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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1920)
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1920. B ft I f lii v of tli readers of tnn .Tiiuriial Uunr of any social evf r.i up i; in of iaterfst, In this vicinity, and will mail s aie to i Ut o'ili'f. it w' 11 2 i-5-eai utaici- tlii.s lieaiiin'. We waia. ail uea.s- Kuitor Em h a k m a m pi Prci ared in t e i n'.e res. ' ' fe l'' v'-'- of .Murray .ad Surround' ng Vicinity FspeciV.iy fur the Jourosl Kettle rs IIATTTuOTTTH SET II-wTEKIT JOUP.EAL ay ' -. ' . -"."Tr-.- " - i 'i' ;!- .-!! r.-i..T!.-i r.i. :;;. tt;,. i-...hs paper r..r 1 h' ' ' M ri- M )' (j - - ' . I !' i I : V: rv -.v.. vi-it.-r Itl t' e fti! VI. AVTST? rT? . WTvrt VT3?,T Z5? !V-:,V) i -. : :.,.. ..Per n,, Vi7 t-.ii WW ..a 4-.Va-.f J Vaa.VJ... -i- vr ( v. .... ......... vv'::.-;. t- Mr. "If; i'" 'i'J ' - " . - - ,.!,, l.:.t W..,.-,,,tlav ..." - I . . . - i i; i i n:i a I ii t; cf 1 11 m 1) f r- i- h-v iii : f t pi !;. ' ic,!i r i' I h o .) 'v.' t::s; l..y . ha'l 5y c j 1 1 I'.'i j f '. S. i ! . !! i .' :i !. ! - !!!; S v i- h.a (':!. 1 !'...! ii ; x i Tt:? best credential any young man can offer is proof of a good savings account. It signifies good habits, ambi tion, thrift and perseverance all v.'oilhy characterisiics that employers appreciate. A savings account is not only a good character reference, but it is also a good business investment. So decide today not to delay. I , !. Mi I r. Undcigot:: One-ration at Omaha. -Mi- .1. H I tti ii i"ii;i!-:'.l a few ay ;s:mS a:.-. .i , , .. , , . i... ... . , ' . i i a .u:'i i !i,-i in i i m: , -t. -I - - j ' i !;,ij;i.!al u 'it r xx i-n 1 P-Tat :'. t.-r i !!, j.rv-!t;n t Iht ; . .i ; a '( .ii! j . : i -i i ; 1 I !::' ' K ; I'. , i'U ii. of II nry. S. 1).. i .!!. I ! C. t;. C :!;n'.i-i'. xxl;,) r. rna i lifl ' ! i!nri'iiv tl! ..riioal. Yii, j "I ;1 ! .:'r' . I rrn :it ;,! h'Mir Ii per- ; laiiy -to itl tho siKi't riiiu" j (( ':i oil! lY' lu I in- ' ! l:- H -r Tn"-.I;iy eve- pt -tii ! ' !' ra i I yinr ! ! h-1 ivp" I in r : .,. v I' a i a i - - - J v j :, i .e. vorv. Mr. .1. 1 1 . 1 -ii siMiim mj. I'ov some ; Li- :u p.-t around t li' j i (o.-. !;::- !'.- ; a-, x". ! xv , a ii.- t ; I t . e :' i I'la;:, a in; I :. .' X" -1 3 a a WW E CHGWN c GASOIINE r nan Power l i .. ! :a: '' 't j:i rina 1 1 1 i ! i . : i i . ; - I-:-, a i .' ; ! , i : i . I i . ..,'.. XX M: l.a- i i" a : :o ;o-i- a' '" ; i i : I i 1 ::.M t-ii i -r;. tile ! 1 Ti:r.t at Suver. I M rii K . xv ij . i ; I'M1! St . .! .' srl:0.l. some 1 t!iws. hi' .Murray, ave I-Yiiia I'v.-ni tin f -r ; i r.r::i: fu:nN for j he.o! r.:. i.i a :!'! loiyinu ' ;.::: , !' r the roii- I .ill'.:. Tl i re . a s a I :!! i.ii'l al! 1 1 j e 1 j prom tii vv-i f -h i;-' : r. 'V i'i ii a :i(! i ' ii I !' e ' li. n-'s aiol vat i:.- t :.