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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1921)
1 MONDAY. AUGUST 1.1921. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURKAl PAGE FIVE mur'dock DEPM TMEMT PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. 1 1 Strictly High Glass Legiti mate Banking! This is tl'f policy you will find annniir1 all the conservative, r liable eit v banks, and is al-o true of Hie high class banks of the -mailer towns and villages, when? such banks really have the their friends and customers at nean. interests oi Hank of Murdock to con bank, and to confine its It has always been the policy of the iet tirst class hich practe lezitiinate .usiness strictly to commercial banking, never permitting its name. ... - - ...... cr . . . i . . , tllowing its ohicers to assist in ine ft-mni; ui iiiij ui or Life Insurance, or like schemes. We use our influence 1. in tu to themselves and on our friemls only our cumin unity. where it may be of The hire commissions paid for assisting in selling Slocks or Life Insurance do not tempt us to work a hardship on our friends. ;.i 1 heir expense, ju.-t in order that we might make a bunch of mnr MO DY." We strive for the regular, legitimate, conserva tive i, banking business, paying t ffei.osits.- and loaning money n.en at reasonable ratis of interest. concratulaie ourselves on havint limit up a li l A 1 l!..M I'tH'i: III M'KKI AM' 1' 11 1 1 A I 1 r-r 1 r. 1 t I.6 1U.M- a decent rate to local tarmer of interest on and business UK o e If bar. kin: ; i tii'-r ! I : :-i a'.i . in.M't 1' ours, fairil v. !;: r ou s tit pendabie. conservative. '"Live and let Live" strictly ulloli appeals lo von, ami you are not ;iii-;tny a i-u-ve earnestly invite you to join the I'.ANK OK Ml'K- 1 w.ii resi assured max. we win uine can ileiua nl. and .t will not lind us tryinii vim w;:iit. against your better judg- L I: Hll'. .1 !'! .in:; The Bank of Murdook r.lurcock, Nebraska "The B-ink where You Feel at Home" HENRY A. TOOL. Piesidcnt J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Prcs. K. A. GUTIIT.IAKN. Cashier Ferdinand Lau and" wife and Mr. and Mrs. Jess Landholm and child ren visited and looked after business matters in Omaha last Monday. X. E. Hite. who has been spending the past two weeks at the home of relatives in and near Norfolk, re turned home Saturday evening. Miss Jennie Bauer, who has been at Ithica. assisting in the store of 1 , 1 c . 1. ; 1 I . ' ner uiicic, Herman ivian, mic m. was at the hospital in Omaha, re turned homo Friday. Much complaint is heard regard ing the poor condition 01 ine roaus f tl lowing the recent hard rains, but; the county commissioners are un- able to get around to all the places at the same time. Horseshoe pitching has become a j popular sport in Murdock. Among! the more expert hiuiers of the riuoits. : II. H. Law ton and lv W. Thimganj i declare their willingness to meet any-j j one in the 1 niteu states. ' Y. O. Gillespie writes home .Iteniiett. Colorado, whither he went to look alter harvesting, thresh in:; land marketing his wheat crop of sonic ! r.od acres near that place, stating the ! wli-t will make about 1 bushels to j l he acre. Miss Selma P.rauchle look a day 1 of!' Iron: her duties as saleslady at j the .Murdock Mercantile company' i store last week, and went to the home o! her si:!er. Mrs. Martin l.orne meier, where she assis'c.l with the cooking lor threshers. i'eier Lve'.and and Terry Ilapper :.o:i. who wit" soldiers together in ll. c Mirring days of 1 M. 1 -('.". wlo-n tin v fought side by side in the Civil . . . . . , . i t .. 