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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 31, 1921)
MONDAY, JANUARY 31, PAGE FOUR PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL -4 Cbc plattsmouth journal r PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postofflce. Plattsmouth, Neb., as second-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE Listen girls, love maybe blind, but the neighbors are not.n; ; :o: ; It begins to look lika-New York's crime had a permanent .wave to It. :o: Love laughs at locksmtihs, but of late has been taking gunsmiths seriously. If women can elevate politics as well as they do their skirts, all will be well. -0:0 As an extra inducement, Uncle Sam ought to offer trading stamps for Income tax payment. :o: Perhaps Harding called off the inaugural ball because he does not know how to shimmy. :o: . Harding confesses that naming a cabinet is a hard Job. Warren's trou bles have Just commenced. :o: Customs wax and wans with the moons all except that of increasing the cost of government. :o: Lots of people are roaring for more money, but you hear mighty few peo ple roaring for more work. 0:0 Every soldier attached to the Amer ican forces in Germany is a member of the American Red Cross. The kinds of tea imported the last fiscal year were as follows:''" Green, 34.756,779 lbs.; Oolong, 15,390.546 lbs.; Black. 46,715.530 lbs. Total, 96.S62.S58 lbs. ' :o: A European critic says Americans eat too much and drink too little. That's the fault of the Volstead act, old chappie, and not because of our desires in the matter at all. :o:- -:o:- The largest rifle range in the world Is at Valcarter camp, Quebec. It is three and one-eighth miles long. :o: M. Briand is finding that the man ufacture of a French cabinet is not what It used to be before the war. :o; Under a military law commanding officers In the French army have the right to perform marriage ceremon ies. :o: More than 11,000 bodies of Ameri can soldiers have been returned to this country and delivered to rela tives. 0:0 - The exclamation "Oh, dear me," is a corruption of "Oh, deus meus," and equivalent to the French "Oh, mon dieu." A learned scientist says blonds are notably irritable in the day time. But nothing to compare with their irritability in the night time when a "date" fails to show up. :o: Under the provision of the United States Warehouse Act," the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to license warehouses for the storage of cotton, grain, flax seed, wool, and tobacco. :o: Girls used to be anxious for the day when they could wear long skirts. Now they wonder whether thye will' be able to wear them as short as mother's without blushing. :o: A Tennessee constable was held up the other night and robbed of his watch and 710 in cash. He was darned lucky in leaving his gun at home, or the robber might have tak en that also. -:o:- :c:- The rejections of tea offered for import were smaller for the last fiscal year than for any of the seven preced ing years. :o: Desertions in the American army now average 1.27 per cent as com pared with the pre-war average of 4 per cent. :o: The Nebraska college of agricul ture carried off the lion's share of the prizes at the national live stock show at Denver. :o: There is said to be more coal in the country than is really needed, but it is hard to convince the dealer that such is the case. 0:0 The movement to make liberty bonds worth 100 per cent has the best wishes of the citizens who are still holding these securities. Senator Harding says that with the advice of the best minds of the country "we cannot go wrong." That man has a lot of confidence. "Only One Thing Breaks My Cold" That's Dr. King's New Dis covery, for Fifty Years a Cold-Breaker" T HUE-TRIED for fifty years and never more popular than today. Nothing but the relief it gives from stubborn old colds, and on-rushing new ones, grippe, and throat-torttirinsj coughs could have mq,l Dr. King's New Discovery the standard rcmedyit is today. No harmful drucjs. Always reliable, an gwd for the whole family. Has a convincing, hear ing taste with all its good medicinal qualities. At all druggists, 60 cents, $1.20 a bottle. - Far colds andcoughs BrJSmgs ISTew Discovery Jake Coxey, head of the new Cox ey's army, has a date for a conference with President-elect Harding. Prob ably he wants Harding to furnish the equipment for the new march to Washington. :o: Having already bobbed the skirts at the bottom and the waist at the top the dear things are now bobbing their hair. Go to it, girls, the more you take off the more dressed up you are, anyhow. :o: - Middle western states, particular ly South Dakota, Michigan, Colorado, Minnesota, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, and Wisconsin, are fast coming to the front in road development. 