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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1894)
3latt5moulIi Journal rLAlTsilOL"i!L. DON'T. Don't uae an Inch ru to measure your life: The horizon, the peeks In the sky. Are always at hand let your living be planned To a scale which such objects supply. Don't wear yourself out In an Ipnoble strife; There are otjects worth while to achieve. Atd they lie within reach of the humblest and teach A frospel the world will receive. Don't paze at a copper with look so intense Its Impress is stamped on your mind: Twas a miser was led by a penny who said: Look out for each cent that you find. Take care of the dollars, you'll have enough cents To keep yon from poverty's door: Ecjoy what you're pot without castlnc your lot With spendthrifts or nigrards galore. Don't pet in a rut take a main-traveled road Worn smooth by the many who pass: If you travel in "trucks" you will follow the hacks That oupht to be turced out to grass. It matters but little what Bort of a load You carry or whither it (roes: 11 you journey aripht the burden is lipht And you are ready for friends or for foes. William S. Lord, in Chicago Record. TWO GOOD TURNS. BY WALTER L. SAWTER. R. BALCO M rose early that morning, and he hurried off to the city as Boon as he had twallotred some breakfast That was not his way. and Mrs. B a J c o m wondered; but. Ik. I being- a pood wife, she asked no questions. Before she had fully ac commodated herself to the novel event, the man-of-ail-work pave her another surprise, presenting a telegram which set forth that his sister was ill and needed him. Of course Mrs. Balcom let him go. It did not occur to her that the double departure left her and the children unprotected, and if it had the would have smiled at the idea of cancer. She did not know that there was a burfrlar in town. .Mr. Kalcom d.d know. As he came tip from the train the evening1 before, his neighbor Jones had stopped him to whisper that the Ilartshorne house had been entered and judiciously ransacked. The Ilartshornes were in Europe. The care-taker had been sojourning in that other foreign land, a drunkard's para dise, but as soon as he came out of it he discovered the robbery and hastened to ask Jones' advice. Jones, who had a nervous mother-in-law. suggested that the matter l-e kept as quiet as pos Biole; and ha wanted to know if Mr. Balcom "You did just right," Mr. Balcom in terrupted, when the story had gone thus far. "These country constables would frighten every woman into hysterics. but they wouldn't catch a burglar once in a thousand times. Professional, is he?" So I fcptwse. Re seems to have gone into the house and throu thoucrh he Knew his business." rh it as "I'll back my burglar-alarm aga.nst him!" Mr. Balcom chuckled, confident ly. "How about Ben Ezra?" the neigh bor cskeJ. "No fear of him. You see, my stable is as well protected as my house ' Mr. liaicom explained. "I act is, Id soon er lose half there is in the house than that horse. Little off his feed, the poor fellow is. I hul a veterinary out yes terday to look at him. and I can't drive him for a week. I guess I " "1 surnose we oasrht to do some thing." Mr. Jones ventured to hint. He knew that if allowed to go on Mr. liaicom would talk about his horse un til the bursrlar and the listener died a natural death. "Oh, of course we must trip the fel low before he goes any further. Tell you what: 1 know a private detective who was on the Boston force for years k eg enough to get acquainted with very rascal in the country. I'll bring Jam home with me to-morrow to look over the pround. It would be tetter to pay him a hundred than have the thing gel out and bedevil the women." "Yes, indeed!" said Mr. Jones, fer vently. So it was decided. And after the neighbors had exchanged the usual re mark's on the dryness of the sason and the need of rain, Mr. Balcom ftauntered homeward, calm in that contentment which a managing man has a right to feel. Lie kissed his wife and children and then he went out and caressed his horss. With the burglar's accomplish ments in mind he looked carefully to the lo-.