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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1922)
MOKDAY, JUNE 19, 1922. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOTTRNAL PAGE SEVEN Here Are Some Bargains That Will Bat -r irst Anniversary- 1 1000 1 1 i ' M 1 t A IS 3 Taney Standard CORN Put up by the Red Oak Canning Co., of Red Oak, Iov:a. On sale Bargain day at the low prtee of THREE cans for 25c of Bargain Wednesday Sales Just a year ago we started our monthly Bargain Wednesday sales and each suc ceeding month has been better than the' previous one. We are making some extra low prices this month. It will pay you to look them over and come to Plattsmouth. Extra' Standard PERCALE This i3 a quality that usually sells for 25c and 30c per y?rd. It is our Dry Goods Anniversary sale special. Per yard 18c U All Seasonable Wearables You Need Right Now! t Dry Goods! STANDARD GINGHAM, such as Red Seal, Toile du Nord, Renfrew, Bates, Taunton and many other brands. All first quality cloths, about equally divided, 27 and 32 inches wide. Sold regularly at 25, 35 and 40c per yard. Anniversary - O price, per yard IOC CRINKLE SEERSUCKER, (27-inch) fine for gowns and all kinds of underwear. Comes in plain white and "J Q neat stripes. Per yard IOC HUCK TOWELING A very fine quality of cotton huck, 17 2 inches wide. Fine for hand towels and fancy 19p work. Per yard AC MARQUISETTE CURTAIN GGODS wide. nice even thread. . Colors, cream and Arabian. Price, per yard -3G in. white. and Arabian. Price, . 20 C TERRY CLOTH, (19-Inch) a fine double thread cloth to make your own bath tow els or wash cloths at a saving. This is a good, heavy quality. Price, per yard LDL. TERRY CLOTH, (lS-inch) single thread. Good for light weight towels, wash cloths and many other use3. Price, 0 1 per yard (JC LADIES' HOSE Full fashioned thread sill:. Coicrs cordovan r.nd African brown only. Regular $2.50 value. For this An niversary Bargain Daj only, per pa argain Day cale jjjj gQ TIFFANY SILK 3o inches wide. The Lett quality for all kind: of underwear. . Jrliic. cclc r, and expandable. for. wear. Colors sire nite, 'lavender, light blue, tan, gray, pink and navy. Price, per Cft yard, 65c and : . OUC NAINSOOK Fine quality, 3G-inches -wide. Used' fo:' fine underwear. Colors white, pink, flesh, laver.der, light ACkp blue and gold. Per yard T2vC Groceries! FRUITLADE Put up by the Welch Grape Juice company. A delicious spread for bread, toast and muffins. Also put up Peachlade, Cherrilade and other pure fruit jams. Put up in 15-oz. jars. Try a jar of this delightful jam. We know o r you will like it. Each 3C SWEET PICKLES for that picnic, put up in jars of various sizes to suit, from two dozen to five dozen pickles to a jar. Also the tiny pickles in tumblers at, CA each, 25. 20. 40 and 3UC PEANUT BUTTER in bulk. A good, stand ard quality, priced very low for the An niversary Bargain sale. Per 1 - pound, only AJt BLUE RIBBON PEACHES Practically peeled. Put up in 11-oz. packages. This is the highest quality of dried peaches, and we rccoinmand trying any of the six Blue Ribbon recipes printed on each pack age for a good dish. Price 1 Cg per package ID v. MEDIUM RED SALMON 1-lb. tall cans. Caught in the Columbia river in Orejon. A good, medium grade that usually sells fcr 25c per can. Bargain day C price, per can A3C SUNXIST SALMON A fancy quality RED salmon put up in Alafki". This i:: the grade that opens line for trnle and has a good flavor. We will sell it Wednesday, THREE cans for : V POTTED MEAT for sandwiches is going good on account of the many picnics just now. Get a supply for your future needs at the low pricefc quotdC Small r. size,- per c?.n "Tit------- uv6 . . Large Size Cans, 10c WORK SHIRTS 5c This is a good light weight blue shrrt for $laud well worth it. Full cut and fast color. All sizes. Special price good on Anniversary Bargain Wednesday ONLY. UNION SUITS! Men's knit union suits in short sleeve f F and ankle lengths. A summer necessity 5.JC and the price is right. . mm R2 Pi Velvet tobacco. 2 cans for 4S-oz. Jars pure apple butter Bulk cocoa, 3 lbs. for Lennox soap, G bars for ; 1 lare rolls toilet paper 25 35c 23tV 25 23? MEN'S DRESS SHIRTS Pleasing checks and stripes of per cales and m'idras from our regular stock of $1.50 and $1.75 shirts. S5c MEN'S NEW TIES Men's ti3s knit and silk our regu lar ties relling for $1. Anniversary day price, each 65c Hi I.OOK HERE, MEN ATHLETIC UNIONS Vassar Make 95c This i3 one of our best bar gain?. Our regular $1.50 seller. Now is the time to stock up and save money. BOYS' BLUE OVERALLS -mil fV&r5 Ages 4 to C 85c 3 BIG 3 8 10 12 14-16 95c $1.05 $1.10 $1.20 Get acquainted with this real overall for 'bo3'3. Made of 2:20 blue denim, trip pie stitched, extra full cut, fade proof. Plenty of big pockets Just like Dad'8. Jhe buttons are riveted on to stay. m hi TT Ml a " OB K Si Cu. CAPS CAPS CAPS! We have a few enps left from last Bargain day. These are plc-nty good for every day v.-car and are tuTely a. bargain at the price. Any cup in the nest is yours Wed nesday for' . 