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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1922)
Nebraska State Hlrtifl. cal Society Journal vol. no. xxxvm. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, APRIL 3, 1922. NO. 75 DELIGHTFUL TIME -HELD AT ELMWOOD Home of Mrs. Maade Bird Scene of 56th Anniversary of Kr. and Mrs. Samuel Murray. From Thursday's Ial!. Last Sunday about forty relatives and friends gathered at the home of Mrs. Maud Bird at Elm wood to help her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Murray celebrate their 56th wed ding anniversary and also to help Mrs. Elizabeth Doty celebrate her 75th birthday. As usual the guests came laden down with the good things to eat. The edibles were all put on the ta bles and served cafeteria style, and one of the features cf the dinner was Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Murray's the two large and beautiful Angel Food cakes baked Jby Mrs. Bert Reed of Weeping Water, one for the bride and groom and one for Mrs. Doty. The afternoon was spent In" games music and visiting.- - Mr. and Mrs. Murray are nuniber ed among the "best known and prom inent residents of Cass county. Mr. Murray was born August 1, 1842, at Frederickburg, Wayne county. Ohio, and made his home their until he moved to Nebraska. Mrs. Murray was formerly Miss Martha McClelland and was a daughter of one of the pioneer families of Holmes county Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Murray were mar ried at Millersburg. Ohio. March 28. 18 66, by Rev. Skeen. They made their home in Ohio for sixteen years. ARRESTED FOR SELLING LIQUOR THIS MORNING Victor Zrivanek is Charged in the County Court -with Offense and Sentenced to 30 Days. FriT Thurxd'f Tal. This morning Victor Krivsnek was brought before Judge Allen J. Beeson on the charge of having' sold in toxicating liquor contrary to the law of the state and for which offense he received a sentence of thirty days in the county jail. The case followed as the result of the arrest of Newell Roberts on the charge of purchasing ' liquor and which he stated in the examination at the office of the county attorney that lie had nrocured the liauor. which was of a variety of wine from j Mr. Krivanek. As the result of the charge against him. Mr. Roberts was : civen a fine of $100 and osts. J amounting to $105 which was set tled for. Sheriff Quinton and State Officer Grebe visited the home of young Krivanek and Officer Grebe unearth ed in the cellar a jug and glas3 jar containing the liquor similar to that sold to young Roberts and which was brought on down to the court house and submitted as evidence in the case. On being arraigned before the court. Mr. Krivanek stated that he had been playing pool with Mr. Rob erts and had mentioned the fact that he had run onto some stuff that look ed like wine and at that time Mr. Roberts had told him he would like a little and accordingly he had brot a quart down town and while he had stated that he did not want to sell the supposed liquor that the young man had given him $1.00 for the wine. Mr. Krivanek contended that the mixture was not intoxicating and was merely some fruit juice. One of the containers brought into court it was claimed by the defendant was made in 1916 before the prohibitory law, but this was offset by the charges of selling. The defendant entered a plea of guilty and was given the sentence to the custody of Sheriff Quinton for a period of thirty days, as this was not the first appearance of the defendant before the court. The affair was one that brought great regret to the authorities as to the sorrow that it must bring to the i J coming to Nebraska in 1S82 and set tled on a farm about six miles north east of Weeping Water (now owned by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rough), where ihey resided for a number of years. They . later -bought them a home south of Elmwood where they lived for several years. The past thirteen years they have made their home in Elmwood. Three daughters were born to this union, Mrs. But ler Morgan, who passed away Au gust 14, 1915 at Elmwood, Mrs. Bert Reed of Weeping Water and Mrs. Maud Bird of Elmwood. Mrs. Elizabeth Doty is a sister of Mrs. Murray and is among the best known and highly respected citizens of Cass county. Mrs. Doty was born March 26. 