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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 12, 1921)
THURSDAY, MAY 12. 1021 PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL LOCALNEWS From Monday's Daily. . P. Heil. one of the prominent residents of near Cedar Creek, was a visitor 1n the city today for a few hours looking after some business matters. A. A. Wetenkamp came in this af ternoon from his home near Mynanl and departed on the afternoon I5ur linKton train for Omaha to attend to tome matters of business. Will Stohlman. who has been vis iting: at Louisville for a short time with relatives and friends, returned this mcrninjr to this city where he is enjoying a visit with relatives. Henry Heebner, the manager of the Cedar Creek elevator, was a vis itor in the city for a few hours to day enrcute from Murray where he viiited over Sunday and returning to his duties. C. E. Noyes of Louisville, was in the city for a short time today en route home from a visit in the east and departed on the early IHirling ton train for Omaha, where he will return to his home. Do you know you can roll SO good cigarettes for lOcts frorra one bag of GENUINE From Tuesday's Pally. Paul II. Roberts of Cedar Creek, was among the visitors in the city today attending to some matters of business. ' W. Cm. Mcisinger was among the farmers braving the rain and mud this morning and driving in to look after some trading with the merchants. Good Dragged Roads TO OMAHA AND (ansas City Travel by Auto and Save Money and Time. T. H, Pollock Bridge Removal Sale! WALL PAPER 30 Off and going like hot cakes. The sooner you come the better the selection. AT THE PAINT STORE F. R. GGBELMAN "BullDurham TOBACCO William Shea. Jr.. and wife of An tioch, Xeb.. who are here visiting at the home of Mr. Shea's parents, were among those going to Omaha this morning and from there go to Ash land to visit with the parents of Mrs. Shea for a short time. Miss Ruth Helps of Long Heach. California, and Mrs. C. P. Curtis of Chicago, are in the city guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. X. Dovey and family. The ladies are daugh ters of J. H. Helps, former superin tendent of the Burlington shops in this city. NEAT SUM REALIZED FROM THE CARNIVAL FIFTY NEW RUGS We have just received fifty now rugs which will be sold at specially low prices during our reduction sale. All entirelv new and fine patterns. ' UIIIUST & GHItlST, 4th and Main Platlsinoutli, Can't look well, eat well or feel well with impure blood. Keep the blood pure with IHirdoek Blood Bit ters. Eat simply, take exercise, keep clean, and good health is pretty sure to follow. ?1.25 a bottle. Committee Reports Read at Meeting Last Night Show $1,629.39 Cleared on Enterprise At t lie meeting of the members of Hugh Kearns post last night reports were read from the carnival commit tees, showing the net return from the three-day indoor fair to have been $l.G29.:i!). Of this, amount ar rangements have-been made to spend approximately $4 00 in improving the post's memorial plat in the local cemetery, and it is expected to have this work done by -Decoration day. With the exception of a small ad ditional sum. the balance of this money will be placed on interest, a committee having been appointed to investigate suitable oners for the loan of it, and report at a special called meeting next week. This com mittee is composed of Leonard Moi singer, chairman, Aubrey Duxbury and Leslie Xiel. It was also voted to petition the county board of supervisors to fur nish money for the purchase of suitable grave markers for world war veterans buried in the Plat tPinouth cemetery, a state law providing for such purchase by the county being in effect. There are some live or six such graves in the cemetery, and the total cost of the markers will not exceed $30. In view of the large number who contributed to the success of the car nival it was voted at the meeting to issue a general statement of appre ciation of such efforts ( which may be found elsewhere in this paper) rath er than attempt to write personal letters to each individual. SPEEDING COSTS MONEY This morning Clifford Clark was called upon to add Z to the funds of the city to cover his violation of the city ordinance covering the oepration of automobiles and other mote r vehicles. Mr. Clark was ob served by Chief of Police Alvin Jones speeding up Washington avenue on last Wednesday and was notified la ter that he would be called upon to explain the matter to the court and the result is the payment of the thirteen iron men. We pay CASH for poultry and ggs. IM. Ripple & Co. Fruits and groceries. Kiley Block, phone 74. tf d&w SOUDAN GRASS SEED J. K. and T. H. Pollock Town. Farm Property and Automo bile Insurance at a Reasonable Flat Rate. One Premium and Xo Fur ther Assessments to Pay. 35 REDUCTION ON AUTO MOBILE RATES We represent