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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 13, 1922)
STefcmfei State E;flTf. calSodetj vol. 170. xxxvm. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1922. NO. 104 FINE OF $100 AND . COSTS ASSESSED AGAINST GUARD Roy Mills Charged With Assaulting and Threatening Luke Dim mit Eeceives Fine. From Monday's Dally. This morning: the court room vof Justice William Weber was packed to the doors by an interested audi ence to hear the trial of the case of the State of Nebraska vs. Roy Mills, in which the defendant was charged with having: assaulted and threaten ed one Luke Dimmitt on the after noon of July 7th. The defendant. Mills, was employed as a guard at the Burlington shop yards 6ince the 'strike has been on and Mr. Dimmitt is a fireman in the local yards in the service of the Burlington. The defense asked for a continu ance of the case for a week but the continuance was oposed by County Attorney Cole on the grounds that it was not a civil case and practic ally all the evidence was ready to submit and that the condition of af fairs demanded a speedy trial of the case. Judge Weber overruled the mo tion for the continuance and the case was placed on trial. The complaining witness stated on direct examination that he was an employe of the Burlington rail road ' as fireman and was employed as fireman on the second trick in the local yards in that capacity, that about 3:30 on the afternoon of July 7th he was going to the roundhouse of the Burlington in the shop yards to start in his work and when some twenty feet inside the yards was halted by the man Mills, who asked him where he was going and what he did in the shops that required his presence. Mr. Dimmit stated that he told the guard his occupation and that the guard had asked him for identification and that he could not go on Into the shop yards. The wit ness stated that the guard refused twice to let him go on and Mr! Dim mitt had asked the guard to go up to the company office and find dUt'Tiis name and position. This the guard refused, the witness said, -as h stat ed he could not leave his post. The guard. Mills, had pulled his revolv er out of the holster while talking One of the old watchmen in the yards had finally Identified the wit ness and he was allowed to go on. The gun had been pulled the second time the guard had refused to let Dimmitt pass. On cross examination by Attorney W. A. Robertson, Mr. Dimmitt stat ed that the guard did not point the gun at him, and that the trouble oc curred just a short distance, probab ly twenty feet, inside the shop yard. The witness states that he had been employed as fireman at various times since 1920 and had been in service since June when he was placed back after the force had been reduced in 1921. He stated that the gun of the guard was in sight, but did not re collect seeing anystar on the guard. After hearing the evidence in the case Judge Weber decided that the defendant, MJlls. was guilty as charged and placed his fine at $100 and costs and which not being paid, the defendant should be committed to jail. The defendant through his attorney gave notice of appeal of the case to a higher court and asked that a suitable bond be fixed so that the prisoner could be released until the case comes up for trial. FUNERAL OF J. B. SEYBOLDT From Monday1! Dnr. The funeral of the late J. B. Sey boldt was held yesterday afternoon from the home of hs son. Will Sey- VtnlHt west of Mnrrav. and vprv largely attended, being one of the largest funerals tnat nas Been neia in this nortion of the county in many months. Tnc services were In charge of Rev. A. G. Hollowell, pas tor of the Christian church of this ity, and during the service a choir of the Christian church T)f Murray furnished a riumber of selections, the choir was under the leadership of Mrs. J. P. Brendel. The interment was at the Horning cemetery south of this city and the procession cov ered over a mile as the friends ac companied the body of their old friend to the Bilent tomb. CALLED ON SAD MISSION From Monday's Dally. This morning J. L. Stamp and wife from south of the city, departed for Shelby, Iowa, where they were called to attend the funeral of J. H. Hager, half brother of Mr. Stamp, which will be held today at that place. Mr. Hager died Saturday morning at the Tresbyterlan hospital in Omaha from Brights disease from which he has been a sufferer for some time. SHOWS SOME IMPROVEMENT Mrs. Lillian Fricke of this city is at the University hospital in Omaha where she has been for tine past few days for treatment and is now re ported as showing some slight im provement altho still far from well. Mrs. Li. E. Vroman- was at Omaha Saturday and spent a few hours with the patient and found her very cheer ful in her condition of health. Blank