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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1894)
IE P ,A1 10 U Tfl W EEKLI RIAL JO 8 JL .JU.IJLJL JL " BE JUST AND FEAR NOT." VOL. 13, SO. 8. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1894. $1.00 IFSS7fLc ART COUPON. " Midway Types"! Coupon No. 4. The Coupon Number Change, Every Week. i SfSend or bring IoTbe Jorn Sit thi, coupon, with tea cenu in coin, and you will receive Portf Jlio "o. 3 of the "Midway Types. For particulars read below. I "SCKNES FKOM MIDWAY PLA1S ANCE." The Weekly Journal ia permitted to introduce its readers to anumerosity of scenes of that famous side-thow to the late Columbian exposition Mid way Flaisance. You will not be forced to travel, like last summer to Chicago, to see these scenes, but you will be privileged to sit in your own home with your wife and children around you, and come face to face with fine engravings and photographs of the many queer people and quaiut scenes which interested more people than did the big fair itself. With the old Greeks to see was to know. The same word which expressed the act of vision denoted also the pre cepiion of the mind. Nor may it be doubted that of all the avenues be tween the inward and spiritual soul of man and the outward and visible world of tangible things, the sense of sight is the brightest and most delightful. Vision is the sc3e alike of informa tion and ideality, the open way of knowledge and of dreams. The advantages of pictorial repre sentation as a means of informing and verifying can hardly be exaggerated. Wherever travel is practicable there is a least with its quick flash of light and swiftly caught image of nature and man has come in to supply the defl ciency and to transmit to distant homes the picture and vision of reality. Listen: Each week cut out the art coupon printed in this papei, beginning on Thursday, January 25, and put it aside. Each of these coupons and ten cents in coin will- obtain fur you one portfolio of the world-famous "Midway Types " Each port folio will contain 20 pages and 16 portfolios concludes the set. The whole Beries will make you one of the nio9t valuable art collection such as eannot be often secured. For your own pleasure and for the education of your children, you should have the complete series and you should seize the opportunity now. If you are already a subscriber for The journal all that Is re quired is to save your coupons and pennies. If you are not a regular sub scriber send us your name and address and the paper will be sent to you every week for one dollar per year, if paid in advance, or 81.50 if paid at the end of the year. The Journal. Another Chapter in the Filbert Case.' The celebrated fight for possession of Florence A. and Angela C. Filbert, waged so spiritedly by the father of the girls, reached the supreme court again Monday from this county in a new form, when Byron Clark, attorney for Air. and Mrs. Shroeder, filed a petition asking that the order giving Filbert his children be further superseded un til the convening of the supreme court on the 20th day of February. This is asked because Judge Ambrose on the 6th day of February, when he issued the order transferring the children to the father, also ordered a stay of ex ecution for ten days. At the end of that time the little girls were to be transferred unleBS superseded by the supreme court or some member thereof. This suspension of sentence expires February 16. and the attorney for Mr. and Mrs. Shroeder claim irreparable injury will result if the decree is not further suspended, because if the children are taken to Indiana they will be out of the jurisdiction of this court. The attorney claims that errors exist in the record, and while asking for a further suspension of sentence, he brings the entire case before the court ' on error. No action was taken Monday for the reason that the court was not in session. If no action is taken it is ex pected that Mr. Filbert will claim his children Friday at the expiration of the stay of sentence and remove them to bis Indiana home, beyond the jurisdiction of the Nebraska court. The court will not convene until February 20, four days after the period of suspension expires. Attorneys Clark and Sullivan went to Lincoln Tuesday to argue the case before the supreme court. R. L. Oldham of Beaver City is in' town today. STRUCK BY THE CARS C. Doty, an Aged Bethlehemite, Struck by B. & II. No. 3. THE GRAND JTJE0ES DRAWN. Mountain Akr And a Change of Climate May Now Iteeome a Decided Neces sity For Some of Our Local Sport, Other Note,. Another accident, and Plattsmouth retains the unenviable reputation of being the slaughter yard of the 15. & M. At 3:45 o'clock Tuesday after noon train No. 3 from the east struck old man Doty, a resident of Bethle hem, who was on his way home and was walking along the track. The accident occurred near Happy Hollow and was probably caused by the vic tim's deafness