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About Plattsmouth weekly journal. (Plattsmouth, Neb.) 1881-1901 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 25, 1894)
J I Hi i f .1 ,.t. nin'' "Ml',' 4TTSI WEEKLY RIAL, 4 - THE OUTfl JOU f : ' V " BE JUST AND FEAR NOT." v VOL. 13. NO. 5. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. THURSDAY, JANUARY 25, 1894. $1.00 JF ??i7SSv. i t r f r i I coupon. i ART I I AET SERIES NO. 1. I " Midway Tj?es Coupon Ho. 1. I ) I I The C.opoB Vnaibcr Chains Every . tyRanl ot brlns-to Vli Joua hai. tlx o; ths.n conpour, eon .ecutively Buaitxrr. CM md cents in eeto, eo4 yon will re- t r oruuiio r o. i or ui'm way Type. 1 For I im rt1 fr irf t mnmA frtlnw I "SCENES FKOK 1IDWAT PtAIsajrCH." The Weekly Journal is peraaittt-d to introduce ite icadera to cnuscyrosity of scenes of tret ternoo eid-fcow to the late Columbian exposition O id way Plaisano. You tnll cot to fares d to travel, like tost Cuomo to Chioscit, to 9te thee aoeeea, tut you will be privilege to eit in your ora borne with your wits cud aaiJira sround you, aud coar tw fo mtH fine engravire t2 . to ot ei c of he many que. sr jle t C quemt ccent which eore "Cule than did the bic .air irlf. Wii.0 tu old Giecka 60 co was to knofr. The asms rori cc, 2rrrvi the act of vision deaoicrl f k?J ifv r ctprk.:i o? t ruiafl Nor rary Tt b doubted fbot of oil it ercucs ! tween tta intr .r end S"iriTu?J sou! of man trvl te outward Tidviaialo world of tSTXrih'3 in1o0. no of 8cht is the brirnn a1 rn?t dellchtful. Visi 'B 1b tip- r-ce cti!t of info?rna tinn iCl?t. e rwn way of The ftdvomT s of rleiorxl rpre spntation b 9 of tnCrcri2 ind verifyir ion bvriJv be srz3rated. Wherevrr reTl 1 prsfflfcMo ttire i. a lmf wiT4 ? ;-iicft flare 0 VQht am1 swiftly r tirit ijr of 3Cnre and man heo ca- s to snppW th dpfi C'ncv d tn trecri!t to rtiont homP th pictnrf nrl rising f reality. Listen: Earh tr5 rat or?t the ix' coupon nrinted in th's ranr, r-eifinn inr on Thnrp'IsT. Jannary 25. rd put it Six ut tuese con pons consecu tivclj uuuioered ud leo cents will ooiaiu tor u porttolio Jio. 1 of lb famous "Midway Tpe." Ech port folio wih coiiiain 20 Pges mnd 16 porifuiioe concludt-8 tbe set. Th whole series will make yea ODe of the most valuable art collection s ich at cannot be often secured. For your own pleasure and for th education of your children, you ahould have the complete series cod you should seize the opportunity now. If you are alrt-ady a subseribar fi The Wkeilt jociNATeII that is re quired is to save your coupons and pennies. If you are ot a rewolar sub scrib'T sent" ns your name nd addresi and the pPr vill Nt aeat to you every weefc for ope dollar per year, it paid in artvanc-, or l-50 if paid at thf end of tbe year. The Journal. Dr. BftroM Returns. Dr. A. P. Barnes, the veterinarian, -whose domestic troubles were related in Friday eveninz's paper, returned home Saturday afternoon from Kansas City. Tne doctor was interviewed by a reporter far this ptper, and stated that be had fcone to Kansas City to attend to soaae business matters Rnd had made no attempt to conceal the fact of his departure or his des tination. On tbe contrary, he told several people when and where he was going. He stated that for several years past his domestic relation were anything but pleaaant, which was not caused entirely by fault on his part, and that the articles which appeared in the Omaha papers were authorized by his wife. He admits having: had trouble at Fremont several years ago, and charges his wife with being the cause. Referring to the latest phase an his case, he rays that he intends to remain in business in this city and Elmwood, notwithstanding a good business opening bting offered him at Kansas City. Conway Wta the Afceaon Heward. The case in which Joe Conway sued Thomas Akeson and Chief Cooper for the f300 reward offered for the capture of the Cass county murderers was de cided by Judge Lansing Saturday The court gave Coiiway a judgment against Akeson for tbe amount of the reward and coats of suit, while he dis missed the cuses of the claimants. Culver and M alone, at the costs of each. The suit against Chief Cooper was also dismissed. It is not known whether Akeson intends to