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About The Nebraska independent. (Lincoln, Nebraska) 1896-1902 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 16, 1896)
I xr mm The Wealth Makers and Lincoln Independent Consolidated. VOL. VIL LINCOLN, NEB., THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 1896. NO. 32 fie I V HONESTY TRIUMPHS s The Bute House Thieves Most Keep - 1 Franca Off tli PenitantiiTT Funds I t i H0L00MB AND LETOIQH WIS I The Gallant Fight of the Popullet Gover . j nor and His Warden Al. Beemer I I Can't Get that Three Thousand ' Dollars r i Taxpayers Everywhere Rejoice. The fight that Governor Holcomb and f Warden Leideigh have made during the I last four months to prevent the further robbing of the state treasury has no parallel in this or any other state, for the pluck, persistency and patriotic unselflsh ; (less with which it has been fought. S There was nothing of power, place or money to be gained, either by the Gover nor or the warden. It was a fight made to save the already overburdened and 'ilmost poverty stricken taxpayers of this state from farther looting by the Churchill-Russell gang. It is the first triumoh ever trained over the old peniten- I'tiary ring. From the day that Boss I Stout got control of that institution un- til Warden Leideigh took charge, it has v been a pest hole of corruption, f ' Upon the inauguration of a Populist S Governor the first effort ever attempted I $o conduct the institution honestly, was linade. It was met by the Republican members of the Board of Public Lands 'And Buildings with most furious opposi tion. Without the shadow of law to support hem, Churchhill and Russell appointed C. Beamer as superintendent of the prison with a salary of $3,000 a year, an office unknown to the law or the consti i fution, and made a contract with him to SAve him control of the convicts, and of dft$l00,000 appropriated by the legis lature for support of the prison. All this ytabney and all the convicts could earn mrmta 4-m ha nut in 4-ha hnnAa rtt Ttllaaol i The warden, the officer provided for by p.. ... .. . . i , i - i n nr.ncr.irnr.irtn ann rna mw whh t.o no line as useless as cue mtn wneei to a agon. nVarden Leedeigh refused to admit mer to the prison, and the board re- bed to audit or pay the expenses of lintaining and guarding the convicts. pr five months, warden ieiaeign nas 3d the prison against these state house leives. Neither ne, nor any oi tne em- pyees have received a cent of pay, dur K that time, but they have all bravely fcod at their posts of duty defending e tax payers against this gang of pub X robbers. They are brave men and the voters oi rvebrasKa should ever noia Fthem in grateful remembrauce. Mr In In their intense desire to get their itching fingers on that $100,000 appro priation and what money the convicts could earn, Churchill and Russell went to unheard of lengths, even refusing to per form the functions of the office they held. Finally Warden Leideigh brought suit against them in the supreme court of the state and asked the court for a writ of mandamus to compel them to do their duty. The case came to trial last Thursday, and upon the facts being presented, the tne actions or tnurchiu and KusselJ proved to be too outrageous even for a republican court to uphold. cere: v The treasurer is the only legal odian of the state funds. So none hat $100,000 appropriation or the of -the convicts will ever find a r -&ement in Mr. Russells itching palm. j. lho Wo yri art nan maintain a auif-. in Qis own name. 3. The Warden is the keener of the prison and the board can in no way in terfere with the performance of his duties. 4. The contract made with Al. Beemer fi t was illegal and is void. The state must maintain the peni tentiary and it is the duty of the board io meet with tne Warden and make pur- uitseg on nis estimates. j j e; The Board of Public Lands and jfiutldings cannot handle any state money pfind the chairman of the board is not re sponsible on his bond for money paid over to him. This last point is a clean knock out for Churchill and Russell. If they can't iaadle any of the money they will have ino further interst in the affair. It will be remembered that the state. i 'to iret. rid of tha fH tliimjinrr xrinrmnr. system, bought out the Mosher contract land Uorgan. Mr. Kirkpatnck, attor ney for Warden Leidleigh, in speaking of . this matter said: . j "The act in question contains two sub i, . jH)tfl, only one of which is mentioned in the title; one is the cancellation of the M : Mosher lease, the purchasing of ma- I tiuiiKrjr, iuuib, ciu., ueiunguiTO morgan, i . i i : . . . . j ts ,1 i . i ,. fiuu musing uuu uuauy seining up tne prison contract that had been in force under various statutes since 1877. This Jjibortion of the act is complete in itself I nd comes fairly within the title of the itct. QPPOTlf) Oil Vilarf annonra in ftAntiAn . of the act hereinbefore Bet out, and is lie ohe relied unon for authoritv to imke ie Beemer contract. This subject , i ibsr a it possibly could be made. One "-losing up a prison contract at an ex- wns to the state of 135.000. wh ch 1 1 practically an entire loss, the other is J