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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 15, 1920)
Nebraska Sta'e Htori cal Society 1 im v v T n nt ijr :fc? sp uk VOL. NO. XXXVII. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA, M ONLAY. NOVEMBER 15. 1920. WINS CONTEST OVER CUSTODY OF PAUL LEMKE MRS. F. R. GUTHMAN AWARDED CARE OF CHILD SHE HAS RAISED FROM BABY From Thursday's Iaily. The Nebraska supreme court yes terday lia inK down their decision in tli- matter of tl:e custody of Pan! l.emke. :t minor, and awarded the custody of the child to Mrs. F. R. (Pi'.hmann of this city, an aunt of the dead mother of t lit- hoy. and who has had the care of the lad since his birth. The dec-lslon of tlic supreme court in reversing the judgment of the Lan caster (oiintv district court, is cut that will meet with universal ap proval in tins ci-y whore the facis in the case are well known and where the spiel. did care That the little boy has r-ceiv-l in the h'-nie are famil iar to the residents of the city. Paul l.emke was Riven To the care of Mrs. Cuthmann by tlo- mother on her death bed. Mrs. (Ituhmann beim; an aunt of the late Mrs. Iemke. and the child was brought to Plattsmouth and im-de J. is home here u:uil last summer. In his boyhood the little lad was jriven all The tender care of a d.-vot.-l mother by the aunt and a vuriii loe u ii-l aftecti'iu existed 1 : tween the littb boy and the members of the Cuthmann family and the -cation of the taking away of the lad brought otitoht yrief to the aunt who had carefully reared the boy. Last summer the father. Frank k'-mke. a wealthy Lancaster county f.irmer. secured a writ of habeas cor pus in the- court of Judne Stewart r.t Lincoln and armed with this nr-di-r one of the Lancaster county authorities took Paul to Lincoln where he was placed in the home of the father. On the hearing in the court r.T Lincoln, Mrs. (iuthniann was re pre.-er. Ted by Attorney Matthew Cering ;f this, city but the custody of the father over the child was sus tained by Jud.ce Stewart. Mr. Cerint,' appealed the case to the high curt of the state and se-" cured a sweeping victory and re versal of the district court decision. In the opinion rendered by the Mate i urt a hifih compliment k- paid to tie aunt for her devotion and care of Paul I. r'-.ike and the court point ed fut Tin-, l tli- home is most im portant to th- welfare of rfce child, mere important than that of the rishts of the father to the custody of 1. y. The court in its decision made iirovi.-ion for the religious and educational traininsr of the b y ac cording to th" wishes of the fath"r. I:-iim his nine years Paul has been brouj:! r ui liv the Cuthmann family, he h,; - been as a child of the! household, loir oaini; to the desire! not t,, prevnt his rights in th- es-! tate of his father, who was quite veaP h . no action of adoption uu d.-j' n by M.-s. Gutlimann. FARM BUREAU NEWS Poultry Meetings. Thfre v.ili be poultry meetings at tlie following places: Kay Norris. Wiping Water, lit a. m., Nov. 1 : ; P. F. Nolt". Mynard. p. in.. Nov. 1 .r ; :md George Moomev. Wa-ba-h. Pi a. m.. Nov. 16. Mr! Wells cf the Poultry Extension Department will b with us and talk on culling ana poultry raising. De Mire to at tend the elose-t nu-eting. Tederal Farm Bureau Are you watching the federal farm bureau? See what thev did to the Noland Rill. Better Sires Better Stock A "h tier sires better stock" cam paign is being conducted by the farm bureaus' of forty Nebraska counties in an effort to improve the quality of Mock kept on general farms. Many farmers reali.-.e that it pays to use ie thing but pure bred sires. It costs i. 'i more to feed an animal of ood 1 rreiing than it does a scrub and the T'-u'.-s are much more gratifying. T:ie use of purebred sires to produce animal.