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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1895)
A Cow Aeti as a Mother to a Tig. - Tortland Oreg-onian: The recent paragraph in the Oregonian about freakish relations among' animals caus es to be brought to light a very singu lar circumstance on the farm of It. J. Moore, at Molalla Corners. A 16-months-old heifer lost her calf and two or three days afterward it was noticed that she did not require milking'. In vestigation led to the discovery of the fact that the heifer had adopted a 4-months-old pig-, which 6he would call and suckle as affectionately as if it had been her own calL This relation has been sustained some weeks to the evi dent satisfaction of both parties, . and the shoat is sleeker and weighs several pounds more than its companions of the same age. Heady to Io nil Part. "And nowwill somebody in the audi ence accommodate me with a cavalry sword?" asked the professor of magic, stepping- to the front of the stage and rubbing' his hands in pleasant antici pation. There was no response. The professor repeated his request. Same result. "I am sorry," he said at last, after waiting" several minutes, "that I shall be unable to perform my advertised feat of swallowing a sword, but you will see, ladies and gentlemen, that it is not my fault. I will now proceed with the wonderful performance of the magic egg bag," etc. Chicago Tribune. Chaining a li-aaty. Jinks Everybody predicted thai Hardhead would have trouble after he married that vain beauty, but she never leaves her home unless he is with her. How does he manage? Winks He filled the house with mirrors. New York Weekly. Cure for Curiosity. Inquisitive Yankee visitors to the Ammen ram while lying" at Hath have been unable to refrain from meddling1 with the machinery of the guns and other interesting pieces of mechanism found about the ship, despite the big1 placards desiring" them to keep their "hands off," which the officers plenti fully strewed about the vessel. So in order to discourage such investigators several of the machines wich seemed most to attract the inquisitive were connected to a powerful electric bat tery, the "hands off" sig-n being', of course, retained also. Since the idea was put into effect the ship's company has had lots of fun, and the visitors have begun to have respect for a rea sonable request. The Unlveralty of Omaha. Nebraska has many creditable insti tutions of learning colleges that have wrought a grand work and given the state name and fame extending' far be yond its own confines and conspicuous among1 them will be found that embod ied in the heading" of this article. It comprises three departments, namely: IJelievue College, Omaha Medical Col lege and . Omaha Dental College, the latter just organized. Bach depart ment is conducted on the plan of doing the best possible work. Bellevue College, as is well known, was the pioneer in Nebraska for high grade work, being1 in some particulars in advance of even the state university. All of the high schools of Nebraska which prepare fully for the state university, have the additional studies necessary for en trance to Ilellevue College. The insti tution maintains an academy or prepar atory department, and for those who desire to teach or become proficient in music it offers superior advantages, the talent employed being the best to be obtained. The college is ten miles from Omaha, the metropolis of the state, and is a delightful and attrac tive location. It is far enoug-h away to be out of surht and sound of the bustling city, and yet near enough to be in touch with advantages that the metropolis brings. Many desirable features in connection with the college might be dwelt upon, but from what has been said the reader can draw his or her conclusions, corresponding with the faculty for details not here set forth. A Wonder of Antiquity. One of the greatest wonders of an cient Egypt, says the St. Louis Repub lic, was the famous artificial bo'ly of water called Lake Moeris, According" to Herodotus, "the measure of its cir cumference was 3,300 furlongs, which is equal to the entire length of Egypt along" the seacost." The excavation, which was made in the time of King" Moeris (the memnon cf the Greeks and Romans) was of a varying- depth and its center was occupied by two pyramids, the apexes of which were 300 feet high er than the surface of the water. The water for this gigantic artificial reser voir was obtained from the Nile through a canal, which six months of the year had an overflow, correspond ing to high and low water in the river. The canal gradually filled with sand and the lake has long since evaporated, but the bottom is still one of the most fertile tracts in Egypt. Homeeekern. We desire to direct your attention to the Gulf Coast of Alabama. Our motto: "If you anticipate a change in location or for investment, why not Ret the best? We have it," and in order to verify our statement we are making: extremely low rates to bomeseekers and investors that they may make a personal investigation. For par ticulars and low railroad rates address The Union Land Co., Motile, Ala., or Major