-i j 3 a Red Crown gasoline is brim-full of smashing, heavyweight power. Every drop is a lusty slugger no love taps. Doesn't get tired and lie down when you're on a hill, or stall in a jam of city traffic. Over the fast turnpikes and through heavy going, Red Crown gasoline carries you along at tram-making speed or at a leisurely, loafing gait without a hitch. Its uniform power-content makes it dependable at all times under all conditions of travel. Use Red Crown products regularly, for perma nent satisfaction. You can obtain the gasoline and that standard motor oil Polarine at Red Crown service stations and authorized garages. Economize on oil by using Polarine. It is made in four grades, differing in body but not in quality. These grades are Ii t Mil. t . 1 ! Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow Four pr cent iriUT'-si o.i ti'iu deposits. Our deposits art- protect ed by the State Guaranty Lav. k"i 15 R R A Y STATS BARK All busineis transactions held in strict Your Personal Bank. , i i . i -1 , . ' i r En.pyei! Frreilv n.'iniifn. A ' ' io- ii iii" I P. .!. Pit in. i ii ami : . ! .Murray l.-.-t 'ii!:'!ay. n. .t v. it h - oi ' rii" :u( !.:!' M v.-.-.i t i. . - wit i: - . all . "r. . h I-, r fii ! ,,m J i : . v xx i i. i t.i -: ' a' 1 i - t ; . . !: !i - '' ; tavilv r ms:..:; f !.. fa .. ; '. y Mi', a.i .'!.. I'i: T!i.' ti a- . lanilx- iii'' 1 ( ' I i i ''!'"' ; ' ' u . , - - -- i'te-.a: ; . ;ij y tlie o.-.-.i s in 'i ' IV .1. ''i:::! .:i alo: xx i!'-'. : ; . ; : ' - ..I. I'Mtaan at.ii mu'c : : ! l.-.itli .f ;me e.f their relatives. The i!.'.K,i,i r 'l'io-iir.a. (!! n 1'. IVrry o ! i i 1 ; ! r i i staved at home to attend i x. ,ie. .M . . !'.-rry h.-i:i:: n iiam;i:- .,.!.!. ' : ; -. irtil and Km--. 11 at: 1 Polarine Polarine Heavy a uiai an; mcumiil IlCdVy ATUidl lilt: XAlrcl neaVy J For winter use the Polarine and Polarine ' Medium Heavy grades are recommended. STANDARD OIL COMPANY ' ( Nebraska ) Omaha i ' ! t . ! WD CROWN GASOLINE ; r if e i : i Mi .1 Mr. 1 i A . ! i i PUBLIC AUCTION -l:l- I -x :.! '.x : a , :: e . ni" M iirj'a y. W'.n. Si yL'iVlt v a -v:'-iti.r i i -t .-at i"';:y . ha. Kill:. St.; Mrs. i.. Ii. Y..U-!'.: :s,ti;!i- :. !.: ! .. .. i . . . r ''". r .. i ; a v . .!. c n-if.ii-.. ..: ;.! .; in . !; : :.i:: '...,!'.-m :.!:'. 1 X. i! i t l a u I - iia . v.; rii , xv ii i re 'io y xx a! ! in.. l-iriii;" ti.e winter. ii.-.; ... ( ; x a - .1. at c :: .-' Ml P'e,l iiM i ' i r r . . x i). I i: : I i a '. -. "'I ! i". p'Tt -1 . M : i I: da.v ( i! a r . I' . : .M ai a i .a a i r i : ': i . i . I'a. i : v., ; -i - ! . ; '!';;. . 1 1 1 1 a y. . i!.irry I ' i ! - xx a ; ii r :.: . t ! teala i'.iiriii; t!,.- . . '..; ;,.) (' ; ci'-n aiel l:ia '. the wi.rk. M t's. I . ,.!!r . xx s itl '):p.,l,a L'-t 'l'io-.i .. 1. xx'as i-i: it, u wiUi fri..:ii.- at;.i ; af'.-r smile i ra.iirm. ('titiuroli ("atl.ey :is a xj Vlat tsmoutJi l.,sr "Tu'.-alay a'' where li- xais !. mi., ii. tr aft. : m tie.-.-' for a slier time. w. n. YOUNG AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. KATES KEASONABLE i SATISFACTION OR J0 PAY! Telephone 423 Flattsmoutli Exchange .1 -. ii. i. a ' r : i' Mr. i i i ;., r.. Miss KM--. i'i.