1847. at Dalton. Wayne county, Ohio, and made her hom there for a number of years. Sh came to Nebraska in 1881 and set tled on a farm northeast of Weep ing Water where she has made her home. 56th "Wedding Anniversary. The two occasions were celebrated together last year and Is to be noped that they an celebrate many more anniversaries together. Those present were: Mr. -and Mra. Bert Reed and daughter. Eula. Mrs. Eliiabeth Doty. Mrs. Harry Doty and children. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Ruby and family, Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Amick and little son, Mrs. Nettie Amick, Frank E. Doty and Miss Fannie Easterday f Weeping Water. Mrs. C. E. Doty of Oklahoma City. Okla., Miss Iva Morgan of University Place Mrs. Floyd Morgan of Lincoln, Mrs. L. H. Mi'ckle and little daughter of Denton. Neb.. Mrs. Emma Shrive. Mrs. Maud Bird and two children. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Murray of Elm wood, Neb. family of the young man, who while not in any way responsrble. feel to a great extent the misfortune. LADIES AUXILIARY MEETS From Thursday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon the ladles auxiliary of the Presbyterian church was very pleasantly entertained at the church parlors by Mesdames Fred Hirz. E. C. Harris, S. S. Chase and J. II. Adams. The ladies had their usual business session which was followed by a musical program of songs and piano numbers given by Misses Catherine Schneider. Hel en and Edith Farley, and which add ed much to the enjoyment of the oc casion. At a suitable hour a rery en joyable luncheon was served by the hostesses that served to further heighten the pleasures of the eve ning. NOW SHOWING IMPROVEMENT fiom Thursdays Daily. The pleasant news has been re ceived here by Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mauzy of the improving condition of their daughter. Miss Margaret, who has been ill at her home in San Francisco for some time past with perotonitis. The message states that the patient is showing much Im provement and is now at her home, having been removed from the hos pital and while still confined to her bed is showing much progress. Miss Marion, who is attending Leland Stanford University, is now at San Francisco enjoying a ten days stay with her sister. TAKEN TO HOSPITAL From Thursday's Daily. This afternoon Mrs. John Hiber was taken to Omaha where she will enter the St. Joseph hospital for treatment and where she will spend some time with a view of securing relief from her illness of the last few months. The family and 'friends are hopeful that the patient may recov er without the necessity of an oper ation. MBS. 7. W. SAGE POORLY From Thursday Dal?. The many friends of Mrs. James W. Sage will regret very much to learn of the serious condition of this estimable lady at her home on Pearl ( street as she is suffering from a very serious nervous breakdown anfj which has caused a crest deal of ep prehension to the family tod Woar ing physicians. 'NIP' WESTOVER PROVES TO BE A REALDEBATOR the Commander of Lincoln Post of American Legion Wins Argu ment on Compensation. From Thursday's Dally. Attorney B. G. or "Nip" Westover, as he is known to the many friends in Lincoln, was here yesterday to en- joy a visit with his brother. Dr. R. P. Westover, and t -,,. j . iu rnjuj a. icaii from his business affairs. Mr. Westover, who is commander of the Lincoln post of the American Legion, has won more or less recog nition over the state on his strong and aggressive stand for the things that are asked by the former service men and among the subjects that he has given more or less study is that of the compensation bill. On Tuesday evening Mr. Westover participated in a debate at the Lin coin auditorium with John D. Brady on the compensation question and as a result of the debate, the audience that filled the building to its capac ity, adopted resolutions in favor of compensation. The debate was attended by Dr R. P. Westover of this city, who went up to hear his brother wax elo quent on the topic now before the American public. "The soldiers bought millions of dollars worth of Liberty bonds. Six per cent of the soldier's pay went for Liberty bonds. The soldier contribut ed more money, in proportion to his wage, than did any other class of citizens," Mr. Westover declared. "This while the laboring man at home, not connected with the army, earned six and seven dollars a day. an eight hour day. time and a half for overtime, while the soldier was on duty day and