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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1895)
TALIIAGE'S SEMION. THE UNPARDONABLE SIN" LA3T SUNDAY'S SUBJECT. AU Manifr of Sin Shl! Be Forgiven I nto .Men; but I he IV. sphemy of the Uo'y Cihost Shall Not I!e Forglten Into aiea- Matthew 13 : 31-33. EW YORK. July 14. MM ?or to-day. R.v. Dr. Taimage, wno i still In the West on his annual summer F-Ai which has been a iruiuui niciiic . theological disputa tion for centuries past, viz.: "The Un pardonable S i n." The texts selected were: "All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men; but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men. And whosoever speaketh a word against the Son of man. It shall be forgiven him: but whosoever speak eth against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him. neither in this world, neither in the world to come." (Matthew 12: 31-32.) "He found no place of repentance, though he sought it carefully with tears." (Heb. 12: 17.) As sometimes you gather the whole family around the evening stand to hear some book read, so now we gather a great Christian family group to study this text; and now may one and the same lamp cast its glow on all the cirt le! You see from the first passage that I read that there is a sin against the Holy Gh'st for which a man is never par doned. Once having committed it. he Is bound hand and foot for the dun geons of despair. Sermons may be preached to him. songs may be sung to him. prayers may be offered in his be half; but all to no purpose. He is a captive for this world, and a captive for the world that Is to come. Do you suppose that there Is any one here who has committed that sin? All sins are Against the Holy Ghost; but my text speaks of one especially. It Is very clear to my own mind that the sin against the Holy Ghost was the ascribing of the works of the Spirit to the agency of the devil In the time of the apostles. Indeed, the Bible distinctly tells us that. In other words, if a man had sight given to him. or if another was raised from the dead, and someone standing there should say. "This man got his eight by Satanic power; the Holy Spirit did not do this; Beelzebub accomplished It; " or. "This man raised from the dead was raised by Satanic influence." the man who said that dropped down under the curse of the text, and had com mitted the fatal sin against the Holy Ghost. Now, I do not think it is possible in this dar to commit that sin. I think it was possible only in apostolic times. Hut it is a very terrible thing ever to cay anything against the Holy Ghost, and it is a marked fact that our race has been marvelously kept back from that profanity. You hear a man swear y the name of the Eternal God, and by the name of Jesus Christ, but you never ht-ard a man swear by the name of the H'-ly Ghost. There. are those here to day who fear they are guilty of the un pardonable sin. Have you such anx iety? Then I have to tell you positively that you have not committed that sin. because the very anxiety is a result of the movement of the gracious Spirit, and your anxiety Is proof positive, as ertainly as anything that can be dem onstrated in mathematics, that you have not committed the sin that I have been speaking of. I can look off upon this audience and feel that there is salvation for all. It Is not like when they put out with those life-boats from the "Loch Earn" for the "Ville du Havre." They knew that there was not room for .11 the passengers, but they were going to do as well as they could. But to-day we man the life boat of the Gospel, and we cry out over the sea, "Room for all!" Oh, that the Lord Jesus Christ would, this hour, bring you all out of the flood of sin. and plant you on the deck of the glorious old Gospel craft! But while I have said I do not think It is possible for us to commit the par ticular sin spoken of in the first text, I have by reason of the second text to call your attention to the fact that there are sins which, though they may be pordoned, are in some respects Irrevoc able; and you can find no place for re pentance, though you seek it carefully with tears. Esau had a birthright given "Mm. In olden times it meant not only tmp."ral but spiritual blessing. One day Esau took this birthright and traded it off for something to eat. Oh the folly! But let us not be too severe upon him. for some of us have com mitted the same folly. After he had made the trade, he wanted to get It back. Just as though you to-morrow morning should take all your notes and bonds and government securities, and should go into a restaurant, and in a fit of recklessness and hunger throw all those securities on the counter and ask for a plate of food, making that ex change. This was the one Esau made. He sold his birthright for a mess of pottage, and he was very sorry about It afterward; but "he found no place for repentance, though he sought it care fully with tears." There is an impression in almost ev ery man's mind that somewhere in the future there will be a chance where he can correct all his mistakes. Live as we may. If we only repent in time, God will forgive us, and then all will be as well as though we had never committed sin. My discourse shall come In colli sion with that theory. I shall show you. my friends, as God will, help me, that there is such a thing as unsuccessful re pentance; that there are