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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 30, 1922)
Kebrtfk State HIitri cal Society VOL. NO. XXXV11L PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MARCH 30, 1922. NO. 74 EVERETT ASSAULT CASE IS HEARD AT . NEBRASKA CITY . Taken Up m County Court in Otoe County and Defendants Deny Stories of the Affair. Prom Monday' Iall. The assault which it was claimed was made by five or six Omaha ' hunters on Leslie Everett, at thei Everett farm southeast of Union, in I Otoe county last November, was giv-' en an airing in the Otoe county court ' Friday, at Nebraska City. William Lehman was one of the defendants in the case who were brought up for the preliminary hear ing. and denied the stories told of the assault and contended that he did not strike Leslie Everett until it became necessary to defend himself. and that the alleged assault occurred on the public highway near the Everett farm. The story of the complaining wit ness, Leslie Everett and his father, George Everett, was to the effect that they had defended themselves in an effort to keep the defendants from trespassing on their property and that the Omaha parties had com menced the assault. One of the witnesses for the de fense, named Peitz. declared thlt the elder Mr. Everett had struck Lehman over the head with a stick of wood which broke from the force of the blow. "Had it been green wood." the witness declared. "Lehman would have been killed." This witness also stated that young Everett was not badly hurt, although he had been knocked cold by Lehman, and had later cranked up the car and drove away with his father from the scene of action. After the hearing of the evidence, the court decided that it warranted the holding of the parties and Leh man was accordingly bound over to the district court for trial. Bond In the sum of J300 was furnished by D. W. Livingston. PETITION FILED - JAS. M. TEEGARDEN FORTREASURER Contains Names of 25 Prominent Republicans of County and Awaits Acceptance. From Mondays Dally. Saturday afternoon there was filed with County Clerk George R. Sayles, a petition signed by some twenty-five cf the republicans of the county asking that the name of James M. Teegarden be placed on the primary ballot as a candidate for the office of county treasurer, subject to the will of the republican votere. This is the first republican candi date to be brought forward for this office and the matter now awaits the acceptance or declination of Mr. Teegarden. who has five days to de cide whether or not he cares to enter the political arena as an active can didate. The petitioners are from Weeping Water, Eagle and Platts mouth. This office Is one of the few in the county that has so far had a demo cratic applicant as Miss Mia Gering, present clerk in the office of County Treasurer Mike Tritsch is to be voted on at the primary election. SHOW GOOD PROGRESS From Monday's Dally. The condition of Robert Rebal at; the St. Joseph hospital in Omaha continues to show improvement and i nhe patient is making very rapid) nroeress toward recovery, and it is thought that by the first of next week will be able to leave the hospi tal, having remarkable good fortune in recovery from his operation for appendicitis. John N'emetz, formerly of this city, is also at that institu tion suffering Xrom an attack of pleurisy and is in such condition that he expects to be able to retura to his home in a very short time. Edgar Wescott. who is a the Meth ital. reeoverlne from his recent operation for appendicitis, is.j,een also doing very niceiy auu yesterday to sit up for a time in the wheel chair and with the present rate of Improvement 6hould he able o return home soon. RECEIVES HIGH HONOR Dr. Edward Grosvenor Dovey or succesa. both in the excellence ?f ?1?itttet, alf recommended that Chicago, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. N.;f th playing and the up-to-date'"16 at rter and Clara street Dovey of this city, has Just complet- , ' ? ' orchelrtnT is be Placed as prayed for. ed his course of examinations at the 1 V .fS' .f cuf "i Councilman Ptacek stated that the Cook county hospital at Chicago .for r " ! -i. . r- r , : rC... Jrrr:r. UllllVUl-b JL tt lil 1 ll'tl IIU 1 11 schools and hospitals of the United States and has passed with very high honors. The many friends here of Dr. Dovey -will be greatly pleased to learn of his success in his profession and the high standing that he has secured meaks well for his training and ability in his chosen line of work. ToV.W -norm Wn nrnrtls etc r m V m a.