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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 17, 1922)
MONDAY, JULY 17, 1922. PAGE SIX You're dollar has come into its own! Read these prices and come to Plattsmouth July ,19th FLATTSUOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL I Special Offerings for Wed nesday, July 19th! Some items listed herein are far below any pre war price on same class of goods and you cannot afford to miss them. WINCHESTER SCREW DRIVER 4 Inch blade. Win- 1fr Chester quality. Extra special 1UI WASH EOARDS Here's your opportunity to get one at 40 less than the regular wholesale price. Each U WILLOW CLOTHES BASKETS Small, medium and large QC sizes at $1.10. $1 and OiJC Genuine Good Luck jar rubbers. Tested and approved by 1 A Good Housekeeping Magazine. Per dozen 1UC SHARPENING STONES for the kitchen. Also good to sharpen scythes and sickles. Price each 5c OUR BIG SUPER-SPECIAL BARGAIN 17-QUART HEAVY DISH PAN 3X plain tin. Certified to by committee. (See other side) 19c COME, INSPECT THE COPPER CLAD You will find this an oppor tune time to look over the Copper Clad range and when the day comes that you need a stove you will bo familiar with the points of superiority of the Copper-Clad Malleable range. HOW ABOUT THAT POWER WASHER The New Vosa is the very latest in power and electric washers. Electric swinging wringer all enclosed years and mechan ical parts, with folding bench. Bargain Wednesday price com plete, $79.50. . GARDEN HOSE One-half inch moulded high grade garden hose. Fully guaranteed. Price, per foot CANNING TIME The season for canning tomatoes will soon be here. Get your cans now. Per dozen 13c 70c Bestor & Swatek the 1YfNCfSTR stom Bargain Wednesday! Salted peanuts, per lb 11c Strip bacon, per lb 23c Rib boil, per lb. . ... i . 7c English walnuts, per lb 20c Monarch milk, large can 10c 7 bars Armour's yellow soap for ' 25c 6 bars Armour's white soap for ".25c Ferndell coffee, per lb 40c Medium red salmon, per can 40c Bulk cocoa, per lb.. 1 15c 2 cans Dr. Price's baking powder 30c -Hatt's Market- DOUBLE SERVICE Leatherette SUIT CASES in dark brown. Full $145 size, steel frame JL-" Men's DRESS SUSPENDERS, Fine lisle web. IQ President style Ou Boys' summer UNION SUITS, short sleeves, knee length, in ages G to 14. Just think of it dO Boys' ODD COATS Neat gray mixtures. Ages 7 to $045 10. Price & Men's DARNPROOF HOSE 6 pair guaranteed un-- QC til January UJ Men's DRESS STRAWS, ItalLm braid, black silk band. QQ0 Special price Boys' KIKI SHIRTS, made of good twill kiki and QQ double sewed OJJ One small lot WASH SUITS in broken sizes. Very CC special at Oo Men's light SUMMER PANTS, linen color, plain and fancy. Washable. Bargain $119 Wednesday price A" Men's 7oz. COTTON FLAN NEL GLOVES, well Q0 sewed, blue wrist J Men's fancy stripe DRESS SHIRTS neckband or collar attached style. New $100 up-to-date patterns . Boys' KIKI UNIONALL over suit of best twill kiki. $1 73 Sizes 14 to 16 1 Men's KIKI UNIONALL over suit. Assorted sizes. $050 Bargain day price Boys' Slip-on RAIN COATS, double texture. Sizes $1 98 6 to 12. Each A """ Men's KIKI LACE BOTTOM PANTS fine for outing or work. Double seat, made same as U. S. Army. Our $035 special price Men's KIKI LONG PANTS of extra good quality. $170 Sizes 32 to 44 Men's and Boys' ARMY HATS, dark drab, straight $1 55 brim. Each " Men's fine FUR CRUSHERS in gray. Very light and $145 soft and cool A Men's KIKI TWILL SHIRTS, with collar attached. QC All sizes Children's Rah Rah DRESS STRAWS, black, rr0 brown or blue OD Men's blue polka dot WORK SHIRTS. Union made. QC0 All sizes Child's SLIP-OVERS for play. Made of fast color 'Q ginghams. Ages 5 to 7 ' ' M Co Eo ' I : III MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS New and up to date in all the latest shades, fabrics and styles. Including blue serge. Price on $O50 Bargain Wednesday only tlT.'mm Men's fine soft KIKI HAND KERCHIEFS. Full Qtf size, at each J Men's turkey red HANDKER CHIEFS for work. Q0 Price, each -O .Boys' KNICKER SUITS, wool. Made in latest styles. One and two pair of pants. $C95 All sizes 0- Men's silk stripe WASH TIES, 4-in-hand style. All brand new. Each tO Children's ROMPERS In blue, gray and stripe. Long or short sleeve. Ages 2 to 7Q 8. Price J Men's DRESS SOX Very fine gauge lisle in all new colors. All sizes 0 Men's black sateen SHOP CAPS In all sizes, 6 to Q0 7 , at each ' t Boys' KNICKER PANTS--Neat mixtures. Ages 8 to 18. Two special lots on sale at $145 91.95 and A " Boys' PRESS CAPS, full piece top browns, grays and blues. Special Bargain day . CC price, each UO Boys' DRESS SHIRTS either with or without collar. Plain pongee color or neat QC( stripes. Price, each 0 Boys' WORK SHIRTS, blue or gray. Flat collar at- CC tached. Each DD Men's kiki CLOTH CRUSHERS, with or without wire screen ventilators. Very spec- AQ$ ial price, each fJ Another chance to buy those guaranteed RUBBER BELTS for men. New style "7 buckle, all sizes at I One