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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1894)
pattsmouth Journal C. IV. K1IKICMAX. I'ubll.hcr. PLAT TbllOV " II. : NEBRASKA, Tlie News Condensed. Important Intelligence From Ail Parts. CONG RESSIONAL Regular Session. The senate was rot in session on the 27th.... Jn the house the tariff debate -was concluded, so fur as it relates to the customs schedules. At least a hundred amendments were shut out. It was erpecled a vote would be taken on the till on February 2. the interim to be spent in discussing interna', revenue. A bill was intro duced to increase the revenue by a direct tax on land in tho United States. Tub senate was addressed on the 29:h toy Senator Teller (CoL) on the president's Ha waiian policy, he taking advanced pround in lavor of the annexation of the Hawaiian Islands and ultimately or Cuba and Canada. Tho house bill to repeal tho federal election laws was also disc issei and a resolution was offered declaring that the secretary of the treasury has no lej;al right to issue and sell the bonds and other ii.terest-tciring obligations of the government. ..Tho debate on the internal revenue bill, including the provision lor the in come tax, began in the house. When the financial discussion in the senate ended on tho 3Jth the bill to repeal the federal election laws was considered and it was de tided that a vote on the measure should be taken on the Cth In the bouse the income tax bill was discussed at length. The time of tho senate on the Slst ult. was consumed in the discussion of the resolution of Senator Stewart, of Nevada, declaring that the secretary of the treasury has no power to issue the bonds for bids have bteu invited In the house the income tax bill was placed as a rider upon the tir.ff bill by a vote of 17i to 5i The entire clay was spent in the consideration of amendments hich were offered to the va rious internal-revenue features. An amend ment increasing the tax on whisky from ninety cents to one dollar was adopted. THE session of '-he senate on tho 1st was oc cupied in discus-sins the legality of the bond issue. ...In the house the Wilson tariff bill, with the income tax incorporated, was passed by a vote of -J4 to HO. All the republican mem bers and eighteen democrats and one populist voted against the measure. DOMESTIC Is a jealous rage a man named Haw kins fatally shot bis wife at Robinson, lich., and was himself fatally shot while resisting arrest. The interstate commissioners' report on railway earnings for 1693 show a net decrease of three dollars a mile. The mills of the American Cereal company at Akron, O., were destroyed by fire, the loss being 5150,000. Mrs. Ella. Foweks, of Peoria. 111., shot and killed her little daughter and then committed &uieide. J. II. Be wis and one of his sons, both of the lumber firm of J. II. liemis & Co., of Jefferson, Tex., were charged with swindling banks out of (500,000. A Largs pcrtiou of the business sec tion of Bath, Me., was laid in ruins by fire. Loss, $700,000. Ix the report of the agricultural de partment at Washington the total value of the corn cj-op for 1S03 is placed at t.191,625,6'2S, and although the crop is only about 9,000,000 bushels less than that of 1892 its money value on the farm is (50,500,000 less. The Western Boot fc Shoe Manufac turing company and Bernard Gannon's shoe factory in St. Louis suffered a loss of 100,000 by fire. The safe of the Planters' bank at Ellaville, Gil, was blown open and 17,500 secured by the thieves. James L. Williams, president of the City national bank at Marshalltown, la-, dropped dead on his way home to dinner. The world's record for a half mile at skating wan broken on the canal at Cleveland, O. , by John S. Johnston, of Minneapolis. His time was 1:16 4-5. Charles Owens, living near Dieh stadt. Mo . murdered his wife and child, then set fire to the house and escaped. Minnesota's law directed against ticket scalpers was declared unconsti tutional by Judge Willis at St. Paul. Residents of Topeka, Kan., cele brated the thirty-third anniversary of the state's birth. Fred J. Sharp shot and fatally wounded Miss Kittie Klees at Tiffin, O., and then blew out his brains. A lovers' quarrel was the cause. The Louisiana