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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1894)
i 1 j i I li f 1 r J IN AND ABOUND THE TOWN. And still there comes no news from the national capital in regard to the riattsmouth postoffice! Thomas Troop of the precinct de parted last Wednesday afternoon for a month's visit at his old home in Scott county, Iowa. J. C. of the best-known farmers in the vicinity of Murray, was in the city Monday and gave The Journal a pleasant call. Theodore Ileim, one of Louisville's best-known farmers and staunchest democrats, was in the city on Friday and called on these headquarters. Ex-She iff Wm. Tighe who has served the county for the past four years and also served it well, will re move back to his farm near Manley. At an early hour Friday morning a big land-slide occurred on the IS. & M., eoiith of Peru. The slide was re ported to be five hundred yards long, and trains were delayed for several hours. Col. Poke is to be congratulated in se curing editorial help on hissheet. It's quite certain that he neededit. We must sympathize, however, with the new comer in being thrown into such liad company. Ex-Deputy Sheriff John Tighe tioarded a B. & M. train for Omaha last Monday. lie states that he will commence work at the Willow Springs distillery at Omaha as U. S. pauper on Feb. 1st. The funeral of the late John Ritchie, whose demise occurred early Wednes day morning at his late home in South Park addition, was heid from the resi dence Friday afternoon at two o'clock, and the remains were interred in Oak II ill cemetery. Louis Degendorfer journeyed to Om aha hist Monday to take treatment under Dr. Bryant for an eye which he injured a week or more ago. Mr Degendorfer will remain in Omaha under the doctor's care throughout the present week. The Pearl street jail has recently been scrubbed and thoroughly cleaned from top to bottom, and the place really resembles a new building, as far as cleanliness is concerned. The change will certainly be appreciated by the prisoners conGned therein. The ice harvesters were compelled to discontinue operations cn Satur day. The warm weather of the past few days has so honey-combed the ice as to render it unfit for packing. Al the present writing the prospect for an abundant ice harvest this year are de cidedly slim. Col. Race of the Weeping Water Eagle issued a newsy sheet last week, which fact is doubtless due to a gen erous use of numerous items clipped from TriE Journal. It may also be added that the colonel failed to give proper credit. The Eagle readers, however, must have the news, and we feel disposed to forgive the Eagle ed itor in his garbling. The Elmwood Echo of last week states that "the county commissioners allowed Hyron Clark a fee of $200 for assisting Matt Gering in the defense of Hilf and Benwell." The Echo is in error. Mr. Clark was allowed $200 for assisting County Attorney Travis in convicting the two prisoners. It is also a fact that he earned his money. We say this because Col. Poke's Noth ing did not yelp about the allowance. Landlord V. F. Hamilton of the Hotel Riley wants it distinctly under . stood that he made no affidavit to the effect that the jurors in the Hill case slept in his hotel. He simply made an affidavit to the effect that the jurors occupied apartments in bis hotel and that the apartments were connected with folding doors and were the same as one room. He knows nothing as to whether the men "slept" while within the rooms. The arguments in the case in which Joe Conway sued for the $300 reward for the capture of the Akeson murder-1 ers were completed last Friday and Judge Lansing took the matter under advisement. There is no question but that Conway will be entitled to the re ward, but the court is in doubt as to whether Akeson should pay over the amount, or whether Conway should recover from Chief Cooper. It is argued that Akeson should pay the amount to Conway and thpn seek to recover what he paid to Chief Cooper. On the other hand. Akeson claims to have paid the money under a misap- piehension and that he should be re lieved from paying it again. Lincoln Journal. liar. Onf Wife Too Many. Justice Archer last Saturday issued a warrant for the arrest of John D. Marshall on a charge of bigamy. Mar shall lives two miles and a half south west of Murray, and an officer left immediately to serve the warrant and bring in the risoner. According to reports Marshall and his nrst wife separated some five jears ago, and have sincr lived apart, but were not divorced. Marshall hns recently taken unto himself another wife, and will now have to answer to a charge of bigamy. Japanese Pile Cure