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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 9, 1920)
it 1 1. THURSDAY. DECEMBER 9, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE ITVE .1 Union DoparHnmeiniil Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. Dr. Swab was visiting with friend in Omaha the latter part of last week. Jess Chambers of Murray, was a visitor in Union last Monday for a few hours looking after some busi ness matters. Kemper Frans. who is employed at the county seat was a week end vis itor in Uaion. a guest at the home of his mother. Glen Kline was a visitor at Ran dolph. Iowa, for a short time, staying over Sunday, where he was the guest of a very dear friend. Fred G. Epenberger of Plattsmouth was a visitor in Union last Thursday and while here was looking after some matters regarding the insurance line in which he is engaged. Dan Lynn looking to the future even if it is the near future, has a large pile of wood sawed and ready for the warming of the home when the winter sets in in earnest. Ellis LaRue was a visitor over Sunday at home, spending the time with the folks and returned to his work at the Burlington shops at Flattsmouth last Monday morning. Mrs. Fred Kline departed last Sun day for her former home in Illinois, where she will, visit with the folks for a short time. .Fred accompanied Mrs. Kline as far as Omaha to assists her in making changes in the trains. Mr. Kline also while in the metropolis locked after some business in con nection with the telephone company. Miss Mary E. Foster, who is with the Omaha schools, having the man agement of then vocational training and where she has a position of much responsibility, was a visitor at the home of her rarents. Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Foster of Union, spending the week end with the folks and return ing to her duties at Omaha last Monday morning. H. H. Decker, who has been at Dunbar for the past week, where he went for a visit and as the weather was such that he could not do much remained for the week and returned home last Monday morning. He im mediately got busy in the trucking of two loads of hogs to the Nebraska City market, one for Simon Grueber ar.d the other for Byron Wolff. A. H. Austin, who has been at Lin coln fc.r the past month, where he h is been staying at the home of his d.iiigh'er and while there has been having some work done on his teeth which has ben giving considerable trouble for some time past. He re turned home last Sunday morning ar.d is feeling pretty poorly on ac count of the suffering which the bad teeth have been giving him. Clarence Armstrong, who has been so very sick at his home for the past week or ten days and of whose recov ery there was some fears for a while, is reported as being some better, and hf.pes are entertained that he may be Me to recover, with careful nurs ing and medical care, both of which is getting. Dr. Barritt is looking aftf r the rase and Miss Gussie Kobb is ciuirur the nursing, and the young jnaii is receiving the best of care in both re.-pc.-cts. Yours for Best Service! The Reo truck is built for service, being sturdy, powerful, and having the action necessary for the dis patch of business. Come in and we will be pleased to demonstrate the wagon to you. We also handle Reo cars, Goodyear cord tires. Ac cessories of all kinds and Ford Repairs. The Willis Garage, UNION The Community Bookkeeper Did you ever appreciate that this bank keeps books for hundreds of the people of this community? You deposit your money and it is credited to your account. You pay your bills by check and they are charged to . your account. At the end of the month you have a complete record of your re ceipts and expenditures and a statement of your balance. This is one of the hundred ways in which this bank renders you an important service. It saves you time; it saves you money; it saves you inconvenience. A strong bank is an indispensable as set to every community. The present banking system of the State of Nebraska and of the United States of America is the best in the world. Consult our officers in regard to your banking needs. UaraCt off Ugddoct UNION NEBRASKA Charles Hoback and -wife, with their little child, were visiting at the home of Grandfather and Grandmoth er Taylor last Friday. Mrs. Mont Robb and daughter, Miss Gussie, were at Murray last Sat urday, .where they were attending the bazaar which was given by the Presbyterian church of that place. John Liggett, with the assistance of Dan Lynn and Wise Woodard, was busily engaged last Monday, sawing up a large pile of wood for the use at the home the coming year. Misses Verna Harris and Edith Frans. who are the clever and cap able bookkeepers in the Sheldon Man ufacturing company's office at Ne hawka, were guests with the home folks last Sunday. Rev. W. A. Taylor and wife, Dan Lynn and wife, and Mr. and Mrs. John Liggett, were all visiting for