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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1921)
ffbe o.urn VOL. NO. xxxvn PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, MONDAY, JANUARY 31, 1921 NO. 55 WOODMEN 1 HAVE A FINE MEETING NATIONAL LECTURER C. E. REN NER. SPEAKS BEFORE CASS CAMP NO. 332. From Thursday's Dfcily. The members of Cass Camp No. 332. Modern Woodmen of America, enjoyed a line meeting last evening at the lodge rooms in the Woodmen building and on which occasion C. E. Kenner, national lecturer of the or der was present to address the mem bers and the new officers of the camp were duly installed. The installation ceremony was con ducted by Mr. Kenner and the follow ing officers were inducted into ofiice: Carl F. Schmidtmann. venerable con sul; George Klinger, worthy advisor; H. F. Goos, clerk; William Hassler. banker; H. S. Wilcox, escort; Henry Nolting. inner sentinel; William Nolting. outer sentinel. Following this ceremony the mem bership which was quite extensively representd at the meeting enjoyed the opportunity of hearing Mr. Ken ner for some time on the growth and work of the Modern Woodmen of America in the fraternal field, bo'.h as the means of protection to the members and their families and as the saver of lives by their wonderful war on the great white plague, which they have conducted at the Colcrauo sanitarium of the order. In spite of the oft repeated state ments made by other insurance or ganizations that it was necessary to die in order to secure a return from the Woodmen. Mr. Kenner pointed out the fact that this was not true and that the order was one of the greatest factor'- of aid in the country for its members. Under the seventy year withdrawal plan the members are given permission to draw out what they have paid into the order and with interest and during all the years they have enjoyed the protec tion of the insurance of the company in case of their death. Not alone was this opportunity given the mem bers to withdraw their investment from the order but the Woodmen had also perfected a great sanitarium in the Colorado foothills where the dread malady of consumption was fought and where 5.000 lives had been saved to humanity by the treat ment afforded the order and which to a member of the order was given free of all cost. Mr. Kenner pointed out that this sanitarium, which was the greatest of its kind in the coun try had been built by the contribu tion each month by the members of three cents from their assessment and which had grown into one of the greatest humantarian projects in the nation. The speaker also complimented the Plattsmouth camp on the beautiful building that they now own and which is the only structure of its kind in the jurisdiction of Nebraska and he stated that the members of Cass camp could feel well proud of the building and the city feel proud of the enterprise and push of the Woodmen who had carried out the building project. Urging the boost of membership Mr. Kenner started the ball rolling for an Increase of 100 in the member ship of the local camp before the next year should roll around and the local officers will continue the campaign to a successful finish. FIVE DAY WEEK WITH U. P. From Thursday's raily. The Union Pacific railroad system announced yesterday at their offices in Omaha, the establishment of a five day week over the system that will apply to track and shop work men, and is taken as a measure of economy and also to prevent the lay ing off of men in the employe of the company by extending the one day fayof? a week over the entire work ing force and thereby eliminating the necessity of forcing a part of the force into a permanent layoff. The U. P. has decided that Thursday of each week will be a holiday and therefore all work in the shops and track forces except that absolutely necessary will be eliminated. "Most of the other big railroads! the country have not only adorJf the five-day week." said W. H. Guild, assistant to Vice-President Calvin, in charge of operation, this mortfiyg "but have fired thousands of men in addition. We do not wish to- cause any hardship to our faithful employes so have merely cut one working day each week. Thursday in this case, among all track and shop workers where safety will permit." Section gangs along the line will lay off on this day, the same as the shopmen, except in emergencies when the cause of safety will not permit the extra "vacation." ASKS FOR CORRECTION. From Thursday's Dally. In the office of the clerk of the dis trict court last evening a petition was filed entitled C. W. Fahenstock vs. William L. Lee and Kathryn K. Lee. and in which the plaintiff asks that an error in deed made a number of years ago by the defendants in transferring land to the rlaintiff be corrected. A. G. Cole appears in the action for the plaintiff. LOUISVILLE BANKS