T. H. Ciarkson, Northwestern Agent, Omaha, Nebr. Human nature on the throne is no better than human nature in the slums. Billiard table, second-hand, , for sale cheap. Apply to or address, H. C. Akin, 511 S. lith St., Omaha, Neb. SILVER MUST COME. POLITICS AND THE NATIONAL CURRENCY. John V. Farwell, Replying to Comptrol ler Eckels, Points Oat the Meed of In ternational Bimetallism to Restore Lost Values of Property. (J. V. Farwell, in Chicago Record.) The comptroller of the currency joins the secretary of the treasury in the campaign of educating the people for the next election. Evidently, polit ical fences need mending to control the masses for the gold interest and the Democratic party. Do they see the handwriting on the wall of history "Weighed in the bal ance and found wanting?" Does not the wisdom of the centuries weigh facts and make their arguments short weight? Time will tell. It Is indicative of imperfect "hind sight" that this discovery has not been made in the present discussion by gold men of its relation to money standard and prosperity. The ultra-gold men are just as wrong as the ultra-silver men, as both are practical monometal lists, making half equal to the whole, and, therefore, radically wrong. This discussion before it is closed will find the people, whose votes both factions are seeking, on the side of interna tional bimetallism, and both the great parties will be compelled to make that the chief plank in their platforms. Comptroller Eckels did make one prac tical suggestion, viz.: "WTe must take things as we find them practically and not sentimentally." Nothing is more certain than that, and I will an swer this statement with another: What was practical and beneficent for centuries can be made practical on the same lines by the same means now and may we not add, that if both met als were needed to keep values at par before our country became so marvel ously wealthy in property through her fostering of domestic industries by a protective tariff, thus making her raw materials into tangible and exchange able values outside of gold and silver would not both metals as money now increase her power to develop and in crease her marvelous natural re sources? Our silver-producing states are a small factor in this problem; our prop erty interests combined constitute the larger factor in it; our annual hay crop exceeds the product of silver many times, and the annual additions of sil- ver to the accumulation of all times are perhaps as 1 to 100 of the accumulated and annual additions to values in property. That silver is still used and held up to gold value by France and the United States is only an argument strong as can be made of the need bf more legal money and of the folly of not giving silver everywhere full money functions, bo that its commercial value can again be relied on as its coinage value. Its coinage now having been stopped entirely by all governments which had any power over the question before 1873, the money demand for it has been legally destroyed, and what interna tional bimetallists demand is that this mammoth wrong shall be righted. Mr. Eckels' reference to our coinage in the past, in its bearings on prices in con nection with Mulhall's statements of our marvelous increase in wealth for over twenty years after our industries were put on their feet by an enforced war tariff, and his query as to why prices have shown the same tendency in Europe as here down down in order to prove a rise in the intrinsic value of gold, entirely independent of demonetization of silver, is most in- genious, but equally erroneous. This ; argumentative query is fully answered by the fact that the cost of gold in labor since 1S73 has been reduced fully as much, if not more, by improved methods and machinery in mining and reducing ores and cheaper transporta tion of ores, than that of other prop erty; and the attempt to hide this fact and charge all decline in prices of sil ver and other property to like causes is not honest argument. This opinion may be honest with some. With prac tical students of ability it cannot be honest. It claims all things for itself and de nounces others quite well, but it de nounces most wrongfully the conten tion of air property-owners, including silver owners, that legislation in favor of gold is chargeable with the decline in all prices, and that gold should be made to share in it as well as prop erty, instead of grabbing a 100-per cent advance as a virtuous and innocent in crement of value, which they claim the God of righteousness by natural law has brought to their coffers, instead of its having been done by their own legal tools in the parliaments of the world. Mr. Eckels' reference to the part played by bank credits as a substitute for money is as old as demonetization, and his own experience with banks as to what they coud do in the line of making deposits of money credits (and not money) play the part of real money, when the people lost confidence in ideal money in 1893, should have made his "hindsight" more reliable as an in dorser of methods invented as a neces sity to serve the uses of money in pros perous times, but which in a panic, as he knows quite