- S;i Oaialia ' i ' I v .-. I: , ., xvith Ij.-r :t:ii i ' !' '. !.". if- f M ir- y. at!'! h r ;hiim. Mr-. K- ...- Shi'a- 1 )'( ker i i 1 'hi' i sm. in; h . in M m r.. !a - Too-aia . . ! a i - ' . r i r. ..' e"i x :i a I m ; 1 ,f . . t !"l:v. -iir -a it hi- t ..lae i r t I;itk F.:r!nr-l 3: .::!. K:. 'i. - :. :: . ' i lii-o . ;' : ! , ' - r i i ! e . 1 a 1 1 i .. .ar -i.. : '. h t iiad ;:. . ' " :' i: a i "a r " ! a ! - . f : s nr. -: - . a i: : ;. i : n ,: i . -t i r ii'.. . :,a!.p ii 1 t . vV :!. n -. K. I.ii it;' !i l i le i.; t l;aa :,a v.'a .;: ! Kro eel - i ! I a ' : e xr i'l hi - la I li"" '.I eraaiita': ' ' !'l iii- (: ;ii!.i waa xx a i . . .M !;r.. ! i M'oi.i - y. JttTMkd Finp:! of Kr-laiiv?. l.a-t v e. k ller. - , . i- ' ! "; at M .' i : r a-, i ..- U. : v .1. A 'M e . " . ! ! At' . ; . f :a i ; i - .1 :- . ':M t ea . : ; utl I pi- . A h it..- . ih. ., v. ry f.i'.s a ".". ''' Are AJdir. Much i:i Cwcity I ' J . r; i:ar. r- h.t viiiir ei: I I r tl. i I xx 'ill ei!'( r a: pu'n!:e auetiati on the j I'.l !(k farm, two miles north and one . and t!;r -e-diiarter.- miles west of .fur- : tl. A. i!. Vi! oa elevat.-r i ray. ;i;;d two miles south and two scvi-ti thou- irili s west of Mvnard. comniencini;' at ' ap .i t for the storing .f i .,'rioek a. m.. on M :nday. Xovem- le '. I'lK 1- i" ill)::-.' I.' . I,,..- til.. !'.l',,.vil,r ,l1..v..illu,l rrr 'ttiti and i:.,:p!i Kentu-dy. : pt.-t v. to-wit : '" !''' ,; ork mar-hip. Ti.r. e Head of .Mules- One snail of i'i Ire p i t 1 i a Ii - l. . : CIR'M- a; -l '.' i !i : a! s, x. iii -h ji re h . P " I h v t a " (at pa hie hi, j "1 i .- !: -. ii p rr i'-ti of t iie : i ' h e !':'. mi l i ! he e.xca v:i ! "d ', I e .,-p, v.-, II I- t. !': an.:-.- x ; ; a a .- ! i; t !" x i .rl i'i 'a p: ! d ' iie s t rue? u n u'e. iiail six years ld. weight ' on- I'l'iiiins; t wo-year-old mule. Txx o : . i ; i .- i lie fresh, one eoni- ii'.u t x o- ea, r-n!d lit ifer. t we:it y-five in ad . f sl.i.ats. two t wo-veur-old heif- ' '"- truete.l . ,t oi,.- earlini; steer, two calves. '" 'h.- dittiip utidi r Mai !, :':!:: - On,, farm waiion. one 1,1 "'' s-: " ui e. ' j, .. r;H. K one MeCormick rake. ne ; Hi l::i;:.:lli-.i; f U.-.f,.-d uriuder. ,.i,. Drer lifter, one Me- ! po.-sio! '. ( , .rni iek moxxtr. two . 1 K i 1 1 t a ' i 1 . s . ' l . t.,ii l.ii ir.rv . m I . ti i- v- i '."a i hu-!ie! capacity. i.jMd cultivator, one two-row talk nil- jt' f, i ne -e: lurrow openers, one ;n".- ! nuie spreader. t - i riiuiay School Notes. I !;:! I i. i vi- i-- I Ki ni. l.i t"i; ia-t l-'iidax-. la aa i-'.u'i xi'si'ed in I ' a 1 1 s m hi i il I 1 i il r, . s. !,i y ;. f : i-r li' iiiTl Maad 1 .t i.- xx as a hs i, ... .'....,..., ....... .. i ... i f ...... : 1 j .Vt.-l.l 111" ..II dllilllil .llllt piai- j rie hay. on-- .-ta k (-at straw, some I itatri's. ! I (t:ie iilmost new heater, one kitchen t from ,-ehoal ca'ainet. one hulTet. one oil stove, or.e stove, one dresser, one Old Tru.