Books at the Journal OJSce. DEATH OF J. F. BITTER From Mondays Dally The message was received here this morning by W. P. Huneke, local storekeeper of the Burlington, an nouncing the death at Chicago last night of J. P. Ritter, for the past few years lumber inspector of the store department of the Burlington rail road. Mr. Ritter was stricken with a paralytic stroke on last Friday and failed to rally from the effects, grad ually sinking into the peaceful sleep of death. The deceased was one of the veteran employes of the Burling ton and first started his railroad ca reer in this city in the early eighties as an employe of the store depart ment of the Burlington. WATER COMPANY CASE IS SET FOR TRIAL AT ONCE Master in Chancery B. H. Durham to Hear Evidence and Submit Findings in Sixty Days. From Monday's Dally. The decision of the United States district court in the case of the Plattsmouth Water Co. vs. the City of Plattsmouth, was not as sweep ing asttwas first reported, Saturday, as the court, while denying the ap plication for a temporary Injunction on the grounds that an emergency did not exist, did not dispose of the case definitely as many had been led to believe by the first reports. Judge Woodrough referred the matter to B. H. Durham, special mas ter in chancery, who Is to take the evidence in the case and is given sixty days to take the evidence and submit his findings in law to the court. This will leave the case pending until the report of the matter be fore a final decision is made and the rates will be based from the 1st day of June when the decision is made and if the water company wins their rates will be made effective as of that date and the reverse if the find ings are for the city, which has a rate ordinance to be effective of that date. ' - The case is one . that is watched with a great deal of Interest by the citizens of the community .who are patrons of. the water company and the result will be very Important to the city. The first reports Were to the effect that the court decision was definite in denying the increase In rates but such does not seem to have been the case. OMAHA MAN IS CAPTURED BY LOCAL OFFICERS SUNDAY Had Small Quanity of Booze in His Car and a Like Amount In Himself when Picked Up. Frm Monday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon Sheriff C. D. Quinton was called out to the vi cinity of the Platte river bridge, where it was reported that a strang er was driving a car and who seem ed rather under the Influence of the drink that both cheers and de lights the party taking it. The man was discovered by Wil liam Grebe, state agent, who is also acting as a guard at the railroad bridges and he had the sheriff noti fied of the matter. The sheriff and Chief Barclay rode out to the scent of action and brot the man as -well as his car on into the city and took the car to the jail yard to remain until the case was disposed of and the driver of the car who gave the name of Walsh, was also placed in the county bastile to rest up. In the car was a pint of the famous corn juice. ' The complaint was filed this morn ing by County Attorney A. G. Cole against the man Walsh, charging him with possession of liquor and for which offense Justice William Weber assessed the sum of $100 and Costs. ' TAKES OFF TRAINS The Missouri Pacific railroad an nounces i that they will discontinue after Tuesday, July 11th, trains No. 107 and 10S on their main line from Omaha to Kansas City. This will be felt here as the train. 107 is the pas- I senger going north at 7:39 in the evening and has been very heavily patronized. Train No. 108 is the pas senger due here at 2:32 p. m. going southv The reason given for the dis continuance of the trains Is the shortage of coal as well as the condi tions that exist as to travel 'over the railroads at this time. HAS TONSILS REMOVED From Monday's Dally This morning Miss Sarah Rector, who has been suffering from more or less trouble with her tonsils, was op ,erated on by Dr. H.;C. Leopold and lis feeling very nicely since the op eration that has been a great suc cess and while still feeling the ef fects of the ordeal, the patient is progressing in fine shape. y CASS COUNTY SUFFERS VERY SEVERE STORM STRIP FOUR MILES WIDE THRU HEART OF COUNTY LAYS WASTE MANY ACRES. From Tuesday's Dally. Sweeping from the northwest last night, one of the worst storms iu' the history of Cass county, swept its way through practically the width of the county, traveling in a southeasterly direction and leaving in its wake hundred of acres of ruined corn crops and wiping out orchards by the force and intensity of the hail which was driven by a very heavy wltfd that added to the destructiveness of the storm. At Greenwood and vicinity the ground lay white with the fallen hail and burying beneath it the corn crops