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About The Lincoln independent. (Lincoln, Neb.) 1895-1896 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1895)
J 30,000 WORTH OF QLOTJHING. m. Tliis isY ozr . OpTDortxxmty For .A.nd F'mierlaixie Goods at Cost flnrjIT D Jinft AllltV I See Prices Below. UnLni DHIluHiriVi I We are Strictly one Frico. All Goods Marked m Plain Figures. SUITS. A $20 Knit for $15. An $18 Suit for $13.50. A 15 Suit for 11. A 12.50 euit for 8.00. A $10 suit for 7.50. BOY'S BUITS.-Loug Pants. A $15 suit for $11. 12.50 Suit 8.00. 10.00 Suit for 7.50. 8.00 uit for 5.D0. 0 VERCOATS-825 Coat for $1 7. 20 Coat for 15. 1 5 Coat fori 11. 12.50 Coat for 8.00. 10.00 Coat for 7.50. 7.50 Coat for 5.00. V 1 1 Line of Trunks and Valises which we will pell you the same way. ZErzE.,JLiizi. A $3.50 Hat for $3. A 3.00 hat for 2.50. A 2.50 hat for 2.00. A 5. What for 1.50. ULOVES. A $2 Glove for $1.50. A 1.75 Glove for 1.35. A 1.50 Glove for 1.10. A 1.25 Glove for 1.00. A 1.00 Glove for .75c. The StOCk IS All New and Fresh GOOdS Containing all the Newest Novelties in Both Pattern and Cut, and no old stock firsf marked up 50 per cent .and then cut down. If you wish to save money do not fail to'give us a call. This Sale will continue until the first of the year. 1039 O Street. 33aJ.e:r's OlotliixLg: JEIouse. THE WHY OP IT. l(eaou Fur the Exltmoe of Two Fa miliar Object. We all know that a wooden Indian is But up In front of a cigar or tobacco sCore, three balls at a pawnbroker's door and a striped jwlo immovably fixed rtotnewhero near to th entrance to a barbers shop, says the St. Imi'ih Kopublic. Hut why? Antiquarians tull us that the wooden Indian is a tobacco sign, because to bacco i an American weed and that it was originally used by tho Indians, it tit the samo antiquarian gets tangled occasionally and tells you that tobacco has been in uso for over 8,000 years among the Chinese. Mcyen. in hts "Geography of Plants," la of the opin ion that the smoking of tobacco is of great antiquity among the Chineso, be cause ho has observed carvings of to bacco pipes upon monuments whose ages run back into the thousands of years, and thoy are exactly like the Celvsttal tobacco pipe to-day, too. If this Is a fact it would bo much mora appropriate to use the figure of a Chi naman In place of the wooden Indian now used by dealers in the "filthy weed." Three reasons are given to account for the origin of the pawnbroker's fcign. One says that tho balls are used because they were the emblems of St. Nicholas, who is said to have given three purses of gold to three virgin ulsters to enable thorn to marry. An other legend attributes the use of the three balls to the members of the Lom-1 bard amlly, the first great money lenders of England. They were drug gists before they became capitalists, and used the three goldeu pills in memory of their calling. Still another story attributes their .original use to tho Modicl family of Franco. Tho Med Ids were money-lenders, who used the three pills as a pun on their mod-kal-sounding name. Last, but not least, tho barbers of long ago were barber-surgeons, but the rapid advance of surgical science has caused them to fall from their high estate. The gilt knob at the end of the barber polo of to-day represents h brass basin, which but a few decades since was actually suspended from the pole. The basin had a notch cut in it to fit the throat and was used in lath ering tho customer, preparatory to shaving him. The pole represents the staff held by the patient who came