things done wrong that always stay wrong, and for them you may seek some place of re pentance, and, seek it carefully, but never find it. Belonging to this class of irrevocable mistakes is the folly of misspent youth. We may look back to our colleje days, and think how we neglected chemistry, or geology, or botany, or mathematics. We may be sorry about it all our days. Can we ever get the discipline or the advantage that we would have had had we attended to those duties -in early, life? A man wakes up at forty years of age and finds that his youth has been wasted, and he strives to get back his early advantages. Does he get them back the days of boyhood, the days in college, the days under his father's roof? "Oh," he says, "if I could only get those times back again, how I would improve them!" My brother, you will never get them back. They are gone, gone. You may be very sorry about it, and God may forgive, so that you may at last reach heaven; but you will never get over some of the mishaps that have come to your soul as a result of your neglect of early duty. You may try to undo It; you cannot undo it. When you had a boy's arms, and a boy's eyes, and a boy's heart you ought to have attend ed to those things. A man says, at fifty years of age, "I do wish I could get over these habits of indolence." When did you get them? At twenty or twenty five years of age. You cannot shake them off. They will hang to fou to the very day of your death. If a young man through a long course of evil conduct undermines his physical health, and then repents of it in after life, the Lord may pardon him; but that does not bring back good physical condition. I said to a minister of the Gospel, one Sabbath, at the close of the service. "Where are you preaching now?" "Oh," he says, "I am not preaching. I am suffering from the physical effects of early sin. I can't preach now; I am sick." A consecrated man he now is, and he mourns bitterly over early sins; but that does not arrest their bodily ef fects. The simple fact is that men and wo men often take twenty years of their life to build up influences that require all the rest of their life to break down. Talk about a man beginning life when he is twenty-one years of age; talk about a woman beginning life when she is eighteen years of age! Ah. no! In many respects that is the time they close life. In nine cases out of ten. all the questions of eternity are decided before that. Talk about a majority of men getting their fortunes between thirty and forty! The get or los; fortunes be tween ten and twenty. When you tell me that a man is just beginning life. 1 tell you he is just closing it. The next fifty years will not be of as much im portance to him as the first twenty. Now, w:hy do I say this? Is it for the annoyance of those who have only a baleful retrospection? You know that is not my way. I say it for the benefit of young men and women. I want them to understand that eternity is wrapped up in this hour; that the sins of youth we never get over; that you are now fashioning the mold In which your great future is to run; that a minute, instead of being sixty seconds long, is made up of everlasting ages. You see what dignity and importance this gives to the life of all our young folks. Why, in the light of this subject, life Is not something to be frittered away, not something to be smirked about, not something to be danced out, but some thing to be weighed in the balances of eternity. Oh. young man! the sin of yesterday, the sin of to-morrow, will reach over ten thousand years, ay, over the great and unending eternity. You may, after awhile, say. "I am very sor ry. Now I have get to be thirty or forty years of age. and I do wish I had never committed those sins." What does that amount to? God may pardon you; but undo those things you never will, you never can. In this same category of irrevocable mistakes I put all parental neglect. We begin the education of our children too late. By the time they get to be ten or fifteen we wake up to our mistakes and try to eradicate this bad habit, and change that; but it is too late. - That parent who omits, in the first ten years of the child's life, to make an eternal impression for Christ, never makes It. The child will probably go on with all the disadvantages, which might have been avoided by parental faithfulness. Now you see what a mistake that fath er or mother makes who puts off to late life adherence to Christ. Here is a man who at fifty years ot age says to you. "I must be a Christian;" and he yields his heart to God, and sits in the place of prayer to-day a Christian. None of us can doubt it. He goes home and he says "Here at fifty years of age I have given my heart to the Savior. Now I must establish a family altar." What? Where are your children now? One in Boston another in Cincinnati; another in New Orleans; and you, my brother, at your fiftieth year going to establish your family altar? Very well; better late than never; but alas, alas that you did not do it twenty-five years ago! When I was in Chamouni, Switzer land, I saw in the window of one of the shops a picture that impressed my mind very much. It was a picture of an ac cident that occurred on the side of one of the Swiss mountains. A company of travelers, with guides, went up some very steep places places which but few travelers attempted to go up. They were, as all travelers are