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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1921)
PAGE FOUR THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 3. 1921 PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAI f. be plattsmoutb journal IUBLISHED SOU-WEEKLY AT PLAITS JIOUTH, NEBRASKA Katered nt I'ostufTice. l'lattsmouth. Neb., as .second-class mail matter i R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE k ft r . . rains enemy 777 raT if fx Some men look as helpless as a lost dog. WHEN you wrint Quick com forties relief from any '" pain, use Sloan's Liniment. It does the job with out t-tamin?, mbMnjr. barulax inp. U3js:iorrheunnatiBm, neuralgia, aches and pains, ppriisand etraioa. backache. cor mucics. j Marriage opens a few eyes and j many purses. i :o: I - Some of the people you can't foul any of the time. Keep it handy 35 At all rot- Greatest of all things is love if it's the real thing. :o: Anticipation is more fun than rea lization sometimes. " -o:o- It is just as well to remember that it's always well to be just. :o: Women constitute 7.1 per cent of the factory workers in Japan. :o: Men will do almost anything for money cn:e will even work. :o: Wage-earning women in Virginia now number more than 22D.O0O. :o: Tint ilways a friend to thocC i An old notion prevails that birds ; began to couple on St. Valentine's who honestly see I: it. day. :o: When a fellow gets his h-:ul full average annual tax per capita jtlf ,he h,ea tI)at ,lu ,s 0 R a,IlUelyj in France is now ii'iiitc:-. -:o:- Ti.p :;' re bad habits a man aeeu nH'.i:r'..: the le.-s money he :avc.-. o:o Men ;.ad woiiif n who tail to vote in ( 'iti ho-Slovakia are sentenced to jail. o:o : Fanny. l)n an automobile engine can bo and still be right there. In Mih' eases a ;ukt wedding is but a curtain raiser for a noisy af ter;' art. then he isn't. -o:o- T.'-e Ci.if of rations for one man for a d:iy i;i tb I'niud States army is oO cents. -:o: One thousand six hundred Ameri can scidiers in the World War re main unknown. : o : - A dressmaker may not have a S race-fill form, but she knows how to make up for it. to: The good man that goes wrong is in reality a bad man who has just been found out. tot Never condemn a man for biing knocked-kneed ; that may be the way his pants are pressed. -tor- There is no use in growling at the weather man, as he can always give back worse than we send. :or- The henpecked husband never de velops into a free thinker until his wife goes away on a visit. :o: A good many people think they have done their duty to a friend when they tell him not to worry. -ro: -o : t- Tlie former Empress Elizabeth of I i .us-r:a 11 . .-moKe as iuan a Considering the crime wavs and c .;.rtiie a ia. rs(;lnf, nf tht mills of the geds must also be tn half-time. ror It must be awfully nice to he so rich that you can a Cord to grumble ! about the enormous taxes you pay. It's not so natch t h high cot of livii'.ic as "he high eo.-t of worrying that is -j' iv.-j. to hurt oi. : o:- The 15. ink of England safogu;: rds j I -o.o- -:o: Don't it y to tell life other fellow his business. IK- may ask you if you hae any of vour own. its goto supply ov.r nigh, :y sui-; A thiniw tha, are supposed to inert: ing it in a deep well. j rn:il tn ,,:n, uh units are subicct to change in price without notice. ror People applaud the villain on the stage for doing things they would have him arrested for doing in real life. , ror Nowadays a wedding couple wel comes the old shoes thrown at them if they happen to be the right I size. :or- Tlie difference between immigra tion and emigration i.3 that since the war it his all been immigration. Be sftre you ar?; ritrht, then act just as i;g;u v u.;. if there were a possibMity (.; your being mistaken. A cooking fork of recent design ha.-: the prong-. -ror- The stringency of money in finan- ici;i! riivtpi i beinir some what alle- a lever controlled by the thumb by J v,ate(, accordIng to the hankcrs in which hot r.ior.-o!.-: are pushed from ' . HIV V l U . I -ror ror All wn'.c-rs of -innonvmous letters t try the farm! The unemployed are rushing by .,,.- . the thousands from one city to an- are (H te.t?. .m- oi cour-e. e-o;'c:a 11 v I t!lO.e WllO OCC.islo".: ilv til! nrif.ii J J grain of truth. Tluy ft. tk:it a woman u-vcr hits what she aims .