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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1920)
MONDAY, MAY 31. 1920. PAGE FOUR PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Che plattsmouth journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Katered at I'ostoffice, Plattsmouth. Neb., aa aecoad-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publishe. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR Hi ADVANCE Milwaukee announces a big reduc tion in the price of potatoes. That city may again become famous. :o: The promise to be a dull summer witli no political picnics to attend, is not generally favorably received. :o: A man looks at a woman because l.e wants to; a woman at a man because sOie wants him to look at her. !il you ecr notice that every body knows Letter how to run a n-w--paiwr than the fellow who is it? :o: - Occasionally we see a ca:- where immIih-ss is merely a poIit name for inertia. It is simply too hard work to cut up. :o: Mexico nas plenty of oil to pour on troubled waters, but unfortunate ly most of her revolutions start in the mountains. :o: We aie going to believe thi.s talk about reduced prices when we see bacon. :-. flour and sugar come down from their present prices. :o: England is reported to be greatly t xcited ove r reports of the price? slump in this country. The English are glad, no doubt, to see something going down over here besides the Iund sterling. :o: Government Loan of 125 MilUons for Hulling Stock", says a hi iuiii:e. End. r a benevolent governme t, the old system of raising money h;- roll ing tlie stockholders no longer is considered good railroading. :o: Some Chinese women are alwit to establish a mr.tch factory nt Canton, to be owned and operated by wo men. They ought to succeed if Chi i . women have had as much ex perience in match-making as women of other countries have had. :o: We note with great relief that ll.oiit) cars of early eantalopes are leaving California for middle west- ern distribution this week. We fee. red fr a while that some of those cars might be deflected into Ne braska to haul away last year's wheat c rop. Poultry Wanted! Please call phone 2411 when hav ing poultry for sale. I can take your pcuitry any day in week except Sat urday. W. T. RICHARDSON -'l. Jlynard, Nebr. Jp- ) ' - - MEMORIAL DAY "cr :t tct (V.. if ' The Cays County Monument Co. has a fine lot of Monuments cincl Heeidslones from which to select. The prices are right. Remem ber, there are not many days left in which to have your work done m V T Vv c also cut inscriptions at the cemetery. Give Us a Trial! Cass County Monument Company H. V. SMITH, PRopr. Telephone 177 -:- Wish somebody would tell the butcher prices aro falling. '-:o: The numerous watch dogs of the treasury secern to have run down. :o:- We shall know the worst that man can do when the Turks turn IJolshe-vist. -:o: A woman's instinct is that which telis her she is right, whether she is or not. :o: Did you ever notice the fellow who introduces the most resolutions does the least work. :o: The profiteers not only take the world as they find it, but also try to take it all at once. :o: The war was a great revealer. It turned us inside out and allowed us to look at ou'inner selves. :o: The astonishing woman is she who can conquer the world in a frock she has made herself. '- o: Four Kansas banks have been wrecked in the past year by crooked officials, and up to date not one of the officials has Leen punished. The wrecking of banks by officials inside the institutions may become as pop ular as the robbing of banks from the outside if the stnte permits the assurance to become general that it is as safe one way as another. :o IN AND OF THE WORLD C.eorge K. Roberts in the Ameri cas, April isue, says: "It is evident that the foreign trade of America is at the erd of the first piriod of its development and now confronts a new phase of extension likely to be quite different from the war-stimulated activities of the half decade or so since war in terrupted the world's esf.i'-lishe-l trade relations. Up to this time, our expanded foreign trade has been largely in the direction of Europe and South America; in the coming years it will be the orient that will claim an increasing share of atten tion frem American exporters an.l -Importers." He mentions in addition that the national foreign trade council has decided to hold its 1920 meeting on the Pacific coast, and notes that this was no accident. Herbert Hoover in the Saturday Evening Tost recently explained how price's obtainab'e for our food f tuffs in the foreign markets irre sistibly determine many basic prices in our own country, though the quantity exported be in very small ratio to t lie quantity produced. The statements of Roberts and Hoover are cited to call attention in different ways to the fact that events and economic laws laugh at every suggestion that America can effec tively withdraw from international concerts and relationships. A thou sand other men could be added if there were any need of supporting logic with logicians. If American trade turns to the orient and no matter in what de gree it turns there, no person in his senses doubts that our oriental commercial interests are in for vast development how will it be possi- nriE! c fl ii B R H p II H h n M r - by the 30th of May. U u 0 B i M Rfl Plattsmouth, Neb. Q u -:- bio for us to avoid rivalry with Ja pan, to say nothing of European powers? How will it be possible to carry on rivalry without the basis oi, understanding? How- can an un derstanding be maintained without the frankest recognition in this country that commercially we have an empire, that commercially we are a world power, that commercially we aro in and of the world, and that what woNire commercially we also are politically whether we are silly enough to try ignoring it or not. Out oT the war, and with every body's approval, we have got a car rier fleet. What for? To promote isolation? Out of the war we have got pres tige and power that concerns every other nation on the globe, that must and -will be taken into all calcula tions, and that as an influence in the remote corners cannot be dis sipated whether we pretend our po sition is of no consequence or wheth er we don't. Our place as the rich est, most agressivt-ly industrial, most militarily powerful single state on the globe is a reality; it exists; it is no more destructible for ' the next