there, fastened together with cords at the waist, so that If one slipped the rope would hold him the rope fastened to the others. Pass ing along the most dangerous point one of the guides slipped and they all start ed down the precipice: but after awhile one more muscular than the rest stuck his heels Into the ice and stopped; but the rope broke, and down, hundreds and thousands of feet, the rest went. And so I see whole families bound together by ties of affection, and in many cases walking on slippery places of worldli ness and sin. The father knows It, and the mother knows it. and they are bound all together. After a while they begin to slide down steeper and steeper, and the father becomes alarmed, and he stops, planting his feet on the "Rock of Ages." He stops, but the rope breaks, and those who were once tied fast to him by moral and spiritual influences go over the precipice. Oh, there Is such a thing as coming to Christ soon enough to save ourselves, but not soon enough to save others! How many p? rents wake up in tho latter part of life to find out the mis take! The parent says. "I have been too lenient," or "I have been too severe in the discipline of my children. If I had the little ones around me again, how different I would do!" You will never have them around again. The work is done, the bent to the character is given, the eternity is decided. I say this to young parents those, who are twenty-five or thirty or thirty-flve years of age have the family altar to-night. In this category of irrevocable mis takes I place, alscf. the unklndness done the departed. When I was a boy my mother used to say to me sometimes, "De Witt, you will be sorry for that when I am gone." And I remember just how she looked, sitting there, with cap and spectacles, and the old Bible in hr lap: and she never said a truer thing than that, for I have been sorry sine.. While we have our friends with us, we say unguarded things that wound the feelings of those to whom we ought to ' give nothing but kindness. Perhaps the parent, without Inquiring into the mat ter, boxes the child's ears. The little one, who has fallen in the street, comes in covered with dust, and, as though the first disaster were not enough, she whips it. After a while the child is taken, or the parent is taken, or the companion Is taken and those who are left say. "Oh, if we could only get back those unkind words, those unkind deeds; if we could only recall them!" But you can not get them back. You might bow down over the grave of that loved one, and cry and cry and cry the white Hps would make no answer. The stars shall be plucked out of their sockets, but these Influences shall not be torn away. The world shall die, but there are some wrongs immor tal. The moral of which is. take care of your friends while you have them; spare the scolding; be economical of thm satire; shut up in a dark cave, from which they shall never swarm forth, all the words that have a sting in them. You will wish you had some day very soon you will perhaps to-morrow. Oh, yes. While with a firm hand you ad minister parental discipline, also ad minister it very gently, lest some day there be a little slab In the cemetery, and on it chiseled "Our Willie." or "Our Charlie;", and though you bow down prone in the grave and seek a place of repentance, and seek it carefully with tears, you can hot find it. There Is another sin that I place in the class of irrevocable mistakes, and that is lost opportunities of getting good. I never come to a Saturday night but I can see during that week that I have missed opportunities of getting good. I never come to my birthday but I can see that I have wasted many chances of getting better. I never go home on Sabbath from the discussion of a re ligious theme without feeling that I might have done it in a more successful way. How is It with you? If you take a certain number of bushels of wheat and scatter them over a certain number of acres of land, you expect a harvest In proportion to the amount of seed scat tered. And I ask you now, have the sheaves of moral and spiritual harvest corresponded with the advantages giv en? How has it been with you? You may make resolutions for the future, but past opportunities are gone. In the long procession of future years all those past moments will march; but the archangel's trumpet that wakes the dead will not wake for you one of those privileges. Esau has sold his birthright and there is not wealth enough In the treasure houses of heaven to buy It back again. What does that mean? It means that if you are going to get any advan tage out of this Sabbath day. you will have to get it before the hand wheels around the clock to twelve to-night. It means that every moment of our life has two wings, and that it does not fly like a hawk, in circles, but in a straight line from eternity to eternity. It means that though other chariots may break down., or drag heavily, this one never drops the brake and never ceases to run. It means that while at other feasts the cup may be passed to us and we may reject it. and yet after awhile take it. the cup-bearers to this feast never give us but one chance at the chalice, and. rejecting that, we shall "find no place for repentance, though we seek it carefully with tears." I stand before those who have a glo rious birthright. Esau's was not so rich as yours. Sell it once and you sell it