is the only one that can be guaranteed, as it is the only cure. Sold by Fricke & Co. A Farmer and Hia Gun. Cass county farmers who would know the most successful method of downing the festive lightning-rod shark, should profit by the experience of a farmer in the neighboring county of Sarpy, as told in the following by the Papillion Times: The morning was bright, the mercury low. Two nicely-dressed strangers drove up to the Claus Hauschild farm home in Plattford precinct. The gen tlemen were advertising a new kind of lightning-rod. They proposed to erect one rod in each precinct, just to adver tise their wares to the farmers. The large barn on the Hauschild place had been selected for the Platford precinct "advertisement." Like the sensible fellow that he is, Claus told the strangers they bad better do their ad vertising in the newspapers, but, to make a long story short, they finally induced Claus to sign an order for them to rod his barn at the ridiculously low price of $10. Having secured the order, they informed Claus that their men were quite busy and would not be around to put up the rod before three weeks Filled with pleasure at the rich bargain he had made, Claus went about his farm work. Three hours later, instead of three weeks as they had agreed upon, the workmen came to put up that rod. They asked no questions, but went to work, and when Claus returned from the field the job w. a half done and the barn roof was a net-work of rods. Claus remon strated, but the men worked on. Claus wanted a more definite understand ing. He thought too much rod was being placed on that barn. "No need for a better understand ing," said one of the workmen on top of the barn. "Here is your written order for $740 worth of rod, and we must obey orders and put in on the building." "Seven hundred and forty dollars!" exclaimed Claus. as soon us be could regain his breath. "Why, the other fellows said it would only cost me $10." "But we have your order for the work, and it must be done," said the oily mechanic, as he strung out an other ten foit of the costly rod. Claus was dumbfounded. He tried to reason with the workmen. They were too busy to heed him. He grew desperate. He got his gun. Covering the workmen on the ground with the trusty weapon, he kicked down the ladder by which the fellow on top of the barn had ascended, and promised to let buckshot and day-light through the first man who touched that ladder, lie had 'em on the hip. It was tber turn to cry mercy. The workmen on the ground might escape, but the fel low on the roof was in Claus' power. He was thirty feet above the ground, and the eround was frozen. A jump would mean death. Recognizing they were fairly caught, the scoundrels wanted to compromise. They offered to return Claus his written order for $100. "Not a centl" said Claus. They would take $50, then 825, then $5. then ?2, which Claus agreed to pay if they would surrender the order and get off the farm in live minutes. The patlej lasted nearly an hour, and at its con clusion the tellow on the roof was so nearly frozen that he could scare stand when he reached the ground. Fearing he had done something wrong, Claus hastily drove to the office ot the county attorney to learn what' penalty the law prescribed for beating a lightning-rod agent at his own game. He insisted he had not pointed the gun at the men, but said be believed he would have shot them if they had not returned the order which they had fraudulently secured. "You have committed a serious of fense," 6aid Prosecutor Lefler to Mr. Hauschild. "While perhaps it was not your duty under the law to have shot those men to death, you clearly did wrong when you permitted them to escape with whole hides." And Claus returned to the bosom of his family with a happy heart. If you want something nice, lovely and sweet go to Meisinger & Lohman. Lint of Letter Remaining uncalled for in the post office at Plattsmouth Jan. 16, for week ending Jan. 9: Bickford, J no Goodmand, F Hea'b. Eva Kiser, E H McNurlin, Oscar (2 Wedswortb, Esther Persons calling for any of the above letters or parcels will please say "ad vertised." II. J. Streight. P. M. This is a good time to renew your subscription to the Weekly Jour nal. A dollar paid in advance will be as good as a dollar and a half at the end of your time. English Spavin Liniment removes all hard, soft or calloused lumps and blemishes from horses, blood spavins, curbs, splints, Sweeney, ring-bone, stifles, sprains, all swollen throats, coughs, etc. Save $50 by use of one bottle.. Warranted the most wonder blemish cure ever known. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co., Druggists, Platts mouth. 