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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (April 4, 1895)
DOINGS OF THE DAY, Tarious Bits of News of Interest to 'Journal" Readers. LINDSAY GOES TO THE PEN. Convict! or Manslaughter, fnctllit J At. Lindsay Is Taken To the Peniten tiary to Serve m Two Years' Sentence Joltings. Taken ta the l'eu. Pugilist Jas. Lindsay, sentenced to two years in the penitentiary for the killing of Fletcher Ilobbins, was taken to Lincoln this morning and landed in the pen. Sheriff Kikenbary and Deputy Ilyers accompanied the pris oner. Pending a decision on his ap plication for admission to bail by the supreme court, Lindsay will continue to be an Inmate of the penitentiary. Death of Airs. O'Keefe. Today's Bee says: "Mrs. Margaret O'Keefe, mother of John A. O'Keefe, James O'Keefe, Mrs. R. C. Cushing, of this city. Mrs. Robert Fitzgerald of Oklahoma City, Mrs. Xellie Moriarty of San Diego, Cal., Mrs. J. W. Flynn of Des Moines, Miss Maggie O'Keefe and Mrs. John Templeton, died Tues day night in Chicago at the residence of her son, John A. O'Keefe. Mrs. O'Keefe was well-known throughout Nebraska and resided in Plattsmouth with her son, John, for a period of fifteen years. She was beloved by al who were fortunate enough to have her acquaintance. She was a loving mothtr and a consistent Christian, and her death will be mourned by her children, grandchildren and a large circle of friends. Mrs. O'Keefe was 74 years of age and came to Nebraska In 1370. The funeral will take place in Omaha on next Sunday. Only the very best cigars sold at Ger ing &Co.'a. Anniversary of Appaiuatox. The members of McConihe post of the Grand Army are preparing to cele brate the anniversary of the surrender of Gea. Lee and his army, on Tuesday evening next, April 9,at White's opera house, to which the public is invited. The following prpgram of exercises has been prepared for the occasion: Jamie High School Band Song "America' Gran J Chorus Address of Welcome Hon. S. M. Chapman Song "Tenting oa the Old Camp Ground.. Glee Clue Address EossUn Condon, S. V.. Pres. W. It. C. of Ueb Song--"The Flag- Glee Club Address Comrade J. B. Strode Song Glee Club srrrEa. Address... Mrs. KateMcMaken Reminiscences and Songs By Comrades Closln? Song -Rally Round the Flag." The District Declamatory Contest. The third annual declamatory con test of southeastern Nebraska will be given in the First Presbyterian church on Friday evening, April 5. The best performers of southeastern Nebraska will be selected to represent our dis trict at the coming state contest to be held at Grand Island. Six gold med ala will be given to the winners in the different classes. An interesting pro gram is guaranteed. General ad mis BionSo cents. Visiting students 20 cents. Seats reserved at XebnhofTs without extra charge. We heard a gentleman remark the other day that when hard times struck the average citizen the first thing he did was to stop his paper; the next to take hischildren from the schools, and the next to quit paying the preacher, and thus imagine be was practicing economy; and the gentleman talks the truth. Great economy, isn't it ? Kill off the preacher and let your children grow up moral savages; kill off the teacher and raise your offsprings to be hewers of wood and drawers of ; water for the children of those who havemore sense-kill off your newspaper and see your town go down, business grow stagnant, and those children whom yon have decreed to be Intellec tual and moral dwarfs, loaf around for want or employment. This is wonderful economy. Current-Voice. Governor llolcomb has approved thirty bills. Including fiire which ap propriate a total of $448,000. The sum of $250,000 being for relief, $73,000 for completion of the state university library and $125,000 for legislative ex- . penses. A large part of the latter wil probably not be required and It wil therefore revert to the .treasury. In addition to an irrigation act, the best sugar bounty measure, and other bills that have become Jaws, the governor has signed an eyen dozen proposed constitutional amendments, and elec n.rm iar fall arill tiatrA an nnnnrnttn of voting a second big sheet of