-it. but all the sam? when she aiai-: hi.t;!i sin- usualiy lands pretty well up. ror I.eaderiip is demanded in Ger many, says the Berlin -newspapers. That's nothing strange. Leadership is needed everywhere. ro- As you probably will note from the February list of new record--. Mr. Caru.-o's. voice is getting back to normal wih his hea'.fh. The crime wave continues to sprc-au and law-abidins communities like l'lattsmouth are losing a lot of ad vertising by behaving themsLdves. to: "Mad Mullah ' is probably a great deal madder since the Dritish bom barded him from t'.e air and broke up Lis little army of mischief-makers. to: One by one the big business heads in the Ford motor plant are dropping off. But no doubt most of the "parts" can be replaced at the next repair shoo. -: o : - Jess Willard starts in training for his second good hammering at the hands of Jack Dempsey. Hut if it suits Jess the public has no liht to coruplaiu. FOE SALE High grade Hed Pole bull for sale, fourteen months old. Phone '3421. C. L. WILES, trtd 2tw. Plattsmoutb, Neb. E. II. Schulhof, piano tuner. Phone 3S9-J. d&w. POULTRYJfcVANTED WE WILL BUY POULTRY AT ED LUTZ STORE IN PLATTSIIOUTH ON Saturday, Feb. 0 AND WILL PAY Hens 27c Springs 22c Stags 20c Roosters 14C SWIFT & COMPANY CONDEMN HIGH PRIG-. ' ED STOCK FOODS Prominent Hog Raiser Says Prices Charged Are Unwarranted Makes His Own Hog Food, With Belter Results. I hat he is all through paying fancy prices for stock foods and hog remedies and that he is raising some of the best hogs ever placed on the ; market" was the statement made re cently by E. H. Beckstead, well known hog raiser and authority on live stock. ' Mr. Beckstead's hogs are th envy of hi neighbors, and have "topped the market" for several vcars in Iowa. He states that for years he bought high-priced hog foods and hog remedies, but he is all through pay ing extravagant prices for what he can made himself. He states that what the hogs need are minerals, and tells the secret of his wonderful suc cess by explaining that he takes about five pounds of ordinary mineraline (which is pure concentrated minerals and cost only a couple of dollars) and mixes same with enough bran or filler to make a hundred rcunds. All hogs, and especially brood sows re quire minerals as they keep them free from worms, and in the pink of con dition, and are essential to the hogs growth and a well balanced ration. This inexpensive mixture placed in a sheltered box where the hogs ca" get at it as they need it, will produce far better results than any high priced so-called stock foods. Send two dollars to The Mineraline Chemical Co., 1CCS North Wells St., Chicago. 111., and the ywill forward you by prepaid parcel post, enough mineraline to make a full hundred pounds. (Adv.) Any skin itching is a temper test er. The more' you scratch the worse it Doan's Ointment is for piles, eczema any skin itching. 00c at all drug stores. FOR SALE Seve nteen acres of land 2 'j miles west and 2 miles south of Murray. Pix room house and small out-buildings. 3-1. J. L. SMITH. The line of Journal has received "Standard"' diaries. a fine i. htk k N ti t i.v-:: ksi i i;nt I'ttt'itN- I'AN'TS. TMKIi: UK! Its. 1K I A T K KS, DKVISKKS, I'KIlSONAI, It t '. ! 'I t KSKN T.T!Vi:S AM .M.l. (;TM!ti: PK!: S i.VS IXTKltKSTKh IN TIIKII: KS-TATKS. T .1 jy.-p'i ?f, '"'i ;-.ry. if livintf, if !e- as 1. his unknown ! fif.s. devisees. 1 ! s, .-rsn:;i i i f ire- "n T .1 1 ; ves : 1 I ! I ,r p, . ns i:itt rested in lis es- t;'t'-: M'!ii S. Ti::iij..-ijn. if livin-r. if iie,':is il, l;is unknown !:-irs. '.t is-' s, legatees. piTsiuiiil representatives Jind iili other t rsons i nt t tI i?i Lis est.ite: V"p s!i i nirt ii !eei;jI1St jf living, if deeeaseil. Ins unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, perronal n-pt'i sentativ- s and all other itc-so'is interested i;i l is estivte: W'as-h.iimtoii !. IMekfns. if liv iiiir. if deceasi d, his unUimwn heirs. d-vise s. legatees, ierson;il represent a tiv s arid all oth-T ptisotis i 1. 1 efts t ed in his 'st;itc: (Icoitre ft'we. if living, if i!i : i--!simI, his unknown h'irs, devi sers. !i-gsi te-s, personal representatives and all otl:er persons in' ity t el in his estr'e; t!,e unknown heirs, 'devisees. Pti.itee-, personal 1 epreetit;' t ives arid al! oth'-r ti rsons i;i!i rested in t;.e es tate of Willi; III'hua n. ueee;ised: T.ot one (1 in Cluck two '' 1 in Slad elman's Addition to the City of I'Jatts laoiith. Xi'hraska. and all persons Claiming am' iiaeiest of any kind in s.