well, proved to be only j "straw bail" for the huge gold criminal, ! an ob3ect lesson in our municipal af which had stolen these values in 1873. J fairs' wnicn reveals why and how law As it did not improve his backward S makers make bad laws for the benefit vision he kindly quotes Mulhall to show ; of the few- The very magnitude of our an intrinsic and not a legal advance in ! municipality has created these stupen- gold since 1873. Commercial value is another "old chestnut" raked out of the fire of the discussion by a government official to give it a gold burnish. It is not gen uine, and even his official plating of it ' win iiui uianc u a. gruuiue article in me j voting market. The change in the bul- : lion or intrinsic value of silver or gold ' 1 2 n X ill t . since 1S73 can by no official or other necromancy be divorced from legal de monetization of silver as the main cause making a double demand for gold by destroying the demand for sil ver, except for the arts and its pres ent use as token money does not alter the general principle involved in that i creation of new money and property conditions, by a law which abrogated the natural law of labor cost, both for ' money and property. The testimony of i Lewis Wolowski (whoever he may be) ; before the French money commission j of inquiry of 1865 which he quotes ! only intensifies the justice of the cor j relation of all values through (by his j formula) "a measure of values which shall be stable during the periods which j embrace the transactions of men." j That is, which shall not give gold an j advance and property a decline as legislation has done if. he means to be squarely honest in his formula. Mr. Eckels brings out another "old chestnut," "overproduction of silver." Wrhy not talk of the overproduction of population and property? These must go on increasing or the law of prog ress will be reversed. Should not legal money increase rel atively to property, and should it not be allowed to do so in the last twenty years, the same as before, to be just to j other values created by labor? I This question cannot be honestly ! solved by the continued rise of gold only, which must be revealed by a look ; at the future through an honest "hind- sight" telescope, such as Mr. Eckels has I given us in his Mulhall quotation of ' American progress. Again, Mr. Eckels should remember ! as the answer to his final statement ! that "we as debtors cannot dictate to j England" that honest bimetalhsts are , only asking of our congress what Eng j land's business interests are now ask I ing of her parliament, and that the Bank of England directors are now heading the list of a 100,000 campaign fund to put practical blmetallists at the head of her government in the next election in order to give to the world international bimetallism. I therefore again quote his statement: "Let us deal with all facts as they are." To make money facts and property facts what they should be and not con tinue a world-wide wrong because ig norance or fraud or a combination of both have made these present facts ; what they should not be. Thus present ; facts are now commanding the prac tical attention of industrial and money j interests here and abroad in a warm ) canvass for votes to be given for or ! against their continuance, Ex-Congressman Cheadle's vigorous argument in the Record that the United ! States alone can restore the commer j cial value of silver by free coinage at 16 to 1 for the reason that all other countries before demonetization kept its value stable by its free coinage is ( tantamount to saying that a fraction is equal to the whole in financial arith metic. It is only two and two that J makes four here and elsewhere in sil ; ver legislation. One leg is not equal to i two in the law of locomotion. It only ; remains for him and Comptroller : Eckels to join the genuine internation ; al bimetallic party to make their fig i ures of speech square with the geom j etry and arithmetic of scientific mone ; tary figures. They will be welcome to i this cosmopolitan party of progress and i reform. That party only can win. If either i gold or silver alone wins they will lose, while if international bimetallism wins : we all win and we will all be happy ! when what was money for centuries j and is money with us again will be j money everywhere ounce for ounce ; and pound for pound. Then the abnor i mal production of either metal, as an annual addition to the existing volume, wm scare no one, and whoever raises such a ghost hereafter, with such his tory as the last twenty years have made, will be considered only as an other argumentative thief trying to spoil our "hindsight" after, instead of before, such an experience. It will be easily seen that the able argument of Mr. Calvert in the Record, and, in fact, of all the writers on that side of the money discussion, are in tended to convince voters that more legal money is not needed that legis lation cannot create a demand for sil ver that will restore the lost relations of gold and silver to all other property as a measure of it, and " it did that it would be repudiation of debts, hence gold must continue as the arbiter of