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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1920)
MONrAY. AUGUST 30. 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMX-WEZXTX JOURS! AL PAGE I1VE. MURDOCK DEPARTMENT. PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. The Bank of burdock offers any legitimate inducement which can or may be of fered by any legitimate bank, to its patrons and customers. We earnestly solicit your business, and assure you that we are not only willing, but able to take care of any reasonable demands for loans which you may request of us. Remember, we are the only bank in Murdock, in which the depositors are guaranteed by the Depositors Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Your money is absolutely safe, and you get this free insurance, at no cost to you. Do your barking wilh an old, established, reliable bank, properly nd conservatively managed, and you will never regret it. rhe Bank of iviiirciock "The Bank where You Feel at Home" HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres. H. A. GUTHMAKN, Cashier Did you notice the bargains in! r.prons at tnc Mercantil?? if. Hou-e Jreses and aprons at bar gain i rices, m the Mercantile. tf. Charles 11. KeriTer of Lincoln, has been in Murdoek during the past few th.ys leokini; after the writing of insurance. Mat; Thimcan and son Victor v.-ere vi.-itiuu: and looking after some busi ness matters both at 1'lattsinouth ami (Omaha. Wednesday. Jii'.Ie ii. A. Ca.-t ami wite were. visiting at Malcolm and Seward at the hoi'if- of relative?, who came in an auto l'--r th that purpose and the necessary seats will be placed there in order to be in readiness for the term which shall open in the near future. There i.s :-till a few vacancies on the teaching force, which it is hoped wll soon be filled. The lower grades will be conducted in the old building . I-Iusical Recital Much Enjoyed Miss Catherine Tool, who has ac cepted a position as teacher in the science department of the schools at Tirth. has concluded her classes in need couple an ! also music, wnicn sne nas neen naving at mis place ana at ahu ana ai me rema'.'U-d tor upwards of a week, out eoTicii-;iii gae m ui at u.e i. , X-' t!.iv..1 liolV tUi Iniin- .Ylflii JU1SFI C III! IX' II liJUibUdJ. brought them home again. Mrs. Ca Mr. J. II. i:uck was a visitor in Green ! wood last Thursday and Friday at ', tending the carnival which v.-as be ing given by the American Legion, lie attended the ball e.atne and en joyed it as wtll as other interesting feature? of the three day celebra'io... Om-.ha last Thursday, driving cr ; in t heir car. ! Wm. MeXamara and wife with .their children V.'illard and Jeanetu .of Friend. 'visit-d here for a short time at the home ef Mr. McNaniara's I sister. Mrs. (). W. Uillesp'e and son ! Harry, and departed for Iowa, where J they will visit for a short time at ;the home i.f a si.-ter there. Thev will then return ar.d will visit at I the State Fair before returning to their home. ' good I vtre i White Leghorn Cockrels I have for sale a few White Leg horn cockrels of the famous Thos. Barron laying strain. The mothers of these cockrels, under trap-nesting, many laved 50 eggs during the winter. Buy while they are cheap, for the longer you wait the more they cost. FRED FLEISCHMAX, tf M's s-v. Manley, Neb. Celebrated Fourteenth Birthday Miss Margarite McDonald enter tained a number of her friends at dinner on last Friday evening at her home in Murdock, the occasion be ing the passing of her fourteenth birthdav. The evening was spent in games and a general good time was had, and the little hostess, with the aid of her mother, served a most en joyable repast. The Life O iS3 of varnish on window sills and sashes, front doors, etc., is only A. I.. Tool and family were visit ing at the home uf friends in Ash jand last S-::ila Jack Shields was a vN:t'r :.: ; i n w oo.l one day last week, where u :i t:'k:i;g in one of the ball games. . J. I'othast was a visitor ir. Lin coln over Sunday, a guest at the home of his parents. L. L. Fothast and wife. Kenneth Tool was a visitor with tri'-t.ds and was attending the fall festival tt t; rt-t n woil during the hitler p-Tt of last w ek. Jt-ni S'l e!i is i:-t t in.'r ainr.g with his farm work, as with the assu t j nc fi th.