ELECT. The two banks of Louisville have completed their election of officers for the ensuing year and the reports given show that the banks are in excellent shape and both have proven very profitable to the stock holders. The Bank of Commerce has elected the following officers: F. E. Schla ter, president; Charles C. Parmele, vice-president; Ralph K. Larson, cashier; Ruth Jacobson, assistant cashier. The Home State bank elected the following: C. J. Pankonin, presi dent; W. H. Heil, vice-president; George H. Wood, cashier; Harry B. Koop. assistant cashier; C. J. Pankon in, W. H. Heil. John Group, Henry Stander, J. W. Brobst, Julius Kencke, directors. BOYS' CLUB IS ENTERTAINED Young Lads of St. Michael Chapter of Church School Service League Enjoy Social Evening. From Thursday s Dail . 'Last evening the St. Luke's rec tory was the scene of a most delight ful gathering when Father W. S. Leete acted as host to the boys of the St. Michael chapter of the church school service league and the event was one that will long be very plea santly remembered by the young folks in attendance and was one fill ed throughout with the rarest of pleasure. This chapter is under the leader ship of Miss Nettie Hawksworth and H. K. Cole and who assisted in the carrying out of the evening of fun nd frolic that had been prepared for the young folks. Games of all kinds had been arranged and into which all members of the party Entered with enthusiasm and interest and from the commencement of the eve ning until the close the spirit of jollity reigned supreme and into which all participated. At a suitable hour in the evening the dainty refreshments prepared by the ladies of the household were served and this came as the climax of an evening of more than usual en joyment. Those in attendance at the gather ing were: Clarence Stallsmith. Her bert Johnson. Edward and Herbert Patterson. George Hass. Theodore Mc- Maken. Louis Russel, Glen McBride, Eugene Sochor and John Hanasek. Mrs. J. J. Wilson was a guest of honor of the occasion. SERVING IN GERMANY. In the east show window of C. E. Wescott's Sons store is displayed a copy of the Amroc News, the official publication of the American forces in Germany and which is very interest ing to the average citizen, showing the scenes of the area of the occupied territory that is assigned to the American forces under the armistice terms. The paper is puniisnea at to- blenz. the headquarters of the A. F. G. and many handsome pictures of the city are given with its wonderful old buildings and beautiful scenery. Views of the American troops in their field maneuvers and at formations are also shown as well as pictures of Gen eral H. T. Allen, the American com mander in Europe, and a number of the staff officers. The paper was sent to Messrs. Wescott by Lester Vroman. a former Plattsmouth boy, who is now with Battery E. 6th Field Ar tillery, at Coblenz. MARRIED IN OMAHA On Thursday at Omaha occurred the marriage of Miss Verla Schuef der and Mr. Hans Franke, both of Cedar Creek. The young people are well known in their home locality, and the bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Schneider, while the groom is the oldest son of Mrs. Martha Franke. The bride is one of the charming and accomplished young ladies of that portion of the county and is possessed of a large circle of warm friends. The groom is one of the energetic young farmers of near Cedar Creek, who has made many friends by his splendid traits of character. The young people will be guests of honor this evening at a reception to be tendered them at the home of the bride's parents, where they are at present making their home. DANIELS SAY IS FATAL TO HALT SHIPBUILDING Washington. D. C. Jan. 26. It would be a "fatal mistake" to stop work for six months on the six great battle cruisers under construction for the American navy. Secretary Daniels said today in discussing Senator Bor ah's resolution, adopted yesterday by the senate, asking the senate naval committee whether it would be feas ible and advisable to stop naval building for that length of time. The naval secretary deprecated any suggestion that capital ships be abandoned in favor of submarine and aircraft. Mr. Daniels added that an other year would show the trend of world navies as to any new type of ships to be adopted and that mean time the United States should go ahead with the battle cruisers, as the American navy hag none of this type In commission. DESTRUCTIVE NIGHT FIRE ATMURDOCK HOME OF JERRY E. McHUGH IS ENTIRELY DESTROYED BY RAVAGES OF FLAMES The village of Murdock was visit ed by a destructive fire on Wednes day night and as the result of which the fine new residence of Jerry Mc Hugh, one of the leading merchants of that place, was entirely destroyed by the flames. The fire had gained great head way when discovered and it was im possible