paper besides the regular ballot, at the gen eral election. A. B. Taylor or the precinct was down toward the south side of the county yesterday, and reports that he . never saw a finer showing for winter wheat and rye than there is now, and that everything Is looking first-class for the farmers. If there is not good crop of small grain in this county it will not be because it didn't get a --i a tart. Tom I'armela Is Injured. Cashier Tom Parmele of the Bank of Commerce goes about town by the aid of a pair of crutches, caused by a fall received white alighting from a freight train Wednesday night. He had been at I'lattsmouth and came home on the midnight freight, and in jumping off the caboose while the train was in mo tion he fell into a switch injuring his left knee cap and bruising him up pretty badly. Ills many friends hope for him a speedy recovery and tiiat no serious injury will terminate from the accident. Louisville Courier Journal. Beginning with April first and con tinulng for a month Uncle Sam wants every bit of mall that comes to or from the Plattsmouth postoflice weighed, and so it is with evt ry post oflice on a line of railroad in the United States, as upon the weight of the mail thus carried are the estimates made up upon which the railways are paid during the next four years. The month of April is chosen because it Is supposed to be the best average month in the year. The weight of a letter does not amount to much, but when it is taken into account that there are many tons of this matter sent or re ceived every year at or from the local postotlice, each letter cuts something of a figure. A remarkable slice of luck occurred to a Liverpool man a few years ago He was walking along a street of the great shipping headquarters when lie picked up a piece of paper which proved to be a bank note for XI, 000. He took it to a police station, and it was reported to the bank, but al though every effort was made it was never found possible to trace it to its owner, and after a considerable lapse of time the note was handed back to its lucky finder. Miss Cora Cook, a teacher in the Plattsmouth public schools for the past four years, handed in her resigna tion Monday and departed that even ing to accept a more renumerative position in the schoolsof South Omaha. MI? s Cook has an excellent record as an instructor, and the South Omaha school board is fortunate in being able o add her name to its corps of teach ers. The people of Cedar Creek have bern treated during the past three weeks to visit from a band ot roving medicine - .a m 9 . ft a a men advertising tne imauiia aieui- cine Uo., ana report says me innaoi- tants did nothing for days together but to attend the show, and when tbey got hungTy tbey would take does of the medicine instead of taking the trouble to cook a meal. We guarantee a fit in spectacles, or G eking & Co no sale. While Ed Horrigan, of Sheridan, was in the city yesterday the story got out somehow through his friend. Win. Nevilld, that Ed's mission east was looking up sundry stage beauties for Bill Cody's new show, and was espe cially in search of such as would look well in abreviated costumes. Whether it was true or not, The Jolknal can only refer to Mr. Neville. The Sherwin-Williams prepared paint covers most, looks best, wears longest, is most economical and of full measure. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Asher Clark's grocery is headquart ers for everything to be desired by those who will plant a garden and ex pect to realize on the seed planted. Early Ohio and Early Rose seed pota toes, first-class quality onion sets and the well-known brands ot Ferry and Lice garden seeds. Garden-planting time is closu at hand, and Clark has just the seeds you want. 23 Coleman, the jeweler, has all the new novelties in the jewelry line for the Easter season. Ladies new collar pins, watch charms,ribbon watch fobs, Sterling belt and hat pins, collarettes and the Egyptian bee pin the latest Easter novelty. Everything is new, low in price, and the ladies are invited to call and give them an inspection. The Patterson Bros, have taken the agency for the well-known -"Spalding" bicycle and have ordered a sample