an entry into another contract, with different parties, for a different term and upan terms less favorable to the state than those of the old contract The first is adjusting and settling np an ex isting obligation, the other is creating a new liability. One is freeing the state, at great expense, from a contract which had been a moral stench in the nostrils of the taxpayers of the state for years, and the other is to authorise the making of a new contract that, while it might not run as long, would, we think, be less favorable to the state than the old. One is rescuing a man from a lake, the other is drowning him in the ocean. The first would be laudable, the second a crime." Of the Beemer contract he said: "The contract purports to turn over to Beemer the entire charge and control of the penitentiary, penitentiary grounds and all the buildings and property of the state, which the Board is not authorized to do. It turns over to Beemer all of the appropriation of the legislature that he may see fit to spend, together with all earnings of the prison and provides that he shall pay to the chairman of the Board of Public Lands and Buildings what money he is not able to spend, less the $3,000 that he keeps as salary. "The Board undertakes to create a new office and install Beemer therein to per form no other duties than the warden is required by law to perform and under takes to pay him $3,000 for performing the warden's duties." To all this the decision of the court has put a stop. But Churchill is not ready, notwithstanding the decision, to perform the duties of his office, but was telling persons around the Capitol the first part of the week that he was going to make another trial to get no Id of that money. The only hope is, there is a Populist governor there to watcn him. A RECEIVER FOR OMAHA. Because the City Government is Un able to Meet Its Expenses The above are the bold headlines of a column article in theState Journal dated Omaha, Jan. 13. The article reads as follows: "A petition is in preparation and will soon be in circulation asking the courts to put the city of Omaha into the hands of a receiver. Joseph Barker admitted that he had suggested last week that a petition be prepared and a receiver ap pointed. The city he said was coming to it and while he had not investigated when the next interest on bonds became due. he knew that the city was obliged to borrow money last year from the banks to meet its obligations promptly, The banks would not continue to help the city unless there was a radical change and there was absolutely no hope of obtaining such achange from the council or city officials. The appointment of a receiver was therefore the only remedy which he could see. Mr. Barker argued chat a receiver would not be bound by the present chaJter provisions fixing the salaries of city officials and providing for a number of unnecessary officials as by the present water, lighting and other contracts." Here we have an object lesson where both of the old parties have at different times ruled the city since it was organiz ed, and what is the result, a city so bur dened with debt that it is not able to meet its current expenses. During the last four years it has been robbed by a Republican treasurer of about $150,000. For the last four years the city has been ruled by the Republicans. The city coun cil has been the most corrupt one that Omaha ever had, all kinds of jobs and jobery have been put through thecouncil and the tax-payers have been robbed right and left. The city is cursed with a private company uwning the water works. The taxpayers are called upon to pay more than $85,000 for water that is used for public purposes, while the company charges the private con sumers prices that are more than twenty per cent, higher than the prices charged to private consumers of the Lincoln water works which is owned by the city, and the people of Lincoln are not taxed a dollar for public water. There will be a radical change in nearly all the city governments in this country or the cities will have to be placed in the hands of a receiver. The city of Lincoln will have to retrench in its expenditures and turn out its boodling mayor, and with its council of fourteen members, ten of which are boodlers and with on inter est bearing debt of more than $2,500, 000 to be taken care of, it is hard to see how it can be kept out of a receivers hands, and you want to remember that this city has been ruled by the Republi can party for the last twenty-five years. A Rig Fraud The new dodge of a popular loan issued on Monday by Secretary Carlisle has a cat in the meal tub. The bids are to be for $50 and multiples of that sum. A popular loan on the French model would be for $5 and multiples of that sum. But this is not the worst of it. She advertise ment contains the following proviso: "The rlcht to reieot, nrnr nnrl all Aa a reserved." This will enable the syndicate to get an tne Donds. because excuses for rejecting the small bids will be plentier than Satlda on th sen ah nra Tf if nan wuv.w. ai . u nan intended as an honest popular loan the l 1 (31 . , . . ... uuuuB wuuiu oe onerea to the public at such nrioe as under