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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1895)
f r ni.;n ,. wmnt was not seryed had :, ving attentions,and whom in the presence of members of his stooJ that his friends at Arkansas Bome matches and set the bedding' on I On I lie u u uuiug -a w oriein of the fire is not known. J I mxmk A Please d Customer Is the Best Advertisement. Knowing this, we do not say much, but let our Clothes do the talking. There are clothes that simply satisfy the demand for covering, and clothes, again, that gratify the taste that comes with culture and pro gress. We have a complete line of Winter Clothing in stock now that will satisfy you if you come soon. Let us show you what the full measure of bargain-giving means Men's and Boys' in Clothing, Hats and Underwear, O0946O iLvd: o :r a- a int, 500 Main Street, Plattsmouth. RAILROAD TIME TABLE. B . & M. R. K. EAST BOUND. No. 2, dally 6:16, p.m. No. 4, daily 10:29, a. m. No. 10, from Schuyler except Sunday.ll :55, a. m. No. 12, dally except Sunday 8:25, p. m. No. 92, dally except Sunday 12 :23. p. m. No. 30, freight from Louisville 2:50, p. m WEST BOUND. No. 3, dally 3:43, p. m. No. 5, dally 9:15, a.m. No. 7, fast mall, daily 2:l2.p. m. No. 9, to Schuyler, except Sunday 2:20, p. m. No. 11, dally 4:50, p.m. No. 91 , dally except Sunday 7 :15, a. m. No. 29, freight to Louisville 2:20,p . m. M . P. ft. R. GOING NORTH: Leaves. Passenger, No. 1 4:50 a.m. No. 193 5:03 p. m Freight, No.127 (dally exc'ptSunday) 3:35 p. m GOING SOUTH: Passenger, No. 2 1Q:43 p. in. No. 194 11:52 a. m Freight, No. 126 (dally except Sunday)10:05 a. to l nlon and Lincoln accommodation. No 3C3, it.oo, uejmns, o. co-J, s:uu p. m. Notice to Subscribers. All subscriptions to the Weekly Journal are payable in advance, at $1.00 a year; or, if not paid in ad vance are payable at the rate of $1.50 a year. If subscribers would keep track of their receipts they might save themselves some money or the pub lisher some embarrassment. It would be a source of both pleasure and proli to me undersigned it every man paid in advance. Attend to this matter and oblige. C. W. Sherman. Manager. The'Tlan Sif ter"flour is the popular brand. Ask for it from your grocer. TWO FOR ONE! SEND FOR FREE SAMPLE AND JUDGE THEREBY. The Weekly JOURNAL AND CINCINNATI Weekly ENQUIRER Both one year for only $1.25. The Enquirer is a 9-column, 8-page paper, issued each Thursday. .narKeau m slze? cneapest in price, most reliable in news, all large type, plain print, good white paper. If our readers want another live paper, the Enquirer is that paper. Call or send orders to C. W. SHERMAN, Manager Journal, Plattsmouth. Julius Pepperberg, MANUFACTURER OF- "Bud," THE BEST Sc CIGAR MADE. also maker of the " FLOE DE PEPPERBERG," The Best Ten-cent Cigar Sold on the Market. Mall Crdera to Plattsxnoutli, Neb. "The Y. P. S. C. E. of the Christian church have obtained the elocutionist Misa Lucy Cone, of Lincoln to re cite Saturday night at White's hall. Admission 20 cents. a A -v-r -r wuujau in rxew lorn, dressed in purple and fine linen, has been run r . nmg up great bills of credit on the representation of being the wife o Huntington, the California railroad king. After lording it in society for a few weeks, and having all the bon-ton and toadies bodily at her feet, they have now discovered that she was fraud and as crazy as a bed-bug though it never occurred to them be fore, not having any idea what kind of woman a California railroad king might select for a wife. ii you want something new and fresh in the way of evaporated fruits, ana want them cheap, call at Ben nett & Tutt's. They have fresh rais ins, figs, currants, prunes, apricots, peacnes, cranberries, etc., all of the crop of 1895.- Dr. Marshall, Graduate DENT IST, Fitzgerald block. Who wants to buy a farm 'cheaply? mi ... . x ne writer Knows or a farm of 135 acres of splendid farm land (with ac cretions of as much more) not six miles from town, for sale at $35 an acre. Also a farm of HQ acres of fine upland, with buildings and orchard, at 45 an acre. Where are some of these 50 an acre purchasers ? Inquire at this office. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. jacoo Yallery, jr., went to Omaha this morning. P. M. llichey went up to South Om aha this morning. Mrs. Oswald Guthmanu left on No. 5 this morning for a visit at Lincoln. The ' The crowd i el's Wives" 1.