Sunday afternoon at the home of Joseph Liggett, who has not been feeling the best for some time past. Joseph Liggett, who has been kept at his home for the past week or two with an attack of bronchitis, was feeling better during the past week, but during the fore part of this week was not feeling so well. Mrs. Rachel Pell, who has been visiting for the past two weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. Jacob Opp and other relatives at that place, returned home last Monday morning, having had a most enjoyable time while there. Edgar Morton received his new Hart-Parr tractor last Saturday and drove it over from "Weeping Water and will used it for the heavy work which he has to do. The Hart-Parr is one of the best and is handled by the Burbee brothers of Union. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Merritt were visiting at Plattsmouth last Sunday, where they were the guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lewis, parents of Mrs. Merritt and at the home of Wayne Lewis, who is a brother of Mrs. Merritt. Delbert Irwin and wife were call ed to Nebraska City last Monday on account of the death of an aunt of Mr. Irwin, who had made her home at Nebraska City and, whose funeral was held there on Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Taylor were in Council Bluffs last Sunday, going to visit with their son Elza Taylor, who is receiving treatment at the Jennie Edminsten hospital at that place. W. G. Cheney, who has been con fined to his home near Union for the past week or more with appendicitis and who has been attended by Dr. Barrett, is reported as being consid erable better and with prospects of continued improvement. Miss Mary Becker, who has been kept at home for some time, where she has been assisting during the illness of her mother in caring for her. With the return of the health of the mother, she returned to her work in the store last Saturday, look ing after the sales at the store. Miss Mary is a very clever saleslady and can well handle the work. NEBRASKA 1. W. Crawford the carpenter, and Ira Clark, were both veyr busily en gaged last Tuesday in the construc tion of a coal house for the barber shop. Mont Robb, who is traveling on the road, was feeling so bad when he came in last Saturday, that he did not return to work for the first few days of the week. T. H. McCarthy has been num bered as one of those on the sick list, but has continued to get down to the elevator and look after the busi ness just the same. Earl W. Keedy and wife were vis iting in Omaha for a short time Sun day evening, going up on the early train and returning home on the train at midnight. Mrs. James F. Wilson is reported as not feeling the best and while not down in bed has been a long way from enjoying the best of health. It is hoped she will soon have her ac customed health again. m Miss Rachel Pell, daughter of Jesse Pell and wife, has been kept from school during the past week by ill ness, but is reported as being some improved, and it is hoped that she will have recovered her health in a short time. Lemiel Barrett was a visitor in Un ion over Sunday, coming to spend the day with his parents. He re turned to Lincoln on the evening train Sunday, where he is attending the state university. He is a hard worker and is making some excellent regards in his studies. Operator McCowen, who works at the Missouri Pacific station, while an excellent railroad man, sees an oppor- unity to make an extra dollar when not on his regular task and is looking after the dray business during the day. He is a hustler and is making good at both lines of work. A. L. Schumaker is having a very substantial hog barn constructed which is beng built of brick tile. and is to be 38 by 60 feet in dimen- ions. W. H. Porter and a mason from Omaha are doing the mason work, while the Frans Brothers Lum ber company, who are very popular umber and building material dealers. are furnishing the material. A. J. McNatt and two sons were n town for a short time last Monday morning looking after some business and also renewing acquaintances. Mr. C. J. McNatt. the eldest son. is just at this time visiting here from Den ver, where he is stationed by the gov ernment where he is being treated for his lungs which were affected while in the service by being gassed. He is slowly recovering but the gov ernment thinks he is not sufficiently over the injury to be allowed to re turn to work. . . Will Have New Bridge. Last Monday the county commis sioners. J. A. Pitz of Plattsmouth, Wm. Atchison of Elmwood and C. F. Harris of Union, accompanied by C. F. Vallery, the highway-commission er, were inspecting the site and look- ng after some work that was being done on the new bridge which is to span the Weeping Water creek some four miles southeast of Union. The work is being done by the Monarch Engineering company, under the di rection of O. W. Kinney as foreman. Making Some Special