-? for the feed lot is of much importance, as most feeders realize. To encourage the use of better sires, firm bureaus award an emblem to farmers who u-e nothing hut pure-lr-d -ires. , One hundred and fifty members of the Richardson county farm bureau', re -tinsr at their annual banquet hers. ':"d to j in the state campaign for few farm bureau members. Among the speakers of the evening were Dan Liley. Kails City banker and president of the I'nivtrsity cf Nebraska Alumni a-ociation; J. A. Crawford. Reards lry. Kans.. manager of the Nebraska fa:m bureau membership campaign; J. L. Worr-11. Richardson county ag ricultural agent, who reported on the year's work of the farm bureau; R. E. Holland, county agent leader; J. ). Schroyer, director of the Nebraska farmers union. What does Cass county say? L. R. SNIPES. County Agricultural Agent. BASE TURNER FOR SALE I have a nearly new base burner, large size, for sale cheap. Call nhene 3G14. 2td 2tw. w. T. NOLTE. VISITING IN THE CITY From Thursdays ra!ly. Mr. and Mrs. John McNurlin are enjoying a visit from Mr. and Mrs. Edward Spreick of Norfolk. Neb., who arrived here Saturday to spend a few days. Mis. Spreick is the footer daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McNurlin and the visit has been one thorough ly enjoyed by all the family. The trip to this city was made by auto and Mr. .Spreick reports very rough ami muddy roads on the trip. On leaving Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Spreick stopped at Missouri Valley, Iowa, for a few days visit and came from there to Plattsmouth. They ar ex pecting to leave tomorrow for home and if the weather conditions per mit Mr. and Mrs. McNurlin will ac company them. OFFERS IMPROVED TAX LEGISLATION Secretary W. H. Osborne of State Board cf Assessment Suggests Needed Changes. Secretary W. H. Osborne of the state board of taxation and equaliza tion says of needed legi.-lation: "One of the big jobs ahead of the legislature that convenes in January will be the amending and altering present revenue laws to meet new conditions brought about by the new constitution. For instance proposal No. of the new constitution amends Section .". Article 10 of the old constitution and pi ices the coun ty tax limitation at SO cents on the one hundred dollar actual valuation. The limitation under the old consti tution being Sl.r.o n the assessed or one 1; ft li value, it will he seen that .he members cf the constitution had in mind, that while they did not say that property should be assessed at its actual value, instead of one fifth r? under the present law. ihat they have provided the means by which the legislature will be compelled to hange the old method of assessing property. "In the event that the legislature enacts a law placing it at its actual value it will be helpful to those coun ties, who under the present' limita tions are unable to support their county government, as they will be able to raise Z0 cents instead of only 30 under the present law. This will necessitate the changinf of practi cally every section of the revenue laws in this respect. "Proposal No. 2ti amends Section 1. Article 9 and provides a uniform and a proportional tax on tagible pro perty and franchises; and permits t he classification of other property. at:d permits taxes other than proper ty taxes. "This will enable the legislature to enact a state income tax law if they desire, and provide for a separate rate of taxation for different clas sifications of property. For instance in Minnesota, property is classified and assessed at the following rates: "Fifty per cent of full value for iron ore whether mined or uu-mined. "Twenty-five per cent for house goods nnd furniture; 1-3 per cent on live stock, agricultural products, stocks of merchandise, manufac tured articles and unplatted real es tate, and 40 per cent on all remain ing property. "Money and credits are separately assessed at their full value and a flat rate of :'. milks is applied for taxa ation. "Theoretically, it is argued that a lower rate on such property as monies, credits and other intangi bles, will have a tendency to bring It forth and share in the burdens of taxation, whereas if it is taxed ac cording to value, and at the same rate as other property, a large pro portion will never reach the tax lists. "The county assessors have never been able to obtain a very large amount of this class of property on the tax rolls, for the reason that the legislatures have never eriven them 11 VI . in '1 ' . I Akllil nil 1111 a v K.J 1 Uv 0 1 the banks for verification. It was assumed that the legislature would give added powers