to check the spread of the blaze although the residents of Mur dock battled manfully to save the building and its contents. Through the efforts of the neighbors the fur niture on the first floor was saved, but the contents of the upper floor were swept away in the flames, leav ing a loss of $2,500 for the owner of the building. The residence was rated at $3,500 and on this an in surance policy of $2,500 was carried. Mrs. Mcllugh had left her watch and a number of diamond rings in the sleeping rooms on the second floor and these with the clothing of the members of the family were lost in the fire and will run the loss up to $5,000. It seems as far as can be learned that about 8 o'clock ednesday even ing some of the members of the fam ily found it necessary to go to one of the closets oil the second floor of the house to secure some article of wearing apparel and to aid them in finding it. carried a hand gasoline lamp and it is supposed that unknown to the party carrying the lamp, some of the clothing in the closet caught fire and caused the destruction of the house as it was only a short time afterwards that the blaze was dis covered and it seems to have origi nated in the room where the lamp had been taken. Mr. McHugh was in Omaha at the time attending the retailers' conven tion and the neighbors and practical ly every resident of Murdock hasten ed to the McHugh home to lend what aid was possible in fighting the flames, but it was impossible to do any effective work on account of the leek of proper fire fighting equip ment. The household effects saved were taken to a vacant house across the street from the burned building and here the McHugh family are now residing. WRITES FOR MAGAZINE. Mrs. C. S. Aldrich of Elmwood, who has had a great deal of success in her literary work and is a frequent contributor to the leading magazines of the country has just had a very interesting sketch published in the American Magazine and in speaking of the story the Elmwood Leader Echo has the following: "In the last number of the Ameri can Magazine occurred a fine article entitled "How I Mixed Stories With Dougnuts." This is a personal story regarding her career and es pecially as a story writer. Mrs. Al drich has sold over 60 stories and most of us are familiar and have been greatly pleased in reading the delightful Mason Family stories that have been printed in the American Magazine. "We were greatly interested in this fine article. She knows how to write, is so optomistic, loves life, her family, and in fact looks upon the bright side always. We were somewhat amused whenshe says that people of my community ever think of me first as a writer. "If you were to get off at our depot and ask for the writer who lives here, I can imagine our local Hod Beeson scratching his head and trying to figure out whether you meant the correspondent for the i state paper, or the editor of the i Leader-Echo, or me." We are mighty iglad for this complement for we con 'sider it a compliment. "Mrs. Aldrich writes under the name of Bess Streeter Aldrich. She is a great writer and has interested many people both in this country and foreign countries. Her stories are full of human interest and they will do anyone good to read them. We are glad that we have a real writer in Elmwood." OFFERS BILL TO MAKE DOUGLAS AND SARPY ONE Lincoln, Jan. 2 6. A bill provid ing for the uniting of Douglas and Sarpy counties into one. was intro duced in the lower house of the leg islature this morning by Representa tive Robert C. Druesedow of Omaha. The bill carries a provision for a general election in the two counties to vote on the projects of, consolida tion and specifies that this election shall be held within ninety days af ter the enactment of the bill. The bill carries an emergency clause which will make it go into effect im mediately after it is signed by the governor. Mr. Druesedow stated that he in troduced the bill at the request of several citizens of Sarpy county. If it't in the card line, call ail the Journal office. ARE SHOWING IMPROVEMENT The many friends of the George Lamphear family in this city will be pleased to learn that the family are doing nicely from their recent at tack of smallpox and the four child ren who have been suffering with the malady are now up and around, although the family is still ouaran tined from the disease and the in dications are that they will soon be able to be released from their con finement. CELEBRATE 43RD ANNIVERSARY Mr. 