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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1895)
WEEKLY JOURNAL, THURSDAY, APRIL, 4, 1895. IX AMD AROUND TDK TOWN. The Lincoln Journal suggests that Li IIudr Chang is the first Chinaman to be shot in the face since the com- mencement of the war. W. L.. Ackerman and A. C. Helps, recent arrivals in Alliance from Havelock. have cone to work in the machine shops here. Alliance Grip. Slam Shumaker still has faith lit the lightning rod as a lightning protector, and has bought a supply with which to furnish his customers and he makes a good argument in its favor, too. Cot. Holoomb Thursday afternoon sent to the senate the name of Robert Damarel of Red Cloud to be superin tendent of the ilastings insane asylum. rice Dr. Johnson, resigned. Col. M. D. Polk of the News passed his S7th milestone Friday, and aside from a stoop in his shoulders and the loss of several front teeth, the colonel is still pretty much of a spring chicken. Messrs. Davies and Orton of this countv had the good sense to vote against the Liambourn bill for the per manent location of the state fair at Lincoln, and helped to make up the number of votes necessary to kill it. At the public school declamatory contest at Weeping Water Thursday Miss Dot Girardet was selected to represent the schools of that town in the district contest, which occurs in this city next Friday night, April 5th. Presiding Elder L. F. Britt of Plaatstnouth filled the pulpit at the M. E. church Monday evening and de livered a verv interestinc sermon. He also announced a revival to begin Thursday evening. Louisville Cour ier-Journal. People about the town are wonder ing where the Pabst Brewing company secured the photograph of our farmer friend, Sam Barker. A glimpse at the pictufe of his goatship which adorns the Pabst bock beer lithographs will explain the connection. The Plattsmoutii Journal, says that Sj ith Hires, who is quite well known in this county, has rented a farm in Cass county, quit drinking and proposes to make a man of him self. We hope Tiie Journal knows what it is talking about. Nebraska City News. Nebraska City had another lire in the business portion of the town early Friday morning. The loss, how ever, was only slight, amounting to 8500. During the last two or three months Nebraska City has had about "steen dozen" fires, and several of them caused considerable loss. Some twenty of her lady friend? in vaded the parlors of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Petersen on Saturday evening in honor of the 39lh birthday of Mrs. 1'elcit.cii, bom the completely sur prised. The evening was passed in various social amusements and thus present report a m-"st enjoyable even ing. From the Courier-Journal we glean the information that Horace Brown and Tom l'armele, both of whom are ex-Plattsmouthians, are candidates for trustees of the village of Louis ville. The election occurs next Tues day but it is not too late to import several dozen voters from Plattsmouth to cast their votes for the boys. As a financial. investment there is none better than to keep your build ings and ' farm implements well painted. It saves far more than it costs, besides it looks so much better to see everything painted up new every few years, Try this plan and you will thank The Journal for the suggestion. The Tecumseh Journal says: A bashful young man of Tecumseh, while attending revival meetings, was approached by an t arnest young lady. who said to him: "My dear friend, it would do my heart good to lead you to the altar." The young man hesitat ingly replied that he appreciated the honor, but as he was already engaged to two girls he could not accommodate her. Lee Sharp of Omaha was in town Fridav visiting among old-time friends. He is now conducting an electric machinery repair shop and is doiue utfll his mother and brother living with him. He says, by the way, that thtt most wonderful- revolution is joint: forward among the people on the silver question in Omaha, and new converts to free silver aie made every day. The bill providing for the perma nent location of the state fair at Lin coln hs been indefinitely postponed, and ms th,e lepialaturf will adjourn on April 5i h, the bill is now completely dead. Having lost the fair in a con test before the state board of