twelve of the largest old line companies including the old J. E. BARWICK AGEXCY Telephone No. 1 Plattsmouth, Neb. and an inspection of the line is most convincing. I have some extra line Soudan grass feed for sale at 5c a pound. Call Otto Wohlfarth. phone 2822. Auto Chain Lost One o2x4 auto chain lost between Xehawka and Union on "O" street road. Xotify Ray Klaurens at Xe hawka for reward. PLAN FOR BATTLE ON GANGER MENAGE W. R. Young, the auctioneer, and wife were among these going to Omaha this morning, where they will isit for the day with friends in that citv and looking after tome matters of business. Children's dresses, 25c. . Ladies Toggery. Fred P. Busch, Mgr. For Every Gril who spends time doors, in sports, ing or boating, a indispensable. ont-of is cilia. ea.7 I ant thaqc mark camvonr eChis trademark appears in every Priscilla 'Dean Tam; it guarantee $ru tatisfaetion Fashion has sponsored the Priscilla Dean Tam; it is the vogue every where. .No wardrobe is complete without one. Its fetching drape, its pliable softness give it a distinctive charm. . It is becoming from every an gle, and on every one. iii in and try it your favorite color. on Price $2 50 EACH Ladles' Toggery FREJ) P. BUSCH, Wanajer Seventy Per Cent cf Deaths From Dread Disease Could Be Pre vented by Modern Surgery A great part of the Tuedsay morn ing session of the fifty-third annual convention of the state medical soci ety was devoted to the discussion of cancer. At a sp-cial meeting 'he board of councillors went o:i record as supporting an educational cam paign for early recognition of can cer. It also endorsed the work of the United States public health ser vice campaign against venerea! disease.-. This work has been carried on by using notion n:oture. educa tional meetings, and distributing lit erature n the cure and prevention of venereal diseases. In the United States in 19 lft there were lOu.000 deaths due to cancer. 70.000 of which could have been prevented if the cancer had been recognized while yet curable, that is. in its early stages. One woman in eight, and one man in thirteen, a fic tile age of forty, (tie of cancer. At least 70 per cent nf these deaths ci uld he presented if the cancers had been recognized and attacked by surgery while in the early stag es. Next Sptpmbr-r a week known as cancer week will be devoted by the American society for control of can cer to the education of the public in recognizing cancers whil" they are in the early stages. One lecture for every a.OO'i people will be delivered publicly. The Amerhan society for tlr prevention of cancer has back of its effort all the local, county and state medical associations, and it will work through them. Dr. Palmer Uindlev. of Omaha, is at the hafd of the state branch of the na t ional so-iety. Following thf program n cancer. Dr. P. H. Dartholr.mew. of Lincoln, presented four reels of motion pic tures on mctnous or c-ontrliing ven ereal diseases. One instance of the prevalency of this trouble was cited when army statistics, were fjuoted. saying that an average of one m.-n in twenty was rejected from army service as a result of veneral disease. These were said to be only the obvi ous cases, and did not include those which might have hern discovered if blood tests had been taken. WABASH HAPPENINGS V. rs. Warren Richard is on the sick li.t. Mr. and Mrs. Kdd Van Kverv spent Sunday with relatives. Miss Minnie Renter was a Lincoln parsenger Wednesdav morning. Several attended the Junior class play in Kim wood last FYiday evening. .miss j. i). uerneiing na.s given up her position in Kagle and came home Friday evening Maurice Standard. J. D., Alice and Alcie Orbeling autoed to Murdoek Tue.Mlav evening. Mrs. Theodore Miller went to Kin- coin Tuesday evening. where she .vill attend a birthday party. Mr. flii'l Mrs. Guy Lake and twins were Sunday afternoon guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Murfin. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Jones and two sons spent Sumlav with Mrs. Jones' parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Hosworth. Kdward Leonard, of Lincoln, spent Saturday and Sundav with his sis ter and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Frank T. Marshall. Mrs. Ralph Keckler and daughter went to Elm wood Tuesday evening to attend a party. Wednesday morn ing they went to Lincoln. Thero have been a number of ball games in the last few days. The rain stopped the men from working in the field so theycameto town and ILLS OF RAIL ROADS BEING LOOKED INTO .1 EEC Kb COMMERCE COMMISSION INTENT ON FINDING TROUBLE MUST RZDUCE LABOR COSTS. TO LEAVE flO STOKE UPTURNED High Wages Declared by tative cf Carriers Chic! cf Condition. Represen-Cause 13 Yesterday in Ghicago--Today on Our Hangers! i fa,? mm WJ Washington. May 10. Senate in vestigators charged with finding an swer to the question of what