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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1922)
JTefemkA Stf.te Kirterl cal Society ptotteirrt oiuicinia VOL. NO. XXXV11L PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, APRIL 24, 1922. NO. 81 3 3- ANOTHER OLD VETERAN CALL ED TO REWARD JOHN RENNER OR "DAD" AS HE WAS FAMILIARLY KNOWN Dicc-pc atuiiv rAfcaJja AWAI. ' From Thursdays laiiy. Another of the old veterans who in .the days Of the great Civil war bared their breasts on the battle-' neia mat tne country tney lovea raigni iive. cas oeen cauea 10 nis iiuo.1 icwaiu v ucu jujj ncuuci , xb ed eighty years old, passed away last r : i -J . v. rAnnn. night at the nome of his daughter, Mrs. A. It. Stokes, with whom he has been making his home for a number J of years past. In the last few months! Mr. Renner has been in failing health and continued to sink until the end that brought relief and rest from his suffering. The deceased was a native of 111. where he was born Octiber 26, 1S41, and where he resided when the and where he resided when the gleams of the conflict between the north and .the south aroused his pa triotism and he enlisted in Co. K, 57 Illinois infantry, with which he served with bravery and distinction throughout the war. After the war closed Mr. Renner resided in Mis souri. Arkansas and Kansas and from the last named state came to Platts- mouth In 1S9S where he has since resided. Fifteen years ago the wife j and helpmate was called from his, side and he has since made his home ; u-ith Ma mirtroTi tr mvurcr nan of the time with the daushter. Mrs. ' Stokes, where he nassed away. He leaves to mourn his death nine child ren. Allen Renner. Charles Renner. Mrs. Lois Ault. Mrs. Louise Stokes, Nelson Renner. Orville Renner. Mrs. Tillie Green, Mrs. Annie Richter ,'to pay a visit to the thriving andjfiftv and fifty-five years of age, of Ted Renner. All the children reside growing metropolis of western Mills ( ordinary height, large hooked nose. uere wnn me exception oi ;urs. ter at Bayard, and Ted and Nelson Renner of Ralston FORDSON TRACTOR SALES INCREASE April Expected to be Record-Breaking Month in This Line Low Price is Responsible. Although the Ford Motor company has been increasing the output of Fordsons daily since the first of the year, retail sales have maintained even a greater advance. April requirements necessitate the building of four hundred Fordsons a day, and production is being fur ther Increased a3 rapidly as possible. This is the Ford company's largest output since 1919. and it is expected that production will have'broken all previous records before the end of the month. The increased buying of Fordsons indicates that the farmer's position Is better and also is the farmer's en dorsement of the Fordson price-cut, which created considerable comment throughout the country. Besides the Fordsons being sold for farm use, many are being sold in the cities as power units for hauling, excavating, grading and other kinds of Industrial work. HOLD PLEASANT DANCE From Thursday's Dally. Last evening the confetti ball given by the Knights of Columbus at their hall on Chicago avenue, drew out a large number of the Knights and their ladies, as well as many of the dancing public and for several hours the hall was the scene of much merriment as the dancers tripped to the measures of the dance amid the flying confetti and the sounds of laughter. The Elks orchestra fur nished their usual brand cf excellent music and which made a decided hit with the members of the party. This was the first after Lent dance and was one much enjoyed by those who have been keeping the season of de votion. The prizes offered by the K. of C. were won by Miss Mary Stangle who secured the prize of f 4 and the second prize of $3 was won by Bennie Rummerfceld. PRETTY HOME WEDDING A pretty Easter wedding occurred at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl AnkerFon on Sunday, April 16, when their daughter, Birgette. was united in marriage to Mr. Nicoli Paulson. Rev. I. M. Hansen of Blair, pastor of the Danish Lutheran church, read ing the marriage lines. The bride is a charming young lady and has made a large circle of warm friends since coming to Weep in e Water. Tho mom in a voune man of Kterlinc character, has bought a blacksmith business here, and has come to make his hours in Weeping Water, and make on of our influ ential citizens. There were no invited guests out side the family excepting Oscar An derson and wife. Mr. and Mrs. S. Buskness and eon Carl, of Councll . Bluffs, were present. Mrs. Buskness is a. sister of the bride.