agricul ture, Lincoln should have been con tent to lay plans to get it back again by legitimate means, without playing the bay wet and seckinir Hip assist ance f n vi'e V'laka leifiMutm? . Xhe tfT'tss wHriiintiij of ttie B'irlington 5:ilwa' for t tie month of February .vere 12,060,550, a riecita.e of $367,342 from the same month of last year. The operating expenses were $1,454,- 169, a decrease of $9S,919. The net earnings from traffic over operating expenses were G06,SS1, a decrease o t26S,423. With total expenses and charges balanced against the earnings for the month, there is a deficit of t20S.G19. Mrs. Mary Wolf of Cedar Creek is now in the city for the treatment of her daughter, whose left foot has not been of much use to her, the cords of the insten having crown fast to the bones. Dr. Humphrey performed an operation on the foot some days ago, loosening the muscles or cords so that the foot can grow into a normal con dition. A shoe with proper braces has been prepared for her to wear, so that nature can be helped. Information from Thayer, Mo gives the news of the death in that town on Tuesday last of Mr. S. II. Davis, after an illness with pneu monia. Mr. Davis made his home in this city for several years with his son Frank Davis, and with the latter has been living in Missouri for the past year. He had passed his three score years and was no doubt prepared to g having been a member of the Method ist church for a great many years. The three-year-old child of Andy Artttrbun. living five mile southwest of Blue Hill, this state, was fatally burned Wednesday last. The parents were out doing their evening chores and when they returned, being attrac ted by the scream of the child, they found the little girl in flames and a cradle in which was an infant all ablaze. The whole room was afire. The child died the day following after suffering untold agony. The case of Clyde Opelt, charged with having violated rules of the ex cise board in the sale of liquors out of hmirs, has been continued nine times. It was to hav been tried March 26, but it seems to have dropped out of sight and all queries regarding its dis position are met with replies which in dicate that those questioned do not know. The police record shows the last continuance to March 26, but Captain Mason says be dees not know what has been done with the case. Lincoln Journal. We learn that Col. Polk's News, on the strength of its being the official city paper for this year, will insist on publishing all of the saloon license notices every day in two weeks, as the law contemplates, and will charge inereior the run legal rate is :.. TLeNewi insists that once a week for two weeks is not a legal publication; that the question was raised in Beatrice last year and the full two weeks" publication was required and it therefore has a right to demand the full leeal rate. In our opinion Col. Polk's position is about right, but whether the saloou men will stand it is another question. State of Ohio, City of Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner ol the firm of I . J. Cheney Sc Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state afore said, and that said firm wiil pay the sum of one hundred dollars for each acd every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall s Catarrh Cure, Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Cth day of Decem ber. A. D. 15SS. seal: A. W. Gleason, Notary Public. H all's Catarrh cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Sind for testimonials, free. F. J. CnENEY & Co.. Toledo, O. C?ESold by druggists, 75c. The South Omaha postoflice was en tered by burglars the other night and the safe was tapped to the tune of $,000 in money , stamps and registered letters. Sonth Omaha's postmaster will now know enough to store his stamps in a bank vault. Estray Notice Taken up as an estray by the undersigned at bis resi dence on section 28, town 11, range 14 east, in Cass county, Nebraska, one tow hog marked with left ear off and wallow fork in right. Is black with home white spots, and weighs about 160 pounds. I. S. White. March 28, 1895. 14-5. 