-. not a3 large l demanded. t ; feted k,'lhe Colon . : at Love's was ; Tits of the play t Sheep,'7 a very pretty curtain l aicei , by Sedley Jjrown, also the author of "The Contented Wives," preceded the performance. The play is well staged and the actors are the very best. The play itself is a Corn has drdmoed aain and is now very meritorious production. Fre . ujuui iiuiaiu. oemuK i"e street ior seventeen OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Soot cents. J as. Al. Palmer and Geo. Sheldon of Nehawka were Plattsmouth visitors Saturday. .a. ligne, one ot Cass county's most prosperous farmers, was in the city Saturday. airs, inede r,;Uon came over from filenwood this morning for a visit with her children. JUrs. Coon raJlerv went to Omaha this morning for a visit with Mrs. Car ter of that city. It is reported that Mrs. Dr. Cum mins is s uttering from a severe attack of appendicitus. Iheli. & M. pay car will make its regular monthly visit in this city next Friday morning, Nov. 8. Asa Coleman, of Nehawka, was in town Friday on business and gave The JoukxaL a pleasant call. Mis Pheme ISobbins is reported The above-mentioned attraction will be at the White tomorrow evening and deserves a liberal patronage from the amusement-loving public. The fact that it is one of Chas. Frohman's com panies is a guarantee that the enter tainment will be first-class. ur. ueo. wiiKinson, specialist, eye, ear, nose and throat, of Omaha, will be at Dr. Livingston's office on Friday, Nov. 15th. Wanted A good dress, box 868, city. milch cow. Ad- Paints, Paint, faints! A coat of good paint is just what the farmer needs for his house and barn to preserve them from decay. P. G. Fricke & Co. of Plattsmouth have the biggest stock of the best paints in the market. Paint your bome. barn and other belongings. Short, bat Complete. What a story is that of Linson, the considerably better and able to sit up Indianapolis engineer! He had an only for a little while, each day. iV special train, consisting oi an en gine and President Perkins' private car, passed throucb the city this after noon. Jas. Paling came in iast Monday from Greenwood, where he has been visiting for several months with his son, Walter. J Two foreclosure suits were filed in the district cleik's office by A. J. Seaman against A. A. Hardy, et al., and J. M. Carter, et al. Win. Neville & Co. were unloading a car of celebrated Pabst beer Mon day, in anticipation of the usual good trade just before and after election. A license to wed was issued in county court Saturday to Merton M. Edwards, aged 24, of Custer, Mont., and Sarah May Ashcroft, aged 25, of Cass county. Frank Wheeler and Win. lirissey were over the river hunting Sunday and were very successful, each getting a fine string or quail, rabbits and prairie chickens. sister to "whom ho was devotedly at tached. Ho placed her in school at Par kersburg, W. Va. , where she met Frank Reynolds, and, as she thought, married him. Three months later, when she dis covered that she had been deceived by a mock marriage, she committed sui cide. Linson swore at her grave that he would kill Reynolds, and for four years followed him from place to place, once to Europe and onco to South America and thence back to the United States. finally killing him in a hotel at San Francisco. Linson was convicted after three trials and sent to the penitentiary for life, but public sentiment was strong in his favor, and he was pardoned in three months. Philadelphia Times. Overeating. Overeating is generally condemned on the ground that by stuffing the digestive organs or by giving them too much to do the food taken is prevented from properly nourishing him who takes it. It is possible, however, that one may suf fer from too much nutriment as well as from too littfe, even when it is properly assimilated. and SilOSS Was purchased before the advance in prices, so avail yourself of this golden opportunity, and buy your Winter Footwear, for we can give you more for your money than any other house in Cass county. ? va XV HS: Repairing Neatly Done. F?obt. Sherwood. i AMD 1 :::::-...::.