-ks and the alarms. They were perfect and in order. He went to bed in p.tce. That nignt, however, he had a horrid dr:am. It seemed that Ben Ezra was stolen; that he had expended his for tune in seeking the horse; that f nally, when he had sunk to a leggar outcast, he found the wreck of Ben Ezra haul ing a garbage cart! The dream so wrought upon Mr. Balcom that he awoke in a cold perspiration. He rushed to the stable and proved it only a dream. But it might be a warning: That superstitious fancy lingered with tim ugh the hours of dusk and daw I the early glate pf an August euu -ot dispel it It hurried him to t" rty. as has been told. Looking at it in the light of his new knowledge, Mr. Balcom could see many reasons why Maple Park should attract a burglar, lis isolated and un guarded location is one; the smallness and sleepiness of the town that it fringes is another Seekonket has only two constables and one hand fire engine though to be sure, it has four churches and the aristocratic resi dents cut themselves otT from all these " by building on the further Bide of Greenleaf's hilL As Maple Park kt : Ids aloof from Seekonket ao TO n i ... Seekonket keeps away from Manle Park; and Mr. Balcom wondered, the longer he thought of it, that some frowsy Napoleon did not organize his army oi tramps ana obliterate Maple park, sure that the deed would never come to light until a wandering peddler passed that way! Mrs. Balcom was not imaginative, and no such terrors ever oppressed her. If she had formulated her rule of life she might have said that unpleasant things were best let alone, to be dis posed of in a bunch at the day of judg ment. She was young enough to en joy her money, and old enough to ap- preciEte her health; and since her daughters had not reached a marriage able t-ge, neither her health nor her money seemed in danger. Of course she should have been, as she was, a happy woman. She spent her day as the truly happy must in small activi ties that amuse one and make one feel useful but not fatigued. So accustomed was she to a routine of quiet, that when the cook appeared excitedly be fore her she was slow to realize that this particular day might prove an ex ception. "The stable's afire. Miss Balcom!" the cook proclaimed. "Is it?" the mistress absently an swered. "Tell Henry to put it out. please. Oh! I remember; I allowed Henry to visit his sister." She closed her writing desk and stood consider ing. "Can't you throw some water on V she asked, presently. "It's the root I s'pose it caught with a spark from one o' them pesky ingines bein's 's everything's dry as tinder. Ain't nothin to git scairt about, 'cause the wind's awa from the house, what little the' is. But the hoss is in the stable, you recollec'." "Oh, my!" Moved beyond her wont. Mrs. Balcom swept electrically through the kitchen and out of the back door. "Oh, my!" she repeated as she came in sight of the blaze, "Ben Ezra will be burned, won't he? What will Mr. Bal com say? What can we do?" "D' know," was the depressing an swer. I 6ent Jane to the corner a ter the firemen; but the land knoivs how long it will take to git 'em here." "Ben Ezra must come out!" Mrs. Bal com asserted; but there was an accent of despair in the words, determined as the sentiment was. "Can't break that door down! n' that air paytent lock on Mr. Balcom's got the key with him." Mrs. Ikricom stared straight before her like one fascinated into helpless ness. 1 he servant s conscience would not let her rest until she had kicked the door and thrown herself against it. It did not even tremble She mopped her flushed face with her apron and. shaking her head mournfully, drew back ueyond the heat of the flames that were laying bare the rafters. "Ben Ezra must come out:'' Mrs. Bal com said again. The horse's agonized whinny had broken the spell that was upon her. tier eyes niiea at me souna. and she ran forward aimlessly and glanced desperately about her. "Man! You man!" she cried, all at once, "Come here and get our horse!" Though the stranger had seemed to spring from the ground, he showed no alacrity about coming further. lie took time to survey the landscape be fore he climbed the fence. He looked past the women, not at them, as though he feared a possible somewhat behind. And when he had advanced to where they stood, though he abruptly took the manner of haste and impatience, his shiny e3-es still seemed to cover every point of the horizon. "Now, then," he demanded, "where" s