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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 6, 1921)
4 MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1921 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUF.NAL PAGE THREE I I V -I r 1 1 1 Nehawka Department! Prepared ia the Interests of the People of Nehawka and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers. Alert for Nehawka's best good. Ne hawka Bank. K. M. Griffin has accepted a position with the state as guard in the state penitentiary. Peter Opp waa a visitor in Xe hraska City last week, where he was the guest of his daughter. The Nehawka Bank is ever guard ing :ne interests of the people of .'. hiwka and community. Kveretf Hutledge. since the closing 4,f the school is assisting in the printing office of his father. A. B. Kutledee. E. M. Pollard and wife were at tending the district meeting of the Old Fellows last Friday, driving over i ti , V. ei r fa r l.-rt Lloyd was a passenger to Lin- j coin last rnuay. wnere ne went 17 h ok after some l.tisiness matters f-jr a short time. Lester Wunderlich was a visitor in Plattsmouth last Friday, where he FOR GOOD Ice Cream! STOP AT FRANS' CAFE! Half gallon .... Quart Pint Plain dish Sundaes Sodas Cones Lincoln pop Near beer, 2 for, . .$1.10 5)0 . . . .30c 10c 15c ; .... 1 7c 1 jt 10c 25c Nehawka Nebraska Meat Market FRESH AND CURED MEATS EKESH P.KKAD DAILY JOHN OPP, Propr... Nehawka -:- -:- Nebraska . - - .VV.-::-'.. Busy? Yes, You Be!! We can get to your job, though in a short time. Re member our work and ma terials are the best. Also, the 25c discount is still in force. Don't delay. VI. B. DALE, Nehawka -:- Nebraska You Like to Know that the remains of the loved one are resting safe from interruption. While living the downy bed was not too szood a place for them to repose. Now the CONCRETE VAULT will keep their remains secure. We have them all over the county for sale. You'll find the satisfaction alone worth more than the cost. Most approved vault made. See Us for All Kinds of Cement Work Miller & Gruber, NEHAWKA -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA TIRES! TIRES!! TIRES!!! We are selling tires at a very low price, that are of the highest quality and guaranteed to give the best of service. Our stock of electrical fixtures and supplies is well filled with attractive goods at right prices. Do not forget that we recharge batteries, and that our service department is the best. We are keeping two excellent mechanics for auto repair work. The Lumberg Garage, NEHAWKA -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Farm Machinery! We can supply your wants in the line of imple ments and farm machinery just now cheaper than later in season, as there is a considerable price advance on stock purchased this spring, which we can save you through having the goods in stock. Repairs, also. h. f: kropp, NEHAWKA -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA was looking after some l-usiness mat ters for a short time. Erank Claus .of Plattsmouth, was a visitor in Nehawka last Friday vis iting with friends and iookingafter some business matters. Supt. H. E. Huston will attend the Smith Hughes conference of school workers which is scheduled to meet in Lincoln this week. It is not right that you should pat icnize other banks, while t,he local bank i.s looking after the interests of the community in money matters. Vm. Hicks, who has been building a home for himself 011 the lot where he has his garage, has the same com pleted and is making his home there. Grover Hoback. the gonial postmas ter, was looking after some business in the rustling neighboring village of I'nion last Friday, making t:ie trip in his car. H. H. Stoil has been kept busy unloading cement and lit ruber for the Sturm lumber yard, and while not working in this line, is employed at the elevator. Mrs. Geo. Polos and mother wort: spending the day at Nebraska City last Friday, making the trip via th: Missouri Pacific, where they wen. looking after s;me trading. An operator from Weeping Water has been asi-ting in the local ex change (hiring the extra work which Miss Alia Davis had, incident to