1. ir. isl'CU at tin- noilie 01 i-iiinn l.MMi ins! wek. Mr. llappersoii le; at Curlingiou. Iowa. who were present are loud in their praise of Mrs. Gust in as a hostess and will look forward with pleasure to the time of meeting there again. A Most Enjoyable Time The Young People's association, an auxiliary of the Evangelical church, held a " pleasant gathering at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Yogt. si.utii nf Wabash last Thursday even- to attend were prevented by the threatening weather, but even this did not daunt the majority and a large crowd was present to enjoy the social good time. ANOTHER SUBSTITUTE FOR NORRIS BILL OUT Senate Committee Favors the New Measure With War Finance Credit Plan to be Passed V Lu re Business Getting Better That business is on the and fast approaching a return to normalcy cannot help but be noted on every hand. At the local garages the volume of work has been rapidly from 1 increasing until now even the bosses 1 are compeiieu to n"i from twelve to fifteen hours a day. The elevators is another line In which the iticrease has been most marked. In every line, however, there is re newed activity and prospects look better every day. In some of the wholesale markets there is a shortage of merchandise, idue to the closed-down conditions of ja few 111011! hs. and this means the i wheels of industry will have to turn with increased activity in order to !ai;:iin catch up. The fco-caHcrt buy I its' strike has not been without its I fcood effects as well as its had. and i these are reflected in a cleaning up of the surplus market and a resump tion of business on the basic law of supply and demand. ! O. L.-ner v j ." iiidav. g.utif; ; :i - la w a ad ! a ho i convalescing fro:: i'i'in for app'-ndicii i. Mr visitor in Omaha Up to see his brot her iriinT. Mernian Kraft. an opera Kraft was Gu S'-nk :.l.' v. -wo--! Sa!-.:rd;' .1. 11 Si-!, w ;ir: 1 nr..; ha !at S:; i;ii'i A I' rwert r: , a! Tin1 !:;.. fa mil'-" iiie t Ve'iillU. - v i - i t i I 1! .r'!a y d 1 ri"i-(is ! 101 a s!i-i!ii'.g to ch th- hold irpe- ; ;n!v:i' ".i ey- i re do i the transportation r.d ihu.- give his eustomers ita;-.- in incre-ised prices. I'liil Miib-r .ikir.c afie: I'nioii ai and Mail Thiin r so:io- business I .Murray ias: 1. Too! ; 1 11a- 1 hi - i s ! 1 . -t ' 1 i 1 1 . :T ! 11C' e i :i 1, ii:. : . r : 1 ! '.. iT et-1: . Ma. snlii- li aier I: . 1! S' 1- ;;i Uir!i:i ( I -a 1 Mis- Ant, b-r i '-ii.e i ili Miil-ioel; I'nd Stuck an' b their cl-.ibirei vi-ited i:i Li:i;-oi! hurt l-.- ed w 1 1 i:;o- 11 a -si home :h f-ienils Thursday ing with of Henry ii li. ,1 To. isir e-; a ! ursi:: y v :is mat ter- day t Kr'da re. ! and Willi fri 11 im !iuw en LiTIColl:. is! Ye.::i. l'n.k inv ill We nfi'-r pine ! CH II th for A11- r, r;iin Li n-! SjH'ilt I.ii-ine M:s? Friday Kiigh a last the d; -s ma;: M;iry f run liiv ric. 111 Mc-Kln,- m ;i ies visitor w : 1 1 T to Tl, I he i:; sda v tra n matrer.- i: w ft.. liichiiii'. Tool hts b-eii assisting win-, the work in the Murdock Mer cantile company's store during the pas! week. and family drove to TiMirsdav. where they y looking after some ers. Uu.-!i re! u rii'-n lionie Omaha, where she had b en visiting at tin lion eof her sis ter. Mrs. .Ldin P.urt. .in. I H A. (.last was a visitor in Malcolm Sunday, w here he attend-1 ed a birthday party in honor of his ( cousin. Adolph Kuehn. I Mrs M. C. Keefer and daughter, of near Alvo. visited at the home of Mr. j 1 Mrs. ('l.arb-s Sthaeter in Jiur- day last week. Hugo Normanberg. of Norfolk. haK been working for Ernet Porne meier. s.-oit h vvest of town, during the harvesting and threshing. Herman Knpke and wife visited in Lincoln a short time last Saturday,, up to secure son e repairs for Herman's threshing machine-. 'able to return to his home at Ithica I'rue-dav and is doing nicely miicc hi (arrival home. fast Sunday Jess Landhoim and wife and babies visited at Meadow with the H. A. Tool and II. V-. Mc-Honal-1 families. Messrs. I!. Y. Mc Donald. H. A. T0.1l. Lacey McDonald and IJarry GiP.--.-pie ;ire among tho.