0:0 Just because there are big move ments of workmen away from cities like Detroit, doesn't mean that the boys are going back to the farm. Just yet. They likely will take a lot of looks around in other towns first. The United States army has 1,171 aviators. :o: The ferret is a democratic variety of the polecat. :o: Gallstones occur most frequently in advanced life. 0:0 There are still living, 148 surviv ors of the Mexican war. :o: Tame snakes are used in Morocco to clear houses of rats and mice. :o: Galveston has the largest and deepest harbor on the Gulf coast. :o: Admiral Farragut served in the United States navy for 60 years. :o: Socrates paid but little heed to the scolding of his wife Xantippe. 0:0 Death comes but once, but if you have property the taxes come yearly. :o: Some fqlks act as if they were at tending a continuous funeral service. 0:0 Sacramento, Cal., has suffered se verely, twice from fire and twice from floods. 0:0 The International Typographical Union has a membership of nearly 65,000. :o: Absinthe, while most used in France, is made principally in Swit zerland. :o: The invention of beer is ascribed to Gambrinus, a mythical king of Flanders. WABASH HAPPENINGS Clifford Brown was a passenger to Omaha Friday morning and returned Monday evening. Mr. W. S. Hardway was-a Lincoln passenger Saturday morning. Guy Hinds was a Weeping Water passenger Friday. A couple of the young men enter tained their girl friends at the hotel Saturday evening BEGIN INQUIRY INTO KIDNAPPING ATTEMPT Premier of Baden Declares Draft Dodger and His Chauffeur Are Naturalized German Citizens Uerlin, Jan. 28. The foreign of lice has begun an investigation into the attempt of two Americans - Charles Ncaf of Baltimore, and Frank Zimmer of Denver to seize Grover The evening was Cleveland Bergdoll. rich American rpent in playing cards. draft dodger, at Eberbach and the Mrs. A. M. Van kvery spent a ! affair threatens to become an inter week or so at the home of her son and ! national incident. Officials of the family, Mr. and Mrs. Will Van Every. I foreign office said today, however, Thursday morning she left for Ne- j that they sought more definite infor- hawka, where she stayed until Sun- mation before taking action. day evening with her daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Jacobson. Word was reecived that Miss Lois Hess is improving. She is staying with her niece, Mrs. May Maires of Elmwood. According to a Heidelburg dispatch to the Frankfurter Zeitung, Zimmer declared that he and his companion acted upon orders of the American commander at Coblenz, headquarters of the American zone of occupation on Mrs. William Brown was operated ! the Rhine, and possessed papers al on for appendicitis Tuesday. She is leged to have been issued by the Ger- getting along as well as can be ex pected. Mrs. Porter of Minnesota, Is visit- man authorities at Coblenz. It had previously been reported that the men acted on their own responsibil ing at the home of her brother and ity, seeking to secure the $60,000 family, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Earls. reward offered for Bergdoll. -:o: France now ha sa standing army consisting of 40.5SO officers and S-fO.700 men. :o: For one. month every year Moham- medons fast by day but,' satisfy their wants by night. 0:0 The ancient art of polishing a whisky glass is among the things that have been lost. :o: No wonder there are so many blonds in Plattsmouth. Did you ever count the drug stores? :o: When a man is in too great a hur ry to acquire wisdom he is apt to make a fool of himself. -0:0- :o:- Members of parliament are com plaining that the English. poet laur eate Isn't writing any poetry. If parliament possessed a rpark of the optimism of most American legisla tures it would pass an act compell ing the laureate's muse t: get busy. :o: The largest high school basketball tournament will be held in Lincoln, Neb., March 10, 11 and 12, when over two thousand high school ath letes are expected to gather to decide the basketball championships for 1912. :o: If trousers were beautiful, women would have donned them long ago. nl spite of aesthetic failings, they must have uses. No Filippino re- It is easy to induce the world to laugh with you; all you have to do is to laugh at yourself. :o: Yes, Herman, insanity is said to be akin to live but a man in love doesn't care if he is crazy. :o: Iis the habit of the bees to place their honey in the coolest place in the hive and the young insects in the warmest. tc. ' A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold. Pro verbs XXII, 1. 