Un closing of tile sr-h'.ol year. Charles Swab and wife with their laughter, were linking after some business at Avoca and Voeni:::.' Wa tt r lat Friday, and stopped here ;m their way home t 1; ke Frank homo from scho-l. Mr. and Mrs. .1. I). Cross of I'nion. were visitors in Nehawka last Sunday and attended the bac calaureate rerinon which was deliver ed by the Rev. H. G. McClusky of Platr-mo'ith. Mrs. J. G. Wunderlieh and Mrs. Henry Schumaker wire pa;-.tneer to Weeping Waier List Friday, where they attended the Ke: ekah disirie: meeting whk-h was holding at that 1 place last Week. 1). I). Adams, the druggist, and wife, enjoyed a vi iii from their t'o; -nier neigiibors. Mr. and Mrs. J. look er, who was engaged in painting here for enie time, but who make theTr home at Auburn now. While the Nehawka liank is ever looking after the wi li'are of the busi ness interests of the communis' y if Nehawka. it is just and right that you should give them your business, f t r your interests are mutual. Master IJarton Sutphin. who un derwent an operation for the remov al of his tonsiles s;u:e time ago. now reported as being entirely re covered from the ordeal and is enjoy ing much improved health. With the cloi:ig of the year f the state university. Misses Doris Hagney and Clara Schumaker. who have been attending that institution ate home again and : l.-o Mrs. Schu maker, who has been keeping h.nise f.;r the girls. The final examinations of the Ne hawka school, were very ; a t isfaet rv to ill concerned. Sunu failed to maintain the high average, but this on account of the laek of personal application which they should hae given to the matter. Miss Klar.ehe Creamer, the efficient clerk in the Nehawka bank, is en joying a short vacation fr:.m her work and will return refreshed for the duties which await her. Mis Creamer has made an excellent as sistant in the work of the hank. Dr. .1. W. Thomas. James H. Pal mer, and Frank P. Sheldon were the guests of Ua.Mnond C. Poliaid in aj trip to Omaha last Friday, thev go ing in the auto of Mr. Pollard and found business in the metropolis booming and the roads very good. The Switier Krothers have just sold and will instri'.l a new pumping outfit and windmill to Mrs. Eliza beth Easter. Which will materially aid in caring for the water supply for tiie stock ;;nd other purposes on her farm a few miles f;m Nehawka. The llev. W. ('. l'r isman, vh : is loci'ed at Sterling at tin's time, but who formerly was minister to the church here, vas up and attended th closing exercises of the Nehawka schools, he having a son who ha completed his high s he 1 courve and graduated with honors a: Sterling this spring. Key Coalman and family of Alvo. At re visiting wi'h t fiends in Nehaw ka last Wednesday, coming over in their car to attend th: exerei.-as a' ttndant to the oornmenr-c-in n' cxer-eh-es of the Nehawka school. The storm was of so'-h magnitude th:.? they were compelled to remain over night. A. 15. Ku:kd:e, the rustling print er who is kepi busy :il his trad, art d who las a v-. , smi-fac' .ry business, is at this time building a new addi tion I', his l:u-i'i"ss h mse whi i; h i to use as a sir.i".; ''oom. lu- ileret 1 fore tiot h.!"i:itr room for the stor ing of nec'sary stork which he ns f - in hi- business. The new v.ll which is iie-Tssiry for th.e :iev. home w'ni-h A. 15. itr i"ge is to :i Itli'd oh t'.ie p.; v.hi. '1 he recently purchased i'l ti: a-'t irf'rtien of Neh: ka. is j.'w g in:: down, and i :':ie inMial s'p to the making of an tdeatit hoi:;e ir East Neha'Aka. v. -,:ch it is cxp rt"d will be fd!o'V( (! ? y ;!o'is in a s'i rt time. A party of .some eighteen i.iet.i-ber.-: ..f the hih sohoid wont to Paker's move near Weeping Wtit.r la-t Friilay. v. here t'aey pii-n i'.eti and had inrnded to e?ij y a winter loast. M no mear ; i: 1 starting a fire was a? hand. s they had a wit m r ir.'tij roat and tle-a r'-p lired to th i: t- cream parh'rs at V.j ping Water whir" tluy enjoyed a few dishes delic ious ice re.:m before rr; ti rn 'no home. Doing Satisfactory Business The Park f-r Nehawka is doing a very nice business, notwithstanding the rather do-e:ie.