wheel. Tho "Spalding" has a well earned reputation of being one of the staunchest wheels on the market, and combined with its easy running qualities, it necessarily becomes a de sirable machine. Mrs. George Ballance and children departed this morning for their new home at Germantown, where Mr. Bal lance is now regularly employed as a locomotive engineer for the B. & M. - - 9 iiavmg resiueu nere lor many years the people of this city accept their de parlure with no little regret. Dr. Shipman is having his residence on West Locust street remodelled and will move his family back to this city after next week. The doctor has lived In Omaha for the past year, but is pleased in being able to again make his home iu this city. He will make his oflico at the Hotel Ililey. Flowkii Pots Tliia is the season to set out Jlowerlng plants, and Mc Court has a large assortment which ho is selling at cost. All the ladies who delight in flowers will be pleased if they call on McCourt and get a supply AT M'UOUKI"!) OHOCIJKY. C'rocerUn At Coot nntl I . Anythlna to (let Out OT Hie ltiittlncKS. A few sample prices are given bo ow: Tkas Bt-st Moyuneand Gunpowder tea, C0c; cost 75c. Best uncolored Japan, 40c; cost 40c. Great reduction in the price of Hour. Best canned corn, 10c, cost 10c. Is bound to Bell out and offers every thing at cost. A G UK AT nUlVU IN TOILKT SOAfd. Has a larce stock, and will sell for cost or less. Has a special diive in Graham toilets. Call, ladies, for bargains. When you paint your house, barn or vphiclt-s. tret the best naint. F. G. Fricke & Co. sell it. Tom Parmele was elected at Louis villo Tuesday as a member of the vil lage board of trustees, receiving the highest number of votes accorded any of the candidates. Verily IMatts mouth people, and especially those of democratic persuasion, are in the push Dr. Marshall. DENTIST Fitter aid block . Mllllnrry Auuuunrriiii nl. We take pleasure to say that we have itist onened the largest and lx'st se lected stock of mllliuerv rood- rver opened iu the city, consisting of jets buckles, stick-pins, strawbraids witl patent leather edge (something new) ribbons, very latest pattern, (a check a striped and moss rosebud), also i full and complete line of pattern hats all of the latest and best sty les, amoug them the Gould and Trilby, and sure to pleaee. Commencing on Wednesday Apri 3d, and continuing through the week we will give our kasteii open i so, am invite all the la-lies of Plattsmouth and vicinity to call and inspect for themselves the beauty and harmony of our great display. Our customers will remember tha our prices are always reasonable and befittine the times. Our shop Is still in Sherwood block. Tl't'KKU SlSTKUS. A new invoice of nickel alarm clocks just unpacked. Special price of 7o cents cash for thirty days. These clocks are fully warranted, have no superior for keeping correct time and are ordinarily sold for il.'2-i. Anvil CoLKStAN. Jeweler, Cart ultra old stand. LUt of Letter Remaining unclaimed in the postoflice at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, April 3. Don. Iraluard Jame, Mrs May Martin. Mr. AnJrcw Ncthcrlll, K. W. Persons calling lor any of theaboe letters or parcels will please say ad ertised." W. K. Fox, P. M. I'ruuilorut Whole! tirocr of Outuli Neb., Utile: To the afflicUd: everal years ago I tliseoveied a slight falling and biet-diiiguf the lower bowel which Jncita-id and bream t- very distressing. 1 made inquiry as tothe nature ot the disease and learut d that I bad a somewhat aggravated case of Hemorrhoids or Piles. Was told of several remediei and used them as di rected, obtaining thereby some tern- norarv relief. Not being satisfied with such slight relief I cast about for a per manent cure; when a friend directed the use of the famous Maonet File I used it. Immediate relief from pain followed, and soon a com plete cure was affected. very respeciruny, Oj-cau Allen. For sale by Gering & Co. KJ. Horrigan a prominent citizen of Sheridan. Wyoming. J. C. Horrigan of Omaha and J. H. Horrigan. the banker at Imogene, Iowa, visited with their aunt, Mrs. T. L. Murphy of North Sixth street over night. They left for their several homes this morn ing. Instead of being captured at Vera Cruz some weeks ago, as reported, it is now said that W. W. Taylor, the South Dakota defaulting treasurer, is now in Chile, and the Pinkertons are after him. Taylor seems to be as elu sive as the festive Ilea. The Tucker Sisters. Sixth street milliners, have secured an expert trimmer for their Easter trade in the person of Miss Lympus, who comes to this city after serving as trimmer in the wholesale houses for six years. 