25c issh Discount on lien's Suits We will give a cash refund of $5 on any suit bought Bargain Wed-, nesday, marked $35 or better and $2.50 from our regular $20 to $30 suits. This is on the square. Ccme in any time, examine suits and prices then buy it Bargain Wednesday. This refund will buy you ! 0 or 20 gallons of gasoline, enough to bring you many miles. The cream of our suit line is from $30 to $45 and suit for suit we have the city store bested in values without this added discount. IT WILL CERTAINLY PAY YOU TO SEE OUR SUITS SILK SOX A new fad in checkered checks any color you like and any size in the lot. These are Wil son Bros.' CHAIN KNIT silk. A good, strong lisle foot and a neat fitting sock. The Bargain day price on these per pair is .75c TelepSond 64-65 fc it mtni U tiiVt rn--- r- nd Main St; UNION MADE MEN'S HEAVY WEIGHT ELUE OVERALLS $1.35 2:20 Denims', fast color, ex tra full cut. Both high back and suspender back. STORE OPEN TILL 9 P. M. BARGAIN DAY WORK SHIRTS 65c This is a heavy dark blue work shirt. A few left from last Bargain Wednesday to be sold at this special low price. Sizes 14 Vi. 15, 15. i CUES) 2B&lB3i& G5S Anniversary argain Wed mesday! GOOD UNBLEACHED Muslin 39-inchcs wide. A fine qual ity at a very special Q price. Per yard C We have arranged more and better values than ever before for our 12th successful Bargain Day. Don't fail to visit this store. MEN'S BALBRIGGAN Underwear Short sleeves, ankle length. Sizes 3G to 4ff. Ctg Pi-ice, each 37C Ury ieods! Dres gingharus, fan-ous Everett - y Classic brand, per yard 1 Brown toweling, good' quality, 2 o r yards for tD Imported tissue ginghams. Ex- rr cellent quality. Per yard DO Light and dark voiles and fancy batistes. Very neat patterns. OO Bargain day price, per yd Ou Imported organdies in colors. Ex- CQ celient quality. Per yd DV Children's bloomer dresses, made of good quality sateen and ging hams. Fancy trimmed. Special - op price $1.43 and 1LD Children's three-quarters hose, OP bl ack and brown, at to's Wear? Men's heavj' blue overalls. Our i J Q regular stock. Tripple stitched Ljxu Men's Lion brand work shoes, the 9 nr best work shoes in the land J3 Men's and Boys' outing bal work y A Q i.hoes at. per pair m.J Men's athletic union suits a big "7Q bargain at 1 t Boys union suits on sale Bar- Q gain Wednesday at - 'jLU Men's Kiki pants, well made, at "I fiC $2.25 to is low as lOD Men's spring caps tpecially priced IQ at each Children's sandals at prices from -l -1 91.45 to V3 low as X1.D Oroseries! No. 2 can of sugar corn. Special -J fj for Wednesday at AU No. 2 can cf pork and beans for jj the low price of Butter Nut coffee, price per lb.,.. QQ "Wednesday only OU Itec's Fairy Soda end Graham "j C crackers, per lb LO P and G white laundry sor.n. Our rC special price Wednesday, bar MO No. 1 lamp chimneys on ;ale ! Wednesday at, each iV of Oniar flour. Special 7 -f Q for Bargain Wednesday v tl.U 10c sack of table salt on sale' "7 Y'ednerfday for Bring us your eggs. We pay the highest market prices at all times. Anniversary Bargain 'Wednesday Sales! These Bargain Wednesday sales are the great buying events everyone waits for, the money saving opportunities everyone talks about. From their inception one year ago they have grown steadily in favor with the buying public and have done much to reduce living costs. Today people plan long before hand and travel great distances to get in on the feast of Bargains Plattsmouth merchants have set before them. This anniversary sale is the greatest feast of them all. If you haven't been attending these monthly sales by all means do so this time and buy the biggest bargains you've ever bought. All we ask is that you come and judge for yourself. We Sell for Cash and Sell for Less! FRANK I. FANGER, Proprietor - MEN'S DRESS SHOES Real Bargains Values $6 to $10. Brown and black leathers medium and English lasts. All sizes . in the lot, but not in each style. Anniversary Bargain day price per pair, only MEN'S WORK SHOES Brown and black leather outing or blu cher styles. A good serviceable shoe and very specially priced at, per pair only iir: $2.45 CANVAS OXFORDS Brown or white canvas. Fibre sole and rubber heels. Just the thing for hot weather wear $1.75 BOYS' SHOES Made of good quality brown blucher style. Sizes 1 to 5 ii - Specially priced leather in .$2.45 WOMEN'S SLIPPERS For House Wear Women's black kid comfort house slip pers. One strap and two strap. Leather soles and heele. We have priced there specially tof Bargain day j"J QC selling at, per pair pl.0 WOMEN'S OXFORDS In black and brown leathers. High or low heels. Values worth much more than you'll have to pay for them do QC here Bargain Wednesday J)J.70 PLAY SHOES Misses' and Children's brown canvas play shoes. Leather soles. A great QC value at the price vu C 4 WOMEN'S HOSE A fine quality of fibre silk. Will give long and satisfactory wear. QC Very specially priced-. 00 C -Fetzer Shoe Company- H Phone 206 Plattcmouth, Web. g "QUALITY SHOES'