-s of time over the country and which are geCn;g 'better at this time. With the conservative methods which tiii bank has In i n maintaining, they are sure to hae thf-ir share of the business. l)o n -t forget that your money ;.nd y.ur interest is always well c:;r;! for by this ii ii? ion. Rffcckahs Go tc Weeping Water The Daughters of Kebekah of Ne hawka. went 10 Wttping Water Friday whet' they attended the dis trict meeting of the Odd Fellows an;! put on an excellent drill team work at the meeting of the Kehekah a. -seniLly, and also attended both the banquet and reception which were tendered the visiting members from other places. A number of tiie l.uli"; :ipi on the train in tiie evennu an i returned :n the one later, while a number went with cars. Amor.g th" latter were 'halnurs and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Marian Tucker. and Messrs Norris. c. K tie v. rind Me; .mrs. W. A. Moore and J. W. Mag- Make Trade Themselves The Erans restaurant and cafe is doing an excellent busine-s. having gotten in a manner straightened up and are having a tine' business. The trade which was made by himself and Mr. Griffin, proving one of much, worth to Mr. Erans and is enabling him to do a fine business. Mr. Grif fin as yet has not determined ju: what he will do. but is ccn.-idering some propositions which he wfii prob ably take up. Mrs. Nick Klaurens Very Serious Mrs. Nick Klaurens. who was tak en to Omaha where she entered the Eenger hospital and underwent an operation last Tuesday for a rupture, which she had sustained, was report ed as getting along nicely for a time. I ut during the latter part of last week developed tendencies looking towards pneumonia which the phy sicians have been endeavoring lo avert. It is the hope of her friends that she may soon bo well again. Business Showing Improvement The general tone of the business done at the Sheldon Manufacturing company is very satisfactory in it. showing, as with every week there is an increased volume hf business com ing to the concern. The company is doing mere business than at any time during the present year, and feel that there is reasonable cause f:;r further improvement. Have Cheap Lumber As will be seen in another column, will appear an ad te'ling of lumber for wile by the Sheldon Manufactur ing company, which has come by the cutting of their stock for use in the factory and which has left excellent: lumber in quantities of two bv six, stuff of lengths which are suitable for i many purposes and which can le used to great advantage on a farm ' which is going at mnvh lower prices than the new lumber averages at. Read their ad and get an idea of what it is worth to you. j Isflllij A new size package ! Ten for 10c. Very convenient. Dealers carry both; lOforlOc; 20 for 20c. It's toasted. ' Closing of Nehawka Schools The Nehawka -cho-'. clo.-ed last week after a year of g" 1 w ; rk don both by the student a:.d fatuity. The patrons of The srh io', have rea--;U to be pleas d with the ray the :!. hool lias been co:i ! ti ; t ed. Th j i. oil rd of education i.: their direc t e n of tin schools. ''.iv cxercistd mtu-h g)od judi ir.ent ii. ih;- way t be have had the schools . oiiducied. Iii the- .--election of the fu-.-ulty they suc c -ded i:; .securing an av'.e crop of ir. ' rue tor;;, who have mud" the year worth w hile o the nts and pat- ions. The closing of to;- sciio.ds was marked by the g'adu t h.-a of eiunt ( ur.g men and wome:i. ho will t ike their places in t'n - world of ea u a vor and w ill add their work to tiu i.' 1 1 em: i-r.t of the wo: Id. Those ! o out int.) aciiv? lit ' w.'th the train ing which tiiis institution has tive.i iliein. wire Misses 'i'iaha Christ-eis--er. Hope St. John. Kmi Eh tu rning, Velma Cramr. while- the oun-; Hi-, n to oi o graiiuate .; : e M . L.Lmd llod-:e. Everett itutkl-'-. CI,-de oi e an.i Ertie Norri--. Th- ilariv Hitiiiingf m of Linied-.i ':. s th" principal sal .- r,f the ev" t.i::g and tnoiie a m st a'"Ie addr '-s. !;:: Mil-Vet b.-:ng "T1' !owr Overcome." whieli h? h:;:id!ed atlmir - . t , Alumni Hold Banquet. The Alumni of the Nehawl... schools h' bl a l an ;ii"tai the audita' -i,;m la-i W't dnesday evening follow ing the closing of the final exercist s il the Nehawk.i seiloois. at which : oilie thirty of the members of the '.