- Weeping Water Republican. Blank Books at the Journal Office. BACK HOME AGAIN From Thursday's Daw. This morning Mike Mauzy, for many years one of the residents of this city and one of the most jovial and genial of gentlemen, arrived on No. 6 over the Burlington from Los Angeles, California, wherehe has been making his home for the past jtwo years. Mr. Mauzy has felt that tter a11 the years spent here that I itSCll-fiit,IOJeirra j than the allurements of the Pacific f coast country and will make this city "home" again, altho he will 'spend some of his time in traveling an(j while here, make arrange- ments tn locate hri ajrain. Tfc was a Pleasure, indeed, to have this snlen - did gentleman return back to the old friends and his welcome was as . COrulal as make it. life-long friends could Iff"! pnn f 1 HOI" InAVrl K liAIINr UniUUUIW UHUUL SOME ANXIETY TO THEIR PARENTS 0f Youne Ladies Take Trip Over Into Iowa and Cause Par ents to Become Alarmed From Thursdays Dally. Last evening Sheriff Quinton was called upon by an anxious parent. who reported that his daughter had i disappeared from home in company with two other young ladies and he;He tad on hIm f0rty-three cent3 in feared an elopement of the young i Ta7,nT. brush and shavlmr people with a number of young men. J our ine rears i)i me uartm were eii- ' tirely without foundation and the girls only enjoyed a few hours out- ing in the company of each other, and the young men were not with the party at all. It seems that the girls had decided mcn-.wuui), t aum. juutnuu nee-lerted to notify their Darents oi I ' " I J2W 111 I UUgU VlUlUlUg BUVU U AS fctil- their intention and boarding the lateerally worn by those traveling over Burlington train were whisked overJthe country. That he had been poor the river where they spent a few. ,y was indicated by the fact that he nours vismug uiiu lii&iug . tu ine sights. Word was finally sent to the anxious parents and the- ladies returned home none the worse for their experience and having enjoyed very much their outing, brief as It was. They had not figured on their absence causing as much stir as it did or they would have been more communicative as to their inten tions. COUTY SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE VERY BUSY PLAGE From Thursdays Daily The office of Miss Alpha Petersen, the efficient county superintendent of schools, is one of the always busy places at the court house and this week is especially so as the results of the eighth grade examinations held over the county are being check ed up by the superintendent. ' There were 391 taking the exami nations two weeks ago and among whom were 117 seventh graders and.,, . . . n , -n- , all of these papers have to be check- Preparing to Give One of the Biggest ed over and graded. The youth of Events of Summer Here July the county made a fine showing the Embraces Many Cities. superintendent states and very few will have to take the examination One of the big athletic events of over to qualify for the high school ; the summer season will be the turn work. The result has more than iDg festival to ibe staged by the Cath pleased the superintendent and it 'olic Sokols in this city from July 1 shows clearly that the pupils and : to 5 and which will include an ob- teachers all over the county are right on the job. CHANGES AT THE SHOPS Prom Thursday Uany The offices of Superintendent Wil liam Tlafrfl nnrt Rtnrelrppnpr W V. i Huneke have undergone a number of changes as regards the personnel of, the chief clerks in the respective of- fices. Mr. C. R. Murphy, who has been in the Burlington offices at Alliance, has been sent here to as- ,us season ana ine locai tv. . -turn-sume the position of chief clerk f or ! ers hope to secure a part of the Mr. Baird. succeeding A. C. Davis. who goes to Omaha to take up his work in the office of Division Su perintendent N. C. Allen. Mr. Mur phy is preparing to move his family here and become a permanent resi dent of the city, E. F Grenstead, who has been the i chief clerk of Mr. Huneke, has been : time as head of the trimming depart transferred to the store department j ment, goes to Fremont where she at Hannibal, Missouri, and to take will be employed there at one of the the place made vacant J. Sanderson large millinery houses in that city, of Alliance has been sent to Platts- Mrs .Miller has been enjoying a visit mouth and will at once enter on with her brother, J. E. Gaatin of Lit the duties of his new position. j tie Rock, Arkansas, whom she has The community will extend a cor-, not seen for thirty years and It is dial welcome to the new employes of' needless to say that the visit was one the Burlington and assure them that ' much enjoyed by the brother and they have come to the ideal home city of the state. . A FINE LITTLE DAUGHTER From Thursday's Dally. W. A. Swatek of the firm of Bes tor & Swatek, 4s one of the most de lighted men in the city today over the fact that a little lady who answ ers to the name of Swatek, arrived this morning at the St. Joseph, thos- pital in Omaha, where Mrs. Swatek nas oeen ror xne pasi wees, me m- tie lady and the mother are both do- ! ing as well as could 'he hoped for and the event brings -much pleasure the family. to Journal want ads pay. Try them. STRANGER IS FOUND DEAD AT PUMP HOUSE PAPERS FOUND ON MAN INDI CATE NAME WAS FRANK LAMBERT OF ST. LOUIS From Friday's Dally. This morning shortly after ll o- clock Chief of Police Jones was no- 1 tif ied bv a man that came in from the vicinity of the pumping etation of the Plattsmouth Water Co.. that a stranger was lying ;in the ruins of the old brewery near that place, and liad died a few moments before. The informant stated that he and the dead man had stayed there last night and that the man was quite sick and evidently dying. This morning the man was much worse and died short ly after 10 o'clock. Chief Jones with Constable Detlef, Rex Young, and ' John P. Sattler, the undertaker, vis 1 ited the scene of the death and found the unfortunate man lying on the ground where he had been sleep- ing and the body was brought to the city and taken to the undertaking rooms of Mr. Sattler to await burial. A search of the garments of the dead stranger revealed a card bear ing the name of Prank Lambert and from Dreserintions and a number of advertisements nf medicines. i h prtjr -tlv had .been in nonr health. set, a cheap silver watch, two cakes of soap and several tickets over the bridge at Dubuque. Iowa, which in dicated that the man had been liv ing there at one time, and he also had an account book from the Far mers' State bank of Earlham. Iowa. The man apparently was between small brown mustache and was dress j ; v. i.ti,i.. i. jthat he had evidently Just purchased as oniy a very small amount naa oeen used. To the stranger that had, met up with him last night, Lambert had stated that he had a sister residing in St. Louis' and also the fact that he had a small tumor removed a few i months ago from his head and which statement was borne out by the evi dences of the wound on the top of the head. As the death was from apparent natural causes there will be no in- . quest held on the body it was stated j this afternoon at the office of the I county attorney. CATHOLIC SOKOLS TO STAGE TURN ING FESTIVAL HERE servance of the Fourth of July at the park in this city. During this big three-day gathering there will be representatives here from Weston. Dwight. Dodge. Howells, Omaha and South Omaha to aid in the fine pro gram that 1s being arranged for. To aid in the work the local so- cietv wU1 Sive an exhibition at the ha11 on Saturday evening, April 29 which will be followed by a social dance general good time. This will be a fitting opening of the turn- funds needed to put on the big ex hibition in July. GOES TO FREMONT From Tburnday'a "Daily. Mrs. Mable Miller, who has been here at the Ladies Toggery for some sister. A RE AT FREAK From Thursday Dally. A strange freak of nature is re ported from the vicinity of Union, where a pig was born on the farm of John Hanson that has two well form ed heads with three eyes in each head. The freak was brought to this city and turned over to Dr. O. San din, the veterinarian, for examina tion. The pig lived only a few hours and certainly is one of the most un usual freike of its kind that has been reported in this part of the country. Lose anything! Find anything T Try a Journal want-ad. HAVE PLEASANT TIME From Friday's Dally. The ladies of the St. John's Cath olic church were very pleasantly en tertained yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Herman Reichstadt. where Mrs. Reichstadt and Mrs. O. Sandin were the hostesses at a "cof fee." The afternoon was enjoyed by a very large number of the ladie3 and during the course of the after noon Mrs. P. J- Flynn gave several vocal numbers while readings were given by Effa Patterson and Hazel Clugy that added to the enjoyment of the event. The hostesses also serv ed a very dainty lunchein that was much enjoyed. SUFFERS FROM EFFECTS OF WAR TIME SERVICE Frank Urban, Former Resident of This City, Suffers Mental Trouble Front Service. . From FriftaVa Daily. One of those who have paid the price of war in a terrible manner is Frank Urban who was a resident of Plattsmouth in 1916-17. and who is now in the hospital