forever. I remember the story of the lad on the "Arctic" some years ago the lad Stewart Holland. A vessel crashed into the "Arctic" in the time of a fog, and it was found that the ship must go down. Some of the passengers got off In the life boats, some got off in rafts; but three hundred went to the bottom. During all those hours of calamity Stewart Holland stood at the signal gun and it sounded across the sea. boom! boom! The helmsman forsook his place, the engineer was gone.and some fainted and some prayed and some blasphemed, and the powder was gone and they could no more set off the signal gun. The lad broke in the magazine and brought out more powder, and again the gun boomed over the sea. Oh, my friends, tossed on the rough seas of life, some have taken the warning, have gone off in the lifeboat, and they are safe: but others are not making any attempt to escape. So I stand at this signal gun of the gospel, sounding the alarm. Beware! beware! "Now is the accepted time; now is the day of salva tion." Hear it that your soul may live! HER FIRST TELEGRAM. Mamie Wm Ready to Put on Crap Be fore It Was Opened. "What Is it, Mamie?" "It's a boy, mum, with a telegraft." "A telegram! Oh, ask him if James Is killed!" "He says he don't know, "mum." "Ask him what he does know abom it." "He says all he knows about it is that it's marked 'collect, and he wants his money." "Oh, dear! Oh, dear! What shall I do? Here, Mamie, here's the purse. Oh, my poor James! I just knew some thing would happen to him before he went away this morning. Will they bring him home in an ambulance, Mamie?" "I s'pose so, mum. Maybe you'd bet ter read the telegraft." "I can't; I can't. Oh, it serves me right for not kissing him but three times when he left. And we've heen married such a short time, too!" "Why don't you open the telegraft. mum?" "Well, I .suppose I must, but, oh, I can't tell you how I dread it!" Reads telegram: "Will bring friend home to dinner. James." "The heartless beast!" New York Morning Journal. ODD FACTS ARE THESE. It is estimated that the people of Eng land spend $750,000 a day in moving. The number of draught dogs In Bel glum is probably not less than 50,000. About 500 acres have been planted to grapes in the vicinity of Mattewan. It is estimated that the United States has fully 2,000 separate railway compa nies. A whale, when struck by a harpoon, can not swim faster than nine miles an hour. The sting of the black scorpion is much more to be dreaded than that of the gray. BACK TO OLD RATIO. SILVER UNDER FREE COINAGE WOULD SOON INCREASE. Outlining the Forces Which May lie Expected to Work Together to Re establish Former Comparative Values of the Two Metals. George H. Sebley in Chicago Record: The stand .The Record has taken In publishing both sides of the money question is praiseworthy journalism. As an important factor in this cam paign of education is the elimination of undisputed points I trust it will per mit a believer in bimetallism to admit some of the points made by the dis tinguished gentleman whose letter ap peared in The Record of Wednesday, June 19, Mr. James II. Eckels, comp troller of the currency. Mr. Eckels, in the article above men tioned, says: "A careful study of many of the arguments advanced by the ad vocates of the free coinage of silver shows them to be justly open to legitimate criticism." Undoubtedly he is correct as to some of the arguments advanced by the advocates of a bi metallic law for the United States at 1G to 1, but many of the arguments ad vanced by both sides do not realy touch the question at issue, except as they show what motives have actuated legis lation in the past and the monetary principles to be observed in deciding upon a remedy. The principal fact which character izes the gold standard as unjust is this: Since the tie was severed which previous to 1873 bound silver and gold together, so as to make them through out the world, for monetary purposes, practically one metal a bimetallic standard the measure or standard of exchange value in the gold-standard countries has increased so that in Eng land during January and February, 1895, the wholesale prices of commod ities were 40 per cent lower than on the average of the years 1867-77, which Is the average of the twenty-five years 1853-77 (Sauerbeck's table of prices, March number of Statistical Society's Journal). Forty per cent is 66 2-8 per cent of 60; In other words, the exchange value of gold increased 66 2-8 per cent as compared with the periods above mentioned. In the United States the increase has been fully 75 per cent. (See senate report on "wholesale prices and wages for fall in prices to 1S92.) The far-reaching effects of this appre ciation of the measures of exchange can only be realized when its effects are considered in detail; one of the prin cipal effects of falling prices is to dis courage production; lessened produc tion results finally in lessened wages, and large numbers of men out of em ployment. Another evil is that the burden of all debts of eighteen years' standing are nearly doubled. Anoth er very important fact is that where prices are fixed by law, such as street car fares, gas rates, etc., the exchange value of the price so fixed has nearly doubled in the last eighteen years. Again, many prices are fixed by cus tom and so do not fall in proportion as other prices fall. There are several other ill effects