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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 2, 1921)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE FT7E THURSDAY. JUNE 2. 1921 Mugray Department Prepared is the Interest of the People All Deposits in Our Bank 'Are Pro tected by the State Guar antee Law! We Solicit Your Business Murray State Bank, MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Albert Queen and wife were vis itinp with friends in Murray last Tuesday afternoon. Fred Meisinge rand son were look ing after some business matters in Plattsmouth last Tuesday afternoon. Business called Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Brendel to Plattsmouth last eve ning, they making the trip in their coupe. John Swartz of Nehawka. was a visitor in Murray last Tuesday, com ing to consult his physician, Dr. G. 11. Gilmore. T. J. Brendel was called to Lin arln last Tuesday, where he had some business matters to look af ter for a short time. L. J. Austin has accepted a po sition with Jarvas Lancaster s as-.-itant in the keeping the roads in the district in good condition. Cecil Amick returned home last Tuesday after having visited with friends at Weeping Water, and at tending memorial services there. Luther Turner of the Nebraska Gas and Electric company of Platts mouth. was looking after business matters in Murray last Tuesday. Miss Wilma Park, who has Just completed a year of school at Platts mouth will in a short time commerce a summer school at the same place. Joseph Cook was assisting in the garage at Murray for a portion of this week, after the departure of L. II. Puis, who is moving to the west. Dr. J. F. Brendel is having Jiis home refinished inside and varnish ed, the veteran painter and decora tor. Mr. Phil Lambert, is doing the work. Many of the people of Murray and vicinity attended the funeral of Mr. Jacob Tritsch and also of Mrs. John Beckraan which were held in Platts mouth last Sunday. Joe Mrasek and David Ebersole drove to Omaha last Tuesday in their car to look after the getting of some repairs which has been missed in the sii'pment of goods to the store here. Mrs. James Jenkins and little Al bert Griffith, who have been visit- "Sudan Buy home grown seed. You cannot expect the best results with Texas or any southern grown seed. This seed tests strong in germination. Price 6V2C per lb., sack free. T. W. VALLERY, MURRAY -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA Specials in Seasonable Merchandise! AT PRICES OF LONG AGO Kimona Crepes, beautiful floral patterns, per yard White Crepe, suitable for underwear, per yard Crepe Shirtings, in latest style effects, per yard These Prices are Special and Pre-War as You WU1 See Hiatt a Tutt, MURRAY, of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers ink at Lyons with the family of Earl Jenkins and family for some days past, returned home last Mon day. Frank Vallery has been away for a number cf days having business to look after out in the state. Last Sat urday he was kept busy, as well as all the help, as business was very good. Sheriff C. D. Quinton and County I Attorney Cole of Plattsmouth, were passing through Murray- on their way to Manley last Tuesday, called there on account of the sudden death of C. M. Andrus.' Sam Goodman, living near Mynard. was a visitor in Murray a few days ago and while here purchased lum ber of the Banning Nickles yard for a cob house which he is erect ing on his farm. Philip Keil and family were vis iting in Plattsmouth at the home of the mother of Mrs. Keil. Mrs. J. P. Kcil. and were at the ceme tery as it was memorial day, driving over in their auto. Dr. G. H. Gilmore reports the visit of the stork at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Rhoden last Tues day and the arrival of a nine and a half pound baby girl. All are hap py over the event. Font Wilson and family went fish ing last Monday and brought home with them twenty pounds of fish. Prettv good for a .holiday. Mrs. J. A. Wilson. Jr.. and W. W. Wilson were also members of the party. Messrs. and Mesdames. W. II. Puis and Joe Mrasek and families were visions in Plattsmouth lat Monday evening, where they were looking after some business matters witi 11. B. Ebersole. and also visited the cemetery, ft being memorial day. Wm. Wells, the able manaser of the Standard Oil company, is kept busy thetse days with the excellent business which he is doing for thf company. Mr. Wells is an energet ic and capable worker and we had expected him to make good as he is doing. Grass!" 25c 25c 25c NEBRASKA Harry Gregg and Tobe' Johnson j are getting along in fine shape with i the barn which they are erecting for j the contract on the farm of Myran j Wlies near Mynard. Mr. Scotten : and his able asistantce J. E. Gru-' ber and Ralph Kennedy, are rushing j t':e new house forward oa the 1 1 nr- , ry Todd place on tue -talc road . Mrs. X'iehola.s Klaurens. who has, not been feeling very well for some time on account of a rupture was! taken to vthe Fenger hospital at ! Omaha by the family physician. Dr. ! B. F. Brendel. where on 1.1st Tuesday she underwent an operation for re- lief. It is hoped that Mrs. Klaurens j may find an early and permanent recovery. j Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Reynold have been enjoying the society of their daughter and husband Walter Chase anil wife of Omaha, who have been spending some time with the folks here. Mr. Chase reports the illness of his nephew Carl Abbott, who is now at Omaha, but who has been ' sick in the west for some time with 1 what is diagnosed as tuberculosis. I Some miscreant entered the cel lar of Mrs. Sadie Oldham a few nights ago and helped themselves to, the potato bin viihli was partly fill- j ed with potatoes and which thisj good lady has been having to eat, I and took what they wanted, which was about all she had. This looks to iis like a pretty little piece of business and the actions of a very small man. Two Gcod Refrigerators I have tv- i-Xi-elle:: r; rigera ; ors tl:- mm for sale, which Cream station, and j-oe them, tf sw. can b sr-tn at If needing one R. C. KENNEDY. Mrs. C. Mrs. C C C. Tucker Improving; Tucker, v.-j.o has be;: .n a hospital at Omaha for jv-;ra weeks, wher. shtvunder-.vent an nuT ation for the I ett t of !ut health and has bo:i receiving- treatment, is now nicely it nvaleseing. and lwr-, to soon be .able to come to Murray for a short tirr.e before returning to her home in the west. They Kad Splendid Time. The box ial of the Presby terian Missionary Society which gave a program with the supper last Mon day evening, the church was one which was crowned with success. There was realized some $50 for the use ot the cnurcli troin the sociable event. The program which was import u. was one of the best which has been heard in Murray for many a day. Mrs. tscar Sandin and Miss Efla Patterson were down from Plattsmouth and faored the audience with some special readings which were hiirhly appreciated. Rose Mae and Richard Freidrich pleased the people with one of their fine duets, while Elizabeth McCracken sang and whistled in a way that captivated the audience. Miss Neva Iatta give one of her superb selections, which always captivates the people here. With the solo by uncle S. G. Latta. the one by Mrs. D: k Pitman and the two numbers, one by Charles Howard w'.iich was nccomjiuied by his sister. Miss Mahle Howard on the piano, gyve those who attentled the function a very enjoyable evening. John Hcbscheidt was auctioneer and sold the tilings which were left and realized a large addition to the fund. Mi s Leon a Farris was the winner of the cake. America the Best Nation. The International Sunday school lesson for the coming Sunday will be the considering of the Nation sis Christian, and will require the in quiry a to the best nation of the world, its duty and its destiny, as to its relations to the world, and what had made her the best place for peo ple to live, and 4he most prosper ous nation on earth. Come to the Chris' ian Sunday school and let us find out what we can do to make t i: irf nation even better and the peo ple more prosperous. A speVial in vitation extended to all adults who are not attending elsewhere. M. S. Briggs. teacher. The Way Home Lc n; Two cf the young men of Murray, who with their gas wagon last Sun day afternoon went to call on a lady friend at .another town, enjoyed the visit greatly until they started for home, and like many cars, their's got a spell of inactivity on it and had to be abandoned by the wayside while the young men walked home. Damaged by Cyclone. A letter from Stanton, where Bert Satchell is making his home, tells of a cyclone while the boys were work ing in the field. They seeing the storm made haste to