n.11 tha Kinnmitimu. wmw VIIVUIMDVUUWO would be regarded as reasonable. Silver I,- I 1 J&.UIgUC. AH druggists sell Dr. Miles' Fain PlOa. A RALLYJTPATRIOTS The Bill for the Issue of More Bonds is Denounced ALL PASTIES EEPEESENTED An Immensa Crowd of Laborers, Bank, era and Business Men Unbounded Enthusiasm Tbe Meeting a Great 8 access. The meeting of the Nebraska Silver League last Saturday night at Bohan an's hall in this city was one of the most remarkable gatherings of voters that ever convened in this state. It was re markable on acount of the immense numbers present, who. came together upon a notice of one weekly paper and a line or two in the evening dailies. The State Journal, with its accustomed inate devilishness, announced Funk's opera house as the place. Many went there, and Beeing it all in darkness went home. There was no brass band, no posters, no bills, only these simple an nouncements, and the voters of Lincoln turned out in greater numbers than they have to any political meeting in the height of a campaign for years past. It was remarkable because all political par ties were there, and all were represented by speakers of their own. The chairman of the meeting was a republican, who has, as a member of that party, held a seat in congress and the office secretary of state for Nebraska. It was remarkable for unanimity. There was not a dissenting voter present, or if there was, he did not let it be known. It was remarkable for enthusiasm. The air was almost constantly rent with cheers. When Gov. Holcomb appeared he was greeted with round after round of applause. So was Bryan, Mr. Hardy, Mr. Wolfeubarger, Mr. Brown, and every speaker who addressed the meeting. The meeting was opened by the election of G. L. Laws, on the motion of Mr. Bryan, as chairman. Then speeches fol lowed by Mr. Hardy, Mr. Jay Burroughs. Mr. Brown, Mr. Wolfenbarger, Gov. Hol comb and W. J. Bryan. . , The large audience was made up prin cipally of populists. There were also many democrats and prohibitionists and a scattering of republicans. All the speakers were fierce in their denunciation of the issue of bonds, and at every refer ence to free silver the audience nearly raised the roof with their shouts. The following resolution was passed without a dissenting voice and sent to Senator Allen, to be presented in the United States senate: Resolved, That we, the citizens of Lin coln, Neb., irrespective of party, in mass meeting assembled, earnestly protest against the issue of bonds to buy gold and heartily approve of the bill recently reported to the senate by the finance committee, providing for the free and unlimited coinage of silver at 16 to 1, for the coming of the seigniorage and direct ing the secretary of the treasury to ex ercise the right vested in him by redeem ing greenbacks and treasury notes in silver. SPEECH OF HON. G. L. LA WES. Mr. Lawes upon taking the chair at the great meeting at Bohannon's hall, Saturday night said, Fellow citizens: As members of the ex isting political parties of this state it is entirely proper to ask, "What are we here for?" A wail of distress comes across the waters; trumpeted into thelisteningears of a suffering people. A people intelligent and industrious, inhabiting a continent rich in every material resource, living under one of the best, if not the best, form of government on the earth, and yet the evidence of want are everywhere and the mutterings of discontent on the increase. There is evidently something wrong. We have have had sunshine and shower. As promised, we have had seed time and harvest, not in as great abund ance, it is true, as sometimes, yet in our own state, and within a few miles of our beautiful city, food, cprn and wheat, can be bought for less than cost; for less than we can produce them with the labor of our own hands. Yet the hungry are every day at our doors. Our churches are doing charity work, down to the penny contribution by the little children. Our fraternal societies are carrying and caring for their brethren to the fullest ex tent of their ability. Towns, cities, and counties are bur dened with demands for aid, and even our moneyed institutions are asking charitable consideration and gentle treatment at the hands of the people. And such is due them. "Bear ye one an other's burdens." Many good men, strong and true, have borrowed money of the banks which they cannot now return. Like an athlete lowered into a well where the air is bad, all seems quiet and safe around him. The light is good, the walls are secure, but there is an invisible power robbing him of his strength, llis limbs tremble, his voice grows faint, and bis hold on the "hoist" is loosened. So does the man of preperty soon feel his financial strength depart from him. He feels his strong hold upon his busi ness weakened by depreciation in the value of his holdings fill his voiee is no longer heard in protelt or supplication. He is financially deaSvand the banke,' "charges off" his not to "profit and loss," thus diminishing the banker's as sets and lessening his ability to meet his obligations. Of all men engaged in legitimate busi ness today tbe western banker is most entitled to