'and Mrs. C. P. Sydebothem Are Surprised at Their Home Last Evening by Friends. From Friday's Dally. The pleasant home of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Sydebothem on hi?h school hill was the ssene of a very delight ful surprise last evening when the friends of this estimable couple and who are associated with them in the Christian church, gathered at the home to assist in the observance of the forty-third wedding anniversary of the guests of honor. The event was a complete surprise to Mr. and Mrs. Sydebothem and it was not un til the members of the party arrived that they suspecte dthe pleasant con spiracy that had been planned by the friends. The evening was spent very de lightfully in visiting and having a senerol good time and social visit un til an appropriate hour when dainty refreshments were served, the mem Lersof the party having brought with them well laden baskets cf the good things to delight the appetite and this served as a fitting close cf the very pleasant evening. The occas ion had been arranged by Mrs. A. G. liollowell and Mrs. O. C. Hudson with the assistantce of the church ladies and proved an event that will long be a source of pleasure to those par ticipating. Mr. and Mrs. Sydebothem were married at Lucas. Iowa, January 27. 1877. and have for the past decade made their home, in fljus city, where they have made a host of warm friends and it is the sincere wish of the friends that they may enjoy many more years of happiness to gether in this life. MEETING OF THE COMMERCIAL CLUB Will Hold Meeting; on Tuesday Eve ning;. February 8th to Re-Organize. The Plattsmouth Comemrcial club directors at their meeting yesterday afternoon decided to hold a public meeting on Tuesday evening, Febru ary Sth. at which time it is proposed to have the club re-organized for the year's work and to start out on a program of boosting for Platts mouth and its interests. r Everyone who is interested in the development of the city and its re sources should be present and par ticipate in the meeting and become enrolled in the work of the club. Heretofore all the work has devolved on a few of the workers of the club and they feel that the burden should be shared more equally by the per sons interested in the city welfare. CHARGES UNTERMYER WITH PRO-GERMANISM Washington, D. C, Jan. 2G. At torney General Palmer tonight charged Samuel Untermyer. New York attorney, with acting "in the German interest" and "with simply serving his old clients" in his cri ticisms of Mr. Palmer's conduct of the offices of alien property custodian and attorney general. The attorney presented his charges in a statement with quotations from a report takerfrom Captain Boy-Ed. former naval attache of the German embassy here, on his capture by the British in Palestine and from the diary of H. F. Albert, former chief of the privy council of the German embassy. The report of Captain Boy-Ed as made public by Mr. Palm er, referred to Mr. Untermyer as "the unpaid judicial and legal political adviser of the German embassy", while Dr. Albert is quoted as describ ing a meeting brought about for business reasons at Mr. Untermyer's estate at Greystone, along the Hud son river. SCHMARDER AND EDWARDS MAY BE MATCHED AGAIN An effort is being made by wrest ling fans for another contest between Billy Edwards of this city and Frank Schmarder of Louisville. These two men have met twice before and Ed wards won both contests but the fol lowers of the game from Cass county telieve their man can beat the local man and ar etrying to arrange a match to be held in this city some time next month. Those who wit nessed the bouts between these two men say th?y were the best ever held in this community. -Nebraska City Press. I Blank Books at the Journal Office. ANSWERS THE LAST ROLL CALJJONDAY C. M. CHERRY, CIVIL WAR VETER AN DIES AT HIS HOME IN WEEPING WATER. C. M. Cherry, a well known Civil War veteran, passed away at his home in Weeping Water, on Monday morning at 7:32, alter a lingering ill ness of several months. Mr. Cherry was in business in Weeping Wtaer. for a number of years and had gained many friends. The funeral was held at the Meth odist church at Weeping Water, to day (Thursday) at 10 o'clock a. m. Ti e services were conducted bv Rev. W. F. Haskins. assisted by Rev. W. H. Riley, of the Congregational church. The interment was at Mt. Pleasant cemetery in the familv lot. Charles Milton Cherry was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, on August 2. 1S42. At 'he age of eleven he removed with his parents to Green bush, la., where he grew to young manhood. At the age of seventeen he was converted and united with the Methodist church. t,n June 8th. IS til, he was enrolled in Lieut. Ir win's Company (G), 3rd. Iowa In fantry Volunteers, and served his country the full period of his en listment and received his honorable discharge at Davenport. Iowa, on June 18th, 1S04. In 1SC6 he came to the Mt. Pleasant neighborhood , of Cass county, Neb.', and went to work for Mr. Isaac Pollard, in whose em ploy he remained until September 30th. 1SCS. when he was united in marriage to Miss Lydia M. Burge. To this union three sons and four daughters were born. From 1S71 to 1SS9 he lived on a