-hl !;'.! 1 .-ta'.e, n ai.y piirt thereof: You anil ea'-ii of you are hereby notified that William II. Mason, as plaint If. on the L'Mn dav of January, lit.'l. filed his petition in the liistrict Court of Cass county, N'ehr."skn. where in you ami each of you are defendants, the oh.iect and prayer of which peti tion are that you jnl each of you. and cJI per:. '-lis c'aimirg lie, tlirouirh or under 011 advrselv to plaintiff. le adii'dgd to have 110 interest, right, t state or lieu in or to l.ot one (1i in f:lo I; two 1' ) in Stad- 1 111.1 n's Addition to the City of i 'lat t sinou tli, Cass coun ty, Nebraska, or any part or portion thereof, and that tiie plaintif' "Wliliam II. Mason., together with Ins grantors lie ad.ii;dged to have been in the adverse eossession of said land fur morejian ten ycR rs last past, and tiat the legal title thent became fnUV vct( il in WilMai:: il. Mason, notwithstanding the claims f vim and oaoli of you. or any one claiming by, thromrli or under you. and that the title- to said real estate I" foi:-.-r i!:ieted in said William II. Masi n. as against you a'ld each of you, ami thut each arid all of said del'en dai.ts, and those whoso names are un known, and not stated, be forever bar red from claiming or asserting any right, title, interest or estate in oj- to said real estate, or anv part thereof. lii1 for such other and further relief as to the court may s em just atld ei 11 i t a hi e. You and ea'di of yen are further notified to answer s;iid potiuon on or before Monday, the lltli dav of March, A. I. llUl. "VVIM.IAM 1 1. M S N Plaintiff. C. A. ItAWLS. j.ll-tw. Attorney. MiTK K or itoi i;i.i;i TIKV Notice is herebv g'ven to the nulli fied voters of School District No. C-7, Cass county. Nebraska, that an elec tion will be held at the High school in M. It. church in Mnnliivk. Nebraska, in said district on tie J.:ni day of Febru ary, i;.'l, at seven 01 hx k p. in., for the ; urpose of voting upon the follow ing ucestior.. to-wit: Si-all H.e !istriet cn'iceis of School Idstrict No: C-T. in Ca?s county, X braska. ksii.- the I .'.!,! - of said school district. the' aiooiuii of K;srlit Thousand Iioli.ns. 1 . M.i)i)ii.f'iTt bearing interest at ti'o rale of six per cent C rr per annum. i):i . ab!e serui-ann tin 1 -I y. prir;cipal and interest payable at the County Treasurer's office, IMatt-'-rnouth, Nebraska, and tlie principal oavable us follows: $5.0(10. (hi payable March iioo. tin payable March pa n hie payable pa va bb pa ya ble Tiayal.le jiaya ble pt va ble pa a bio pa alil pa y a bl. . )aable paya ble i: $."..000.00 $fi.0uii.ei) $."., 1)11.1. 00 $."l)0ll.0l i f,, 000. 00 .",000.0:) $."..001). on 5,ooo 00 $".,000.00 $."l, ("'). l $.;,0'i0.iio i.",.(oo.oo Marih March Marcli iianh Ma re!; Mr rch Ma r li March Mate h Man h Ma rc li Mai h 1 !-':. 1 :::(. H:'.l. , k;:j. l ;!::. i u ft t . if::.",. 1 !::;. I!i:i7. 1 J:i. U::ft. 11)10. 1911. sluill the iJistri. t Officers of said School District cause to be levied, an nually, a tax sufficient for the pay ment of the Interest and principal as it becomes due? Said bonus li, ,e is sued for the following purpose, to-wit: Purchasing a site and erecting and equipping a school house in District No. C-7. e'ass county, Nebraska. t:y order nT the District Officers of aic! 'School District, this -Sth day of January, 11. A. GUTiiilANN. tf-w. Director. payable March I.rtGAI. XOTICK Notice to Non-tiesident refen0ant., their Heirs, Devisees, legatees, Per scutal lie')resentatve8, ami all other persons interested in thefr estates. To the unknown heirs, tlevisces, lega tees, persona! representatives and all of tier persons interested in the estate 'of Lydia A. Jhown, formerly I-yrtia A. Marrow; tlie TTiiknown heirs, devisees, Ipfrati ps, personal reinespntatlvps ami all other persons Interested in the es tate of Vinor Hritton, formerly Ainor Harrow; and all persons claiming any interest of any kind in the South half of the Northwest quarter of Section thirtv C'.o), Township ten 1:. North itanue fourteen 111), Kast of the 6th P. 11. , Cass county. Nebraska: You and each of you are hereby notified that ieorge T.. Hathaway and Albert K. Hathrway as plaintiffs, on the lttth day of January, ism, filed their petition in the District Court of Ca--s county, Nebraska. wherein you and each of you are defendants, the object and prayer of which are that you and each of you, and all persons claiming by. through or under you ad-versel.r- to plaintiffs, be adjudged to have 110 interest, right, estate or lien in or to The Sooth half of the North west quarter Si NW) of Sec tion thirty t::0i. Township ten ll. North Kange fourteen M4, Kast of the t:th P. M., in Cass county, Nebraska or any part or portion thereof, and that the plaintiiTs tleorge I.. Hatha wav and Albert It. Hathaway, together with their grantors, be adjudged to have been in the adverse possession of said land for more than ten years last title to said real estate be forever quieted in said Ceorgo L,.