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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 16, 1922)
THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 1822. THE PLATTSMOUTH EVENING JOURNAL PAGE FIVE Murray artment Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers If my of the readers of the Journal knov of any social event or Item of luierest Id this vicinity, and will mail ime to this office, it will ap pear under this heading. We want all newslteros Editor An Excellent Line of Cows All the cows in and near Murray ; who took the examination for being ! igood safe milkers without tubercu losis, all passed with high grades, i While the owners of some of . the ani jmals were fearful that they would ! not get passing grades their fears jwere groundless for all passed. Now no one can have any fear from bad milk. Here to Serve You! A bank is one of the elements of safety in a com munity as well as one. which renders service to all of the members of the community. .We are glad to solve your problems when it is possible. Make this bank your office when in town. We are pleased to give you the best service possible. ' If you are puzzled about some financial proposi tion, come in and we will talk it over and endeavor to find a solution. BHurray The Bank of Service Jl.Fl n fl 0 MURRAY NEBRASKA I "i-' j .-"fassia.Ji.i'J jam We Are Needing the Money! When the times were close I trusted a number of my friends for supplies from the store. Since then the firm has changed and the accounts should be settled. Please call at the store of Wilson & Puis where I will be found with the books for settlement. Do not nesrlect to settle these accounts as I want to close the books. FON-TT -WILSON, MURRAY -:- -:- NEBRASKA Specials fsr Wesk-End Shoppers! Special prices for the week-end shoppers. Here you find quality merchandise and prices you like to pay. GROCERIES Dates, fresh stock, large size pkg., 2 for $ .25 Seedless raisins in bulk, thoroughly cleaned, lb. . . .25 Dried apples, large white stock, lb 25 Prunes, 70-80, oversize in grade, fine quality, lb.. . .15 Blue ribbon dried peaches, practically peeled, lb. . .25 Jack Spratt apricots, per can, 35c, three for 1.00 J. M. peaches, per can 35c, three for 1.00 Loganberries, solid pack, gallon can size 90 Roast beef, quality like home steralizing,-2-lb- can .35 Hominy, large size cans, fine quality, 2 cans for. . .25 Bulk oatmeal. 5-lb. cloth sacks, special 25 Corn flakes, 3 packages for 25 Cream of Wheat, per pkg .25 Armour's extra quality oatmeal, per pkg 30 Cocoa in bulk, no cans to pay for, 2 lbs. for 25 Cocoanut in bulk, per lb 25 Labor Saver soap, 6 bars for .25 Swift's Pride white laundry soap, 20 bars for. . . . 1.00 Matches, sure strike kind, white tip, per box . . . .05 DRY GOODS Here is an extra good saving in the dry goods you need for Spring Sewing 36-inch Corona percale, light patterns, gray checks, small plaids and stripes. Per yard. . .$ .16 36-inch percales, patterns in checks, small plaids dots and figures. Per yard .20 36-inch Curtain scrims, pretty flowered borders, special low price, per yard -15 36-inch bleached muslin, soft finish, no starch, fine for underwear. Per yard. .18 36-inch India linen, very sheer and free from im perfections. A 35c quality. Special, per yd. . . .25 1 8-inch bleached Turkish toweling, per yd. ...... .19 -Fresh Vegetables and Fruits Highest Market Prices for Produce. i EE Soennichsen & Go, Telephone No. 12. Murray, Nebraska. Frank Vallery was looking after some business matters in Murray last Tuesday afternoon. ' - . M. G. Churchill was looking after business and attending the auto show at Omaha last Wednesday. E. Hinkle wa3 visiting in Omaha last Wednesday and also was in at tendance at the Auto show. The Richter Brothers were sawing ! wood with' their engine and saw rig at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Trent. The little ones of Raymond Henry who have been so severely ill are all doing nicely at this time though still very sick. Mr. Greeu Piggot was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Tuesday, being in attendance at the proceedings of the district court. , Ben Dill shipped a car load of hogs to the South Omaha market last Monday which brought him very satisfactory prices. Raymond, Kenry and Edward Mur ray were visiting in the county seat last Thursday being in attendance at the district court. All the folks at the home of A. K. Englekemeier are having a tussel with the mumps, and are reported as getting along nicely. Mrs. James Hatchett. who has ben ill at her home for the past two weeks, is reported as being consid erably better at this time. J. II. Brown was looking after some business matters in Platts mcuth last Tuesday, driving over to the county seat in his auto. Gig Meyers of Weeping Water, ac companied by Judge Buck, were look ing after some business matters in Murray