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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 11, 1920)
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11. 190. TAfiE TWO PRECINCT OFFICERS OF CASS COUNTY WRITES OF THE MOVING OF COAL PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL J.L.TilleyofSeg uin, Tex., whites: "My Waterloo engine was worn egg shape. I was ready to buy a new engine. But I tried two Zel nicker Ever-Tyte piston rings and am getting more power with less fuel and oil and my engine runs like new." 3 point c xp a niton Right-Angle Interlock.. ihi pisto R"o ron ul0' engines Evtr-Ttiht Piston Ring Co., St. LauiM Ask f orZelnicker K ver-Tyte Piston Kingsatany garaeeor reyairsliop or k'-t tbctu Iroia ua : Results of Various Elections For Jus tice of the Peace. Assessors, Over seers and Constables. Nei- LOOKING AFTER THE VOCATfONAL TRAINING Nebraska Far Behind Other States in I'i umber cf Men Enrolled in This Feature cu Government Aid. I'"riii I iim1:'.v a I 'ally. Y'-j-t.-!"Jay afterti.ion Webb Davis of I. :i! ilii. r. present in? the War Kisk !'i-iir;i!Hi' ? i! it-au and the vocational r r:i : : : :;:r i!) pa r: ni-' ni of tin- govern !..:, t war work activities, was in the iry. t-i -iiii r.R down, to look into the is - ::f a number of the former r vice n.cTi wIki v.crj entitled to receive tiie vocational training under their st!iU merits witii the war risk bureau. Tf!r" are several here who have been -rr-'.iiijd tiiM vocational training and it is to arrange their taking up this work that the representative of the pivoiiiiier.t was sent to this '. '. The i- overiimer.t is offering a i '. t'di-l i. prion unity to the former :-rvi-" ii S secur- exceptional '!.!. it;o:;al advan'aires and it is to 1.- r'r'tfed that more of those who ii.ui' b oa placed at a disadvantage 1 v ti'.tir injuries or wounds received : ihe war haV" -ot taken up this o,i. ! of ti e government. Mr. Davis 'hat Missouri has lo.nno. Iowa V'l'n. and Kansas men now taking tiie training while Nebraska has o-ily l.r.oo who are taking ad t.!4 of tli- change to secure voca i ; : i : I training1. Nebraska furnish ' -i a I:, rge number of troops and men ' i '!'( i.;:vy bur apparently the in tr' -' ha no' 'ot-n fully aroused in Co- in ti;e vocational training o;n..-t:;:iiti--. Two ! Mat t smout li ;. ;:ag a. Byron .rris and Adolpli 'e!:al ;;r" now t ompktirr; th'ir training' at The univ. ri'y of Nebras ka and ;!" Iowa agi i uiturt- college at .iio-s. Iowa, and are well pleased v. m!i the :". ratuag s olforcd by th"se i s.-h'M!s. Esiray ITotice. Taken up. on the farm of Hernia:: ". K' --'. three milts north of I'nion. o:.. ( -ti.natd four year old steer of t"" Iferford lined, and having the li.ilowing marks a:ol brands: "CK" on left shoulder: "D" on left hip ,and "It" on bark. Weight about 1 1;'H pounds .-Hid in very fair condi tion. Owner can hav-.- same by prov ing property, paying damages and costs incurred. oll-.lw H HUMAN C. BOSS. The various precincts of the coun ty last Tuesday selected their local officers who will look after .the "dis pencing of justice, levy make the as sessment of taxes and look after the road work. In a number of the pre cincts no constables were chosen and in a number the various candidates were tied for the different positions. Tiie results over the county were as follows: , c Tipton Precinct Justice of the Peace G. V. Peter sen. Assessor Ed Doran. Overseer J. D. Allen. Constable William Norris. Greenwood Precinct Justice of the Peace B. W. Stew wart. Assessor 1. B. Appleman. Overseer Charles Ayres. Constable G. S. Lambert. Salt Creek Precinct Justice of the Peace W. K. Hand. Assessor John Mefford. Overseer Frank Rouse. Constable Tie vote between John MelTord. L. A. Pond and Harry Hughes, who each received two votes. Siove Creek Precinct Justice of the Peace A. W hart. Assessor Frank Gustin. Overseer Henry Brockman. Constable John Lynn. Elmwood Precinct Justice of the Peace H. Oast. Assessor Herman Schmidt. Overseer William Rush. Constable S. Leis. South Bend Precinct Justice of the Peace W. P. Saw ver. s-essor B. F. Dill. Overseer George Wallenger. Constable Ross W. Davis. Weeping Water Precinct Justice of the Peace No selection made. Assessor Robert Jamison. Overseer Walter Wiseman. Center Precinct Justice of the Peace Dan Bourke. Assessor George Wolpert. Overseer Andrew Schleifert. Lcuisville Precinct Justice of the Peace James W. Brobst. Assessor James M. Hoover. Overseer -Ira Baker. Avoca Precinct Justice of the Peace James A. Copes. Assessor Dr. J. W. Brendel. Overseer Gordon Heneger. Mt. Pleasant Precinct Justice of the Feace No choice. Assessor Philip Hild. Overseer Adam Schafer. Constable Wilson Gilmore. Eight Mile Grove Precinct . Justice of the Peace S. J. Reams. Assessor J. G. Meisinger. Overseer J. W. Keil. Constable John Spence. Nehawka Precinct Justice of the Peace Morris Pol lard. Assessor J. G. Wunderlich. Overseer Nick Klaurens. Constable A. B. Kuthledge. Liberty Precinct Justice of the Peace W. A. Taylor. Assessor J. I). Bramblet. Overseer Herman Reike. Constable Robert Willis. 1st Rock Bluffs Justice of the Peace T. S. Bar rows. Assessor Alfred Gansmer. Ovtrseer William Seyboldt. Constable J. S. Scotten. 