supreme court re versed the decision of the lower court in the Olympic club case, thus ending prize fighting in the state. William Botts, a burglar, was sen tenced at Toledo, O., to imprisonment in the penitentiary for two years long er than his natural life by Judge Lem mon. Ills suit being rejected, Charles Drether shot and killed Mrs. Bertha Ilunicke at St. Louis and then fatally wounded himself. John Costello, an ex-convict, shot his wife and 16-year-old daughter at Pittsburgh, Pa., because they refused to stay in the house with him. John B. Johnson and his son George fought with shotguns and revolvers while drunk at Los Angeles, CaL, and both were fatally wounded. The petition of the Knights of Labor for an injunction against an issue of bonds by Secretary Carlisle was pre sented in the district supreme court at Washington. Goldsmith fc Co., clothiers and fur nishers at Salt Lake City, failed for 1200,000. Mrs. Williams, a faith cure enthu siast, finished a 110 days' fast at Port land, Ore. Judge Cox decided in Washington against the Knights of Labor petition to restrain the new issue of govern ment bonis. Many Louses were unroofed, fences demolished and buildings in course of erection damaged by a windstorm at Baltimore, Md. Six bankers at Kansas City, Mo., Identified with institutions recently closed, have been indicted upon charges cf embezjdement. The little son of Thomas Duncan, a milkman, was drowned at Selina, Ala., in a large can of buttermilk. Ti:e largest oil well ever located in the Ohio field was struck near Fos toria, the flow being 1,000 barrels an hour. Gov. McKinlet and Frank Hurd ad dressed the Sons of Ohio at their ban quet at the Grand Pacific hotel in Chicago. A break occurred in the levee above Sacramento, CaL, causing an inundation of COO acres of the finest hop land in that section. Ox their way to Texas a family of immigrants, consisting of two children and father and mother, were frozen to death in a blizzard near Clarendon, Ark. As the result of a debate in the Colo rado legislature Col. Fisk challenged Senator Boyd to a duel. Five men were killed and one fatally injured by the explosion of a boiler in a mill at Crow, Ky. FoL"t infuriated womem horse whipped Albert Livingston and drove him out of Benton Harbor, Mich for attempted assault. Judge Lee, at Little Rock, Ark., de clared null the marriage of a negro and a white woman and fined both. Theodore Pabst & Co., importers of glassware in New York for fort7 years, failed for S100.000. Counterfeit silver dollars, made of pure silver and of a quality better than the genuine, were alloat in Cincinnati. At the present price of silver a dollar cun be made for foi ty-five cents. James F. Clark, cashier, confessed that he blew the safe of the Ellaville (Ga.) bank, having previously taken the monej-, about 57,000 A bill to prevent and punish prir.e fighting in Iowa was passed by the lower house of the legislature. Peach buds were killed in southern Illinois by the recent cold wave. Less than one-twentieth escaped. At a party in Decatur, I1L, Maggie Truelock killed David Lambert, her sweetheart, with a revolver supposed to be unloaded. A new trotting circuit, including Mil waukee, Independence and six other western cities, was iormod in Mason City, la. Detectine Charles Arado was shot and killed by Officer John A. Bacon as the result of a saloon brawl in Chicago. Gov. Matthews announced that un der no circumstances would he permit prize fighting in Indiana. "Prof." Lars Andehson, alleged spirit medium, was driven from South Charlestown, O. , bad eggs accelerating his departure. V. Y. Walker, a prominent business man at Jackson, Mo., and his wife died from the effects of poison placed in their coffee at supper in some mysteri ous manner. D. B. J.cdson, an extensive glove manufacturer at Gloversville, N. Y., failed for S250.000. Albert Steoebel, the murderer of John Marshall, of Huntingdon, Tenn., was executed. Ue'confessed his crime on the gallows. Connecticut's board of world's fair managers reported that there was a net balance of ?4,000 out of the state's 570, 000 appropriation. Louis Schnackenburo, 17 years old, lost his eyesight by an accident while hunting near Sedalia, Mo. A sleigh containing students was struck