-e who have been at the camp and re turned lo town Wednesday evening after a most pleasant outing. John Anigwert and family visited at 'he home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lett-- in Counii! liiuffs a week ago Sunday. On their return they were accompanied by their daughter. Mar vel, who had been visiting there for some time. Miss Margaret, another daughter, remained for a longer vis it and in company with Mis.s Rose Anigwert and Joseph Kainey. drove to Murdock Saturday evening to spend the day yesterday. ADVOCATES INOCULA TION AGAINST TYPHOID Army Records Show Its Value. Says Dr. Billon. State Health ' Bureau Chief. i-i-t it?i ti: n id ' il. .eli oil -e iii'i! tiarry. Mirsday. :ry In : 1 -1 e I r. who conducts the siauo::. vi-H'-d 111 Louisville v and ii; Lire- -In Tuesday. Cietiiev tool; ;i held of cattle Scut !i Omiil.a market hist lor ibnrv O'-'ib-rkiug. Free Service! We have just installed a new Tungar Automatic Refr.vctor, and are prepared to look after the battel y question for you. We have a capacity of charging from one to th;r: batteries at the same time. We also do repairing of batteries, as vell, and our repair shop for automobiles is of the beet. Free testing and water for batteries. See Us for Service! Landholm Auto Co., MURDOCK NEBRASKA Fall Plowing Now! Found a Bridge Out While the Journal field man was en route from Alvo to Murdock last Thursday, kipping along the couu-j iry road east of the r.ushherry school: at the rate of ahout fifteen miles an hour, we met up with an accident' iliat nut our "white mule" on the ! hummer. The grass being high on! both sides of the road as well as in j the center, before we were aware of 1 it were were right upon up to thej place where a bridge had been but was no more We applied the brake but to no avail and our "Henry" plunged down the bank. No amount of coaxing would induce her to come up again, so we went down the road afoot in search of help, coming to the home of George Nickel, who fur nished a spide and returned with 'is. After moving about some dozen or more cubic yards of dirt. we were abb- to pet the car out. but tarried long enough to place some posts in the roadway so other travelers over the highway might not have the tame luck. We afterward learned that three other cars bad gone into the same hole. The Local Cream Market Some people are doubtless unaware that Murdock has an exei-llenl cream station wlore the highest market price is paid in cash for butterfat. All you have to do is bring your j cream to lown and get the check for lit no risk of shipping or waiting for the returns. Mr. Inlo-lder. who conducts the station, uses the latest . electrical testing appliances and by 'shipping in large quantities i;; abb- ' .ln-t now. wlo-n lime is the farm- 1 . . , it s grea'esi asset. 1 ne lime consumed in billing out the cream shipments at the railroad station, looking afler collecting the empty cans as they are I relumed and waiting for his molieV. could be made lo count lo good ad vantage in other work ahout tlo farm Another thing worth con :idering is the fact that cream may be delivered Mr. lnheUJer s late a.- ten o'clock in the evening, while at the Uo'-k Island station there is a limit to the number ol hours the railtoad cuijdovcs work. Lincoln. July iMHh. Protection against typhoid by means of the gen eral use of the anti-typhoid serum us; d to immunize the soldiers of the world war is strongly recommended bv Dr. L H. Dillon, chief of the slate bureau of health. " Kvery person in the state of Ne braska should be inoculated with the anti-typhoid serum." Dr. Dillon said today. There is no need for anyone to have typhoid if he takes the proper precautions. Army records show that there is no element of danger in the use of the serum. Out of more than 4.1MM1.OHO nu-ii in the army inoculated there was not one case of disability as a result: There was so little ty phoid in the army during the war. w hen conditions generally were ideal for it, that the value of the serum is conclusively proven." Dr. Dillon declared, however, that there is no danger of a typhoid epi demic in Nebraska. The records show few cases, he declared, and are no more than ordinary. "Nebraska is not a lyphoid territory." he said. "In Iowa, not 200 miles east, where the water is obtained from shallow wells, then? is more typhoid in a month than we have in a year." he declared. Washington. D. C. July 28. Di partisan senate