- boy, tiny plowed To acre? of j' round in one day las' v.eek. lN-rnuiii Kupk is the ir'. person v, ii.. c hard of to j :t in wiiiu! en far tiii- fall. Mr. Kup'i.e miiipln- 1 t ! m ".-ing of ten acres last Sat urday. Aouu-' Pan ska d; iried last v.e.k for Burlington. Colorado, where he wcr.; to look afer the threshing of r'; of wheat which he had i:i that section. The Kastern S; ; r Kensington held a lie eting at the home of one of men: Its. Mrs. Carr Mueller Frai.s. iO'Hh;-t .f Wabash, where they all mjyed the occasion greatly. A mini ! r of the members living in Mur-do-k -i- prcM'ti'. I. II. Kelly ar.d wife of Lir.c in. who have liter, working at Sunder land in the beet fields, arrived in Murdock for a short visit at the home of O. L". McDonald and wife, w here ti.ey have visited a short tiiue tetuioing to their home in Lineo'n. wkre they will make their hone. The Murdock Telephone company h:o durin;: the pj.rt w lit en mak-j in:: snpM- extensive iir.p-oveiuents toj the exchange h.iii'i ' ng. eii'argir.g th" J rat in u ri t;; and otherwise rear-j r -jt.iiiru things with a view to ban-, !!:.-.. rr;i;;raitcr Depti'T had choree of tii" work which means that it wrs we'.i done. lo-nrv iieineman v. nr as mane i Itush was ass '.auer c Kraft istinu at last Sat- Miss Mary th.e store of urday. Artliiir Bornenn-ier of Lincoln was a visitor in Murdock for a rliort thm last week. Goiiiir fast and not many left. Aproni and house dress s at the Mticantiie. , tf. Arc Home A era in Kichard Tool ard Wiliarn Jack- iiuan. w '..- were witn tlie stannarM I Chautau m for th" summer with !the closing of the ch.iu' auijua se; ' son ivliicli coticluded the necessity lot' their assistniice. returned home ! la-t Thursday. The boys liked the , woik an;' the chance to see tl;e caun 'tr. bin h seemed gcod again a- nmnber of people attended and well pleased by the excellent manner in which the students per- j formed. Many were th.e encores for another number of the excellent mu- : si - by her pupils. The following is j the program rendered: Duet, Dance Kustique Margaret j To. I and Irene McDonald, i Innocence Virginia Shewe. j Sleep. My Daily, Sieep Krma Wil-!l:am.-;. ' Good Humour Hildegrade Baum ' gartner. Dear Little Dallie Alice Girbling. I Jack in the Box Carl Gaumgart- ! tier. Loves Caprice Mrs. Charles For ma n. Shimmering Moonlight Irene Mc Donald. Spring Flowers Marvel Amgwert. Morcean Caractcristique Margar et Tool. Cachoaclia Caprice Catherine Tool. Attended Christening Ceremonies Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gillespie were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Land holm at Omaha last Sunday, where they witnessed the christening of the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Land holm. The ceremonies were held at the Swedish Mission church in Om aha. Mr. and Mrs. Gillespie made the trip to the metropolis in their car. Stop the Decay. While driving through the coun try 1 rind many homes and barns needing painting badly. Ask us for estimates on work, also see us for paint if you desire to do the work. We will cheerfully furnish estimates either way. New building standing exposed to weather, unprotected, be gins to decay at once. Protect them now. "Save the surface and you save all." Paint and varnish. This is a fine time to have your paining done, weather being all one could ask. itf. MAX Dl'STEItHOFF. Do iici forget that Max Dusterhotf always has a good assortment of the best floor wax. Frank raum. v. no nas neeu woii-.-j ing in Murdock for several weeks i with Ma DusterhofT. the decorator and painter, departed a short tin." w el That Township Line Read since for Omaha. Louis Uuhmiin. wife ter, Josephine, c-f On;:'!'. Murdock Saturday and It h.! ! th" (.: i or the no: t :i and dauuh . arrived i i visited over Sunday at the home of Mrs. Iiuh :: an's percnts. G. Bauer and wife. For Sale: One Parriott tractor. 12-2." in good condition; al-o on-1 Hubert tr; etor good as row and only used a few dys. Come and see tl.vni. Prices will be rade right, tf. W.M. GKHUTS. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kikli and lit tie son. Vernon, have been '. isiting and attending the camp meeting which is being held at Milford. They wit1 joined Sunday I y Joe Johanna who went up to spend th.e day. Max Dusterhotf. with his assist ants, have jut concluded the r" varnishinc of the building u.e.I by 'the Murdock Mercantile company. .m.l which had add.. 1 much to appearance of the business house. J The hoard of education 'f the ; new consolidated t-cho '. district hi--i secured the services t-f Mis.; Laur iBusliness of South B-T'l. to teach in (the primary department, while V:-s Mildred Bushings will also teach in the 4th. .Tih and Olu graces. Mrs. J'--:eph J.h.Hnsir. end broth er. Fred Schuman and v ife. of Ma'. ning. Iowa, who were visiting at the Johansen home for a short time, de parted early week for Iowa, where they arc visiting. Mrs. Johan sen will be gone about two weeks. i we- T i , county. i it and 1. , I.i t h e b . ;:.;t . 1 ; did bi. t : a:ul h y Sure we : u and i what i: vnovv. s bev iitne lifv." u ;ia n ituous t ha iiiy line road, town line rorsl. ;.e which ias-es two ;nib. t Murdv ek going e...-t an 1 the "A'tirst t ie-ce of road i;i the We were akfd 'o travel -.;tr a itent ion chalhuig: ' bit of vi.ol w-iy. they seyi:i- ..':: i n ivi-ate it. W ii i- !!. v w e drive a ? f :i: l'.i :eiy where (rratlyt. ave :ei :i better ro'id-. Well the roil-' yourself and s:w 1 d:s like, then you wii' It is NO' truth in th" beginni i t he w .rid. "i tn live aloni : Well for Han enunciated eaily; n g of t he r ist ory of t is not well fi r man St ill the worn :i IciK away f r a protracted vi.-it leaving the -.nci to . e w mi their bu. ton ; i :ike i.riil Me cakes, no no to wa-1: tiie dih"S. lor they pile th.!: up f: r t h? h .! r wife to v. I the ' she the pro ,VCM r turiis. many mer at ion w :.! ; ,n v a re not :. 1: me .! ' ' o k t ; son:", t : .-y hev. ;i not .: j i ; o I-::i-.-s: no picture shows g to the "animal est le whet: I said that whilj luraoel: who are just nw. thi'.t to sleep alone f t fr; in h.-ing 1 !: -rl and thin it is me. As there are they will have to sh ;o.vs." for hone ''iu- witr ti.rr.iar it:p.e ior .'xiarun :i'r::fi: -i. "- tiei,- .tt n.-irte.' :i few i'..,is ao-tbe west with the intention (if iipv- Golden Citv. Mo., his former: ing his wheat threshed. dctY , where he with his brother. W. i matter v.w j.ecoui.t of ina! f erred the ' air.l w i f c iity to se-: Hessenflow Enjoyed Visit with Triends Mr. :-. d Mrs. O. K. McD uuibl were su.-pris- I and delighted as wel' last Sunday when Mrs. Myra McD- n a'd. motliei- of Mr. McDomild. Frank M u re rnd wife an1 two daughter-. Mbxs M;:r;aret nid Vera, all of Mrrrav. J. Hi!d and Mil-s Ali man of Plat -men: ! . laude BIa k l v. nsas. waiter :! faniilv and Jam"s On t Libert v mitv ir. vUitinj? t nre cirs- for sliimv.enf. !! lias r.o M'-sse:if!o-.v if ( t 1 ir ( re-K and .d:s tlieir return they will all flop at place to store the grain there and asiKelWy and ("hri 'h ri -I e:i;.en ol . home of Win." Heineman near; he could not chip it ha 1 to ret urn j Council B'.uiTs. Iowa, arrived. The j where Henrv will aNo visit i home until such, a time as lie wm merry crown war, a joi: one an : i nme :f t ...1 bv returning t' be able to ship the gram. Mrs. O. J. Pothast departed a Chirk Loth; be-: days ago for her old home at f Matt Vpiingan I Citv. where she will visit with 0,.- ioti.v lier th.e day by all. dinner, tion to i'r a short time before Murdock. Th.e new i"-g const ru and bis .-en. Victor, is nearing erm-j parents. Mr.-and Mrs. H. K. Hanson, plot ion. and will when it h; f.nishedand will also remain for the wedding be ore- of the best homes in t hiss J of her sister. Miss Eva Hanson, who portion of the country. I ne eilinee is to he marnea to .Mr. i-ee t ooper. - v. ili on b" re,;i' v f r the- pb -t erers. cash ier of one of the leading b-mks t he-n. who wmI con , 'eie their work before of that place. They will mai-:e the; the setting in of cold weather. 