Low Prices. In order to aid in the readjust ment of business which has been going on from the peak of the high prices during and following the war. to the pre-war standards, Joe Ban ning, the hustling furniture and im plement man is making some very deep cuts in prices and while the holiday season is here he is offering some very substantial goods which at the same time make elegant pres ents and furnished servable and last ing necessary household articles as well. Step around and see what he has to offer and at prices which will surprise you. Things Are Looking Better. The smile came back to the eleva tor men and to the farmers as well with the receiving of the market for grain last Monday afternoon, when it was announced that corn had shown an improvement of 4 cents and wheat 9 cents, this enabling the ship pers to pay 55 cents for the corn and all the way from $1.45 to $1.50 for wheat, according to the grade. This is congratulatory and we are pleased to note the fact of brighter prospects for the farmers. A New Industry for Union. Charles Bordman, who has been preparing for the opening of a dairy for Union, had his cows tested last week and state inspector being here and out of the seventeen which he had, fifteen were in excellent condi tion. The remaining two have been separatde from the herd and will be butchered and the ones pronounced as in the best condition will be kept. His first day he disposed of 36 quarts of milk in Union and is a thing which the town has needed. It would be well of other towns were so favorab ly conditioned. He ships what he does not sell at this place and thereby has no loss when the herd produces more milk than the market here de mands. Manifest Some Enterprise. The ladies of the Methodist church are active and greatly interested in the matter of a bazaar which they have planned to give at the church in a short time. They are busy work- working t at y fancy work v and mayiy oth'er tblngswhich? they wlll have when 'the"V time comes, i They have placed the time of holding the en tertainment on December 18th, when they will expect to serve supper as well as sell their goods consisting of fancy work and other goods, succh as aprons, bonnets and baked goods for the table. The coming Sunday they will have services at the Methodist church In which many will take a part. They will devote the morning preaching hour to the program which will be given by the ladies of the Womans Christian Temperance union and in the evening speakers will be provided, and the entire day will be made most interesting for all who may choose to attend. The Epworth League will assume a portion of the days services. Are Offering Solid Bargains. Johnson Brothers, the general mer chants of Weeping Water, of 'whose ad will be found in this paper, are of fering some very attractive bargains. and of lines the most staple, and the best of goods at that. See the at tractive lists that they cfuote and at prices which cannot be duplicated elsewhere. These goods are all ser vicable and just in time for the cold weathr that is coming, as well as the list of groceries which is an advance step in the readjustment of prices from the high prices which have prevailed during the past few years. Unless you see and know of the real values which this firm is of fering, you are taking a direct loss in the goods you are needing. Bet ter take a look and save some money. This is the dollar bill sale and you have no idea how much the dollar will purchase. Union School Notes. j Miss Bogenrief's Room. J Lena Rakes is still out of school but is improving in health. Miss Gogenrief's Room. Rachael Pell is absent on account of illness. We have been very busy the pasi week making our Christmas decora tions and taking tests. The following pupils have been neither absent or tardy the past three months: Beulah Niday. Evelyn Ful ler, Sara Upton, Mable Burbee and Al lison. Clark. Freshman Notes. In Domestic Science class it is said that Ina LaRue has a "sterling Sil ver" thimble and while sewing she has punched only four holes in it. Vera Upton and Ina LaRue have a table in the northwest corner of the Domestic Science class, where they sit and sew and sew. thinking that some day they will be profes sional dressmakers. Mildred Clark and Florence Thack er are making dressed scarps in D. S. class. We wonder if they will soon start housekeeping. The delightful weather we had this week has given a number of the Oth grade gifts. We have noticed a decided change in Stacey Xiday. He has had his hair cut sometime since yesterday. We thought all week he had a secret but we could find out what it was. Bessie and Bonnie Copenhaver were absent Monday morning be cause of the bad roads and weather. Florence Thacker was absent the first part of the week. " Okla Albin and -Clara Gobleman are now staying in town on account of the bad weather and roads. Did you know we had a poet in our class? This is the latest