in this respect to the tax commissioner, and with a lower rate and added powers and ef fort, it will compel the holders of this class of property to list it. The new constitution also provides an ex emption of $200 for household goods." MANY ATTEND GAME From Thursday's Daily. A very large delegation accom panied the high school team to Ne braska City this morning to witness i the foot ball game and to attend the i big Armistice day celebration that is i being staged there by the American Legion and other patriotic organiza tions of that city. Quite a few, de spite the unfavorable weather con ditions, made the trip by auto. NOT QUITE SO WELL From Thursday's DaJly. Tho reports from the Ford hospi tal in Omaha last evening etate that Mrs. J. A. Schulhof who was oper ated on there a few days ago was not quite so well and had suffered con siderable pain in the last twenty- four hours but th attending sur geons are hopeful that she will Boon recover from this stage and be able to show signs of improvement. GRAND OLD MAN REACHES 90 YEARS THEODORE HEIM OF IOUISVILLE PASSES 90TH MILESTONE OF LIFE'S HIGHWAY Our old and highly esteemed fiiend, Theodore Heim, has been re ceiving the congratulations of his many friends in the community this week, as on last Tuesday. November 1'. 1120. he passed his !(th milestone. It might be difficult to realize that Mr. Heim had really attained this grand old age were he not so alert mentally and able to account for ev i ry year of his past life with re markable clearness of memory. Hiss children were all present upon this occasion and the birthday dinner was given the Sunday before at the homo of his son-in-law and daugh ter. Mr. and Irs. John C. Spangler which is the old farm home of Mr. Heim and was their first home in Ne braska. The birthday cake was bak ed by his daughter. Mrs. John Group. In the afternoon, the grandchildren of this vicinity and all who were able to be present, came in to add their congratulations, and ice cream and cake were served. During the afternoon, the family passed the time very pleasantly in reminisces and conversation and sang several selections in chorus, after which Mr. Helm stepped out and in his own way thanked his children and family for their love and devotion as ex pressed by this occasion and said words could not tell how greatly he appreciated it and that his heart was full of gratitude. His remarks were received with cheers by The family and aliogelher it was a de lightful time and will even remain a beautiful memory to them all. Theodore Heim was born in the southern part of Germany. Novem ber 9. 1S30. near the imperial city of the Hohenzollerus and lived there un til he was tif. years of age when he left his native land and embarked for America. June 2. ISr.S. and after a lengthy voyage, he landed in New York. July 27. of the same year. Mr. Heim settled in "Wisconsin in 1R5?.. on August tith. at Summit, in Waukesha county, where he engaged in farming. On December 4. l.rG. he was married to Miss Lavina Regu la at Watertown. Wisconsin. Mrs Heim was born in Rome. N. Y.. July J.;. In 1ST;!, they sold out ir. Wisconsin and came to Nebraska, crossing the Missouri river on the ferry at Plattsmouth. with their team and family. Mrs. Heim's sister, Mrs. Frank Stander and family had al rtady settled in this vicinity on the old Stander place south of town and on June 16. 1871. they arrived at that place. Mr. Heim then purchased the old farm southeast of town where they resided until 1S3. when they pur chased a comfortable home in Louis ville and retired from active farm life to enjoy the fruits of their year., of usefulness and industry. The celebrated their golden wedding an niversary on December 4. 