-- I , " k. .Mr aed .Mrs. W. i 1 . I'tll - '.'.'"re caie'ij t(i I 'i lii-r id e in iieiiit of t h i" ith :' a hro'Ve. -il-1 . ' . ii' i i : I'ri .;ri-h. x li,, ). ' lii' t v. it'i aa act id. lit in xvhiih 1: r '.'! x -'I ;i'i i a' .a ;.al injiry '; ;i-'i!tei! ti his (! a!i ;i fi xv davs ia- Mr. and .Mrs. A. A. Voting and t io- t t-r. 'I !,.- in. m! m,- lirid on ("t. - Mi-- i:.a Ili'ner who i- t!i" t.-a. !e r . f the scho"! iMrtinv't ..f .Muvrax-. and kn",.v:i a ' tie- Arnick s-ln...', a itl -i'.v a hex -uppi.- ti-'xt l-'rid.iy .- !!'ll-:. 'I U".-:.!a v ;t fl . rnooii. (K olxs Mi;ia-k xxas it visitor at t li ! t y itienhator. one sa nilary eoueh ami aenn- ri .Marie 1'ul-. .Sunday.- ii tlier articles too numeroiis to meii- Jeim Cilnti'ie v.'iis not at school ' t ion. .Mi.ndi'V e. ;.e.oi:::t of .-ickne-s. kiimli will he served at noon. Mar-ririi .''naiu'.lti' visited the! Terms of Sa le : ;i a mounts under taiiiner tiiMP '.'ed ti'-dii y iilternoon. J:?!o. cash iti hand; on amounts ex- Sei tten ,as I-ecu .-ick tl'.e '.v i!..y-, missin-;' scheool Mon- fortuer .- rut;! her. A! r -. I . A. Yuii;;. .xare :.-i'o-. iu ! '!a t ! r ;nou ! h la.-t ;-tat-ei'da.y. !ie,. they v, ere (t;. ins; s.nie tiii'iitiL'. W. !!. I'.a nn iiiir xxiis a visitor in .Murray l:i-t Tuesday looking after' f u - i :i s ma'ter xxith Mr. lint. Xiei;',..-'. with whom he fiii;-?ed in l'ti-i ne.-s. Ir. R. K. Rrend"! was looking af ter some rnsiness matters in I'latts iitnutli lust 'i iitie.-d;iy, ilrivin up in Men s Uni iiiits! This year we have a nice line to select from in the winter weight unions. In fact any weight you want and at prices that are below today's market. Men's heavy weight, heavy fleece unions, $3 values go at $2.50 Men's wool process unions, soft finished and comfortable. A $3.50 value. . . . $2.75 Men's part wool unions. A bargain price, $4.50 value on sale at $3.50 Men's medium weight, light fleecing, gray color, nicely made and a fine suit. $3 value $2.25 Wright s Health unions, mostly wool construc tion. Kcducod to $4.50 Hiatt 1 Tutt, MURRAY, : : : NEBRASKA !e r :! ii t h !! t h , I a e t, x t er i.i n k u n ' t ' .i' lidi-.- ,'i...l J i ; i i; 1 ermen ( tea ;.l that plaee The ihc a-ed x . a- : years of a;;e a-;. I p-ave, x i !'.. aa 1 j two children tin- el'M.-i.. Harold, a I ' . '(ars. wane t j . . - xoiiii"." ;. ai-.i a hoy js t!-e All's. I'Tejrii ll iUld Al:-. U . H. I'uls ,:r. sisn-rs. Mr. l-'n-d rich had hi ei eii:;ai:td in farming and was i:ijur-l while w orkin a houi the farm. He was a m'-mln-r of t lie W'ood iii'ti of the World ami carried an in- .curanct' cd' -'.iiiih on his life. past (lay. Mra. S, often and daughter l'.hinahe. . i .terl Mm .1 . li n Karis Thuisdiiy ;i I t i i ii "on . ope) lieman. Kalph Timm. Kennetii s and I-:...-. ioe lUtttiett. were ;:!- ce.lirii;- . 