30 Call for the Horse Brand of John son's Macruetic Oil. It has no equal for the diseases of horses and cattle. Sold by F. G. Fricke & Co. Myotic Life Renewer This wonderful Health Builder and Constitu tion Restorer is indeed a renewer of life; be cause it possessed such marvelous powers to cure h11 forms of lndieestion. Dyspepsia, Nervous Diseases. Heart Affections. Female Weakness and Wasting Diseases. Every bottle warranted to Rive satisfaction or money refunded. Free bottle at F. G. Fricke fc Co.'s, druggists. Platts mouth, Neb. 12-8 ly Mr. Todd Accepts the Cup and Saucer. Some two or three weeks ago a pair of local jokers expressed a cup and saucer, on which was embossed a like ness of the Cass county court house, to L. G. Todd, the irrepressible county Beat agitator, who lives near Union. Mr. Todd hastens to acknowledge the receipt of the gift, and indulges in an other of his periodical ghost dances ovtr the fact that Cass has a court bouse and that it is located at Platts mouth. Mr. Todd addresses himself to the Union Ledger as follows: Mr. Ei;itor Please allow the un dersigned to express his sincere thanks and kindest regards to the unknown Santa Claus or Dago chief, or whoever he may be, lor the present of a very fine china moustache cup and saucer, embellished with the $80,000 court bouse. The sunt of this cup "causes the past to rise up before me like a dream." I shall enjoy this coffee cup very much in all my declining years. Cass county surely has a magnificent temple of injustice, a very suitable place for the trial and expenditures of thousands of dollars to determine the guilt or innocence of confessed mur erers aid to replenish the empty pockets of disreputable and profligate1 barristers. If the old-fashioned or thodox religion is true (and I begin to think it is) when we all get to the gate of St. Peter and clamor for admittance the question of Dagos voting for bonds will come up for bearing, and a tran script from the district court will be there. No doubt Chiefs Sullivan and Gering will be employed for the de fense, and "when the last trumpet sounds I will be there" if I can hear it. where I will submit the case to sn infallible judge without argument, and may the Lord have mercy on their souls. L. G. Todd. Nice Clean Millet For Sale, At $3 per ton. Parties wishing any of this hay can secure same by applying at my tarm.five miles west of Mvnard, or by addressing me at the Platts mouth postriffice. 4-dl-wS Henry Englekemeieu. C. C. Parmele and J. M. Craig de parted on Tuesday for Norton, Kan sas, to attend to some land deals which they have in prospect in that section. I saw it. I tried it, I liked it, I bought it of Meisinger & Lohman the White sewing machine. The cheering rumor comes from the B. & M. shops that the hammer shop, employing close to a dozen men, will resume work on Monday of next week on full time. Let the good work con tinue Rheumatism Cored in Ih ystic Cure" for Hlieumatism and Neuralgia radically cures in 1 to a days, lu action upon the system is re murkalile and mysterious. It removes at once the cause and the disease immediately disap pears. The tirst dose preatly benetits. 75 rents. Sold by F. G. Fricke .V Co., druggists Platts mouth Neb. 12-B-ly Order to Show Cause In the district court of t'ass county, Nebraska; in the matter of the estate of John li Rev enue, deceas: d : This cause came on for hearing upon the je tltion of George W. Miyder, admiuistrntor of the estate of John B. Beverate. deceased. prayitiK for license to sell the following described real estate, to wit : The south one-'ialf (S'-i of the southwest one-quarter fSWJi of section seven (7). town ship eleven (11 . ranee thirteen 13i, east, in Cass count. Nebraska, or a sufficient amount thereof to bring the amount of six hundred and sirty-eitht W.70i dollars and seventy cents, f or the pa meut of debts allowed against said estate and the expenses of administration, there not being suOicieut personal proierty to pay the said debts and expenses. It is therefore ordered that all jersons inter esied in said estate Hpear before me, at the office of toe clerk of the distri -t court, in l'latts Diouth, Cass county. Nebraska, on the tenth (luth) day of February, A. D.. lx'M. at 2 o'clock p. m of sH day to show cause why a license should not be granted to said administrator to sell so much of the above described real estate of said deceased as may be necessary to pay said debts and expenses." Dated this 3d day of January. A. D.. lt4. SAMUEL M . CHAPMAN. Judge of the District Court. C'has. Grimes, Att'y for Administrator. 