bring an action aeainst Chief Cooper to recover the money paid to him "it the time of the arrest or not. Lincoln Journal. Japanese I'ile Cure is an unfaiiinz cure for every kind and stage of the diaaasa. Vaaraataea y r riaka & Ca A WELCOME INDUSTRY Plattsmouth Bushes To the Fore With a Big Cigar Factory. CITY "WATEB, IS ABUNDANCE. Superintendent of the Water Company Reports That. U Dangei or a Water Famine Baa raaaed That BaTelock Shooting. Some four weeks ago tbe mention was exclusively made in these columns that Julius Pepperberg, the local cigar manufacturer, was preparing for a trip to New York City, with a view of look ins through the big factories of tbe east for tbe purpose of acquainting himself with the methods used in tbe operation of those concerns. Mr. Pep perberg 's plan was to increase tbe working force and output of his local factory, and he wisely concluded that a personal visit to some of the big eastern factories would be of material advantage, should he conclude to make such a change. lie departed at the appointed time, and now comes the cheering news from him at New York City that be will make the con lea plated change. The following cir cular which Mr. Pepperberg is issuing from New York City to the trade in ibis section will testify to the truth ol the above assumption:" New Youk, January 15, 1694 lom patrons and the consumers ol the products of my cigar factory : Gentlemen: Having spent ruort than eight days in the ureal en t tobacco centre of the world (New Tork Cit). with tbe utmost care I succeeded in -electing tobaccos raided in the best d'strcts in the United States, Cuba nd Sumatra- The combinations of bese tobaccos, and the best of skilled abor. will enable me to produce the ichest aroma and mot delicious taste n '"Buds" and other brands of min0 making them superior to anv of the igars ever made at my factory hereto fre It is a well-known fact that tin ireent tariff on imported wiappers. hich makes the price on finest gratles f Sumatra so high, cuts dowu the manufacturers' profits to a very 6tuai. margin. Il order to maintain tt rod reputation of my factory ;is here tofore, and to retain the highest standard of the "Buds" cigars at ttu orenent small profit, it will become lecessary for me increase the output f my factory. To accomplish thi nnd. I mst earnestly solicit yniii patronage for 1894; 'his will n"t alone uipport me in rav efforts, but will also nrove to your own interests, as the Rods" will make your cigar trade more profitable and popular than aov ther brands sold in this western mar ket. Thanking you for past favors. I remain. Yours for high-grade "Buds." Julius Pepperberg. Plattsmouth. Neb. Mr. Pepperberg's factory is alreadv the largest in the entire state, and when It is known that he proposes to more than treble his present working force, it thus becomes apparent that it gives Plattsmouth an institution which is highly desirable and which will add materially to the trade of the town. Under the new arrangement the Pepperberg cigars will be ex clusively handled by one of the largest jobbing bouses in the Missouri valley and it is the determination of tbe wholesalers to continually pushPepper bere's cigars to tbe fore. The Journal sincerely trusts that Mr. Pepperberg's enterprise may meet with the success it so justly merits. Plenty of City Water. Sup't Coursey of the water company informs The Journal that the supply of water at the pump house since Tuesday evening has been subjected to a material increase, and that there now exists no possibility of the water running so low that the company will be unable to furnish an abundance for all the requirements. The standpipe is, as of yore, kept con tinually full. Mr. Coursey and several of the eity officials were out on Thurs day testing tbe hydrants, and tbe pressure was found to be up to require ments and gave entire satisfaction. Baveiocfc'a Shooting Scrape. The papers which officially charge Carter, tbe II are lock man, with shoot ing at F. J. Aldenbruck with intent to kill have been filed in tbe district court of Lancaster county. From the com plaint it appears that Carter beard young Aldenbruck charge him with stealing coal. Last Thursday after noon Carter aggravated