farm six miles east of Weeping Water and from the farm he moved into Weeping Wa ter where, with the exception of three years spent in western Nebraska, he resided until the day of his death. He died at his late home in our little city on the morning of January 24th. 1921. at the age of 78 years, 5 months and 22 days. Two of his daughters preceded him to the Great Beyond, lie is survived by his wife. Mrs. Ly dia Cherry, and fire children, namel: C. E. Cherry of Omaha; Mrs. J. J. Bill of Weeping Water; Mrs. B. F. Miller of Omaha; W. H. Cherry of Alliance, and P. F. Cherry of Weeping Water, nine grandchildren, nine great grand children, five sisters, four brothers, other relatives and many friends, who mourn his loss. Ail his children were at his bedside when he died except his son Will, who was called home on account of his wife's illness. Out of town relatives who attend ed the funeral were his brother, A. M. Cherry of Allerton, la.; a nephew, A. L. Howard and wife of York, Neb.; a niece, Mrs. .Rose Nelson; grandson. Albert Cherry, wife and son; his son C. E. Cherry, wife and son Harry; his daughter, Mrs. Ben Miller and husband all of Omaha. Pall bearers were the following, (all relatives): J. J. Bill. Ben Mil ler, Albert Cherry. Chas. Bill. Harry Zarp. Albert Howard. Grand Army comrades were honorary pall bearers. Weeping Water Republican. PROPOSE CHANGES IN SCHOOL LAWS Would Give County Superintendents Greater Leeway in County Institutes. Two measures have been intro duced at Lincoln by members of the house of representatives dealing with the school laws of the state and mak ing a number of changes in the pres ent laws that govern the regulation of the school system of the state. One measure introduced would change the regulation of the annual county institute by allowing it to be held at any time of year in the direc tion of the county superintendent and fixes the number of days session at from two to three. The proposed bill also provides that the school boards of the various districts shall allow the salaries of the teachers dur ing the time they are in attendance at these institutes. Representative Nutzman of Cass county has introduced a measure cov ering the withdrawal of persons liv ing in a consolidated district by pro viding that a majority of the school voters living in rural territory in cluded with a city or village consoli dated district, can detach such terri tory therefrom by filing a written re j quest w ith the county superintend j ent. RALLIES FROM OPERATION From Friday's Dally ! The reports reecived yesterday af ternoon from the bedside of Mrs. Paul Wohlfarth at the Immanuel hospital in Omaha, stated that the patient had come through her operation in fine shape and was thought to be doing as well as could possibly be expected so soon after the operation. The news of the excellent condition of Mrs. Wohlfarth will be very pleas ing to the host of friends in the city and they trust that she may continue to show improvement. RECEIVES PLEASANT NEWS. Hon. R. B. Windham of this city has just received announcement of the fact that he is for the eighth time a proud and happy grandparent, a fine little daughter having been born on Saturday, January 22nd. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenyoii Riddle, at Xenia. Ohio. Mr. Ridde was formerly Miss Kathryn Wind ham and the news of the happiness that has come to their home will be learned of with great pleasure by the host of friends in this city. SURPRISE SPRUNG IN CITY LEAGUE Eagles Win First Game of Season by Trimming the Heretofore In vincible Elks by 28 to 24. From Friday's Daily. The basket ball enthusiasts who attended the games at the high school auditorium last evening had one of the surprises of their lives when the Elks team which has heretofore led the league was defeated by the Ea gles, who have been holding down the cellar position and as a result of the battle the high school Reserves now top the teams in the number of victories won. The Eagles played a fast and furious game and Burkle of this team proved a whirlwind In se curing baskets for his organization. The final score was 28 to 24 in favor of the Eagles. The second game the Reserves stepped on the Morgan's by the score of 30 to 23 and the contest was one of the greatest interest although the Morgan's were handicapped by the smallness and quickness of their op ponents which did not allow a strong guard to be played against them as would have been possible with a larger team. SURPRISE MRS. WHITTIKER From Friday' Dally. Yesterday afternoon the ladies of the Christian church and a few in timate friends of Mrs. C. E. Whitti ker, gave that lady a most pleasant surprise at her home in the eouth part of the city. The members of the party met at the home of Mrs. John Sheldon and from there moved onto the Whittiker home and enter ing secured a