last Tuesday afternoon. Dr. G. H. Gilmore reported a new girl baby at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wolfe, and with everybody happy over the very joyous event. A. C. Carey and son, Samuel Carey were visiting in Murray last Tuesday from their home at Mynard. and were visiting at the home of Mr. James Hill. Otto Lutz. who is going to. farm west of Murray this season, was as sisting in unloading some cars of coal for the Farmers Elevator com pany. Messrs W. A. T-ewis and George I. Llcyd were looking after come busi ness matters in Plattsmouth last Tuerday, driving over in the auto of Mr. Lloyd. Dr. J. F. Brendel announces a fine young American as having ar rived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Al Leonard, and with all concerned getting along nicely. James Gilmore of near Broken Bow, passed through Murray a few days since on his way to the home of his brother Wilson Gilmore, where he is going for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Mrasek were vis iting in Omaha last Tuesday, driving up in their auto where they went to look after some business as well as to visit at the Auto show. A. J. McNatt, who lives south of Plattsmouth, was a visitor in Murray last Tuesday and tells of beins trou . bled a great deal with inflamatory ! rheumatism, which is very painful. Jesse Domingo of Weeping Water 'was a business visitor in Murray ! last Tuesday, driving over in his , car and looking after the interest of 'subscriptions to the Omaha Daily Bee J and Omaha Daily News. I "J. A. Seotten was a business visitor :in Nehawka last Monday, driving j over in his auto, and was a visitor I at the Sheldon concrete mixer fac j tory. where he went to secure a new mixer to use in his business, j Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wegener, who I formerly resided in this vicinity, but j who have been making their home at I Franklin, Indiana, have just removed , to Indianapolis, where they will make i their home at 1G3C Fletcher street. I Henry C. Long, who has been feel ; ing very poorly for a number of i weeks past is some better at this time J and was able to go to Plattsmouth last Monday to look after some busi ness, making the trip up on the bus. G. M. Minford shipped three cars of cattle last Sunday evening to Om aha, having in the thre cars 63 head of very fine steers, which while the the price was some off neted him a very satisfactory amount for the cat tle he fed this spring. Mrs. Paul Peterson, of Omaha, was a visitor in Murray last week, the guest of her son Edmund, and while here enjoyed an invitation to meet with the Missionary society at the home of Mrs. 1). Spangler, which she enjoyed very much. A. L. Baker, known to everybody in Murray, and who is now located at Lincoln was a visitor for but a ; few hours in Murray last Friday and ' was driven by T. J. Brendel to Weep 'ing Water, where he caught the train I for his home at Lincoln. Messrs. Banning and Niekles have just unloaded another car of lumber at the yards in Murray, and find business picking up nicely, with the coming of spring, and like many other people are gaining faiih in the rapid return of prosperity. Albert Bartlett, who recently re turned from the south, has engaged with W. H. Wehrbein for the eum- :mer, and he and Mr. Wehrbein were busy last Tuesday getting the harness in readiness for the summer's Tjork, which will begin iu a short time. There is joy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Woods, the cause be ing the arrival of a fine young son to this estimable couple. Floyd has had the most to say about the house hold here-to-fore, but he is put on the blink by the young son now. Frank Anderson of Union, was a visitor in Murray last Tuesday, driv ing up to take W. B. Banning home. Ezra Albin. cf near Union, and! Herbert Thacker of Plattsmouth were locking after some business matters in Murray last Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. O. A. Davis, who has been making very satisfactory gains since her return from Omaha, where she was in the hospital for some time, was able to make a trip with her hus band to Plattsmouth last Monday, suli'eiing no inconvenience from the trip. Phillip Lambert was painting the B. A. Root building and getting it ready for a restaurant which is to be placed therein in a short time. Mr. Fred Ilaller and wife of Omaha will soon come to Murray to establish : restaurant and ice cream parlor in the building.