0:0 If Bam Gompers gets home from Mexico without being held for ran som mebbe we can afford to recognize the new Mexican government. Edward Jones of Columbus, is vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs Chas. Earls. Mrs. II. II. Gerbeling. daughters Ella and Alice, and son Glenn, were Elmwood passengers Monday morn ing. L. R. Stanley and P. T. Otte are on the sick list this week. Al Lerning of Elmwood, is here with his brother Joe, who Is on the sick list. A number of the school children are out of school on account of the smallpox, others on account of the vaccination for the smallpox, others on account of the scare of the small pox, and others on account of the measles. Miss Ella Gerbeling is staying in Elmwood on account of the roads being so bad that she can't go in the car. Walter Lane is getting along Just fine. He is able to be up and around. ! EAGLE I Beacon -:o:- With the departure of the Fresi- Earl Judkins of Crete arrived in Eagle the latter part of last week for visit with his brother, B. F. Judkins. He is one of the old timers of Eagle, having built one of the first business houses, a restaurant and confection ery where the cafe now stands. Hon. H. K. Frantz was out from Lincoln over Saturday and Sunday. He has a full-sizVd man's Job in the legislature this term, one of his heavy committee Jobs being the re-districting of the state, not only for con gressmen, but for the legislature and judiciary. An enjoyable family gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Lanning on Sunday, Jan. 23, the occasion being their 20th wedding anniversary. Mrs. Lanning served a sumptuous six o'clock dinner in her usual pleasant manner. Those pres ent were Mr. and Mrs. Guy Wemple, Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Schultz and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Lanning, Mr. and Mrs. F Lanning, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Read and Mr. Floyd Bunten. On account of sickness several of the guests were unable to attend. The evening was spent with music and visiting. At a late hour the guests departed, leaving a small token of appreciation and wishing Mr. and Mrs. Lanning many happy returns of the day. Fred Spahnle and Henry Ewerth returned Tuesday from Nuckols Premier Remele, of Baden, an swering interpellations in the Haden diet regarding the attempt to kidnap Bergdoll and his chauffeur, Eugene Steecher, said: "This showed Germany's helpless ness and what affronts foreign pow ers can permit themselves to offer the German people without risks and wtihout making reparation. These two Americans (Bergdoll and Steo- cher) became naturalized German citizens. The assailants were all armed and carried chloroform and handcuffs. All six of the men in the party (two Americans and four Ger man companions) have been jailed The public prosecutor has taken a hand in the affair and the foreign office at Berlin has been notified of the circumstances." All the facts are not yet clear :n the opinion of foreign office officiaia. It is pointed out. however, that the situation would be a very difficult one, even if the facts as first reported are true. Technically a state of war still exists between Germany and the United States for America has not yet ratified the treaty of Versailles. Offi cials pointed out that "American ag gressions" on German soil, under the present circumstances would create a complicated international legal situation. CONDEMN HIGH PRIC ED STOCK FOODS Prominent Hog Raiser Says Prices Charged Are Unwarranted Makes His Own Hog Food, With Better Results. "That he is all through paying fancy prices for ttock foods and hog remedies and that he is raising some of the best hogs ever placed on the market" was the statement made re cently 'by E. H. Beckstead, well known hog raiser and authority on live stock Mr. Beckstead's hogs are the envy of his neighbors, and have "topped the market" for several years in Iowa. He states that for years he bought high-priced hog foods and hog remedies, but he is all through pay ing extravagant prices for what he can made himself. He states that what the hogs need are minerals, and LECiAL NOTICE NOTICE TO ICON-RESIDENT DEFEN-D-VNTS. THEIR HEIRS, LEGATEES. DEVISEES, PERSONAL, REPRESEN TATIVES AND ALL. OTHER PER SONS INTERESTED IN THEIR ESTATES. To Joseph McCreary, if living, if de ceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives ana all other persons interested in his es tate: Oran S. Thompson, if living, if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives ana all other persons ' interested in Ins estate; Washington Deckins. if living, if deceased, his unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested In hw estate: Washington M. Dickens, if liv ing. If deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representa tives and all other persons interested in his estate; Geor e Iiowe, if living, if deceased, his unknown heirs, deyw sees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in his estate; the unknown heirs, devisees lXZ S nSe. haVe o interest, right, estate or 11 Notice to Non-Resident Defends their Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, IP sonal Representatives, and all tB persons interested in their estate. To the unknown heirs, devisees, le tees, personal representatives an . other persons interested in the eatl of Lydia A. Brown, formerly Lydia Barrow; the unknown heirs, devia legatees, personal representatives all other persons Interested In tha i tate of Ainor Britton. formerly Alj Barrow; and all persons claiming! interest of any kind in the South hi of the Northwest quarter of Sejt thirty (30). Township ten (10), Npi Range fourteen (14), East of the f P..M., Cass county. Nebraska: f ? You and each of you are her notified that George L. Hathaway 1 Albert K. Hathaway, as plaintiff's. ' the 12th day of January, 1921, W their petition In the District Court; Cass county, Nebraska, wherein hr and each of you are defendants, I object and prayer of which are tl you and each of you, and all perio claiming by, through or under you a versely to plaintiffs, be aajuageai fate of William Stadelman. aeceaseu. Tot onR n in Block two c2) in Start- el man's Addition to the City of Platts mouth. Nebraska. and all persons ,.! ir,ini- anv Interest of anv kind in uih -.ifitt- or anv oart thereof: You and each of you are hereby notified n'ninrlfY. on . .... . . i I... 1 t, (j an1 !21, tiled Ills petition in me uisun i i , ?ourt of Cass county, Nebraska, where- I with their In or tO' The South half of the Nort west quarter (S4 NW4) of See tlon thirty (30), Township tc (10), North Range fourteen (14J East of the 6th I. M.. in Caa county, Nebraska William II Maonn as I or ny umi ui irouiuu uinrui, llicll ........... . f T II. i.a . air nf Tannarv. uiai me iiimiiiius vit-uiso xj. iia l.r-l, linn in.-. ... . I I i.v- . 1. . I . l. 1 Cwri i,r Cass inimlv. Nebraska, wnere- n" "" k In vim nnH each of vou are defendants, nave uern in vn nc (lurasiu nrnvor of which oeti- said land for more than ten years .i,. .. o,.i nr vnn and I title to said real estate be for IM'II dir mai ' ' ' "ii" v. m- " l . , , , , . T . . , all persons claiming by, tlirougn or 'luitm in c ,.nw von n.Uerselv to ulaintiff. be and Albert E. Hathaway, as agafl adjudged to have no Interest, right, you and each of you. and that . estate or lien In or to Lot one (1) in and all of said defendants named, ft Block two (2) in Stadelman s Addition I pasi. ani mai ine imai uue mew to the Citv of Plattsmouth. Cass coun- oecome ruuy vesiea in eorg v vuLraika or anv nart or nortion Hathaway and Albert E. Hathavn thereof, and that the plaintiff Wliliam notwithstanding the claims of you. 1 1 Mason, together with his grantors eacn 01 you, or any one claiming be adjudged to have been In the adverse tnrougn or unuer you, ana mat i.osKossion of said land for more than those whose names are unknown tnn'vpars last cast, and that the legal not stated. be forever barred itie thereto became fully vested In claiming or asserting any right, wiiiinm n M.ison. notwithstanding the interest or estate in and to said claims of vou and each of vou. or any I estate, or any part thereof, and on r-inimintr hv. throuirh or under you. I such other and further relief as to nn.l that the title to said real estate I court may seem just and equitable ,a forever ouieted in said William H.I You and each of you are furt Mason, as against vou and each of you, I notified you are required to ans and that each and all of Baid defen-lsaid petition on or before Monday, iiant. and those whose names are un- 28th day of February, 1921. k-nown ami not statea. ne iorever nar-i urAmun i. red from claiming or asserting any I ALBtRT K. 11ATHAW A i riirht. title, interest or estate in or to I Plaint! saiil real estate, or anv nart thereof. I C. A. KAWLS, and for such other and further relief I J 1 -4 w. Attorney for Piaintl as to tne court may seem juai unu eoiiitable. Vou and eacli or you are runner notified to answer said petition on or bt'fHre Monday, the 11th day of March, A. D. vri WILLIAM H.MASON. Plaintiff. C. A. j.l-,w. KAWLS, Attorney. C00LEDGE AT FEDERAL PRISON. NOTICK TO CHKDITORS The State of Nebraska, Cass co ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Ed . Cook, deceased. To the creditors of said estat You are hereby notified that I sit at the County Court room in Plal