- Hathaway and. Albert It. Hathaway, as against you and each of you. and that each and all of said defendants and past, and that the legal title thereto has become fully vested in Ceorge J... Hathaway and Albert K. Hathaway, notwithstanding the claims of you, and each of voa, or any one claiming by. through or under you, and that the these whose names are unknown, and not stated. be forever barred from claiming or asserting any right, title. interest or estate in and to said real estate, or any part, thereof, and for such other and further relief as to the cop rt may seem just anu dilutable. You and each of you are further notified vim are required to answer said petition on or before Monday, the sth dav of February, I'.'-'l. CKOCCK I.. HATHAWAY. AI.BKKT K. HATHAWAY. Plaintiffs. C. A. 7tAY'T.S, jlT-lw. Attorney for Plaintiffs. '! ( I 'M t i t State of to it iti!Toi:s N braska, Cass cum- III : h' County Court. In toe matter of the estate of Kdwin W. Coik, deceased. To the fivditevs of satd estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Cou'-t room m Platts- moiith. in said count'", on the -J.fril day f r.bruarv, A. D. 15ttl, and on the 1 1 ; 1 ilrv of May, A. D. lfe'l. at 10 I'l-lc-k ii. tn. each day. to receive anil examine all claims against said estate. with a view to their adjustment and illow;::ice. The time limited for the ii! sen : 1 1 inn of claims against said late i; three months from the tttrd y of February, A. 1 . lCtfl, and the time lin'ited for payment of debts is ne via: from said tfltrd day of I-'chru-PCI. Witm.-s ray hand and the seal of said County Court, this L'oth day of laiiua:-;-, P''l. ali.kx j. m:i:soN. jlM-lw. euniy Juug. Fr; 1 . r: ' an I tees saU r.tlu of . t he in l aotici: the unknown heirs. devisees, and personal representatives ; : . ii i 1 Drake, deceased, and all persons interested in the estate ike, deceased : .': nd It. Moore: Mihle (Iriiy: Grace (irav; Iray: cnolna firay oung: To tr;ti r su ot her of said Susanah Di ho ?Ioire: Charles fir iv levins: Joseph .lonn lie i. (ray: llernice tlray and James irs of John It. Moore, dect ased; tie fKiknovii heirs, devisees, lega ai d personal represeiit at i ves uf John K. Moon, deceas-d: and all r nersons interested in the estate iid Jhn It. Moore, deceased: also following i!-.-s-ribed lafids situ.-.te ass county. Nebraska, to-wit: The Southwest quarter (SW'J) of the Sou'hwest quarter (SW'i) and the Kast half CI-:'-') of the Soutliwest queiter (SW1,) of Section twenty-four (L':. and tlie Northwest quarter NW'i and the -West half (W'li) of th.e Northeast quarter N K 1 i and the Southeast quarter (SK'jl of the Nort In east quarter (.Vlt'i) of Section twentv iive .". 1 . aM in Township eleven (11). North of Itamre thirteen (1:1), Kast of the f'.th Principal Meridian: and all persons claiming any interest of anv kin.', in said real estate er any part t here of, 1 efei.dii n ts : You. and each of von. are hereby notified that on fie 17th dav of Janu ary. li'Jl. Pollock Parmele and Hallio T'arrnete Dovoy as plaintiffs filed their petition in the District Court of C;ifs county. Nebraska, against you and each of yon and William F. Moore as de fendants, the object and praver of said petition being to quiet the title of the plaintiffs- in and to . the real estate above described, and that the defen dants : 1 said cause may be decreed to hnv- no state, title, claim or interest of anv kind or nature in or to said al e-tate or any part thereof, and that th' defendants in said cause and each of them may lie forever barred and enjoined from having or claiming any rig'if, title, estate or interest in or to said real estate or any part thereof, and. for such other relief as may be just and equitable. You and each of you are required to answer said petition on or before the 7th dav of March, 1021. POLLOCK PAltMKIiK and PAltMHLF, D()Yi:V. I'.y Moisnian. Maxwell & Haggart, Their. Attorneys. j J 1- i w. mitk i: to rmtniTDKs The State of Nebraska. Cass coun ty, ss. Di the County Court. in tin- matter of the estate of Henry llirz, deceased. To the en ditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that I will sit at ti e County Court room in Platts moutb, in said county, on the 7th day of March, lfijl, and on tiie Sth day of June, 1'iL'l. at 10 o'clock a. m., of each day. to receive and examine all claims aitaiust said estate, with a view to their aeji strnent and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 7th day of March. A. 1 . 