which have followed as a result of the severance of the tie which previous to 1873 held silver and gold constantly to gether at about the mint ratio provided for in the bimetallic laws. While the ratio between silver and gold was fixed through the operation of the bimetallic laws, the exchange between silver-using countries and gold-using countries. The ill effects which followed the sev erance of the bimetallic tie we will not stop to enumerate. . As regards the criticisms which Mr. Eckles makes of the arguments for free coinage, the principal point which the writer wishes to make is that Mr. Eckles explains away the appreciation in the exchange value of gold. Mr. Eckles calls attention to the great increase in this country of bank ing facilities since 1873. Granting it, what does it demonstrate? Simply this: The extension of banks and clearing houses has economized the use of mon ey and so helped to keep general prices from falling to where without this econ omy in the use of money they would have fallen. In short, general prices would have fallen to a much greater extent had there not been in the United States the increase in the use of banks and clearing houses. In the future a proportionate extension in the econo mizing of money through the use of checks is not probable. Therefore, if the gold standard is continued, the fall in prices, so far as this cause is con cerned, is likely to be greater than in the past. Furthermore, the tendency to make cash payments by those who do not check against a bank account is in creasing and should be encouraged. Dut keeping cash on hand diminishes the rapidity of circulation and so tends to lower prices. (Same effect. Prof. Marshall, advocate of the gold stand ard, In his evidence before English gold and solver commission, sec. 9659.) Another principal point which Mr. Eckles makes is that silver is now used very largely as money in the United States, and that France and the other states of the Latin union and many of the other states of Europe are using large quantities of silver. All this is true, but it does not alter the fact that in gold-standard countries the measure of exchange value has nearly doubled in the last eighteen years as compared with the twenty-five years preceding 1877. As to the use of silver as standard money (this is the third principal point which Mr. Eckels considers), it is to be noted that by 1887 not only gold prices had fallen, but silver prices also had fallen, though not to so great an extent; they had at this time fallen 10 per cent. (Evidence taken by the English gold and silver commission. And this, too, in the face of the dis continuance of free coinage of silver by Germany, the Latin union and sev eral other of the European states tnd the United States; the sale of immense quantities of silver by Germany and the Scandinavian kingdom, and the out put of the Comstock lode a lode which is now worked out. At present silver prices are only a trifle above the average of the eleven years, 1867-77. Silver prices, there fore, have been stable as compared with gold prices. If the United States concludes to treat silver as it treats gold, namely, give it free coinage and at 16 to 1, the result will be that all our gold will be cast into the European countries, thus cheapening gold by raising gold prices, the place which gold occupied being taken by silver drawn from the silver using countries, thus enhancing the value of silver. We hold about one-seventh of all the gold money in the world. Hy casting this off and drawing from the silver using countries enough silver to supply its place we take about one-third of all the silver money in circulation in silver-standard countries. This will doubtless re-establish the ratio of 16 to 1 or 16V& to 1, which is practically the re-establishment of the bimetallic standard throughout the world, thus making them one metal for monetary purposes. Previous to 1873, when the ratio between silver and gold, was con stant at about the legal ratio, fluctua tion was half a point each side of 15 to 1. f If necessary the United States can withdraw from its circulation the na tional bank notes and let silver certifi cates take their place, and can, in fact, go further by withdrawing all the United States notes until such time as they may be reissued and the ratio of 16 to 1 be undisturbed. This additional use of silver, com bined with the amount which takes the place of gold, would make the total additional use of silver by the United States about $1,300,000,000, or one-half of all the silver money outside the gold-standard countries. The silver in the gold-standard countries is mint ed at 15 1-2 to 1, or 15 to 1, and so will not come to the United States with its 16 to 1 law, unless a gold-standard country enacts a law to give up its silver, and this Is not likely in the face of the bimetallic sentiment in all gold standard countries, besides, our law can prohibit the importation (direct or indirect) of silver from gold-standard countries. It is believed that when the United States makes the start it will not be obliged to exert its full strength, for it will not be alone in securing a re turn to bimetallism, for there are several American countries which can assist by enacting bimetallic laws, thereby throwing their gold into Euro pean countries and so helping to secure the re-establishment of the 16 to 1 ratio. Furthermore, before