2nd Rock Bluffs Justice of the Peace George Smith and Harrison Gayer tied, five votes each. Assessor K. Gansmer. Overseer C. P. I'atterson. Constable Ray Wiles. Plattsmouth Precinct Justice of the Peace Wash A. Young. Assessor B. F. Wiles. Overseer Charles Barnard. Constable Robert Black. Henry Starkjohn and M. Thacker. one vote each. Weeping Water City Justice of the Pea?e E. P. Buck. Plattsmouth City Justice of the Peace Michael Archer. Superintendent N. C. Allen of the Omaha Division of Burlington Gives the Figures. Division Superintendent N. C. Al len of the Burlington has issued a letter to the various agents over the Omaha division in regard to the de mand for the movement, of coal in the country. The letter is as fol lows: "I wish to express my appreciation to the agents of. the Omaha division for their co-operation in the matter of prompt handing of instructions relative to releasing promptly and moving coal loading equipment as requested by the management in that you have received through your ef forts the co-operation of industries located at your station. We have re ceived various reports showing the results accomplished, but none so complete as the last report, which In substance is about as follows: "Individuals and industries in the west that have ordered coal and yet are unable to obtain delivery, have naturally exhibited some concern over the prospective coal supply sit uation this winter. The reasons for this concern must, however, be grad ually dispelled when the facts regard ing the production and movement of coal are disclosed. "This year up to September '2. the railroads had moved 392.747.000 tons of bituminous coal from the mines as compared with a total of :41.27". 000 tons in the same period last year, an increase of over 51.300.000 tons. "Where is the coal going? Largely to the Northwestern and Now Eng land districts, because of the serious shortage there and to which it must be moved before navigation on the ; Great Lakes is closed. i "The next step will be to supply j the central West and other sections. to which winter conies later and is ; less rigorous. j "This heavy movement of coal has i been made possible onlv bv the in-1 creased railroad operating efficiency, because the available facilities have not been increased could not be i:: the short time in which the railroads have ben operated by their owners. "The results which already have been accomplished in increasing the efficiency are indicative of what can be done by private initiative and or ganization in the face of very adverse conditions. In the week ending Sep tember 4. 947.74:'. cars of freight were loaded; in the week ending Sep tember 11th, in which was included the Labor day holiday. S72.04:; cars: in the week ending September IS. 9S3.913 cars. "The accumulation of delayed cars in April, following tliv outlaw strike of yardmen, totaled 2S8.000 cars. This was reduced to 47.KS9 cars for the week ending September 24. which is normal. In April the average in ilea made daily by each freight car in the country was less than 20 miles. Tins average had been increased to 25.7 miles by July and the reports which have been made since by var ious railroads indicates that the goal of 30 miles per car per day. set by the railroad executives, will be reached. "The excess of cars ordered by shippers throughout the United States in the week ending September 1, over the number supplied by the railroads, was reported as 151,400. In the week ending September 17. it was 9C.114. While transportation con ditions are by no means satisfactory, the facts show that the railroad managers are making splendid pro gress in improving them. "From the figures shown above, it indicates very clearly to me that we have all contributed towards this showing that has been made and each I employee having to do with the handling of the coal loading equip ment, taking it tip with the con signees to get them to realize the ; serious situation, has brought about this improved condition, for which I the agent, with his local dealers, de , serves a great deal of credit for j bringing about the prompt releasing or cars. "Yours trulv. "N. C. ALLF.N." h if' -Ji "tye will not sell a ne battel it we ca n give '4 e Golden Rule is not only ood business srood et i etmcs it is VES SIR! Success in our line isn't something we can grab we must build it. We aim to prosper right here in this community of people who drive motor cars. We need their good-will. We don't try to unload a new battery onto any man who ccmes in here with a lame one. 4 ' No Sir ! We give our patrons exactly the kind of service they would want if they could know batteries inside and out as we do. That's the way we build up their good-will." There's no need to assume that your battery is worn out just because it has begun to fail. It will take us just a few minutes to open your battery up. Then you can see the insides for yourself. You can see how the plates look and the separators. The plates are the vital parts. If they are sound enough to warrant a repair, and it is an economical investment for you, we wall repair the battery. We'll make