and where grain was not cut, laying it to the' ground. Burlington train No. 23, leaving Omaha at 7:25, struck ' the storm just northeast of Greenwood when the heavy rain commenced to beat into the open windows of the passenger coaches and in a few minutes the passengers were startled by a heavy roar and the hail storm burst with all its fury and in a few seconds there was not a window left in . the side of the coaches exposed to the storm and the rain and hail drove with great force into the coaches until the train was able to escape from the heart of the great storm. The storm wiped out telephone and telegraph lines and left the storm-swept acres without commun ication with the outside world and it is Impossible to fully estimate just how much damage has been done by the ravages of the wind and hail. The loss will, however, run into thousands of dollars as it swept thru some of the best farming sections of the county. In the vicinity of Murray, the on ly point from which direct reports have been received, a strip four miles wide has been riddled by the hail and wind and where yesterday were smiling cornfields there is only a waste of ruined crops to tell the story and fruit orchards wiped completely out of existence as far as the season's crop is concerned. The southern limit of the storm near Murray seems to have been near the John Hobscheidt farm and run as far north as a short distance south of the Glen Perry farm. Alvin Ramge, whose farm is lo cated northeast of Murray, was in the city today and told of the de struction wrought on his farm. Trees were stripped of their leaves and stand bare as in the bleak days of winter and the corn crop and other vegetation beaten into "the grounu by the force of the deluge of hail stones which were driven by the high wind and in their work of destruc tion. The wheat that had been cut and shocked was not damaged great ly, altho a small part will be bat tered up by the force of the hail stones, but the corn in the storm swept territory will be practically an entire loss. Mr. Ramge states that the hail was so deep in his locality that it could be shoveled up in large quantities, and was followed by a very heavy rain that filled the low places with the water and hail to the depth of several feet. The .Four Mile and Eight Mile creeks " are overflown in a number of places west of the city and mak ing travel almost impossible. PACKERS FEEL STRIKE From Tuesdays Dally. A wireless message received here from the broadcasting station at Omaha at noon states that the pack ing houses at Chicago have plans for closing down owing to the diffi culties of transportation of their cattle and finished products and the increasing strenuousness of the situ ation over the country. Some 60000 men will be affected by the order if it is decided to be necessary to put into effect. The situation has been made more serious by the threats of the big four brotherhoods and other organizations to join in the strike now in progress by the shop crafts and which would paralyze the trans portation service. - SUFFERS SEVERE INJURY From Tuesday's Dally. ' Yesterday afternoon L. E. Vroman was engaged in cutting grass at his home in the south partof thecity and while doing so the blade of the tool slipped and struck the fifth ward councilman about the joint of the left knee and penetrated to the bone The wound was very painful and re quired a number of stitches to close and as the result Mr. Vroman will navigate with a cane for a number of days at least. NOW HANDLING THE BEE George K. Staats has taken over the management of the Omaha Bee in this city and Is looking after the wants of the subscribers of this pa per. Mr. staats is endeavoring to do all possible to make the service the best and to see that the patrons are given the best of service. Phone u the newii HAVE CLOSE GAME . The heated rivalry that has exist ed between the baseball teams of Louisville and Cedar Creek is now most intense as the Louisville team, after their defeat by Cedar Creek the Fourth of July at Weeping Water, came back Sunday and defeated Ce dar Creek '3 to 1. The Cedar Creek team blew up in the third frame of the game and the Louisville lads put three runs over the pan, but the game was hard fought after that, but the two run lead was too much for the Cedar Creekers to overcome. A large crowd was in attendante and a greater turnout is looked for next Sunday when the two teams play at Louisville. With a horse apiece a real battle is being looked forward to. : NEW KIND OF JAG PRODUCER FOUND Cook at Grear Camp Found Enjoying Jagg Produced by Drinking of "Canned Heat." From Monday's Daily. - Shades of lemon extract, hair ton ic and other strange and unusual Jag producing liquids, there is a new rival to the old and well known brands of intoxicants that are often used