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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1921)
4 5I0I7DAY. OCTOBER 81. 1921. PLATTSMOUTH SXAH-WEEEIY JOTTBJTAX PAGE THBE1 Nehawka Department! Prepared ia the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers. Fred L. Nutzman shipped a 'car ness of her mother, Mrs. J. II. Os- load of hogs to Nebraska City last borne Wednesday. J. S. Rough was over to Union with his truck last Monday to bring a piauo over for Mrs. Hall Pollard. Miss Evelyn Wolph. who is teach ing at the Plattsmouth schools, was a visitor at her home for over Sun day. Verner Lundberg, who is attend ing school was a visitor at home for Horace Griffin, the restaurant man. has been feeling very poorly for the past few days, taking sick while he was in the timber chop ping wood. Chalmer Switzer, the plumbing and heating man, has just sold to Arthur Wolph a heating plant for his home and which has arrived and will be installed in the near future. Walter Wunderlich departed last over Sunday returning to his studies' Sundav evening for Kansas City this morning. where he will attend the meeting of Dick Steffens has had constructed the American Legion, which is meet at his store building a nw stair- ing there in national convention, way which is adding much conven-i At the Lundberg garage where ience to the place. they do the best of work, there was. W. A. Xottie was picking corn I a stlr an1 bustle last week all the la?t Friday afternoon and did well! time tut nothing out of the ordin- for but little practice, getting some! ar- for they do business at this m- fifty bushels in the afternoon Mrs. Horace Griffin was a visitor in Union for a short time last week calling there on account of the ill- viu u ui -ail u3i; Call us for quotations on grain and for reservations for de livery. Nehawka Farmers' Grain Co. We are also carrying all grades of stitution all the time W. C. Schlegle and family of Fairplay. Mo., will arrive at Ne hawka during this week and will work for X. C. Klepser near Weep ing Water. Mr. Schlegle is a rela tive of Mr. Horace Griffin. The Rev. E. O. Johnson 'was at- i tending the distaict convention of the ministers of the Methodist church which was in session at Om aha last week beng there from Wed nesday evening until Friday. Miss Zupha Chriswisser who is attending school at Lincoln was a visitor at the home of her parents.! Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Chriswisser for; over Sunday, returning to her stu-! dies on the early train last Monday. Charles Atkinson, who has been receiving treatment at the, Clark-j son hospital at Omaha for some time past, was able to return to his home near Nehawka last Thursday andj has hopes of being well again soon.! R. Kettlehut, who has been in so serious condition at the hospital at Lincoln, is reported as being much improved and hopes soon to be able to return to his home and ultimate ly be well again after his severe; tussle with sickness R. B. Chapman, the carrier of the north route out of Nehawka, has been doing some good missionary work in the construction of the road heading north from town and which has been very bad. He is get ting the road in shape and hopes that it will remain so. H. P. Sturm, who has been at the hospital at Omaha for some time, where he was having treatment for blood poisoning, was able to return home and is feeling pretty good not withstanding the loss of one of his fingers. He is looking after the af fairs on the farm. Col. W. R. Young of Plattsmouth was in town last Friday coming to act as auctioneer at the box supper which was given at the auditorium and on account of the down pour of rain during the night remained all night. He was accompanied by Mr. McGinniss Churchill of Murray. I Mrs. T. E. Fulton, who has been' sick for some time past, is reported as being considerable better and is so she can be up and around. With the better condition of Mrs. Fulton comes a sickness of Mr. Fulton, who was kept to his home and bod last Friday on account of his feeling so badly and having an attack of stom ach trouble. 31 lis irtoasted Notice this delicious flavor when you smoke Lucky Strike -it's sealed in by the toasting process Home After Many Weeks Last Sunday Mrs. W. B. Dale, who has been at the hospital in Omaha for a number of weeks, returned home feeling much improved from what she has been thru during her stay at the institution. Mrs. Dale underwent a very severe operation and her condition remained very critical for some time but with her improvement it is now thought and hoped that she will have her health agan. The Lumberg Garage! Our aim the best possible service in all lines. We are carrying a full line of auto supplies and accessories, as well as Electrical Goods and Supplies. Our repair de partment guarantees the best service. The Lumberg Garage, Nehawka, Nebraska For Sale Single Comb White Leghorn hens and pullets. English strain. ?1 each. Phone 1831, Nehawka. ol0-3v. A. G. CISNEY.. RED RIVER OHIO FTAT We have a car load to arrive, which are of the best quality and can be placed in the cellar and will keep until spring. All sacked, two