it as energetic as ever and insist on just one thing, and that is to give you an adjustment guar antee of 8 months more battery vigor. But the day will finally come when you will know that your battery has lasted just as long as the best battery skill can make it last. Then, and not before, will we sell you a USL Battery the one with the durable, Machine Pasted Plates. USL Batteries come to us "Dry Charged." That means that you get a battery that is as new and fresh as it was the day it left the factory. There is no wear, no before-sales deterioration, so you are assured of the full battery life. We are a Golden Rule Service Station. We want you to know what Golden Rule Service means. Come any time come often we are here to serve you. We are a Golden Rule Service Station Not a Battery Store Phone No. 98 L. F. Terryberry : ' - - LOCAL NEWS Vve do all kinds or jot) printing j For 45 years folks in your locality have been buying pianos from A. j Hospe Co.. Omaha. They handle the i famous Culbransen Player. Write or I phone them for particulars. o2S 4tw. i From Monday's Daity. Sheriff C. D. Quinton departed this i morning for Hastings, where he was. called to look after some business matters of importance for a short t ime. ! Julius Langhorst, a former Cass county man. but now residing at Ne i bratka City, was here today for a few hours looking after some business matters. OBJECTS TO THE BRIGHT LIGHTS Vjpdr your daily newj-papgr wifh fhe same judgment you chocxiQ orner ecren- tfa! jfiinri? The Lincoln Jfar Lr clean, fhful and in-rereji-inb.You will enjoy it" in your, home. Not from the Great White Way but from Searchlights of Malicious People, is Complaint. County Attorney A. G. Colo has received a complaint from the vicin ity of Murdock of the fact that the residents near that place have been annoyed by the habit of parries throwing the rays of their search lights into the windows of the homes of a number of the residents of that locality. The habit complained of has beon kpt up lor some time and the par ties whose slumbers are disturbed by the blinding rays of light re asking' the intervention of the Jaw to try and locate the parties carry ing on this work. It seems'to be the nightly avoca tion of someone to drive along the road in a car and stop and turn the full force of their searchlights into the windows where the peaceful resi dents of Elmwood precinct are slum bering and keeping this practice up for hours at a time. The parties making the complaint are of the opinion that it is local talent as no stranger would go to this trouble to annoy the residents. From TiiPsilay's Pally. Searl S. Davis was a visitor in Oma ha today for a few hours going on the early morning Burlington train. Frank Vallery. the real estate rus tler, was among those going to Omaha on the early morning Burlington train today. William A. Fight was among those going to Omaha this afternoon to spend a few Jiours looking after some matters of business. Mrs. KInier Wetenkamp was among those going to Omaha this afternoon to vi?it for a few hours with friends and attending to some matters of business. Mrs. George Thomas came up yes terday afternoon from her home in Nebraska City to enjoy a visit here with the old friends. Mr. Thomas departed yesterday for Grand Island where he takes up his work in the new packing plant that he has to sftther with a number of other Ne braska City men become interested in. EAGLES TO SOUTH OMAHA Here are a few snaps left from last week's Price Talk Ladies fine wool sweaters Children's and Misses' sweaters. Men's and Young Men's leatherette coats Men's and Young Men's wool overcoats $5.00 $1.65 $18.75 $18.75 Heavy double faced Cf husking mitts rjyrcHLMH hllillllT- Talk! Here are some very talkative ones. You'll like their chat ter. Listen to them. They are for immediate acceptance and cash only. Hatch One-Button Union Suits sizes 36 to 44, ecru rib, fleece lined, very ela&tic, very warm, very comfortable, very special. TruVcase of under wear we carried over and you get the benefit at $1.98 $2.00 PURE BRED CATTLE AND K0GS I am otTering for sale, for imme diate delivery, two pure bred short horn bulls and a number of pure bred Duroc Jersrv Jioars. all ready for ser vice. " SEARL. DAVIS. o9 6t sv. Murray, Neb. j The members of the local arie are : preparing t tak their flight this evening to South Omaha, where they ' will visit the arie there and take part in the initiation being staged there and also to hear the address of Con rad II. Mann, former grand worthy 'president of the order. The" Platts mouth delegation" will leave on the 7:8;t Missouri Pacific and return on the midnight train and will have with them a band and orchestra. Ne braska City Eagles are also to-attend with a band and the occasion is to he one of the biggest held in South Omaha in many months. Men's fast color blue bib overalls, high back, at Men s fast color blue work shirts, limited -quantity, sizes to g-g QQ 16'2. at Men's fine dress shirts, neck band style, some with stiff cuffs. g - Q g Some with soft cuffs. Sizes 14 to 17 Y You'll find as always, these items just as advertised! C E. " Wescotf s Sons 'EVERYBODY'S STORE 1 1 V