al other values, notwithstanding its pro duction is limited, while that of prop erty is limitless, and that cost of pro duction for both has been and will be constantly reduced. It is also easily seen that with such conditions con tinued the rise in gold and the decline in property thit must nnly be meas ured by it, in their code of financial morals, will also continue until the ability to corner all property with a corner in gold will only be measured by the disposition of human avarice to do it. Shall we increase such a power over us all for the benefit of a few, or shall we compel all values in the future to be governed in their exchangeability rel atively to the changed conditions of cost of production and extent of con sumption for the whole list of human merchandise or human luxuries created by the ingenuity of man? Mayor Swift has brought to the light ! dous corruptions, and the colossal pro ! portions of the wealth of nations accu mulated in the present century has tempted the silver legislation of 1873, which since then has doubled the ex- changeable value of property for it over one-nair, witnout any reiauve change in the labor cost of each. The only argument that so great a man as a . . A. Edward Atkinson can offer against suih a crime is ridicule, and serves it ut to voters in the columns of the Record. It shows the strength of the gold cause in grand style, and I like it as a con fession of weakness. Because barter in destructible property by barbarians has been supplanted by a metallic money system in civilized nations to effect such exchanges, therefore resto ration of silver to money functions would be a barbarian act. That, in short, is his argument and from Bos ton! About forty years since I visited a town in Massachusetts, and in looking over the official records I found that the parish minister was paid his salary by municipal law in all sorts of articles, one of which was "flip." "Flip," and not cows, was legal tender in Mr. At kinson's own state long after the cow was demonetized in India. Which is the most civilized and civilizing cur rency? Let his erudition answer. That -minister very likely got drunk on "flip;" surely that was a more evanes cent and unstable money than cows, and that was In Massachusetts and not in India. NEW WOMAN AND OLD MAN. Difficult Problem Resulting from Ambi tions of the Modern Wife. We have read with deep interest a newspaper article on "What Will the New Woman Do With the Old Man?" The writer is a new woman and pre sumably has an old man. But he is everywhere, is useful in fashion, has sincere purposes, and means well. His fate is or ought to be a matter of con cern to every one. The description does not necessarily imply one who has become gray and decrepit. He may be in the purple bloom of life. It applies not to his years, but to the order of his ideas, says Pittsburg Dispatch. We learn that "the new woman wants as either brother or husband a man who can comprehend her. aspirations, can sympathize with her and be a helpmeet to her in their attainment." But what are her aspirations? Those hinted at by the writer in no essential particulars differ from those of the old woman. Give the old man a chance. Tell him precisely what those aspirations are with which he ought to sympathize. Many a time has he been lectured for not understanding what has never been explained to him. He is confessedly a trifle stupid. All the more reason why his duty should be made plain to him. As a rule he would sympathize with anything his better half names and think that purchasing peace In the family cheaply. Will the new woman please state her aspirations fully and clearly? But, to come to the question: "There is nothing left the new woman to do but to renovate and repair the old man convert him, if possible, into the new man. There are many ways and sorts of conversion. Reason, per suasion, strategy or even compulsion." Three of these methods of bringing the old man to terms have been long used with marked success. The fourth is doubtful. It is said that "he inclines to pull back, like a mule." He does, indeed, at times and then compulsion is the worst of all ways of dealing with him. We hope the new woman will not try that. What is to be done with the old man in the event of the failure of all these methods is left to the imagin ation. What does the old man think of it, anyhow? MAYBE THIS IS TRUE. Oklahoma Furnishes an Ice Cream Storj That Heat the Record. When the recent storm was over in Tina, Ok., the late householders, view ing the remains, were greatly sur prised at finding upon the supposed site of the grocery a large and solid mass of excellent ice-cream in bulk, melting rapidly away under the sun, but still good at heart. The explana tion, after all, was simple. The light ning stroke which destroyed the roof of the building and shattered every barrel and bottle in the place fused and melted a dozen milk cans, releas ing their precious contents. Directly over the cans on the shelves were a number of bags of sugar, a sack of flour, and seven bottles of vanilla ex tract, whose released contents fell into the mass, says New York Recorder. Before the milk