190 6. On January 17, 191S. Mrs. Heim passed from the activities of this life at the age of SI years, 0 months and 11 days, greatly honored by all and deeply mourned by her family and large circle of friends. Following the birthday dinner for Mr. Heim. his daughter, Mrs. Group, entertained a number of relatives and old friends of her sisters on Monday afternoon at her home and the time passed swiftlv in conversation while a delicious luncheon was served con sisting of sandwiches cake and cof fee. Since the death of his companion. Mr. Heim continues to reside in their old home and it would be a joy to any housekeeper to see how neatly things are kept with a place for ev erything and everything in its place, as Mr. Heim carries into his house keeping the same methods that char acterized his labors, wherever en gaged and which helped greatly to make his life a success. Mr. Heim is hale and hearty and his figure is erect and commanding. He is a sturdy type of manhood and exemplifies that right living makes for a long and happy life. He and his wife passed through the battles of the pioneers and did their part nobly in transforming a barren coun try into a land of happy homes and prosperity. They reared a family of eight chil dren, six daughters and two sons. They are. Mrs. Elizabeth Foe, of Red Cloud; Mrs. Jennie Young of Hast ings; Mrs. H. J. Wehrly, of Denver; Mrs. John Group and Mrs. J. C. Spangler. of Louisville; Mrs. Hugh Seiver, of El Reno. Oklahoma; Frank Heim of Naples. S. D.. and Charles Heim of Louisville. It was ever the care and anxiety of the parents that the children might grow into useful members of society and thev both lived to see them meeting their full share of life's responsibilities and become honored citizens, successful and happy in their own homes. He has 34 grandchildren and 22 great grandchildren. Since his early manhood Mr. Heim has been a Jeffersonian democrat. For sixty-six years he boasts that he has never quavered in his support of the democratic ticket. hen elec tion day came around he would walk up to the polls and vote a straight democratic ticket. This year, how ever, he says he voted for Harding and the old gentleman's eyes snapped when he said: "I saw u good deal of Germany in my younger days. I came to America for -;;n;e reason that thousands of ether European people came to escape European au tocracy. I am thankful f.-.r the pros perity that this country enjoys a::.'. 1 am also thankful for r!.e prosperity and freedom that we. h-, individuals, can enjoy and we do not want an foreign policies mixed with our g o 1 old P. S. governnien' . and so I voted lor Harding. Louibville i Indeed proud of this grand old man who-e long life in this community has 1 e,-:i - record of uprightness and intey: l:y and who-e word has been made n.y.yJt and the Courier joins with tli" i o-; of friends in extending congra' e!at ions to aim and a Is-- to his family v. ho l..ok upon him with pride- and :ific-'io!i. - lay he live to enjoy lu'-nv more years of good health and happiness among its. Louisville Courier. TWO YEARS SINCE ARMISTICE SIGNED November 11, 1918. an Occasion Long to be Hemembeieu Dawn of World Pence. From Thursday's l&ilv. Two years ago today on Novenber 11. 1ft IN. at 11 o'clock in the fore noon the crash of the giant artillery, the raltle of the ma:iine guns urn! the r.oise of the great conflict on the -, est em front tu" the allied armies died down into restful quiet for t!o :rst time :diice August. 1 1 -' . The event will, remain iti the minds of the present generation at east as one of the periods if the greatest rejoiciag in this country a1 .veil as in the war torn count lie. of .he old world. Il geve tu ihe.-e couu ries a period of rest from th-.' drain if men and wealth that the rebut less hand of war lu-d demanded from the people and gave the opportunity of opening the way to a peace tl.-w would allow the world a chance to -econstruct itself along the lines 01 progress. The great issue in the war that .vas heralded freta ocean to ocean was that it ..was. be the last war 11 the history of the world in which he great civilized nations v. re tu 'ie engaged in. It was for this pur pose that the great sacrifices were made and without its accomplish ments the war was without any great result save that of chvejring he domineering ambition of the Cer uan emperor to rule the civilir.'d vor'.d by force of arms. In the cause of bringing perma :cnt peace to the world so.oimi Ane r can men gave op their life on the vestern front. joining in den'h l.:;sr..l'U French. P.ritisn, 16 4. "''() Italians. iMUMWt Re!gi;:ns. 1.;11.10. Cermans and Mtfl.