- Reports from the bedside of Mrs. Glen Boedeker, who is convalescing nt the hospital In Omaha, where some lime since she underwent an opera tion for appendicitis, aro to the effect thst she i3 getting clong nicely, and - iioping to be able to return home in the near future. At tha home cf Harold Hull there arrived a young son and heir a few days since, and there is now a great dei'.l of joy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hull, grandparents of this little American who has just arrived. Well of course the fond parents are rejoicing as well. Earnest Baker, who has farmed the place of Dr. J. H. Hall, of Platts mouth for the past year, has moved to nsar Weeping Water, where he is farming for the present year. The farm is being looked after now by another man named John Baker, who has rented the place from Dr. Hall. You will note in the ad of Dr. Taylor that he has changed his loca tion and that his telephone is not 60. he having rented the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Virgin, where he and family are now nicely located. Dr. Taylor says business is fine and that he is kept busy attending calls for his services. Jack West has had a new walk plated along the fide of his place of I-.usiness and a door cut into the room in the rear o f the business room, where lie will serve ice cream and have a place for the ladies who wish to patronize an ice cream par or nr.d will keep an excellent place for the accommodation of the public. W. L. Killy of Omaha, a member -f the Noyes Killy Motor company, was a visitor in Murray last Sunday, being a guest at the home of Mr. nd Mrs. James Hatchett, where Mrx. Killy, who is a cousin of Mrs. Hatthett. is staying for the present. Ccn Rhoden shelled corn last Wed-"ie.-dr.y and delivered the same at the Fanners Elevatcr company. Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Root were call el to Union last Monday by the death of Grandma Marinda Peck, who was a relative of Mr. and Mr3. Root. They returned home on Monday evening", and on Tuesdajievening Mrs. Root departed for Canton, Ohio, where she will visit for some time at the home of relatives. Mr. Root will look after some business matters for a short time. W. B. Banning, of Union, and a member of the firm of Banning & Niekles of Murray, was a visitor in Murray last Tuesday," coming to as sist in the making of the income tax report for the firm. Mr. Niekles found business so good that he was not able to find time to furnish the report, and as the time was rapidly slipping away, it was necessary to have some assistance. During the two nights of this week, while they were the closing ones for the meetings which have been in progress at the Christian church, they have bden filled with interest and "many have been in at tendance. Rev. E. M. Johnson, who has conducted the meetings, is a most able and eloquent speaker and has drawn many to the services. It is expected that a regular minister will be called for the work here. Will Preach. Sunday The Rev. Goodell, who is a minis ter Just completing his course at Cotner University, will deliver the discourse at the morning service at the Christian church on next Sunday morning. He comes with the idea of becoming a minister for the church should the congregation extend him a call. Fencing' for Sale 120 rods of four foot woven wire fencing, also one iron pump, 25 feet of pipe. All in good condition. One mile east and one mile north of Mur ray. Guy Murray. m9-2w. Mother Very Sick Mr.;. G. W. McCracken received word of the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. R: L. Johnson, of Ori ent, Iowa,-and hastened to her bed side, and was accompanied by Eliza beth. The mother is feeling some better and Elizabeth keeps writing home giving instructions as to how her father should keep house. S. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching, $5.00 per hundred. -Mrs. Guy Wiles, Murray. lmo-d&w Charles Kennedy Sick Charles Kennedy was taken some days since with pneumonia.' and is kept to his home, and a very sick man. He is being given the best medical attention and nursing, and while he is very sick, he is Iioping that he may soon be on the road to health again. His many friends here are also hoping that they may see him out again soon. Celebrate Passing of Anniversary Last Saturday night, after the closing of business at tha store, when W. H. Puis returned to his home he found a large number of his friends and neighbors at his home with bas kets of good eats galore, and as they had taken possession of the home the proceeded to make a most pleas ant evening for themselves and their host-guest. The time was spent in games and music, cards occupying a considerable portion of the time. On departing they extended the wish that the next forty-six years would be better and more prosperous than those which have just gone by. You Will Save Money! When you trade with the "Service Store" you will save money, both when you purchase the goods which we are selling at a very low figure and also will receive more when you sell your produce here- . SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS We are now carrying a full line cf Sewing Ma chine needles and can furnish you all parts and repairs that are needed. Wilson & Puis, The Service Store Murray, Nebraska Have Unfortunate Accident