to the barber-surgeon to bo bled. The two spiral stripes paluted around It signify the two bandages, one for twisting around the arm previous to the act of phlebotomy, or blood-lotting, the other for binding when the opera tion was completed. fin HOLIDAY iOODS. Childrens' Books, Toys, Game?, Dolls, Albums, Celluloid Novelties, Etc. HAVE YOU TRIED These goods must be Sold in the Next Thirty Days end they will be sold. We will make the prices sell them. ROY'S DRUG STORE. Corner 10th and P Sts. European Plan. 2yxc3ai3a.t a Hotel. . Corner 1 1 th and ? Sts. Lincoln, Neb. ALL 'NEWLY BKNOVATED: Spacious, well-furnished Rooms with Steam Heat. ROOMS: 25 and "() Cents Per Day: 1.00, $1.50, $2.00 and $2.50 Per Week. SPECIAL RATES by ihe month. Transient custom solicited. First Class Restaurant in connection with the house. CAPT. J. H. McKEE, Prop. The Old Reliable .2vTTSIC HOUSE The N. P. CURTICE CO. Is the place to buy your Piauos, Organs and Musical Merchan dise of All Kinds. HenryVeith's M In ardivareSfore? WW EST STOVE PLANT IN THEWO WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY on Anything you need in the Hardware Line. We are Selling The Jewel Stoves and Ranges, The BEST IN THE WORLD. Over 2,500,000 in Use, We have the Finest Line of GRANITE and TINWARE and All Kinds of Kitchen Furniture. We have a few Peninsular Burners which we will Close out AT COST. We keep the Finest Line of TAHLK CUTLERY, CARVING SETS and Pocket Knives. You will find in our store a Large Assortment of Goods for Holiday Presents ! Complete of Guns and Ammunition. SKATES and SLEDS for Boys and Girls. Give us a Call and be Convinced. Remember the Place! 208 South Eleventh St. Lincoln, Neb. HOW HE WAITED. ERNEST HOPPE, Th roorlloil-t'arrlr Kihltilletl Ihe Siito llmt I'lillonophr. A bod-ctirrlor was badly numbed, ft fortnight tio, in New York, ly the fall of a scaffolding while bo wiia at work on a tall building, says the Argonaut 11 U fellows tnekod biro up :uid bore hhn, blooding and dusty, to a hady spot to wait for tho ambulant, i'ooplo were living prolr:it(Hl by tho heut all over tho city, and tho nmbu iuiuvM bud Ixvn on Hits run nil day. After nlHiul half uu hour of mmponso, k doi hM', who wit-t .i.-.ln-, wit railed turer. Ho knelt down by tho ni;tit. fU lib crulHti-in aldo. and rxanilui'd hi Irottuitd ku!l. Then bo ahook hi bead and aked, ftly: lb bo any friend ninoitg jou?" Nono of know li ni. lr," .tltl tho foreman. V1I. If any of Jon ran any In formation fivn luiu aiiout bU ilt, oud better do at mnt. Nothing f.m nitte him. t' unU a oiuntlon of a f;w how." Iistn(ly an irtHMtre4 j anil wcim-d la ii.'lv him. mid he tiptoed hi ' u'.i i bkt around, but to ail (jiw.tlj'u m b bU uaiii. bU ' Ih'Iim-, 1.1 poiviiH t'U wif. bU t'hlbJo i"t, b'., h.kH.'M.i unntt'r Wll, flt ion it (tli ft-tnntn at liwt. l i l ri, . ijit', il.i n.'th.ii. at all fur jm, I'.o d-H-i.T ) , Ihnit.'h jtni I wiii if a tould. tin Uaj j I .! ill IMI M'llt a jn'i miiti Ih flt 1 11ii ani!M.: wlU c. : b n., mi yiH wun I it Kuril if 0 j nt . a V ) on' I U ImkI- I 'tier bkJ itp at him !. ly tmi I'.h a g it ntfott. f4 W ti ' I I r ' I lw ! '' It to K',H.I It, Hlf DEALKR IX Wines, Liquors and cigars. , Tl,e l?s,l',,rttt,(l Hndweiwr Bottle Beer Coustantly on hand. V hisky for 1 amity U8e a Specialty. No. 127 SOUTH TENTH ST. Lim o. x, Neh. t't it krij wK ' j"l ,M t .r ! '! I 1.1 ( i 4j " t"ij a i t"l K in alth tvt - ' it Th Hli-ldr IsmIm. lit oiio awllon of inoa BfliitT 1mij may bo crn fl.lnjr llirtnih tho atm-t at tht raio o( li-n iullo an hour. Till U rojaflally th ruAO In tho vicinity of iattin.h avonim and rroin'ct I'ai-k. They lrt frtmi th office of tho tlrooklyn UUtih t Ido. ti-(h i'oniMiiy. riuthiinh ttvt'iiim, and about In nl' ilht i-tuiiit, ii')ii4. lot; to ml! w ith m h tlt t (H U tnih t !