100,000 to loan. National Exchange Co See adv't. another column 14. Magnet Chemical Co. Gentlemen: --Of the many Pile pre parations which l have used I found none to do the work so quick and com plete as Magnet Pile Killer. It is "quick relief and positive cure," as you say. very grateruuy yours. ALmEUB M. rRICE, Traveling Salesman, Maryville, Mo. For sale by Gering & Co. LK! Notlca. In the district court of Cans county, Nebraska : In the in tier or the estate or Dennett W. fierce deceased. Tbla Cfiuae came on for bearing upon the peti tion of Walter J. V hlte. administrator of tbe estate of Bennett W. Pierce, deceased, praying for llcenae to aell lota fifteen and sixteen, block nine. South Park addition to the city of J'latta zneuth, or a aaSiclent amount of the same to bring the sum of tMSO.OU. for the payment of debts allowed against said estato and the cons of administration, there not being sufficient personal property to pay the said debts and ex- penseit. It 1 therefore ordered that all persona Interred In nald estate appear before me at i'Inrgmni!tb.'ebroeka. r the 2d day of May, lt-V at one o'clock p. m., to show cauo vtbr a llc'Tise htfld not be granted to said adminis trator to sell so much of tbe aboye described ral estate of the aald deceased as shall be ueeeiiary to pay said debts and expense. Dated this lath day of March, 15 Hi SAM'LM. CHAPMAN. Judge of the District Court. HAYDEN BROS Liar oil Sales. The ereatest effort wo have ever made to offer matchless bargains in superior croods of well know makes. Domestic X. incus. Lawrence L L Muslim Alpine, Fine Drown Arrow, Fine lirown 5 ColumbuB, soft finish, Bleached Mublln. ..5 Farwell bleached Muslin ' Cabot Bleached Muslin Fruit of the Loom Muslin 8 10' Wide Sheeting 121-4 10i Wide Blcathvd Sheeting 13 Sateena, Domestic, fine Ginghams and wash labrics and all the latest styles, at leas than half usual prices. Table Idnens. The newest designs at 2Sc, 35a, 37c, 50c, 624c up to the finest goods made, with napxina to match, at prices never before dreamed of In the lne u trade. Iinen Towels. Wonderful variety and low prices. 10c linen tmi-Bia t r fine frlnce towels at idc, extra quality 25c linen towels at 15c. Large lOcbath towels at 5c. Extra large roc lain toweis at iuc; 23c bath towels at 15c. White Dotted Swiss At Pc, 124c, 15c. lSc. 2-V up to the nnesi maae, il m.i .necial sale urices. White Swls with colored dots as well as colored Swisses. White Nainsook checks at 10c. 12ie and 15c India Linens at 74c. 10c, 124c. 15c, ISc. 20c and 25c. Bod Spreads. Endless variety. In every grade from 60c e&cb up to 15.00. Xadies, Do you want a NOBBY JACKET ? Yon can get one of the very latest style In our cloak and suit department in black, navy, brown or tan, at 3.35. W.flO. 15 90 or IC.&I. Or tn Misses' sues 14 it is or ao vear at t3 63. tZ 19. 14.95. Tbei-e are the beat good for the money In Omaha. Thevarealno showing a splendid stock of ladles all wool cape at tl.&u, f 1.95. K 45, 13. 00, 13.45. 13 75. 11.90. 15.00 and J5.V0. Our stock of dnmsea. sklrtK. walsta, etc.. Is oow complete. Special sale of 300 Mclntosnes. heavy wool, plaid, tan and brown, at K.19, worth to.OO. Our dress goods and silk department carry the only complete lines of fabrics to be found lnthewet. Oreust assortment at absolutely the very lowest prices. Spring: Clothing. TheM. II. Cook Clothin Co.'s clothing Is all this season's bet styles. Men's spring suit. Cook's price 13.00 to M.00 go at f J TS. Men's fine spring suits. Cook's price aud f 11. 00. for 15 00 Very finest spring uits In all stjlei. black cJay worsteds, silk mix tures and caslmere suits, worth from r.00 to S.CO. at 110 00 a -nil. p.oj 's knee pant suit at 11.50. Some splendid values in all wool pants at 95c, tl.25 and f 1.75 per pair. Groceries. Our prlc on grocerle. leas, coffee, spices and drlod fruits surpass tboe of any house In America. -atLfartioo or Your Mony Hack. OMAHA. NEII. SAM GOTMAHH & GO. WHOLESALE and RETAIL DEALEIIS IS Pure Wines, Liquors AUD THE BEST CIO AES. Sole Agents for the Celebrated MILWAUKEE Pabst Beer. Deliveries made to aaa part of city or shipped to any place. the WM. NEVILLE, RESIDENT MANAGER. First Premium at the Columbian Exposition The Singer Man'f'g Co. ui:ci:ivi:d 54 First Awards, Being the largest number of awarda obtained by any exhibitor and more than double the number received by all other Sewing Machine companies. Awards received on the following: Family Sewing Machines, V. S.No.2, I. F. C. B. and Single Thread Automatic Chain Stitch