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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1920)
PAGE FOUR PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1920. Cbe plattsmouth lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postoffice. I'lattumouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE ticians. are halcyon days for poli :o:- (old pen liave been manufactured in America for SO years. o:o Will the death of MacSwiney help the cause of Ireland? Perhaps. :o: Wood for pianos is kept in the seasoning process, as a rule, for 40 years before it is used. :o: All clouds are within half miles of the earth. heighth they do not :o: six and a Above that exist. Thirtv-five private secretaries are employed to look after the private correspondence of the pope. :o: Dr. Brendel is the man to vote for if you want a Kood capable rep resentative in the legislature. :o: The man who is always waiting for something to turn up is usually asleep when it finally conies along. :o: The former kaiser has grown sadly uugramalical. He signs himself "I. K." when it should be "I ain't." 0:0 When it comes to mud slinging, the G. O. P. campaign committee has a steam shovel tied to the post. :o: Woh in reality is responsible for Ivorrt Mayor MacSwiney's death. Kngland n odoubt, could have saved him. :o: Cuba threatens that sugar will get up again. Hut it is merely a threat, with nothing whatever as a sound basis. : .) ; The persistent warm weather has enabled the women to wear their furs almost up to the beginning of w inter. :o: The trouble with the folks who are always giving the farmer advice is that they have nothing else to give him. :o: Isn't it too bad that the hens do r.ot lay a lot of eggs while the price is high, and lay off laying when the price is low? :o: I'sually. when you find an author sneering at movies you have merely struck a writer who can't get his fr'renarious over. :o: You need not buy any fuel this winter. When you feel cold, think of the rent you are paying and you'll get hot all over. :o: The fuss over the league of na tion will be greater after the fourth of March than it is now, regardless of what ticket is elerted. :o: If elected as representative. Dr. Hrendl will be found supporting ev ery measure that is good for the peo ple and against all that is bad. :o: W. V. Moran is the man to favor for senator. Make up your mind to vote for him. He is able, honest and candid in all his deliberations. :o: Close observation and careful in quiry has convin&etl us that a woman doesn't care anything about the way a hat fits her head if it fits her face. :o: A Philadelphia juryman was fined for going to sleep in the box. If this ir.i;us!iment generally prevailed the jails would be filled with jury men. :o: There will be no monkey business in state affairs if John H. Morchead iwcupies the executive chair again. Honesty in state affairs is his slo gan. The voters know him. :o: John H. Morehead should be elect ed next Tuesday. And he. will be, if all those who desire a good, clean administration, vote for him as they should. :o: Lloyd (leorge says he believes the United States will join the league of rations after the November election. Dave must have firm faith in the candidacy of Cox. vote sen- Mrs. Charlie Chaplain says she can stand her husband's friends. :o: A vote for W- V. Moran is a for the right man for the state ate. - 1 :o: The rolling pin has flattened out the steam roller as a political wea pon. :o: Governor Cox says that if the country doesn't accept the league there will be hard times. :o: The candidate who wants to cap ture the woman vote ought to in vent a non-skid hairpin. :c: Nothing so upsets the even tenor of a woman's ways as the insinua tion that her hat isn't on straight. :o: A vote for John II. Morehead means 1 vote for a gentleman whose whole heart is wrapped up in good will for the People of Nebraska. :o: Plattsmouth should give Dr. Bren del a large majority. He is no