had time to flow away it was buried up in such hailstones as even Oklahoma never saw before, a fall of two feet occurring in almost an instant. The ice balls ming ling with the contents of a dozen bar rels of salt, which had been standing about the milk cans, produced such an intense cold that the mingled milk, vanilla, sugar, and flour were instant ly solidified on the surface, and in half an hour became a solid mass to the A Hnmboc Rainmaker. Frank Melbourne, the erstwhile west ern "rain king," whose services were in such urgent demand in the west two or three years ago, is located In Cleve land, Ohio. In speaking of his experi ence as a rainmaker Melbourne ad mitted that the whole thing was a humbug and that he never possessed any more power in that respect than any one else. He says the American people like to be humbugged, and the j greater fake the easier it is to work it. Melbourne made a fortune in the busi ness and spent it like a prince. Jnt Like a Woman. A young and well-dressed woman en tered Charing Cross telegraph office the other day and wrote out a dispatch to be sent to Manchester. She read it ' over, reflected for a moment, and then . dropped it on the floor and wrote a sec- ' ond. This she also threw away, but . was satisfied with the third, and sent it off. The three telegrams read: First "Never let me hear from you again!" . Second "No one expects you to re- j turn!" Third "Come home detrest all is forgiven!" Highest of all in Leavening She Had HUten Herself. About a quarter of a century ago Be ranger's "lirisette" was performed at one of the theaters. Thepart of Lit ette was allotted to Virginia Dejazes. This popular actress, then an va need in years, had lost all her teeth, and, to do justice to her new role, she had ordered a fresh set. As the teeth felt uncom fortable, she took them out when the piay was over and put them in her pocket. When in the greenroom, she incautiously sat down, and immediately jumped up, with a scream. 'What is the matter?" inquired our jolly old friend. Adolphe Dennery. "Nothing." said Mile. Dejazet. , "I have only bitten myself." Uevue Theatrale. Tobacco Tattered and Torn. Every day we meet the man with shabby clothes, sallow skin, and shambling footsteps, holding out a tobacco-palt-ied hand for the char ity quarter. Tobacco destroys manhood and the happiness of perfect vitality. No-To-Bac is puaranteed to cure just such cases, and it's charity to make them try. Sold under guaran tee to cure by Drupists everywhere. Book free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., New York Cliy or Chicago. Io After Years. "Darling" lie gazed at her with a tender, ap pealing glance, "is" They were preparing to start out for the evening, and he was anxious, for her sake, to look his best. "my hat on straight?" Being assured that it was, the hus band of the coming woman, after giv ing explicit directions to the nurse re garding the baby, trustingly took the j arm of her who had sworn to cherish ! and protect him and so they went 1 their way. Aew iork orld. Open the Safety Valve When there Is too biff a head of steam on, or you will be in dancer. Similarly, when that important safety valve of the system, the bowels, tecomes obstructed, open it prompt ly with Hostetter s Stomach Bitters, and puartl atrainst the consequences of its clos ure. liilliou!ness, dyspepsia, malaria, rheu matic and kidney complaint, nervousness and neuralgia are all subjugated by this pleasant but potent conqueror of disease. Too Much Cariosity. The Judge Have you any reason to offer why sentence should not be passed upon you? The Prisoner I ain't got much to say, but it's right to the point. When I shot the feller I was only doin' it fer fun, an' here you fellers are wantin' to hang me in cold blooded malice, 6o you air. Indianapolis Journal. ALBERT BURCH, West Toledo. O., says: "Hall's Catarrh Cure saved my life." Write him for particulars. Sold by Druggists, 75c He Was a Prudent Man. Chicago Tribune: "James, what have you been doing in the garret?" It vas his wife who spoke. "You won't betray me, Elizabeth?" esclaimed the prominent politician, pale and excited. "Betray you? Certainly not What have you'been doing in that garret?" & "Elizabeth," he replied in a hoarse whisper, "I have been' looking to see if anybody has discovered my views on the silver question. That's where I keep them!" liegeman's Camphor Ire with Glycerin. The original and onlv genuine. Cures Chapped Hands aod Face, Cold Sorw. tc C G. Clark CoN-Haven.C- A lie is always an enemy, no matter how well meaning it may look. PITS All Fits stopped free by Pr.Kllne's Great "erve Kestorer. o Fitsaftr tbe first day's use. Marvelouscures. Treatise and 82 trial bott WrertJ titcaeb. bend to ir.Kliut!ol Arch bU,l"iaia.,l'a. He is the greatest man who does most for his fellow men. I have found Piso's Cure for Consump tion an unfailine medicine. F. It. Lotz, 1305 Scott St., Covington, Ky., Oct. 1, 1SU4. Every reform that comes to stay, has to tegin in the heart. ''Hanson's Maglo Corn Salve." Warranted to car or money refunded. Ask yoar druggi for it. Price 15 ceota. There are people who want to do good, but they