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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 12, 1920)
'-tfT-. X..ti xTATTSXOUTH 14, X&iv. Jin on GREAT STOCK OF MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS - L W escott s s 1 it Real Live Businc Concerns of a Real Live Town TRY THEM You Wit! Hoi bo Disappointed 1 Kit u r I V f KAX & If VoUf FORI) iJc-eJs Attention EiilNO IT TO US They All Stop at the W I Wagner Hotel Ear-gain If ou l.rin tliia eoupua we will serve yua our Luuthton for GOe. Circus. w :ui leut i'ij it 21. J. Richey Lumber SUILDIKG MATERIAL Of All Kinds at All Times at FAIR PRICES Conservative Bank is THAT'S US Bank" Piailsrr.ouih Stale Bank g Plattsinouth. Neb. Dunbar's Fog! Hail 0.;a Door Eust of the Morclar.J Soda. Candies, Cigars aiiu Tobacco HIRES" ROOT EET.Ii ON TAr HEW YQSft BfiKERY "The Home cf Perfection Bread" Everything in the Line of Pastry CASES MADE TO ORDER Delivered Same Day if;-, - Permanent Life Like PHOTOGRAPHS FREE One 11x14 Portrait with every $12.00 order of Photographs made during the Bargains Circus. 12 Hour Film Service. CHRIST & CHRIST The Burglar Sale is on in Full Fcrce Here NOW crhilip dlu&zch 1 .y.'ararm rrri'.-J2?Tev.ggiajSg! k ft IIRFRSHAL DEALEBS IN Groceries, Flour, Feed SHOES For Men, Women and Children GOES! Think of it good people, just at the time when prices of every commodity are soaring skyward with nobody seemingly able to pre dict when it will stop. As you well know, clothing must be bought early; orders must be placed away ahead in order to get prices that are right. We did this and we bought a whole lot of offerings much cheaper than the wholesale prices today. In preparing this CIRCUS OF KARGAINS we took you into consideration, giving you the full benefit of our experience and mighty buying power. LET US URGE each and every one of you to buy all that your purse will afford at this great massacre of PRICES. Take advantage of this wonderful opportun ity to buy before further advances. We have arranged for extra help to wait on you; everything possible will be done to make you enjoy the amusements and to aid you in making this one round of PLEASURE AND PROFIT. C. E. WESCOTT'S SONS. Twelve Reasons For This Great Circus of Bargains NO. 6 TENT Mail's K nlpliur r ci II A K I PANT'S $1.98 rrt Men's KNIT Union Suits While & Koru iliorl Sleeves ?M.I.L SIZK5 i.I.V 98c $r..f0 Men's HATS Pearl. Brown, Orey, All go at $2.G9 ( HATS Mexican Straw lints for Men ana Hoys It'H a 4 Irrua $3.00 Mens j HARVEST j Leather Work Gloves j hand or ' lanntlet f THKY OO AT j $1.69 j i i lie Men's .".Or? HOSE in nia'k and SH.P!-:i FOOT ) IMh Top I 38c f j Men's 4 0c j GARTERS j TUB TIES Morir Pad Oahle Web outers PRIOF. 24c Slnuichtereil MKXS WASH 4-in-hanls Fast Colors Values to $1.50 23c j OOM.AUS I White. Starch- j I e.l Arrow j collars) I for Men i i ri'1 si:dj I 13c I $1.2.1 Men's I'nderwear Balbriggen drawers and Shirts (iO AT 69c uorKFonn SOX Men's Work Sox nil) top, mixed 13c Roys' P.lue and Orey Striped Madras SHIRTS Sizes 6 to 12 Hep. $1.25 79c Circus Bargains A Surprise Test of Honest AdvertisingCircus Prices! Three Rings and a Show in Each of Them h'O "MONKEY SHINES" HERE Overalls! Men! Overalls! Ktud and learn! One lot of i.imi s htavy blue denim Overalls. tioiiMe Pitched anil strong as a lion. J'lain LIup. high hack bibs ami seven pockets, all full cut and in all ties. Men. it's a crime to do it. they cost nearly twice us uiucli wholesale. As a circus ieckil they p,o for $2.47 ' Oji!y one pair to a customer. (RING NO. 1) (RING NO. 2) (RING NO. 3) YOUNG MEN'S SUITS!SAY fellows! look at THisilA SURE FIRE HIT! Values Up to $35.00 Each ! Young Men's Suits Worth to $45 nines, browns, erevs. manv with in this lot of nifty 3-piece long pant suits, j wast seams; others with English patch Some all wool, hacked by the well known j pockets. All of them the real thing as to Wescott reputation, in mixtures anu Diue serges. This lot Includes young men's sizes only. CIRCUS PRICE $18.69 style, and Men. look