new citizen in Cass county, but has lived at Murray for many years. :o: Plans are being discussed for the celebration of Armistice Day. Per haps we had Tjetter wait until after the November election and see wheth er we have cause to celebrate. -:o: -:o: It is pleasing to find now and then among the moving picture stars a real womanly spark, as for instance. Sylvia Pankhurst has been again pinched we mean arrested for publishing seditious literature in England. Sylvia, it seems, is not so much interested in sunrage as in front page publicity. :o: Wooden ships are being offered by the government at $12 per ton and no takers. Will the government kindly bring a batch of 'em up the Missouri river to Plattsmouth? We can use thera for apartment houses. 0:0 James D. Baker of Otoe county, is one of the best men in either Otoe or Cass county. And his election as float representative would reflect great credit upon both Otoe and Cass counties. He is a man of the people. -- :o: The Pullman company showed a surplus of four million dollars for the last fiscal ,year. That was mere pocket change when compared with what the Pullman porters would be able to show if their resources were recapitulated. :o:- Jiramy Cox showed his fighting spirit by attacking- Senator Lodge on his own home lot as "the arch conspirator of all the ages." That's almost as strong as Senator Harding's description of him as the "leader i.f the poison squad." :rv Miss Alice Paul is wasting time and energy in issuing calls for a convention to be held in Washington next February for the formation of a woman's party. The women folks will never get far away from the men, politically or otherwise. :o: There will be a turkey shortage this Thanksgiving, we are told, be cause the flurkeys overate of the abun'dant grain crops last summer and didn't mature. This also made for a short grain crop of which the bakeries will inform us later. :o: The time is at hand when the fair sex is going to play a conspicuous part in the political affairs of the commonwealth. Kre the next demo cratic state primary is held there ought to be at least 100.000 women in the state qualified for suffrage, and it may go considerably in excess of that figure by the time the sena torial primary is held in 1922. :o: Five years ago. let us say, a cor poration found one million dollars sufficient for its needs in financing expansion or purchasing new equip ment, borrowing at 4 per cent inter est rate and assuming a yearly in terest burden of $40,000. Today, because of the depreciation of the dollar, it must borrow $2,000,000 to make the same purchases, and is willing to pay double the old inter est rate, or 8 per cent, thereby bur dening itself with a fixed annual In terest charge of $160.000 actually four titmes as great as inthe -days before the war. WILL BE HARD TO ORDER NOW A King & Hamilton Grain C GET lump or an OTTAWA SHELLER. If you wait till you need them you will not be able to secure them. I also have a few first quality Farm Wagons left at $185.00. Act quickly. A. , AULT Cedar Creek, 9 Nebraska In th- County Court of Cass coun ty, .Wluaska. In tli matter of the estate of Adam Ka ffenberier, deciased : On readinff and tiling the application of Minn if Kaftenberser, administratrix of the estate of Adam Kaffen herder, deceased, tendering lier resiKnation as such administratrix, on account of ill lifnlth and inability to act as such ad ministratrix further. ;.nd requesting that ;orge A. Kafl'fiil'fl'K'T he ap pointed in her stead to complete the administration of s:tid estate; OKI tKKKli. That November 2. A. I . i:'i'. at lu.iui o'clock a. in. of said day j is assigned lor hearing said applica tion. neti all persons interested may appear at a County Court to he held in and for said county, and show cause why Hie prayer of am. Meant not lie granted: and that notice of the pendency of said application districts which thev are to represent i v Hearing m.i.-on given to . . . . , , . . 