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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1920)
PAGE EIGHT. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, JULY 12, 1920. 1 f n l3 I 1 til is RE3B r. v3 Make Buying Belter! We are going to offer many special inducements by the under pinned merchants. 1 A free ticket will be given to any person making a $150. pur chase at one time for a $25 ride in the Giant Aeroplane with Lieut. Xielson. 2 Cash purchase of $" or more in stores below will entitle holder to cast 1.000 votes in the Popu larity contest. GET TICKETS HERE E. A. Wnrl Soennichson's VVescott's Sons Tetzer Shoe Co. Ladies Toggery Dovey & Son V TERMS OF THE CIRCUS EVERYTHING SOLD FOR CASH. NOTHING SOLD ON CREDIT. NO PHONE ORDERS. NO RESERVATIONS. DVBEIWAGERiE'OF Lion J 1 t t with real bargains of every kind. Listen, good people! DON'T come here expecting to see the regular SAW DUST three ring Circi gether with great tents! DON'T, good friends, come for any of this! But, get the family together in the good old "Henry" Packs circus of fun! A circus of good times! Real true "red blooded" entertainment of a genuine caliber! A 15 day celebration that will be filled full of honest "American pep" and enthusiasm, with the greatest bargain offers ever presented t at an "ELEPHANT" of a Circus, when there will be chances to truly SAVE and enjoy yourself. We have no animals, but we are going toti everlasting friends of Plattsmouth and the "Bargains Circus." 4 "THE WINCHESTER STORE" offers for the 15 gala days AIR COOLED "CHILCOT" and OAK LEAF REFRIGERATORS AT 15 OFF BESTDR & SVATEK H. M. SOENNICHSEN'S Wonderful $35,000.00 Stock of New S ry Good rOTT'Q TTVT HHT-TTQ MIGHTY MERCHANDISING SENSATION! THE DAYLIGHT STORE of Plattsmouth VJWJLiO UN 1 niO comes to the fore with SWEEPING REDUCTIONS! The bie Circus of Bargains start. with a bang THURSDAY AT NINE and we are ready. Below we quote you prices on a few articles only. Space will not I permit us to print ail the prices or descriptions on all we have to offer you in this great PRICE BUSTING CARNIVAL nor a I tenth part of them. However, in this meagre announcement we want you to take enough interest in your own welfare to comp V and look over this great array of merchandise here assembled together at irresistable prices. Everyone within a large radius of Plattsmouth knows the reliability of SOENNICH SON MERCHANDISE. We appeal to your sense of taste and economy. Read and learn of this big offering; then come and see for yourself the amazing bargains offered. EWE BRUNSWICK Phonographs PLAY ALL RECORDS Watches, Clocks, Silverware CUT GLASS M. D. BROWN, Jeweler Full FINK WATCH KKfAlKlNG J. W. CRABILL GLASSES FITTED CAREFULLY Try Oar Filling Station GASOLINE, per gal. 0IL. per qt .30c .25c 7. IL Pollock Garage 5S5ZSH We Wan! Your Business The First National Bank OF Plattsmouth, Nebraska OH BOY WOW! ZIP! LOOK AT THIS 500 men's Bal briggan and Mesh finest quality under shirts and drawers. all, the best you can get at 75c a gar ment anywhere. some are slight ly soiled and as an advertising price the entire lot goes at 9 CENTS the garment. limit of 3 suits to any person. A RIOT OF CIRCUS BARGAINS ASSEMBLED UNDER "ONE BIG TOP" FOR YOUR INSPECTION AND APPROVAL! NOTHING LIKE IT EVER BEFORE ATTEMPTED THE SAVINGS YOU CAN EFFECT ARE REALLY WONDERFUL! WOMENS SAVINGS 31.25 Women's striped ging ham petticoats; regular and ex tra large sizes 83c White table damask, beau tifully flowered, good quality. &S-inch Mercerized $1.19 Kxtra fine pink and white Nainsook womens night gown, a real value at $2.25 Circus price $1.66 MIDDIES PRICES RUINED Stop! Look! Listen! One lot of Misses and Womens mid dy blouses, slightly soiled, each one worth at least $2.00 any place They go while thev last DON'T MISS THIS . Infants and childrens vests, with and without sleeves, light weight, some slightly soiled. They are sold every place up to 35c. Special, each 4c BLOOM KKS Nainsook and Jersey in flesh color only. Klastic knee and waist; a real value at S1.25 Circus price is 78c Another Union Suit Special Ladies fine Italian silk Toppeo union suits