Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1920)
Ill 0 NT AT. i?07EK2E3 1, 1920 PLATTSMOUTH SE&n-wTEKT? JOURNAL PAGE THREE Ialvo DEPARTMENT Lee Clark of Lincoln, was in town Thursday. 1 Miss Doris Arnold spent the week ; end in Fairbury. Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Bird, October 27. 1920, a son. John Murtey is spending a few days at Sulphur Springs. Mo. Miss Aurel Foreman of the State University spent Sunday at home. Ben Weaver spent Friday and Sat urday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaf fer. Mr. and Mrs. C F. Rosenow spent Sunday visiting friends near Prairie Home. Mrs. Isolo Kennedy visited in Lin coln from Bunday until Tuesday night. I. I). Wills has purchased the En sign store, and will appreciate your patronage. Mr. Ensign and son Lennox, are living in Lincoln since disposing of their store. The Misses Rosalie Johnson and Anasticia Barry were passengers to Lincoln Monday evening. Grandma Thomas is very ill. Her daughter, Mrs. Beck and daughter, are here from California caring for her. L. Lauritsen and wife autoed to Lincoln Sunday, where the former took No. 5 for Kuskin. where she will visit a few days with relatives and friends. P. J. Linch returned Friday eve ning from Grand Island, where he spent a few days with his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Peterson and family. Mrs. M. C. Keefer returned from Plattsmouth Wednesday. Miss Lois Keefer spent Saturday and Sunday with her sister. Mrs. Hoy Cole. George Foreman, Jr.. and family and Miss Bissy of Valparaiso, spent the week end at the home of the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Foreman. Bishop H. C. Stuntz of the Omaha area including Iowa and Nebraska, is expected to be here and deliver an address next Wednesday evening. November 3. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Foreman of Lin coln and the latter's uncle Mr. Bur bank of Crete, visited at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Foreman, Sunday. Mrs. Dr. James Muir and children of Milford. spent the week end with Buying Grain We always pay the highest price for Grain and Stock. We own and run our own elevator and mix and grade up our grain, enabling us to always pay top prices. I AM YOUR FRIEND JOHN U1URTEY, ALVO JJusit deceived!! A NICE Morse Blankets Coatman ALVO, 11 We believe we can render any service to our cus tomers than can be rendered by a country bank. We are always ready to make good farm loans for long terms at reasonable rates. Our officers are well pre pared to advise on problems of farm finance, manage ment, accounting and on the legal matters with which a farmer must now deal. Deposits in This Bank are Protected by the Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska The Farmers and Merchants Dank, ALVO, NEBRASKA i i S. C. HOVI.KS. Vm. II AI.K X. HOYI.K. C anbler FI.OH. K. OAN7., Aaat. A. M. HOV1.KS, Vl-r-l'rr. C.UII, II. OA NX. Vlre-Prn. The Alvo National Farm Loan Association S. r. HOYI.KS. President DA LK S. BOYLES. Sec'y-Treas. IIOlLi: fMNZ, Altoi-ncra-at-Lavr Dr. and Mrs. L. Muir and daughters. Dr. Muir and family took them home Sunday afternoon by auto. Mrs. John Foreman and Mrs. Bert Kitzel left Tuesday for Fremont as delegates from "Alvo Woman's Read ing Club" to the first district con vention of the Federation of Wo men's Clubs which is being held there this week. Mrs. E. L. Uptegrove, - accompan ied by her neice, Mrs. A. G. Cleweli of Watonga. Oklahoma. came in on No. 37 Monday evening from a visit with the formers son, Wm. Utegrove at Portsmouth. la., and a neice in Council Bluffs, Iowa. '''J, . " Mr. and Mrs. C. Y Shaffer and little daughter of North Platte spent the week end with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shaffer, all spend ing a few hours in South Bend Sun day afternoon at the Fred Weaver home. The ten days special meetings at the M. E. church closed lost Wednes day night. They were well attend ed and very interesting. On Tues day night Dr. J. H. Clemens of Lin coln spoke and his assistant Pastor, Rev. Oscar Lowe, gave an interesting talk. Work has begun on the remodeling of the M. E. church. The services will be held in the auditorium of the high school until the church has been finished. A basement is being made which will give more class room for the large Sunday school attendance and will be a much need ed improvement. S. C. Boyles returned Wednesday from McCook. Neb., where he spent several days with his son Dale S. Boyles. and was present at the open ing of the Farmers and Merchants State Bank of McCook on Tuesday, October 26. 