matters by Bhooting Aldenbruck 1s dog and sending an insulting note to the owner of the pup. Later Carter and his wife went ti AMnbi uck's store and became in valved ia a dispute over a bill for $4. Carter refused to pay the bill and hot words ensued, during which Carter drew a revolver and shoved it under Aldenbruck-'s nose. Tbe latter dodged under the counter, and by sliding a couple of yard? along the floor, secured his own gun. Then he ordered Carter and his wife out of the store and hastened their departure by firing a bullet over their beads. The couple left in some haste and a few moments later a bullet came through the window glass. An affidavit is filed going to show that a man on 1 he street beard Mrs. Carter remark to her husband: "You didn't kill him; why don't you shoot again?" Cass Has the (iold-Fever. The gold-fever has struck a section of Cass county, as the following dis patch in Friday's World-Herald from Louisville wiil indicate: Twenty years ago this winter J. G. Eluber homesteaded and moved his family on a rough piece of land, which now borders the village of Louisville. About the first thing to be done was to bore for water. Himself and boys dug down twenty-three feet when tbey struck something that caused them to wonder. It was coarse and heavy, but is they were at that time somewhat ignorant of the possible value of their tind they dug on until they found M ater and then walled up the well. Of late years one of the sons. P. F. Huber, has traveled considerable through tbe western mining country, and at last returned to his old home, md has set a gang of men to work -inking a shaft, and will give the find f twenty years ago a thorough ex mination To the Wo'-M-Ilerald correspondent Mr. Iluber said: "I have a great deal of faith in the old well and am confi dent there is gold in it, but whether in paying quantities, will be determined bv ur investigation However, we !roposr making a thorough investiga tion " From the la of the land it is quite robable that the old time find was the -enuine hi tie'e. After the gold-fever California had abated an old miner, who went out from this county, on hi return took his pans and began an in vestigation of the sard in tbe Platte river. lie washed out from 25 to 30 ents worth of gold dust per day here, iid then be went up the Platte above Ashlar. d where he washed out 40 cents per day. In early days the river bed was south f its present course, and tbe Iluber farm is located on the banks of the old bed. There is a sharp bend in the river at this point, and tbe idea is advanced that the object of their search was de posited here by the channel striking this point. At any rate everything is putting on a lively appearance, and many inhabitants are beginning to 'ake the fever in genuine old-time style. Property here is not for sale at present, and everybody is talking of gold and prospects. Retrenchment at Haveloclt. The master mechanic of the B. & M. shops at Ilavelock has received orders from the headquarters at Omaha to reduce the working force by discharg ing fifty men. Accordingly on Fri day some forty of tbe apprentices and helpers in the machine and blacksmith shops felt the keen blade of the re trenchment ax descend upon their beads, and are now at liberty to accept any situation that comes their way. It is also reported that tbe Platts mouth shops will feel the effect of further retrenchment in the matter of fewer hours and five days per week. Suicide at Nebraska City. Hart well Baker, aged seventeen, shot and instantly killed himself at Ne braska City last Wednesday. In com pany with Night Watchman Dugan he was sitting in the watchman's house on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy bridge, playing with a revolver. Two chambers of the weapon were empty and three loaded. The boy placed the weapon to his temple and pulled the trigger three times. The last time a shell exploded and scattered his brains about the room. No cause is known for the commission of the rash act. Notice. There will be a meeting of the Greenwood District Reunion commit tee, G. A. It., at Greenwood. Ne braska. Thursday, Jan. 31st, 1894. for the purpose of making arrangements for the next annual reunion in said