8,11 I",'-voiis interested in said matter but this is a false idea gained donbt-lbv publishing a copv of this order in less from the former law that pre- " iaitsm..uth journal, a semi v -tiled In this "state ' weekly newspaper printed in said conn .. , . -t 4i ' l "" l'"ee successive Weeks prior to r ui uie i. ui yiui jrap my said uay of liearing. uiiini r nmuiTi in m iiWHULt UUUNI I Id IU VOTE ON COMMISS'RS: Number of Voters are Laboring Un- der Impression Only Vote for Men in Their District. Within the past few days there' have been a number of inquiries re-1 ceived at the Journal office relative to the question of voting on county; commissioners. A great many have the impression that the commission- should ers are to be elected in the various candidates have been selected at the primary election by the voters of their respective districts, but when it comes to the general election their names must appear on the ballot over the entire county and to be elected they must receive a majority of the votes cast in the county, ir- regardless of the number their home district may pile up for them The impression has gone out here that it will not be possible for the Plattsmouth people to vote for Fred; II. Gorder or William Atchison, the' candidates in the third district, but such is not the case and every voter, will have the opportunity of voting, for the candidates for county coni- missioner. regardless of what district I I ated l. l'J.'fi. o.'s-;:w. this L'tith day of October, A. AL.L.KN J. 1! Cou K KSt .V. lty Judge. he may reside in. The candidates for commissioners are I . l allerv and (.. I,. Farley in the first district and Fred fJorder! and William Atchison in the third! district and if you vote in Cass con'!-' .y you will pass on the merit of' these gentlemen, all of whom are among the best qualified men in; the county. GOVERNMENT GETS INTO "BUILDING TRUST" CASE Washington. I). C, Oct. 29. Ap pointment of Joseph Kaufman as special assistant to the district at- torney at New York to conduct a federal investigation info the al leged combinations in the building. materials market in that city was an nounced today by Attorney (Jeneral Palmer. This is the federal lirst step in the direction or prosecu tion of alleged violation of anti-trust laws among brilding materials deal ers. Department of justice officials said information gathered by the United States attorney's olTice in Xew York had disclosed evidence which tiny believed pointed to combinations in violation of the Sherman law. Mr. Kaufman will co-operate with the New York state legislative com mittee which is vest igat ion into ii:ki:m wi s To the defendants, the west h:lf of the northeast quarter of Section sevcii . teen (17) Township twelve t 1 j north I Kange nine cm east of the i;th p. m. ill Cass county, Nebraska, and all per sons claiming any inUii-st of any kind j in said rea i estate or any pari thereof: ! S. N. Men jam. whose first and lull name is Seidell N. Meriiam. Seidell X. . .Merriam ami l.ydia Merriam. his wife. A. Corbin. whose first and leal name is Austin Corbin and Hannah M. dr bin. his wife. I. V. Newsum. .1. W. Xev suin. William liurfce, William urfua. Itennis Iean. Samuel ;. Mrysin and the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representatives, and ail other persons interested in the estates (if each of the above named persons. You and each of you. as named and designated above wilr take notice that on the Jlt'i day of August, 1!L'0, the plaintiff. Cohort Kbit'., tiled his petition auainst ou and each of you in the I'istrict Court of Cass county. Nebras ka, the ob, i i t and prayer of whi h pe tition are that the court may hi.d and decree that plaintiff and his grantor. hae In en ill the sole, open, adverse. notorious, exclusive, continuous and peaceable possession of the whole of the west half of the northeast ouarter twelve l-i north Kange nine (Hi east of Section seventeen 17l Township of the ; 1 1 1 p. m. in Cass cointy, Ne braska, for moie than twenty years !..' past as owners theioof. and have made valuable and lasting improve ments thereon: tlat the d-'fects and clouds upon the plaintiff's title to said -I I OUt. Ml lilS pet It loll 1 and the title iiicte.l in this plaititilf: ih.if a nd each of t hem a ml No-urn of ni:i i:iu:i:s sw.i:. In the IHstiirt Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. Henjamin F. Goodman, Plaintiff, vs. Uobert F. Goodman et al, Hefendants. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to an order of sale issued to me by the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, on the L'Sth day of Septem ber, lSi'O, in an action pending In said court in which Henjamin F. Goodman was plaintiff and Itohert F. Goodman et al, were defendants. I will, on the '.Mh day of November. 19:10, at 1 o'clock In the afternoon of said day at the south front door of the court house in I'lattsniouth. Cass county. Nebraska, offer for sale at public vendue to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate situated in the Cily of 1 'la 1 1 smou t li, (.'ass county, Ne braska, to-wit: Lots nine, ten, eleven and twelve in Clock one hundred ten, according to the published and recorded plat thereof! Said sale will remain mcn for one' hour. C. A. UAWI.S. Keferee. CIIAS. K. MAIiTIN. no4-..w. Attorney. An Opportunity To Brighten Up - -,-,-;li-.rirlr.v,i.,, mJ Brightening up the home is one of the chief pleasures of the housewife. A bright, cheerful home makes for contentment and comfort. There are marred and scratch ed pieces of furniture the worn floor and stair treads the wood work, which needs refinishing the ice chest the kitchen cabi net and many other places about the home can be brightened up with . real j ma v . a nd i t he i 'all I II llilr i e II io! t ille estate, as be romovt confirmed bfetnhints lersons ciaimin ! them or mi v of :n d 1 1 om ciaimin to said real est. -it l.v, t h t io 111 or rough anv P or be li i rl o. t hen quiet and pel plaintiff ther miirnrnniiml' , Poll " fin l her and just and eipiitab! You and each answer the y!m fore Monday the 1 !'(!. l'atcd this Ji't I l:ul r from interfering with lia ble possession of this and for sii'li other, rot: I relief, as ma be e in the pit in isrs. f you a-o reouiie.l to e petition on or be nt n day of 1 lecem be'i , 1 1 - d.i v .1. I c I w: f let. t;r:T k i r .. J 'I a int iff. li. !:.i:i;v. Alton..".- for ib. r. I!'.". Plaint ; MIT I CI? TO ( lti:i)ITIIKS i.i:i;i, MiiicK Notice to non-resident defendants. To the Free Haptist Foreign Mis sion Society, a corporation: American Loan A; Trust Company, a corporation: west half of the northeast quarter of Section twenty Ciii), Township eleven (11), North fiange ten (10, east of the tith P. M.. Cass county. Nebraska ard all persons claiming any interest of any kind i;: said real estate, or any part thereof: You and each of you are hereby notified that Henry' Meirjurgen. as plaintiff on the Oth day of September, Pil'il. filed his petition "in the Instrict Court of C.iss county. Nebraska, where in you and ta'-h of you are defendants, the c.i, i and prayer of which peti tion are that you and each of you, and all persons claiming by, through or und.r you adversely to plaintiff, be adjudged to havu no interest, right, t state, or lien in or to: West half of tiie mirth. -ast quarter of Section twenty (l'i. Township eleven (111. North' Pange ten (Kii. cast of the Kth P. M., 'ass county, Nebraska or any part or portion thereof, and that the plaint iff Henry Meirjurgen, together with his grantors be adjudg- I .1 to have been in the adverse os js.ssion of said land for more tlian ten j yea is last past, and that the legal (title thereto lias becotne fully vested 'in Henry Meirjurgen notwithstanding jthe claims of von and each of you, lor any one claiming by, through or under yuu. and that the title to said land be forever quitted in tie said llitiry Meirjurgen. as against you and a--!i of you. and that each and all of .