by a train at a grade crossing near Fall River, Mass., and Brooks Borden, Ray Thornton and Orson Swift were killed. Six children of George Robinson, aged from 4 to 14 years, died of diphtheria at Embry Church, la. The town of Prospect, O., was almost entirely destroyed by fire, the loss be ing over S100.000. Kentucky's legislature instructed the senators from that state to oppose confirmation of Wheeler 11. Peckhara to the supreme bench. The public debt statement issued on the 1st showed that the debt increased $7,830,004 during the month of Janu ary. The cash balance In the treasury was eS4.0S2.099. The total debt, less the cash balance in the treasury, amounts to 81,403,0:0,607. Smooth swindlers secured about $30. 000 from several firms in the lumber business at Bay City, Mich. As the result of an old feud John Schultz shot his son-in-law, Henry Fries, at Becker, Mo., and Boon after killed himself. It was the pride of David Austin, a wealthy farmer who died near Chilli cothe, Mo., aged 74, that he had never been out of his native state, never ate a meal in a hotel or shaved in a barber shop, and never had a day's illness un til two months ago. In a fight between laborers near Asheville, N. C, six men were killed and eight others were teriously in jured. The twenty-five collieries of the Read ing Coal company in tho vicinity of Shenandoah, Pa., employing 10,000 men and boys, shut down for an indefinite period. William Bush and wife, an aged and. wealthy couple at Luverne, Ala., were murdered and robbed. The fire losses in the United States for the month of January were placed at $13,676,485, against (21,342,780 in the corresponding month of last year. Joseph Knittel's excelsior show case works and George Stahl's incubator factory were destroyed by fire at Quin cy. 111., the loss being 1100,000. The big warehouse of the Felix & Marston Willow Ware company in Chi cago and several other buildings were destroyed by fire, the total loss being 1100,000. Edward and Patrick Toole probably fatally cut Joseph Badelle at Brazil, Ind.. who prevented them killing their mother. The Indiana supreme court has de cided against the lumber combine of that state, declaring it must not restrict trade. All the silver in the treasury vaults at Washington must be recounted be cause of the petty thefts of a messen ger. William Schaeffer and Harry Secathe, clerks for a New York real estate agent, confessed to stealing $20, COO. Farmers near Westerville, O., start ed a movement to subscribe money to relieve the country if congress will at once adjourn. Tom Nelson established a reputation in New York as the champion oyster eater of the world by swallowing 150 of the largest bivalves in aa many minutes. Secretary IIehicrt, of the navy, sent a telegram to Admiral Benham congratulating him upon his action in defending American interests in tho harbor at Rio de Janeiro. FERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Judge William H. Calkins, a mem ber of congress from Indiana from 1876 to 1SS2, died at Tacoma, Wash., from Bright's disease, aged 52 years. Ohio republican legislators iu caucus decided upon a lill for biennial sessions of the general assembly. Tan Rhode Island legislature con vened at Providence. Labor representatives met in Chica go and organized a new political party to be known as the Union Labor league. At the election in New Y'ork city to fill congressional vacancies Eli Quigg (rep.) was elected in the Fourteenth district and Isador Strauss (dem. ) was chosen in the Fifteenth district. Col. William Henrv Harrison Tay lor, for the last seventeen j-ears state librarian of Minnesota, died in St. Paul. Daniel Shea died on a farm neai Ladd, 111. He was 103 years and 'i months old and had lived, in Bureau county since 1844. Thomas B. Ferguson, of Maryland, was nominated for minister to Sweden and Norway by the president. Frederick Lansing, an ex-eongross-man, died at his home in Watertown, N. Y., aged 55 years. Garrett Veedkr, a pioneer news paper man aud founder of the Janes ville (Wis.) Recorder, died in that city. The Indiana democrats selected In dianapolis as the place and August 15 as the date for holding the state con vention. FOREIGN. Rosina Yokes (Mrs. Cecil Clay), the well-known English