-!adu!es of the s-'.iO'd in the yea is in-.e it has b"aa a uitic school, par f h-ip.; ! -a. The oatujuet whicii was Hirni-h.ed by the ladies of the 1'nited r.rethiv:i rdiv:rch, was a!i tiiat could tie expected and was perl'tt in every Jttail. The fi::ii';uei";s wer - lotid in t :eir praises uf the L.dies who erv iil tiie exctlhnt f-ed atni in t'ne gra ! ions manne r ,n v.hik'ti they p;eseitt td the finest of the la'l'!. Legion Honor Depaned Veterans The members of t ae American Ee--o:i me: at their l.dge room.; la:: Sunday and in a b. dy marched t : ilte Methodist churth where th.ey li: te.ied t a v ry ..lot- and eliquer.t by the Kev. " E. Moor,, pastor of the church in whicii he com mended the action of the brav, lad-, whn b ft honte and country that the rights of the poople of this day and fhe years t : cotne might le preserve! and als. to t lie one who. when the .our.tty was in peril of disoliition. .acrificel their lives and gave their -ervb e-3 that tiiis count r might live, i-.dlowing the od.lre.-i the iiK-mber; of the legion repaired to the cem etery at Mt. .Pleasant where they maiked each grave by tiie starry emblem ::nd aI--o strewed pretty tiowtrs of the last resting places f tlte soldiers of 1 S 0 1 t: ISO.". Those to he thus honored ar.d their memory preserved were Sfep'ien Alford. It. O. Hoback. M. 1!. lVPr.rd. Ephriam Tucker. G. S. Swittter. CvNjs Whit". Thomas Reyno'd--. Edward Oliver. John Murdoch. Henry S. Hughes. Hughie McRe.ynolds. '. M Cherry. Stephen Davis. John Grnbc-r. h!1 ef -e civil war, and Cha-. Dtp wo: a of the Spa nish-Anu ar. 018 TENT SHOW IS CDMIN3 M WEEK Sark's Big "Uncle Tom's Cabin Co." to Exhibit at Plattsmcuth on Wednesday Kite, June S Thi-. is the firs; time that the public has l ad ;m opportunity of see ing the "New Version' of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." the greatest dramati sation of this popular play ever writ-J ten. Mrs. Stowe's Historical play has ever been a favorite with the women and children, and they always come! to. Fee -it. Uurk's Rig "Enclc Tom's j Cabin Co." has tiie distinction of be- ing the largest organization of 1 1 s kind on the road. They carry a spe- ; cial train of their own cars to trans- port their people, horses, ronies, donkeys, dogs, chariots, and other paraphernalai necessary "to present the only grand spectacular produc tion of this, the most successful drama ever written. The characters of Uncle Tom. Eliza. Little Eva and Marks are all. ably presented by a ecmfktent cast, and the large contin gent ef lingers and dancers, blood hounds, etc.. give a realistic and ser stional naturalism lo the perform ance. The scenic and mechanical ef fects are good, and the pictures ite trartsformaf irn scene forms a fitting finish to the whole. So carry the news and tell jour neighbors. The only big show coming will exhibit at Ph.ttsmout h, Wednesday night, June S. - t ALVO 1 i Miss Marie St roomer was in Lin coln Tltursday. !'. J. Linch an 1 Orville Ingwerson were in Lincoln Wednesday. Miss Dell Sutton is visiting her .sister, Mrs. Wm. Taylor, in Kansas. ; Koy lienneit has moveil t c Ray mond w here he w ill put down wells. Miss Aurel Foreman was home from Lincoln Tuesdav and Wednes day. Dr. L. Muir and family spent Memorial dav in Milford and Clysses. Mr. ami Mrs. E. Lauritsen have me, d into the- C. H. Kirkpatrick re;-idencf. Mrs. I. Kennedy and nephew. Ver i on Hinebaugh . are now living in En ive rsit y Place. Dr. I.. Muir and family spent sev-1 ' ral days this week with relatives in Council itluiTs. Iowa. . Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thurreson of Ciiivetvity Place visited Sunday witli Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Foreman. Miller Pros., barbers, bad three sisters and a brother come in this v ek, to make their home here. j Mrs. I. N. Wolfe ;pent several days: m: Greenwood with her daughter,' Mrs. E. Dimmiit and family last week. - Miff Agnes Peterson returned to her home in Oklahoma Thursday af- Buying Grain and Stock! We always pay the highest price for Grain and Stock. We own and run our own elevator and mix and grade up our grain, enabling us to always pay top prices. I AM YOUR FRIEND ALVO Have You Cf I take impressions of feet for light, flexible insoles. With them relief is positive from weak an kles, arches, flat feet, painful calouses, etc. Harmon's "Shoe Shop ALVO S-iere is the Machine! Any one desiring to inspect a thresher which is the product of the Illinois Thresher company, of Sand wich, Hi., can see and examine one at my place In Alvo, near the Murtey elevator. I have the handling of this machine for all of Cass county and would be pleased to make you prices and terms, as I can furnish time arrangements on clover hullers, engines and threshers. You can make no mistake in the purchase of one of these machines, as they are designed and built by William Rumley, Jr., a son of the veteran thresher and engine builder. Mr. Rurnley has grown up in the thresher business and knows the last word in this line. W. H. WARNER ALVO Farm Work Moving! . The excellent rains have been very beneficial to the small grain and the corn is much benefitted as well. This brings much work at this time for the farmer. Remember, we have any machinery needed to do this work. Cultivators, of all kinds, two-rows. We have the hay-making machinery mowers, rakes and all kinds of tackle for handling hay. Binders and all harvesting machinery as well-as twine. See me for prices and terms, and your needs. Remember, we have an excellent line of hardware and paints. At your service Ooafman Hardivaro Company, ALVO EPARTIWENT ter graduating from the Alvo bight school last week. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse Sunday night with Mr. and John Weichel and they all spent Mrs. spent Memorial day in Elmwood. John Foremen, who has been in pror health, is getting better s-ince Poking special treatment in Lincoln, where lie spent several dys. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ganz and child ren left Saturday for McCook where they will visit with Mrs. Ganz's bro ther, A a le S. lloyles and wife, a few days. Ray Linch and family and party of relatives and friends sp-nt a few- hour s called home. Mr. have years, -. here Memorial briefly at day in Alvo and the G. P. Foreman and Mr Ed Streiemer the past Alio t wo r'sided here moved to De Witt Mr. St roomer has last wet-K. charge of an elevator. Carl Johnson shipped a car of catt!" and Mike Smith a mixed ear of stock to South Omaha markets on Tuesday. Mr. Johnson accompan ied the shipment. James Pilkiugton took a load of goods to Cortland for Fred Th'omas Friday. He vas accompanied by Henry Thomas who will visit rela tives there a few days. Or;;o:i J. Sharp, former teacher in Y, NEBRASKA Lame Feet? 95 NEBRASKA NEBRASKA NEBRASKA the schools here, was married June 2nd to Miss Ktifh L. Pratt, primary teacher at Trenton, Nebraska, where .dr. Sharp is now a responsible farm er. Mrs. M. C. Keefer and daughter. Miss Lois, spent. Ki:t urday night and Sunday in Omaha, visiting Mrs. Keefer's daughter, Mrs. Kay Cob-, who is in the hospital. Mrs. Cole is doing tine. Mrs. George Foreman. Jr.. and children, of Valparaiso, are spending the week with her mother, Mrs. E-nnett. since the eldest child. Pear!, had her tonsils and adenoids removed at Elmwood last Saturday. El .ier Jtosenow and Arthur Skin ner played baseball with the Murdoch fe.un in Plattsmouth I fcorat ion day, li e game being won by Plattsmouth by a si-ore of (i to 4. Edgar Edwards was also a Plattsmouth visitor that da-. Mrs. Sarah Van Honing, of Olen v. ( !. came in Friday and will i-;,!.ni some time visiting her nieces, ..! da'i.