your ax?" "In the stable, I suppose," was Mrs. Balcom's dejected reply. "N it's a paytent lock!" the cook chimed in, tragically. "Iley?" The stranger started and stored at them suspiciously, but the wretchedness in their faces appeared to reassure him. He turned again to scan the hill road. Then he ran up to the door. "Huh! That thine! the women heard him say, contemptuously. Through the waveless atmosphere of the August noon the smoke floated lazily off and left the vision unob scured, and the spiteful snap of Came "WHERE 6 TOl'E AX?" overruled every other noise. The women looked and listened with an in tentness that would have been painful had it long endured. From the bag1 he carried the stranger took a glittering something which he applied to the lock. Instantaneously, almost, the door swung open. Stripping off his blouse, the man passed through, and when he reappeared the horse, safely blinded, uninjured, was with him. Mir. Balcom fluttered after as he led the trembling brute to a safer place. Events had shaken her accustomed calm. For once in her life she could not meet the occasion with graceful words. "Oh. I don't know how to than It you!" she faltered, at length. "Mr. Balcom values Ben Ezra so! Fm sure he'll why. here he comes! Oh, James!" she cried, as her husband hatless, coatless and visibly perspiring took the fence at a lxund and dashed up to the group. "Oh, James! If it hadn't been for this this honest workingman, Ben Ezra would have been burned!" Mr. Balcom's eye was on bis favorite, but his hand went into his pocket and brought out a roll oi bills. r r-V Thank ye, boss," the stranger said. ourly. "2s ot enough!" Mr. Balcom found breath to add: "Call to-morrow my office give you as much again!" The thought of another duty occurred to him at the same instant, and it made him face toward the road. "All right, Parker!" he called. "No hurry." "All right!" The man who had just come into view moderated his pace. After the first keen, comprehensive glance in the direction of the others. he conspicuously ignored them, and looking at the stable delayed his ap proach. Mr. Balcom returned to the fondling of Ben Ezra. The horse s rescuer had been standing at the cor ner of the house. No one saw him slip around it. "Sound as a dollar, Farker!" Mr. Bal com said a moment later. There was a suspicion of tears in his voice, and he blew his nose energetically before he trusted himself to speak again. "Thanks to this worthy man. Why, where is he?" Mr. Parker 6miled serenely to him self as he bent to lift Ben Ezra's leg; but he said nothing. "Guess he must V been in a hurry, the cook put in; "he went off 'n' left his satcheL I 6'pose I better lay it away, hadn't I, 'fore these 'ere firemen go to trampin' round?" She offered the stranger's bag to Mr. Balcom, but Mr. Tarker took it from his unresisting hand and coolly pulled it open. Then, while the hand engine men yelled and fell over each other pre paratory to deluging the neighborhood. he drew Mr. Balcom to one side and bade him look in. "For," 6aid he. you won't often see a neater set o burglar's tools than this is!" Mr. Balcom seemed less horrified than he should have been; but it was evident that he was puzzled. He looked from the bag to Farker and back again, like one who wishes but half fears to speak. "Well," he suggested, at length, "he isn't anxious to Jiang around Maple Park any more, is he?" . "I guess not'." the detective made proud rejoinder. "He knows me knew me's quick s I knew him!" "Yes well you see " Mr. Balcom buttonholed I'arker, in his turn, and BADE HIM LOOK IS. led him still further from the crowd. "Of course I'm responsible I pay all the bills." he went on, with disjointed earnestness. "I 3-ou don t you un derstand. I haven't an5 thing more for you to do here? Why, hang it all, man. he saved Ben Ezra!" "Oh, 1 know how you feel," the de tective answered. He spoke as though he really did. "I like a good hoss my self. See? There's a train back to town in 'bout twenty minutes, ain't the'?" Leslie's Weekly. THE CZARINA. She Is Most I'.evoted Wife r.nd Cnnx- lng Woman as Well. One likes to read how the czarina constantly accompanies her husband in his rides and drives. Not only does it indicate wifely devotion, but it proves an intrepidity too often denied as