forces today cleared! the way for passage, pos.sihly tomor row or early next week, of an agri-j cultural credit bill embodying the: administration plan to make the war finance corporation the adniinistra-1 tion agency, rsy a vote or iw to - me senate agricultural committee report ed a new substitute for the Norris, Kellogg andother agricultural cre dit hills. The new measure, presented by Senator McNary. republican. Oregon, had the general backing of demo crats as well as republicans, and upgrade 1 leaders said passage of the .substi tute was assured. Besides adopting the plan for fnr nishiDg of agricultural credits by the finance corporation, the commit tee bill would increase the author ized bond issue to $2.(100.000.000 and also authorize direct leans lo produc ers and foreign governments. Senator Norri", republican. Ne braska, today spoke again in support cf his original bill and in bitter criti cism of the substitute plan which he. with Senator Ladd. republican. North Dakota, had opposed in coin mil tee. The former declared that all "sins" charged against the Norris hill applied with equal force to the substitute which, he said, proposed a "rake off" for bankers and would increase farmers' interest burdens. Senator Lenroot. republican. Wis consin, declared th new substitute was "in real interest of the farm er." He deplored the "temper" he said Senator Norris had displayed, adding that Mr. Norris appeared 'net in hS usual, normal frame of mind." Dixlosures regarding genesis of 1 he administration legislation were made by Senator Lenroot. who said thaj after being informed that Sen ator Norris refused compromises, he with Senator Kellogg, republican Minnesota, held conferences with Secretary Hoover and Director Mey rr of the war finance corporal ion which resulted in framing of the ad ministration measure. The first sug gestions to have the war finance cor p .rHiion take charge of issuing ag .icnliural credits, lie said, came from senators, while the "principal ni'.iv r" behind the Norris bill. Mr. Len root said, was Carl Vrooman. former .!"si?tant secretary of agriculture. Deposits in this Bank are Protected by the Dank Guarantee System of this State! The Reason for a Bank Guarantee Law The historv of bank failures shows that depositors seldom lose their monev absolutely, but that they generally lose the use of it for some time while the bank's affairs are being settled up. Under the Guarantee law. depositors get their money when they want it. in case of a bank failure under this law. depositors are paid at once out of the funds held by tc he repaid until the closed bank Isn't the assurance that never you be deprived of the use of your thing to you? depositors every does, in addition waits the state, and the stale s aflairs arc settled up.' under anv circumstances will money isn't that worth some- We give our conservative bank antee law. We pay 7'.'( pound it annually. accommodation that to the protection of a a v the safe, (luar- intcrest on the money you deposit and' com- Farmers & Merchants Bank Murdock, Nebraska 11. ALL WAYS C. r.ackemeyer. President AT YOCIt SLUYICL O. J. Tot hast. Albert Strcich, Vice Cashier President ternoon was spent in games anu music and the young people surely enjoyed themselves. The birthday cake was made and presented by John Bloom, who is I he baker pt the Lincoln hotel. Mrs. George South assisted Mrs. Kauiinan with Hie serving. Those present were Misses Harriet and Hcrtl.a Hunter. Lucile Halt. Lu- ciie Hridgewater. Winona and Mary South. Dorothy McCarthy. Helen and Lavaughn Hattinan. Pearl. Ldith and Margaret Smith. lUar.che and Viola Kaufman. ('craldine Jones and George South. The new owners assume all of lhe underlying mortgages and obligat ions of the road amounting to $121,000. (on. The sale of the Denver Ai Rio Grande railroad was affirmed la-1 spring. TRANSFER OF RIO GRANDE MADE PASTOR'S SCHOOL TO CLOSE i Denver. July 27. The transfer of Hie property of the Denver A: Kio Grande railroad to the Denver. Kio Grande & Western