night, wore hob nailed shoes, one uniform a year, the coarsest kind of other clothing and was fed on the roughest kind of ra tions at an allowance of fifty-five cents a day." In another point the affirmative speaker waxed indignant. He men tioned the fact that the conscientious objector even was treated with more consideration ' than the ex-soldier, who was given all his back pay, a new civilian suit, a $60 bonus and released to go home. Last winter 84,000 ex-soldiers walked the streets without jobs and are still walking them. The soldier, he said, suffered greater economic loss than any other jelass of war workers or citizens, yet the soldier must suffer from the burden of the war and pay his taxes just the same as any other class. Others Get Compensation Every civilian employe of the army and navy, according to the Legion's debater, received from $1,200 to $1,800 a year wages, and when re leased from employment were given a bonus or $zuu. up to last sum mer, the United States had paid to the rairroads, which claimed to have lost money during the war. $S59.- 150.860.23. almost a billion dollars. Four months after the armistice a bill was passed compensating con tractors to the tune of three billions of dollars, not for losses actually sus tained, but for profits lost that would have been earned if the war had con tinued and the cancelled contracts allowed to run. Does -Not Want a "Bonus" The soldier does not want a bonus, a gift, but only a square deal. In view of the fact that he is only asking for a total of four billions, in view of the billions that have already been paid to contractors and railroads and for bonuses to civilian employes, he does not feel that he is asking too much, although he has been called a political blackmailer and a robber of the treasury," Mr. Westover declared. The United States owns 75 per cent of the world's supply of gold, and only owes 7 per cent of her wealth. France, who owes 53 per cent of her wealth, paid her soldiers bonuses of from $83 to $200; Eng land, with her tremendous war debt. paid private bonuses of $24 to $240; Canada paid bonuses of from $280 to $600 apiece, and in two years donat ed forty millions of dollars to her un employed; Australia paid her sol diers 40 per cent higher than our men were paid, gave the disabled homes, almost rent-free, and paid the unemployed from $10 to $15 a month until they found work; re turned Canadians were given $75 a month while awaiting employment." NOT AS CLAIMED From Friday' Dally. The reflllPRt Kan hoon ttiqiIo that! the Journal make more clear some i of the facts in the case of liquor selling of wnich Victor Krivanek was found guilty yesterday. The one Jug taken from the home by the au thorities was one that contained only the remnants of some fruit juices and the jug Itself was one that had been used for wine in 1916 and therefore had more or less odor of the liquor and this led to the belief that it was intoxicating liquor instead of the mere settlings or the former con-t tents and In Justice to the family it may be stated that they are not en gaged in the manufacture of the boom. Adrertiiing is the life of trade. BACK TO OLD MIZZOTJRI From Thursday'" Daily. This afternoon Mrs. Albert Cla baugh, who has been here visiting her parents. Col. and Mrs. M. A. Rntec a a well as her hrlliP7- T and R. A. Bates una families, de- I Jiar LtrU iUI Ol. jjuuij. o.iwu ii. i uri v she will join Mr. Clabaugh who has lust removed there from Arduiore. Oklahoma, to take up the manage ment of one of the large utility com panies in that city. This i-3 almost like going home to Mr.-. Clabaugh, as the Bates fanaiiywere rodents of Missouri for a number of jvars , j . J""".1" U. Mr. ,"i,K. " 1 Zv;ll AT-..' ... speni uer cuiiuuuuu u. - I DEATH FOLLOWS AUTO ACCIDENT Henry Meisinger, of Papillion, Pass ed Away Yesterday as Result, of Automobile Accident Prom Thursday's Daily. The message was received here i mcturlav ofturnnnn a n nnunpi n f tVit death of Henry Meismger at his liome at rapillion, as the result of injuries received in an auto accident a week ago Friday, when he was struck by a car while crossing the street in Papillion and knocked down, with the result that he sustained such severe injuries that he was unable to recover. Mr. Meisinger was seventy-six vears of age and leaves a widow and several children as well as two sis ters. Mrs. Emma Weidman of this city and Mrs. Wendell Heil of Louis