1 1 J 1 . and the time limited for pavment of debts is oil- year from said. 7th dav of Ms re!:, lfjjl. Witness my hand and the s-al of said Courty Court this fji-th dav of Jani'.arv, Ifctl. A l.LKX J. P.KKSON, (Seal) (Vnifitv Judge. CJI AS. K. MAItTlN. j:il-4w Attorney. ty. (iiihhit or if it It 1 4; Petition for Appointment of VdiuiiiKt i-nlor. St;ite of Nebraska, Cass coun- I:i the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Henry M. Millet-, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Vll.ert ii. Miller, praying thut admin istration of said estate may be granted to !;atio Tavlor. as administrator: ordered. That February ttS. A. 1. I't-I. at 10 o'clpok a. in., is assigned for hearing said iietrtion, when all persons interestol in said matter may appear ot a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not lie granted: and that notice of the pen dency of said petition and the bear ing thereof be given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing copy ot tins order In the-Piattsiuouth a semi-weekly newspaper in sjiid county, for three suc weeks, prior to said day of .loom. 1 i, printed cessi ve l:t .i ring. Dated jol-Sw January t:7tK ALLEN 19-M J. BISKSO.V. County Judge. r' mr;iyiiUMliiiu jnii.Mr'"'tP'wJ'H'll j? vry i-y' .Itf'.' " it mmm " iiiiw iiiii miiii o. L., .i.. , .1 ,;..,....-.itrt M.i.,1 if , e.n.a-n .it.., mm. H 1 i Too Many Piire-Ereds? Grandpap had his chance to go in for pure-breds. "No," he said, "tco many already." Again opportunity knocked at father's door. "The breeding business is being overdone," father declared. Today the same chance is presented to you. Many persons will still tell you there are too many pure-breds. Don't believe them. It is the same old bogey the scarecrow with a heart of straw that fooled grandpap and father. LESS THAN TWO PER CENT OF OUR CATTLE ARE PURE-BREDS. These are the facts the 98 are scrubs or grades! It is too late for Grandpap; and for father his chance maybe gene; but the road is open to YOU. Join those who have become independent by breeding good cattle. Thousands of men in the United States who went in for pure-breds ten years ago are now independent. Tens of thousands who go in now will become indepen dent during the ensuing decade. Our hope is that you will be one of them. Now is the time to buy, when all prices are low. Get ready to share in futur ; high prices. For instances showing what pure breds have done for farmers in average circumstances we refer you to the week-by-week articles in THE COUN TRY Gentleman. It combs the country for every sort of news of in terest and profit to farmers, and this very ad is due to its desire to be of service. It is really hard to contrive rr.ore pleasure and profit than $1.00 spent for a year's subscription (52 is sues) to The Country Gentleman will bring you. You 11 want it event- -why not order it TODAY uaiiy- Nebraska Shorthorn Breeders Association (.. M. McCarthy, Secretary York, Nebraska. THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, Philadelphia, Pa. . . I'm glad to see you pushing our organization with pood advertising. And here's my dollar for a subscription for owe year, fifty-two issues. The two go well togttliLr. (My Name). (My Address). (Town) .(State), 1 i..-T , j -.If-i-.