1920. of which Dale S. Boyles is cashier. We extend to Dale our best wishes for success in his new location. Let Falter take care of all your insurance. We offer you real insur ance service. This costs you no more. ol2 lm. J. P. FALTER & SON. If you desire to secure any of the late fall and winter models in ladies ready-to-wear garments, do not fail to call at the store of M: Fanger. The line Is full and complete in ev ery way. and Stock! NEBRASKA LINE OF and Auto Robes! Hardware, NEBRASKA 99 A TUMULTY TRIBUTE PAID TO PRESIDENT PRVIATE SECRETARY SAYS HE IS MISUNDERSTOOD MAN 10 YEARS HIS SECRETARY Washington, Oct. 28. An intimate picture "of the manner of man this Woodrow Wilson Is," based on ten years as his private secretary and touched here and there with hitherto unpublished incidents in the presi dent's official life, was drawn tonight by Joseph P. Tumulty, speaking at a democratic mass meeting just over the line in Maryland. Mr. Tumulty described the president as a "man as strangely misunderstood by some and as violently misrepresented by others as any man in the whole history of American politics." He had long de sired, he said, to tell the country what he knew of Mr. Wilson's charac ter, but had refrained in the know ledge that the president, "who shrinks from self-exploitation, would resent exploitation by his friends." With the approach of Mr. Wilson's retirement to private life, however. Secretary Tumulty continued: "It seems to me not improper that just before the curtain rises on the last act, I modestly step out from my ob scurity in the wings, and tell the audience a few things about the lead ing actor in this great drama of the past eight years." Recalling his ten years in the "in timate relationship of private secre tary," the speaker said: "I may be presumed to know at least as much about him as the gen tleman who discourse volubly of him in Pullman smokers, on the golf link and in the clubs, who assure you thai all they say is fact, for they had it on the word of a friend who passed through Washington once and heard a man say that another man said. etc." Among Incidents on which he drew to illustrate his subject, Mr. Tumulty recalled the reaction of the presi dent to the applause which greeted delivery of his war message to con gress on April 6, 1917. "On that fateful day." Secretary Tumulty said. "I rode with him bad From the capitol to the white house the echo of the applause still ringir.j in my ears. For a while he sat si lent and pale in the cabinet room At last he said: "Think what it wa they were applauding. It mean; death for our young men. Hov ftrange it seems to applaud that.' ' "That simple remark." Secretary Tumulty continued, "is one key t an understaanding of Woodrow Wil son," who, he said, hated and dread ed war with "all of the fibres of hi: human soul." As further evidence of the presi dent's sense of responsibility in th blood shed by American soldiers. Mr Tumulty told of the day when new: came of American casualties at Vers Crus in 1914. "When the nems came," he said "the president was quiet all day. He went about his business methodically with his usual clear judgment an' prompt decisions, but that night h sat silent for a long time. At last he said: 'I cannot get it off m heart. It had to be done; it wa right; nothing else was possible, bu' I cannot forget that it was I whr had to order those young men to ther deaths.' " Order Mayo to Vera Cruz. Earlier that year, when word camt that a "German vessel laden with mu nitions was on its way to Mexico President Wilson talked over the tele phone with Secretaries Bryan ant5 Daniels, and Mr. Tumulty said he wa' also on the telephone during the con versation. When the situation haf been stated to the president, he said. "the voice came back clear and firm: "Order Admiral Mayo to tak( Verka Cruz at once." "Just before I cut off the connec tion," Secretary Tumulty continued "I said a word to the president abou' the tragedy of it all. His voice re sponded, no longer clear, but muffled. as when one chokes back a sob: What do you think of it Tumulty It means death. It breaks mj heart, but it must be done." Secretary Tumulty recalled alsc Mr. Wilson's determination to ride in the funeral procession of the ma rines and sailors killed at Vera C'ru? when the bodies were brought back to New York.. Disquieting rumor that an attack was planned on ,his life had reached secret service men. Mr. Tumulty said, and "one under took to argue with him saying 