( w ho l ilt," Uu in up. 'I'lio Uiy iw bii'M'li. ami ti.ijf 'Hrt'lnt tin in ihi'iiiM'ltf iki th liKtalnifnt 1'tan, 'I bo lni who iidi ih. hi r. riUo fioiii iii t ! to t a nu t iimii thrtM thu rttwnt, ami thy mvnnflli it. Thul'ic ; tUi' n ! !. I to raHa In it. ft.lirlH tho tiiti it h,i1ii by th Otil Iiu IIoh). MliUa tit At a firib-iiitn(f tM Ui ni bin' lt ifiw tha i ! at -i'Hu i'f tbi i It ttiiig if thw rMoIU a 14 it latmi It r 1 1 i It Mt.i-i In aii tinif a l t rmi ti Ihm i f in vi a wajr !.) tho fl ifthr t5i4t i a th th ) U laum Ho t th li-i Jiiii ! tt.o !.- ILUtf tit ItKO H IM t f, II 1 fttl WOMEN OF NOTI, Mm Miry Jai kon. of Ii lK.lli. lua jitat fompb'trtt hir 10,1.1 tar. Inly Ann HhiiU. a granddaughter fit Irfinl Hvrou. I ilwply IihIhimI with o rlitllntlc blt-iit. Minlj.'uks K.I) II h Will M'liT Jiiujf j ShVi'mi'' rui in N w York itijln. I N'w Yorlirr. h "tit. prtfrr llfnry Itluy I'arUion to tin hiinmrial William, ' Ml lrni t!. Wilbir.l iit bti that ' th on thins nh likra la nn a I that ) "tlu'V UB.t ion th. r ' n. h a I ! ' that th thrtf thlni ho am la li j ta r itm prhlhiin, wuii4a iifri Mllil tti W i 1 1 I II tnt ik i I. ik4. a ll.itirm.rtn wa Rt4a (at I fc th miti!r.r af th (mi til. I mil (. kn I )r iit. Ikitiif k ) ir ha t I l!i. t (fit f 4 m(IU. . !ii',. iii lit tit iU(tr la f 4i iiih.-.iw at r,ii I A IMl l . (lira III t 4 S1 Mia ni o:ij''-t i lHa xi (ilt' I ' t alrt t ia mtkn. ait INf It ai t Irll tW HENRY VEITH. 905 O St. Opposite Post Office. lvI31.I.IISrER"Y". DISCOUNT SALE. Now On At Tho Palace of fashion. (Mrs..!. II. KlAir's 01.1 Stand. ) 117 South Eleventh Street. Imjiortcd Tatterna $0.00, Worth 12 M o.K), M 10 J3 Trimmed llata :J.00, worth $U 10 w " J.50, " " uO ' " l.:0, ' 1 Onc-hnlf off ou 1'anev Ft'athri, Tip, Uillioni, Hinl, Flower., Ktt You will iavi niKiioy by itisp rtinn our Hotk lt-foro purt hainu t'Nt'wIit'rc FURNISHED ROOMS, DY DAY OR WCCK. Niwly f urwi-httl roui, frtn It IVr UVeV. mrs. cHESSiisra-Toisr, i:i:ll (1 Him ei. I.irt.L, Xt. 1 Q THK OHKAT I t.o 2! l ( lirjllnu S r- i. Sli.f.l4.rt la.rutt'4 i f ti . LINCOLN CAFE. NitUTII TIINniMTUKKr. Dr. W, QneeD, lie Specialist ;Cancer Its Bcientifia treatment and removal In twenty minutca knife, Ions of WW a drop of blot k! DR. QUEEN' cores Plica and T mors without nbin, knif or loan o' drop of blood, he aim) cores Ca tarn Troat, Lung, lif art and Nerroua I Vv biUtr. J liR. QUEEN ha mada dincawa oV tha Stomach, Kidney. Liver, litood aaa thaeaM-a of Women a pecialtjr for llility-flre yrurs. lie lit restored aeariti(f to th deaf and aiput to iaa blind. UK. QUEEN 1 tha apevlalitt of th oithwet in the Treatmeu and Cur of a'l I hronia and l'rirat AllmeaU havinf livetl In l.inetiln and Lancaster tuttntjf for Ihlrty f iur yeirs. He applying U lr. Qoma. tha Kla rlelaa. jrtH tan rt f ntant lUUrt aad t'wre from all l ata front UhenmaHaaa Nearaliira and all throttle Ailmeau sfier ail medual e mr.t r ,t fii4 laatitut I aal lecri, Uath llmaii, Onion illork.N E.for. loth Bt O WINDSOR LIVERY hk ni Boarding Stable. TioHtJlaflO IVr IU ht!U fi1.' IVr Mi.uih. tu tif at ul'jr i f in I'tuate IU4. T:.i o-.m: ur; i,stwt, H E. MOORE, Prop. ifc-a f Eg M. ?0 .. a km. 1 ' 1 fiil t - . i " ' n. ti t I a ; ai(, nl ! ft 'f i -Mtn tar II Ta an tht Jii iit t t .ait '." 'k lliUi.l t i tt. l."inj IV ' artldlaj wf tli n "