outcome easily foretold. The full blooded Cherokees as a class would be reduced to destitution and to hptr- gary. SHo action on the part of th Cherokees can be reasonably antici pated until this vexed question is fin settled. Mr. President, your orhci acts and public utterances in behalf tne weak and defenseless nations l: spire my people with the confiden that you will see that they are hono; ably dealt with and that their treat! rights are protected. A BITTER FIGHT. Che Kentucky 8enatorship p Contest Wltf uggie. r 14. Since tha Vj Be a Bard Struggle. Fkankfoet, Ky., Jan, nomination of Senator Blackburn by the Democratic caucus, and of Con gressman Godfrey Hunter by the Re publican caucus, there is a bitter political fight for election as Senator. The law provides for balloting the second Tuesday after the assembling of the legislature, Blackburn's friends say there will oe no joint ballot until Tuesday, January 2!, and filibustering will prevent it. The special election for Wilson's successor will be January 20. The Blackburn men will have the new Democratic member here Tues day, January 21. They insist that no ballot will be taken tin ne quaunes. Meanwhile, all interest centers the committee considering the tests for the seats of Kaufman Tompkins, both Democrats. The tude of the two watched. AVithout the Populists, with Wilson's place filled, there tie between the Republicans and Dem ocrats. The committee on elections was selected by lot. Whatever may be the finding of the committee, the fight will be on the adoption of the ! committee's report. It two Uemocrats g 'J 1 are unseated, Hunier win nave no s , further trouble, but indications are f that there will be a long struggle,! Blackburn men have decided and an-l nonnced that they will filibuster or any attempt to consider the report on contested seats previous to Wilson'sL,' successor being seated. There is no doubt about a free silver Democrat being elected in Wilson's place from Nelson county. edi Chicago, Jan. 14. It is estimate that 5,000 delegates will attend thi second annual convention of the Na tional Association of Manufacturers, to be held in this city January 21, 23 and 23. Ohio will send 30(1 delegates. Missouri and Indiana -50 each, an most of the New England.Eastern and Southern States will be represented. The purpose of the convention is to extend the trade relations of this country with China, Japan, South and. Central America, and to combat the influence of European manufacturers in those countries. Matters relating: ul nu Tnnnnfnftt.urlnfT nnrlilmn. willftl Im,. A If Northwestern System Holiday Rate Fare and third for round trin to an system station within a distance tit 20' miles. Tickets sold Dec. 24. 25. 31. an Jan. 1. Return limit, Jan. 2d. Ctt: office 117 So. 10th St. Depot cor, and S Sts., Lincoln, Neb. i (br 1 V r V 1