(i(i(t Ad rians who were offered on the altar f war. In the face of the-e sacrifices are ve not doing a noble work in dt di--ating our efforts to bring about an understanding that will make the:-e great wars impossible in the future mi injuring peace among the na tions. The voice of the silent heroes ii Flanders fields and Picardy hill ides are calling "s today in the ause of peace on e;rth so thai the .ons of the future years will not have to follow their footsteps ever .he battle fields of the world. Ar" .ve mea.-uring up to the sacrifices made for us by those -who sleep over there in death? DOINGS IN THE DISTRICT I COURT NOV IN SESSION The district court has made dispo-j sition of the following cases appear-! ing on the calendar for the Nover.i-' her term of the court: Fred Marshall vs. George Kamtn. et al. Cause dismissed at plaint i it's cost. Michael A. Uoylan vs. c. I). Quin to et al. IVmurr argued and sub mitted. Robert Kyles vs. C. p. & q. r. r. et al. Trial November lt'th. at ten o'clock. Wm. S. Doughty vs. Parr Yourg. Trial November 17. i o'clock. Edna Taylor vs. John Koukal et al. Trial November ISth. it ;. m. Pivingston Loan & Building Asso ciation vs. Eva Sitzman et al. Cause dismissed at cost of plaintiff. Antonia Aschenbrenntr vs. Joseph Aschenbrenner. Cause dismissed without prejudice at defendant's cost. M. Drury vs. Henry J. Stol! et al. Cause settled and dismissed at plain tiff's cost. Clans Speck vs. Charles V. Ilixon. Trial to court, default of defendant entered and decree- quieting title granted. David Rutherford et al vs. C. Law rence Stull et al. Attorney;. A. I-. Tidd and C. E. Martin granted per mission to return as attorneys for defendants. William Nickels vs. Bernard G. Wiley et al. I)3fault. of defendants entered on motion of plaintiff. Hillard Graman v. Lucir.dr. P.rit- itain et al. Trial to court mid find ing for plaintiff in quieting title. Nora Huff vs. Clide Huff. Default of defendant entered and decree cf divorce granted to plaintiff. Daily Journal. 15c. per week. FILES SUIT FOR INSURANCE POLICY Mrs. Annie Dollie GasTer Begins Ac tion in 'District Court Against Woodmen of World. From Thursday's J:o'y This morning action was filed in tile district court t Mi.-;. Annie Dol lie Caster against the Soereign Camp. Woodmen of the World, in Inch ' l.e plait.! iff M-eks to recover the s!!J:i ni S".o i.l ;i -, t !io value of two beneficiary iitsi'rance policies carried by the husband of Airs. Ija--ter. Albert (ias! r. in the Woodmen of the World, and on payment of which the Sovereign camp of the order lias refu.-eii f-.ivoraide action. In the petition of the plaintiff, as ;i!"l by her attorn-'-y. .Matthew (J'T ing. it is stated That on September I", i'.tl Albert ia:ter became a member of the 'Vuodmon of 1he World by joininir the order at PlaTTs-liio-itli and was issued ;i policy cov ering tiie payment of $l."i0 on his da;h ; ud 'a Inch w as made payable to his wife. Annie ! . Caster, and it further stated that on April L'u, I'.'L'O. Albert Caster was issued a second poiic in the .-anie company calling for the payment of $ 1 .too at his death and that the deceased had complied with ai! the require ments of the order as to membership and the payments on the policy had been continued until his death. It is. alleged that on June t;. ldd, the hold r of the policies died at his hone' in the city of Plattsmouth and fallowing his death the proofs of death v ere preparer! and submitted to the sovereign camp, but that pay ment of the claims had not been made. The petition asks for the payment ,'f the sum of ?2.'Moi ,n tne two policies as well a- the sem of $r0 lor attorney fees and the costs of the siot ion. The answer of the fraternal asso ciation has not bfe:i filed but it is understood that one of the defenses ofered is that Albert Caster died as she re-eii ef poison administered by his own li ind and which as a suicide they rcfu.