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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1922)
PAGE SIX PLATTSMOUTH SEMI -WEEKLY JOUBN4L MONDAY, JUITE 19, 1922. Here's Birthday Cake for The Season of Planting The season of planting is still here and your lale garden can be planted for the next month. Lettuce, peas and beans planted now will still produce good, -heavy crops. Your late plantings of radishes, beets, carrots, etc., will keep you supplied with table vegetables for the balance of the summer. Our stock of garden seeds is still very com plete and if you want to beat old H. C. L., plant garden now. -Nursery Stock!- We wish to announce that we have just made contracts with one of the largest and most reliable nurseries in the country a concern that guaran tees all it3 growings to be true to name and refunds on all mistakes or errors. This firm which we will represent is an ex tensive grower of all kinds of Fruit Trees, Berries, Currants, Grapevines, Decidious Trees, Shrubbery, and in fact almost anything you might want for the orchard, grove or lawn. We solicit, your patronage in this line and are in a position to give your wants our close personal attention. estor & Swatek THE WmCf?$TR STORE J argain Wednesday Specials! Try our FKRNDELL coffee, per lb -IOC J bara Armour's White Flyer soup 25c Tanned hominy, per can lOf Kugllh walnuts, per lb 15c Strip bacon, per lb j 23e Rib boil. ier lb I 7C HoaseffTfe brand preserves, each 25 Monarch milk, tall cans for s. IOC 7 bars Armour's yellow Foap 5c 40c JtfTy Cake flour, per pkg -OC Iarpre package panake flour 23 Hen's mixed cookies, per lb 25c tln'Uin cans apples for 75c tia!!in cans peaches for 75c Gallon cans grated pineapple S5c Uallcn cans apricots for T OOC Gallru of catsup for $1.10 -Hatt's (Rilairkeft- rM mm n For Bargain Wednesday's First Birthday, we're featuring special values that even the best Bargain Wednes day of the past twelve couldn't hold a candle to not even a birthday candle. And listen! We're making these recklessly low prices in the face of a rising cotton market. Strange as it may seem, these goods are going up instead of down. We are stretching a point to make these Anniversary prices. Look them over carefully! WORK STRAWS, for boys and men. Also Ladies )) picnic and sport hats Boys' KNICKER SUITS, wool. Made In latest styles. One and two pair of pants. $C95 J All sizes Child's SLIP-OVERS Made of fast color ginghams. Ages 5 to for play. 749c Men's RUBBER BELTS, black or brown, new clasp buckle. Guaranteed. Annt- 07$ versary sale price i Boys' KIKI SHIRTS, made of good -twill kikl and CQ double sewed OU WASH SUITS About 50 of them, sizes 4 to 7; White and colored. Mostly K & $ E. Guaranteed A One small lot WASH SUITS In assorted sizes. Very CC special at OO Men's light SUMMER PANTS, linen color, plain and fancy. Washable. Annlvers- $119 ary sale price A Men's 7-oz. COTTON FLAN NEL GLOVES, well Q? sewed, blue wrist J Men's fancy stripe DRESS SHIRTS neckband or collar attached style. New, up- $ to-date patterns at A Boys' BLOUSE WAISTS neat stripes and figures. Ages 5 to 12. Very special CC price 30 Men's Slip-On RAIN COATS, double surfaced, sewed and cemented. Some with belts. Good for rain or $Q35 shine. Special at 3 Mean's pongee color DRESS SHIRTS, neck band style. Soft cuffs. All Flzes. An- Qt)i' niversary price J Men's silk stripe WASH TIES, 4-in-hand style. All Ovfl5 brand new Children's ROMPERS in blue, gray and stripe. Long or short sleeve. Ages 2 to QQ 8. Price VU Men's DRESS SOX Very fine gauge lisle in all new OO0 colors. All sizes i0 Men's fast color BLUE OVER ALLS, high back, bib style. Sizes 33 to 44. An- $140 niversary price A """ Men's black sateen SHOP CAPS in all sizes, 6 to Q0 7 , at each J Boys' KNICKER PANTS Neat mixtures. Ages 