at Prague. Cze-cho-Slavakia. Mr. Urban was a cap tain in the Czech army that served with the allied troops in the world war and was in a number of the most vital drives of the war and dur ing this time was wounded and suf fered shell shock that has impaired his health since. He was returned to the hospital at Prague at the close of the war and while he has grown somewhat stronger in body, his mind has failed to rally from the extreme nervous shock of the service at the front and he stead'iy has grown worse. It is thought that the young man will never fully regain his men tal faculties as the result of the ex periences through which he passed. The government of the new re public of Czecho-Slavakia has made every effort to care for their, wound ed and skk service nen and they are being cared for io the govern ment eptablishrajBts- iis.tad. of be ing placed in the various insane asy lums as has been the general prac tice in the United States. - BUSINESS MEN WILL HELP FIX UP TOURIST PARK Ad Club Will Participate in Work cf the American Legion in Cleaning- up the Park. From Friday's Dnllv. The members of the Ad club, com posed of fourteen of the 'business men of the city, will lend their ef forts to those of the American Le gion post in getting the park on Washington avenue in readiness so that the Dominion" Carnival Com pany can hold their entertainment there on the week of May 8th and that the city can have a suitable place for a tourist camp and recre ation spot later in the season when the shows have departed. The busi ness men recognize the good work of the Legion members in their ef forts to help give the city a park that will be practical for the uses of 'a tourist park and are putting their shoulder to the wheel in great shape to help put the job over in proper shape. This shows the proper spirit or community co-operation and the de sire to assist in any public movement and one that can well be emulated by all of the residents of the city. While Saturday is a rather hard day to get at this line of work the business men will do their part and see that there is nothing left un done that they can do to get the park in shape so that it can he used. PURCHASES LINCOLN CAR From Friday's Dally. T. H. Pollock of this city yester day through the Plattsmouth Motor Co., purchased a fine new five pas senger Lincoln touring car. This car is the latest proiuct of the company taken over recently by the Ford in terests and. is a neat and attractive car in every war and one that will give Mr. Pollock a great deal of pleasure during the coming summer. The members of the Pollock family is planning an overland trip in the new car to the ranch of J. K. Pol lock in the southwestern portion 'of Colorado near Pasosa Springs, where they will spend the heated months. D0nG ' SOME FINE WORK Miss Glayds Listen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J- T. Listen of this . city, is engaged at Lincoln in doing j some sketch work for the Illustra-1 tions in the Nebraska Cornhusker the official puUication of the stu dents of the Utlversity of Nebraska for the school year. Miss Listen is quite gifted ir this line of work and her artistic touch will add to the beauty of the ftrthcoming edition of the yearly publ tation . of the school. receive this recog nition is an honJr that comes to very few. SHERIFF CALLED OUT TO MURDQCK m I AxT FlFNffJl LHO I CvkatillU Trouble at the Heme cf Wra. Nelson Where Wn. Irving- Was ported as Being Insane. From Friday' Lily. Last evening Sheriff C. D. Quin ton was called out to the vicinity of Murdock ty a message announcing that a man named William Irving was creating a disturbance at the home of William Nelson, where he has been making his home and fo the sheriff to get to the 5cene of ac tion as soon as possible. In despoase to the call the sheriff arrived on the K-ene of action and quelled the near riot and brought the gentleman in I question on into this city to rest up at the count- bastile until his case could be heard. From the reports from the scene it seems that Mr. Irv infi had become filled with the dis tilled spirit of Nebraska fertile corn or some other equally inflamable li quid that caused him to lose his us ual spirit of self possession and there upon he iad indulged in a general argument that culminated in a large part of the family chinaware being broken up and a general rough house. The residents of Murdock were notified of the matter and a number hastened to the scene but were unable to successfully pour oil on the troubled waters, but the sher iff in his usual diplomatic manne: succeeded in getting the insurrection under control and