-i.j - 1 V mv! f Jp tae SCirooi children, may m nao at tie Jod office. AUCTION SALE DOES WELL The community auction sale that was held at the M. E. Smith build- j ing on Saturday afternoon did a very j (thriving business and Auctioneer V. I R. Young was kept busy Landing out the bargains which were put ou ! : the iHock for sale. The attendance ' '.was the largest that has been on1 hand for any of the sales and the ; list of offerings very large and em- oracea aimosi anyimng mat could be desired. It is expected to hold an-i other of these sales in connection j with the bargain day sales to Te held on the third Wednesday of the com 1ng month. SGHMADER TO GET BACK IN BOX ING GAME SOON Ban Placed as Result Oi 17th Fight to be Lifted June 1st, Says Antles. From Monday. Dally . chmaHor Am.ntr'c clever heavyweight' boxer, who has been under the displeasure of the state boxing commission since the first of the year, will soon be back in the roped arena to meet all com ers in his class, as H. H. Antles has lifted the ban to be effective on June 1st, and given Andy permission to go ahead with any arrangements for matches after that date. This will be pleasing news to the fight fans in this city and county who have regretted very much the fact that Andy has been deprived of the opportunity of taking part in the winter fight bills as the result of the mill with George Lamson on December 17th, which earned a sus pension for Schmader. Having kept in good trim however, Andy will soon be in readiness to take on any dates for matches that may be made. The young heavyweight also has had some rather tough luck in the fact that his training quarters, which he has been maintaining at the Homain Maier garage at Louis ville, were devastated by fire Thurs day and as a result allthe equipment that Andy has been using was con sumed in the fire. The blaze start ed in the portion of the building used as training quarters and before it could be checked all of the prop erty in that part of the building was burned up. The blaze was 'beak ed however before getting into the ganfge proper and the only sufferers will be Andy and the owner of the building. HOLD PLEASANT LUNCHEON From Tuesday's Daily. Last evening the members of the Sellers League numbering some eleven of the employes of the stores of the city, met at the Hotel Wag ner for .luncheon and to discuss the needs of their organization. This new organization has been launch ed to give through these meetings and co-operation a better apprecia tion of the work of salesmanship and a training that will fee of lasting benefit to the members of the league The finance committee reported the as well as giving the owners of the following claims that were ordered store a more efficient service in paid: handling their lines. After the pleas- Bruce & Group, valuation of and luncheon the time was spent in 5 water plant $1S8.37 talking "shop" and the discussion c Boetel. burying one dog . .65 or trade needs and how the buying ;c e. Hartford, hauling cin- puhllc can be best served with the j ,jers an(j expense 7.45 most efficient and intelligent meth-rjr. o. Sandin, salary'and ods. It has been decided that at the j supplies 6 80 meetings hereafter the members will jj. k. Ebe'rsofeT" driver." fire Iiave special talks given on certain; truck 15 00 lines of merchandise each time so,E j Weyrlch." chemical man 5!oO that the members can be made more(A H Duxbury. stamps and ,. .V . , , , , I lines that they handle and thereby j inorougu iu lueir tuowieage ui me give their employers a more intelll gent service in the selling line SHOWING IMPROVEMENT rrom Monday Dny The reports from the bedside of city attorney on Section 8 of the con Mrs. Mable Miller, who has been tract under which the water company quite sick at the Hotel Wagner for had - been making a charge for re tbe past few days from pneumonia, j pairs and this was so ordered, state that she is now showing much The lighting committee then of improvement. Her daughter. Miss fered a tentative plan for the elec Mable Miller, arrived Sunday morn-;trolier district that included Main ing from New York to assist in the street from Second to Tenth, Vine care of her mother and was much street from Third to Seventh, Wash pleased to find the condition of the ington avenue from Seventh to Elm patient so much better than it had i and Elm to the M. P. station. Chicago NEW MUSICAL ORGANIZATION tm t ,. i.nn.i...i ' musical circles, another high class ' nJ9 r;te8I.thatt1 would be dance orchestra, known as the Black fnarged "e ci,ty for "Siting service and White Melody Boys, and ho.ln , j . : Councilman Schulhof of the lierht- jn LyonT saxTphoe; cli bridge, drums; Frank Miller, banjo MTKE STILES SICE Prom Tuesdays Dally. The many friends over the city of Mr. Mike Stiles will regret very much to learn of his serious Illness at his home in the south part of the (city. Air. Stiles has been ailing for j pome time, but it was not until a ' few days ago that he