ville. The funeral services wiil be held Friday afternoon at 1:30 from the late home in Patliicn and the interment made in the cemetery at that place. Mrs. Freti Ebinger and Fred Weidman of Plninview and Mrs. Fred Kroehler of Havelock arrived this morning to attend the funeral services. SHOW MUCH SKILL From Friday's Dally. The youngsters of the public school have been holiig.a very in teresting competition in the con struction of bird houses and in the lower grades the interest has been keen with the boys and girls engag ed in the construction of these homes for the feathered residents of this locality. In the first, secend and third grades the interest was quite intense and a great many very clever designs in bird' houses were prepar ed, which are now on exhibit at the store of "Kroehler Brothers on upper Main street. The prize winners were Edna Rummerfield as first prize and Jean Fricke and Helen Louderback as the second prize winners. In the boys class Marion Schroeder was given first prize and Floyd Cline, second. Among those having houses on exhibition are the following: Jean Hayes, Anna Du:Ia. Steffe Kostka. Florence Nelson. Margaret and Ralph Lillie. Josephine Janda, Margaret Burns. Howard 11 esse. Wil liam Creamer. Frances Yelik, Frank Kouchka. Ralph Hiner. In the sec ond grade boys Robert Mann and Randall Y"ork have bird houses on exhibit. The teachers are Miss Anna Gunderson. first erade. and Miss Iren Davis, second grade. LEGION AUXILIARY MEETS Yesterday afternoon the auxiliary of the American Legion was enter tained at the club room very pleas antly by Mesdames M. M. Allen, El wood Buttery and Michael Hild. The business session of the meet ing was largely devoted to a dis cussion of the plans for the society and the ladies decided that they would hold a sale of daisies, the new flower of the Legion on the Saturday preceding Memorial day and the proceeds from the sale to go to the securing of flowers for the graves of the soldiers of the United States; both in this country and abroad where each year the flowers of re membrance are laid on the graves of the honored dead. At the close of the afternoon very pleasing re freshments were served by the hos tesses. STARTING BUSINESS EARLY From Thursday rllv. Yesterday William Wetenkamp. who represents the Wood Brothers separators and threshing machines in this county, made the sale of one of the new design Wood Brothers to Charles Spangler and Will Sey boldt of near Murray, for delivery early in the season. This is quite earlv in the season for the sale of machinery of this kind and Mr. Wet- enkamp feels well pleased as the re sult of his efforts. FARM ADVANCES APPROVED Washington, March 30. Approval of 76 advances for agricultural and livestock purposes, aggregating $2, 200,000 was announced by the War Finance corporation. The distribu- tlon of the funds include Colorado. $220,000: Idaho. S4.000: Iowa. S28.- 000; Montana, $5,000; 'Nebraska, $25,000; North Dakota, $132,000;' Oregon, $87,000; SouthG Dakota, $25,000, and Texas, $285,000. ; BlflTilc Books at tne Journal OiUcc DEATH GF HOWARD NEWTON LAST NIGHT Passed Away at Home in South Part of City After Illness Covering Period of Five Months. From Friday's lal!v Last evening at his home in the j south p:.rt of the city Howard D. Newton passed away after an illness jcoveri the pt.riod" ()f the t five m,,u-,,. ?, .,.:u 1 ... . uuiin;? UUilllfc .'IK U 1 1 MIC iltr- iUAit ! bt,(, a 'J"cr:r from dropsy and to i whom the- coming of the death nus sengei ing. was a relief from Iiid sufi'er- "ho deceased was a native of Woodford county. Illinois, where he was born April 4. .1ST5. and has for the past thirty-five years l.een a resi dent of this state and for the last nineteen years has resided in Platts- inouth. He was married June 21st, 1901. to Miss Ada Everett at Union and to this union there were born seven children, one of whom, Dayton, died in infancy and the following. with the wife remain to mourn the death of the husband and father Edgar S Edna, Earl E., Everett, Ernest. Leroy and Elmer, all of whom reside :.t Lome. There also remains the aged father and mother, Lucior.s Newton of this city, two sis ters, Mrs. Lucy Lee of Pacific Junc tion, Mrs. Ida Kinnamon of CaFper, Wyoming. Dayton of Moorecroft. Wy oming and Orville of this city. WATER COMPANY BUSY LAYING NEW SIX-INCH MAINS Extending Service Line 1,500 Feet On West Oak Street to Fur nish Fire Protection. From