sympathy, and, like the In diana boy who said he did not believe there was another boy in Indiaba who liked ginger bread as well as he did who got so little of it. This financial death damp, this con traction of the circulating money of tbe country, affects all of us, whether banker, business man, or beggar. Yet its prog ress is so silent and stealthy, so subtle and unobserved, that its existence is doubted or denied by our most active and intelligent workers till they find themselves powerless, their best efforts for success as barren of results as the generous shower that falls on the tree less desert or the herbless ocean. So great is the demand for currency today that our great banks in New York have felt it necessary a second time to protect themsplves by the illegal issuance of clearing house certificates. Should any respectable butcher in this city issue checks marked "Good for 25 cents in meat at my shop," those checks would pass at par amoug our people in any reasonable amount, and yet we are told that, it is a "want of confidence" that is our ailment, in part at least. Is it not rather a want of ability to con vert property into money that iuduces "want of conjfdence." Not directly connected with it, yet di rectly growing out of existing conditions, contrasting more strongly than usual the difference between those who have and those who have not tbe rich and tbe poor, is there thought to be a grow ing disregard of the rights of property; an increasing ill will and a tendency toward anarchy. It is known that there are those among us who would rather steal than work. Others who would rather starve than steal. Others again who would rather steal than beg. And there are the con verse of each of these propositions. B'ortunately neither course is neces sary at this time in this country. Under the laws all the property of all the people is pledged to help those who are powerless to help themselves. Tbe meanest course a man can pursue to get a living is to steal. Such conduct is only justifiable when every effort for self-help has been exhausted and when appeal to all sources for aid has been asked and refused. The right to hold and enjoy every ?nt'B worth of property honestly earned is only less sacred than the rights of flesh aud blood, and must be maintained. Private property is tbe foundation of all progress, of all learning, of the arts and sciences; of society and the family, which is the corner stone, the architrave and the supporting arch of our civilization. How quickly the loss of property af fects the higher civilization is forcibly il lustrated in this state and throughout the country today. The method adopted to acquire prop erty may be censurable and in some in stances ought to be subject to legal restraint, but diversity of natural endow ment, orability to acquireand hold prop- erty, on fair terms ought not to be re-' strained. ,"The laborer is worth his hire," and there indeed can be no ill will against those who have and hold property, known or believed to have been honestly acquired. But there are those so wbolely devoted to money getting; whose scent for gain is so sharp and whose relish is so keeu that the methods they adopt are not as commendable as those of the house breaker and the highway man, whom nobody trust, and by whom few are de ceived, and here is where the trouble begins. Every dollar owed by the people of Ne braska any where whether by individual, city, town or state, ought to be paid with a dollar of equal purchasing power with the dollar borrowed. Anything less than this, if contributed to in any way by the borrower, is par tial reproduction at least. Any demand for anything more than this, of the in creased demand be contributed to by the lender, is legal robbery. The people who hold our obligations East, are in the main of moderate wealth and our obligations, to them represent tbe savings of years of patient toil and rigid economy. These people could be settled with today at a large. J have no reasonable discount doubt that all paper against us due and part due, could be bought today for 50 cents on the dollar and I am not entirely without knowledge to support this prop osition. Our creditors do not want our prop erty which they are being compelled to take at great inconvenience to themselves and in many instances great loss to us. This is the result of civilizations forced upon us and them by the hyenas and jackalls of the human race; the brokers of New York and London, men who "post" with almost fiendish delight the failure of one of their members and cheerfully aid in ordering his family into the street and himself to insanity and suicide. These are they who are in control of the money of this country and who are dictating to its president and congress what kind and what quantity of money the people of this country shall use. These are the men who engineered the horrors of Black Friday and who inaug urated the panic of '93. These are the men who have hired learned professors of eastern colleges to write and circulate all over the country learned dissertations on the beauties and benefits of the gold standard and who have employed the cartoonist and the rhymer to