are slow to commence. If the Baby is Cutting- Teeth. Be rare and use that old and veil-tried remedy. Has. WlxiLOW'i Sootbiko Stbct for Children Teetaing- Nebraska has fourteen women superin tendents of public instruction. The man who never praises his wife sometimes talks very nice in church. LEAVES ITS HARK every one of the painful irregularities and weaknesses that prey upon women. They fade the face, waste the figure, ruin the temper, wither you up, make you old before your time. 1 Get well: That's the way to look well. Cure the disorders and ailments that beset you, with Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescrip tion. It regulates and promotes all the womanly functions, improves digestion, enriches the blood, dispels aches and pains, melancholy and nervousness, brings refreshing sleep, and restores health and strength. WELL fMlllliEHY Illustrated catalogue showing WKLX. AUGERS, BOCH AK1J.L, 11 iDalUUO AND JETXLNtt AlAUcUfi x . etc. Skxt Tkxx. Have been tested and all warraMtea. Sioux City Engine & Iron "Works, Successors to iech Mfg. Co., Kloail tir. low THJt Eowxix Chasu Machimert Co lilt West Eleventh Street. Kansas City, Ko PAUKEU'tt HAIR BALSAM CleaiMaa and beaatiTtaa the 1 .3 rrooxMea a luxuriant grovta. KBTer 7alla to Bettor Gray Hair to itm Yoothral Color. Ohm scalp diasaasa a hair taXUsg. Dc, and tl.OUaa PntyiH m Mi M Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report rl flfU2r s Hard Lock. First Man at the Beach (to second arrival) Say, it's kind of mean of you to come down here. I was here firct, and consequently I have a prior claim on the youug ladies at this beach. Second Arrival A thousand pardons for intruding, but I really had no idea there would be a man here ahead of me. I'll get out rig-ht away and try another beach, and it isn't likely I'll run against such hard luck again. G'day. Roxbury Gazette. Make Tour Own Bitters! On receipt of 30 cents in U. 8. stamps, I will send to any address one packajro Ste ketee's Dry Bitters. One package, makes one gallon beq tonic known. Cures stom ach, kidney diseases, and is a great api tirer and blood purifier. Just the medicine needed for spring and summer. 25c at your drug store. Address Gbo. G. Bt UTEB, Crand Rapids. Mich. His Choice. Bobby was trying to make it pleas ant for his father's guest till that indi vidual arrived. He pointed to two boxes of cigars on the piano. "The one at ther right is them wot paw gives t' his frien's. De udders he smokes himself." "All right, my boy." said the visitor, helping himself to the private box, 'I'll take one of these, for at present I'm not one of your father's friends." Syracuse Post. THE FARMER IS HAPPY! The farmer reporting 60 bushels Win ter Rye per acre; 6 ton of hay and 12 bushels of Winter Wheat has reason to be happy and praise Salzer's seeds! No you try it for 1896 and sow now of grasses, wheat and rye. Catalogue and samples free, if you write to the John A. Salzer Seed Co.. La Crosse. Wis., and send this slip along. (W.N.U.) Nothing is so cheap and so very valuable as politeness and courtesy. Parker's Ginger Tonic I popular for Its coed work Suffering, ilrd. bieepies. nerv ous women find nothing so suutnlng and reviving The heart is larger than the world, lo calise the whole world cannot fill it. What a sense of relief It la to know that you have no nvre ro-cs. Hinrtercorns removes them, and very oomforting it is. 15c at drutgisia This country, with its institutions, be longs to the people who inhabit it. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to it3 presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it act3 on the Kid neys, Liver and Bowels without weak ening them and it is perfectly free frora every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drtr gists in 50c and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the California Fig Syrup Oo. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. DR. WINCHELUS TEETHING SYRUP Is the best medicine lor all diseases incident to children. It regulates the bowels; assists denti tion; cures diarrhea and dy sent ery in the worst forms; cures canker sore throat: is a certain pre ventive of diphtheria ; quiets and soothes all pa n invigorates the stomach and bowels; corrects s.11 acidity ; will cure griping in the bowels and wlrd colic lo not fatigue yourself and child wil n sleepless nights when it is within your rt ach Co cure your child and save your own strength. Dr.Jaque'8 German W &rm Cakes destroy worms & remove them from the system Prepared by Emmert Proprietary Co., Chicago, UL SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS. DR. IYIcCREW IS THI OSLT SPECIALIST WHO TBEATS ILL PRIYATE DISEASES Weakness and Secret iJiiorderc of MEN ONLY Every cure gnaract'. SO ier' experience. 8 jears in I'inaha. tiook Fre 14th as rarnan Bte. OMAHA, KB. fiUolU.J wa.lilnfirton.D.C. (Successfully Prosecutes Claims. 1 1 ZAt Principal Bfamlxar U.S. jpenalon Bureau. U Jjrm -a last war, ISatijudicatingclaima, aity aixaoe. W. J. 17. Omaha 3 , lOS. When ansvrerine advertisements kindly mention this paper. 1 V ia-P w ' a t fiww h firraaw TaaxaaGood. Use I trr dj ui" lata. " " ' f rn - . an 1 (7