was compelled LVJ giro uio wui& a uuiiiu tfm mOTm ana n rfn , been on- fined and is now quite poorly. CITY COUNCIL HAS LONG SES SION LAST NITE EVERYTHING FROM PAVING TO ELECTION BOARDS IS BROT UP AT MEETING. From Tuesday's Daily. The city council last evening held one of their longest sessions in a long time and the range of subjects brought up run from paving to bonds, violations of health rules and ' the appointment of the judges and clerks of election. All of the councilmen were present when Mayor C. A. John son stepped on the gas at 7:30 and the session was opened up. A communication from . J. jStreight asking permission to place a rrlvate sewer across EiEhth street between Elm and Locust was received and permission granted provided the bond and blue prints required were Illeu lu . , - Un motion oi uouaciinian bcnuinoi seconded by Councilman Ptacek. the American Legion was given permis sion to use the city lots on Washing ton avenue and also to have the oc cupation tax suspended in view of their doing work on the city prop erty. The residents on Pearl street rep resented by V. T. Am, H. Wain troub and H. M. Young, presented a statement to the council protesting against a cesspool on the property of John Albert and this was referred to the board of health, "but will be unnecessary- a3 Mr. Albert has filed re quest to be allowed to make sewer connections at his property. The Elks band, through W. K. Krecklow, chairman, asked that the city take some action relative to the holding of band concerts during the coming summer months and on. mo tion this was referred to the finance committee for their lurther action. E. O. Vroman presented a state ment to the council that he had been compelled to make a payment of 1 5 for meter Bervlee to the Nebraska Gas & Electric . company, which he did not beli eve to ba a Just and Tlght charge. Councilman Schulhof stated that this had been the practice of the light company for the past few years and to which Councilman Bestor stated that the ordinance did not give them this right and that as far as the ordinance went If the light rnmnanv nlaced in a meter it was jon their own responsibility and that the ordinance did not give them the power t6 make the charge. This view was also shared by Councilman Ptacek and the matter was ultimate ly placed in the hands of the lightins committee to look into. The Judiciary committee through Chairman Knorr then reported on the often discussed city park on Washington avenue and recommend ed that Lots 7, 8 and 9 in Block 8 be taken for park purposes and the or dinance to this effect was read and on motion, under the suspension of the rules was advanced to the second and third reading and passed and nnnrnvad election Kiinnlips "SO eifiuuu suppliers Tbe fire and water committee. through Chairman McCarthy, report ed that they had been busy in re vising the water rates with the com pany and would have something to spring at the next session of the dads. land also wanted the advice of the 'avenue from Seventh to Holdredge street. Pearl from Sixth to Seventh Seventh ro" p,earl vine- iuia was reierreu usick. iu me ugm committee to consult the light com V" to the matter of a city scale had got-1 ten in touch with Mr. Sharp and ! might have something ready for the ; next meeting as to the location of j the scales. Ordinance No. 589. creating an electrolier district from Second ' to Tenth on Main was then read for the second time and will rest in the clerk's office until the next regular meeting. The bringing up of Ordinance No. 587, covering the issuance of $10,- vvv iuici ncuuuu, auu lViUUV 111 ya.v- ing beads In district No. ti caused a great deal of diaougeion from tha ' councilmen as to the relative merits of the twenty year plan as proposed for the paving bonds and the 'option al plan that would allow the city to retire as many bonds as they could during the life of the bonds. There were a number of bids offered for the twenty year bonds and also the op tional plan was brought up by Mayor Johnson, under which the city would have the right to call the bonds as fast as the funds accumulated instead of waiting until the expiration of the twenty year period to clean up the issue. Former Mayer Schneider, whose bank, the Plattsmouth state Dank, was willing to accept the optional bonds, pointed out the advantages that this form would be to the city, as saving the need of currying funds through a period of years and in the case of persons beinz able to pay their taxes, in full, the bonds could be retired very rapidlr. This view was also shared by the majority of the council as the ordi nance was defeated by the vote of seven to three. Uestor, Knorr and Schulhof voting for the ordinance. The optional bond plan with the bonds bearing seven par cent, due