Friday's Dally. The Plattsmouth Water company is now busy on the extension of their line of mains in the west part of the city, covrring the new mains or dered by, the .city council ;lastBum mer on West Oak ' street. The new line starts at the hydrant Just west of the Missouri Pacific crossing on Oak f-treet and extends west along that street for 1.500 feet. The city will have three new fire hydrants in stalled along the new line which will give that section of the city a much needed fire protection and one that has been agitated for, during the past few years. Ultimately it is hoped to have the line extended so that the water service can be placed in Oak Hill cemetery where it is bad ly needed. As soon as the six inch mains are placed in the west part of the city the water company will take up the work of extending the mains on Lin coln avenue and placing the water service there that has so long been badly needed. RECOGNITION OF ARBOR DAY Washington. Mar. 30. The move ment for official recognition of the fiftieth anniversary of arbor day is gathering headway. Representative Jefferis. who is working for a presi dential proclamation on the subject, has received many endorsements for the plan, including those of Warren B. Block, secretary of the national forestry program committee; P. H. Rydale, secretary of the American forestry association; Leroy Jefferies, secretary of the associated mountain eering clubs, and Mrs. Minnie Free man Penny, president of the Nebras ka federation of woman's clubs. The entire Nebraska delegation in con gress hopes to submit the matter to President Harding tomorrow. They had planned to do so earlier in the week, but were forced to forego their white house appointment because of a vote in the house on the military bill. SM00T TALKS BONUS WITH THE PRESIDENT Washington, March 30. Legisla tive matters including the tariff and bonus, were discussed with President Harding today by Senator Smoot, of Utah, ranking republican member of the senate finance committee. The Utah senator reiterated the statements of other majority mem bers of the finance committee that the tariff bill would be reported next week to the senate and given the right of way as soon as an oppor tunity had been given senate mem bers to study the revised measure. With respect to bonus legislation, Senator Smoot said that he as a member of the finance committee be fore which the measure is now pend ing would urge that the bill be re vised so as to provide by taxation funds sufficient to meet the pay ments to former service men pro vided in it. EGGS FOR HATCHING For Sale. Pure barred Rock eggs. v G. Hull, Plattsmouth. m27-2sw James Terryberry, of near Louis ville was here today for a few hours attending to some trading with the merchants. FILES FOR SENATE Among the filings for office made in Omaha appears the name of E. li. j Vroman, 250S Capital avenue, Oma i ha. who has filed for state senator I from the fifth district of Douglas ocratic nomination. The many friends here will be pleased to learn of the decision of Ellery to enter the political arena as he is now engaged in the study of law and feels that he can well represent the people of Douglas county in the state lawmak ing body. He is a bright, intelligent and clever young man and should be an able addition to the legislative circles. Mr. Vroman is a son of Mrs. A. A. Fricke of this city. FUNERAL OF T. E. PARMELE TODAY Rev. McClusky Speaks Words sof Comfort to Sorrowing Rela tives of Deceased Man. From Friday's Dally. The funeral services of the late Thomas E. Parmele were held this afternoon from the home of the mother, Mrs. C. H. Parmele on Vino street and were private, only the members of the family being in at tendance. Rev. H. G. McClusky, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, held the service and spoke briefly words of comfort to the sorrowing members of the family. A quartet composed of L. O. Minor, F. A. Cloidt, R. P. Westover and Rev. McClusky sang several hymns during the service. At the close the body was conveyed to Oak Hill cemetery, where it was laid to the last long rest. The deceased was born in this city on July S, 1875, and died at Lincoln March 29, 1922. He leaves to mourn his death the wife and three child ren, John C, Mary Catherine and Ruth Parmele, one brother. Charles C. Parmele. two sisters. Mrs. Nellie Agnew of this city and Mrs. S. H. At wood, of Washington, D. C. The pall bearers were old friends of the deceased, being: T. IJ. Pol lock, E. J. Richey, E. L. Stenner; W. J. Strelght. Ralph R. Larson and nrjC."