an attribute to woman. It is said that she thinks her presence is a defense from nihilists. Certainly she knows that a shot aimed at him might reach her; that a bomb under the carriage would not be discriminating. Yet she hopes that her presence may prevent the bomb-throwing, and she equally hopes that the bullet may reach her, if so it be that she saves his life. But one of the pleasantest things to read about her is the motherly devo tion to the moral welfare of her chil dren. In this she is an example to all mothers. She allows no jroverness, but employs teachers, who, coming for a few hours a day, and those days not consecutive, have not time to make a lasting impression on the moral nature of her children, as would one employed constantly. he is very small, and the contrast between her figure and that of the czar, who is almost gigantic, is very re markable. Her oldest boy is like her in size a fact that somewhat troubles the Russian people, accustomed to great size in rulers. But his mother's training has developed in him a strong, resolute character, conscientious and studious and capable of standing by a conviction. Philadelphia Times. At the iinrraeks. The colonel, on his tour of inspection, unexpectedly entered the drillroom, where he came upon a couple of sol diers, one of whom was reading a let ter aloud while the other was listening, and at the same time stopping up the ears of the reader. "What are yon doing there'' the puz zled ofiicer inquired of the latter. "You colonel, I am reading to Fitoa, who can't read himself, a lettr from his sweetheart." "And you. Pitou?" "Please, colonel, I am stopping up Boquillon's ears with both hands, be cause 1 don't mind his. reading my sweetheart's letter, but 7 don't want him to know what she writes." La Famille. Hunter ''Well, farmer, you told us your place was a good place for hunting. Now we have tramped it for three hours and found no game." Farmer "Just so. I calculate as a general thing, the less game there is, the more hunting you have; so I don't fcee what you are kicking about" v-'V. . PERSONAL AND LITERARY. Maxwell Gray, the author of "The Silence of Dean Maitland." is the com de plume of Mary Gleed Tuttlett. She is the daughter of a physician who lives in Newport, on the Isle of Wight, where she was born, and has been an invalid nearly all her life. When Theodore Parker visited Car lyle in 1S43 he found the two brothers, Thomas and John, drinking hot whisky punch together. Carlyle praised the young poet Tennyson to the American, defending him from the reproach of daintiness and shouting out: "Ovv, he drinks his glass of grog with the rest of us!" Mrs. Potter Palmer, of Chicago, has a penchant for Mexican and duchesse laces. She probably owns one of the finest assortments of these delicate em broideries' in the world. Mrs. Isaao Catlin, the wife of the general, has a 6pecial charity fad. She loves to dis pense clothing and food to the needy youth of Brooklyn, George Meredith rejoices in.a profu sion of hair which falls in artistic neg ligee round his classically-chiseled face, and he looks 3-ounger than his years, which are sixty-two. Oscar Wilde had described his style as "chaos illumined by brilliant flashes of light ning," aoid, save by the inner cult, no one really cares for his books. . Mot of the droll stories attributed to Abraham Lincoln are supposed tob apocryphal, but Robert Bonner makes public a letter he received j-ears ago from Henry Ward Beecher, in which the Plymouth pastor says concerning & Visit to Lincoln: "Abraham told me tl.Tee stories, two of which I forget tnd the other won't bear telling." Miss Elizabeth Bullock, who died In Salem, Mass., recently, at the age of seventy-seven, had not left her house for more than forty 3-ears. Miss Bul lock was engaged to be married to a young man of Salem. Just before the marriage was to take place the younu man broke the engagement and de parted for the west, . This was more than forty years ago. Miss Bullock declared she would never leave her home again alive, and kept her word. Mr. Gladstone since his retirement has received many hundredsof tributes from admirers all over the United Kingdom, and the gifts are still pour ing in. He has received several dozen walking canes and umbrellas. A num ber ot admirers