mouth, in said county, on the 23rd of February, A. D. 1921, and on 24th day of May, A. D. 1921. at o'clock a. m. each day, to receive examine all claims against said es w a P ) ciocx a. m. eacu nay, to receive a 'xamlne all claims against said esta vith-a view to their adjustment f illowance. The time limited for I iresentation of claims against Atlanta, Ga., Jan. 28. Vice Pres ident-elect Coolidge spent two hours in prison today. He was the guest nf thp warden nf the federal Deniten- estate is three months from the U'ary and was accompanied by Mrs. ?r T?' riV Z?Z Coolidge and Governors Dorsey ofone Vear from said 23rd day of Fei Georgia and Parker of Louisiana. He ary. 1921. aja nr toiii- with Qnv nf tho nrienn. I witness my nana ana tne sea "1" ",V,"" :Vf-".:r 'I;;" aid County Court, this 0th da trs, merely uiaiuug me luuuua ui iuc 1 January, 1921 big prison. Mr. and Mrs. Coolidge, who are at tending the southern tariff congress. were guests at a reception today and were entertained tonight at the Cap ital City club. The vice-president elect tomorrow night will deliver an nddress at a neffro church, where! Leo Moore; Charles R. Moore; It hp will be introduced bv Governor Gray ,3evins: Joseph Gray; Grace Or lie win De lniroaucea oy governor Jolm Gray: Zenobia Gray Yott ljuizk), uu aimuscu me uiuiib Krances uray; Bernlce liray and ja j2i-4w. n ALLEN J. BEESONJ County Judf NOTICK To the unknown heirs, deviit legatees and personal representatt; of Susanah Drake, deceased, eml'i other persons interested In the et of said Susanah Drake, deceased: If at the request of a committee of ne groes. KE BOOSTED BETTER BABIES LEAGUE WON LADIES' HEARTS Gray, heirs of John K. Moore, decen and the unknown heirs, devisees, 1 tees and personal representati verfj said John K. Moore, decea other persons interested i cf said John E. Moore, dec the following described lands si in Cass county, Nebraska, to-wit Southwest quarter (SW) of Southwest quarter (SW4) and Kast hair (E'a) of the Kouth quarter (SW4 of Section twenty (24). and the Northwest qu (NW'4) and the West half (W ased; an in the ei eceased; f lands siti Lawyer Leary wasted no love on milk. The only "case" he had in his office proved that. But he spurned a bribe from the wicked Milk Trust; was waylaid the Northeast quarter (NEU) and robber "vamped" by a wild woman Isoutheast quarter (SEi of the N(i rhaspd hv rrnnlfB and pntis rented eas quarter lisiv." ) or section iw the whole kaboodle, and kept the world's first breakfast food pure, be You'll want to see and laugh for five (25), all in Township eleven North of Kange thirteen (13). Ea the 6th Principal Meridian; and persons claiming any interest of kind in said real estate or any thereof. Defendants: You. and each of you, are he dent-elect the Journal believes that county, where they have been for three weeks husking corn. Fred said Marion, O., will now have an oppor tunity to learn what normalcy really is. :o: Another member of the shipping board has retired. Sometimes it seems as though the shipping board wasn't liked, though goodness knows why. :o: "A California woman, who is too j timid to mention her name reminded veiling in his unadorned freedom. I "3 that it's a tall little boy who can The Results of Constipation are sick headaches, biliousness, sallov.' skin, waste matter in the intestinal aystem. Correct this health-undermining condition by taking Dr. King's PiUs. Feel good every day. Keer, the system clean and virile. Same old price, 25 cents. ' All druggists. , Prompt Won't Grip Sri IKII a can strkike a match on his bare skin. When he goes shopping with his wife, she must miss the lack of containers for purchases. :a: Why do girls leave home? We can account for at least one. A Texa3 farm girl, being poor and lonely, left the farm and went to Chicago to fol low highway robbery. She played the leading part in 50 hold-ups it. 60 days. She found this more profit able than milking cows and waiting for the old hen to "come off." o:o The Economic and Financial Com mittee has decided that there is no special necessity for calling an In ternational Conference during 1921 to deal solely with the financial or ganization to be .established by the league, but has not yet decided whether a conference proved a budget of 50,000 pounds for its own ex penses during 1321. hand on a-days." his mother's skirts now- he had the time of his life, and the bunch out there are some "go-get ters." Mark Frahm, one of the char acters of the community, is a most comical duffer and causes one to laugh so heartily he can hardly eat a square meal maybe this is his sys tem. He is the strong man of the county and often uses his remarkable strength to good advantage