and consequent failure to hear the approaching train or warn ing blasts from the whistle. The train was stopped as quickly as possible and the body of the unfortunate man placed on the snow alongside the track. and then with the essence of refined cruelty so characteristic of the great B. & M. railway, the trainmen climbed aboard the train and pulled into town leaving the body of their vic tim still breathing alongside the track. A crowd from the depot immediately started for the scene of the accident, and when a Journal reporter arrived the old man was unconscious, but yet alive. He had been in this city, doing some trading and beside his body was a pair of shoes a part of his purchases. Several yards down the track a red yarn mitten was lying on the rail, smashed and ground to pieces. The old man's left wrist was circled by a bloody ring which told the story of contact with the wbeels. Grand and Petit Juror,. District Clerk Dearing and Sheriff Eikenbary last Friday concluded the drawing of the grand and petit jurors for the March term of district court, and the following gentlemen were selected: GRAND JURORS. Peter Perry, Platt3mouth precinct. P. J. Hansen, Plattsmouth. Geo. W. Snyder, Plattsmouth pre cinct. B. C. Kerr, Plattsmouth. Wm. Stottler, Liberty precinct. Geo. E Vandelberg, Elmwood pre cinct. M. P. Williams, Eight Mile Grove precinct. P. J. Connor, Tipton precinct. J. II. Baird, Elmwood precinct. Fred H. Black, Plattsmouth. Wm. Atchison, Stove Creek precinct. Thomas Urwin, Louisville precinct. Patrick Reed, Mt. Pleasant precinct. M. L. Frederick, Euht Mile Grove precinct. C. S. Newlon, Cedar Creek precinct. J. W. McCrosky, Plattsmouth. PETIT JURORS. S. G. Latta, C. A. Webster, F Blancbard, Wm. H. Pool, J. Creamer, W. II. H. Cassel, T. A. M. T. YouDg, T. F. Jameson, Charles Jean, S. L. Furlong, Geo. Schoenman, L. C. Curtis, L.J. Griffith, James Bennett. John Thacker, Edward Williams, Henry Lehnhoff, R. E. Coleman, Fred Webrbein, M. M. Beal, Jacob Tritscb, Wm. Rose, sr., H. A. Booth, H. G. Beardslee. The Akeson Reward Cue. Tuesday's Lincoln Journal says: "The excise board, at its meeting yes terday, took, up the question of Con way's petition to have Chief Cooper pay over the $300 Akeson reward, se cured by a judgment in district court. The city attorney submitted an opinion on the case, in which he said that the ordinance prohibiting the receipt of rewards by plice officers was passed before the board was organized; that the board has no con trol over officers in their private or per sonal acts, except as such acts may be cause for removal from the force, and that the board cannot prevent an offi cer from receiving a reward, but can remove him for so doing. On motion of Mr. Brown the matter was in difinitely postponed, with the under standing that Mr. Cooper give bond to release Akeson from a second payment of the reward. 'Shoving the Queer." !ome enterprising individual in this section of the country has taken a firm stand on the question of free coinage and has opened a mint in opposition to Uncle Sam. Several or our business men have recently had bad dollars passed on them in their business tran auctions and the U. S. marshal's office has the matter under investigation For some months past the authorities have been of the opinion that the counterfeiter's headquarters was lo cated in the vicinity of Bellevue, but thus far the 'mint" has not been lo cated, although the search has extend ed to the limits of this city. One day last week a well-dressed stranger called at Kuhnev Bros.' bar ber shop and purchased ashine, giving the porter in payment therefor a sil ver dollar. That is. the dollar was made in imitation of silver, and may have been stereotype metal. The stranger received his change and de parted, but when John Kuhney had occasion to use the dollar it was dis covered that it was counterfeit. lie recalled the transaction that had brought the bad dollar into his possession, and started cut to find the man who had passed it on him. When the stranger visted tbe barber shop he wore a fine overcoat, light in clor, but when John overhauled him he had on another coat, but was recognized all right and requested to re deem the bad dollar. This he was un able to do, the sum total of his finan cial possessions amounted to only eighty cents remaining from the change he had received. Tbe stranger left town the same evening and the man who occupied the same seat in the train with him wore the fine overcoat. light in color. D. F. Foster, ticket agent at tbe B. & M. depot, also re ports the finding of a queer" dollar; but does not know the source from whence it came. It is also reported that Clay Connor received two of the bad dollars and the Hotel Riley two. Has Matt Given I'p Lawyer Matt Gering was in Ne braska City and the following from the Press of that town would indicate that Matt has concluded that be isn't in it in the race for tbe U. S. district attorneyship: "Hon. Matt Gering of Plattsmouth was in the city last evening on matters of legal business. His democracy is as sound and uncompromising as ever, and 'does not seem to have been blighted in the least by his practical defeat for the United States district attorneyship to succeed Ben Baker. In speaking with a representative of tbe Press he 6ad incidentally in sub stance: ' I admit I am out of the race now. and there is no doubt in my mind that the appointment will go either to Charley Ogden of Omaha, or A. J. Sawyer of Lincoln. Both are excel lent gentlemen, and I would be glad to see cither chosen for the position. Personally I believe Mr. Sawyer will get the appointment. He is a good democrat and has supported Mr. Mor ton unwaveringly for years. If he really ha . applied for it, and wishes it, Mr. Morton owes it to him to do all in his power for his appointment." "You seem to have recovered en tirely from your defeat," was sug gested. "Certainly I have, and I do not feel in toe least nurt, tor l know tnat no sufficient reasons have stood in my way. I have only withdrawn from the race, because men who were sup posed to be my friends have shown an inclination to give their preferences in other directions. When I became a candidate for tbe position it was by the advice of Secretary Morton, but since that time he has seen tit to change his opinion on the matter. However, I think it is best for me personally to devote my time to my law practice, which is fully as re munerative as the appointment would be." Mr. Gering spoke cheerily, and showed no bad effects from a disap pointment, if such he had even ex perienced. In "peaking of the Akeson murderer. Hill, who is under sentence of death. he expressed confidence that he would get a new trial for him. He says he has affidavits which prove that three of the jurors had said before the trial that they would buy the rope to hang the prisoner with. This, he is confi dent, is sufficient grounds for grant ing a new trial." This is a good time to renew your subscription to the Weekly Jour nal. A dollar paid in advance will be as good as a dollar and a half at the end of your time. THAT CHURCH AFFAIR South Park Church Members Satisfac torily Settle Their Differences. CHAUNCEY DOTY MAY SURVIVE. The Victim of Tuesday's Railroad Acci dent 1 1 a an Excellent Chance For Recovery The Filbert Ha beas Corpus Case. I'nder Police Protection. The members of the South Park Baptist church held a business meeting at their church on Monday night, and Policeman Kildow was detailed to see that order was maintained. The ob ject of tne meeting was to effect a reconciliation and settle the differences existing among tbe membership of tbe church, and two expulsions were made so it is reported. The meeting was orderly and the services of the police officer were not needed. The Journal hopes tbat their church troubles have been satisfactorily settled tor ail time, ana nas been in formed that tbe publication of tbe facts in the case had tbe effect of bringing the members of the church to realize that their actions were bringing dis credit and public scandal upon the church. So that tbe condemnation so generously heaped upon the editor of this paper for publishing anything concerning the matter could ap propriately be superseded by a vote of thanks. He May Recover. Chauncey Doty, the aged resident of Bethlehem who was struck by B. & M No. 3 just below town Tuesday after noon, is confined at a room at the Ho tel Perkins and is resting easily. His injuries consisted of a dislocated right shoulder, a badly contused head, sev eral cuts about the body and an in ternal bruising, but it is now thought that he has a good chance to recover dispite his old age. His young wife came over from Bethlehem yester day and is assisting in taking care of the injured old man. Doty has been a resident of Bethle hem for almost thirty years. He is re ported to be past 70 years old and is one of the best known characters in this community. He bears an ex cellent reputation among his neighbors for honesty and his recovery will be hoped for by all. In explanation of the action of the train men on No. 3. it is stated that as soon as the engineer saw that the old man had been struck, be applied the air and at once stopped the tram. Conductor Carter hastily jumped off and seeing the old man lying motion- ess beside the track, he signalled the engineer to pull down to tbe depot where he immediately reported the news of the accident. In cases of fatal railroad accidents it is the universal "Midway Types." T1 HOSE INTERESTED IN ART Should not fail to cast an eye at the First column on this page. A perusal of that column will demon strate what an Extraordinary Offer THE JOURNAL, makes its Readers, and of which none should fail to take advantage. . 