clubbed together and sent him a handsome arm-chair, and many more pretentious presents have come to him. The tributes have been entirely spontaneous, no suggestion of such a thing having bt-en made in the newspapers until their number became notable. Grenville S. Redmond, of San Francisco, has just taken second rank at the f .imous Julian academy of arts, in Paris. Redmond, who is only twenty-two years of age, is a deaf-mute, and his career has already been a remark able one. In 1S7'. he became an in mate of the institution for the deaf, dumb and blind at Berkeley. Cal. He at once showed phenomenal ability as an artL-t, and during the last three years he has been a student at the art .school in San Francisco, his expenses being borne b3 the Berkeley institu tion. HUMOROUS. "The place was robbed last night." "Indeed! What was taken?" "Nearly everything. In fact, the only thing not disturbed was the watchman." Tit-Bits. He (exhibiting sketch) "It's the best thing I ever did." She (sympa thetically) "Oh, well, you musn"t let that discourage you." Boston Home Journal. Harry "Mamma, who was the in ventor of the cotton-gin?" Mamma (sternl-) "I don't know, my son. Nor do I take any interest in liquor or liquor-drinking." Pittsburgh Bulletin. Mrs. Brown (nudging Mr. Brown, who snores with his mouth open) "William, you'd make less noise if you'd keep your mouth shut." Mr. Brown (only half awake) "So'd you." Life. Tom "I like your new house. What a charming vista one gets, through these parlors into the library." Kitty "Yes: but my bi other says I'll never have any luck until the portiers are up." Life.3 Wife "My milliner was here to day to see you, and I told her you were on't." Husband "What did she say?" Wife "She said that when she had seen you you would be out still more. N. Y. World. Miss Fadley "Are you fond of flowers, Mr. Slimcash?" Mr. Slirccash "I don't know, really." Miss Fadley "Dear me! Why riot?" Mr. Slim cash "I haven't noticed the price of them." Inter-Ocean. His Occupation. Senator "Did you nay your friend had a place in Washington?" Politician "Yes." Senator "By the day or job?" Poli tician "Oh, by the job; he's a lobby ist." Detroit Free Press. When the Jewish proverbial philos opher wrote: As vinecrar to the teeth and smoke to the eyes is the sluggard to them that send him he was by an ticipation describing 'the American messenger-boy. r:hicago Interior. The Prince's Tutor "And now we come to the Emperor Caligula. What does your Royal Highness know of him?" The prince is silent- Tutor "Quite right, sir. The less said about such a monster the better!"' To-day. Excited Lady (on the beach) "Why isn't something done for the ship in distress? Why don't some of you " Coastguard (hurriedly) "We have sent the crew a line to come a-shore, mum." j Excited Lady "Good gracious! Were 1 they waiting for a formal invitation?" i Home. I "I am going so make a great hit j with my -next nirt!," said the gohlen ; haired authoress "and don't you for i g-et it." "What's the plot?" "Oh, I ' don't really know, yet, but there are to J be four chapters devoted to the suffer ! ings of the hero from apf endicitia.4 ! IsdiannrciU Journal FOR YOUNG PEOPLE THE LILAC Jte lilao stood close to Elizabeth's window. All purple with bloom, while the little maid spun; EJer stint was a long one and she was aweary. And mocned that she never could get it done. But a wind set 6tirring the lilac blossoms. And a wonderful sweetness came floating In, And Elizabeth felt, though she could not aav sat J it. That a friend had come to her, to help ber spin. And after that she kept on at her spinning. Gay as a bird: for the world had begun To seem such a pleasant, good place for work ing, That she was amazed when her stint done. And the pale-browod UtUe New England maiden. Outside of her lessors, had learned that day, Tht the sweetness around us will sweetea labor. If we will tout let it have its way. Mary E Wilkins. in St. Nichols LIGHTHOUSE MAGGIE. Little Girl Who Lives Far A war from Other Children. Down in Newark bay, on the coast of the Atlantic, lives a little girl eleven years old whose entire life has been spent out at sea, ner name is Maggie Wood, and her home is the big etone lighthouse one sees when at Mariner's harbor, Staten Island, or sailing down the bay. This