! 'Morgan."" Among those from out of the city were James Staneer, Charles E. Noye3, W. A. Cleghorn, Ralph Larson, and William .Stohl man, Louisville; Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Richej- and Mr. and Mrs. Yant, of Omaha. DILLON SAYS ROADS "CAN," NOT -'WILL" REDUCE WAGES Charles Dillon, assistant to the chairman of the Association ofJlail way Executives;- in stating Saturday night that railroads of the country could lower the wages of workers other than trammen, whether the railway labor board authorizes the reduction or not, "wishes it under stood that he does not mean to say that the roads will take such action. "I have been quoted as saying that the roads will take this steV" he said .last night, "whereas, what I actually said was that they could do so if they deemed it expedient." Mr. Dillon is supervisor of activi ties for many Class 1 railroads west of Chicago. Tablets, note books, pencils, etc.. for the school children, may be had at the Journal office. nsn" . fiSmgm ffl gEK mi "NaV 'h '1 NOc?x U2T'4 I Play Safe! ff Let some disinterested third party familiar with investments go over any proposition you may be invited to invest in before you sign any papers or pay out your money. Do this, no matter how good the proposition looks, or what the salesman says. It is the only way to be sure. Play safe, always. We shall be glad to serve you in this capacity confidentially and without charge. THE FIRST NjmONAL SANK THE BANK WHERE YOU FIEEL AT HOME DIJVTTSMOUTH ttEHEASKA Member Federal Reserve finiMll!iilliliilllllllli!lll!llii!lilllllll!h ....r7.......Tn iiiiiiiimjjiiniiiiiiinni"" J MISSIONARY SO CIETY ENJOYS A FINE MEETING Woman's Foreign Missionary Society Give Anniversary Program at Church Last Evening;. : From Friday's I'sny In observance of the fifty-third anniver'iaiy of the foundation of the Womaa's Foreign Missionary Koclety which occurred at Blon. M trch '2-. 1S69. the ladies of the lnrsl sorietv gave a most interesting protcr'ini at the First Methodist church la: eve ning and whicli was quiie largely Jittended by the members of t!. church and their friends. The program was divided Into two parts and the opening was devoted to the missionary songs and pravrr: and followed by a short historiral sketch of the society from its foun dation, it growth and Home of lha accomplishments that the society ha-i made iin the mission fields of lh world, given by Mrs. Robert Hat- Mrs. Hayes and Mrs. C. C. Weseoit gave a pleasing -dialogue. "The se cret of I:," covering 'the tithing sys tem of the focdety and the church, which proved an important part in the developing of the organization. Mrs. Ed Roman gave one of her us ual delightful vocal numbers tht aided in the pleasures of the pro gram and this section of t!:e program was brought to the clofe by the pro cessional and roll call by the King'a Heralds, a society of the little girls of the church. The second part of the program was devoted to the showing of nu merous slides of the children of mis sion lands and showed a part of what the society is doing in tlU field and which were shown by Edward Ro man. Mrs. W. I. Howland, president of the society, presided over the meet ing and the very pleastnt occasion was closal by the benediction by the Rev. John Calvert, pastor of the church. VOLSTEAD TO BE TEE NOMINEE. Vrilmiir; Minn.', March' 30. Con gressman A. J. Volstead of Granite Falls, representative of the Seventh Minnesota district in congress since March 4, 1903, and author of the dry law bearing his name, was en dorsed for renomination by the re publican district convention here this afternoon. The vote on the en dorsement was by acclamation and was unanimous. St. Paul. Minn.. March 30. With the single exception of Congressman Charles It. Davis, all of Minnesota's present representatives in congress were endorsed for renomination to day by the various republican dis trict conventions. P0CKETB00K RETURNED Vrrm PrfdaVn rOy. My pocketbook which was lost a few days ago, was returned to me today by Mr. J. C. York, who found it, and I feel it my duty to public ly thank him for his honesty, thru the columns of the Journal, and by this method I do so. J. L. AYRES. Popular copyrights and the latest fiction at the Journal office. r-i r --, r- i hi t --is mi tr 1 j