by the worshipers of Bacchus, and this latest addition is canned heat. Yesterday morning a stranger was found at the Burlington station who was suffering from an overload of some kind of intoxicant and Sheriff Quinton and Officer William Hein richsen escorted the gentleman to the city jail to -recuperate and to the officers the man poured forth an un usual tale of how he came to be in the condition in which he was found. He stated that he wa3 employed as a cook in the Grear camp that has been established In the Burlington shop yards since the strike and had quit his position Saturday evening and come up town .where he pur chased five cans of Sterno, used as canned heat by the' motorists and others who have found it a most ef ficient and handy means of securing a quick and rapid flime.,-1.- The cook however found different use for the fuel, as he worked dilli gently and finally separated the de natured alcohol by straining it thru a towel and this mixture he proceed ed to imbibe with the result that he became as one bereft of his good sense and filled with lofty visions not unlike a snowbird and . eventually landed in the gentle but firm care of the officers of the law. UNITED STATES : COURT ENJOINS THE STRIKERS Burlington Secures Temporary Re straining Order From Judge Woodrough at Omaha. From Monday's Dally. " This afternoon the local officers of the six striking shop crafts were served with a temporary restraining order that had been Issued in the United States district court at Om aha by Judge Woodrough, on the application of the Chicago, Burling ton & Quincy. railroad. The hearing on the injunction has been set for July 20th at Omaha. The defendants named in the suit are the various shop craft unions, the officers of the local unions and members of the strikers' committee. In the restraining order the mem bers of the crafts are enjoined from going on the property of the railroad company, or Interfering with the em ployes or the property of the com pany and is very sweeping in its cov ering of the activities of the strik ers. As applying to this city the only activities that the shop men have taken part in is the peaceful picket ing of the shop grounds, and in this they probably will be allowed to maintain one or two of the pickets to serve at points distant from the property of the railroad company. The injunction applies to all points in the jurisdiction of the court where there are railroad shops or any large number" of railroad men assembled, including Havelock, Plattsmouth, Omaha and Lincoln. WARNS ABOUT PEDDLERS County Attorney A. G. Cole in view of the unfortunate experience of Mrs. George Lutz at Louisville is issuing a warning to the residents of the county In general against admitting agents or peddlers Into their homes unless they have a personal knowl edge of the parties as many undesir able characters are drifting around and at any time are apt to carry out a stunt similar to that which was carried out at Louisville yesterday. A little safety will save a great deal of trouble in the opinion of Mr. Cole and he will do his utmost, to urge that everyone be careful of those who come arftund their homes without the proper credentials as to their work and their personal stand ing. J Blank books at 'the Journal Office. LOUISVILLE WOMAN VICTIM 0F1SSAULT MRS. GEORGE LUTZ IN CRITICAL CONDITION AS RESULT OF ATTACK YESTERDAY From Tuesday's Dally. The city of Louisville was in the throes of most intense excitement last evening as the result of a dast ardly assault made upon Mrs. George Lutz, one of the highly respected ladies of that community and the robbery of the victim ef the assault by her assailant who is thought to have been a peddler of stove and silver polish and who visited Louis ville yesterday. The crime, although committed shortly after 2 o'clock in the after noon was not discovered until. 6 o'clock when Mr. Lutz returned home to find the wife lying in an unused room of the house in an unconscious condition and the interior of the home telling mutely its story of the strenuous fight that Mrs. Lutz had made before being overpowered by her assailant. As soon as the crime was discover ed Sheriff Quinton was notified and hurried to the scene of the crime, but the unconscious condition of the victim made it a hard matter to take up the trail of the man committing the crime until 10 o'clock last night, when Mrs. Lutz, who was apparent ly drugged or poisioned, recovered sufficiently to give a description of the man and the story of the long struggle that she had waged against the burly polish agent. She describ ed the man as being a tall and heavy set man, dark complexion and dress ed in tan trousers and light colored shirt and wearing a straw hat. When he entered the Lutz home he was wearing glasses, but later re moved 'these when