girl lives away from all other 1 children; her chief pastime is in j watching the boats pass, and in hear i ing the sounds which come across the waves. On clear daj-s in summer, ' standing out on the stone pier of the j lighthouse, she can hear the children of the picnic excursions sing as they go down the bay. In winter she wraps j up warmly and stands as far out as the j rough winds will allow and waves her j apron to the sailors on the boats who j wave a reply back. Sometimes they j blow their steam whistles for her, and 1 sometimes, for thoy know how she loves music, they shout sea songs or ; blow upon a flute- j Every day Maggie's aunt and nncle, I with whom she lives, see that she has j her regular lessons; she has real school j books which her uncle brings home on ! his rare visits to the city. She is not at all an unlearned child. She draws and paints a little, and her favorite work is to sketch the old stone light- house. ! As soon as school hours are over ' Maggie puts on her cloak, draws its i little hood up over her head and hnr ' ries out to play upon the pier. She has I 100 feet of stone platform for a play- U'A AT . T TTV AGGEE AXI EEB HOME. ground. She races around the light house half a dozen times as fast as she can go. Then she rolls over and over with Towzer, her sea dog, and throws sticks in the water for him to swim out and get. Towzer is a brown water spaniel, and he has the record of saving1 just as many lives as Maggia numbers years to her life, so that the little sea girl has a real hero for a companion and play mate. Frequently Maggie's nncle takes her out in the lifeboat and lets her fish and play in the water. . Sometimes an ex citing event occurs. Maggie takes a hand in a "great rescue." A bird, sick or wounded, will hover over the water or fall in the waves, and then Maggie and her undo row out where it is flut tering, and pick up the poor little thing, and carry it to "land" as tenderly as if it were a human being. When the bird pets well it is let go again; and that is another exciting event. One day last summer Maggie had a Creat adventure. She had gone out on the pier to set free a sea-gull which had hawl a broken wing. It had been shot at by some sportsman and left to die on the waves. Maggie had carried it into the lighthouse and taken care of it until its wing was strong. Then as the gull seemed unhappy, she had resolved to let it go. She freed it just as a flight of gulls swept past. In a minute it had gone, disappearing with the others. But only for a minute could the bird keep on its proud course; then it flew more slowly; gradually it sank to the surface of the waves. Quick as thought Maggie untied the loat, and drawing long, sweeping strokes, she pulled out a)I alone to the spot where the bird lay in the water and brought him back again to the lighthouse. Now he has become a fam ily pet and never flies very far away. The hero, Towzer, is an excellent bird dog. But he has an odd trait. If Maggie's uncle shoots ducks or other birda good for food Towzer swims out and brings them in. taking care that j they do not get away from him, and he j is not always very gentle with tbem, I either. But let Maggie say: "Towzer, I there is a poor sick bird out there, j Get him, Towzer. Caseful! careful!" He will swim out and bring the I wounded bird as gently to the shore ! as if he were the mother bird him self. He draws his lips over his teeth nntil they are soft as silk. There are days when Maggie cannot Eee beyond tiio lighthouse. Aid. I A $ ft 3 U 11IP long she hears only the "Toll!" -Tolir Toll!" of the warning bell. She feels as if she were away off on another sphere. As she herself expressed it: "As if an 'Arabian Nights' story had come into my life and carried me in a roc's egg to another planet." In summer, when city people come over to the lighthouse, she is very hap py, and when she "exports company" she helps polish the lighthouse lamp until it shines, and even takes a hand in scouring the stone pier into perfect neatness. She has a store of sea grass and curious shells and queer dried fish for visitors, and, far from pitying her, many of them envy Maggie such a peaceful, romantic home. Addison Eymar, in St. Louis Eepublic THE BEAD PUZZLE. So Simple In Construction Tlia Any Child Can Make