on the farm. Mark has a brother they call Doc wno was supposed to De a preacher, but Fred insists he is too crooked. The other brothers, George, Charlie and Jake, in fact the whole bnnch are good fellows, even the ReS-Headed Dane. -:o: "Thi3 hero stuff is all bunk," says Lieutenant Kloor to the press in re torting on the balloon misadventure in the polar bear country. Kloor is not a bit sentimental. :o: The government has announced a kid glove policy of dealing with for eign reds, radicals, and rioting. The department of labor might make it even more uncomfortable for the foreign brethren who are trying to destroy a government they didn't build and start distention in a land that doesn't need the fuzzy face, un washed riff raff of Europe to run it and give them their breakfast in bed each morning, let 'em sleep between silk sheets, and hire a hall in which to cuss your Uncle Sammy. GO NOJARTHER! The Evidence is at Your Door DATE OF SALE. Plattsmouth proof is what you want and the statement of this high ly respected resident will banish all doubt. A. J. McFarland, 306 Third St.. Plattsmouth. says: "Several years ago I was doing some heavy lifting which strained my back and kidney3. This put me in such Bhape I had to walk with a cane for a number of weeks and I couldn't straighten. It felt as though there was a heavy weight across my back that was Just holding me down. I couldn't sleep nights and it felt as though I had been stuck in the back with a sharp knife. My kidneys acted irregularly and the secretions were highly color ed and burned in' passage. I was told to try Doan's Kidney Pills and after the first box my condition was much Improved. I put my cane away and was able to walk straight. I used four boxes from Fricke & Co'8. drug store and they made a cure that has lasted ten years. My back and kidneys have never both ered me since, and I believe Doan'n will do the same for other people if they will give them a fair trial." 60c. at all dealers. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. "The printed, announcement of the holding of the Engclkemeier Broth ers hog sale which has appeared In the Journal has been in error as this big sale will be held on Saturday, February 5th, instead of the 15th as had been announced previously. Those who are contemplating attend ing this fine sale of thoroughbred hogs should note the change in the date and make their arrangements accordingly. Remember the sale oc curs on Saturday, February 5th. THE AIRMAIL. President Wilson transmitted tto congress with his concurrence a re port from the National Advisory Com mittee accompanied by only a brief letter asked for continuance of the air mail service which the house re cently voted against on the ground that it provided a "necessary means for the development, of the civil air craft activities of the nation." The air mail service, the report as serted, had demonstrated the practi cability of heavier than air planes for civil as well as for military uses. The value of "the service, the report added, might not be apparent In the terms of dollars and cents but would be easily seen should the nation again be called upon to mobilize its air forces. yourself! A howling five-act comedy r V, fr.,-e J , ,' 1 bv America's greatest humorist Irvin notified that on the 17th day of j tells the secret of his wonderful sue- y "?!rica s reaiesi numonst, irvin pollock Parmele and II cess by explaining that he takes about I li'armeie Dovey as piaintirrs nied fli-A rnrwic- f ,v,s..u.,n I ipenuon in me wisirici uourt or V;X5 r r.r ::"?:. ! SHERMAN WOULD BOOST county. Nebraska, against you and (nuaii la iuic tuuicuiiaicu Mjueiajai or vou and William t Rioore a 81 and cost only a couple of dollars) and 1 DAJLvLLb N UAiLNXil Ifendants. the object and prayer of mixes same with enough bran or pot tion Deing to quiet ine tine o ' l l n alnt fr In and T r f ha raa I uiier to make a nunurea pounas. ah i wasningion, u. Jan. zb. oena- alinv Heserihd and that th nogs, ana especially nroou sows re- Iter Sherman, republican. Illinois, wno idants in said cause may be decre quire minerals as they keep them free retires March 3, holds that cabinet have no estate, tine, claim or int from worms, and in the pink of con- I officers and members of congress can't dition, and are essential to the hogs I live comfortably on their salaries of growth and a well balanced ration. $12,000 and $7,500 respectively. He This inexpensive mixture placed in I introduced a bill today to increase a sheltered box where the hogs ca jthe pay to $15,000 and $12,000. get at it as they need it, will produce I ' .. far better results than.iany high I UIIU fl I. Send two dollars to The Mineraline Chemical Co., 1638 North Wells St., I have two lots with a good seven of any kind or nature in or to real estate or any part thereof. that the defendants in said causal each of them may be iorever b; and enjoined from having or clai any right, title, estate or intere or to said estate or anv thereof, and for such other rell may be just ana equitable, lou and each or you are reoulr answer said petition on or befor 7th day of March, 1921. I'OLLOCK PAIiUKLE an UALLIE PAKMELK DOV Chicago, 111., and the ywill forward I room house, with good basement forlj$v Morsman Maxwell & likggar . 