at the price. It's a wonder. Every man of you should be sure and see these. The entire lot at Circus Prices. $22.69 Young Men's Suits $50 Values Every one an example of the latest Tailoring art, in all its meaning. Military cut, form fitting. For the real fellows. Some with belts and others plain. A few double breasted. And. listen Men, they are offered to you, till they are gone, at the amazinglv low price of $24.69 ANNOUNCEMENT " EXTRAORDINARY Ladies Rain Coats made of tan Canton cloth. Both belted and plain; some In fancy mixtures. Values up to $10.00 and they go at a real "snap it up" price. READ AND THEN THINK. 0 $3.95 A SMiRTS BUTCHERED 0 Men's fine Dress Shirts Reai Bargain CircusProving that Reliable Merchandise can be Sold at a Saving to You I soft Ki! . ii cuiYs all sizes natty stripes in l-luo. reen. lavender, black and pinU. A scarce article at any price anil h, it- we oiVer them at $1.9S each. s,.(itt extra fine Dress Shirts for v.lio c.i re; cGft French cutis. Fancy otri;es and designs. A real tiger. Do nt.t Wiiss them at $2.39. f .r..;".o Men's soft finish Outing Khaki Kliirts. iith soft cuffs. Sport pockets. V.s'th them yo at this price, $2.69. A BOY'S SIDE SHOW HOY'S SUITS: Snappy knlcker suits. one lot only; lined trousers, loops; In fancv brown and grey mixtures. Values up to $15. We're giving them at $7.99. ROMPERS FOR BOYS: Slipovers and rompers for the little fellows in this lot in plain blue and stripes. Ging ham and khaka. sizes 3 to 8. ou can t buy the material for this price. 69c. HOY'S FINE SPORT SHIRTS: Only a few of these In fast blue chambry. long and short sleeves. Price 79c. MEN'S WORK SHIRTS GO Fast color blue chambry. Full cut and all sizes. 1 his is the sensation of a sensational sale and tne great circus rnce we are offering you these high qual ity shirts for, is $1.39 SLEEP INDUCERS Men's $4.50 Pajamas celebrated Brighton Beech brand none better. Made in fancy madras crepe and twill, in cerise and pink. A regular Circus Bargain for $1.98. PRIZE WINNERS: f.00 pairs of men's lisle full fashioned hose in black, grey, blue and mahogany. These are the real 50c kind and they are going to exit rapidly. In this circus of prices they go at 33c. tsraaicscar: OH! BOY! LOOK HERE! Boy's $1.50 Blouse Waists in plain blue and tan. These go for less than it costs to make 'em. Circus price 73c. Boy's $1.75 Waists, blouse style, in white with nifty dots, stripes and fig ures. Circus price is 98c. Boy's $2.50 Pants in full knicker style, neat dark all-wool patterns and mixtures at a price never before heard of. It's $1.39. 1 Store Open Til! 9:00 Every Night 11:30 Saturdays and fay Days! g A REAL SENSATION Mens Slip-over RAIN COATS for the street and the auto. Fellows you need one of these if you have a car. They come in elegant grays and tan mixtures, "real rain proof" and the lot ranges in values to $12.00. These coats are marked to AO at $5.89. M U S I C! THRILLS! BARGAI N S 00 Worth of 3C SAVE THIS POSTER $500 GIVEN AWAY! In each of the following stores, C. E. Wescott's Sons, H. M. Soennichson's, Fetzer Shoe Co., The Ladies Toggery, E. G. Dovey & Son and E. A. Wurl, there will be display ed merchandise of value including Men's and Women's ready-to-wear, shoes, hose, hats, gowns, shirts, skirts, etc., to the amount of over $500. On each of these articles there will be a number corresponding to a like number on one of these posters. Bring this one with you. Your number may win you something valuable FREE. Find your prize and take it away. Your number is stamped on this poster. LADIES, THIS WAY! For the Big Show We have on the inside, one lot of LADIES BLUE SERGE COATS guaranteed all wool in belted and plain styles, sizes up to 4 6 and values unbelieveable, yet true, up to $45 and this folks, is a real circus bargain as they have been circus price, $23.69. Closed All Day Tuesday and Wedn esday, July 13 and 14, ar ranging store. SEE THE GIANT AEROPLANE Tents E!o. 2, 3, 4 V DRY GOODS, WOMENS AND CHILDREN'S FURNISHINGS ARE INCLUDED for every woman and child in this vast community to SHARE IN. I :v vafly, for the early ones profit. Judge for yourself. - E. Cm. Dovey & Son for the past 25 years leaders of the community for reliability, offer you your selection of t! -ir t;r.