-aid defendants above named, and those whoso names are unknown, and not staled, be forever barred from claim ing or asserting any right, title, in teresi or .state in and to sa'd real i -tale or any part thereof, and fop such otlur am: further relief as to the court ma v seem just and equitable. You and each of you are further notified vou are required to answer said petition ori or before Monday, the '.l.d d.iv of November. 1 ! J I. 1 1 1 :n k y m i : i i :.i i i : ; i : n. Plaintiff C. A. PAWLS, oll-iv,-. His Attorney FLOORLAC a varnish stain of unusual wearing qualities, adaptability and beauty. It stains and varnishes in one operation is durable and waterproof. Floorlac is made in all the popular shades of oak, mahogany, walnut, etc. It is inexpensive to use and easy to apply. We are making a special offer in order to introduce Floorlac quickly to the housewife. Cut the coupon from this ad, bring it to our store with 10c and we will give you a 25c can of Floorlac and a 1 5c varnish brush. Bring in the coupon today. FREE FLOORLAC SAMPLE COUPON Name. Addreas Town. This coupon and 10c entitles bearer to pint can of Floorlacnd J one Varnish Brush. ( Only one of each to each purchaser.) t F. Fricke Co. MITICK TO S! ; to of N 4 It cm roiss hi;. ska, Cass coun- ooniliictiiig" an the situation. lii- Estray Notice. Taken up, on the farm of Herman C- Iloss. three miles north of I'nion. one estimated four year old Pteer of the Herford breed, and having the following marks and brands: "CK" on left shoulder: "!' on left hip and "TL" on back. Weight about 200 pounds and in very fair coin'.i ion. Owner c;;n havo same by prov ing property, paying damages ;nia jnsts incurred. ol4-::w IIKKMAN C. liOSS. i.i:i;i, Mint k ollce on-l!cilcu llefemlriiit To .-'ilas I Inf.', I 'eft nd.. lit : Von will take noli-e that on tl :th .l.iv of P'i'ii. the plaintiff 1.. t in. Mrs. A. C. Hun, til, .1 her pit tion in ti e Iq.-tii- t i ourt of ( ass coun ty. Nebia.-ka. against said defendant Sihis Puff, the object and praver of which are to foreclose a certain tax eirtilieate duly issue I to the plaintiff on the tth iav of November. 1 :!. b the treasurer of Cass count v. N'.brask; for the taxis dm; and delinquent on I.ots and ;:;:: In the Villat. of I.nuisville. Nebraska, for the sum of $s.::v, and for the sum of $7.7 Mil sequent taxes paid dtirinur the yet- P'ls and x.O subsequent taxes paid by plait, tiff for the year P.U'. That the ahoy.- described real estat it i For a Disordered Stomach When the stomach fails to perform its functions the bowels become le- ipged, the liver and kidneys con gested, i ne important ming is to restore the stomach and liver to a healthy condition and for this pur pose Chamberlain's Tablets are ex cellent. Give them a trial. They onlv cost a quarter. be eha rued with l: u f u I i tit e!'e j phi i I! t i ff be a wa rdi I of. and that, equjt'. jail oth. r int ci . s t s I Silas Huff be fore and that : s.ld to satisfy the dee thereon, and I table relief. Von are requir Petition on or hef November. l!i.'i. Hated this 11th day o MKH. A. the above amount t thcicon. and that I foreclosure ther of redemption and of the defendant r barred and fmr lid real estate 1" amount of the lien r such other eq U d re a nsw. I'.'nd sa i l'.t.'O. If you see r. u ines of lent insurance. need insurance of any kind Kgenberger. agent for till life, fire, health and acci- L0ST BUNDLE Package on road somewhere be tween Plattsmouth and Murray, con tained ladies hat as well as knit doi!b' and ?l paper bill. Finder please re turn to Mrs. T. K. Fulton, Xehawka, nd receive reward. Call phone :!!, N'ehawka. 