starting the at tack on the unfortunate woman. The facts in the case as far as Mrs. Lutz could give them were that she had been preparing to go down to the caain business portion of the town from the home which is locate in the extreme east portion of Louis ville, and she, called up one' of her daughters and told her that she was intending to go down town and make a payment" on the home that Mr. and Mrs. Lutz were planning to purchase. Shortly after this, as she was get ting ready . to - leave, she heard a knock at the door, and going to the basement door found a stranger there who tried to sell her some sil ver polish. Mrs. Lutz told the man she. did not want any of the polish and he then stated that he would make her take some and t this started into the room where the woman was standing. Mrs. Lutz, who is quite active and strong, de spite her fifty-three years, grabbed a chair to defend herself and it is stated struck the man with it and he had then continued his attack and for more than an hour she struggled with him back and forth in the room and. attempted to get away, by run ning up the stairs from the base ment but before she could open the door to escape he grabbed her and commenced choking her and after a teriffic struggle in which her gar ments were torn, the man grabbed a bottle from his pocket and forced a small amount of the contents into the mouth of the well nigh exhausted woman and shortly afterwards she lost consciousness. As they were struggling, the waist of Mrs. Lutz was torn and a sum of money supposed to be somewhere in the neighborhood of $100, which she had thrust in her dress when she went to the door, was dislodged and fell to the floor, and this was taken away by the assailant, Mrs. Lutz had the. rest of the money in a purse that she had placed under her hat in the room and which was not found by the assailant and robber. The man, it seems, had pulled down all the curtains in the .main portion of the house and while there were a number of the neighbors near the place at different times, they did not realize the near tragedy that had oc curred as they saw, the blinds down and concluded that the family were all absent. After committing the crime, the man apparently had searched the house and left with the idea that the victim of the assault was either dead or in such condition that she would be unable to tell of the affair, as it is stated that a man answering the description of the assailant was at the Nichols-store about . 4 o'clock trying to sell some Boy Blue polish to the owner of the Etore, Frank Nich ols. He had a companion, another man with him at that time, and they were driving' a Ford roadster and were reported to have left Louisville traveling south. The storm, , which occurred about the time Mrs. Lutz was able to tell her story had placed the telephone lines out of commission and all ef forts to get in touch with other points were fruitless, despite the ef' forts of the sheriff to get the descrip tion of the man broadcasted over this part of the statu and thus bring about his early capture. The residents of Louisville were able to give a very good description of the man and it is thought that he is a resident of Omaha and that his capture will be a matter of only a short time. The companion of the supposed assailant is reported to have been apparently under the influence of liquor when at Louisville. The poison or drug that was given Mrs. Lutz is supposed by the attend ing physicians to have been composed of opium or cocane, as the victim ap parently was suffering from a drug of this nature. This morning at 11:30 a man answering to the description of the man seen In Louisville, drove into this city with the Ford roadster, ad vertising the Boy Blue Polish, and was taken into custody by Sheriff Quinton. The man was taken to the office of County Attorney A. G. Cole where'he was questioned and told a very straightforward story of his movements that led the authorities to doubt that he is the man who com mitted the crime. The man gave his name as G. A. Burton and his home as Omaha but denied any knowledge of the assault case and while he stat ed he was at Louisville yesterday his story in describing his movements was such as to leave but little doubt that he was not the man wanted. The two men with Sheriff Quin ton and County Attorney Cole drove to Omaha at noon to further investi gate the case and to have the man brought before Mrs. Lutz, who is at the Clarkson hospital where she was taken this morning. Mrs. Lutz, the victim of the as sault, is the mother of William Gob elman, and sister-in-law of Edward, John1 and - Mike Lutz of this city. MASS MEETING AT PARK SUNDAY WELL ATTENDED Rev. A. M. Beebe of Franklin Street Church of Omaha Addresses Citizens of this City. From Monday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon Garfield park was the gathering place of a large assemblage of the citizens of this city and vicinity to hear the addresses of the day which had been arranged for the event. Attorney A.' L. Tldd presided over the meeting and introduced the speaker of the afternoon; the Rev. A. M. Beebe of the Franklin street church of Omaha and who is now touring the state in the interests of the straight progressive ticket. In his remarks Rev. Beebe took up the strikes and he urged the men and 'women -Of the labor world to stick together and also took up the relative effect of the strike on the residents of the community not di rectly affected by the strike by the strike and which the speaker point ed., out was almost as great as that of the strikers themselves. iRev. Beebe also stated that the' is sue involved was not so much that of wages' involved, as the dollar , was a secondary consideration but that the (principles involved that of the right of mankind to, the enjoyment of liberty and the right to labor without being bowed beneath op pression was primarily the issue. He also urged that the strikes was the wrong way to adjust the conditions but ; urged that the ballot box was the fitting place to wrest the con trol of affairs from the few and place thenf in the hands of the many by voting for men for executive, legisla tive and judicial offices who were in hearty sympathy with the move ments and aspirations of the com mon people. IIoiv Docs m People often say to us, "What is the Federal Reserve System how does it help the First National Bank and do I get any benefits from it?" Federal Reserve banks own the world's greatest gold fund and these vast resources are available to member banks in assisting business men and farmers, in keeping interest rates steady, in maintain ing confidence and promoting business progress generally. These and other bene fits are yours as a depositor of this Na tional bank. The First Nmtonal Bank THE BANK WHERE YOU FEEL. AT M QMS PLATTSMOUTH JT "NEBRASKA. Member Federal Reserve BRASS FOUNDRY MEN JOIN FORGES WITH STRIKERS Fifteen Brass Moulders and Helpers, 3 Stationary Firemen, 1 En gineer Added to List. From Monday's Dally. This morning the only additional changes to the strike situation in this city was the addition to the force of men out on the strike of fif teen moulders and helpers from th brass foundry, three stationary fire men, one stationary engineer and two foremen at the shops who added their names to the roll of the strik ing shop crafts. There has been much conjecture as to the offer of the railroad com pany to those who desired employ ment in the shops to take the places of the men who are out on the strike and very little change was noticeable in the situation. The Burlington of fices report the addition of three men to the force of workmen in the departments that have been out on the strike, while the headquarters of the union forces state that no one who has been on the strike has gone back to work as yet. The addition of the new forces has greatly cheered the strike load ers an4 the men who are out and taken as an indication of the success of the strike proposition. Fifteen of the men who have been on guard in the yards are reported as signing up and quitting their jabs and returning to Omaha this morn ing. The condition continues very quiet and orderly and no disturbances have marked the conduct of the strike In this city, which is one of the best on the entire Burlington system as far as good order is concerned and with the strikers out in practically 100 per cent strength. The strength shown by the rail road workers over the country on the proposition of holding their rariks over today will probably have a marked, effect on the hopes of a speedy settlement of the difficulty and the opening of the negotiations toward-a settlement over the condi tions of working and the wage dif ferences. STORM CHECKS WORK From Tuesday's Dally. The rain storm here last night did not do a great deal of damage and the storm rere wa3 not accompanied by the hall and rain that visited other sections of the county and the only damage caused was to the work on the Main street sewer and the re paving. Mr. Coleman, the contractor, had the misfortune to have a portion of the embankment on the sides of the new sewer cave in and which caused the jnewly placed concrete covering of a part of the sewer to sink and will require some little work to replace. Mrs. D. E. Foster and daughter. Miss Nellie Kennedy of Tacoina. Washington, who have been here vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Val Burkle, departed yesterday for Oberlin, Kansas, and Otis, Colorado, where they will spend a short time and then return to this city to visit for a short time. Blank books at the Journal Office. li Donofil Uo?