brought the al leged cause of the trouble on into our peaceful city. It was first thot that the man was taken suddenly insane but later it was found that it was merely a liquid outbreak and would subside as the effects of the rtimulant wore off. However, it cre ated considerable stir in the vicinity cf the Nelson home while it lasted. iARGAIN DAY IS WELL PATRONIZED Residents of the City and. . County Take Advantage of Chance to Secure Real Barguins. From Thursday's Dally. With the weather conditions rath er against the travel of many from the farming district, owing to the intense cold wind, the regular month ly bargain day yesterday was a very pleasing success and the shoppers who were out to take advantage of the offerings of the merchants, felt well repaid. The auction sale was attended by a large number of the residents of the adjacent territory and the large line of articles offered for sale found a ready market from the buyers and cleaned up many articles that have been lying around the. homes of the city and county, useless to the own ers, but which were very desirable to others. YOUNG PEOPLE MARRIED From Saturday's Dally. This afternoon at 2:30 at the rec tory of the St. John's Catholic church cechrred the marriage of two of the well known yohng people of the city, Mrs. Mary Hyde and Mr. Henry Lutz. The wedding was a very quiet ODe and witnessed hy Albert Schwartz, father of the bride and Agnes E. Schwartz. The wedding was celebrat ed by Rev. Father Haukap, rector of St. John's Catholic church, the im pressive ring service of the Catho- Hc church being used in the uniting or tne jives oi tne two young people. The bride was gowned in, a very pleasing costume of blue voile and satin chermouse, and carried carna tions. The groom wms attired in the conventional dark suit. Following the ceremony the young people left for Glenwood where they will be the guests of relatives there for a short time. The bride is a daughter of Mn and Mrs. Albert Schwartz and has spent her lifetime here where she is held in the highest esteem by a large cir cle of friends. The groom is the youngest son "of Mr. and Mrs. John Lutz and is a splendid young man in every respect and is at the pres ent time in the employ of the boiler shop of the Burlington. He is also f former service man, having served in the engineer corps in France for more than a year. The many friends will join in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Lutz a long and very happy wedded life. WILL OPEN SEASON AT HOME The Cedar Creek ball team will oren the season with a game at the home grounds and will play with Wabash. The opening game is be ing watched with much interest and the team which captures the games from the Cedar Creek bunch will have to go some. Remember the date of April 30th and see a ball game worth while. Phone the Journal office when you are in need of job printing of any kind. Best equipped shop in south eastern Nebraska. HOLD REGULAR MEETING 1 From Friday's ,i.-any. ! The American Legion Auxiliary j held their regular meeting for the month of April, yesterday afternoon, at the Anierican Legion club rooms. business session was held at this , time and so the ladies devoted the :aftsrnnnn in a crwial time Herussnn various plans which would be a 1-eip m the future work of this organiza tion. Mesdames E. M. Buttery, C L. Creamer and Edgar Creamer were the hostesses on this occasion and at an aDDrooriate time, they served a lovely afternoon luncheon, which was most thoroughly appreciated. On their departure the ladies .expressed their appreciation to the hostesses for their kindness and assistance in making this meeting so delightful EASTERN STAR MEMBERS GIVEN A ROYAL TREAT Officers of Local Chapter Hostesses to General Membership at Close of the Lodge Session. From Thursday's Dally. Last evening the members of Home Chapter No. 189. Order of Eastern Star, held one of the most interesting meetings of the season at their lodge rooms and at which a number of new candidates were taken into the mys teries of this auxiliary of the Masonic fraternity, Mrs. John Calvert, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Krecklow and Mrs. William Holmes being the candi dates who were initiated in a fitting manner by the officers and staff of the chapter. At the close of the lodge work the members of the chapter were invited to the banquet hall where the officers of the order, who are soon to retire irom office, had arranged a rare treat in the form of a banquet and which they were tendering to the general membership of the order. The banquet hall was very beau tifully arranged for the event, with