-;it stork at a genuine reduction. Everything goes; nothing held back. Good people, you will never witness again such bargain offers as we are placing before you. ;KT IN THK HAND WAGON, cine to this great BARGAINS CIRCUS and Judge for yourself. IT'S SAVING TIME AT DOVEY'S. IX) N'T MISS IT OR YOU LOSE. E. G. DOVE The Home of Reliability! Y & SON Nothing Will Be Reserved! Ten Times This Space Could Not Advertise the Many Bargains Here for You Come! 5 00 YARDS APiiON GINGHAM GOING AT 29c RECORDS BROKEN! 500 YARDS CRASH TOWELING CIRCUS PRICE 28c FINE LACES AND INSERTIONS Values to 35c 9c $2.50 THOMPSON'S CORSETS $1.43 4 0 CENT LADIES BLACK HOSE 28c $5.00 CREPE DE CHENE WAISTS $2.39 $1.50 CHILD'S CHAMBRY ROMPERS 98c . 40 CENT H U C K TOWELS EXTRA SIZE 26c 100 NEW Women's Mtn.lin Night Gowns, all prettily trimmed. Cut extra full an long. A $2.00 Value enters PRICK is $1.43 OPEN TILL 9 P. LI. Every Night 11:30 Saturdays $5.00 SILK SHIRTINGS AT $3.29 Beautiful Crepe de Chine shirtings in stripes so popular out they go $3.29 One lot of boys waists made of medium weight Chambry, a real $1.25 value for 94c Here we have a great assortment of Women's Mercerized Petticoats, plain and fancy, full ruffle flounces, values to $4.00. Out they go for $2.19 SPECIAL Beautiful Batiste "Teddys" for women. Envelope style in pink and white, values to $3.00 for $1.69 SUMMER DRESS GOODS At Wholesale Prices This lot in cludes beautiful colored voiles, flax on, tissues and many other of the newest fabrics 40 inches wide in three great lots Values to $1.25 59c. values to $1.75 9Sc. Values to $2.50 $1.59. WHITE DRESS FABRICS Wonderful white voiles, waistlngs 3G inches in width. All brand new goods, and the prettiest of patterns, values to $1.75 for 92c White non-fhrinkable skirtings, including finest Gaberdines, Basket Weaves, figures and fancys. the kind worth at least $1.25 for 58c ANOTHER. DRY GOODS CRASH! One wonderful lot of silk "Mlr rette" for the summer sport cos tume in beautiful rose, white and yellow a sensation if priced at $7.50. Circus price is $5.42 EXTRA, EXTRA! One lot of white dress mutt-rials, Swisses, Crepes. Ratlnea, etc. Val ues go as high as $1.50. Circus price Is 13c 300 Misses "Mendels Make" mid dles, every one a real bargain at $3.00. The entire lot tagged to go for $1.89. 35 Marvelous Silk Cammlsolles. all beautifully made and trimmed a real feature price, $1.19. STOCKINGS Womens $2.50 SACRIFICED genuine pure silk hos in black, brown and navy they go for $1.69 Misses 60c Silk Lisle stockings in black and other colors, all sizes They are going at 19c One great lot of womens beautiful muslin Corset Covers, the $1.25 kind going for 73c 27-Inch to 36-inch Embroidery Flounces This i9 a real petticoat treat, the values going to $2.00. they won't last long at 63c Genuine Nurses stripe Gingham Nuf Sed!. Circus price is 38c. RE AD ! RE AD ! MEN'S AND BOYS $1.00 BALBRIGGAN DRAWERS and SHIRTS WHILE THEY LAST 29c CLOSED Tuesday Wednesday ALL "DAY" NIP Prices Shattered With No Regard to Cost! Don't Miss a Day of This Circus! STORE GLOS'D ALL DAY ' Tues. and Wed. 13th-14th. A REAL SAVING FEAST 1,000 yards or more of beauti ful Georgettes, Crepes and Voiles in plain and figured patterns. Worth up to $4.75 a yard. Going while it lasts, at $2.22 A REAL CIRCUS BARGAIN Just SIX Girls' and Women's Rain Coats. Slightly damaged. A $7.50 value. Come early; buy at 39c Each jjgr'Ouly one to a customer. FANCY SKIRTINGS One lot of beautiful fancy Skirtings in colored and fancy plaids. All worth every bit of $1.00 the yard. The Circus Price on this is 19c OPEN NIGHTS TILL NINE Pay Day & Sat. Till 11:30 A Bargain Circus-A Price Message-A Death Blow to the High Cost of Living! GROCERIES ARE NOT INCLUDED IN THIS SWEEPING REDUCTION--HOtvLTu ffic" si zi: ll