'You wiill show all proper respect b appearing in the reviewing stand The country cannot afford to lose its president. His reply was: 'The countrj cannot afford to have a coward for a president.' This was his brief and final answer. He rode in the proces sion." The sternness of Woodrow Wilson, his secretary declared, was "just the reverse side of his humane nature.'' and made "nothing more natural' than that he should have become the champion of small nationsh. The president's insistence upon article ten of the league covenant was explained as a wish to forestall the necessity ot the United States going to war by making it a participant "in a plan to prevent the beginning of such war. "He wished to stop the next war before it should begin," Mr. Tumulty said. For War When Necessary. In contrast to Mr. Wilson's self proclaimed "passion for peace" Sec retary Tumulty declared that "when the challenge came from Germany to America, when the American mind was ready for war this same Woodrow Wilson became Uhe most uncompromising advocate of the most stringent measures for conduct ing the war, thereby to hasten the end of the war." The speaker re called the president's speech to offi cers of the Atlantic fleet in 1917, published long after, in which he said "I am willing to sacrifice half the navy Great Britain and we have to gether to crush the submarine nest." "It was he." Secretary Tumulty continued, "who insisted on mining the North sea to cut off the German hornets. Experts said that it could not be done. The civilian Wilson said it could be done, must be done, and it was. It was the civilian Wilson who broached the plan for combining the allied powers in the west under the supreme command of General Foeh, in order that all the allied forces could be concentrated on the utrnian lorces uj itusm mem. "In his mind the supreme object of this was to end war. The "grave fault," which Secre tary Tumulty asserted ne lounti with the president was his ignorance of how to play to the gallery." "He does not know how to capita lize his virtues for the tront pages or the newspapers," he said. "He is dreadfully poor publicity material. Human from his heart to his finger ips, he does not know how to put his humanity on exhibition. "As his friends and admirer, 1 have loved him better because he did not. There was something too fine in his nature for the dramatics and posturings of the political game is it is usually played. Not a Publicity Seeker, The secretary told of a journalist who wished to have the president "do one of the stunts that the public dearlv loves to read about." and of the comment of the president. "He said to me: "Tumulty, you am not built for must realize that l these things, I do not want to be dis played before the public. If I tried to do it I would do it badly. 1 want people to love me, but they never will.' "I have never forgotten the wistful tones in which he spoke those last four words: 'But they never will,' " Secretary Tumulty said. Two final pictures. Mr. Tumulty aid. he desired to draw, the first, 'hat of the president in 1917, "a traight. vigorous, slender man. ac ive and alert." "He is sixty years of age," he said, "but he looks not more than "orty-five, so lithe of limb, so alert of ', earing, so virile. It is Woodrow Wilson reading his great war mes sage. "The other picture is only three ind a half years later. There is a oarade of veterans of the great war. They are to be reviewed by the pro dent on the east terrace of the white 'louse. In a chair sits a man. your president, broken in health, but still ilert in mind; his hair is white. h:s houlders bowed, his figure bent. He Ts sixty-three years old. but he looks lder. It is Woodrow Wilson. "Presently in the prooession then appears an ambulance laden with wounded soldiers, the maimed and Mind. As tliey, they salute, dowly, reverently. "The president's right hand goes ip in salute. I glance at him; there vere tears in his eyes. The wounded :s greeting the wounded; those in the unbulance, he in the chair, are alike asualties of the great war. "I don't believe in his heart Presi lent Wilson regrets his wounds. I "ancy he realizes no man could die :n a greater cause, but I do some inies wonder if it ever seems strange ko him, when a man has been ser- mi v wounueci in n:s cu i iu ri with vice, that he should be met neers and salur.inies from his coun rvmen." 1 nilKVII 1 F Courier Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schlater have noved from the house on Railroad ivenue, where they have resided r.