actress, died at, her home in Torquay, Devonshire, aged S6 years. Her death removes the last of that once famous organization, the Yokes family, from the stage. The British bark Port Yarrock was driven ashore in Brandon hay, Ireland, and her crew of twenty-six were drowned. The Turkish steamer Mi was burned in the- Black sea and the captain and twenty others perished. Solomon & Mass, bankers of Frank fort and Mannheim, Germany, failed for 20,000,000 marks. Brazilian insurgents captured the government fortifications on Bom-Jeus island and twenty-five soldiers were kille-L By firing on an insurgent tug Ad miral Benham emphasized to Brazilian insurgents that American vessels must be let alone. The Swedish bark Wilhelm was wreined on the coast of Cornwall and the captain and five of the crew were droTVned. A large cotton mill cf 5,000 spindles, the property of the Railway Mill com pany at Oldham, England, was burned, the loss being $500,000. Merlino, an Italian anarchist for whom the police have been searching since 1SS3, was arrested in Naples. According to a London paper Premier Gladstone will resign before the re opening of parliament. The schooner Gertie E. Foster, of Gloucester, Mass., struck on the rocks at Liverpool. N. S., and five sailors were drowTned. Plieas Dufreusk shot and killed his married sister, Mrs. Brunetin, and then fatally shot himself in MontreaL The great silk stores of Favre & Litfux in Lyons. France, were burned, causing a loss of 1,500,000 francs. Dr. J. F. IIartigan, the United States consul at Trieste, Austria, died of heart trouble. LATER. Notice was given in the United States senate on the 2d of atnendtnents to the house tariff bill providing for the coinage of silver bullion for the benefit of owners and repealing all acts au thorizing the issuing of bonds. The legality of the recent bond issue was disoussed. Adjourned to the 5th. In the house a resoulution was favorably reported to amend the constitution so as to limit the terms of office of the judges of the supreme and superior courts to ten years. The debate on the Hawaiian matter began under a special order, which will bring it to a vote on the 5th. Price Lee (colored) killed his wife at Dandridge, Tenn., and was drowned while fleeing from a posse. Ckokge W. Childs, edit or of the Phil adelnhia Ledger and widely known as a I philanthropist, died at his home in that 4 city after an illness of two weekstfaged 5 years. Two children of James Scanlon were cremated at Meadville, Pa., and their mother may lose her mind. There were S30 business failures in the United States in the seven days ended on the 2d, against 440 the week previous and 255 in the corresponding time in 1803. Bob Burnett (colored) was publicly whipped at Russellville, Ky., for steal ing meat. Three thousand coal miners in the vicinity of Bellaire, O., went on a strike on account of a reduction in wages from 70 to 50 cents a ton. Lee Sang, a Chinese highbinder, was hanged at San Quentin, Cal., for the murder of a fellow-countryman. Fifty-two farms near Neisse, in Prus sian Silesia, were swept by fire, the damage being placed at 2,000,000 marks. Burglars stole $11,000 from the safe of the Arkadelphia Lumber company a.t Dalark, Ark. Dave Gray, a Creek Indian, was given fifty lashes on the bare back at South McAlester, Ind. T., for horse stealing. The Avondale street railway car sheds and machine shop were burned at Cincinnati, entailing a loss of f 175, 000. John Noon an and Stephen Douglas were asphyxiated by gas at Lima, O. The steamship Mariposa arrived at Auckland, New Zealand,- from Hawaii with advices up to January 20. She re ported that affairs on the island we're unchanged. The general sentiment among the people was to await tho action of congress. KOSINA YOKES. The Popular Actress Dies at Her Devonshire Homo. Victim o the Ravages of Conanrnptloa Llei Last American Kngagemont Cut Short by Disease Her Career. DEATH OF MISS VOKES. London, Jan. 81. Rosina Vokes, the well-known English actress, died at Torquay, Devonshire, on Saturday. A few months ago she was compelled by ill-health, while making a tour of the United States, to break up her com pany. She returned to England in the hope that her health would be bene fited, but her hopes were not