district. All committeemen are re quested to be present. Business of importance to be attended to. David McCaio. President. J. M. Matteny. Secretary. Johnson's Magnetic Oil cures cramps and colic and internal neuralgia; 40 ana T cents. ld at Friake & Ca. TEN YEAR FRANCHISE More Fun in Sight in the Missouri Biver Ferry Squabble. LEON L0ZIEE, HAS A CLOSE CALL A Reported Robbery at the City Hotel Which the Police Believe to be Fake Retrenchment at the Have lock Shops. What Iloes This Mean ? In the Glecwood Opinion of last week the following appears in the published proceedings of the board of supervisors for Mills county: Auditor's Office, Mills Co. ) Glenwood, Iowa. f Regular session of board of super visors, Jan 9th, 1894. Tbe matter of the issuance of a ferry license to O'Neil & Thomas being un der consideration, the following pro ceedings were bad and entered of record, to-wit: Whereas, On July 17th, 1892, the board being then in regular session. determmea that in tbe application for license Elijah i 'Neil and J. O.Thomas had fullv complied with the law. And whereas, on said day the board bv motion granted exclusive ferry license to the said O'Neil & Thomas for one mile on either side of the cen ter line of the right of way of the B. & M R. R.. on the Iowa side of the Mis souri, for a period of ten years from said date; and whereas, by mistake and oversight, the record of the board was defective and did not fully contain or conve tbe action of said board. Now, theretore. to correct said record and to make it conform fully to the purpose intended and action of this board, we 1I0 herein grant and issue to tbe said O'Neil & Thomas, for a period of ten ears, from July 17th. 1893, exclusive license to run and conduct a ferry, on the Iowa side of the Missouri river, for one mile on either side of the center of the right of way of the B & M. R. R . subject to the following con ditions, to-wit: That the aaid O'Neil & Thomas file a bond in the sum of five hundred dollars, with good and sufficient sureties, to be approved by the auditor which has been done), conditioned upon the faithful ob servance of the law governing the run ning of ferries; also that the rate of toll charged shall not exceed the fol lowing rates: For a man and team. 1 00: single horse and buggy. 75 cents; horseback rider. 50 cents; single horse. 35 rents; colt. 25 cents; cows tied np. 25 cents; loose cattle 15 cents per head: hops and aheep. 10 cents per bead; passengers. 10 cpnts each. Sipped. John B rbour. Chairman. John' i tpon, Geo Warner. What does the board of supervisors for Mills count v mean by "an exclusive franchise for ten years?" Does it mean that Ferrvman Archer, a Ne braska man, will not be allowed to operate his ferry-boat (i. e. not be al lowed to make a landing) within the proscribed limit, and that Mr. O'Neil. an Iowa man. will be given a monopoly for a period of ten years? If that is what it means, the board of commis- "I HPHOSE INTERESTED IN ART Should not fail to cast an eye at the First column on this page. A perusal of that column will demon strate what an Extraordinary Offer THE JOURNAL makes its Readers, and of which none should fail to take advantage. sioners of Cass county should grant Sam Archer an exclusive franchise on . this side of the river for a like period, : and provide a heavy penalty against anyone else doing or attempting to do a ferriage business within a mile of the j B. & M. bridge. But, after all, the ! Missouri river is generally supposed to be under theiegal control of the war department, and the secretary may I have power to grant franchises to flat- boat ferries. W an ted to Lynch Leon Loxier. During the firemen's tournament ! Plattsmouth people became acquainted with a professional sprinter or foot- racer named Leon Lozier, who ran with the home team in he state cham pionship hose race. Lozier ia an all round crook, hiB specialty being fake foot races, and oue of his specialties was worked on an Indian doctor at Louisville last summer to the extent of tSO. He has been engaged in other crimes, and has been charged with nearly everything on tbe criminal cal endar except murder. He now stands cnarged with an attempt at rape, his victim being a