27 21 d 2tv. Gash Carry Grocer Carry Your Groceries; Pay Cash and Save EUioney c. "1 1 a. i: A 1 1 v. f i letoher C. 1HFP. Plaintiff. WI.S. for Plaintiff. To Tl da nt : You ar I'ml i lav -wood. p com men. lit, MIIIIIS MlilfH 1'nderwood, 1 t he bra a re heiebv notified that on the f July, 1 !:!, Sarah Iv Pnder iintif:, filed her petition and d an action against you ii. idstrict ourt if Cess county. Ne ka. the object and prayer of which to obtain an absolute divorce from you on the ground of extreme cruelty, without provocation or fault upon the part of the plaintiff. Vnil ate icquestcd to answer said petition on or before the Jl'th day of November. i:i"u. y S.l;.l K. rNDKUWOOp, o7- I w. Plai n t i IT. Read the Journal. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. lbs. I OFFER j Japan rice 50f ! split peas 30f t A-l navy beans 5(V ' 'cracked hominy 25 f ; lima beans 35 Scotch green peas 25c New Arrivals No. 1 Enelish Walnuts, per lb 35' lb. pkg. buckwheat flour 40 lb. pkg. pancake floiir 40f gallon Karo symp 98c1 T 1 TT mrr 2 uancui xiaro syrup gal. Wedding Breakfast syrup Special price $1.00 72 gallon Wedding Breakfast syrup for 60c qt. can Log Cabin maple syrup70f lo I STILL HAVE A LOT OF CANNED VEGETABLES! They go at 7 cans for $1.00 E. P. L South Sixth Street TZ Plattsmouth Si dress better S () M K women have' learned that there are two ways to care for clothes. They are learning to take care of them. It is quite auiannerly thingto take care of your clothes investment and protect it Ui to the limit. Having your clothes carefully dry cleaned will improve their wear and help to prolong the life of their stylish lines. Clettin"; acquainted with our work means fretting in touch with a real money saving service. Goods Called for and Delivered J PHONE l&b OwPOStTE 'JOURNAL OFFICE t ! ( 'ollllt V ' Jie ma 1 1 er thick. ilecea the ( r, ,!jlo "II a ! hereby ( ' urt. I the estate of Sarah ed. r: of said estate; notitied. That I will 7'1. ty. . In In l. I To .'it a: the County (.'ourt room in Platts mouth in said county, oji the 1 lit It day of November. . . pii'U. atid on the l"l!i day of I'td.rua ry. A. 1 1. Pn't. at 10 o'clock a. m. aeh day to receive and examine all claims aiinst said estate. with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said state js three months from the HUh d:t v of November, A. I . iaji time limited for pnyinfnt of one year from said Itith day vein her. P.i.''). Witness my hand si ml the said iVumtv Court this Hth m.tobir, PJi'o. AI.I.KN .1. PKKSoN. (Seal! oll-lw. c'ounty .ludri rnTTT i i i i Lai.' K-i. 1 WW and the debts is of No- sea 1 day of of Stop! re- iton 1 1: 'outity ('. iTK i: lilt of ' mm- f Sam- l n tie i on ti t y t "ii i t 1 I a ty. Nebraska. In the matter of the estat- tol Alley, deceased. NOT1CK To all persons interested ill the es tate of Sair.m! Alley, deceased: You are hereby notiried that on this, the i::th day of October. ll'-'U, the peti tion of Mark White was tiled in this Court allein'-r that on.2 Samuel Alley, late a resident and inhabitant of Ci:ss county. Nebraska, departed this life at Pock Illuffs. in said county, on 1 lecem ber 1'iul. 1 ".-, lea vino: an estate to be administered and a Last Will and Tes tament disposing of same, which is now on lile herein, and which was ad mitted to probate in this court on the Mil dav of January, ISTfi. before Wni. II. Newell, then County Judure of said county, as shown by an order entered m pane L'l't of Kntrv T!o.k "li a rec ord of said court, but that by ovc sitrht or omission. the said minty Iiiile failed to endorse his certificate of probate thereon, as required by law. to entitle said instrument to be read in evidence of title to real estate, and prayiiifV that said instrument ne aiiow- 1. established, proliatcl and aulben- I Hated, as reipiireit by law. Vou are further notified that said petition and proofs thereon will be oard at the ounty ourt room m Maltsmoiith, in Cass county, Nebraska. on the l.itli nay ot rsovemner, in nine o clock in the forenoon, at whieji time 'ail persons interested may appear Hid contest the same, and unless ob jections are tiled on or before said lay and hour of the Court may frrant tne prayer or sum pennon. liated October i:;. Pi'JO. ALLKN J. Bi:i:SON, oll-Sw. County JuJjje. Auto Painting! Look! Let