in April and October of each year was then read and passed 1y the unani mouse vote of the council. The inter section bonds will, however, run the full ten years as thero will be only SI, 000 raised each year in the levy for the retirement of these. John P. Sattler, former city execu tive and chairman of t!ie park board, was in attendance at the meeting and securing the floor explained that the park board desired the con sent of the council to do what they could to make the city lots on Wash ington avenue suitable for a tourist camp ana also ior para purposes. Mr. Sattler was not fully convinced that the board should go ahead and make a number of small improve ments they have in mind, until the council gave them authority, and he also informed the council that the board had sent the Lincoln Tele phone and Telegraph company a bill for $78 for two years rental on the lots and also asked that the surplus poles be removed at once. Mayor Johnson stated that the park board was fully able to tell what was need ed and to go ahead with what they felt was necessary and this view was shared by the members of the coun cil as welL -- Citv Attorney Ita wis 'stated that. as soon as the condemnation proceed ings on the Kroehler lots ware com pleted, he would prepare a resolution designating the park by official title. The paving proposition was brot into the limelight when Councilman Ptacek moved that the mayor and clerk be authorized to advertise for bids for the repaving of ilain street. so that when it was desired, the work could be hurried. Mr. Ptacek favor ed two plans, one for a convex and one for a concave form, of street. A great deal of argument ensued as to whether or not the cit3' should ask for bids on the paving or wait un til the sewer question was settled. the electrolier ordinance disposed of! and all set for the paving. Engineer ! Group was present and read the esti mates of the different classes of p?.v-j ing. Class A. six inch concrete base ; and brick block was estimated at j S4C.S46: Class B. with the old gran- I ite block as base was given as $40. 68C; Class C. re-inforced concrete on! the granite base was estimated at $38,397; Class D, concrete with as-! phalt covering, was given as $32.-! 947; Class E. with re-inforced con-. Crete was estimated at $34.5S7. and' Class F, a form of the combined con- j crete and asphalt. was given as j $31,S67. These plans as to cost; were largely arranged on the present form of the street. It was finally agreed by the coun cilmen that the matter should go over and Councilman Ptacek with drew his motion as to calling for estimates and bids for the paving and on motion of McCarthy the matter was referred back to the engineers to provide plans calling for the widening of Main street three feet on each side, by cutting down the side walk width. Th" council then Droceeded to ! select the Judges and clerks of elec tion at the coming municipal elec tion, the following being named: First Ward Judges F. H. Black. W. D. Mes sersmith and Mrs. Ora Smith. Clerks Mrs. W. C. Soer.uichserr and William Barclay. Second Ward Judges Henry Martens. J. B. Rishel and Mrs. John Gorder. Clerks George Wideman and Mrs: John Svoboda. Third Ward Judges P. P. Meisinger, C. C. Despain and George Born. Clerks Carl Dalton and Clarence Beal. x OuTxn vv ara 1 Judges J. A. Edgerton, Emil Fin-, der and John Wej'rich. Clerks John Ledgway and Chas. Petersen. Fifth Wad Judges Ervin Barnard, Henry Klinger and James Henderson. Clerks Dewey Reed and John Schulhof, Jr. After the discussion of a number of other matters the city legislators adjourned and wended their way homeward. EGGS FOE HATCHING From high scoring Barred Rocks showing good eee capacity. C. L. WILES. m21-6d, 4sw Phone 3421. SWAINS HAVE CAR WRECKED ON CALL Plattsrionth Young; Hen Visit Union i Lassies and Iiave Their Ford L Badlv Mutilated. From V."nday's really. The birda on their northward flight, singing the tons of spring time and of the mating season, Inst j evening drew two of the young men of Plattsmouth from their favorite : resting place around the gratonola lit Morgan's Sweet Shop, and sent them forth to call upon two of t lie young ladies of our m-arby village lot Union. Uut tins is not the worst or the alYair, or the part that will be long est remembered by the Plattsmouth swains. The boys made the trip in fine shape to the home of their I friends and alighting from the trusty Ford made their way into the home where they were welcomed and pass ed the time in enjoyment and pleas ure until the evening hour began to draw late and the time for return ing to the greatest little city in Ne braska was at hand.. The young men hastened out to their car and found that there was only part of it left. The light bulbs had been taken out. all