realized. Consumption made its appearance about filteen months ago and from that time she declined rapidly. Her death was painless. Her husband and a number of relatives were present when she breathed her last. Mrs. Cecil Clay, better known to the Amer ican and British public as Rosini Vokes, al. though her actual maiden name was Theodosla Votes, vas one of "The Vokes Family," which In I8JI was called "Tho Vokes Children," and made its debut at the Operetta house in Edinburgh. The company consisted of Fawden, Frederick, Mortimer, Jessie, Victoria and Rosina. The success of that combination is so well known that it is unnecessary to enumerate in detail its history during a period extending over ten years. Tho Vokes family made their London dtj but at the Lyceum theater. December Ct5, 1808. in the pantomime of Humpty Dumpty." Tno Vokes crossed the At lantic ten tinrcs and their travels took them half over the world. It is worthy of note that tho pieces In which they appeared were for the most part written and invented by themselves and many of the incidents pre sented were simply illustrations of droll events and adventures that they had met with during their travels. "Fun in a Fog," for Instance, was bused on tho incidents of their journey across the plains with the ill-fated Custer. On marrying Kosina Vokes retired from tho stage, but returned to it after a short absence, fche organized a company of her own and ap peared as a 6tar, playing many success- I ful engagements In Great Britain and i America. Her last aDpearance was la I Chicago, in November, 1693, when she played at Hooley's In "Maid Marian," "Dream Faces," "The Circus Rider" and other comedies. She was ill at tbe time and It was announced that she was tbout to retire from, the stage permanently on account of her falling health. BADLY SCARED. Klotous Miners In Pennsylvania Have Lotk Their Courage. Mansfield, Pa., Jan. 81. Nine Hun garians went to Foster's gun store at Briugeville Monday afternoon and deJ manded ammunition. On being re fused they threatened to demolish tho 6tore. They then left, and fifty men arriving with Winchesters pursued them, cupturing three. The latter were armed with revolvers. In the Tom's run and the Painter's run districts there is no sign of imme diate trouble. Tho 100 deputies have complete control, and are not meeting with the slightest resistance. The rioters have come to a realization of the seriousness of their work and are hid ing in every corner. The deputies went from house to house and thoroughly searched for the guilty parties. The deputies were divided into arresting squads, and, with their weapons ready for any resistance, visited the different places where the rioters were thought to be About fifty arrests have been made so far. The arresting squads brought their prisoners to Roseville, where they were handcuffed in pairs and marched to the train with four deputies with Winchester rifles as guards. A large crowd gathered to see them off and many threats were made. At Mans field hundreds of persons followed them to the lock-up. The prisoners were badly frightened lest they should be attacked. They made up one of the roughest-looking gangs of men ever seen in that section. Not one of them is an American citizen and only a few can talk or understand English. Most of those arrested are miners from the Roseville and Hazletine mines on Tom's run. They were found in the attics, cellars, out-houses, under beds, in closets, and several had cut open bed ticks and had crawled In. Heidelberg, a hamlet 1 mile from Woodville, is said to be the general headquarters of the rioters. Three groups of anarchists are located here and it is known that the rioters have much ammunition stored away. Depu ties are searching the houses to find it. They have been unable to locate the ringleaders and it is believed they are hiding in the hills. TWO BROTHERS KILLED. Fatal .Accidents Which Caused the Death of John anil Juiues Dill. Birmingham, Ala., Jan. 81. At Hoods. Etawah county, Johnny Dill, aged 6 years, was accidentally struck on the head by an ax in the hands of his elder brother, James, and killed. Two hours afterward James was riding a mule. The mule got frightened and ran away. James became entangled in the bridle