-;:::::AT::: "PiTTRTmn At my farm, four and one-half miles south east of Ashland, Nebraska, on Saturday, Nov. 9, '95. I will offer all the fTops" of my 1895 crop of Thoroughbred Poland Chinas, consisting of about Forty Boars and Fifty Sows ; also ten head of yearling and older sows. A Free Lunch-Sale at 12 sc; CLOCK, SHARP. Citric Acid. Citric acid, the active principle of Judge Ramsey, notwithstanding the hmes and lemons, was first extracted by vigorous campaign he has been mak- A boiler explosion in Detroit, Mich., yesterday wrecked three buildines. killed at least forty people and injured as many more. Pure maple syrup at $1.00 per eal- lon. New sorghum and New Orleans molasses, honey drip syrup and black strap can be had at Bennett & Tutt's. Take Oft the Horns! The undersigned is now ready, with a good portable chute and tools to re move the weapons of horned cattle at ten cents a head. If those who wish to have such work done will address me at Rock Bluffs, Neb., they will be promptly answered. 4t w S- L. Furlong. ing, found time during the month of October to issue twenty-five marriage licenses and perform six ceremonies. Mr. Eikenbary assures The Jour nal, he is not fighting Judge Chapman on political grounds, but purely as a personal matter, thatowing to the way in which Chapman had treated him. James Ruby, an old resident of this county, but now of Smith county. Kas., has been visiting here for several days, and departed last Fri day for a further visit with relatives in Iowa. liurwell bpurlock, of l ork, who has been in the city and county for several days in the interests of his son's can didacy for the county judgeship went to Omaha Friday afternoon. Judge Cutes of Chadron dropped into town from Omaha Thursday, and departed for his western home on No. 5 Friday The judge said that he was very anxious to get home in time to vote. hVERY Farmer in the state who thinks wheat is too cheap, can get the benefit of the advance that is sure to come. How to do it free. Write L. P. Good & Co., 63 Commerce building, Chicago, Ills. It is delighting to notice the presence on the streets again, after a long and dangerous illness, of the venerable Thomas Mitchell, and to see that be seems to be restored to a quite excel- Ient degree of health. An agent of the Fidelity & Deposit Co. of Maryland was in the city Friday. This company furnishes bonds to cor poration employes, guardians and those who are required to furnish bonds for the faithful performance of their duties. Scheele. It is found in considerable quantities in many other fruits besides these, the acid of commerce being, it is said, extracted from almost any fruit. the cheapness being the main factor in seclusion. Legal Notice. To Benjamin A. Gibson, Mary C.Gibson. Annie ii. iteea, l.steiie need. Win. Reed, Clinton eea, iucu;e ueea ana 10 Annie if. Jteed. as the mother and natural guardian of Clinton Keed and Lucille Heed: You and each of you, non-retident defend ants, are hereby notified that A. J. Seaman commenced an action against you and each of you impleaded as defendants with John M. Carter, et al., in the district court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska, on the 2d day of November. 1805. the object and prayer of which is to foreclose two certain tax liens and tax certificates ow ned and held by plaintiff and issued to him by the county treasurer of Cass county on the .Id day ot November, ikoc: one for 188'J taxes due on fractional lots 3 and tt in the northwest quarter j oi me souineast quarter or section " in town 10, range 11, Cass county, Nebraska, for I1.V08 end for SI for notice thereon, with if 13 ;tl paid May 4th, lsyi, for 1890 tax, and $8.69. paid July 7th, 1HU2, for 1891 tax thereon ; one certificate for $155.40 on fractional lot 23 in the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 1. said town and rantre, fractional lot 21 in the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of said section, and fractional lot 11 in the south east quarter of the northwest quarter of said section, lor the taxes thereon for 1884. isms 1880, 1887, 1888 and 1889 and for 3 serving no tice and subsequent taxes paid by plaintiff thereon on lots 24 and II, $21. SS paid Jlay 4th, ior isao tax and 16.04 paid thereon .July 7th 1892, for 1891 tax. Lot 23 aforesaid is now known and described as blocks 1, 2, 3 and 4, in Noble Heights' addition to Weeoine Water and a part of said lot 24 is known and described as blocks 0, 10. 