-e! to pay the amount of the insurance policy. The cue is one That wiFl produce many interesting points of law cov ering t.'ie collection of a fraternal poli'-y and the outcome of the case will be awaited with interest. SPRING SURPRISE ON THEIR FRIENDS Mrs. Nellie Hetherington and Mr. Edward B. Thrill of This City I-Iarried in Council Bluffs From Thii'ftiT's ral!y The many friends in this city of Mrs. Nellie Hetherington and Mr. Edward I J. Thrall were greatly sur prised today to learn that this es timable couple had pulled over, a complete surprise on them by going to (' uncii Bluffs on Tuesday and be ing joined in marriage in that city. Tiie newly wedded couple are now busily engaged in receiving the hearty good wishes of the many friend's over the happy event in which they have been the chief fig ures. Both the bride and groom are old residents of this city. Mrs. Thrall having made-her hom here for the past sixteen years while Mr. Thrall one of the veteran railroad men of the Burlington having served as engineer in the local yards for many years and is one of the most popu lar and well liked employes of the company. With the host of friends the Jour nal joins in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Thrall many years of happiness as they journey down lues highways. EXHIBITS SOME FINE MISSOURI APPLES From Thursday's Dnily. This morning Edward C. Ripple returned home from Missouri where he has been for t lie past five weeks engaged in handling the apple har vest in the famous Cushman orchard near Webb City. Mr. Ripple brought with iiim an exhibition of fifteen varieties of apple; as well as sweet potatoes, winter radishes and per simmons which he has en display at the More of C. E. Wecott's Sons. They are sure tempting to the eye of the purchaser and give an idea of: the great fruit crop of the "show! me" ttate. i Mr. Rijple is having a car lead of atples shipped to this city which should be here t omorrov anil which' embrace'-, a stock of especially select ed apples made by Mr. Rijinie him-' feif for the Plattsmouth people. A large portion of the car has been con tracted for and those- who desire to make purchases rhould be on the job when the car arrives. Mr. Ripple will hnve his advertisement ia this p.-per when the car arrives and til thofe seeking apples will have a chance to buy the best the market affords. j Blank books ! Yes you can get nost any kind at Jounul office. A HAPPY EVENT From T n u -. day's tai!v. The home of Air. and .Mrs. James Kuykendall made happier yes terday when a biight-eyed little daughter arrived there- to make Iit home in the future and the event has brought a great deal of happi i?Hs to the proud parents. The mother- and little one are both do ing nicely and the manager of the lighting company is feeling very much elated over the new Mis Kuy kendall who has come to share th" home with them. COUNTY SUNDAY SCHOOL ASSEMBLY Meeting at Elm v. ood is Quite Largely Attended and Much Interest Taken in Work of Organization. The twentieth annual convention of. the Cass Couty Sunday School as sociation was held on .Monday and Tuesday af this week at Elmwood, the .sessions of the convention being held in the Methodist church in that city. The meeting was quite largely at tended by representatives of the Sun day school of the county and those who were in attendance were more than pleased with the delightful manner in which the Elmwood peo ple entertained them. The enter tainment committee consisted of Mrs. Goodridge. Miss Ida McFall. Miss Nora Eveland and Miss Doris Pal meter, and these ladies had arranged a very pleasing entertainment for the visitors to the convention. The meeting was cal.'ed to order by the president, A. -I. Schwab, while Jesse P. Perry of this city, the secretary took the proceedings of the gathering. The election of officers of the as sociation was held on Tuesday and the following were chosen: Presi dent. Joseph A. Capwell, Elmwood; Vice-President. Jesse P. Perry, Platts mouth; Secretary-Treasurer. George P. Shackley. Avoca; Supt. Children's division. Mrs. Robert Alford. Elm wood: Supt. Ycung People's diivsion. Miss Marie Stroemer, Alvo: Supt. Adult division. Luther Pickett, Plattsmouth; Home division. Ella Atchison. Elmwood; Visitation. W. H. Porter. Union; Teacher's Train ing. Mrs. Fred Zink, Murdock; Mis sionary, Miss Rachael Stander, Louisville; Pastors.E E. E. Elliott. Louisville; Temperance. Rev. L. W. Scott. Elmwood; Administration. C. C. Wescott, Plattsmouth. The Elmwood churches assisted in the pleasures of the convention by the serving of a big basket dinner