composition: The Mud. It rained last night hurrah! We have had no rain for nearly a day, The Fords still run. We never see the sun. But we don't care for we like the md. By a Freshman The Freshies had a class meeting November 29, after school. The sec retary and treasurer, also the class reporter and vice president resigned. George Green was elected vice presi dent. Harold James, reporter, and Mildred Clark, secretary and trea surer. We have all vowed to work together more, therefore we hope to see more class notes than usual in the paper. " Senior W. B. Banning visited school one afternoon last week and spoke to the U. S. History class concerning the departments of the government. We wish to thank him for his kindness. One of the national workers, rep resenting the Near East Relief, spoke to the high school Thursday after noon. The school editor wishes to thank the Freshmen for their long column of school notes and wishes the other classes would follow their example and help to make our school notes interesting to the patrons. Some of the 9th grade girls enter tained the high school last Friday morning with readings, duets, and piano solos. Perfect attendance: Habits of punctuality and promptneess are al ways to be encouraged for as every where else, so in school, it is the steady work which counts. The fol lowing high school students of Union have been neither absent nor tardy for the first three months of this school year: Alice M. Todd, Marie Frans. Eula Frans, Geraldine Roddy, Nina I. Dukes. Cordelia Roddy, Vir ginia Harris. La Vern Frans, Alma Frans, Vera Upton, Harold A. James, Clara Gobleman. Ronald Dysart. Ken neth Crook, Mildred Clark and Okla Albin. We hope these students will keep on with their fine record and that man yother will be added to the list in the nftw three months. LUNCHEON FOE MRS. HARDING Washington, Dec. 7. Mrs. Warren G. Harding was the guest of honor at a luncheon given today by Mrs. Thomas li. Marshall. wiff of tho rlfp president- The .luncheon was. at tended by about forty wives of sen ators and other officials and was the second social affair for Mrs. Harding Hnrine- her two davs' stav in Wnch- ington, Mrs. Wilson, wife of the president, having entertained her at tea at the wnite nouse yesterday. '-Ben.Beckman of near Murray,-was in',the :city today for-a few hours at tending to some matters of business and visiting with his friends. Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil, the great household remedy for toothache, earache, sore throat, cuts, bruises, scalds. Sold al all drug stores. 30c and 60c. HOME GUARD FUNDS 60 TO THE LEGION Remaining Balance Vested in Officers' of Hugh Kearas Post for Use in Outfitting Eooms. From Tuesday's Dal'y. Ex-members of Plattsmouth Home Guard company No. 1 last night in called session to reconsider disposal of remaining funds on hand, voiced an expression of confidence in the officers and members of Hugh Kearns Post No. 5C, American Legion, when a motion carried without dissenting vote to turn the funds over to the Legion to be used in buying furnish ings and otherwise equipping their new club rooms in the Leonard building. Prior disposition of the funds had been made by the Guardsmen when they voted last June to give the money some $330 to the Legion to be applied on the purchase of a home. A tightning money market and prevailing high prices made this step inadvisable, however, and with the leasing of the present rooms, Ex-Commander C. A. Rawls consent ed to asain call the Guards in spec ial session to reconsider their form er action. In this connection it is pointed out that no lodge in the city at its inception or during the early years of its existance owned the building n which its meetings were held. Yet time has witnessed their growth and the acquisition of property hold- ngs of much value. A goodly number of Guardsmen responded to the call and were pres ent at the meeting held in American egion hall where opportunity was given them of observing first hand he needs of the Legion, as well as he improvements already under vzx. much of which are being done by the members themselves in order o hold expenses at a minimum. Following the vote to reconsider, L. G. Larson introduced a resolution providing that the committee hold- ng the funds in trust be instructed o place them at the disposal of the Legion officials, and after some dis cussion of the question, none of which came within the sense of op position, the vote was taken result- ng in unanimous approval. The Legion boys are very grate ful, both of the compliment paid heir ability to administer success fully the duties of keeping alive the organization, and of the gift itself, which will aid materially in the furtherance of their club room plans. TRINER'S WALL CALENDAR 1921 ORIGINAL AND INTERESTING Triner's Wall Calendars always bring something new to your home. This year "the spirit of reconstruc tion" leads your mind from