2-6 Administrator' Appointment. State of Nebraska, I Cass County. l In county court To all persons interested In the estate of llliam Lloya. deceased: Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of February, A. D.. 1HSM, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. . at the count v judge's office, in Plans mouth, in said county, the petition, asking for the appointment of David SI . Lloyd as ad ministrator of said estate, will be beard and considered, at which time and place all persons Interested may appear and show cause, if any thev have, why he should not be appointed as such administrator. Dated this 11th day of January A. u.. IK!. 3 B. S. Ram s it, County Judge. Notice of Probate of Will. ETiTior Nebraska, j Cabs County, as. . In County Court In the matter of the last will ana testament ot John striegel, deceased : Notice Is herebv given that on the 1st day of February. A.D . 18!4, at the office of the county judge, iu Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, at the hour ot 'O o'clock in the forenoon, the following matter will be heard and considered : 1 lie ttetition ot Anna striegel and A. H Weckbach to admit to probate tbe last will nd testament of John Striegel. deceased, late of PlHttsmouth, In said county, and for letters testameutary to Anna Striegel and A. II. Weck- Dacn . Dated this 5th day of January. A. P.. lS'.U. By order of the court. B. S. Kamset. 3 3 County Judge. Administrator's Appointment. State of Nebraska, I Cass County. f In county court To all persons interested in the estnte of Stephen McC. Lloyd, deceased : Notice is hereby given that on the 8th day of February, A. D. lt4. at the hour of 10 o'clock a. in., at the county judge's office, in Plattsmouth, in said county, the petition, asking for the ap pointment of DavidM Lloyd asadministratorof said estate, will be heard and considered : at which time and place all persons interested may appearand show cause. If any they have, why be should not be appointed as such adminis trator. Dated this 11th day of January, A. P. 1W. 4 3 B. sj.'liASSET, Cwunty Judfe. A New B-l ""ti-1v.(? Treatment, consisting of SCPFOSllLiKii.S, Cupfnlt f Ointment and two boxes ot Oinmjeiit. A never-failing Cure for Plies of e rry nature uui degree. 1 1 maket an operation with the kuife or Injections of carbolic acid, which are painful an i eeldutn a prm.anent cure, and often resulting to death, cmwe&sarjr. Why endure this terrible diseaee? Wa guarantee e boxes to cure en case. You only pay for benefits received. Ha box, 6 for f r, by mail, bumnle f re. Guarantees lned b? our apeiita. CONSTIPATION b?Kf, neLI..1 the great T.TVFR andSTOUACU ElMCLATOK and BI UOX Pl'KIUKii. BniaO, mild and pleasant to taka, especially adtoptud lur chilli rcn'6 obq, OOjJoses X cents. Gi:AA2kTXr3 issued only by F. U, FKIIKC & (0.. D RrG GISTS, Sole agent riattsmouth, Neb. P POR THE Grand oom ! BABCOCR'S Real Estate Agency BARGAINS ! A Big Bargain: So acres, 5 miles from Union, Cass county ; timber will pay for land. Nearly every foot could be farmed if cleared. Easy terms. 100-acre Farm, adjoining Platts mouth; 70 acres under cultiva tion ; good buildings, etc., etc. If you want a bargain on easy terms come and see me. This is smooth land. 160 acres south of Plattsmouth ; 110 acres under cultivation, at $32.50 per acre. 160 acre improved eastern Colo rado Farm good soil near railroad Price $Soo 5150 down, balance long time. A nicely improved 80 acre Tract near Plattsmouth 550 per acre Easy Terms. 5, 10, 20, 30. and 40 acre tracts adjoining Plattsmouth, $50 per acre easy terms. Worth $7$ to 5100, and could not be bought for any less adjoining any town of like size in this state. An improved 90 acre farm near Murray Fruit Living Water, etc., etc. Price $35 per acre. A highly improved Clark county, Kans., farm fos good acre prop erty. This farm is clear and improvements cost 2,000. I will make some man a big bar gain on this farm. Good improved farms and wild lands for sale and trade in nearly every county in this state, Kansas and eastern Colo rado, and parties contemplat ing moving west will do well to see me before going as I can discount any price offered you by others. Quick loans made on Improved farms at lowest rates. Don't forget that I also write In surance. C. H. BAB COCK, Real Estate, Loan and in surance Agency. UNION BLOCK, PLATTSMOUTH, B Offer Extraordinary ! FOR 30 DAYS I WILL DELIVER Pianos and Organs TO CUSTOMERS IN THEIR HOUSES AT MANUFACTURER'S NET CASH PRICES AT THE FACTORY LESS TEN PER CENT. The MASON & HAMLIN PIANO with their improved Stringer, pronounced by experts the greatest improve ments in Pianos in half a century. Among our other Pianos are the Geo. Steck, of New York; Wm. Bourne & Sons, Boston; STCK, Chicago, and others. Also the world-renowned Mason & Hamlin Organ. Call and investi gate and secure a bargain. SHEET MUSIC A SPECIALTY. JAS. PETTEE, Manager. NEVILLE BLOCK, To Wearers of BOOTS and SHOES. ' THIS PROCESS OF MARKING GOODS UP AND THEN SELLING AT A DISCOUNT FOR CASH, DON'T GO WITH 1 HIS WARES ARE MARGIN A New and Stylish Line of Footwear Just Arrived. Give FETZER a call. AiaFECTAC LESI THE ST, LOUIS REPUBLIC TIICE-A-WEEK-16 PAGES EVERY WEEK. A GREAT SEMI-WEEKLY ONLY X JL. YKAll. Any reader of The Week ly Jour- nal can get The Twice-a-w eek Re public free by pending in three new yearly subscribers to The Republic with $3.00. In addition to obtaining the greatest news weekly in America, every sub scriber to The Republic will save ten times the price of the paper, or more, every year by the special offers made subscribers from time to time. Sample copies of The Republic will be sent anyone upon receipt of a postal card request. Address all or ders, TUE KETIBLII, St. LOUIS, J10. F. S. WHITE, Main Street, Plattsmonlb. GROCERIES ALWAYS FIIE8H. Teas and Coffees Unexcelled. Curtice Bros. Celebrated CANNED GOODS. SOLE AGENT FOR Pillsbury's L MINNESOTA FLOUR, The lteat In tbe World. The "XXXX" and "Best" Brands. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK. PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. Capital, paid up . . . . $30,000 OFFICERS : John Fitzsebald President F. E. White ice-president S. Vauh Castaier DIRECTORS: John Fitzprerald. D. Hawksworth, F. E. White, s. v ftugn ana ueorge K. vovey. Careful attention elven to the Interests of cus tomers. Collections made and promptly remit ted for. Highest market price paid for county warrants ana state and county bonds. BEESON & ROOT. Attorneys at Law, PLATTSMOUTH, XEB. OFFICE-Fltzgerald block.,OTer First Nat"! bank A PLATTSMOUTH. NEB 1 1. MARKED AT AN HONEST AND THERE THEY STAY. PROTECT YOUR. EYES. The well-known eye expert of 623 Olive ft . St. Louis. Mo., and 30 E 14th St., New Yorfc, has appointed THE CAKRUTH JEW ELHV CO. a ft??ntH for his celebrated Non-Chanfrwable Spectacle. AQtl Ere-OluHM. These glasses are the greatest Invention ever made in spectacles, and every pair purchased are guaranteed, so that at any time a change is necessary (no matter how scratched the lens) they will furnish the party with a new pair of glasses free of charge. The Carruth Jewelry Co. have a full assortment and invite all who wish to satisfy them selves of the great superiority of these glasses over any and ah others now in use to call and examine them, at The Carruth Jewelry Co.'s, sole asent6 for Plattsmouth, Neb. No peddler supplied. The Plattsmouth Mills, C. tIEISElL. Prop. This Mill has been rebuilt, and furnished with Machinery of the best manufacture in the world. Their "Plansifter" Flour Has no Superior in America. Give It a trial and be convinced. Bran, Shorts and Corn Meal Always on hand. Orders delivered in city promptly. TERMS Cash or 30 daya' time. IT. II. CVBHIKO, Jrrmid0tt. j. jt. jonxson. Ti e- President. TIIE- Citizens' Bank, PLATTSMOFTH. 3iEB. Capital paid in, $50,000 DIRECTORS: J W. Johnson. W. D. Merriam, Wm. Weten kamp, D. C Morgan, Henry Eikenbary, M. W. Morgan and W. H. Cushing. A general banking business transacted. In terest allowed en devesits. W. A. HUMPHREY, M. D., HOMCEOPATHIO Physician and Snrgeon, PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA. Cll In City or Country Promptly Anwwnl CHAS. GRIMES, Attorney at Law, PLATTSMOUTH, NEB. OFFICE : Second floor of the Todd block, eas of the court house. The Celebrated French Cure, " APKR0D1TINE " rfuS?y IS WOLD OT a POSITIVE J CUARANTEE to car may form of nervous disease or anydisorderof the cnerative organs of either in, whether arising; BEFORE tim ot Stimulants. A r Ln Tobacco or Opimm, ortb rough youthful indiscre tion, over indulgence, asc, iuco aa uooa oi xnuu Power, Wakelalne, Bearing down Pains In the bark. Seminal Weakness. Hysteria, Nervous Pros tration, Nocturnal Emissions, Leucorrhcea, Di inea. Weak Memory, Loss of Power and Impo encv, which If neglected often lead to premature old ae and Insanity. Price tLOO a box, 6 boxes for In 00. Pent bv mafl on receipt of price. A WRITTEN CtJARANTEE la riven for eveir tn.00 order received, to refund the money if nrrmanrnt cure is not effected. We have tho ands of tentimonials from old and young, o. both sezea, who have been permanently cured bvtbewieoJ Aphroditine. Circular free. Aaar THE ArHBO MKD1CWI CO.. Weatern Brunch. Box 27, Pobtlakd, OAv. FOR SALE BT Gering: & Co.. Druggists. riattsmouth, Nebraska 1 i -V'XJH' ' -' TfH ' jB ' asii. ... ' i .rV .. at Lis dep-r'ty pt of yMlTSET"