on Tuesday noon at the church and the result was that the visitors were treated to a feast that they will long remember. STATE SHERIFFS' ASSOCIATION. The State Sheriff's Association will meet at Grand Island on Deceni '.) r 9th, according to the announce ments sent out by Sheriff C. I). Gjuin ton of this city, president of the as sociation. The sheriffs held their meeting last year at Omaha and had some big time at the gathering and they are expecting to mere than equal the meeting at the forthcom ing gathering in the western city this year. With the convention at Grand Island on the 9th it will be a good place for the e-vil doers to stav away from. . RHODE ISLAND REDS FOR SALE Males for sale at ?2.f0 each. White Wyondottes, Rose and Single Comb Rhode Island Reds, ami Rouen ducks. Jl'LlUS REINKE. lm-w. South Bend. Neb. V Why Farmers Like Our Service! Farmers come inlo this bank knowing they will get a little more service a little bet ter service than they require. For 49 years v.e have served the farm ers of Cass county. Since 1 87 1 we have stud ied their needs, their demands, their progress, and have spared no efforts to keep our service just a step ahead at all times. If this is the type of bank service you want willing, helpful and consistent with sound banking principles our service is at your service. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK THE BANK WHEF?E PIATTSMOUTH MEETS WITH SER IOUS ACCIDENT John Cciy. Proprietor of Perkins House. Falls from Ladder and Is Badly Bruised. From Frlilan ra!lv. Yes-terday while John Cory, ilo proprietor of the Perkins ilooe. .as entagfd in p'tlting up a Mir. in the dining room of the hotel he un fortunate enough to fall a.'.d receive very severe bruises and inj'.i:ic. that have confined him to his led jinee the accident. Mr. Cory, at the- time of the j;c cident. was standing on a step lad der and was being ass,i-ted in hand ling tie- Jong section of stove jupe by Carl Oosch lager, when, with eit warning, th" ladder on which Mr. Cory was standing slipped and the unfortunate man was thrown to The floor. a distance of several feet. s-triking on his way down a serving table, which caused several very se vere bruise on the- head aiu' shoulders. Mr. Cory has suffered greatly since the accident and bis siele seems to give him a great deal of pain and it was feared that he might have sustained internal in juries but an examination failed to disclose any. The patient is still confined te his bed and from the present indications will be compelled to remain There for several davs at least. DEATH OF GEORGE HICKS FROM CANCER Old Time Resident of Near Cedar Creek Dies at University Hos pital in Omaha. Fiom Thursdays Dally. This afternoon the body of George A. B. Hicks arrived in this city from Omaha where Mr. Hicks died on Tuesday evening at the L'niversity hospital where he has been for sev eral weeks taking treatment feir his malady, t hat of cancer of the stom ttclr. Mr. Hicks was fifty-five years of age and has for years been a familiar figure in and near Cedar Creek where he has made his home and up until a few months ago was employed in the sand pits near that place, ceasing his labors only when the fatal mal ady had made such severe inroads on his health as to making his work ing longer an impossibility. The departed gentleman leaves to mourn his loss one brother. William J. Hicks, of Cedar Cree k, and a 'arge number cf warm friends who share with the brother, the sorrow that his death has occasioned, Mr. Hicks whs never married and the brother is the sole surviving relative, on sister having preceded him in death The burial was hard at the Oak Hill cemetery. HAS HAND INJURED P't-om Prtday'f Dally. Yesterday while J. II. Mc.Maken was assisting in the moving of the large boiler that is being installed at the high school, he was unfortunate enougU to have his hand badly mashej and two finge-rs of the right hand were badly bruised, making it necessary for Joe to wear his hand in a bandage'. While very paintuJ. the injury is not thought to he ser ious however. FOR SALE Good barn in the best of shape, i.- sold, through Journal Want Ads. Inquire of Fred G. Egenberger. tf d. YOU P-bhL - I MUvc J?L NElRASKA