the world war's destruction to the reconstruc tive activity in all branches of in dustrv and commerce. The idea is congenial to Triner's Bitter Wine which always helps to the reconstruc tion of your health, if you suffer from poor appetite, constipation or thtr stomach disorders. All around this centre picture fifteen maps of European countries show you the great changes caused by the world war and the new boundaries of Italy, Jugoslavia. Czechoslovakia, Polanfl, Ukraina. Lithuania, Lettland. Rou mania. Germany, etc. The beauty of art and the actual interest are here combined in a very striking way. Send fifteen cents to cover mailing expenses. Joseph Triner Company, Ashland Ave., Chicago, 2ws. 111. FOUND Good sized hog taken up at the William Kraeger farm west of My nard. Owner can have some by call ing at farm and paying for this no tice. Std 3tw. County Commissioners Creed Har ris, Julius Pitz and William Atchi son and Commissi oner select G. L. Farley, were in Omaha today at tending the commissioners conven tion in that city. L. D. Hiatt and -wife of Murray, came up this morning to spend a short time. Mrs. Hiatt visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hein rich. while Mr. Hiatt was in Omaha locking after some matters with the wholesale houses. Major A. Hall, who has been spend ing a few days here attending to some matters of business, departed last evening for his home near Grant, Nebraska. F. A. Creamer, for many years a prominent resident of South Bend precinct, but who is now living at Ashland, came in yesterday after noon accompanied by his son-in-law, Ralph Hayes and spent some time in the county seat. You Can Eat! We are carrying Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods! Also Working Clothes and Boots and Shoes! We will have Fresh Meat from this date on. Bring in Your Fresh Produce BEST PRICES! R. D. STlfOE, UNION -:- -:- NEBRASKA Fro mi Until After Holidays I am making a big reduction on Rockers, Rugs, Mattresses and in fact everything in the Furniture line. Remember I am in a position to compete with any firm selling up-to-date reliable goods. Why wait and not be able to get as good a qual ity of goods? UNION Highway Commissioner C. F. Val lery departed this morning for the metropolis where he goes to attend the meeting of the state association of commissioners, supervisors and highway commissioners that is meet ing there today. Itching, torturing skin eruptions disfigure, annoy and drive one wild. Doan's Ointment is praised for its good work. 60c at all drug stores. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Poland China boars. 4t sw. S. RAY SMITH, Plattsmouth. You Can Save Money BY COMING TO OUR STORE For Groceries, Husking Gloves and Mitts, Salt and General Hardware. Now is the time to do that Painting. DO NOT LET WINTER CATCH YOU OUT OF COAL We have it now. Better take advantage of the oppor tunity. You know what it may mean to be without. A GODD STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES Our Store Will Save YOU Money A. L. BECKER UNION 30,000 Acres LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO LAND FOR SALE! We are harvesting an excellent crop of wheat in Lincoln County, Colorado, at this time. Come, see land, where in many instances one crop will pay for the land. We are mailing trips every Saturday. Call and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars. The best land and at a price where any one can pur chase and at prices where ane one can pay. CHAS. BOWDISH, Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr. Paint Prices Drop! The Sherwin-Williams Paint company, whose line we feature almost exclusively, announce a decline of from 10 cents to 50 cents per gallon on the different items. We therefore take pleasure in making the same reduction on all items in stock as well as ones ordered later. As the housed in season comes on there is no beK ter time to have your interior decorating done. A small quantity of paint or varnish will work wonders on the walls and wood work of your home. It is not too late to give the house, barn, sheds and roofs a few coats of paint. It will prolong their life, to say nothing of the improvement in looks. We appreciate your patronage. Frans Bros'. UNION DrsI Mach & MachyThe Dentists w n NEBRASKA WANTED. Girl for general housework. No washing, good wages. Call Mrs. John W. Falter, phone 3C7. tfd. Nothing could be more dainty than the beautiful hand made aprons made by the ladies of St. Luke's Guild, who will have for sale with St. Mary's Guild in the Kilty block Fri day and Saturday, December 10th and 11th. V7e can furnish you blank books of all kinds. The Journal. NEBRASKA Lumber Co. NEBRASKA The largest and best equipped dental ofhees m Omaha. Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant. Mod erate Prices. Porceln fillings just like tooth. Instru ments carefully sterilized after using. THIRD FLOOR, PAXTON BLOCK, OMAHA ei