remonstrate to the poor man and the laboring man the great in jury that wouli result to them should silver be reinstated on au equal footing with gold in the coinage of this country. These are the men who are Jnow deplet ing the Treasury of its gold and demand ing that the greenbacks shall be retired and a new interest bearing debt of nearly $500,000,000 shall be converted into an interest beariug debt of like amount and the contraction of the currency to that extent. And what answer does a gold standard president make to such demand? He says; "Issue the bonds quickly and save the country from bankruptcy and ruin." And what does congress say? Here it is: "A bill to maintain and protect the coin redumption fund." After the introductory, the bill pads: The secretary of treasury is author ized, from time to time at his discretion, to issue, sell, and dispose of, at not less than par, coin coupons, or registered bonds, to an amount sufficient for the object stated in this section, bearing not to exceed 8 per cent interest, payable semi-annually, and redeemable at the pleasure of the United States in coin after five years, etc. And the secretary of treasury shall use the proceeds thereof for the redemption of United States legal tender notes, and for no other purposes. Under this bill these notes are not to be destroyed, but stored and not to be paid out to meet deficiencies in the reve nues, and that condition is provided for in the second Bection of tbe bill - Tben it would appear to be plain that the result would be the same under the president's plan and under the Dingley or house bill, except as to time and the sale of interest, which are more favorable to the people than under tbe president's plan. Under both plans a non-interest bearing debt would be changod to an in terest bearing one, and the currency would be contracted in either event nearly $500,000,000. Are. the republicans of Nebraska in favor of this course? Every republican member of congress from Nebraska voted for it. Po Meikle john, Mercer, Hainer, Strode, and An drews represent Nebraska republicans? Ed. Independent. Should this bill pass the senate and be came a law, what would be tbe result? Admitted that this line of policy will contract the currency, let me quote what Abraham Lincoln said would be the con sequences: "If a government contracted a debt with a'certain amount of money in circu lation, and then contracted the money volume before tbe debt was paid, it is tbe most heinous crime that a government could commit against the people." And hear what John Barnard Byles, one of .England's greatest jurists, says: "Men talk glibly of variations in the currency. Few reflect on the awful ex tent to which such changes affect the prosperity of all ranks. The laborer, the pauper, and tbe beggar are as much in terested in the currency question as the manufacturer, the' shopkeeper, or tbe great proprietor of lands or funds, and even more." Such quotations could be made at in definite length, made by leading states men and thinkers of all countries and all times. But we are told that financial trouble and panic are tbe result of deficiency of the revenue, the repeal of the McKinley tariff. That the election of a president on a free trade platform with both houses of congress supposed to be of tbe same faith, bad some influence in bring ing about such unfavorable results, I am not here to deny. No doubt protected interests were alarmed, and began to hedge against lower prices by diminish ing their output and reducing expenses. But when the party placed in power under promise to reform the tariff failed to do so, and was able to make a reduc tion or but 3 per cent, as told by the New York Tribune, and a part of this reduction because of an enlarged free list, including lumber and wool, ought not these protected manufacturers to have felt that their position was in vincible and immediately begun work again? But they did not do it. They could not secure the necessary money on fair terms. The people were not able to buy. Clothing in our stores at half cost and men in our streets half clad are not evi dences of over-production. Neither is the fact of less than a full crop at less than half former prices. Corn, wheat, and oats at- less than cost, and nobody but Armour with money to buy! Armour, who has put his own price on every steeron the plains and on every pound of steak eaten in most cities. Truthfully could Webster say that liberty could not long endure in any country where the tendency was to concentrate wealth in the hands of the few. This is the calamity howl raised by Webster, and I suppose Dan, noth withstanding his transcendent abili ties, was about as bard up most of the time as many of us are now. This, then, is the condition that con fronts us: A gold standard president urges the issuance of gold bonds to pay off the greenbacks and convert anon-interest-bearing debt into an interest-bearing one, and in doing so contract the cur rency of the country nearly $500,000, 000, and according to Senator Sherman, adding greatly to the burden of existing debts and arresting the progress of almost every American industry, Under the house bill now