unhitch, and get to shelter, but the storm burst before they had gotten to the barn, and the report says that six out of the eight horses were killed, but the boys were rot injured. Murray Girl Making Good. Miss Nita Cook, who has been at tending a business college at Omaha, known as the American Institute of Business Efficiency, has been given a position in the offices of a real estate company, where she works for half the day while she puts in the re mainder in study, as she has not completed her course as yet. This looks good for one not yet through school. Completes Good School Year Miss Eva Bintner. who has taught what is known as the Amick school, northwest of Murray, completed the work last Friday and gave the child ren a picnic, besides having assisted If toy of the raiders of the Journal knoir of any social erent or itm of Imprest in this vicinity, and will mail tame to this office, it will ap pear under ttils heading. We want all newaltema Editor ifl preparing rendering an excellent program. Miss Bintner is an excel lent teacher and very efficient in her methods of instruction. Arrived Home Saturday. That is Lee who has been visiting with friends at and near Bloomlield, being the guest a portion f the time at the homes of T. B. and Peter Smith and families, and at other times being the guest of a dear friend, arrived home on Satur day evening and erports the coun try in excellent condition in that portion of the state. He has taken up his work on the mail route since returning. Lee is a very chivelous young man. and shipped over from Bloomfield to Emerson, the city where Miss Neva La.tta has been teaching and accompanied 'that excellent young lady home. Miss Neva Latta lias just closed a very successful year of school work. Gave Picnic to Parents and Scholars Miss Beulah Sans, who ha.s closed a successful year as teacher in the Murray schools, gave last Friday a picnic and an excellent program for the students in her department and their parents in the Farris trove near Murray. A very delightful time was had and after returning to town Miss San.s treated the children of her department to ice cream at the cafe of W. A. Scott and wife. Murrav Shipping Much Stock One dav last week Harry Todd shipped from his feeding yards near Murrav. five car loads of cattle to the South Omaha market, while this week on Tuesday, Otto Puis shipped a car load of hogs, while L. H. Young and cn Parr, also shipped a car to ti" same market. Robert Troop shipped a car cf cattle on the same day ar.d this shipment was supple mented v three cars of verv fine cattle which were shipped by Messrs. C. R. and W .O. Troop, they all go irg" to the Omaha market. During the year Murray furnishes a large amount ef food stuffs for the world, and are enriching their farms dur ing the same time. Good Shov?r of Chickens. The chicken showers which were inaugurated by Mrs. W. S. Smith and Mis-- Margie Walker, resulted in the receiving of a large number ef fowls vlrh were brouat to Murray and shipped by that .-lever eemieman Jo.-s Chambers, who looked after the receiving -and dispatching' of the gifts . :lio t lur ch. 7te farming cmu 'nu::i:'' I tuiight th" fowls l and Mr. Chambers looked after the ship ment and the money was turned over to the Presbyterian church. Is Now Making Baskets Wm. March, when the business be came dull at the Vallery garage, took up the occupation of making baskets again and is busily at work at his favorite jib. Mr. March is a very handy man in this line and able to turn out a large number of very excellent baskets in the course of a week. More Americans Are Arriving Three new Americans have arrived in this vicinity during the past few days, ami have brought with them happy breezes and a promise of more happiness, help and comfort for the homes where they have taken up their abode. That the proud parents are well satisfied, one would only have to hear the joyful whistling tune as warned by John Gruber of near Factory ville. where a little boy has come and to see the lightsome smile light up the pleasant face of Fred Warner, where a little miss has brought happiness and to her the pleasant humming of the song most delightful when executed by Kelly Rhoden for a pretty little brown eyed girl has found a home with he and wife.' Moving to the West. During the past few days L. H. Puis, with the help of many of his friends, has