1 mm custom to leave the corpse untouched until the coroner has been summoned to take formal charge of the remains. It was Conductor Carter's impression that the old man bad been killed and he doubtless exercisad his best judg ment in hurrying the train to the depot to give tbe information of tbe accident. This is a very fair explana tion of what at first seemed a case of beartlessness on tbe part of tbe con ductor. The Filbert Case. The Filbert habeas corpus question is still unsettled, but according to re cent developments a final decision by the supreme court will likely be rendered in a very short time. Law yers Clark and Sullivan, who are op posed in tbe action, journeyed to Lin coln Tuesday and appeared before Justice Norval of the supreme bench. Mr. Clark made a statement to the court that unless a stay should be granted, Filbert, the father, by virtue of Judge Ambrose's ruling, would get possession of the children before the respondents, Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder. could secure a hearing before the full court. Upon this fact being demon strated. Justice Norval granted a temporary stay until February 20th. when the case will be argued on an ap peal, thus insuring a speedy settlement of the points at issue. Lincoln's New Postmaster. According to last Friday's Omaha Bee and Lincoln Journal, the appoint ment of J. H. Harley to be postmaster at Lincoln is not such a Bryan victory as it was firBt reported. Annin. the Washington correspondent of the Lin coin Journal, says that Mr. Harley's name was first suggested to the presi dent on Jan. 2, by N. S. Harwood,of Lincoln; also that Bryan feels disap pointed at Calhoun's defeat. It is evident now that the president con cluded to appoint a compromise candi date to avoid a factional fight over the matter, and that Harwood, Morton and Bryan all agreed on Harley. It Was a Case of Measles. wn at promised to develop into a regular small-pox epidemic was on tap Thursday. Several days before one of our physicians was called to attend a colored man named Bo wen, living in the northern part of town, and for a time the nature of the case was in doubt and the bouse quarantined to await further developments. Thurs day the case was investigated thor oughly and pronounced measles, con sequently the small-pox features were a fake. The meetings at the Baptist church at Louisville by Rev. Fleming, pastor, with Rev. Sig C. Green, are wonder fully interesting, and great crowds gather each evening, and much good is being done. People go to church who rarely go, and many have united with the church, and large numbers are making the good profession. The whole town is interested and the com- munity is feeling thi benefit. Louisville Bridge Mandamus. The mandamus action wherein it is sought to compel tbe county commis sioners to accept the free wagon bridge at Louisville as a county charge and become responsible for its repairs, was grinding away in equity court before District Judge Chapman this after noon. A delegation of prominent citi zens from Louisville were in attend ance and with the assistance of their attorneys, Beeson & Root, presented their side of the case. County Attorney Travis represented the county com missioners in tbe resistance to the granting of the writ, while Byron Clark appeared for a list of ten or twelve tax-payers who sought to inter vene as party defendants with the commissioners. The testimony and arguments will be concluded this afternoon and Judge Chapman will take the matter nnder advisement. Bad Case of Insanity. The wife of Harry Barthold, who re sides on Wintersteen hill, is said by the officers to have become insane. Her aberration has been gradual and it is feared that her case is hopeless. Last week her ten-year-old son was sentenced to the state reform school for insubordination and disobedience. She has been brooding over domestic troubles to a considerable extent of late, and the sentence given the boy has doubtless had the effect of hasten ing the giving away of her mental equipoise. Tbe insane commission will possibly act upon her case within the next few days. Chicago Markets. Wednesday's Daily. The following quotations for tbe day are furnished through the courtesy of the Hawkeye Commission company, E. C. Bailey, manager, office in the Rock wood block: WHEAT. CLoaiHs orixroe closixo TZ8TSRDAT. TODAT. TOD AT. February w wi May (WH 60s MJ1 July 81 61 S 62 CORN. February 34 S 34 34H May 3H 37 July 37 37S OATS. February 27 ,. 28 May SMV il 29 vi July 87fc 2 SWfc PORK. February 11.82 11.97 May 11.2 11.90 12.07 LARD. February 1TI May 7.05 7.10 SHORT RIBS. February 6.10 6.15 May 6.20 6.27 5.15 Bishop Bonacum Wins. Tbe libel suit brought against Bishop Bonacum i?y Father Corbett, after a tedious trial of a week before Justice Spencer at Lincoln, was dismissed Saturday. Tbe justice held that under the laws governing the Catholic church the bishop has a perfect right to dis miss any priest, and further, that in his dismissal of the. Palmyra priest be had done nothing which one could legally construe as libellous. Clip the art coupon in today's paper.