1 : .1 1 . 1, I i .. t l .i ; l I ... mineraline to make a full hundred I Has some fruit trees and is only onei24"4w- pounds. (Adv.) I block from High school in good sec- notick to fHKiiiTim I tion cf city. I The State of Nebraska. Cass j CHANGES IN PARDONS AND, PAROLES MEASURE I also have several other places in I bii Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 28. The fol lowing are some of the more im portant changes in the pardons and paroles law and the indeterminate sentence law made in the new bill prepared by Attorney General Davis at the request of the joint senate and house committee. The board, composed of the gov- Plattsmouth for sale that run from one lot up to 12 acres. See GEORGE M. HILD. Phones: Office, 265; residence, 487. FILES SUIT TO QUIET TITLE. An action entitled William H. Ma- on vs. Joseph McCreary, et al, has been filed in the office of the clerk of the district court and in which In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of If Hirz, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified, that T sit at the County Court room In rl. mouth, in said county, on the 7th of March. 1921. and on the 8th ri June, 1921, at 10 o'clock a. m.. of day, to receive and examine all cl against said estate, with a vie their adjustment and allowance, time limited for the presontatior claims against said estate is t months from the 7th dav of Mi A. D. 1921. and the time limited ernor, the attorney general and the I the plaintiff asks that title to certain payment of debts is one year from real estate now owned by him, be quieted. Attorney C. A. Rawls ap pears for the plaintiff. 7th day of March, 1921. Witness my hand and the ki said County Court this 29th da January, t)i. WILL TEST CATTLE (Seal) j31-4w ALLlSJf J. BKKSON, -County Jtid CHAS. E. MAliTlN. Attorc Dr. O. Sandin will be at the Man- speaker livery barn in Plattsmouth, commencing Monday, to make tests secretary of state is to have supreme power. All applications for paroles must bo made in writing on forms desig nated by law and no other written or verbal application is allowed. All hearings shall be open to the public. Any person may testify before the board under oath. Five days' notice must be publish ed of all meetings and a copy of the notice must he served on the sentenc- ng Judge, the county attorney and the sheriff. A reporter shall keep a verbatim record of all proceedings and hear ings. 'II am offering some fine Rhode The indeterminate sentence law is I Island cockrels, this year's -tock, repealed except as regards first of fenders. To these it may be applied or may not at the discretion of the I II:T.! a" notice of the a .. w V I (irill't III If- I IT 1 k nl 1 . - . . v auu OHDER OP HKAHING on Petition for Appointment Administrator. of cows that are used for diary pur-j. .The State' of Nebraska, Cass juowo. iiuj yj iivi ucoii & Ivolg Ul kilt? may call Dr. Sandin at phone 388 or 255. tf-daw. In the County Court In the matter of the estate ,r it . llllt J . W l aimer, nereasea. On reading and filing the petit i Rhode Island Reds Tor Sale. Albert II. Miller, prayin that, a.d Istration of said estate mav be grl to Uatio Taylor, as administrator!. Ordered. That Fehrnnrv- vu I 1921. at 10 o'clock a. in., is assignd hearing said petition, when all pel wwuu ujkAtctB, iuis year s "fciocs. I 1 " pemion, wnen all pel Miss Etta Nickles. Murray phone 'teJve,?A? matter may a 1811 ,f ,,w a t-ounty. Court .to be held in 11 rss-W.lfor said-county, and i show cause! the prayer of petitioner should n Bead the Journal want-ads. Judge, and the judge may fix the minimum and maximum time any where within the limits prescribed by the law. The board has the power to ap point probation officers who shall have the same powers over the state as the sheriffs of counties. W. A. ROBERTSON ! Coates Block Second Floor 4. EAST Or RILEY HOTEL ing thereof l.e given to all persori ii:itrit-u iu kuiu mailer iv mi . i a copy of this order In the I'lattsii journal. a. semi-weeKly newi printed In said countv. for thrJ eessive weeks, pritfr to said Dated January 27th. 1921 ALLKV -T Ul-w J?l-3w County Jut