lot WASH SUITS compris ing whites, blues, pinks and greens. Mostly K and E make. Guaranteed colors. Price each . jO Boys' BLOUSE WAISTS neat ' stripes and figures. Ages 5 to 12. Very special ACk$ price . - XJ Men's Slip-On RAIN COATS, double surfaced, sewed and cemented. Some with belts. Good for rain or ,$035 shine. Special O Men's and Boys' peanut straw FIELD HATS with wide OO0 brim. Price each bJ Children's RAH RAH peanut straw hats. Very spec- OO0 ial price, each Ladies SPORT HATS, crusher or sombrero styles, QQ fancy stripes, at OV Men's fine MANILLA STRAW IIATS'for dress wear. $J89 All sizes A- Men's FEDORA peanut straw hats for dress wear. fiQ Bargain day price U Ladies' LISLE or FIBRE SILK STOCKINGS. Broken JT0 lots. Extra good values fxD Men's Bal or Porosknlt UNDER SHIRTS, sizes 34 and OQtf 36. Special price tdV Boys' ' WASH KNICKERS in neat tan stripes. All OQi 'sizes at 0 Men's fine FULL HORSEIIIDE WORK GLOVES, back seams, wrist or gauntlet style. QC0 Extra special UO Men's FINE RIBBED UNION SUITS long legs and CC0 short sleeves. All sizes OD Men's BLACK RIBBED UNION SUITS. Absolutely fast QQ0 dye. Each UU Boys' BLUE BIB OVERALLS. Fast color 220 denim. QQ0 Sizes 4 to 12 OJ Men's DRESS PANTS Choice of the store nothing $495 reserved. Per pair fr 60 Men's fine . FUR DRESS HATS, broken lots and $095 sizes. Very special ' t m Children's white WASH HATS, Rah Rah style. New Ck$ goods. Each O 200 best cabinet COAT HANG ERS. Bargain day -I A0 price, each A U SPECIAL Buddy Lee Doll for $1 with any Lee garment sold on Bargain Wednesday : ' Wescotttt's Sons 'EVERYBODY'S STORE' Men's Genuine Palm Beach Suits all colors, all sizes. One day only - HOT WEATHER Whether You Vote for It or Not You're Sure to Have It! So for bur special that is a real special, we are featuring a fine Cotton Pongee shirt with low, comfortable, buttoned down collar in tan .color. This shirt is made with box plaited centers, Ocean Pearl buttons to match, wide backs, form-fitting shoulders, coat style, cut full and roomy and very specially priced for Bargain Wednesday selling at 95c Vassar athletic union suits g 9 the regular kind that do not MSp tear out in the back ttw Boys' blouses and shirts, made m pi for hot weather wear. Special O Bargain price m J A few young men's sport flA shirts with silk collars. Sizes I 14 to 15 Men's ties Silks and Knits. w Regular $1 values are yours fllStf Wednesday for VtJC DISCOUNT Any straw hat m f in our stock will be sold at a discount of . JK Chalmers ribbed union suits, short sleeves and ankle length. Bargain Wednesday price. . . A 2:20 denin union made overall high or suspender back, 32 to 42 waist WORK SHIRTS A few left over from last Bargain day Short on big sizes. 75c and. . One lot of Men's Silk shirts, sizes 14, 14'2t 15.' Specially priced for Wednesday Men's percale shirts neck band style, French cuffs. Fast color. One day only 95c $35 65c 95c Store open until 9 p.m. Store open until 9 p.m. BARGAIN WEDNESDAY GOODS ARE CASH! 0 CDC 3 C Bargain Wednesday Specials! 0 Ladies' Fine Silk Hose Made by the Buster Brown Hosiery Co. Black, Brown, White and Nude. Pair 65c Our Two Big Specials! We Have Arranged Many Other Special Values Throughout Our Store. Don't Fail to Pay Us a. Visit! Ladies, Misses Oxfords Black and brown. All sizes. These are the famous "Star Brand" shoes. Per pair $1.98 ry Goods! on's IVoar! Grocories! 0 0 Ladies union suits, special price per suit 32-inch dress ginghamB, elegant quality. Per yard Fancy crepes, ideal for gowns. Price, per yard Voiles and Batistes light and dark patterns, 3 yards for Ladies' cotton hose. All colors at, per pair Children's bloomer dresses made of fine grade sateen and ging hams. Priced from 91.45 to Bungalow aprons, light and dark patterns. All sizes at .49 .25 .35 1.00 .19 1.25 1.19 Space forbids further jenumeration of the many values you'll find here. Men's 220 weight blue overalls. Special, per pair Men's union suits Athletic, Porosknlt and Balbrigan styles. Special price, per suit Boys' union suits. We have them in all sizes at Men's and Boys' caps values up to $2 at, each Men's klkl trousers well made. Priced from 92.25 to Men's Lion brand work shoes. Guaranteed all leather ; Men's black gun metal dress shoes at Men's good quality work shoes. Special, per pair.' 1.19 .79 .49 .49 1.65 3.95 3.45 2.49 Butter Nut coffee. Our special price, per lb Nutro milk. Small cans, three for Iten Fairy soda crackers, special price, per lb Large glass delicious prepared mustard for Horse Shoe and Climax tobacco. Per lb., only Gun Powder tea. Our special price, per pkg Mason Jars, quart size. Special price, per dozen P & G laundry soap. Bargain Wednesday, 4 bars for .40 .10 .15 .10 .75 .10 .98 .25 Bring us your eggs. We pay the highest market prices at all times. 0 Fainig)p s' Pepaiirtsirinioinrfi j Phone 206 We Sell for Cash and Sell for Less! fl 9' I rS y rvc rafli rv v FRANK I. FANGER, Proprietor 0 u n 0 u Plattsmouth, Neb. ' ' DC 3 )C D ( ) C D( )C DO