-1-ently, into the A. J. Dietrick house on South Main street. Miss Grace Noves came home from Sunday the Wesleyan for an over visit with her mother, Mrs. Rachel N'oyes and other relatives. She was icconipanied by her friend. Mks Abigail Benz, of Eagle, who is also attending the Wesleyan. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Rockwell are receiving the congratulations of their large circle of friends upon the arrival of a fine big boy at their home in the country northwest of Manley. The little fellow arrived on October 20th. At a mass meeting held at the opera house funds were raised by the business men of Main street for the purpose of employing a night watchman to protect the town against burglars. C. F. Wheeler was ap pointed and is now on duty. Fremont Wheeler and wife of Nor folk, drove down recently to visit his brother. Frank Wheeler and fam ily and brought with tlTem their sis ter, Mrs. F. A. uood. of Denver, whom they had thirteen years, mining engineer in that country not seen for about Her husband is a and is well known as the inventor of 'he famous gearless steam auto. August Ossenkop shipped in a car of horses from the Parmele ranch near Oconto and put them up for sale at auction at .the Missouri Pacific stock yards last Saturday. Tliey were splendid young animals, in good or der and some of them well broken. The scarcity of ready cash and the fact that the fall of the year is a bad time to sell stock is attributed as the reason for the lack of inter est in bidding. After three or four head had been sold at a very low price, Mr. Ossenkop stopped the sale and disposed of the remainder at private sale. Fred Diers of Madison, visited here last week with his brother. W. F. Diers and family on his way to Omaha to attend the Federation of Nebraska Retailers and Federated Merchants Mutual Insurance com pany of which he is a director. Mr. Diers is a prominent merchant in Madison and has probably the finest and most modern general store in Madison county. He accompanied his brother and family to Gretna, where they drove for a short visit with their sister, Mrs. R. J. Tange man and family. Mr. Diers paid this office a pleasant call as is his cus tom when he Is in town. "BEST EVER MADE" STATES MRS, BRAND Wants Others to Know How Tanlac Overcame Her Rheumatism and Indigestion. - "Tanlac has proved such a blessing to my that I just want other sulTe. ers to know about it," declared Mr;. Mary A. Brand, of S20 West Second street, Des Moines, Iowa. For five years, continued Mrs. Brand. "I was in mighty bad health. Shortly alter eating anything, my stomach would hurt me till the pain became almost unbearable. Gas pressed up against my heart, causing it to palpitate dreadfully, and wlie i 1 exerted myself in any way, I ju t had to light for breath. "I had awful headaches and daz y spells, and my nerves were unstruii;,. I suffered from rheumatism in n.y right arm and in my ankles, and iA times I could scarcely above in y head. I couldn't get enough up in the mornings rais' inv hand I was restless, sleep, and g t feeling mise:-- able. "After reading about Tanlac I d -cided to try it, and I can eat any thing I want, even beans and onion and not be. bothered -from indige; tion. I no longer suffer from gi-s on my stomach, and am free from dizziness, headaches, palpitations and shortness of breath. The rheumatic pains are entirely gone and my nerves are steady and normal again. 1 sleep fine, and get up in the mornings feeling refreshed and full of energy." Tanlac is sold in Plattsmouth by F. (J. Fricke and Company; in Mur ray by the Murray Drug company, iand tiie leading druggist in every town. WEDDING BELLS Wedding bells rang Wednesday of last week. 1910. when Miss Pearl came the bride of George merrily on October 20, Jerdine lie Meyer. The ceremony took place at the Kvangeli ;cal Lutheran church, the pastor, Rev. ; Theodore Hartman officiating. Miss Florence Gauer. daughter of Mr. and ' Mrs. John Gauer and cousin of the bride, was bride's maid and Walter Ik-ill acted as bet man. I The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Jerine and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. George Meyer, two highly respected pioneer families of the community. They are a popular young couple . with a large circle of friends who join ; the Courier in wishing them happl ' ness and success. J After the ceremony, the bridal i party drove to the home of the bride's parents, where a fine wedding supper was served, only near relatives being present. On the Sunday