30 Fred Gorder, our former townsman, has been re-elected to the mayoralty of Weeping Water. This will be Fred's second term. The people of Weeping Water are to be congratulated on their good judgment. Eagle and Eclipse bicycles sold by T. E. Parmele, agent. Agency at Smith & Parmele'a drug store. Seo him be fore buying. 1m T. II. Pollock's new map of Cass county is a thing valuable for refer ence and as a guide. It's value will be greater as the years go on. Get one. Ladies, see those new hair orna ments at Coleman's, ju3t the style to setoff your new spring hat or bonnet. Mr. Meisinger reports that inquiries for farm implements are getting quite numerous since Sunday's rain. German Vegetable liver pills are without a rival. Sold only by Gering &Co. 9 At the Old Stand Again, Waterman Block, "xXnti-exe E2Ie ZESIa-s Opened, a, ZOrrci-r-Lc-a. ZbTe--r Stocks: of PRING - CLOTHING Hats and Gent's Furnishing Goods, Etc., of the Best Material, Workmanship and the Very Latest Styles. - - DONT Buy YOU HAVE SEEN HIS STOCK YOU WILL BE MORE THAN SURPRISED HOW LITTLE MONEY YOU NEED TO BUY FIRST-CLASS GOODS. - asm M9H MM imi I n JOURNAL OFFICE REMOVED. Tiik JoruNAk oflico has been re moved from th Fitgf raid block to No. : Main street, commonly knon as the Drew building, where it wil! have more commodious and roomy quarters, and to which place it cordially iuvited ill its patrons. Come and sve us, and lon't forget the pl-tee-.'i0S Main street Drew building. The fiewrsl and latent designs in wall paper at Gering .V Co.V The inruibers f li e Young Ladies Heading Itoorn As.' cUlicn met at the public library rooms on Monday aflir- non and elected rfliceit (or the en.-oi-tng ear. the reruilt Iwing as follow.: Frenhtent Olhe .1 .-.. Vice-president A Her I a ilyers. S cr-iary Alma Waterman. Treasurer Margaret O'Kourke. Much of l h good work accomplished by the public library for the good of the young people of tin city, has been accomplished by UiU association, as it was through their efTon lhat. a public library was made pos-lble tit the town. It goes without sajing lhat the good work dooe by the young Indies is thoroughly appreciated. I.IHiSton lllchl ru;urr. A.C. Fry & Sons will pasture stock for the ensuing soasou on Livingston Heights. Custom is solicited. 1-lm Statk of Ohio. City of (, Lucas Co. f Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner or tht liim of F. J. Cheney c Co., doing business in the citv of Toledo, county and state afore said, and that said llrm wiil pay the sum of one hundred dollars for each and every case of catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Core. l' UANK J. ClIKNEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this day of Decem ber, A. I. 18SG. seal: A. W. G leason. Notary I'ublic. Hall's Catarrh cure is taken inter nally and acts directly on the blood and raucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, f rea. F. J . Cheney & Co., Toledo, O. gJTSold by druggists, 75c. Application for Dragglst'i i'eruilt. To whom It uiajr concern: Notice Is hereby given that the nndertlRned Lave fllod their ap plication with the city clerk or the city of hatunioulh. Can county, Nebraska, for a drtiRKlBt'a permit to sell aplrituoua and vinous ILjuora for medicinal, mechanical and culinary nuriKMtes at their place of business on the wet half of lot 3. block 35, In said city of 'ltt moutu, for the period of one jer from May 1 , SMITH fc PAKMhLh. April 5, 18'J5. Application for IrtiKrUt,a Termlt. To whom It may concern: Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned have, tiled their ap plication with the city clerk of the city of PlattsiDouth, Cass county. Nebraska, for a driiKKlst'a permit to sell spirituous and vHioua liquors for