and was dragged 200 or S00 yards. He was picked up unconscious and died Saturday morning. ROBBERS LOOT A BANK VAULT Escape with Seven Thousand Dollars--Dogs nn the TralL Ellaville, Ga., Jan. 81 The Plant ers' bank of this city was broken open by burglars Sunday night and 7,5o6 taken. The work was done scientific ally and it is evident that tho perpe trators were professionals. Dogs were put on the trail of two strange men who were seen journeying toward Pres ton. They had been in the neighbor hood two days and disappeared Sunday night. ENDED FATALLY. A Fit at Incessant Hiccoughing Kills Wil liam Mllhollln. String field, O., Jan. 31. William Milhollin, a veteran contractor, died Saturday evening under peculiar cir cumstances. He had been ill with the grippe, but for (.cventy hours before his death he was in terrible agony from Incessant hiccoughing and all efforts of physicians failed to relieve him. He was entirely conscious and attempted to control the hiccoughing, but it was useless. He became weaker and weaker and finally died from sheer exhaustion. BENHAM'S BOLD STAND. Tbm Admiral Praised on All Sides for Ilia Action at Rio. Rio de Janeiro, Feb. 2. The action of Admiral lienhani in protecting Amer ican ships in their efforts to land at tho wharves in this harbor has had a salu tary effect. English and merchant ships of other nationalities are now coming up to their wharves without liny sign of molestation on the part of the insurgent vessels. Admiral Ben ham's bold stand against interference with vessels of his country is generally applauded. The exchange of shots between the Insurgent aDd government forces has practically ceased during the last twenty-four hours. This is the first time lor four months that a day has passed when there was not more or less firing. The unofficial warning which Admiral Benham gave to Admiral da Gatna that firing upon the wharves for the mere purpose of creating a blockade by ter ror must cease has been heeded. Admiral da Gama feels aggrieved at Admiral Benham He sent a letter to ADMIRAL BENHAM. tho American admiral protesting against the ostentatious manner in which the American commander had humiliated him. He says that he will yield for a time to superior force, but that as he was compelled to allow American ships to come to their wharves he has officially notified the representatives of all the nations that they may do the same. He declares that the insurgents have held the harbor for five months and says that now, if the shore batter ies fire on him, he will be unable to reply for fear of hurting neutral ships and will also be unable to protect his men. Admiral da Gama also sent a letter to the officers who had gathered in con ference to discuss Admiral Benham's action, asking that he might be per mitted to bombard the city without notice. No answer was sent to him, bat Admiral Benham said later that he would grant the insurgent admiral per mission to bombard the city, but he would require that forty-eight hours' notice be given so that non-combatants would be able co seek shelter. THREE STUDENTS KILLED. Fatal Disaster to a Sleighing Party at a Kailroad Crossing. Fall Rivkr, Mass., Feb. 2. Wednes day afternoon a sleighing party, made up of twenty-eight members of the sophomore class of the B. M. C Durfee high school, was returning from a two hours' sleigh ride, and within half a mile of home, when the sleigh was struck by a train from Boston at the Brownell street crossing of the Old Colony railroad. The driver succeeded in getting within two feet of being out of clanger. Everett B. Durfee, a teacher in the school, and in charge of the party, was sitting or a camp stool in the end of the sleigh, and on either side of him were Brooks Borden, 16 years old, son of CoL Spencer Borden, and Kay Thornton, 17 j-ears old, son of Charles D. Thornton, while Orson Swift, 17 years old, son of M. G. B. Swift, Esq., was sitting in the lap of Henry Hawkins. When the party saw the rushing train the members became terror-stricken. Borden and Thornton jumped over the tailboard, only to be struck by the locomotive; Swift was preparing to jump when he, too, was struck. Borden was hurled 40 feet, his skull and body being crushed, killing him instantly. Ray Thornton was dragged