8 to 18. Two special lots on sale at $145 $1.95 and 1 Boys' DRESS CAPS, full piece top browns, grays and blues. Special Anniversary CC sale price, each 00 Boys' DRESS SHIRTS either with or without collar. Plain pongee color or neat QC stripes. Price, each uO Boys' WORK SHIRTS, blue or gray. Flat collar at- CC tached. Each OO Men's kiki CLOTH CRUSHERS, with or without wire screen ventilators. All sizes. AQ$ Very special at - fxf FIFTY NEW AND UP-TO-DATE Men's and Young Men's Suits in special assortment, em bracing Tweeds, Worsted, Cassimeres, Velours and Serges. Sizes 34 to 42. Anniversary $050 special tT'mm Men's WHITE DRESS JACK ETS for barbers, dentists, bak ers and soda fountain men. Mostly large sizes. QQ Price each 7 Leatherette SUIT CASES in dark brown. Full $139 size, steel frame A " Men's DRESS SUSPENDERS. Fine lisle web. 5Q0 President style J Boys' summer UNION SUITS, .short sleeves, knee length, in ages 8 to 14. Just QQtf think of it OU Boys' ODD COATS Neat gray mixtures. Ages 7 to $Q45 10. Price L Men's DARNPROOF HOSE 6 pair guaranteed un- QC til December d Men's DRESS STRAWS, Italian braid, black silk band. QQl Special price Men's BATHING SUIT Latest style, assorted colors. $1 19 Anniversary price A " Men's fine Manilla STRAW HATS for dress wear. $1 95 All sires at- A Men's Balbriggan UNDER SHIRTS, assorted OQ sizes, 34 and 36 U Men's Curaso Panama STRAW HATS for Work. OQ0 Price, each J J Men's nainsook athletic UNION SUITS, full cut, 72x80 count. Pearl buttons. Sizes QQ0 40 to 46 OJ Boys' KIKI UNIONALL over suit of best twill kikl. $i 73 Sizes 12 to 16 A Men's KIKI UNIONALL over suit. Assorted sizes. $050 Anniversary price Boys' Slip-on RAIN COATS, double texture. Sizes $198 6 to 12. Each A Men's KIKI LACE BOTTOM PANTS fine for outing or work. Double seat, made same as U. S. Army. Our $035 special price Men's KIKI LONG PANTS of extra good quality. $1 70 Sizes 32 to 44 A Men's and Boys' ARMY HATS, dark drab, straight $155 brim. Each A Men's fine FUR CRUSHERS in gray. Very light and $145 soft and cool A """ Men's KIKI TWILL SHIRTS. with collar attached. All sizes V0 Children's Rah Rah DRESS STRAWS, black, rr0 brown or blue 00 Men's blue polka dot WORK SHIRTS. Union made. QCtf All sizes 0 Ladies' LISLE STOCKINGS in black and fancy A1Z$ shades at frD Men's fine soft KIKI HAND KERCHIEFS. Full Ql size, at J Men's turkey red HANDKER CHIEFS for work. n Price, each O 200 best cabinet COAT HANG ERS. Special Anni- -I ft versary sale price AU 31 J J BUDDY LEE DOLLS For Anniversary Bargain day we have made arrangements whereby we can sell a Buddy Lee Doll for $1 with any Lee garment sold on that day and that day only. Don't miss this. Soros "LISTED l n mm U tmZ lal Lm3 U ii "TUNE" YOUR WAVE LENGTH FOR THIS ANNIVERSARY BAR GAIN WEDNESDAY! This store realizes its responsibility to the community. We are always ready to "Listen In" on every available source of merchandise information. We watch the market for the newest in styles and the finest in quality. We advise you not only to "Listen In," but to COME IN and see for yourself the big spread of Bargains we have prepared for you. Never has your money purchased greater values. BUY LIBERALLY OF THESE Ladies sheer Unweave handker chiefs with fine barred border. SIX for 25c LADIES' COOL MUSUN GOWNS 89c Embroluery trimmed, square neck, short sleeve. Sizes IS and 17. Price, each LONGCLOTH STEP-INS Longcloth Step-In bloomers. Pink and white. Lace trimmed and elastic at waist. Coolest for hot weather. Lengths Cfif 21 to 27 inches, each 3UC BODICE TOP VESTS are coolest for summer. These are a fine gauze knit with tape shoulder 1Q straps. Sires 34 to 40. Each IV K, 81x90 Seamless Sheets $1.19 in Here is a biff bargain in fine quality sheets an opportunity to get those extra summer sheets