- --- fc lid rf i i mw MfllT i - r . . . LOCAL U ft d Frern Mnnrtny'f. Dally. J. J. U:bcri-, of Sioux Fulls. S. D.. va? in (he city today for ri few hours lock in. a: after s;:n:i T.atters relative to the f-ettlenufnt of the estate of the lato Jrff-eh M. Roberls. rrank Rteppat e; i: r.ed 'iiis after iK'cn to Oiiiana after a brief visit in this eUy at the home of hi parents, Mr. ai.rl Mrs. Martin Stcppat and other telatives and friends. Jacob E. Adams departed this af ernnnr. for Grand I-iand, ne;:r where he will visit his sister and family r.t their farm home and with bis many fiienIs in that portion of the state. t'lai's Tarns of Nebraska City, was a isitor in the city today r.t the lie. no of his f?.t!ijr linns Tarns, de par! in? this afternoon for Omaha, where he will have his injured eye treated by a specialist. Jerry Mclluch and wife, of Mur dock. who were here on account of the death of Mrs. Kate McHugh, de parted this morning for their home to spend the day and will return for the funeral service that is -to be held tomorrow. Joseph Koukal, of Tacoma, Wash ington, who has been here visiting ;iis parents, Mr. and Mrs. - John Konkal. Sr.. and family, for a short lime, having been called hero by the serious illness of his brother, August Koukal, departed yesterday afternoon for the west. Joe Sebatka, who is now engaged. In farming near Woonscckett, South Dakota, is in the city enjoying a visit with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sebatka ar.d with his many friends. Joe is looking fine and eays lie 'never felt better in his life than he has in the new home. returning home this afternoon. Mrs. George J. Meisinsrer departed this morning on the early Burling ton train for Omaha, where she will spend the day visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Ralph Farrar and family. ('. V. Seeley, one of the publishers of the Weeping Water Republican, came last evening to look after some business matters and to attend the meeting of the board of county com missioners. County Commissioner Fred H. Gor der, of Weeping Water, came in this morning to attend the meeting of the board of county commissioners, which is being held today at the court house. Editor L. J. Mayfield of the Louis ville Courier, was here today looking after some matters with the county commissioners and visiting with the publishers from over the county who congregated here today. Misses Ellen and Josephine I'ro haska, of Abie, Nebraska, who are in the city as guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Flwatek, depart ed this morning for Omaha to spend the day there visiting with friends. Guy Crook, of the Monarch Engi neering company, of Falls City, was hre today attending to some matters with the board of commissioners and while here had his name enrolled on the Journal's list of subscribers for the coming year. AugusKrecklow and William Schliefert of near Murtiley were in the city today for a few hours look ing after some business rn&tters be fore the board of commissioners rel ative to their road work, they being highway supervisors. I 'red W. Ebinger, of Plainview. came down last evening from his home to visit here over night with his relatives and old time friends and this morning departed for Om aha, where he will attend the Ne braska hardware dealers' convention. Lost anything found anything 539 -"r'-.'n Tuesday's .tallv. James Stander of Louisville, was in the city today for a few hours looking after some matters of busi ness. George Talpert. of South Bend, was here today for a few hours look ing after some matters before the board of county commissioners. Sirs. Elmer Wetenkamp departed this afternoon for Omaha, where sl: will 'visit her mother. Mrs. J. C. Ptak, at the St. Joseph hospital for the day. Frank Glaubitz. of near Wabash, was in the county seat today attend ing the meeting of the board of county commissioners for . a few hours. y j. A. Gardner, of the Eagle Beacon, was in the city today to attend the meeting of the board of county com missioners and to look after some masters of business. William J. O'Brien and wife and I. A.; Newniau of South Bend, weie here:today to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. Katheriae McHugh, Touching the Botton in Men's Clothing Prices! The prices of men's suits and over coats have hit bottom. fThe overcoat you buy now will unquestionably cost more. next year, and it's a high geared punch, that you 'will be able to use it for three months yet this winter. J In view of the extraordinary price savings featured, you will exhibit thrift by buying vou sruit or overcoat NOW. We are featuring: Some good coats as low as $20. Some more at 25. v Others as high as. . .$35 and 40. g 4 Tailored by such well known makers as the House S of Kuppenheimer, Clothcraft and the Block company. We have unearthed 3 dozen men's blue-white stripe overalls; mostly 3S, 40, 42 and 4 4 waists. They're yours for 95c Each