ibeen loading a car on the ASH-GROVE Cement Bags! All Ash-Grove cement bags which have been purchased here will be redeemed at 25c each if presented before June 10th. Later we cannot allow you but- 10 cents per bag, as the price is going down. Better gather up your bags and get them in while you can still get full credit for them. Banning & Nickles, MURRAY NEBRASKA V. R. YOUNG AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR HO PAY! HE VERSE ALL. CAT.LS i Telephone 428 Plattsmouth. Exchange Burlington tracks at Plattsmouth which he is shipping to Grant where the Puis family are moving at this time, and will engage in farming:. The family will make their trip in a car, while they will have a truck driven, and Frank March Is going with the car to care for the goods which is being shipped. Lewiston Aid Society Meets The Lewiston Aid Society quilted all day at the church on Thursday of last week. Forty-four were present for dinner. In the afternoon the meeting was called to order for the purpose of organizing a cemetery as sociation. The following committee was elected for a term of five years: G. S. Ray, chairman; Robert Good, vice chairman; Perry Nickels, secretary-treasurer. New members ad ded to the aid society roll were: Mesdames. Peter Campbell, J. W. Hill and Homer Campbell. fc A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to come, brinr something for dinner and help quilt Thursday, June 9th. DEATH OF THOMAS M'CULLOCH OCCURS From Wednesday's Da My. The death of Thomas McCulloch, an old resident of near Murray, oc curred at an early hour yesterday morning following an illness of sev eral months duration. The deceased was seventy years of age and has for many years been living at the farm home where he passed away. Mr. McCulloch leaves to mourn his death a wife and two children, the san living at the family home, while the daughter resides in Lin coln. The funeral services will be held Thursday afternoon a.t 3:30 at the late home. Take your produce, eggs and cream to the Moye Produce Co., Platts mouth, for the highest market price at all times. They are located just east of the Cloidt Lumber Co., and are buying a great deal of produce. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE MURRAY STATE BANK of Murray, Nebr. ' "1 1 li i t r- N. .r.7 in the Stuff of Xc I'l.i.k.i h t the cliisc of lnislness on May iV.irl. mi. m:socncEs Loans a '1 tlis'otints $1??. erlt at ts nankins- liouse, furniture anl fixtures I'fiirnt fpfnsfs, taxes and interest paM !! from National n:n Stale l.anks. 35.T4i.S9 e'l'tks and items of cxcliatiKe t'nnoncv ;oii coin Silver. nWki'fs anl tints ::m.i l. .. 0t .'rt.fiS 40,3.7.: TOTAL . . 1 iy74.s;! LIABILITIES 'aiitl sto(k imM in I l.Vmo.fin Surplus fun.l 5.00U.OO rti-liviU-1 profits 6.t.0.i I in! i viilna 1 dep. sits Mil.jeet n Hiek..$ lUi.Olil.S.'! Time i-.-rt iln ates ...f deposit 11 2. .";$. 13 Cashier's elierks outstaii'liutr 1 .' 4 J.." J I i : e to National nmi sm- hanks. . 1 (i.ioin.dfi rJ0.4li'.4S 1 tepos i t r's guaranty fund... L'.Tril.Sy Ji T.L .S3 State of Nebraska 1 . J. ss. County of Cass J I. V.". eJ. Itiedeker. Cashier of the al'ove named liank do hereby fwear that the above, statement is a eorrect arnl true copy of the report made to the State r.ureau of Banking. W. CJ. BOKDKKErt. Attest: Cashier. I.Ki i.VA r.OKKKKK!:. inreetor. fllAS. C. l'AHMKLE, Director. Subscribed and sworn to before me this "1st dav of Mav. 19J1. w. a. i:ohi;i;tsi)N. i Seal I Notary Public. My commission expires July 17, 1S21. Ed. Ripple pays cash for eggs tf d&w. THERE WAS ONLY ONE TITIAN IN THE WORLD Titian, or Tiziano Vecellio. was! one of the greatest painters of the world. In 1532 he painted in Bologna a portrait of the emperor Charles V. ( and was created a count palatine and knight of the Golden Spur, his children also being made nobles of the empire for a painter, honors of an unexampled kind. Criticized be-j ranse he ennobled Titian. Charles V. looking the protesting princes square in the eye. replied: "I know a great number of princes and kings, but I. believe there is onl- one Titian in the whple world." And today many people in the United States and Canada say: "We know a great num ber of remedies for stomach troubles,' but we believe there is only one which may be relied upon Triner's Bitter Wine." For instance, Mr. Frank A. Novak wrote us on May 15 from Brooks, Oregon: "Triner's Bit ter Wine is surely a good remedy. I have been sick for seven months, but now, after taking Triner's Bit ter Wine. I am feeling much better." Therefore, when coming to your druggist or dealer in medicines, in sist upon Triner's. ' WILL HOLD SERVICE Dr. Jackson. D. D.. of Omaha, will hold the preaching services at the Presbyterian church in Murray Sun day morning. Marriage license was issued today in the office of County Judge Allen J. Beeson to Alfred A. Kuster of Hickman and Miss Myrtle Weather hog of Greenwood. The young peo ple are to be married at the home of the bride's parents near Greenwood. ELECTRIC WASHER One new electric washer, one power washer, one hand washer. Terms on part. Exceptionally good prices. Ghrist & Christ Furniture Store, Plattsmouth. Alfalfa and Timothy Hay. I have a quantity of excellent al falfa and timothy hay for sale at $10 per ton. Call phone 4503, R. E. Warden, Union. Neb-. 2w. E. H. Schulhof, piano tuner. Phone 389-J. d&w. CASH PAID FOR GEORGE W. OLSON, 2 blocks north of Main St., between 7th and 8th St. Phone 445 Prices Gone Tumbling! The Service Store has always been noted for its low prices, and we are maintaining the reputation of this place of business as you will see from the offer below. With the decline of prices, we have passed the saving on to our customers. Last year sugar sold at $21 and even higher. Now we are giving you 100 lbs. of sugar $ 8.50 100 lbs. best flour 5.20 Eight cans of corn 1.00 Eight cans of peas 1.00 Eight cans tomatoes 1.00 Work suit jacket 1.75 Work suit overalls 1.75 One lb. Horseshoe tobacco 80 This Figures $20.90 Ten Cents Less than What You Had to Pay for the Sugar Alone Last Year F. T. WBLSON MURRAY You Can Save I have recently purchased the hardware stock of Mr. W. H. Puis, together with'the implements. You know the excellent class of goods Mr. Puis has always carried in stock. The farming machinery and implements must be sold. Even present wholesale prices of these goods will not be considered in their sale, as we will go away below first cost in order to close them out quickly. It will pay you and pay you well to come from any part of the county to make purchases if you are in need of any of these goods. We are offering two Titan tractors, two P. & O. tractor plows, two John Deere tractor plows, two John Deere plows, one John Deere spreader, one Cloverleaf spreader, a number of Deering and McCormick mow ers, John Deere and Case two-row machines, Keystone loader and side rake. Case and John Deere plows, Van Brunt and Hoosier press drills, P. & O., John Deere and New Century cultivators, besides a large list of other farming implements and tools. Thcso Arc Going io Bo Sold! They are all first class, new and up-to-date im plements and at the prices we are going to make on them, they will move out rapidly. Better get in early if you don't want to be disappointed. The opportunity you have waited for to save is here. Our store is also filled with a most extensive hard ware line, including stoves, ranges, shelf and heavy hardware and many other things at attractive prices. August W. H. Puis, Manager MURRAY Drs. Mach & lY-ach. The largest and rr -l FA Bi''1 I enfe Prices. r)fin I ( I I I I I l -l A tnH4 srtan f rtnMl tht cr "V II I I I 1 VV TV J ..A .kw iMUl DlMUH is t . " tm, without a r urrel ortl, Ch!orofrm. Ethr or ther tneri uuftutlt omA. A cw rn&raxtMd in ry cut icci pted far tretmat. --! nt meny ta Im pud naUl curd- Writ for bok en Rectal tieaa. v;tii amc aad Uiuhm.III f mora thaa 1.098 pramlocnt pool who hi brrn rri- !1UC . , . - EkB. X. K. XAKBY, Sanatoriim, Peter Tnut Bldf. (Bar C ;.), OMlnA, ITCH. . Urn. K &. Jobnaton. Maritoaj DircUu. FOOD SALE AT MURDOCH The Royal Neighbors will hold a food sale all day Saturday, May 28. at the Farmers & Merchants Bank at Murdock. Home cooked food will be offered for sale. d&w RUGS AND CAPETS CLEANED By electric method, will clean rugs or carpets on floors. Hamilton-Beach Electric Carpet Washer. Best of ser vice and satisfaction. Call on K. C. Sattler or Blythe Rosencrans or call phone No. 11. tf-d lt-w. Blank Books at the Journal Office NEBRASKA Money Mere! Meyer, NEBRASKA S best equipped dental office in Omaha. C .11 t. I -J..-U . MJ Porcelain fillin lust like tooth. Instru ments carefully sterilized fter using.-&g - THIRD FLOOR, PAX TON BLOCK, OMAHA i s Fistula-Pay When Cured