following. Mr. and Mrs. Jerdine entertained again in honor of the event, at a 'dinner at which the near relatives on , both sides were present. The young 'couple will not go to housekeeping at present, but will stay with the groom's brother-in-law, Edward Stan der. to help through corn shucking .and will then go to Merna to visit ' the groom's brorther, Henry Eken land family for a short time, after w'hich they expect to reside on a farm ! near .ierna. in v osier tuuuii. Louisville Courier. If you desire to secure any of the late fall and winter models in ladies ready-to-wear garments, do not fail to call at the store of M. Fanger. i The line is full and complete in ev- i ery way. Judge Jesse L. Root in this afternoon from tnd wife came their home in Omaha to visit here a few hours. with friends for The most exquisite line of birth- 'day and car(is to be fnd any where! At Journal office. A Reliable Remedy for Colds and Croup It would surprise you to know the number of people who use and recom mend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. J. N. Rose, Verona, Pa., writes "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been used by-myself and husband for a number of years for coughs ami colds. I also gave it to my little granddaughter three and a half years of age when she had croup i.lst winter. It broke up the attack at once. I have recommended this remedy to many of my friends and neighbors who have also used it with good results." IHt UN OUR NEW LOW PRICES ON Ford Pleasure Cars, Trucks and Fordson Tractors Runabout, without starter $465.00 Runabout, with starter 538.30 Touring, without starter 512.25 Touring, with starter Coupe, with starter Sedan, with starter 585.15 829. S5 881.90 One-ton truck with grain and stock body 800.00 Fordson, f. o. b. Detroit 790.00 We are taking signed orders for above models, which will be filled in the order in which they are taken, I and as our allotment of cars will not j supply the demand at these greatly reduced prices, do not delay giving us your signed orders if you want prompt delivery. T. H. Pollock Garage Authorized Ford Dealer Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth OPEN DAY AND NIGHT! IVtRSAL CAB MANLEY Miss Agnes Tigie of Omaha, was a visitor in Manley for a short time the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Mary Murphy. Miss Carrie Schafer was a vi.skor in Omaha for a few days the guest at the home of her brother, George Schafer of that place. Many Manley people were in at tendance at the game between the girls foot ball game which was held at Louisville last week. Miss Vera Gerlich who is attend ing the Duscliesne College at Omaha was a visitor al the home of hei pan-n's over Sunday last wtek. Mrs. Rudolph Bergman was a vis itor in Louisville last Monday when she was visiting at the home of her parents, John Koop and family. . 1 . I, 1 . ...1 I... 1 m. jieeoner anu r i en iaiu en- ;en are i.otn picKing corn at inc faijn of Omar Coon and find an ex cellent yield and of t lie first quality. John Mockenhaupt had the mis fortune to receive an injury in out of his hands which is preventing him from picking corn for sonn time. A. R. Humble and wife and W. J. Lau and wife, accompanied by Miss Alice Marines and Miss Leda Fleisch man. were visiting at Louisville last week. Daniel Bornemeier. the new book keeper at the bank, was a visitor at Lincoln List Saturday and also vis ited wtih friends at Ithica, last Sunday. L. J. Au-tin was a visitor at Cnion last Thursday, where he went to se cure the services of a girl to do the house work during the illness of Mrs. Austin. The enterprising citizens of Man ley have been constructing a cross ing near the town hall for the con venience of those who clesiie to crovs at that place. Rudolph Bergman and family were visitors with friends at Elm wood last Sunday, driving out in their car where they enjoyed a very pleasant vkit. Theo Ilarmes, Daniel Bourke, and W. J. Lau were visiting and looking after some business matters at Omaha last Tuesday, driving over to the me tropolis in their car. Mrs. Walter Mockenhaupt was a visitor in Omaha last Wednesday for a short time, where she was the guest at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Tighe. Eli Keckler is picking corn for Wm. Otte south of town and finds the employment very satisfactory and the corn fine to work in. both a f ood yield and of good quality. A dog with a bell on that was loose in the streets of Manley one night last week did not add much. to the restful slumbers of the peace