pending in the senate, headed however by a free silver substitute, the same result will be reached and the same policy followed. Tbe greenbacks are to be stored not cancelled, that is all. Do the republicans of Nebraska favor the policy? If the senate should not pass this bill soon you may expect to hear a calamity bowl go up all over the state that the silver senators who seem to be in the majority, are responsible for continuing distress and endangering the credit of the nation. A nation as before stated, (Continued on 8th pg.) THE (III! ROBBER GANG They Transform an Earthly Paradise Into a Barren Desurt W0ITDEBI5G 15 TEE DAEOEC3 The Bewildered People Hope Plutocracy Will Bring; Them Relief About Time to Wako Up Wood Lawn, Neb., Dec. 30, 1806. Editor Nebraska Independent : Last wsek the German National Bank closed its doors, which shook the confid ence in other banks so that one of tbe savings banks had to take the advant age of the right of sixty days warniug. By the deceitful bankruptcy of the Capital National Bank, the State, Lan caster county, the city of Lincoln and ' the citizens of Nebraska have not only lost over half a million dollars, but our credit was injured for more than double this amount, so that one business after another failed, and now another bank is failing. Where will this end? When a few years ago the Populists ; gave warning about the consequences of r our corrupt business methods they were laughed at as near-sighted, impractical, calamity howlers, and when, with great difficulty, they disclosed the enormous frauds and steals in the different de partments of the state and county in stitutions, such as the Insane Asylum, Penitentiary, etc., the robber's gang did not shrink from any means to save tbe plunder, and bribing and false oaths had their effect; the plunder was saved ani tbe successful robbers laugh at the peo ple whose life blood they have tapped. Only one member of the whole gang was foolish enough to hastily plead guilty and was sentenced to the penitentiary for five years. There is no doubt that the lawyer of this man has in an unjustifi able way neglected to defend the rights of his client. He would not be in the penitentiary if tbe lawyer had done hi duty, because if a member of this power ful gang pleads guilty of any crime he is a fool and should be sent to the insane asylum and not to the penitentiary, It is to be honed that after a while this man will be declared innocent. By each a de cision the court would acquire due re spect from tbe people, and it seems that a good many judges are in need of re spect. If Mike steals a horse from Sam and sells ft for cash to Pat, Sam can take the horse away from Pat without paying any indemnification, but Mosher robs his depositors of $100,000 and buysa house for it, which he gives to his wife. ' Mosher's creditors have no right to take this house away from Mosher's wife because she is the innocent purchaser. Tbe house is tbe wholly unattachable property of this woman, although in her innocence she never paid a single cent for it. Although the people of this state can daily observe this robber gang even take the shirt from some fellow's body, this robber gang is never blamed for the prevailing misery. . The responsibility is always put on somethingelsd, high tariff, or low tariff, Populists or saloons, churches or the devil. In his book, "If Christ came to Chica go," Mr. Stead describes our plutocrats, natural and true, as follows: "The process of accumulating goes on irresistibly. The snowball gathers as it grows. Even spendthrifts and prodigals cannot dissipate the unearned increment of their millions which multiply while they sleep. The millionaire is develop ing into the billionaire and the end is not yet." . But everywhere the money power has the people by tbe throat. Whether it is the pawnbroker charging' 10 per cent per month interest npon the pledges of the poor, or the millionaire, negotiating with newspapers for the abandonment of the inter-commerce act, the spectacle is the same. The poor man is the servant of the rich and at present stands in danger of becoming his slave. Plutocracy in America even more than in England, recalls Victor Hugo's memor able description of the octopus. Had be , t described it from bis observations in ' America he would not have altered a ' single sentence. This description of the spectral phanton of the deep, the devil fish, with its huge arms, with its four hundred tentacles that cut and suck like a cupping glass, this loathsome horror of vampire death, lurking in ocean caves to seize the limbs and draw the life of the unwary fisherman, is only too true to life as many an unfortunate will recognize. The devilfish is the most suitable sym bol for our plutocratic administration. Legislatures, courts, army, police, Pin kerton's and the church. Even higher educational institutions are the tentacles which deliver the people to this gruesome monster to suck out their blood. As soon as a corporation has its charter, the peo ple are delivered to it soul and body, and escape is impossible. (Contlnned on 2d page.) pr. Mttes'Nmvn Pusnucare EUKUMA T1SM. WEAK BACKS. At drajtglstfc ontjr 2Sc V J8