complete surprise on their friend. Mrs. Whittiker has been confined to her home for the past few weeks by sickness and the visit of the members of the jolly party was one much enjoyed. The afternoon was spent in social conver sation and at an appropriate hour a very dainty luncheon was served that added to the delights of the oc casion and made the event one that will be long pleasantly remembered by the guest of honor and the mem bers of the party. FINE LITTLE DAUGHTER The friends in this city of Mrs. L. W. Whittaker. formerly Miss Flossie Bute, will be pleased to learn of the arrival at the Whittaker home in Akron, Ohio, of a fine little daugh ter, Helen Elizabeth. The event has brought untold joy to the members of the family and in their happiness they will have the best wishes of the friends here for the future wel fare of the little lady. FINE LITTLE DAUGHTER Fron Friday' Pall?. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Rabb, Jr.. was Tisited by the stork yesterday, who left in their care a fine little daughter, who. with the mother is doing nicely and Andy is feeling very much pleased over the addition that has come to the family circle. Prccont Auction SdIos Anticipate Better Business in 1921. It is a significant fact that all former periods of depression have both begun and ended in the spring and summer. 1921 gives indication of un usual prosperity in Plattsmouth and Cass county. When you plan your auction sale in anticipa tion of 1921 better business remember that here we will gladly furnish a clerk and handle all details with the same protection that we giva your deposits under Government supervision and the Federal Re serve system positive safety! the First national bank IArTSMOUTH SKETCH OF LIFE OF MRS. MARY MULICA Shcrt Biography of the Deceased Mother of Plattsmouth Ladies i Born in Illinois. The following is a short biograph ical fcketch of the late Mrs. Mary Mulicij. who ncetitly passed away at her home in Pacific Junction, ami who was well known to many of the Plattsmouth people, having visited here often at the homes of her daughters in this city; "Mary E. Muiicia. daughter of David and Elizabeth Bound, was bom in Elgin. 111.. Jan. 29, 1M7, and moved to Glen wood. Iowa, when a young eirl and lived there until th time of hr marriage to J. E. Mulica. January 1. 1SC7. They moved to the Mulica farm now known as the State farm one mile east of Pacific Junction, and lived there with the exception of a few years until Mr. Mulica's death sixteen years ago, at which time Mrs. Mulica moved to Pacific Junction, wber she resided until her death. To this union ten children were born. Charles E., of Creston, Iowa; Robert W.. Pocatella. Idaho; Emma Dalton, Plattsmouth; Isabel Parker, Plattsmouth; Lillie Stacey. Pacific Junction; James A.. Ames. Iowa; Jess, Cemeut. Oklahoma; Frank M.. Pacific Junction: George W. and Henry, now deceased. She leaves besides her children one win ter, Mrs. Lillie Russell, of Pacific Junction, and one brother. Clarence Stearns, of Plattsmouth; thirty-tive grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. "Her's was a home loving nature and she found her greatest happiness when surrounded by her children and families and always will the memory of Mother linger with sons and daughters as she welcomed them on their visits home. Mrs. Mulica had bt-en in poor health for the past six months and since Nov. 27 had not been able to leave her bed. Her last sickness wu borne with great fortitude and thru it all a smile greeted the watchem at her bedside and often she expressed her readiness to go." DELL TYSON LOSES A THUMB One day last week D. T. Tyson, who lives near Lincoln and who is a broth er of L. A. Tyson, had one of his thumbs so badly mangled wnile oper ating a buzz saw that the same had tr be amputated. In fact the entire hand was badly injured. This is a hard blow on Dell and will lay him up for some time. At present reports he is getting along as well as could be expected under the circumstance. Elmwood Leader-Echo. TO ATTEND WEDDING From Friday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon Misses Cath erine and Elizabeth Waddick depart ed for York, Nebraska, where they go to be guests at the wedding of Miss Minie Steveus. a former teach er in the Plattsmouth high school, whose marriage to Mr. Harry K. Coodrich occurs in that city this af ternoon at 2 o'clock. Miss Catherine Waddick will play the wedding march at the ceremony. The young ladies expect to remain over for a few days' visit at 'York with their friends. San Salvador. Republic of Halra dore, Jan. 25. Treatment of 397 pa tients suspected of having yellow fev er, with the serum developed by Dr. Hideyo Noguchi. the Japanese scien tist, has been started in Quatemala. it was said in a dispatch received here. Physicians are closely observ ing the result. f NEBRASKA.