Machine, Sewing Machine Cabinet, Art embroideries. Laces. Cur tains, Upholstery. Artistic Furnishings, Hewing and Embroidery, Tapestry Ma chine Work. Alao 43 A wan! a. covering machines for manufacture in every line where a Sewing Machine can te usod on Wool Cotton and Silk Cloth. Knit Goods Leather, etc., for Ornamental Stitching Button holes. Eyelets, Barring, Over oaming, Staying, etc. AGENTS WANTED. The Singer LTfg Co "all Over tlio World." Hranoh Offl 1S16 Dourlaa St., Omaha Those tiny Capsules arc superior to lialaam of Copaiba, x Cubebii and Injections. iPrTil (Thcr core lnm houra the V J same discuses -without anyincoxv reuienco. S0LDBYAU.DRUQ&1STC MM Elson, the Cash Clothier With His Novelties of Spring Glothing, CO Shirts Men's Working Men's Blaek Sateen It will be money in you pockets to buy your Clothing, Hats, Caps. Boots and Shoes of 1EILIDEL Opposite Court House A. H. WECKBACH, DEALER IN FANCY and STAPLE GROCERIES QUEENS WARE, FLOUR and FEED Aul Kinds of VEGETABLES In Season. FISH OF EVERY DESCRIPTION ALWAYS IK STOCK. We are agents for the cele COFFEE! brated DIAMOND MILLS RO PR IE- CITY BAKERY TOR WHERE YOU CAN GET GOOD, FRESH BREAD At any time. Prompt attention clTen to order Agent lor Seven of the Best STEAMSHIP LINES. GIVE ME A CALL. Telephone 36. Miln Street, The City Hotel, Corner Main and Third Sts., PLATTSMOUTH. A FIRST-CLASS HOSTELRY IN EVERY RESPECT. REFITTED and REFURNISHED Special Attention Given to the Accommodation of Farmers. First-Class Bar iTor: CLEAN ROOMS AND TABLE Rates $1 Per Day. H. H. GOOS, Prop'r. H. O. LIVINGSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, I NSUEAHCB. PlatUmouth, - Nebraska BEESOIJ tz ROOT. Attorneys at Law, FUlTTSMOUTn. 2TJSB. OFI'ICB-Ftteserald block, otm PlntHsn bank SO HAS C3 "EES Q.3 i CD CO 5o CS9 in Large Variety. Shirts, White Shirts, Boys' ttDne CDosDn' What is - - - iV-- . - . - CS.' . . , ... Castoria is Ir. Samuel Pitcbcr'a prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Irops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor OIL It is Pleasant Its guarantee is thirty ycora use hy Millions of Mothers. Castoria is the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Cmatoria. U ao wcH adapted to children that X rrcommend it m auperlor to an j prewcriptioo known to me." II. A. Akhib, SL 111 So. OxTord SU Brooklyn. . T. " Th uao of 'Caatoria Ls so tmrreraal and Its merit so trail known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse it, Tvw are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within aaey reach. CaBIXS) atlKrrs, D. D Sew York City. Tfix OarzaCB $IOO,000. $lO0,O0O. We have $100,000 to loan at a low rate of interest on well-improved farm lands in Cass county. The National Exchange Co OiHoe: First otairo . L. Douglas 031SHOE isthc ersr. rrr roa akjn&. OQ12D OVA ntNCMavCNAMCUXQ CALF. 3.PCUCES0LCS. BKT fl. ursr VB auuioa Kaepis waar tbe W. L. Douglas $3s$4 Slices Jul oar shoes &re ecaan y They rtTS tha bast ralsw for the i -racy aqoal cast an I boas in styls and fit. Their waariog; qoalltl ara Bnaitrpaaacd. Ths prices ara nnirorm,-tajBrd en sola. Prom Si to S3 aarad arcr ether snakes, li your deader carxaot supply tog ve can. by JOSEPH FETZER. Whm Bahy was tick, ir cts bar Outsrta, When she was a CilM, she crlad far Castoria. ' THieaalie became Sllataiiaching to Castorla : Whan she had Ch n.lrea. shs gay thata Ckatorta, J " 1 xjrv.. 1 pyf 1 r- , Come rH Laundried shirts, shirts, Plattomontli, IJob. Castoria Civs tori a cures Colic, Oaost!patioD, Fxir Btomach, Diarrticpa, Eructaiion, Ililis TV onus, gives Bleep, tad promotes tt Cestion, Without injurious medication. Tor Bereral years X recomme&tlt your ' Castoria, and shall altrsrs continue U do so as It has lnrariahly produced benaSci results. Emm 7. Pinnrx, 2L D 125th Street and 7th Are New York Citj . Cowajtt, 77 Hcxut Srvxt, Kxw You Crrr oast of court House. JOHN WATERMAN, DEALER IN LTjmber and Coal. Hcodota coal f 4.13 Hard coal ........ .. 9.50 Can on Cit 7 coal...... .. 7.M H. D. TRAVIS, Attorney and Counselor at Law. TnXLL PRACTICE IN ALL THE COURTS. 01Jr-IC-Ilooms 1 and 2, lnln lll'lt. Plattsmoutli, - - - Ileb. STBEIQHT & SATTLEE, Saeecasors to Henry Itojck, Farniture i Undertaking Stores, ItneH, Iianos. Orgnnt Oux Parnltare lln U complete ln.srerr deto : i AnIaY88Jtlon It csilJila.ta conTlace.