at a saving In price. IVm't miss this bargain. Each Pillow Cases, 42x36 Very tine quality muslin used these cases. For the summer von should have an extra supply of nice clean cases. Get them Uar- ro gain Wednesday at. per pair DOC Fairfax Pillows Size 21x27. wt. 6 lbs. to pair. Cov ered with superfine qual- r ity sateen ticking. Pair p)U Great Big Turkish Towels One unfailing sign of efficient house keeping is a plentiful supply of fresh clean towels. Replenish your needs now. Size 22x45. heavy double thread and very finely woven. Two towels for 89c Huck Towels "Softspun" huck towels. Sire 17x32. Special price for Anni- AQn versary Bargain day. 2 for fi5C Linen Crash Toweling It row 11 and bleached. 16-ln. wide. Fine, soft and free from bark or straw. Ter yrd.m...25c TORCHON LACES 1 V2 to 2 Vz inches wide. C n A big range of attractive patterns. Yard J Unbleached Muslin Heavy quality, one that will give unlimited service. Fine and 1 o smooth. Bleaches easily, yd 1ZC "Daisy" Bleached Muslin One of the finest soft muslins made. Just the thing for princess n slips, petticoats, etc. Yard lOC New White Silk Hose We have scoured the market and bought the best white l C hose to be had.'S to 10 lOU Marquisette Curtains Lace trimmed with firm lace edge and insertion to match. d1 Qf 2 hi yards long. Per pair vXFD PHONES 53, 54 and 144 58c HERE IS THE BIGGEST BARGAIN YET We have gone through our piece goods stock and selected a wonderful as sortment of seasonable Summer Fabrics which we are featuring at prices that represent the most unusual value. This as sortment consists of Plain and Fancy Voiles. Figur ed Flaxons. Tissue Ging hams. Gabardine Skirt ings. Foundation Silk. Fancy Satines and Fancy White Voiles. All of OCf these at. per yard b uC COATS' SEWING THREAD Colors white and black. SUes S to 100. Special price for Anniversary sale day. TWELVE spools for. WINDSOR PINK CREPE Fine for gowns, children's bloomers and all underwear. An extra good C wearing cloth. Per yard OC EMBROIDERY INSERTIONS 1 to m inches wide. Fine quality Inser tions which can be used in trimming ging ham dresses and for under- (" wear. TWO yards for O C APRON CHECK GINGHAMS The kind that wears. You can have your choice of the best checks. 27 inches wide. Special, per yd... RIBBONS FOR HAIRBOWS AND SASHES All colors in Taffeta. Satin and Moire. A hairhow to match each summer frock and a sash to go with it are really necesary. Special, per yd- 14c mm Grocery Specials! Prunes They make a fine breakfast dish. 7 lbs. for 91 Monarch Milk IO large cans for $1 Nomis Pork and Beans 12 cans for 91 Housewife Preserves 4 jars for 91 ; Red Salmon Hatchery brand. 3 cans for 51 Armour's Roast Beef 3 large cans for 91 PILLSBURY'S BEST FLOUR 4S-lb. sack Bar- no gain Wednesday O 29c Paradise Valley Peaches Price per can 30 Governor Apricots Price, per can 25 Far West Loganberries 3 cans for 91 Mystic Sliced Peaches 3 cans for : 91 Puyallup Pears 3 cans for , 91 1 Otoe Hominy Large size can for IOC Macaroni and Spaghetti Sarli Club. 3 pkgs. for 25 GLASS TUMBLERS Plain, per set 35c Etched glass, per set CO Laundry Soap IO bars for r 53 One bar Creme of Oil FREE Labor Saver Soap SO bare for 91 Armour's Witch Hazel Soap 3 bars for 25 Sea Foam Larse size package for GOc SUMMER TIME IS TEA TIME The best hot weather drink is ice tea. Deliciously refreshing. Ceylon India tea, per lb 75c Gunpowder tea, per lb TOc Japan tea. per lb GOc Ice tea in jars 50C PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR LARGE MOSQUITO TENT Anniversary Sale Price 69 c Made of finely woven net for pro tection against flies and mosquitos. About the finest thing out for out door play rooms for the small child ren and for covers over cots when used outdoors. Price good only on Anniversary Bargain Wednesday.