bushel in a sack. Per sack $2.75 Per bushel 1.37V Better get your orders in early. We will notify you when they arrive. GROCERY PHONE 14 2 Rings HELDON -DRY GOODS PHONE 14 3 Rings Meeting of the Merry-Go-Round The Ladies of the merry-go-round met last Wednesday at the home of Mrs. Peter Stoll, where they enjoy ed the afternoon with the needie work and other matters which they had in hand. The afternoon was very pleasantly spent with work and preparations for the celebration of Armistice day which they will cele brate at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cox on November 12th. the day following the celebration in town. Those present to enjoy the occas ion were Mesdames Peter Stoil, Lou isa Cox, Minnie Stoll. Z. V. Shra der, J. G. Wunderlich, J. Schwartz W. S. Stoll. August Hansen and daughter, Doris. Charles Heebner, Henry Schomaker. R. H. Ingwerpon. Scphia McReynolds. Edna Stoll. Mrs. Flamme and daughter. Maranda Sturm. A. F. Sturm, John Corbett and daughter. Miss Caroline Rau meister. Miss Janet Young of Weep ing Water and Mrs. C. A. Rosen crans of Plattsmouth. Father Dies in Kansas Mrs. E. O. Johnson, who has been away for the past more than a week returned home last Thursday from Topeka, Kansas. ' where she was called a short time since by the death of her father, Mr. C. H. Dy al, who was stricken by paralysis a week or more ago. and who died at his home there the first of last week. Mrs. Johnson remaining for the services. There were two child ren besides the companion of his many years . left to mourn his de parture. The Journal with the many friends in Nehawka extend to Mrs. Johnson sympathy in her loss. room and proved a great drawing card for the flies. They seemed to get drunk on the mixture and in stead of flying out. would fly into it and get drowned. The seventh and eighth grades set apart this week as Good English Week for the purpose of cleaning out the weeds, or in other words, getting rid of incorrect expressions. They sang good English songs, tag ged each other when an incorrect word was used and ma do verses in their language work. Following are four of the best verses: Slang words, slang words, Better be going away. four 'possums but some of the boys report that one of the 'possums waa sick and that they do not care tc hunt them anymore, however, last week County Agent L. R. Snipes and John Hansen went out and got one 'possum. John Opp NEHAWKA AUCTIONEER Always ready for dales far or near. Rates reasonable. Satisfaction or no pay. Re verse all calls. PHONE 58- Pure Bred, Spring Farrow, $25.00 to anyone in Otoe or Cass County. B. 0. POLLARD, Nehawka - Nebraska The Cocn Hunt a Success That is they succeeded in getting one coon and had much sport with that one and more with some of the hunters. One coon was taken and Natural Laws 'seal the concrete vault, mak ing it imprevious to water. This is the only burial vault, which perfectly keeps out water from the casket. Call Miller & Gruber for service on burial vaults. Nehawka, Nebraska School Notes The Hampshire Pig club received the prize money that it won in tak ing first place in the judging at the County Fair. The team consisted of Earnest Pollard, Ronald Schlictie mier and Harry Knabe. The Sophomore class in English have been bringing enough pictures to school to almost start a picture gallery; they have been studying type qualities of truth and beauty and the pictures help to illustrate. The Home Economics class in Hy giene study have been doing some experimental work with frogs. Last week they worked with the muscles and this week devoted to the study of the frog's heart and circulation. A new method of catching flies has been accidentally discovered by the General Science class. An ex periment was being started which consisted of allowing a mixture of the following materials to ferment: i cake of yeast, Vz glass of water and 1 teaspoon of sugar. This was kept on the desk in the assembly The "ainst" and "haints in our room Are not going to stay. j MARGARET CHASE ' A grammar book once came our way j So we invited him to stay, j And ever since you may depend He Las become our faithful friend. Oh, how he loves to drive away slang. And make our words correct. Indeed, he works with all his might To keep our speech clean and right. IRMA SWITZER This is "Good English Week," Properly we must speak. Don't say "aint" or "haint." Or our language will have a taint. DOROTHY LUNDBERG Little .Mary Rhinehardt, playing in the sun, Have you said an incorrect word to day? Not a single one. Dear little Mary, do not break the rule For you no it is "Good English Week" in school. GRACE SIMPKLNS Quinton Palmer was absent Fri day afternoon. He, accompanied by his mother and sister, visited in Plattsmouth and Omaha Saturday and Sunday. Eloise Pollard was absent from school Monday due to a sore throat and cold. The pupils of the fifth grade are bringing dimes for pictures. These will be used for picture study. In dividual pictures leave a deeper im pression upon the minds of the pup ils. The pupils of the 3, 4 5 and 6 grades are planning to entertain each other with songs, stories and poems suitable for Hallowe'en