loving citizens of Manley. David Brann was a visitor in Oma ha last Wednesday, being accom, panied by the family, they driving up to look after some business mat ters and visited with friends as well. Theodore Harms and wife enter taincd for dinner last Sunday at their home in Manley, Messrs and Mecdames Dall and Herman Mann. The party enjoyed the occasion greatly. Mrs. John Kelley who has not been feeling very well for some time, is receiving treatment at the St. Joseph hospital in Omaha for the present, in hopes of benefitting her health. Henry Petersen and wife and Mrs. John O'Leary. were visitors at Oma ha last week, where they went to visit with Mrs. Margaret B. O'Leary. who is receiving treatment at. that, institution. The people of Manley were de prived of their mail ami train ser vice last Wednesday for most of the day. on account of the burning of a bridge at Brock which held the train at that place. Mrs. L.' J. Austin has not been feeling as well as she would like for some time past, and was reported as not so well during the past few days. It is hoped that she will soon be much improved. John Rauth and wife and Mrs. Rose Keppy. sister of Mr. Rauth. were visiting with the family of Frank Grauf east of Murray last Sun day, driving over in their car. Mrs. Grauf is a sister of Mr. Rauth. Herman Dall. who is careful that A F3EDU We are making a sweeping reduction of most of our line of Farming Implements. Wagons from $100 up; see them. Also Manure Spreaders at a great saving to you. We are ready at your call, to go and as sist in setting up and getting started any kind of machinery. Our Corn Elevators will be sold at as close a margin as possible, but we cannot promise a very extensive reduction, as they are sold close. See us ! We will make the price right on anything in our line you may want. G-flEi!2 MANLEY, NEWS someone does not sup one over on him, has been cleaning up his imple ments that the' llollowe'en parties might not be put to the trouble to place the implements where they would be difficult to return. Charks Craig was a visitor in Manley last Tuesday and returned to his work in Omaha on Wednesday morning. Mr. Craig, who is em ployed in the city, has his Sunday onie on Tuesday instead of the first )f the week and was down visiting .vith Mrs. Craig and the other folks. Mrs. August Stander, who has Ven feeling very badly for some inie past and has tried the services )f a number of physicians, with no npnv -incut in her health, was a i.-itor to Platt'-inouth last week to .,usu!t Dr. I'. J. Fly nn. who has he reputation of bdng an ex. ell.-nty jhysit-jaii. il.-.y Steinkamp was a visitor at )maha last Tuesday, where he went o canslnt a specialist regarding an r.fecti n which he had in one of .is fingers and which it was found ecessary to have it operated on and the bone scraped. Mr. Adolpli Steinkamp. the father, looked after the farm during the absense of the son. Are Holding First Communion At t he St. Patrick's Catholic church at Manley, is being held to- dav the first communion, it being All Saints day. The ladies of the parish have with the usual energetic way, placed the church in excellent condition for the celebration of the festival. GO NOJARTHER! The Evidence is At Your Door, Plattsmouth proof is what you want and the statement of this high ly respected resident will banish all doubt : A. J. McFarland. r.OtJ 3rd street, Plattsmouth, says: "Several years ago I was doing some heavy lifting which strained my back and kidneys. This put me in such shape I had 1c walk with a cane for a number of weeks and I couldn't straighten. It felt as though there was a heavy weight across my back that was just bedding me down. I couldn't sleep nights and it felt as though I had been stuck in the back with a sharp knife. My kidneys acted irregularly and the secretions were highly col ored and burned in passage. I was tedd to try Doan's Kidney Pills and after the first box my condition was much improved. I put my cane away and was able to walk straight. I used four boxes from Fricke & Co's. drug store and they made a cure that, has lasted ten years. My back and "kidneys have never bothered me since ami I believe Doan's will do the same for other people if they will give them a fair trial." 00c. at all dealers. Fost er-M ilburn Co., Mfrs.. Buffalo, N. V. When you think of printing, can't help but think of us. you Horse and General lacksmifhing! Automobile Work, First Class in All Respects! Prices Reasonable! L. J. AUSTIN, Manley, Nebraska BIG y DALL, NEBRASKA Shoeing;