A few nights since while four of the young men of Murray were driv ing into Plattsmouth, they being Mesrs Ed Peterson, Charles Green, Morton Bartlett find T. J. Brendel, they met a car driven by Virgil Ar nold, and upon the running board of his car was a young man riding by name. Ed Fitchorn, who as he got but a short distance in front of the car in which the men were riding, j alighted and his car going at a fair rate of speed, though Mr. Arnold was stepping it, Mr. Fitchorn was thrown in front of the car of the Murray hoys, which was driven by Charles Green. Mr. Fitchorn, while not fall ing, was not tble to get out of the way of the coming car, and Mr. ' Green seeing the impending impact botwen Mr. Fitchorn and their car, ; diverted its course, running over the curb, but not being able to prevent , hitting Mr. Fitchorn, who was con-' f-fde'rably bruised and had one of his less fractured. The young men immediately stopped and rendered ! what assistance they could. Mr. Ar nold said "Put him in my car and I ' will hasten to the doctor with him." ; The accident was very unfortunate as all wre endeavoring to prevent the occurrance, Mr. Fitchorn himself try ing to keep from being hit. by the car, aD also Mr. Greene tried to prevent hitting him. iimisi Shoo! We are nov; located in our new quarters and pre pared for ail work which comes our way. Wc ave ready to care for your needs, and will gladly meet all compe tition in both prices and quality of work. M. . CHURCHILL, . MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA ftlany PepSe are Building! More are contemplat-ng building. Don't watt to long. Have us put in an estimate on the building -which you want done We will be pleased to serve you. PHONE 45 J. fl. .SCOTTEH, Ocm'radcr MURRAY NEBRASKA Passing the Four Score Mark Lest Sunday being the 80th birth day of Uncle Ben Beckman, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Iteinackle held a family gathering and prepared a fine big dinner for his children and grand children. In the afternoon a num ber of friends called and the time was spent very pleasantly. Towards; evening a dainty luncheon was serv-j ed. Mrs. B. J. Augustine made andj presented Grandfather Beckman a beautiful birthday cake holding 80 candles, which were blown out by him and his two great grandchild ren. He received many other nice presents. Those in attendance were Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Augustine and family; Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Augustine and family; Mr. John Beckman and two sons; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Itein ackle and family; Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wheeler and son Percy; Mr. and t Mrs. Wm. Sporer and sons Chester and Charles. Giifo the Hens a Ohanee! Kill the mites and other vermia. We have the solution. The Disinfectant, the White Wash and the Lice Killer. We would like to tell all about it. anning tickles, Nebraska Murray, EGGS FOE HATCHING S. C. White Leghorn English strain eggs for hatching, $4.00 per 100. Fhone 115-J. uaw-ni6. HENRY STARK JOHN. For Sale Single comb Rhode Island Red. large type dark red. $1.50 each. Call phone 16. tf-w . MRS. S. OLDHAM. Murray, Neb. Many Attend Hearing. Last Tuesday the case where Worth Click was the plaintiff and ITptirr Tv"i vfVi or u4 fl o f o n rl u n t wn attended by a number of people of Murray and vicinity. The case wa3 one where suit was brought for damages, and the verdict gave the plaintiff one dollar damages. Caught a Wolf Last Week Willis Raton and a nninhpr nf others who were interested in catch insr some wolves, chased one for a number of miles and as he was pass ing the home of David Eaton in the Sciota bottoms last Saturday even ing, the dog of Mr. Eaton ran out. being fresh and throttled the well nigh exhausted beast. LOCATED A T MURRAY Specialist on Swine and Cattle Diseases DR. G. L. TAYLOR Veterinarian Will receive calls at resi dence, Murray. Phone No. 50 We have a large 2-ton G. M. C. truck which is equipped for hauling Cattle, Hogs, Sheep, Grain, Household Goods, and in fact anything that can be hauled by Truck. WE CAN HAUL IT Our prices are reasonable One trial will p:ovc it! CALL MURRAY PHONE Jaek We MURRAY St9 NEBRASKA IE! OWE' MILLION FEET NATIVE LUMBER To saw at our saw mill. Will start sawing abouth March 20th. Logs sawed into any dimension lumber you request. ' DON'T DELAY! Bring in your logs now. First come, first served. Sheldon Mfg. Go,, Nehawka, Neb. Spring is at Our Door! Sure we are ready for its coining, with all kind of farming machinery, seeds, both for the field and the garden. Come see us for anything you may want. Wc can save you money and give you the test service- We make a specialty fcr accurate and quick serv ice in any and all repairs. Peterson Hardware Co. E. L. PETERSON, Manager MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA