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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1921)
Nebraska State Histori cal Society plattemoutb VOL. NO. XZXVIL PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 2, 1921 NO. 92 MEMORIAL DAY OBSERVED AS A v DAY OF MEMORY VETS OF BLUE AND KHAKI AND WOMEN'S SOCIETIES JOIN IN TRIBUTE TO DEAD From Tuesday's lally. The day that has been set aside by the nation to honor the fallen heroes of the wars of the republic j was quite extensively observed in J this city yesterday and the spirit of the occasion found reflection in the efforts of the patriotic societies ; to pay suitable tribute to the mem ory of the honored dead. The services at the Oak Hill cem eterv in t he morning were conducted by both the G. A. It.. W. K. C. and American Legion. the veterans of the civil war. world war and mem bers of the W. It. C. being conveyed to the cemetery in cars where the ceremonies of the Grand Army and W. It. C. were first carried out at the mound in the old portion of the cemetery and were followed by the sert ices at the American Legion plat in the newer portion of the cemetery and for the first time the ritual of the younger order of veterans was useil in the services. The Services at the G. A. It. mound were con ducted by the officers of that order and the W. It. C. and at the Legion lot by Post Commander Emil Hild. assisted by the uniformed firing siuad and color guard of honor. At the close of the service the squad, composed of John Palacek. command er. Harry Winscott. Robert Walling. Kenneth McCarthy, Thomas Walling. Edward Fullerton. Cassius Carey. Henry Lutz and John Powell, fired the salute to the dead, while "Taps" was sounded by Frank Macavoy. The color guard was composed of Carl Wohlfarth. standard bearer; James Persinger and Joseph Smetana. naval guards. Following the exercises, the graves of the departed old soldiers and sailors as well as the world war veterans were decorated. Of the world war men there are three bur ied and monuments . to two who sleep overseas. August Hesse. George K. Kopischka. D. Harris Cook. Hugh Kearns and Edward Hippie. A com mittee of the Legion also visited the Horning cemetery to decorate the grave of Albert Vallery, a former service man. For the first time the services in the afternoon were not under the supervision of the Grand Army, they feeling the burden of years and hav ing requested that the American Legion assume the task of love and duty in providing the fitting cere monies that would pay tribute to the departed comrades of the blue and the khaki. Dr. G. H. Gilmore, of Murray, was prevented by the rain from presiding over the meet ing as had been planned and Attor ney Aubrey Duxbury was requested to fill the office of presiding officer, which he did in a very pleasing and able manner. The Caldwell orchestra gave a very fitting opening of the program with "Gloaming," a reverie by Roat and which was played in a very pleasing manner and the sweet mel ody one fitting for the impressive oc casion and the artists comprising the organization made a deep im pres?ion on the audience. The audience joined in singing "America." being led by Edna Mar shall Eaton, while the orrtiestraKave the accompaniment and the effect was inspirational as the voices join ed in the notes of the familiar na tional hymn. The invocation was pronounced by the Rev. Wilbur Scranton Leete, rector of St. Luke's church and was followed by the reading of the Lin coln Gettysburg address by Miss Effa Patterson, one of the gifted elocu- tionists of the city and the work of part of the program. ; -i Y The roll of honor of the- cfld 'vet erans of the civil war was given by Hon. It. B. Windham, who also gaTeKtfme Thursday afternoon at two a lew appropriate remarks on the work of the members of ' the Grand Army and the W. R. of which former organization he has been a member for a great many years." " One of the most delightful- fea tures of the program was the solo by Edna Marshall Eaton-, -'.'Open the Gas-" by Knapp, and who was ac companied by Christine Coughlin at 'he;pjano and the number in keep ingjjwith the spirit of the occasion, ga6the gifted singer an ample op portunity for the range of her . su perjfe ; voice. -;. . . i ne auuress or tne occasion -was given by Hon. T. J. . McGuire. of I. The loss was partially covered by In Oniaha. who spoke of the chances F surance; but tne owner will suffer tnai nine nas nrougnt in tne me of the nation and, the fact lhat the pa triots who had saved the republic had passed to their younger genera tion the work of preserving that for which they fought and the splendid manner in which the new veterans had taken up the task. The speaker aiso touched -on tlwcaiyses of - tluv war ana atiacneu I Fiose, .Jk' sauehr to divert the. high Ideals' pn.. WhichT, me struggle nad been fought 'and; course of treatment received. The the causes ln'volveT--statinr thatnianv friends -of , Mrs Clnidt.-ar . " w.e me of the republic, its honor and its flag had been the factors prompting the entrance of the nation into tta. war The grea,t lesson tb&l ,z. . " '--v..-wi j the ar nad tanghr waft- tftarwtf service which the individual owes to his country and the manner in which' the manhood of the nation had re sponded had been one of the great est examples to the world that could! be found. He urged the following of the teachings of the forefathers of the republic in settling the present day problems rather than the advice J I of those who would urge the more 'radical steps of might rather than r,6h in the settlement of these Following the address of Mr. Mc- Guire. Mrs. William Baird gave the 'poem. "Flanders Field," which has become t he greatest poet ic expression of the world war and in her gifted j manner of presentation was more than usually impressive. I The duet by Comrades T. V. Glenn j and 11. li. Windham, in one of the' civil war songs, was received with ! deep appreciation bv the audience and reflected great credit upon the gentlemen who had been prevailed upon to assist in the program. The Caldwell orchestra played the "Uerecuse. by Klgor. as their clos ing number which was followed by the flag salute by the audience anil the singing of "The Star Spangled Banner" by the audience, while the orchestra assisted in the accompani ment. The benediction was pronounced by the Rev. A. G. Hollowell. of the Christian church. which formally closed the program. On !hp 3t:!f nt ttio flftprnnnn meeting were seated a number of ti, i,9rntc um nU.o rBiatirM if I the fallen service men of the world war, Mrs. Dora Hesse. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ripple, Mike Kearns and Mrs. Carl Kopischka. DEATH OF AN OLD RESIDENT OF CITY John Schiappacasse, For Past Thirty Years Resident of Plattsmouth Answers the Last Call From TUesdav' Daily. This morning at 9:45 John Schiap pacasse, one of the old Residents of the -jity answered the final summons to his reward after an illness cover ing a period of several years and for the past eighteen months he has been confined to his bed and practically helpless. Mr. Schiappacasse has been a suf ferer form hardening of the arteries as well as kidney trouble and his ill ness has brought him months of the most untold suffering and pain as he awaited the final summons that would bring him rest from the tur bulence of life and ease the pain with which he had been afflicted. The deceased was born in Italy and came to America as a young man, re siding for the first years of his stay in this country at Detroit and Ann Arbor, Michigan, and from Ann Arbor came to Plattsmouth thirty years ago. He engaged in the fruit and con fectionary business in this city for a number of years and was one of the most familiar figures in the business life of the city and his sterling in tegrity won him many friends among those with whom he. come In touch. Several times Mr. Schiappacasse took up. business ventures in other places tut later returned to end his days. The thrift and energy of the de parted gentleman made it possible for him to recover from financial dif ficulties that might have overcome anyone else and he was able to ac cumulate a comfortable saving for his later days in his business here. Mr. Schiappacasse was married in this city to Miss Jennie Fry, daugh ter, of. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Fry, who with three children sunive his death. The childen re Ray and Miss Cecil of this city and John Theodore, re siding at Sacramento. California. He was at the time of death sixty nine years of age. In the loss of this splendid gentle man tht itv has lost a man of rug- gt.,i honesty and integrity whose go- ing' pe. missed Dy many ineuus who Jmew tifia 'well in the years that Have gone by. The funeral will be held at tne o'clock. HAS COW KILLED From Tuesday's Dally. . Yesterday, an oon during the;rain storm, lightning killed a fine cow be longing to. August Bach, and wliich was running, in the pasture on the bottoms east of the "Burlington sta tion. --The cow. was standing near the wire fence when the lightning bolt struck the fence and the electro cution of the cow followed. The cow was a very valuable one and was worth' in the neighborhood of 100 quite a loss as. the amount will not near coyer the full value of the an imal.' ' ' ' ' RETURNS FROM HOSPITAL From Tuesday's Dally. Mrs. August Cloidt, who has . been sheading, ashort time at the hospital in Omaha.". -returned ' home vestefdav and feels much improved through the , ,-.- pleased to see her return home and i trust mat sne may continue to show , improvement. r; -.;' -.'- - . z I Blank 'Books at the Journal Office. MANLEY AUTO DEALER DIES BY HIS OWN HAND c. M. ANDRUS, WELL KNOWN RES- IDENT OF MANLEY, SHOOTS SELF THROUGH HEART 1 From Tuesday's Daily. Iast night shortly after 10 o'clock, Clint M. Andrus, one of the well known residents of Manley killed himself by inflicting a fatal revolver wound from which he died almost instantly. ' .Mr. Andrus had been engaged in . the automobile business at Manley for ja number of years and about a year ago family troubles caused a great ' ueal or worry to Mr. Andrus ana tnis with the financial responsibilities of his business is thought to have caused his rash act The Andrus family reside in Man- ley and yesterday afternoon Mrs. An drus returned from Omaha, where she has been visiting but found no one at the home when she reached there aud she motored on to Weeping Wa ter and spent a few hours returning later to the home at Manley and still the husband who had continued to re- se at the family home since the fam- ninerences. nan 1101 waue nis ap pearance. Mrs. Andrus had then writ ten a letter and took it to the post office to mail and while tehre saw Mr. Andrus who was in the p'ostoffice at the time, but did not seem in other than normal condiiton. Later in the evening the wife de cided to go out and look after the closing up of ihe coops where the small chickens were kept and at the time she left the house Mr. Andrus was not there. Shortly after she had ftepped out in the yard she heard the sound of a shot in the house and the report frightened her so that she fainted and was unconscious for sev eral minutes and on recovering ran to the house where she found the body of her husband lying prone on the floor in the doorway of the living room. The sight of the body caused Mrs. Andrus to faint and it was sev eral minutes before she could recover sufficiently to run to the residence of a neighbor nearby and summon help. The effect of the 22-calibre bullet which was fired from the revolver had been almost instantaneous in produc ing death, as the examination of the body disclosed. The bullet entered the body four inches below the left arm pit and the shirt was badly pow der burned as was the left hand, in dicating that the unfortunate man had used the left hand to guide the revolver in making the fatal shot while pulling the trigger with the right hand. The sheriff and county attorney were notified of the unfortunate af fair, but as the indications were un mistakable as to the suicide there was no inquest held. Mr. Andrus was fifty-five years of age and leave- besides the wife, two grown children, one son residing at Weeping Water while a daughter is living in Missouri. Mr. Andrus was the owner of quite a great deal of real estate in and near Manley and which was at the time of the family differences settled .unung the members jf th fauiliiy. RECEIVES NEWS OF DEATH OF BROTHER Alfred Wilson of This City Called to Miami, Texas, by Death of Broth er by Drowning, Sunday. Krom Tuesday's Dally. Yesterday morning Alfred Wilson of this city, received a message from a sister at the Wilson home at Miami. Texas, in which the sad news was conveyed to him of the tragic death of his brother, Jack Wilson, Sunday af ternoon. The message did not give- the full particulars of the sad affair, but it was stated that the brother was drowned and the accident is thought to have occurred in the Canadian riv er, which flows near Miami. Alfred Wilson departed on the af ternoon Burlington train for Kan sas City from where he will go on to his home in Texas and will remain there for the funeral services which will be held there tomorrow. GIVES FRIEND FAREWELL Froir Tuesday's Dally. Last evening the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Ripple was the sv.ene of a very pleasant gathering when hey entertained jn honor of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Tulene, who are 'o leave tomorrow for Orange .California, where they are to make their future home. The evening was spent in games and conversation and which served to pass the time pleasantly although the occasion was saddened by the thoughts of the separation that would soon come to the friends. During the evening a dainty lunch eon was served that added very much" to the enjoyment of the occasion. Those to attend the event were: Mr 1UUW iu ouciiM nit cmiu r . .ui. nil Mrs J J. Meisineer. Mr and jirg. w. Tulene, Mr. and Mrs. Wank Cheval. Mr. and Mrs. A. r ruiene. Rir. ana Airs. tu. i.;. Kipj Mrs. M. A. Gadby, Mrs. May Lee Tulene. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Ripple, N0. 6 ANNULLED From Tuesday's Dally. This morning east bound Burling ton train No.'tf due here at &:14 was annulled on account of a washout that occurred on the Burlington line near Akron, Colorado, and which will delay all the Denver trains until late in the day. The Storm that swept over the greater portion of the west lias done more or less damage accord ing to reports received here. It is thought that the washout may be repaired in time to permit the lat er trains from the we.-t reaching here this evening, but no definite informa tion could be given ;s to the runninfi time of the trains. MRS. L. C, BE ANSWERS LAST CALL Dies at Home of Mrs. Mary B. Alli- sxn. Htr Daughter, in This City After Long- and Useful Life -Yoni Tuesday's Daily. .Mrs. Livona C. Becker, one of the sturdy pioneer women of Cass county, was called last night to her final re ward, completing a life of usefulness to herself and to the world in which she had made her home, and with her passing goes one of the splendid type of pioneer women who in their ser vices and sacrifices made it possible for the nation to be what it is today. Mrs. Becker was born May 20, 1SC2, in New York ami there spent her girlhood Gays, moving later to Michigan where in the year 1S5 she was united in marriage to P. J. Becker, and the young husband and wife later moved to Kansas, where they spent a short time and in the year 1S5S. came to Nebraska, set tling in the then frontier town of Nebraska City, where Mr. Becker operated a store and the deceased often would recall in the later year.-; the many experiences they encoun tered herein the trailing with the Indians as weil as the usual hard ships that accompanied the life on the frontier of the great west. In the year I860, Mr. and Mrs. Becker moved from Nebraska City to Cass county and settled on a farm in Liberty precinct near what was then Factoryville and later became the fiurishing-town of i'iiion. It was in the surroundings of the early days that the pioneer family was reared and Mrs. Becker taught the members of her family the thrift and indus try that was to aid them in their success in life. The death of the hus band and father occurred in the year 1S75. and Mrs. Becker with her young family to care for demonstrat e dher ability as a manager" and pro vider for the family, purchasing a farm and clearing it of all indebted ness while rearing her family of lit tle ones. To the union of Mr. and Mrs. Becker t-even children were born, three of whom. George. John and Jacob, have preceded the mother in death. The living children are: A. L. Becker of Union. Peter Becker, of California. T. S. Becker, residing in Idaho, and Mrs. Mary B. Allison of this city. Of late years the advancing years have checked the activities of this splendid christian woman and for the last two years of her life she has made her home almost constantly with her daughter, Mrs. Allison in this city. The funeral services of Mrs. Becker will be held Wednesday after noon at 2 o'clock from the Allison home and will be conducted bv Rev. If. G. McClusky of Hie Presbyterian church. The burial will be at the Lewiston cemetery southeast of Mur ray, where the husband and sons are buried. WILL CONDUCT OWN COMPANY THIS YEAR Ralph I. Marshall of Nebraska City, Will Have Charge of Eight Piece Singing Orchestra on Road From Tuesday's Dally. Yesterday Ralph I. Marshall and wife of Nebraska City, were here to spend the holiday at the home of the parents of Mr. Marshall. Dr. C. A. T.'ars'iall and family, ?.;id while here completed the arrangements for the departure on Wednesday of Mr. Mar shall to take up his work on the road this season as a member of a company of high class entertainers. Mr. Mar shall has organized an orchestra of eight members who not only will fur nish high class instrumental selec tions, but will also give vocal num bers as their part of the entertain ments on the White-Marsh Chautau qua course. Mr. Marshall has for several sea sons been a member of the "White Hussars" a playing and singing or ganization that scored a great suc cess on the Chautauqua courses of the country and his work there won him a great deal of success both as a vo calist and as an artist on the different instruments which he plays. The many friends of this gifted young man will be pleased to learn of his forthcoming tour and trust that he will enjoy the success that he has experienced in the past in this line of work. When you think of printing, yon can't help but think of us. FUNERAL OF JACOB TRITSCH ON SUNDAY One of Largest in Point of Numbers that Has Been Held in This City in Years Past. On Stindav af ten. oon the funeral services of the late Jacob Tritsch were held from the St. Paul's Evan helical church in this city, where the deceased had for many years been a devout worshiper. For an hour before the service the friends from all sections o the countv were ar riving in automobiles and long be fore the service the church was fill ed to its utmost capacity and sever al hundred were turned away and stood outside of the building to ren der their tribute to the good man who had so suddenly been taken from the midst of his family and friends. The service was conducted by Rev. H. Kottish. of the St. Paul's church. and who spoke of the life of Mr. Tritsch in the community and his long and useful life as a citizen and friend and his services to the pub lic in his life as a servant of the people in public office, as well as his splendid personality that had won him hundreds of friends all over Cass county. During the service the choir of the church gave a number of the favorite hymns of the deceased which he hnii sn Invert in his lifetime The floral tributes were lavish and beau tiful and attested the deep feeling of love and rfspect in which the de parted had ben held. The burial was had at Oak Hill cemetery in the family lot in that beautiful citv of the silent. The relatives from out of the ci.ty to attend the funeral were Edward Yolk, of McLean; Mrs. August Hu waldt, Randolph; John Volk. Mc Lean; Mr. and Mrs. John Horn, Peoria. Illinois; Nicholas and Peter Yolk, Ilenfrow, Oklahoma. POLICE CHIEF RE COVERS STOLEN CAR Fliver Taken From Nebraska City Saturday Evening is Discovered Heie by Chief of Police Chief of Palice Alvin Jones early .' .. :iay met ning .succeeded in locat ing a stolen Ford touring car on the federal highway between this city and Mynard. that had early Saturday evening been taken from the streets of Nebraska City The chief lece'ved the message an nouncing the stealing of the car late Saturday night and at once started out on a search for the missing ve hicle. It was 'reported that the car had been seen near the Platte river bridge and the chief at once hastened there to investigate, but found that the c:r had not crossed the bridge li d cerordingly he returned to the C 1 ; V Shortly after " .Vlock he mi'1.1 a trip out the federal highway and a short distance west' of the site of the old IT. B. church discov ered the car he was seeking aban doned by the wayside and in a very heated condition as if it had been given a great deal of hard usage. Mr. Jones brought the car in to the city and notilkd the owners and the au thorities at Nebraska City, who came up and secured the missing vehicle. Each year there are a large num ber of Ford cars stolen over the state and a few recovered and the Ne braska City gentleman can feel well pleased that Mr. Jones was able to lo ne his flivver. DIES AT MASONIC HOME From Tuesday's Pally. This morning Lem Munn, one of the residents for the past few years at the Nebraska Masonic Home pass ed away after an illness of some du ration. Mr. Munn was born in Crawford county, Wisconsin, June 25, 1S60, and has been a resident of Ne braska for a number of years and thirty . ears ago was elected to the Masonic fraternity at Fairfell. Neb., and has been a member of the lodge since that time. He leaves to mourn his death, the wife, who is also liv ing at the Masonic Home as well as four sons and one daughter. The funeral will be held Wednes day at 1 p. m. at the home and will be conducted by Rev. A. G. Hollo- well, pastor of tne Christian church of which faith M.- Munn has been a member for the past thirteen years. PURCHASES HOME On Saturday afternoon a deal was closed between William Barclay and Elmer Webb, whereby the latter be comes owner of the bungalow of Mr. Barclay on Pearl street between 5th and Gth. where the family of J. C. Kuykendall has been residing since Mr Kuvkendall came here several years ago as district manager for the Continental Gas and Electric corpo ration. Mr. Kuykendall is moving today into the Corouado apartments, and the Webbs will move Friday into their new home. We anorcciate your co-operation I in helping us to publish all the live news oi tne community. L.aii jxo. o, 1 3 rings. DEPART FOR OKLAHOMA rf"rom Tuesday's Dally. Yesterday morning Albert Cla baugh and wife departed from this city for Ardmore, Oklahoma, where they will make their home in the future, Mr. Clabaugh having accept ed a position there as manager of the lighting company in that city. Mr. Clabaugh and wife have been visiting for the past four moo'ln at the home of Col. and .Mrs. M. A. Bates, parents of Mrs. Clabaugh, and have greatly enjoyed the vacation here wtth the relatives and friends and it was not without regret that they saw the pleasant outing draw to a close with their departure for the southwest. RETIRE FROM SCHOOL WORK IN THIS CITY H. R. Stromsburg, Principal, and A. D. Bell, Manual Training and Ath letic Director, Close Work. From Tuesday's Dally. This morning H. A. Stromsburg and A. D. Bell, two of the gentlemen who have been associated here in the school work of the city, departed for their homes at Omaha and Beat rice, having completed their work here and ceased to be a part of the educational force of the city. These two gentlemen have proven to be among the most efficient men who have ever been engaged In school work here as well as being person ally very genial and agreeable to all witn whom they have come in con tact. Mr. Stromsburg has served as principal of the school for two years and his work is of a very high stand ard and he has had a great part in raising the standard of the high school to its present point and has proven a very efficient aid of Super intendent Pratt. Mr. Bell has been here for only one term, but was very successful in his work both as an athletic director and instructor in the manual train ing department of the school. He came here with the athletic depart ment practically unorganized aside from the basket ball team and not only strengthened this team, but also had a very successful base ball and foot ball team. He was the first manual training instructor here ahT his work has 'been of the greatest value in getting this department in good running order and making it an unqualified success. PLAY PLEASES AUDIENCE From Wednesday's Dally Last evening the Plattsmouth high chool elass play, "Nothing But the Truth", was repeated at the Par niele theater at the request of many who had been unable to secure seats for the performance last week and the clever comedy was most enter-. taining to all of the audience. The young people comprising the cast proved exceptionally clever and scored a repatitlon of their previous very successful presentation. The play has proven one of the most delightful that the school has ever given and reflected great credit on the young people taking part, ft is expected that the members of the cast will present the play at Falls City as they have been invited to come there with their clever little comedy. Blank Books at Journal Office. Another Big Advantage! Another big advantage of our member ship in the Federal Reserve System lies in the fact that we at all times have recourse to funds which may be needed my our customers.. Even in times of great money stringency, this bank, through the Federal Reserve Bank ing System, has been able to provide funds to its customers when most needed. If you have no banking connection at the present time or think of making a change in your present connection, the complete, will ing and considerate banking service of a bank which is under Government supervision is of fered to you. The First nItionalbank THE BANK WHEftE VOU FB6L AT MOg prjvrrsMOUTH TRAGEDY AT ;(; THE BEIL HOME ; NEAR UNION GOLDA. 17-YEAR-OLD DAUGHTER OF FAMILY, DIES AS RE SULT OF SUICIDE. From W6nealay'a Dally. Last evening shortly before 9 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heil re turning to the house from their chores and milking, discovered the body of their seventeen year old daughter. Miss Oolda. lyiug on the flcoi of her room in the home, iu a dying condition. i"ne Beil family are residing on the farm of Mrs. Clara Davis, a few miles northeast of Union, having moved there a few months ago from their old home south of this city. There can be no explanation given as for the unfortunate girl taking her life and the Indications of the wound point to the fact that the death was self inflicted. The young lady had retired to her room while the parents were prepar ing to go out and complete the milk ing and a few chores around the home and there was nothing out of the ordinary In her conduct. It was some time before the pafents return ed to the house and when they en tered the house the mother heard the moans of. the daughter and rushed to the bed room only to be shocked by the sight of the almost lifeless body lying on the floor while the spark of life was slowly fading away. Death came in a very few minutes after the discovery of the body was made. The young woman was shot through the breast and the bullet had clearly found it's mark as she died within a very few minutes of the shooting. The flesh was powder burned show ing the weapon had been placed close to the body when the shot was fired. The tragedy came with heart breaking force on the members of the family and the reason seems hard to place as it was evidently not premeditated as the young woman it is stated had arranged to go to a f,anc- later in the week with the young man with whom "she had been keeping company ..and as the relations of the family bad been most pleasant it was difficult to find any reason that might prompt the rash act. The deceased lady was very pop ular among the young people of the community in which she has made her home and her untimely death has cast a deep sorrow over the eomrnun ityin which she has made her home since coming to Cass county. The young woman was idolized by the parents and their grief at her death is heart-breaking and both the mother and step-father are almost prostrated. The message of the death was re ceived here by Sheriff Quinton who with County Attorney Cole, drove to the Beil home, but decided that an inquest would be unnecessary as the cause of the death was self evident. The funeral will be at the home at 2 p. m.. Thursday, Rev. W. A. Taylor officiating. Burial will be at the Horning cemetery. FOR SALE A ten-horse power Fairbanks en gine, good as new. Also two short horn bulls. Phone 2003. Weeping Water. :it-sw . ED. RUBY m NEBRASKA cz IP