1 it ii credit of six months xxill he niveii. purchaser tiivinsr note PAINTS GLASS CfWe still have a small quantity of Lincoln Paint on hand that we will close out at $3.75 per gallon. Some colors are sold out but still a good assortment to choose from. Q Corn husking will begin in a few days. We have a good husking lotion for the hands, and liniments and bandages for sprains, etc. Bet ter get lined up on these goods now. 0 Murray Drug Co. SOAPS PERFUMES with approved security hearing inter- i e.-t iii eij;n! tier cent trr.tii uate. .no ptaperty to he removed from the premises until settled for. Col W. K. Vouhk. auctioneer. U (5. Koedeker. clerk. C. I- DeJl XC;. Owner. Did Not Stay Long;. A very ftnoiith gentleman dropped off the train in ATurrav la.-t Aloiidaw seeking mplcyment . hut did make j known to a few of the younger men that lie would like to light onto a crap game if it were possible. lie was informed that he could he steered to such a gathering, hut that as the election had just been held and a new and very ambitious citizen lutil been seie.-fd coiisiablc in the per son of .J. A. Scot ten and (hat it would he n pre. ty risky piece of business: to engage in the pastime. Tho hoys told the smooth guy that they would risk: the game is he card, and h" did not care, so at. it they went, while the newly elected constable had been j notified and when the game had just gotten under way wit 1 1 the stranger handling the dice, calling 7 come 11. Air. Scot ten appeared at the window land then there was a scatternient of j everybody, with the stranger going I under the lied in the back room. The I newly elected constahle entered the room and called loudly, 'where is that man?" No on" answering out he went and as soon as the coast' whs clear the stranger broke for the door and this time got a why, running like a quarter hoarded nn out going freight on the Missouri I'acitic to Platts-mouth. A New Tag Day. A few days ago there was institut ed a new tag day, which was novel in jits pursuits, in that is used sticky fly OPERATION FERF0KI-IED Kretn Monday's iJallv. This morning at the I'niversity hos pital in Omaha. Airs. Gertrude Oamb li:i of this city, was operated on for an illness from which she has been a. suft'erer for a number of vears. The able, to return home. WANTS AGEKT IN PLATTSM0UTH s'-nt .lo:;i)av. Mabel Howard returned to school .Monday mot u i a it f 1 1 r hit v i n g a siege of the pin k -eye. Kose Ke.wi and W'illa Park came heme with Keora Paris from Platts mouih. Wednesday. Mabel Howard missed s. ho.d .Mon day ami Tuesday on account of a backset with liie pink-eye. Mabel Howard snent the wc"k end. also the first p;,r, (if last wck. with i-'iniiy Here lias received no word as relatives in (Mat tsmou t h. '" l,!' outcome of the operation, but School is he-inning work with ! Mrs:. Charles Milt, mother of Airs, renewed energy after the vacat ion, j :embl;n. departed this afternoon for even if the weather was bad. , Omaha to be w ith her daughter. V We took a straw vote at school I ls sincere wish of the friends of Tuesday. Most of t h e cu ml ida t es w ho ! ' '' In in 1 V that Airs. Gamblin may re. eiveil the . i . .-i t v .,f our votes i ""H su itieieii 1 1 y recovered to tie wife defeated. The r-ecotnl and third grades are working hard in spelling ti see who can get tiie most lieadinarks by Thanksgiving day. Not having school Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, it gave some of the pupils a chance to make up some back work and also pre pare some ahead. Marie. Elsie, mid Esther Puis were Plattsmouth visitors Tuesday. While there. Alarie and Elsie visited the dentist. They found the roads were very rough. , Elsie Puis was" a visitor at the home of Ieon.i Puis Sunday evening. V Dr. G. II. Gilmore, Flora Jane Boe deker, and Alary Mrasek viisted the primary room last week. We have onlv one hoy enrolled in high school, so he looks rather lone some. If any industrious youths be tween the 'ages of thirteen and twenty have nothing to do, report at Mur ray high school. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Puis returned home Monday evening on the mid night train from Coleridge, where they were called on account of the Sell the Original Watkins Kenie dies. Spices. Exeracts. etc. Necessi- t ties and repeaters. All or spare time Write Watkins Co., aS Winona .Mirin. 2tw, A child can operate the famous Culbransen Player piano. Easy ped alling, and it's fool proof. Can he had from A. Hospe Co.. Omaha, White or phone them for terms. o2S 4tw. Mrs. Roy Christensen departed this afternoon for the metropolis, where she will visit for a few hours attending to some matters of business. A few pure bred White Leghorn cockrels for sale at $1 apiece, tf sw. Airs. Albert Young. Elmer "Wellmkamp-departed this morning for Omaha, where he will visit for the day in that city with relatives and friends. Give Your Wife a Chance! Are you in need of a new cook stove? , Our as-4 sortment of ranges is unsurpassed. Come in and see what we have to offer you. Unusual values! The time for heating stoves is also fast approach- ing. Do not wait until it is cold and then make the family suffer while you come in to look after getting a stove. Preparedness pays, you know. Remember, we carry a full line of the best shelf and heavy hardware which we sell at prices that will not only permit but encourage it's being used. W. IHL POL MURRAY NEBRASKA Drs. Mach & Mach, The Dentists The largest and best equipped dental in Umaha. Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant Mod erate Prices. Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instru ments carefully sterilized after using. THIRD FLOOR, PAXTON BLOCK, OMAHA t yDu Fistula-Pay When Cured A mild .ystem of tratmnt that cure. Tm. FtstuI and other Rectal I time, without a eere auricai operation. N Chloroform. Ether or other eeneral anaestlietle uaed. A cure, gnarant-ed In ejery case r" , with rama and te.tlmontala paid until cured. Write tor book on Rea'v,"e permanently cured ' of more than 1.000 prominent people whvewlXn ,,1 a0K ). OM-UIA, JTEBt ' ua. k. n. tabby. -JZ&ZZl&bd2Z'. i