of the wir ing disconnected and the air let out af all four tires and one of the tires slit so that it was rendered useless. The affair drove all of the beautiful sentiment from the hearts of the two auto Ilomeos and they cursed long and vigorously but to little avail and it was only by the energetic work of the experts at one of the Union gar ages that the car was made service able and the boys returned home. Seriously speaking, the affair may prove troublefome to the parties who pulled off this stunt as the mat ter will probably be given an airing by the authorities. YOUTHFUL BRIDE RENEWS DIVORCE PLEA IN OAHA Sathryne Steinkamp Says Her. Cass County Husband is "Worse Than Ever" Done Now. Prom Monday's Dsriv, The matrimonial bark of Kathryne Steinkamp. 17. daughter of Mr. -and Mrs. C. II. Tyler. 1704 North Thirty .sixth street, Omaha, i3 again' on the rochs. according to Sunday's World Herald. Saturday her attorney, Ross Shot well, went into district court and renewed the divorce action dropped February 23. when she and her hus band were reconciled. The couple was married in Omaha September 21. 1921. Two months later they separated. The reconciliation lasted only ten days. "I wouldn't have gone back but he promised to be a man and not to be so stingy, but I found him to be wor.-e than ever," the wife said. "When I told him I was going back home, he wouldn't give me train fare. I set out to walk and had gone through Manley when a man picked me up in his automobile and brought me to Omaha." "Never again for me," vowed Kathryne at the court house. "If a man proposes to me again, I'll break away and run." CELEBRATES BIRTHDAY A very ' pleasant birthday party was given Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Specht on North Eighth street, in honor of the ninth birthday anniversary of their daugh ter, Mary. The home was beautiful ly decorated with the favors of the Easter season. The occasion was passed in games and other forms of entertainment and In honor of the event Miss Mary received a number of presents. A five-course luncheon was served at a suitable hour, con sisting of sandwiches, ice cream and cake, fruit and doughnuts. Those in attendance were: Wilma Pickard. Amy Elliott, Winifred Rainey, Helen Taylor, Catherine Terryberry, Mar jorie Arn, Edith and Virginia Gal loway, Ralph and Leo Schmutz, Paul William and Josephine Tinker, Clar ice Parker. YOUNG PEOPLE WED On Saturday afternoon Judge Al len J. Beeson was called upon to ; unite in the bonds of wedlock two! young people, Floyd Cox, aged 18, of. Anrjs, Nebraska, and Miss Alice: Brargler. aged 17, of Mynard. Chris J spangier, tatner or tne nriae, was in attendance at the wedding, wiich was performed in the usual pleasing manner fcy the Judge. BIRTH OF LITTLE ONE From Monday" Daily. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Reed was brightened Saturday eve- , ning 'by the advent of a fine little daughter, wh owith, the mother, is doing nicely and the occasion one , that has broug-ht great pleasure to the proud father as well as the other relatives of the little one. - . ' . ' HOLD FINE MEETING from Tuesday's Da:iv. The Young Men's Bible Class of the Methodist church met last eve ning at the rooms in the basement! of the church for the regular week-! ly session and which was attended by a pleasng number of the mem bers and their friends. Dr. O. San din. chief of the fire , department, was present and gave the class a very interesting talk covering the; work of fire prevention and the ef forts that the citizens of the com munity should put forth to see that their property was kept free from the possibilities of fire in every way ! that safety could suggest. Keep the trash and rubbish cleaned up around the home or business house and you have greatly lessened the chances of fire was the message that the chief brought forth and this was one way of being a goad citizen. Mr. Sandin declared. After the remarks of the evening a "sing" was enjoyed and followed by refreshments. TOURIST PARK IN THIS CITY PRAC TICALLY ASSURED Park Board and City Council Mood to Do All Possible for Recreation Grounds. in From Tuesday's Dally. The disposition of the city coun cil and the city park board to take hold of the proposition of the Wash ington avenue park, and see that it is put through to a successful con clusion, is most pjcasing to residents of the city who have been urging a municipal camping grounds for the auto tourists as well as a recreation spot for the young and old in the northwest section of the city. The city park on Granite street has In the past been the gathering place for parties of picnickers and young sters residing in that part of the eity and there is no reason why the north side of the city should not have the same privilege and