railroad was for mally authorized today by United States Judges Robert K. Lewis and Walter H. Sanborn of the federal cir cuit court of appeals. The authority was granted in an order affirming the final report of William A. Jack- Ison, special master. VISITS OLD HOME From Satu Jay's Dally. A. L. Cox. for many years a resi dent of Mynard. where he was in charge of a general store, came iii last evening for a short visit through this portion of the state with old time friends. Mr. Cox is now travel ing inspector of the American Steel Wire company, of Indiana, and has been making a flying trip over th" wst in the interests of his company. He will be remembered by the older residents of this portion of Cass coun ty and also was for a number of vears in business at Nebraska City. Kyes fitted. tested and glasses J. W. Crabill accurately tfd Strong protest I being made against the retention in the ucw rev enue bill of the tax on soft drinks, which is denounced as a nuisance. All that, congress has to do i to find some form or fax Ihat isn't a nuisance. tiie Tlic liaivcbl ib over and lliracliiny dune now for i ail nlovvin'' VVc liavc lhe facilities for this task plows, ti actors and also seasonable fanning machinery. See us for the things you arc needing. You ptiscd at what wc can fchow you. w ill b c sur- Also the Kullo-Kolcr Washer! Oils and Gasoline! WVi. GEMOTS, The Implement Man MURDOCK NEBRASKA Visiting; Friends in Platlsmouth Mf. and Mrs. H. A. Guthmaiiu and children went t'i ri.itlsnioulh last Wednesday evening for a visit of several das with friends and rel atives. During their absence, I hey turned the home over to Max Dus lerhotT and Joe W'utehinek who have been busy finishing lhe floors. Three- coats of varnish and a coat of waf are on the program and when the work is finished the floors will j-urely present a "slick" appearance. Met with Mrs. Gustin The K. N. A. Kensington club met last week at the home of Mrs. J. J. Gustin southwest of town. The meet ing was held Thursday afternoon and a most enjoyable time was had 011 lhe shadv lawn surrounding this GO NO JARTHER! The Evidence is at Your Poor. .i.i riaftsmouth proof is what you want and the statement of this high ly r"spcctcii resident will banhh all don Ht ; . J. Mcf'arland. :'.; .-,rd street. I'oiitsmouth, says: "Several yenrs ago I was doing some heavy lifting which strained my back and kidneys. This put me in such shape I had to walk with a cane for a number of weeks and I couldn't straighten. It felt as iliouirht there was a heavy .. .. ..... 1. ....I- I I, .. I .1-.. v.- 1 1 , li 1 i vi o "ii. 1 ' . j iv 1 1 1 a 1 t o- . just holding me down. I couldn't sleep nights and H felt as though had been struck in the back with a sharp knife. My kidneys acted ir regularly and the n-cretions were highly colored and burned in pas sage. I was told to try I loan's Kid- t.:ii.. .1 .. . 1. . . . t . . . . - n. iii-i 1 ins aiiu win 1 1 nt; iiiri. in.' a. iui j condition was iuhcii improved. 1 ptii;,!....., i. -i,v the nravt-r of mv cane awav and was able to walk t ium-r should not be granted The schools for the city and rural pastors, being held at Nebraska Wes kan. will close Friday. ,Rev. J. W. Rates of Kansas City presided over the city pastors confer ence Thursday morning. The subject was "The Score Card as the Standard or Activities of the Churches over the Country." F. O. Beck, author of a sc re card system for judging city churches, was heard several times in the discussion. The city pastors went into a closed ses.