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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1922)
K01JDAT, TUTiZ 19, 1S22. PLATISJIOTJTH SEMI - WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FIVE AX XI VERS All Y SPECIAL AXXIVERSAIIY SPECIAL. Mica Axle Grease 3-lb. Can for AXXIYERSARY SPECIAL. 25c Bar Jonteel Toilet Soap Free -OUR SPECIAL- a cuo box 200 Stylish Mid-Summer HATS Coming! f r " 2SC Jonteel Cold Cream Powder.:j 1-lb. Stationery with 50 Envelopes F. G. FRiCKE a CO., 'Phone v- ' 'Phone 186 - 186 PER CAN '.::?:;: i-i.:- 3- j- - i.-: v. fl Till UT" l .- '.i! HI l v the under signed committee, certify to the gen uineness of the Bargains advertis ed in this bill. Geo. L. Farley J. M. Cunningham SUGAR Earg'n Wednesday Anniversary Price 14 (S1 3 irej ?---jf -"l 4 y B i3 'viSy ts& mq and fo Plattsmouth for this big day. We're ht hicrorfcf nnd the best of all the hi? (ARGAIN WEDNESDAY is one year vf ce, justif3ing its existence and a well, lis jlomrnunity. Like a friendly caller this mel to you once a month full of good and a sjfving and economy in the household ex SARY DAY bigger and better than all r. Bet aside other things for this one day ti da El iZM a )U7H MADE BREAD! 7 lor.' T s to ay9 June 21, COURT HOUSE SOUTH- n . Sr need a good place to buy many J hours of sale are r, b 9 P. 5; 3 rings. The only expense to you is a 5 i auctioneer. For one day only 3 prices $J98 $250 $g Values to $10 -EMMA PEASE- AXXIVKHSAKY SPECIAL Men's Blue Work Shirts; Fast Color Sizes 14y2 to I6V2 Men's All-Horsehide Work Glove. Wrist and Gauntlet Style, 3C AXXIVEltSARY SPECIA1. WESTERN Electric Iron $ n .25 :4 Nebraska Gas k Electric Go. A.WIVEItSAUV SPECIAL. Ladies' Purses! Special Bargain Wednesday Price ic Middies and Smocks Price for Bargain Wednesday 79c Ladies' Toggery FRED P. BUSCH, Manager Streight & Streight Furnitures Undertaking! AXXIYEUSAUY SPECIAL. Ingersoll Yankee Watch A new line of Jewelry. Bracelet Watches, Sil. verware, Diamonds just received at special prices- J. W. CRABILL, Wagner Hotel Building -Ben Wiles- AXMVKKSARY iPECIAI, 1 Qt. Atlas Mason Fruit Jars, strong shoulder PER DOZEN Harvest Jar Rubbers, extra thick, 4 Doz. for 25c Lower Main St., 3 Plattsmouth, Neb. AXMVERS A II Y SPECIAL. Fampsian Face Powder Regular Price 60c SPECIAL Weyrich & Hadraba PRESCRIPTION DRUGGI8T& AX X IYER SARY SPECIAL. Full-Size Cotton-Felt Mattress $2.00 Window and Wall Brush Set Ghrist & Ghrist Across from Court House, South AX XI VERS AR Y SPECIAL. ALABASTINE iC PER 5-LB. PACKAGE Redecorate your walls for a song. ONE DAY ONLY! Other Bargains! F. R. GOBELM AN "Get the Habit' AXXIYERSARY SPECIAL, Ladies' Sheer Linweave Handkerchiefs 6 FOR Pillsbury's Best Flour 5U H. R. SOENICKSEN A X X I YI :it SARY S PECI A L Unbleached Muslin 39 inches wide, per yd. Men's Balbrigan Union Suits, sizes 36 to 46 Fanger's Oeparlmenf Store FRANK I. FANGER, Prcpriefcr . Colonial Glass Water Tumbles 10c Roll Waxed Paper 40 Sheets -Popular Variety Store- AXXIYERSARY SPECIAL. RIB BOIL, per lb 3 ENGLISH WALNUTS, per lb. Hatt's Market AXXIYERSARY SPECIAL. Canned Corn 3 Cans for C 2) Percale For Yard Is 1 An W y AX X I VERSAK Y SI'ECIA I -Roast Beef- MACARONI 7 Union Rfleat Rflarket B- J. HALSTEAD, Prop. South 6th St. Phons 12. 3. : - A r