on the Friday afternoon after recess. Hallowe'en fun and games will also be included. The Sunny Side Girls met with Wilma Switzer, October 20th. They held their usual business meeting and decided that the next meeting would be at the home of Eloise Pol lard. The girls sewed on various ar ticles. Marie Schaffer rendered a pi ano solo. Miss Scott and Miss Stein meyer sang a duet. Refreshments of Angel Food cake and jello were served. The girls departed about 5:30 feeling that Wilma made a de-i lightful hostess. The girls of the fourth grade sew- ing club met at Mrs. R. B. Stone's. They had an interesting time and enjoyed the refreshments. Some of the third and fourth grade pupils are preparing a short Hallowe'en program to be given Fri day after recess. Sarah Hicks was absent from school Tuesday on account of sick ness. Mrs. Sharder visited the third and fourth grade room Wednesday af ternoon. Earnest Opp was absent from school Wednesday on account of sickness. MANLEY NEWS 3 GO NO FARTHER The Evidence is at Your Door. lumsDog Wear for A Munsing Wear, which is the la'et word in Underwear, for men, women and children. We have them for all and can readily supply your wants. 1 t 1 ip:r V IHlysEsDir&g Doves and kittens! . We are handling the celebrated Young Man factoring Companies goods, and are absolutely the best which money can purchase. Try them once and you will have no other. Nehawka, 61 ES a SIHIELE), Nebraska Plattsmouth proof is what you want and the statement of this high ly respected resident will banish all doubt: A. J. McFarland, 306 3rd street, Plattsmouth. says: "Several years ago I was doing some heavy lifting which strained my back and kidneys. This put me in such shape I had to 'walk with a cane for a number of weeks and I couldn't straighten. It felt as though there was a heavy weight across my back that was just , holding me down. I couldn't sleep j nights and it felt as though I had ! been stuck in the back with a sharp knife. My kidneys acted irregularly and the secretions were highly color ed and burned in passage. I was told to try Doan's Kidney Pills and after the first box my condition was much improved. I put my cane away and was able to walk straight. I "used four boxes from Fricke & Co's. drug store and they made a cure that has lasted ten years. My back and kidneys have never bothered me since and I believe Doan's will do the same for other people if they will give them a fair trial." 60c, at all dealers. Foster-MIlburn Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kennedy were visiting last Sunday at the home of J. C. Roth and wife. John Falischman has been pick ing corn at the home of Oris Schlie fert during the past week. Martin Grefe visited at the home of Herman Stohlman and family for the day last Wednesday. Frank Wannemaker and wife visit ed at the home of friends in Weep ing Water last Wednesday. R. Bergman and wife were look ing after some business matters in Omaha last Saturday, making the ! trip on the bus. Herman Rauth and wife, accom panied by Miss Nellie Christensen, visited at the home of friends near j Union last Sunday. I Sam Goodman has completed the moving of his goods and effects from near Mynard to Manley and is now a citizen of this place. Albert Seiker and family were the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mockenhaupt last Sunday, driving over in their car. W. H. Frost, who is now traveling for a lumber concern in Lincoln, was a visitor in Manley last Wednesday, looking after some business. Louis Krecklow was looking after some business matters in Omaha last Wednesday, going on his truck and bringing home a load of goods. Mrs. Anna Balir, of Nebraska City, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo Harms, was visiting at their home during last week for a few days. Mr. and Mrs . Edward Seiker of near Elmwood were visiting at the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aug Stander last Sunday. Wm. Glaublitz and wife, with their little son Raymond, cf Elmwood were visiting last Sunday at the home of J. C. Rauth, driving over in their auto. Daniel Bourke who has been visit ing for some time at the home of his sister, Mrs. Ellen Smith, of near Elmwood for the past week, returned home last Monday. The Manley streets have been placed in good condition by the work of Arnold Schliefert and Omar Coon, and will be when completed in excellent condition for the winter. The Ladies of Manley and vicinity had a farm meeting at the home of Theo. Harms, at which a large num ber of the ladies attended and re ceived instructing in the art of dress making. Miss Nelle Christensen, who is teaching in Omaha was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rauth for over Sunday, returning to her duties in the school last Sunday evening. Mrs. Daniel Keiser and son. Bus ter, from the west part of the state, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Troy Wiles, Mrs. Wiles being a daughter. They will remain for some time. Misses Alice Harms and Freda Fa lischman who are attending the high school at Louisville, who are in a playlet to be given there by the high school, remained over night to prac tice one day last week. Edward Kelley, W. J. Rau and Dan Bourke were visiting at Wabash on last Thursday morning, going to see the effects of the explosion which was made at the wrecking of the Wabash bank by the robbers. Edward Pankonin and wife, of Weeping Water, came via Manley and were joined by Mr. Geo. Schae fer and daughter Carrie last Sunday, they going to Murdock. where they visited at the home of Charles Schae fer. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Kestard of At chinson, Kansas, have been visiting at the home of David Brann, of this place, during the past week. Mr. Brann and Mr. Kestard were looking after some business matters in Platts mouth last Thursday, driving over in Mr. Brann's new car. Uncle Charles Murphay who has not been feeling the best, was taken to Omaha, where he entered the Saint Catherine hospital for treat ment last week, being accompanied by Mrs. Murphey and their son, James Murphey and Mrs. Walter Mockenhaupt, they going along to assist in his care. Suffered Severe Accident A little six-year-old son of Troy Wiles and wife, while playing in the mow of the barn at their home, trying with a little friends to catch some pigeons, fell some twenty feet, and was rendered unconscious for about twenty-four hours, but since gaining consciousness again is get- Jting along nicely, though still very sore. POSTPONE SOCIAL The box social that was to have been given at the school house In district No. 9, has been postponed until Tuesday evening, November 1st. Everyone is cordially invited to , be present on this date. j HELEN PONTIUS. i Ceacher. Herman Dall's Business Burned The blacksmith shop, plumbing es tablishment and implement house of Herman Dall was burned about the noon hour last Saturday when the exhaust from the engine charging the battery of cells, which he had for lighting his place of business and which he has for sale. Mr. Dall had gone to his dinner and left the plant charging, which is the way which this is done, and having left a can of gas setting on the floor near, in some way the exhaust throwing a spark occasionally had ignited the gas, and the building was consumed. The fire was but small when Mr. Dall returned from his dinner and he rushed into the place to see if he could not extinguish, when he ob served that the can containing the gas was just igniting, and rushed away only in time to escape the swish of the gas as it came from the can. When the alarm was given every both men and women rushed to the scene to render what assistance they could, but however heroic they work ed, they could not save the place, though the other buildings were none allowed, to burn by the hard "work of the citizens. Mr. Dall surely ap preciated the work of the people. He is not as yet certain whether he will build or purchase a place for his business. - BUILDING IS BURNED The huilding at Murdock occu pied by Herman Dall with his stock of implements, gasoline engines and machinery supplies, was destroyed by fire the last of the week and the loss to the owner will reach a very stiff figure. The building was only partially covered by insurance while the loss to the stock will be fairly well protected by the insurance. Mr. Dall had been running his lighting plant to generate Juice for the batteries and had left for dinner leaving the engine running as it was of the kind that automatically stops when sufficient current has been generated. Attached to the engine was an exhaust pipe and this be come quite heated and set fire to a part of the wood work that had gasoline spilled on it and thus the building was soon In flames and by the time the owner arrived It waa impossible to check the blaze. People who have been helped by Tanlac are always anxious and will ing, to tell others about it. F. G. Fricke & Co. E. H. Schulhof, piano tuner. 1 Pbone 389-J. d&W. Why Mr. N. Windsor (R. I.) Put Up with Rats for Years "Yean ago I got some rat poison, vrhich nearly .' killed our fine watch dog. We put up with rat ' until a friend told me about Rat-Snap. It surely , kills rats, though bouse pets won't touch it." Rats dry up and leave no smell. Prices. 35c. 65c. $1-25. ' Sold and guaranteed by ( Bestor & Swatek Weyrich & Had- raba F. G. Fricke & Co. ; Did Excellent Work! We wish to express our thanks for all who work ed so faithfully to prevent the fire at the Harman Dall Implement House from catching our home and espec ially the ladies, who worked as hard as the rest. J. L. BURNES, MRS. J. L. BURNES, MANLEY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Tablets, note books, pencils, etc., for the school children, may be had Please Accept Our Thanks! When the business place of mine burned down . last week, and on which I suffered a great loss, I wish to thank the. people of Manley who were so earnest in their work to save what they could and rendered such ' valuable service, for their kindly offices. I also wish" to say that the NEBRASKA HARD WARE MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Lin coln, made a very amacable and speedy adjustment of the loss, which was very satisfactory. Herman" Dall I! Manley 9 Nebraska 1 at the Journal office.