11.12 21 and 22 in said addition. It is asked that said Seaman be decreed a lien for said amounts paid by him, with 20 per cent interest per annum on each payment for two years from and after Nov. 3d, 1890, with 10 per cent per annum tnereatter ana iu pr cent on the entire sum so paid, as an attorney fee and for costs and eauitable relief, and that eacn aeienaant be barred and foreclosed of all right in said premises and the same be sold to pay said Seaman's claim. You are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the ICth day of December. 1895. or your default will be entered, said petition taken as confessed and judgment rendered in accordance wltn the prayer or 6aid petition. A. J. SEAMAN. By his attorneys, II. D. Travis and Beeson & ItOOl. 4G Farm four and miles west of South GEO. N. MULERTZ, Owner. COL. F. M. WOODS, Auctioneer. miles southeast of Ashland and lour one-half Bend. S X Underwear I j o o o o Uncle PNeath the question of Under Selling is the question of g Under Buying. C. E. Wescoti Son Hrlng In Your Wood. Wood will be taken at this office in payment of accounts due the Weekly Journal. Subscribe for the Weekly Jour nal $1 per year, if paid in advance. Mrs. II. C. McMaken left this morn ing for a visit at Alliance. Her bus- band accompanied ber as far as Omaha and Wednesday will join her at Al- iance. He expects to go out into the sand hills and kill a few deer before he comes back. Miss Lillian Kauble will play a violin solo Saturday, November 9, at White's opera house. Admission 20c. You can always find the very best of coffees and the purest spices at Bennett & Tutt's. Lejral Notice. To M. C. Gibson, whose first and real name Is unknown, Geo. Olcutt and Joseph E. Cal lender, trustee: Y'ou and each of you are hereby notified that on the 2d nay of Isovember 1895, A. J. Seaman filed his petition in the district court of Cass county, against you and eacn or you, impleaded with Albert A. Hardy, et al, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a tax certificate against the northwest quarter of southwest quar ter of section 17, in town 10, range 11 in Cass county, Nebraska, and one tax certificate against the southwest quarter of said southwest quarter or saia section, eacn ceruncate issued on the 3d day of November, 1890 for the delinquent 1889 tax against said property, and each being for tne sum or $y.U4: ana . suDsequent taxes 1S90 f 19-88, 1891 taxes 818.40 and 1892 taxes 519.85; it is claimed that in addition to said sums there should be allowed twenty percent Interest on each payment for two years from and after No vember 3d, 1890 per annum and ten per cent interest on eacn, oi saia payments per annum after .November 3i, 1892 with ten per cent attor ney fees on the entire Bum with costs of suit, and lor equitable relief; it is also asked lhatyou with an other defendants be foreclosed of all equity of redemption in said premises and that the same be sold to satisfy said demand. You are requested to answer said petition on or before Monday the 16th day of Decemberl895. or Bald petition will be taken as confessed and your default entered and judgment entered agamstyou. A. J. skamajn. By his attorneys, II. D. Travis and Baeson & Koot. 40. r : Under Take to say they Under-Buy and, therefor, can Under Sell all competitors in Under Wear. If you o s o e o e o o o o o a s ? o s o o s I Under Stand REAL VALUES, I you'd better look us over. 2 We Can Save You Money. 1 C. E. WESCOTT & SON. ... ONE PRICE . . AND NO MONKEY BUSINESS. The best musician of the city will urnish the music Saturday night at he Christian Endeavor concert. Leave your orders for job work with The Journal, an artistic job guar anteed. Probate Notice. State of Nebraska, Cass Countv. In county court. To all persons interested in tli estate of David Burbee. deceased : Notice is hereby Riven that on the Cth day of December, A. V. 1895, at the hour or ten o ciocx a. m.. at the county judge's omce. in nans- mouth, in Bald county, the petition, asking for the appointment of Horatio N. Dovey as ad ministrator of said estate, will be heard and considered; at which time and place all persons interested may appear and show cause, if any they have, why he should not be appointed as such administrator. Dated this 7th day of NOvemrer, A. D. 1895. 46-3 . B. S. Raxset, County Judge . O s o o o o H. Q. LIVINGSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, i I H SUBANCE. Plattsmouth, - Nebraska JOHN HATT, . . . DEALER IN . . . Fresh and Salt Meat PISH AIVD GAME. 414 Main Street, - ' - Plattsmonth, tfeb 1 r ! K A SUte Hlstoiiole Society