'home at Leeds, Iowa, in the future. wa Th the con m.s tthoroughly enjoyed a tlelieiou.; y were serve 1 kind which is aain. an invpa- Gocd Willi-im things by war. ct "nprrrcnctrTtin-.l Gr-hrts. who doesn't d halves when he tackle: one of the contestants in Automobiles and Accessories AGENCY FOIl MITCHELL AND DODGE CARS CUSHMAN MOTORS Our machine shop is especially well equipped modern macliincry and first-claco voikmcn. W'c are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including acctyline welding. WE CAWIY A LARGE LINE OF ALL KIITDS OF TIRES i ED. W. Phone 35-B Murdock, Neb. I tiie tractor demon-1 rat ion held on the Henry !?ir: farm w est of Plat's ; mouth last Thursday. He drove his 1 Allis-Chalmer.s tractor to the farm of Mr. 1 1 i r z. and won a favorable plsre among all the competitors entered. Althouch the distance was '22 miles, he drove the tractor ther-" ar.d hick, with tlfe four bottom plow as a trailer, arriving home one hour af ter midnight. Have Great Trip in West j W. II. Hu-h and wife, with their i daughter. Mi's Mary, who departed son-.-" time since for a trip in the I west, and were joined in Omaha by ; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hurt, the latter ! being another daughter of Mr. Rush ;;:'id wife, arrived home We-dnesday of last week. Th" trip was male by ;at:to, the fjrst stop being at Alliance I where they visited at the homes rd" :Mr. and Mrs. J. K. P.rittnin -end Mr. land Mrs. II. J. Westlake.. both fani' jlies formerly ef Murdock, anel after jth" eor.e'nsinn of their visit there, ;the party proceeded Vt Kstf-s par;, j D nver. Cokirado Springs and other , places ejf no'e in t!o" west, includin;: '. a trio up Pikes peak, from whoso jheinhts they saw the glories of sun rise above (lie ciouas, but found it pretty cold at that. Taken Up A Lamb T.'ikon up a small lamb on my farm near Murdock. Owner please call Conrad Wrhrman. ?.0 '.it in s-w. TTr.til They Get a New TSuiMin The board of education of Mur dock. new district, has m de provis ions for the conducting of the high ! school department of fhe consolidat i cd district in the Methodist church, the benches having been removed for mi Take ,a KODAK with you Your speedometer tells you how far you went a Kodak tells you where you went and what you saw. The pleasure of the trip can never fade with clean-cut Kodak pictures to refresh a laggard memory. Better take along a generous supply film. We have a complete assortment, autographic and non-autographic, and it is all kept under proper conditions. Kodaks from $9.49 up r'V -rfT VlO O Murdock Mercantile Company Care For That Corn! This is the year in which we are blessed with a full crop. The small grains have been cared for ; some of the wheat you had to put in the corn cribs. Now look for the biggest crop of corn in years. Prepare now to take care of it. We have an abundance of good crib lumber. Do not allow "Husking Time" to find you unprepared to properly care for the crop. Tool, Neuman & Murtey Lumber Co. MURDOCK, NEBRASKA I of the varnish on protected places. Just notice how water and sun heat attacks it every day. Save the Surface Revarnish It Frequently We have varnishes especially made for this purpose. Valentine "Valspar" White Star "On Time Spar" Pitcairn's "Water Spar" The ideal varnishes for this purpose 11 .i . i i i well as taoic tops, KJicnen caoincis, as refrigerators, porch furniture, boats, fish ing rods, etc. "Save the Surface and You Save All Paint and Varnish" VIS Max Dusterhoff Paints - Varnishes - Wall Papers MURDOCK, NEBR. i ) W3 I rl iCmbj IV Jjy SW Si viv Will Speak The Hon. E. M. at Murdock Tollard will ;peak thereon. lon't fail to hear him. John (Jakenieier, v. !io was out at ret ii rued at Mnrilnrk -.n Woitnocilav iflnrnram KiTHIM. .NCI)"., IOr !l WC'k, on the subject of the new eontitu- ; home last Wednesday and reports tion. As Mr. Pollard was one of the (excellent crops of wheat in that sec convention which drafted the newjtion ar, well as fcood prospects for a constitution, he is well able to speak bumper corn c rop. Paints for Ail Purposes! Wall Paperl CU3. DUSTERHOFF, Painter - Decorator Murdock -:- -:- -:- Nebraska The TITAN TRACTOR tjj Keep in mind that wc arc handling the famous "TITAN" Tractor, and have a few on hand that we can deliver on short notice. CJAsk us for a demonstration, or any thing pertaining to these tractors or the work they will do. WM. GEHRTS Murdock 3 Nebraska