is the trouble with American railroads to day heard as the first witness Julius Krutsehnitt, t hairman of the board of the Southern Racine company, whose statement was unfinished when the session adj;.urnod. t'hair nn.n Cummins, of the senate inter-;-tate commerce commission, read the resolution authorizing the inquiry before a laige crowd, which included many higher railroad oflieials. Reading consolidated earnings statements of the railroad.? for eight ears. each showing a progressive increase in the expenses. Chairman Cummins said that the "gravity of tiie situation is apparent if our transportation industry has become permanently an unprofitable busi ness." Operating expenses. consuming normally around per cent of the receipt:;, he said, consumed more than 9 0 per cent o: the revenues fcr the year ending M.:i"rh 1. though the gross recein'.s ui" 1 7a. 00 o.oao v. .re the largest on record and could : ver be made larger.- in his opin n. b higher rates. The c.uimiit e, be s.1. it!. wouM therefore seek deiermnit .'.to'- have bi .ice we inn ndit tires f v.b.itb.ei- "thee rev t a tfik'iently exjieiii'.ed. -t look to reduced -r relief, if we cannot b-rpe t raise revenues higher." Mr. Kfi'tts. hniti wt:s prompt with i ..e answer as to Tl;e cause ot disap 'i.iring ar::ings. t :;i:o o: i;ie .vunn:"i he said. tne bntor --n increased by gov n .2.J2ft.Si:R.0OO an "Sinr:e the '.aw in 1!1;. costs have b. -. ni!i( nt . acti'.'.y." Thrc ugh out the discu-tsi n, ?Ir Kru'ts'rhnitt r':i!p!iai;;ed his cone Jr. .-icn tliat a roduotien of labor charg ci was tne only method or nicrias- icg nl earni'.us. I lif-ie are " n !y limited held.? in which the management can operate if it seeks i condyles, in ether direc tlor.s." he said. "The labor biU in 1 r 1 1; before on h ctinent 't tne Adamson law was 'il. ICS ",7j. Olio, while in lOl'O it at $::.t;9N. 210.00 ). and 0 4 cotits out of every uoibir of opera t ir , expense? was paid to' labor ir As to the balance of the railroads operating expenses. Mr. Kruttschnitt saiil 1 ." pt r -t-nt went for "matoriab arid supplis at priegs fixed by the government." and that the balance up to !i7 1-2 corns of each operating expenditure dollar was spent on 'materials and supplies at prices lixed by general market condition- lie defended present standards of freight rates, declaring they had not appreeiamy increased anove tne rise in otiier prices and that general busi ntss stagnation and dellalion. rathe evtesvive transportation charg es wire responsible for marked de creases in traffic. Five Remedies Suggested. Mr. Kruttschnitt suggested fivo remedies wnicti ne said were eas ily applied and productive of great economies." They are: me use lor common carrier purposes of highways built with pul li-? moneys, without adequate tolls and proper regulations. .waive muiid watervvavs hunt or im; rovoil u t public expense carry thimsevles as to interest on cost and maintenance, by regulating the com mon carrier traffic on them and bv imposing adequate ,tolls. "Keep the I'nited States govrn ment out ol t!ie business of operating '('Miiships and stop the lavish ex penditure (;f public money Xo provide fo;;st to coast ocean transportation ,r) eompflition with transcontinent al railroads. ior use oi i tie ranama ca nal slu'uld be sufficient to pay inter esi on us cost, operating expenses and maintenance. "Do not deprive transcontinental carrier? of coast, to coast traffic by inflexibly enf iroing a strict long and short haul clause." Mr. Kruttschnitt read a prepared .'rarement wnicn opened witn tne as sertion that freiaht rates were not re'spom ible for business depression. "Widespread propaganda is being carried on to arouse public sentiment against present freight rates." the statement said. "The fact is that even since the rates have been ad vanced the cost of transporting com modities is far less than the toll takrn by the commission merchant and t lit? retailer." mi"1" Ui That's the common occurrence in here. You can come in most anv dav and we r can show you suits that left the tailors' hands in Chicago the day before and others that 36 hours be fore were bidding good-bye to tailor shops in New York City, Rochester or Baltimore. We're merchandising a'la Parcel Post and American Express. Dry goods boxes--no--suit pack-ages--yes-hundreds of them. Ask the expressman or the postmaster. That keeps us in close touch with the markets affords our trade not only the utmost in styles and fabrics, but the undermost in price reductions. Test us out on this. Men's Suits $16.50 to $35 C E. Wescoit's Son 'EVERYBODY'S STORE' 1 11 ELECTS 'NEW OFFICERS Don't use harsh physics. .The re action weakens the bowels, leads to chronic constipation. Oct Doan's Reg ulets. They operate easily. 30c at all stores. FOE SALE OR TRADE For sale or cattle, a lion. Fine A. O. Ault, or will trade for horses pure bred Percheron stal disposition; heavy boned. Cedar Creek. L'-4tv. played ball. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Murfin and! Hive.;, eczema, itch or salt rheum son. franklin, of eepmg Vv a' er. ' sets, you crazy .Cant bear the touch ! and Howard Murfin of Lincoln were of your clorhing. Doan's Ointment is i The Intermediate Kpworth League ct; the .Methodist church at their s-ossion on Sunday evening at the church hold the election of the cab inet lor the ensuing year and the i'( '.lowing were selected. Miss Olive Ronge, president; Miss Harrietts Reacock. 1st vice-president; Miss Laura Petersen. 2nd vice-president: Miss Alice IOtiise Wescott. .'5rd i'-e-president ; Miss Helen Wes cott. -1th vice-president; Miss Clara J' iitison, secretary; Harry Foster trca-.urer: Harriett Peacock, organ ist: Helen Wescott. chorister. The Senior Kpworth League will hold their election later in the month and the two cabinets will be induct ed tl. into service at . pastor. Rev. the same time by A. V. Hunter. THANKS TO FRIENDS The family of George W. Shrader. who has been very poorly for some time desire to take this, method of thanking Miss Ktta Nickles for the beautiful flowers that were sent to the sick room oi Mr. Shrader and which wore very much appreciated by the patient as well as the family. Through an oversight the family has thanked the K. N". K. society for the fb wers when they were the offering of Miss Nickles. Office supplies of all kinds died at the Journal office. han- RULES MODIFIED TO GAIN FREER HAND Harding; Authorizes Selection cf Any One of First Three Highest Men on Eligible List. ser vice bv ad- Washington, May 10. Civil vice restrictions governing the c-h of postmasters were modif.ed President Harding to give the ministration a freer hand in exer cising its own judgment as to the qualifications of applicants. In an executive order affecting ap proximately 13.000 postoft:c;s of the first, second and third classes, the president authorized the selection of any one cf the first three on t'..j eligible list as determined Ly open competitive examinations. Under a:i order of President Wilson, the eoxc utive could exercise nc such choice, but was required to appoint the ap plicant at the head of the list. President Harding issued a state ment saying the new arrangement had been decided on because it would permit such elements as business training and experience to figure in selection of postmasters and wcu'.d not stake the choice on "a cloistered scholastic examination which might result in a high grade in theory, but not a guaranty of efficiency in fact." Today's action was the first n bv the new ad elleral pp!,- purtari j-K-p fan m ini.-t r.. i ion in b cf i;j t ron .. and is uudrr.-tood to hau- h' n '!-' -idi-d i n ai'trr c.n- :-rene-s we.-n t h e prsiden'. ;i::i.-t; r Ci'ii IIa. and otlo-r admin i--t ration o!::cia!s. Post- FARM HAND WANTED V.'anted : for balance Uxp.-r: Of sen- tif -f '11. farm hone hand 4 on . lit-w. Children's dresses. 6jc to $1.25. &t the Ladies Tcgery. Blank Becks at the Journal Office. im- Acetylene Welding! l am prepared to do all kinds of Acetylene Welding. Charges reasonable and work the best. JORH-SHELDON, Located t John Iverson's Blaksmith Shop, Plattsmouth, Nebraska 1 & ft.. ONE WEEK SECINNG Wednesday, ftlay I Ifh; Ending Wednesday 1 81 h Specials from Our Dish Department! Genuine cut footed sugar and cream sets, per set 69c Complete wire reflector lamps. . . .59c White sauce dishes, set of 6 59c White oatmeal dishes, set of 6. . . .89c Imported China decorated sugar and cream sets, per set 69c Decorated baby plates, with flange. 59c Gold band pie plates, set of 6 59c Toy Specials! Children's wall telephones 49c Toy chairs and rockers 59c 3-piece toy garden sets 17c Boys' kite and ball of string 10c Notion Specials! Extra heavy 9-inch dressing comb. 49c Human hair nets, cap shape. . . : . . .9c Talcum powder, per can. ........ 10c 3-inch powder puff 9c Men's Yankee Pad garters 19c Hardware Specials! 14-qt. grey enamel high grade han dled dish pans, eac h 69c 8-qt. grey enameled high grade lip ped preserve kettle 59c 3-qt. grey enameled coffee pot, a big value at 59c No. 30 white wash basin 49c 10-inch steel skiilets 59c Magnetic scouring mit 9c Spring curtain rods 10c Good furniture polish 19c Hammers, full size 19c Stationery Specials! White crepe napkins, 100 15c Toilet paper, four 5-oz. rolis. .... .25c Paper carrying bags 10c Wire waste baskets, each. ...... ,59c Dry Goods Specials! Boys blue overalls, 4 to 14 59c Ladies black and white hose, pr. . . . 13c Ladies union suits, size 36-38. . . .39c Huck towels, 18x20 10c Stamped pillow tops 15c n Popular Variety Store Telephone 581 ROY W. KNORR, Proprietor 71 Mr. fine for skin itching, sell it, 6 0c per box. All druggists' a, and Mrs. Will Murfin. - r -... j. . a.? -r .,f 1 tj. Sunday guests at- the home of