streamers of colored crepe paper sus pended from the ceiling and the Hgh Is enclosed in red. casting a very pleasing- glow over the scene. The tables were arranged in the form of the star, and each table representing a star point was arranged in the colors of the order red, white, blue, yellow and green, with the center of purple. Each table was decorated with candles of the color of that portion of the star they represented and with baskets of flowers that were also in keeping with the color scheme of the occasion, This made a very striking picture and one that certainly showed a great deal of skill and originality on the part of the ladies who had the affair in hand. Mrs. William Baird, worthy ma tron of the chapter, presided over the feast and responces were made by the new members as well as sev eral others of the chapter member ship and it proved an event over flowing with the fraternal feeling that drew the members together in the principles of the order. Those who enjoyed the affair were loud in their praise of the treat fur- Perat'on for hernia. Yesterday Mr. nished by the officers and that it was fnd Mrs- Z- W' fTh"der'rreil,f, ?f one of the most enjoyable affairs of the 'ou,n fa' alter J the active season wfl th. ,,nantmn,,:a brother-in-la w. and Mrs. Troy verdict. Blank Books at the Journal Office. Place for m fit Orderly habits identify the success ful man or woman. They profit by the old rule of "A place for everything and everything in its place." We frequently hear of people how ever, who have not learned that the place for money is in the bank. The report comes that they have been robbed or that their savings have been destroyed by fire. Bank your money here! Safety first! The First MtionalBank THE BANK WHERE TT- XJVrTSMOUTH Member Federal Reserve li?i..!iitlililltlill!lliilM ,r.......... l,n PASSING OF A HIGHLY ESTEEMED ELMWOOD LADY Mrs. Henry Miller Passed Away at Lincoln on April 12th Fun eral Services at Elmwood Mrs. Henry Miller passed away at her home in Lincoln last Wednesday April 12th. She and her husband were among Elmwood's oldest and most respected citizens. The funer al was held on Saturday afternoon at the Christian church. Bena Wilber was born in Germany June 5th. 1844, and passed to her re ward in Lincoln. Nebr., April 12th. 1922, aged 77 years, 10 months and 7 days. At the age of eight years she came to America with her -parents and set tled in Buffalo. N. Y., where she grew to womanhood. In 1863 she was married to Henry W. Miller. Mr. Miller going to war. she coming west with his people, set tling in Arago. Neb. At the close of the war Mr. Miller returned and their early life was spent in Nebras ka and Iowa. Nine years were fpent in Lincoln. In 1898 they moved to this place where they lived for 23 years. For the past year and a half they have lived in Lincoln, where they might be closer to their child ren. To this union were born 12 child ren, 5 boys and 7 girls. Two boys having passed in infancy. The living are Mrs. Clara Fisher and Mrs. Lou ise Davis of Indianola, Iowa, Mrs. Frank Grieser of Lexington. Mo., Mrs. Wm. S. Harri3 of Iila. Kansas, Mrs. Will Hoover of Toledo. Ohio. Mrs. Frank Raker of Imperial. Mrs. Frank Underbill, Wm. P.. George R.. and Edward O. all of Lincoln, all of whom attended the funeral excepting Mrs. Hoover who is keeping thin hour in close communion. Ma Miller or Grandma Miller as 6he was called by those who knew her. represented a most unselfish life with always a good word and kindly smile for everyone. She was retiring and timid, yet humorous and many a happy hour has been spent listening to ' her witty and unexpected Jokes. Her sacrificing devotion and deep love ha kept the tie close in her beautiful family around which her great heart found its supreme pleas ure. Her passing away was o peace ful, being only symbolic of her sim ple life. How rich is the memory she left us and we can truly say her lit tle body houses as sweet and pure a soul as ever grace dGid's earth. On February 12th several of their children helped them to celebrate their 59th wedding anniversary. The funeral services were held at the Christian church Saturday after noon, April 15th, conducted by J. II. Bicknell of Bethany, assisted by ibe local pastor. Rev. W. J. Hay. Inter ment was in the Elmwood cemetery. Elmwood Leader-Echo. NOW AT HOSPITAL From Friday' Dally. Troy Schrader of near Nehawka is at one of the Omaha hospitals where he underwent a very serious Schrader were in the metropolis to visit with the patient, passing thru this city from their home at Ne hawka. Everything!" I i til F i YOU :el at wove NEBRASKA. mmini nimntm tr3'