along in the wheels for 100 yards, his head and right arm being severed from his body. Swift was hurled 20 feet and was breathing but unconscious when picked up. He was taken home in an ambu lance, but died shortly after he arrived there. Mr. Durfee and Clark Chase, Jr., jumDed when they saw the train and escaped with slight bruises. PISTOL WAS LOADED. Social Game of Card End with Traced and Shocking Scene. Decatur, I1L. Feb. 2. Tuesday night after a game of cards at the resi dence of John A. Posley, near I'rairie IlalL Miss Maggie Truelock shot and killed her alHaDced, Dave Landreth. Landreth had taken his revolver from his pocket, and supposedly re moved the cartridge. Just before the game he jokingly proposed that the winner should shoot the loser. As the game closed Miss Truelock grasped the pistol and pulled the trigger, but, in stead of the snap of an empty cylinder a cartridge left in the chamber explod ed. The ball buried itself in Landreth's brain. Miss Truelock will probably lose her mind. An Iix-ton(ireiua l)e4 Utica. N. Y., Feb. 2. Ex-Congress-rrmn and ex-State Senator Frederick Lansing died at his home in Water; town Tuesday night. He was 55 years old. Five Men Drowned. Halifax, N. S.. Feb. 2. In the heavy gale Tuesday night the schooner Gertie E. Foster, of Gloucester, was driven ashore at Strawberry Point, about 4 miles below Liverpool, N. S., and will probably prove a total loss There were sixteen men in the crew, five of whom were drowned in trying to reach the shore in their dory. The remainiug el-sven have been taken off the wreck. Died of Heart Disease Fort Watse. Ind., Feb. 'L Rabbi Samuel Strauss died of heart disease in this city Yednesday. CONDITION OF TRADE. The Outlook Good According to IJun and liradstreet. New York, Feb. 5. R. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly review ot trade .sa3s: "A fresh impulse has been given to l.usinesa this wesk by the success of the treasury in ob taining gold for its reserve, thus strengthening confidence in its ability to maintain gold pay ments. Kevenue has fallen off ao much and the prospects for the loan looked so unfavorable until financial institutions here decided to carry It through, that some anxiety a tout the mone tary future was natural. Gradual improve ment in business explains the appearance of more commercial paper in the market this week than has been seea for a long time, though, as yet, the vast accumulation of idle funds Is proof enough that trade has by no means regained normal proportions. "Industrial recovery continues, though it is but gradual, in response to tho ilemand of a people whose consumption at its lowest is greater than that of any other country, and more mills are now at work. "Larger demand for structural iron and s'eel. for railway materials except rails, for barbed wire, and especially for wire nails and wir rods, Rives a tetter look to the iron in dustry both east unl west C'l.iearo notes distinct improvement At Pittsburgh, business is larKer, though prices di not gain, and even at Pl.ladelphia trade Is better both for pig and finished products, while encouragement is found in tlis fact thai prices do not further decline Or.'.y four of the eK-vea stacks of the Thomas Iron compinv are in o;er atioa and of Connellsville coke ovens 8,11 J out of 9,106 are idle. "Domestic exports for fcur necks have teen 14 per cent, lower than a year aco, while im ports have been 37 per cent smaller. Ctwtoins receipts for January were but ?Il.!u.uoi, against S21.0j0.MK) last year, and evi ic-ntly the success in the sale of bonds is a matter of high importance. "Commercial failures for the week number 36 in the United States, a-.-ainst 253 last year, and 52 in Canada, against l'i lat year, the list inelU'Jin two of over JJjO.OJO each. Out of 1.A2 failures reported in four weeks of January the liabilities ascertained in l.iHI fa.iures amounted to il9.42J.6:!". of which "8,270,70 ' were of manufacturing and "10,.'12.!,3!4 of tradin? con cerns, no failures of banking, brckerae or transportation companies or tlrins beinr in cluded." Bradstreet's says: "The success of the government bond issue is regarded with qualified satisfaction, but the ef fect on either speculation or investment is merely sentimental. Interviews with bankers at New York, Troy, Syracuse, Paterson, Cleveland. Chicago and Nah ville show that the volume of mer antile paper oGerin? has increased, though not to a large extent. Providence and Boston banks are buyinir parer from other cities. At' such centers as Kansas City, St. Louis, Cincin nati. Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Minneapolis. St Paul, Milwaukee and Newark there is no increase in the volumo of commercial paper offt: d. "In industrial lines the number of establish ments reopening Is more than ten to one of the number reported shutting down. In fact, there is reason to believe that hundreds of Industrial establishments have begun work within a week or two, although not on full time in all cases, of which no specific mention has been made la print "Groceries and shoes have been sold at Cleve land in reasonably satisfactory quantities, and industrial operations, though on daily orders, are heavier than a montli ago. Manufacturing establishments at Cincinnati are running light, but trade at Louisville is re ported steady and jobbers are confident ft fair business. dime of thom buy. ing with comparative freedom. Manufactur ing establishments at Detroit arc taking on more hands, although general trade is quiet. There are moderate gair.s in distribution of dry goods, clothing and shoes at Chicago. A some what better movement is reported in groceries, drugs, shoes, dry goods and millinery at fe-t Louis, and a better fe'.in in iron and steel, as the'demand has increased. SHOT DEAD. An llllnoisan Kills the Man Who Had Threatened to Murder lliiu. Champaign. 111., Fteb. 5. Charles J5. Taylor was shot and instantly killed Friday by Thomas Gallairher at Gif ford, a small town in the northwestern part of this county. Both are business men of the town and from all reports Gallagher especially is highly re spected. Taylor's son had been refused liquor at Gallagher's place, and raising a disturbance was ejected. This angered the elder Taylor and he boasted that he would kill Gallagher. After Gallagher had retired for the night Taylor came to his residence with a double-barreled shotgun and called for him and as he was not answered fired both barrels off in the air. Nothing further devel oped until Friday when Gallagher was at the freight oflice looking after some freight. Taylor came up and struck him in the face. Heing pushed against a wall Gallagher pulled his pistol and fired four times. Gallagher immedi ately boarded a train and came to LTr bana and gave himself up. HE FEARED ARREST. Ao Indiana Hanker. Charged with Kmbfl zleiuent. Flees. Columbia City, Ind.. Feb. 5. James Arnold, of the bank of James Arnold & Co. and the Arnold Mill company of South Whitney, both of which institu tions are in the hands of a receiver, has left the country. His sudden disappear ance is due to the fact that a warrant for his arrest was placed in the hands of the sher iff. The charge is embezzlement. Arn old was at the head of the bank and mill, and is charged with getting away with over $100,000 of the hard-earned savings of confiding fanners, and CS, 000 bushels of wheat w hich the3' had hauled to the mill for storage. PLENTY OT ORDERS. Grand Rapid Furniture Factories Have Work Ahea-rt for Months. Grand Ratios, Mich., Feb. 5. All of the furniture factories in tms city are now running on either full or part time and they have orders enough to keep them busy until July, when the next semi-annual furniture sale opetis. The January sale which just closed was very successful. There were 13. buyers present from all parts of the country. This was a falling oft of forty as compared with last July. Prices ruled fairly strong, however, and all orders were placed on a casl basis. COLORED PREACHER SLAIN. Kev. D. G. Cook, of Fayetteville, Tenn., Asawinated Vihile Keturninj; Iroiu Church. Nasiivillk, Tenn., Feb. 5. Rev. D. G. Cook (colored) was assassinated Thursday night as he was re turning home from his church in Fayetteville. Tenn.. where he had held services. The assassin used a shotgun loaded with slugs, and the entire top of Cook's head was torn off. Cook was a prominent and influential negro, a college graduate and stood high as a preacher and. teacher among the people of his race-