-ion w hile Charles C. Webber of Kansas read the findings of his com mittee on the program of the church for the ensuing year. Rev. William W. Steer of Denver led the niucical service. at convoca tion when the city and rural pastors met in joint session. Rev. John T. Hantla of Sioux City spoke at this session on "The Preacher as a Magni fying Glass." He said the preacher should magnify his ministry. "The need of the world is to have a min ister that will get down among the people and share their lot. Pensions anil sufficient salaries? Yes. Rut I bone lhe ministrv will never get to the point where they will not. sacri fice." Dr. Paul L. V(z. f uperintp-ndent of rural work department of tb Meth odist home mission hoard, addressed th, rural pastors Thursday morning Dr. Yogt h;is general charge of rural pastor schools held at different places in the l niteu states every summer. Part of his work is the aiding in es tablishing rural extension chairs in universities and colleges. He also plann to establish model pastorates in different sections for demonstra tive purposes. The urual pastors are giving much attention to the idea of recreation. They have listed all sort of games and sports to be given a place in rur al church programs. Tbey have also made a list of toys which the child ren in a household should have for proper training. Waste and Decay! are bound to follow neglect of your property. Better have it painted This is insurance. See me for prices on all kind of painting interior or exterior. H. H. LAWTON, MURDOCK, NEB It. ENJOYABLE BIRTHDAY TARTY. From Saturday's Pally. VcsterUay afternoon Mrs. Henry Kaufman gave a surprise birfbday partv at her home on South Tenth street for her niece. Miss Geraldine Jones, of T,ineoln. who is visiting for a. fiuic with relatives here. The af- Why is the Church that we have just completed in Murdock another job that yields so many comments and congratulations? WHY 8 satisfaction so especially great on this job? Why? Because Jt is artistic! It is economical! It gives you a NEW idea of wall decoration suggestive for the residence as well. This is not as expensive as its character would indicate' Ask us about it. It will be of interest lo you it will surprise you how reasonable our prices are on this wall decoration. The Dusterhoff Shops, MURDOCK NEBRASKA TRUCKING! I have a new Motor Truck and am prepared to do all kinds of hauling at reasonable rates. See me for truck hauling. L. B. GORTHY, MURDOCK -:- -: -:- NEBRASKA oi(lii;ii of- III m yii .tlce mii !"-lltln fr llentrnt nt r"mt I n ih- .'unt "'irl of i.'Bi Nebrufcku. t"te of Nelira.Tu. I'icb con 11 M Ti- tie- ber:--. legat'-es and a U ::iis ititeres-f d in I lie estate "f riet A. Sharp. O'-eased: 1 n reading tin- -titi'u of L- I tStmrp prayiusr si final set to-uient 1 . . 1.: t . .1 : .. .iiemaioe 'i in. uv'-'iiu ni-'i 111 '.ojrt on tin- 3tli 'la? of Jtjl, uii-l f"r order of distribution: H is ljereliy or0'.-rel lliat and all persons interested in said matter may, and do. appear at the County Court I" in- held in and for sab! county, on tie th day of Aut-'ust. A. U. IH'I, at in:"" 11 clucls a. "i., in iio . eun.-'e. ii an the petl and that so- y county, P-r-llat- -e ". and t lot; lt'l'l. straight. I used four ho&es f roiu , Fricke & (Vs. drus store and they made a enre that has lasted ten years. My back and kidneys have, never bothered nic since and I believe notice of the peinltiiey ot sani petition '.and the bearing: tt-reor l. -civen to all 1 nersons Interested in said matter by 1 pulilishiiiK a eop.r of this order in the riattsinoutli Jouirna.1. a semi-weeKiy newspaper printed In said county; fr ...... u'uulr iti'lnr ti, KAlil ilnv nf li:lrill' I beautiful cotrntrv home. The ladies Doan's will do the same for other, witness whereof. 1 have hereunto Were able to do a' preat deal of work. I people if they v ill give them a fair set my Imml . and the seal or said . , . , . A e 1 . f ' Curt this oVtli uff 01 " Jul; , 1 and were served a most delightful trial. luncheon, which was one of the en- bc. at all ueaiers. t osier-iuouru ALL. UN J. bkeson Why Suffer the Loss which always comes when the machinery is not given the best of oil? Best Motor OH. per gallon 90c Best Tractor Oil, per gallon 75c We can deliver the new car any time you desire. Buick, Dodge Bros , and the Ford. The best service possible in our repair shop. W. TnllM, The Automobile Man MURDOCK NEBRASKA joyable features of the occasion. All Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. (Seal) al-lw. County Judge. X rh