me. give you an estimate on painting your car. THOS. L. EV1ILLIER, 6th and Pearl Street, Plattsmoutb, Neb. l.v th M. I ru ry i hove , plaintiff, described and cov tract of about the t;th day of I he nlaiiitiif filed her OK IIK.ItlCi un PelKlon fur Appoliilmen of AilmiuiM ml or The Slate of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Kni- liinr K. i;eece, ne'easeo. n reading and tiiin the petition of Sadie Keoie, .Miniir Ji. i;eece ami hillp ft. Pceco prnyinur that adminis tration ol said estate may ie granuMi to Sadie 10. Peece and Arthur 1. Jleece is Administrators: Ordered. That November PJtli. A. U. KH'O,- at 10 o clock a. in., is assigned for hearinp: said petition, wnen an persons Intereslea in mini matter may Hppcur at a. County Court to be held in and for said couiovy, ana snow cause why the prayer ojr petitioner should not le granted: atid that notice of the pendency of said petition jnd t lie hear- nsr thereof be Riven to all persons in terested in Faicl matter uy luiniisnint; copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal. a semi-weekly newspaper orinted in said county, for tliree suc- essive weeks, pi ior to said lay ot hearinf.'. Dated October P. P.'n. AL.L.EX J. nEKSOX. (Seal) olS-.;w. county jmige. owned orinii land. That on or October, 1 u 1 :. petition in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, and the above nam ed defendants are hereby notified that unless they answer within thirtv davs "f the completed service of this notice, exclusive of the day of such service, the petition of said Plaintiff tiled apralnst them in the Clerk's office of said Court, such petition will be taken as true and judgment rendered ac cordingly. M. DPURV, Uy Plaintiff. K. I.. PKUKY, "U-? Her Attorney. but I do intend to see that he does not fool the American people on one of the greatest issues in the history of our country," the Rovernor said. Before leaving Cincinnati, Cox made a statement on the death of Terence MacSwiney. "MacSwiney dies as a martyr to his cause," he said. STSWINEY DIED A MARTYR. COX SAYS En Koute With Governor Cox. Middletown, O., Oct. 27. Governor James .M. Cox today "came back" to Middletowrn. the, little ciy where about thirty-live years ago he was a cub reporter and a high school stu dent. Cox is attacking Senator Harding more sharply than ever. Cox charges the republican candi date "i.s trying to get the presi dency under false pretenses." "I am not particular whether Sen ator Harding fools Johnson or Taft, Serious Results from Colds Colds not only cause a tremendous financial loss but are also a serious injury to every one who contracts them as they lower the vitality and prepare the system for the more ser ious diseases. It is not at all un usual for people who have serious lung trouble to say, "I had a hard cold last winter." Why not take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and cure your cold while you can. FOR SALE. Willis-Knight Overland, 4-cylin-der, 4 5 horsepower. Good condition. Fof particulars see F. G. Egenberger. lw d&w. If it's in the stationery line, at the Journal office. call MITICK In the District Couit of Cass coun tv, Nebraska. " M. Dt-urv, riaintiff. ys. Stoll: H. J. Stoll; YVm. F. I fendantp. I The object of the above tion in which a summons served 'and Henry J. Kropp. De- i entitled re is herewith upii Henry .i. Mini, ii. .i. muii F. Kroop. and all person un known who may have or -;laini to have 'anv right, title or interest in and to the North half of the Northwest tji.f.r ter (X XV4 of Section t o ("-'), Townshfp ten U0. Range twelve (12). Cass county, Xebraska, is the fore closurer of Tax Certificates Xo. 4616 Combination Sale! 67 HEAD OF BIG TYPE Mm Urns Sired by Orange Model, Big Tesse, M. Ks Big Won der, Criterion and Progre3sor. TO BE HELD Wednesday, Nov. 3rd at Frank Anderson's sale pavillion, Pacific Junction, Iowa Sale to Begin at 1:30 P. M. Terms Eight months at eight per cent. BOYLE BROS, and 19. K. MOORE f