five-year-old child of one of his neighbors at Council Bluffs Lozier was captured on a Missouri Pa cific train at Omaha last Friday and taken to Council Bluffs, where a mob of several thousand people gathered for the purpose of lynching bim. The authorities finally dispersed tbe mob and removed the prisoner to another county for safe keeping. All Friday night the Dodge Light Guards guarded tbe court house to protect it from tbe mob's fury. Lozier has heretofore been charged with the same crime at several other small towns in Iowa, but has managed to escape tbe punishment he bo richly deserved. Believe It's a Fake. On Wednesday last a stranger ar rived in tow n and stopped at the City hotel, where be registered as L. G. Powell, from Des Moines. He claimed to be a physician in search of a loca tion, and visited Plattsmouth for that purpose. He alleges that on Wednes day night he was assigned to room eighteen at the hotel, and upon re tiring locked his room door and re moved the key and placed it upon a center table. During the night he awoke and was surprised to find his room door ajar. He arose, picked up the key and again locked the door, leaving the key in tbe lock. In the morning be discovered that his vest bad been robbed of S35 in money and bis gold watch and chain. Tbe rob bery was reported to the police, who examined every detail of the affair and arrived at the conclusion that the robbery smacked very strongly of be ing a fake, the purpose being to secure several days' board without paying therefor. Mr Goos. tbe proprietor of the hotel, has been in business here for many. many, years, and his hostelry has never vet had a charge placed against it that would do credit to the notorious Bender family. idway Types DELIVERED THE CASH Greenwood Bank Formally Turns Over the County Funds. THE PABKEB BTJBGLABY TRIAL The Young Man May Find It m DlScnlt Matter to Prove that His Previous Reparation Has Been Be yond Reproaeh. The most recent development in tbe county cash tangle is the paying over of the money by the Greenwood Na tional bank to tbe Bank of Commerce of Louisville the new depository. The Greenwood bank decided to re linquish Monday and notice to that effect was at once dispatched to tbe county treasurer's office in this city. Tbe cash comes, through tbe process ofexchan e, by way of Omaha, and by this time every red cent of it is within the vaults of tbe Louisville bank drawing 4 per cent interest for tbe county. The plan in which the supreme court was to be petitioned to issue a writ of mandamuB restraining tbe county treasurer from drawing on tbe Greenwood bank for the money, was a temporary failure. The law firm of Marquette, Deweese & Mall of Lin coln had tbe matter in baud on behalf of several Cass county tax payers, but as tbe supreme court was not in ses sion Monday when tbe application was made, tbe Greenwood bank de cided to pay over the funds and await the next sitting of the supreme court on Feb. 5. when the application will be again presented and pushed with renewed vigor. Bert Parker's Trial. The trial of Beit Parker, the former Cass county boy who lived down at Rock Bluffs, is in progress at Fre mont, wbeie be is charged with having burglarized a U. P. freight car. Law yer Matt Gering journeyed to Fremont on Tuesday to assist in Parker's defense,- and several Plattsmouth people went with him to testify as to the prisoner's good character while he re sided in this county. In this regard the defense will doubtless be treated to a sort of surprise, the same to be furnished by ex-Deputy Sheriff John Tighe. Some three years ago Parker was arrested by the ex-deputy at Rock Bluffs on the charge of rape, but he crawled out by presenting proof that he was under eighteen years of age. Shortly after the episode Parker left Rock Bluffs, and about a year later he attempted a criminal assault upon a four-year-old girl out in tbe western part of tbe county. A warrant was issued for bis arrest, but as he had taken the precaution to flee, the officers filed the paper away for future ose. Mr Tighe was also a passenger for Fremont on Tuesday and had tbeun nsed warrant tucked safely within bis inside pocket. It will be used by the prosecution at the trial. 5? 0