It. Its construction is simple, the mate rials not costly and the only tools re quired a brad-awl and pocketknife. Its construction is the only simpla thing about it at least, I fancy this ia what those not in the "know" will say. I fear, too, I shall have a difilcul ty in making myself quite clear over the "puzzle" part. Ilowever, I will do my best, though, X doubt not, many boys would eventu the bead rrzzxE. I ally succeed in solving the difficulty j without any explanation. I say, then, ; after you have made the puzzle try and I solve it bif&re you read up the explana- tions. j Take a piece of hard wood, an inch j wide and six inches long. At half am i inch from either end make a brad-awl j hole. In the middle cut out a small j oval hole. Procure stwo glass beads, i which must be too large to pass through 1 the oval hole. Take a piece of twin about eighteen inches long, double it at the middle and pass the loop through the oval hole, and then pass the two ends of the twine through the loop. Take a bead and thread it on one of the ends of the twine, and fasten that end to one of the brad-awl holes. Do the same with the other bead and end of twine, and fasten at the opposite brad-awl hole. Your puzzle is now complete, and ought to appear like the diagram. The puzzle is to get the two beads togeth er. This, seeing they are too large to pass through the oval hole, is not easy. Explanatiox. Draw down the cen ter loop and pass the right-hand bead through it toward the oval hole. Then take the tiro strings passing through the oval hole and draw them toward you. The loop will be drawn through the hole from the opposite side, but it will now be a double one. Pass the bead through to the left and let slack. The bead will now be confined by a single loop. Pass it through again to the left, and there you are. To part the beads again, reverse the order of procedure. If you wish to make a more compli cated puzzle, you have only to add to the length of the strip of wood; but, in making the holes, remember they must run alternately beginning with a bradawl hole, then an oval hole, a bradawl hole again, and so on, finish ing with a bradawl hole. You may form as many "loops" aa you like, and amuse yourself by get ting all the beads on any one particu lar loop. Or you may astonish youx friends by asking them how many beads they would like placed on any particular loop. You retire to a secluded corner l the room, or place your hands under the table, and lo! the "passage" is effected. Let your friends plainly understand the beads will rut pass through the oval holes. By the way, if you use a number of beads, the twine must b continuous, without knots, and care fully looped into each oval hole. Golden Davs. h Which Go Ountimc. The jaculator fish, which is found fn the lakes of Java, uses its mouth as a squirt-gun, and is a good marksman. If a stake or pole is put in the water with the end projecting three feet alxjve the surface, and a beetle or fly is placed on top of the pole, the water will soon be swarming with finny gun ners. Presently one comes to the sur face, observes its prey and measures its distance. Then it screws its mouth into a very funny shape, discharges a stream of water, and knocks the fly or beetle into the water, where it is instantly devoured by the successful shooter, or some of its hungry com panions. Where He Drew the Line. The natural enmity to the tax-gath-err is said to le especially prevalent in a certain county of Missouri. A well-to-do German farmer came into the village of which he is accounted a resident to pay his taxes. The bill waa handed to him, itemized as follows: State tax ? H County tax 7. IS School tax...... ...... ........ ........ i.S Total " K5.C3 The German scanned it closely for some moments, and then said stolidly: "I pays de state tax, I pays do county tax and I pays de sck-ol tax, but I pays no total tax! I got no total, and I never is had any. Dat total tax, he ia one fraud!" Disappointed. Mr. Staylate You look charming toi night. She (yawning) Do I? I was expect ing you to say I looked tired. Brook lyn Life. ti rounds for Smanh He'd always been a man of peace. He wouldn't harm a hare; But wben a dude with cigarette Elew smoke Into his face, you het lit eiubs'ucd tlm then acd tbero. Koasaa Citj Journal