the United States, if acting alone, should have drawn to herself anywhere near the amount of silver above stated, the low ered prices for articles now exported from silver-standard countries would result, as to many of them, in their production being unprofitable as com pared with their other productions; and with a lessened supply from the silver using countries the price in gold-using countries would rise above them as compared with other commodities in such countries. This applies to cotton, wheat, corn, oats and other grains. During the past years these products have been unduly lowered in gold standard countries through the fall in the ratio between gold and silver; a reversal of policy would for a time give them an advantage. As soon as the prices of articles of trade between gold standard countries and silver-standard countries become such that sixteen and one-half ounces of silver will purchase as much as one ounce of gold then the bimetallic standard is assured. Another important factor in the re establishment of the ratio of 16 to 1 is the fact that in the countries wherein the money power has not yet secured the establishment of the gold standard changes in price take place slowly, owing to the habits of the people and the absence of information. This will result in silver coming out of those countries very slowly, and thus the great demand created in the United States not being quickly met will re sult in silver soon reaching an ex change value of 16 to 1. An Interested Listener. The Rev. J. F. Wilcox, of Chicago, having been locked out of his church last Sunday proceeded to preach on the sidewalk. His congregation con sisted of one man. The teacher read his text and Bible lesson. The con gregation sat down on the curb and ap peared interested. The minister plunged into his part of the subject and delivered an impressive sermon. Then he pronounced the benediction, and, grasping the man by the hand, said: "Brother, your presence has been a source of gratification and pride to me. May I inquire who you are?" "I am a reporter," said the man. New York Tribune. A Kind Heart. Mrs. Kindie (reading letter) My goodness! Aunt Hetty, your great aunt, you know, is coming on a visit, and may be here any moment. Daughter Yes, ma. "You are younger than I am, deal. Hurry up to the attic and bring down that green pasteboard box lying among the old clothes and things in the cor-' ner. There are two green boxes there. Which do you want." "Bring the one with those outlandish Christmas presents Aunt Hetty sent us, and put them on the parlor table." A London omnibus carries on an average 2,500 passengers each week. ' Old Heads and Young Hearts You sometimes see conjoined In elderly in dividuals, but eldom behold an old man or woman as exempt from Infirmities as In Touth. But these infirmities maybe miti gated in preat measure by the daily nd regular use of Hotetter's Stomach Hitters, an invisjorant, anti-rheumatic and sustain ing medicine of the highest order, which also removes dyspep ia. constipation, bill iousness and kidney trouble It is adapted to the use of the most delicate and feeble. Fanny Mozart was a petite beauty, of exceedingly pleasing address. Her manners were very fascinating and she had a confiding, sympathetic way that won all hearts. Co'g Cough Balaam Is the eldest and beat. It will break up a Cold .qui r taaa anything else. It Is always reliable. Try It. Never step over one duty to perform another. Take them as they come. The man who does not Improve his talent will be sure to misjudge his mas ter. 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Catalogue, a work of art m that show every detail ox Teerles Columbia and su 23)1 23i 23!; perb Hartford. The book is free if you call at a Col ombia agency; by mail for two 2-cent stamps. i5 ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR If MPERIAT &BANU&T The BEST F0o0E INVALID S JOHN CARLE & SONS. New York. A Beeman's. Pepsin Gum, THE PERFECTION OF CHEWING GUM. A Delicious Remedy For all Forms of INDIGESTION. CAUTION" See tbat tho nanu llemaa Is on eacb . rappt r. Knh t ah' ft contains one ,..r? TralQ pure pepsin. If the -1 from dealers, send 5 cents In stamps for sample p-ieknse to 11 K EM A.N (HEMICALCO., 1 nan( St.. Cleveland, O. Originators of Pepsin Chewinij Gum. Regulates the bowels: assists dentition; cures dia rhea and. dysentery in the worst forms; cures canker sore throat; is a certain preventive of diph theria; quiets and soothes all pain; nvigorates the stomach and bowels; corrects all acidity; will cure griping in the bowels and w nd colic. Mothers, try tsis jrood safe Syrup. Prepared by the EMMERT PROPRIETARY CO.. CHICAGO. fQ? JfOMP Wagon Any elze you want, SO to 58 IncI.e h I g h. Tiret 1 to N In ches wide hut to fltanr axle. NaTri Cot many times In a ae. son to hare vet of low wheels to fit your wagon fsrkinllnf Train, fodder, man ure, hogs, &e. No. resetting; of tires Catrpres. AdUreos Empire Ufa;. Co P. O. Box S3, Quincy DAVIS iiAiiii on POWER CREAM $EPM!AT0 One-third more baiter and of higher quality than by othsr known systems. 8AVC3 MONEY AND LABOR Bites from t to t,00C Cows. Pamphlet Mailed F. Agents Wanted DAVIS RAMiair BLDO. AND MfO. (X)., Sole U anafsctiirsrs. Chieaco. IU. 4Mji: nth ALL ILSL f 'mm tit ni-kl All flKf IAIL In tniA R-htA Kv FmttHrll It fills, f ,:-g rH ' 1 r t'lT-.fisV-ssMsj mm t iff II II W I I i w