right for a place of this kind. The two parks will give the city two -very nice recreation spots and both will be under the' stijperVTsien of theTrk board as soon as the necessary legis lation is enacted by the council. There will be only a few of the needed .improvements made this year at the new park, but it is hoped to have it in shape so that there will be a suitable place for auto tourists to stop over night, with water and cocking facilities installed. The park will have the advantage of the work that the American Le gion will put out in order to get the grounds ready for the street carnival which will be here the first week in May and the park improved to that extent will help not a little in get ting it in shape for camping pur poses. NOW DOING NICELY rrom Tuesday's Dally Mrs. George Klinger, Jr., who was operated on Saturday at the Iranian uel hospital in Omaha for a severe case of gall stones, is now reported' as doing very nicely and just as well as could possibly be expected in the snort time since the operation. This of the host of friends that the or will Tie very pleasant news to the fense charged is one that may many friends of this estimable settled without discredit to the in this city and vicinity. former bank president. hiiihiihiiiiiiii ii: iiHT!?' ' tiJJ. MM I A Roal Plallsmoulh Velcome! To you, who have only recently be come a resident of Plattsmouth we take this opportunity of extending; a real Platts mouth welcome- You are going to like your new home, you will like our stores, our schools, our churches, and most of all you will like our people. On behalf of a bank with a fifty-year service record, our officers extend to you the safety, conveniences and modern fa cilities of a strong, dependable financial institution. The First NAtiqnalBank THE BANK WHERE YOU FEEL AT HOME WjffTSMOUTH NEBRASKA Member Federal Reserve VOL" - fcr - ....jr.1...iiiii 11mm iiiii mM ujmii ! ii 1 141 L -ili STATE FILES CHARGES IN RE BANK FAILURE CHAS. C. PAS11ELE HAS INFOR MATION FILED AGAINST HDI THIS MORNING. From Tuesday' Dally. This morning in the county court information was filed by A. ti. Cole, j county attorney of Cass county. 1 charging Charles C. Parmele, former 1 president of the Dank of Cass Coun ty, with violation of the state bank j ing laws while the defendant was an I officer of the above named bank. The complaint embraces three counts covering different Instances of what the state contends consti tuted violation of the law covering the operation of banks and the bor rowing of funds by offictrs. It is claimed that on October 2!. 1919, the defendant while president of the Bank of Cass County, did. while a member of the firm of "Will Jean and Company," borrow the sum of 11,000 from the Bank of Cass County in the name of the company. The second count is of the same nature, giving the sum of $ 9.93. S3 as the amount borrowed on February 10. 1920. and the third count is for the similar offense on the date of April 19, 1920. when the sum of 3. 000 was borrowed from the Bank of Cass County. This is the outgrowth of the liquidation of the Bank of Ca.- County, following the decision of the board of directors of the bank on December 13. 1921, to place the bank and its assets and liabilities in the hands of the state banking board. At that time Fred E. Bodie of Lin coln was named as the receiver of the defunct bank, and has since been in charge of the cleaning up of the affairs of the Institution. In the re port of the result of the work of the receiver the accounts of the b:ink listed were 200,020.49. good; $107. 747.fil, Klow and doubtful, and $216.Sf8.52, bad. .The maitter of the.: action io the case has been pending for some time and' last week the representatives of the attorney general's infflw were here to discus the matter with Coun ty Attorney Cole, Jackson Chas. as sistant attorney general, as well as Mr. Bodie, being here to look over the situation and to prepare for the filing of the complaint. This matter Is one that will ! genuinely regretted by everyone who is in any way familiar with the part that Mr. C. C. Parmele has played !n the business life of the community, as he ha:?been largely Instruments! in the development of the city thru his aid to the business men as well as the farmers .of the community and it is in 'the Ught of his splen did services in the past for Platts mouth and Its people it is hard to believe that these charges preferred can stand, as they seem cf a nature that can be explained away when the matter li brought to its hearing. Mr. Parmele has always been d"eply interested in the city and Its wel fare and to a great many he has proven a real friend In need on many ' an occasion and in view of his past services there comes the expression mi r j 3 3 Hi I mi- r-.-,, m