medicinal, mechanical and culinary purpose at their place of buMiiess on the west Calf of lot 8. block 34. in said city of Platts mouth. for the period of on.jjwmMgl. April B.1HU5. Application for Dragglst' Permit. To whom It may concern! Notice Is hereby given that the underslKiied have filed their application with the city clerk of the city of Plattsmouth. Cass comity. Nebraska, for a druKKlst's permit to sell spirituous and vinous lluuors for medicinal, mechanical and culinary mirooscs at their placo of business on part of Foul and 2 ? block 84.1a said city of iMatts mouth. for the period of one yarhgr Mar I. April 6, 1895. o a Dollar's Worth Z2nT $500,000.00 DRY GOODS CionlZi . Millinery. Shoes. (irahilnl Mle t:r Ifr'tl by BOSTON STORE onvculrs rrit wlih ech rOrr Rxtr nl o vav!lr lo lhe ho I rlns In t'tl .Uvriicn. -nt wlih them. N. W. Cor. 16th and Douglas Sts , OMASA, NEB. MAII ORDItS Tl LED For?-.00 and over idv. Money refunded fr ny ! t tf nctory. T nnl.lAt.lK.rhl'll niil.!lll 6 CV Lawrence L L. unbleached mtiMln 3cjd Amoskean apron chock ginghams j r y Outing tlanncl- good grade & c ya Men's Furnishing: Goods. tl.SS Men's white Uundricd ehlrts AO 75c Men's neKllKCe shirts 2. II.SS Men's lik neckwear 23 tl 00 Quality men's Kalbrlggaa, medium welir'it. tinilerwrar S ln'iiill linen ruffs O Men's l.'c all linen collars' Tn thlft aitdil .3 Silks and Dress Goods From the great trade auction sale In New York, whore II. U. Clatlin, .M and-all Field and our selves were the largest buyers. Extra heavy ft.TSbl'k grosKrsIn silk....... .OS 21 inch strictly all silk, dark ground, China sllk.costiioc to Import, at 50C quality, all wool . Henrietta and Cash- mere, in black and all colors '' Suits. Cap os. Waists. Skirts Ladies' all wool, 2 piece suits, lateM style, extra large sleeve, skirt M-lth 3 box Plates, all hIzcs. blue and black, worth W. 60. goat f 3 oh Ladles' double capes, of French broad cloth, large satin ribbon bow full sweep. Hlack. navy and tau, all sizes, worth fo.00, go at 1.81)0 Ladles' capes. Serge. BroaMojh; Clay Worsted and Coveit cloth, plain or fancy trimmed, worth 10 00. go at.. 1.08 Ladles' silk waists, with extra largo sleeves, very newest styles thli year, the 5. 00 ones ko at .0 the 7.M) waUtsgo at s)3.oa. the $10.00 waists goat ....... -J" Separate dreis skirts. In navy blue, black and serge, each ", ao All wool drees skirt, made In w ide walo and fancy materials, lined throughout and with new CJodet back, only .08 Ladles' 3.00 Dongola button shoes, any style toe.and all lasts l.oO Men's $3.00 Jersey Calf, lace and congress shoe, at l.fiO BOSTON STORE N. YV.Cor. 10th and Douglns St., Omaha. Attorney at Law, PLATTSMOUTH, NKIJ. OFFICE: Second Roorof theTo.1d block. eat of the court houte. m ".;(trt:tp - jig the t.-rgv -i -. -lore in Ou-al-a, ownit.g our own building an-.i p.iii:g no ie,!, together h- f.c: t l-uy ig h:i-1 sellingour :f f" o sh, enables us to ne5l !?. f n fs too..-;, than any other h"-! :n Aim-rica. UNTIL AND PRICES. 71 ft A SURE AND SAFE WINNER. A tore rare for 0norrhcr. ilet. Uororrbcrs (white), nd all on healthy ilcharice. I'oltlTe pre vrntltlr for Stricture. ITIce. BOtU. $nt prepaid on receipt of price. Addre, RELIANCE CHEM. CO., P. O. Box 634. Omaha. Neb. T.J. THOMAS & SON kki:i ox TiiF.n: iiuoks roi: s w.k at, . . . MKAT MARKET The l.t ssl mejiS in the market. PRESH . . - BEEF, PORK, MUTTON, VEAL, POULTRY, FISH. CCHESIEID . . . HAMS, BACON, CANNED GOODS, Etc. In fact, everything you want tbat is the most palatable for the tab!e, " and in the best stle ami form. Call and we will prove it. T. T. THOMAS lz SOIT, Fitzgerald blk. Main St., Plattsmouth SAM GUHAHfl & GO. WHOLESALE aod RETAIL i DEALERS IN Pure Winec, Liquors AND THE BEST CIGARS. Sole Agents for the CUbratd MILWAUKEE Pabst Beer. DellTerles made to as' part of the city or shipped to any place. WM. NEVILLE, RESIDENT MANAGER. BEES ON & ROOT, Attorneys at Law, PLATTSMOUTII, NEB. OFFICB-rUiRerald block, oyer FirstNat'l bank LADIES DO 100 KNOW DR. FELIX LE BRUN'S STEEL BHD PEJIHYROYHL PIUS i:tlioo.-ii!iu& and only FRENCH, pafeandr ;'..vbie enre on tne market, trice Kl-UUi sont ViaiJ. Ucutiico sold oaly by Fricko & Co., Druggists. Proprietor