and a lot of elegent silk lisle union suits, beauti fully trimmed, sizes 4 to 42. Ilegular price up to $3.50 Circlus price $1.83 Half Hose for children, white with fancy tops, sizes 5 to 7. Just when you need them, the j' are worth 50c They go for 3Gc 75c (linghams, genuine Zep hyr ginghams, 3 2 inches wide, in beautiful plaids and just right for those school dresses, absolutely fast colors. These are extra specials at 33c Silk Gloves Over ;T hundred pairs of womens, black and white silk gloves, in all sizes. Regular values to $1.50 Cir cus pi i ce is 69c 75e Childrens Hose, in pink and blue, all sizes, really fine Mercerized and excellent qualitv. Thev go for 33c CRETONNES Extra quality Chintz in blue, yellow and the desirable shades just the thing for drapes, pil lows, covers, etc., 3fi inches wide. Values up to $1.50 and they are going out at 58c Boys and mens Shirts, ages 12 to IS1,-", in dark blue and grey chambry; also a lot of white percale in fancy stripes, sizes 15i-2 for men, worth up to $1.50. Extra special 96c RIBBONS I'ir.k. white, baby blue, red. etc., in elegant Taffeta ribbon, from 1 io to 3 inches wide, values to 75c they are going out for 9c 5XZS3 DRY GOODS MUST GO Sport Suitings in hand some stripes and checks. Just the thing for skirts, and dress es for women or children. Values up to $1.50 Circus price is 59c $1.50 Ladies Union Suits of fine lisle with tight and full knee, 34 to 44, neatly trimmed and would be i bargain else where at $1.50 These for for 79c Kiddies "Bear Brand' knit waist union suits, combination of waist and drawers, 2 to 10. $1.50 everywhere Circus price is 73c Harness Headquarters BAGS AND TRUNKS Vacation Needs at the Right Prices. See Me About That New Set of Harness. 3 L1 EXTRA WOMEN'S 50 CENT Cotton Hose 23c LIMITED SPACE FORBIDS ENUMERATING EVEN A SMALL PART OF THE BARGAINS WE ThAVE 3 PKGS. Mohawk Pins 10c Full Bleached 16" Toweling 33c 10c Women's Handkerchiefs 4c Women's 75c Gauze Vests 33c Infant's Black Lisle Hose, at 13c 75c, 3G-1XCII Curtain Scrim 37c FOR YOU! REAL SALE WITH REAL PRICES. 150 extra fine quality ladies aprons, L dresses and dressing sacques. value up to $2 each. this is going to be a riot; so get here early. special CIRCUS price while the sup ply lasts is 29 CENTS limit 3 to each purchaser. i 25 DISCOUNT ON ALL Silk AVaists EEni! SEE ' WflW Ff If you are a live wire be sure and vote for your favorite in the Popularity Contest. Full directions for entering found on this page. Two contests one open to ladies and the other to gentlemen. THIS STORE CLOSES EVERY NIGHT AT AND OPENS EVERY MORNING AT NINE IZW3BE5ZSXG 20BCB FREE AUCTION FOR THE FARMERS ASK ABOUT IT Wi"'lmiini i in iniii if ti liihr 1 Tine Ladies Togg erv C. E. HARTFORD Coal and Feed Agent Pratt's Stock Food Telephone 22 joins this mighty Circus of unforgettable merchandise values. Get in the saving line and join the crowds that will flock to this greatest of all bargain events. Here we have arrayed a galaxy of fine and special offerings of exquisite style for the women who appreciate real merchandise, quality supreme and good taste. We have gathered this large stock from the workrooms of the foremost garment makers of the United States and arrayed it here for your inspection and approval. Never again will you have opportunity to buy real merchandise at such unheard of prices as we ofter you now. Join the crowds and bring the wife and kiddies to Platts mouth's Circus of Bargains. You will never regret the .longest day you live. READ below a partial list of the many bargains we offer you. A big program of joyous events has been prepared for your amusement, thus combining business and pleasure. The six big stocks included in this Circus of Bargains contain pvprv known article of wearing annarel imaginable, and afford a buvinf? event such as will not occur again in vears. FREE FRE OPENING V: To the people who atterl CIRCUS, we offer you chan'e To those who come-first vPo time, as you will h the be:f 1 LISTEN, the dcors of the promptly at 9:00 O'Clock Thursdr) For fifteen minutes afte these stores, we hand each1 CERTIFICATE for ONE D OR A CArill CEI!TJFI en on poods tiiat you ina.N stores at any time during ti. on purchases these rules ic he made at one time and ii mentioned on your certifica Leave the Breakfast Di: Soennichson's Fetz' E. A. Vurl Wescl tl 'J L c oi . t' l(Ur.TT.l .1 . T mm F. GQRDEB Titan Tractors. Farm Implements, Harness Dodge Bros. Automobiles 15',, Discount on De Laval and Prim rose Cream Separators During Circus 125 SUITS I BIG VALUE FOR WOMEN rxast suits that sold a from $75 to $115 each. tricotines onlv. tjj Blues are of beau tiful hue. at Circus Sale they go at prices ranging from S3 A WHIRLWIND OF OFFERINGS IN THE HIGHEST GRADE OF NEW, CLEAN MERCHANDISE. PRICED TO MAKE THE SELL QUICKLY. FOR EASY SHOPPING WE HAVE PLACED THE FOLLOWING GARMENTS IN LOTS 1 TO 5. LOT NO. 1 LADIES COATS 'On the Corner" Adolph Giose Fifth and Main Street SOFT DRINKS Cigars Cigarettes and Tobacco 2" Ladies Coats in fancy check worsted. Tailored and fashioned in the very latest styles. The much needed coat for the auto or street. Belted and plain models. Kach and every one of these worth $15. The Bargain Circus price of this lot is LOT NO. 2 15 FINE COATS Fifteen coats in this lot for women who earn for garments that bear the label of good t iste and quality. These coats are in elegant blues and blacks, handsomely tailored and trim med. Made of finest tricotine, silk poplins and sparkle cloths. Values from $50 to $135. $64.88 to $97.44 $6.66 $39,37 to S97.47 EXTRA! EXTRA! GO COUNT 'EM 60 VOILE DRESSES A world beater from Bar gainville. GO beautiful voile dresses latest styles. Flower ed and plain patterns in a won derful selection of shades. Val derful selection of shades. The values range as high as $40, and they go, while they last, at H LOT NO. 3 CHILDREN'S COATS This is by far the greatest offer of the Circus. Think of it! Just 20 of these. beautiful little coats. sizes 6 to 11 in old rose, navy, plum and shades or blue. Made of best tricotines, silks, poplins and other favored fabrics. Values from $20 to $:?0 and they go at the Circus Prices of S9.46 to SI6.66 LOT NO. 4 LADIES SUITS GO LOOK! LOOK! HERE'S A REAL ONE Ladies suits of tricotine, serges, tricolette, geberdine, poplin and silks. Teople, these are the best designs from the foremost tailors of America 9 the most wonderful selection of ready-to-wear garments ever offered at public sale at reduc ed prices. Worth from $45 to $100. They are going at S33.33 to $65,65 100 fine waists ; sizes 46. Voile 36 to as rtrtiiiWlflM lfiiiif Ml BS522 GET BUSY LADIES OR YOU WILL LOSE! BETTER BE SAFE THAN SORRY! TREMENDOUS PK11L KfcUUluuiNSl .Tlf&!l-'aul'Jn"'l beautiful fancy patterns. Every one worth $6. buy them early in this Circus Sale for i; $2.76 OON'T MISS A Single day H ATT & SOU EVIeats and Groceries Watch for Our Specials during the Bragains Cirrus. $40 "KUM-SI KUM-SA" SKIRTS Beautiful irrediscent ef fects. All shades. Special Bargains Circus price $1 4.88 $6 REAL GEORGETTE WAISTS Elegantly trimmed. They won't last long. Go at Special price $3.88 $14 EXTRA FINE GEORGETTE WAISTS BIG VALUE The cream of class and the best to be had. Cut to $6.88 $2.50 FINEST BUNGALOW APRONS ALL, SIZES All shapes and patterns. Go at unheardof prices. $i.S8 $2.50 LADIES Black Pure Silk Hose ALL SIZES Of finest silk and a gen uine bargain at the price. $1.63 FINE $5.00 CREPE KIM0NAS BIG BARGAIN We have some elegant patterns in these to go at $2.46 SALE TERMS CASH; NO EXCHANGES OR REFUNDS HOSE SPECIAL $3.00 Ladies Silk Hose. These are the very best to be had at that money and they go at .$1.97 Sear the band RAILROAD FARES REFUNDED FREE! i . iti ? i f vrm will come a lonn way and purchase bills amounting 10 kav 5KOfin rr more. To those who do this, we offer you your rail road fares free both ways. You must bring your receipt and purchase scads at one time in one of'above six stores. HOSE BARGAINS I arliVc 3 50 finPSl- Sillc HnsP ,'r. oil -. r? . "V - - oitta. cxtm r i special at the Circus Price of $2 22 l ' Mil I III II llll I III l II I I III! I I Ill mi P 1 2 k. I I III ll I II 111 FERRY FARES PAID FOR YOU FREE! bought at one time from any one of these stores: Wecott'sJ 0 n 7 -J