- M. C Hoofer and S. Boyles. Mrs. Van lh-ning is th y, utmost :-iste-r of the lrte Grandma S iies. Levi ('..rk left MomT.ty evening for Sterling, ('.dorado, alter spending a few days h r and at Fremont with r i;;t i ves. lie Wiis accompanied to l.'::fl;i by John Skinner and the Mis-es Irene Friend. Lola Sheitoii t-nd Thcitna Wills. Ed Limb and family of University Placf visited relatives here Sunday, taking dinner at the M. J. Nickel hom. (fiber guests were Mr. and Mrs. J. P. House. Mr. ;:nd Mrs. (). If. Que lih tt and children and Mr. and Mrs. John Weichel. Mr. and Mr. ". II. Kirkpatrick left Monday evening for Plainview, Texas, where they will reside. Their s ,'.e of household goods took place Saturday and Mr. Kirkpatrick says this w.i the best sale. He has had hve other sales, i oi. i;en isii.ei o. k. Miss Lois Keefer left Tuesday morning lor i niversny nan', wneie !ho will attend summer school un til August litth. Miss Keefer closed a uecessftil term of school in the P.uhbury district last Friday. A ill:" program v. a:-, given by Hie pupils on that day. Mr. end Mrs. Sherman Wolfe and von l.,n and Levi Park arrived in Fremont lat Friday in time to help eat a six pound catfish at the home of Mrs. Wolfe's brother, Walter Skin ner. They have been having good link catching fish ihere lately. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe and party returned home Sunday evening. ('. H. Gan. was called to Dunbar Wednesday to see his 1 lother. who was recently operated upon and was not etcpeetod to live. Mr. Ganz re mained with her until she passed away Thursday night. He returned to Alvo and accompanied by his wife motored to Lincoln and took an aunt with them to Dunbar where the lunt ral was h( Id. MITK It OK Al. M IHHII. i i i 1 1 n; Mav 13. 191. Mod'.e is hereby given that the an :im;1 neetiiii: of s ln,l livti i. i N. 1-'. ..f i'.iss enmity, Nel.r-a.--ka. Will J.e li.-l.l ! T !.e a ai. i t oi I u m of tiie Alvi (Vn si.ij.taf. .1 m I i...! eji tie- 1 '. t li day "f .lime. i:tL-1, at cU'iit iV:i-k p. in. .Villi. i.- Inlel.y futllni- niv.ii tint ti e I. iii nnse of ttie meeting Will In- tor Hie 1'nl i. ,i inir fiii.. i ties 1. T!:e ntiii-; on lie iin.-tlnn if a nl I. :! i i lie i.ii-r imnity olTiiials to i. vv lTii-1 1 li 1 mills i-n the a-M .- .il valuation ut lie ii(.ieitv of said I j - -t:il to raise sixteen t In - usa ! I dollars ? 1 i:,ihi linn i fur tr'iera! sel.ool .ar jiusi s for 1!..- sellout vear of l'.'l'l -1 to.'..'. J. The (. lection of V, ll tttlslees of said s -land district for a term of three c.l i s ::. The I iii nsacl ion of anv ullur 1-iisine-s wliicli may legally cotie- li.--furi- s,l id III' et intr u.i:i:v Ai'i'l.itMAX. ('Ii.-iirman It., aid of Trustees-, S.I I lilsuict No. in.', Cass, Nel.rak:i. ll. M. ( '( . 'I'M A N. (S-r-all 2::-.".w Secret :i ry. Slaking Many Improvements During the past few weeks t hero has been much doing in and near Alvo whih is adding to the better appearance and also to the well-beine of the homes of this city. Just re cently the hotel has been painted both inside and out, as well as the hemes of Pa reel 1. O. L. Snave ley. Samuel Cashner, ('. ( P.ucknel!. H. A. iiailey, Mrs. Delia Sutton, and Geo. Curyoa. while in the country W. (). Poyles is painting the build ings on his farm. They all pur chased the excellent paint of Key Coalmen, who is carrying only good paint and materials. Hoy Coat men and family motored o Nehawka last Wednesday and at tended the commencement exercises of the schools whicii were held at that plnoe. and also visited with friends for the time, being guests at the home of Charles D. St. John, return ing home the following day. Mr. Coalmen had much to say about the stirring little city of Nehawka. CARD OF THANKS We take this means of expressing to our kind friends and neighbors our deepest appreciation of their as sistance and sympathy to us in the hcur of sorrow at the death of our beloved husband and father, and es pecially do we desire to express our appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. Henry lirinkcian and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Lis ton and family for their helpfulness to us in our sorrow. Mrs. Charles Deverage and family. Take ycur produce, eggs and cream ; to the Moye Produce Co.. Platts j mouth, -for the highest market price at all times. They Era located just east of the Cloidt Lumber Co.. and are buying a great deal of produce. FOR SAIE Six registered Chester White Gilts bred for fall farrow breeding. Tiie ! best in the 17. S. A. Write or phone No. 1303. Geo. Stall, Weeping Wa ter, Nebraska. I Tablets, note books, pencils, etc.. for the school children, may be had at the Journal office. n 1 V i . -