generation at least than the air we breathe. And so long as it exists we shall be international. We cannot, withdraw from the world. The most and the -worst we can do is to persuade ourselves that we have withdrawn. From that con dition of national auto-hypnosis, if we attain it. we shall awake when seme fact snaps its fingers. Dos Moines Register. -:o:- A PRESIDENT IN PAJAMAS rres'ulent Wilson is not the only president who breaks precedents. The president of la belle France has broken one and broken it hard, so hard that it is a wonder the presi dent did not at the same time break an arm, a leg or his head. The pre cedent so thoroughly fractured by President Deschanel is: that which requires, so far as a precedent can require anything, that a. president when traveling shall not leave a spe cial presidential train save when it is standing still and can be received, presumably with honor and dignity by a reception committee, or at any rate alight with personal safety. President Deschancl left his train in the dead of night, precipitately, through a rear window of his sleep ing compartment that opened too suddenly on the super-exertion of 10-csidential muscle, without anyone knowing of his exit. He was unac companied. Consequently there was great anxiety and alarm among the members of his party when, a fe hours afterward, the valet ran through the train shouting ".Mon sieur le president est disparu". The president alighted very irregularly on a. 'and bed that a kind providence had dumped on the track next thing to a bed of roses under the circum.-tanees but far different from the red carpet tlfat had been spread on the platform at Monbrison. which the president's feet were expected to press with stately tread. The president of France recovered from his sprawl, felt of himself, rea lized that he was wide awake and it was no dream, daubed his lingers with a little blood that was trick ling from his face, arose, noticed he was too late to catch his train, and started hiking down the track to a station a short distance away, cla no better than a somnambulist, in pajamas. Think how democratic a walk this was for the bead of the Republique Francaise. It was a lev elling down. The president was garbed with less dignity than u track walker whom he soon met, and ho certainly was right when he counted that the track walker would be surprised that the man before him was Monsieur Deschanel, president of the republic. There can be no doubt, that the track walker will often speak of the interview. It is possible that the heads of foreign states will not convey con gratulations to President Deschanel on his escape from serious injury, but he deserves them. Very faw presidents could do what lie did and furnish less work for the doctors, but he probaMy will bo satisfied with breaking this safe and time-honored precedent but once. The presidential train was at Mon brison and could have come up the track in a short time, but the presi dent preferred to return to Paris by automobile, and under the circum stances we can't blame him for not wanting to get on the presidential train again for awhile. :o: W. T. Richardson of Mynard writes insurance for the Farmers Mutual of Lincoln. Phone 2411. SUMMER SCHOOL P-an king. Shorthand, Typewriting, Telegraphy. Civil Service, Uook ke'idng. Demand for graduates urgent. Positions secured. Students Til ay w' o r K for board. Address now for Catalog A. Boyle? College, Omaha, Nebraska. m20-Sw. O To sag est Tomorycvf Airicjht Wi? Tacfcta steo siek headaches, rslu-va -iiiicus attacks, tono and regulnia the eliminativo organs, mjk3 you feel fine. "EsrTfcan fills For Uver Ills" Box. F. G. FRICXS & CO. oitm:i: Irv H e I 'is! I Xeli aska. TO SHOW t si: t C"in t of e'ass eoun- Iti t!ie i!i;itt-r of tlie application of liei tlia I.. Siiiinliey, Cnardian of Hubert Star;illey. Irene Staiiilley, -Mal-el Stainl ey ami Versri Stamiley, all Minors, fur M '-nse t- sell (u feailinir i-.ily verilb-d. real estate. arnl tiling the petition, f Ilert l ;i J,. Stamlley, Hubert Stamlley, Irene I Stamlley ami Verna i ( ; uai ! ia n of Mab. t.i 2:.! lev. Standley. all minors, for license to sell the following described real estate, to wit: An undivided ciht-t weiity-seven-tlis is27) of the following described bits: Lots sixty-three (fi:!. sixty-six 'It; i and sixtv-seven (i, all in Lenox Subdivision of the northwest quarter iNW'i) of the northwest quarter ( XW , ) of rtioTi twenty-nine (2y, in lownsiup t.-:i (10 rsortli or Kancre. s vci (7), east nf tho tit li Principal Meiidian. I.ariii'Ster county, Nebraska, as shown on the published and rti'oiil- 1 pl;.t there. for the purpose of raisins funds for the education and maintenance of said minors, and it ap pearing from said petition that said real estate consists of three lots on which there arc two houses which are 'n a poor state of repair, and that there is vt i v little income from said property after paying expenses for kteoiug the houses in repair and the : a x i s ; !t is therefore ordered that the next of kin of said minor- and all others lti-rest.d in said esti'te appear "before nte at chambers in the court house in the City of Pin ttsinoiitl:, Cass countv, Nebraska, on the l-"tli day of June, A. I . lit 21', at ten o'clock a. m.. to show anse. if any there be. why license '-heiio.l not be raiitej to said liertha !.. Stamlley. tiuardian. to sell said real state for tin: purposes above set forth. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be published once eat ii week for three successive weeks b-fore said hearintr. in the Platts- inoiith Journal, a lentil newspaper eir- t til a tin it in braska. Hated at i : n t y this 1 'J 2'-. lid unty of Cass, Ne il iamb rs 12th day in said Cass of May, A. D. ja.mks t. r.nci.KV, Jude of the Histrict Court of Cass county, Nebraska. min-o v. Mint i: oi-' iii:iii; In the Cnitisiy Court of Cass cou il ly. Nebraska'. In the matter of the estate of Mat lie liray, deceased. To all persons interested In said es tate, creditors ami lieirs-at-la w : You are hereby notified that on the l.Mli lay of May. 1!'20, Mattie Kircn berge r fild her petition in this court, alleg ing that Mattie fSrav. late of Platts mouth. Cass countv, Nebraska, died in testate on the 24tli day of Hecember, T.'O... while a resident of said County of Cass, and left surviving her, as her -ole an.l onlv heirs at law, her hus band, Joseph H. Cray and Nellie S. Avers, a daughter: Mary K. Hooper, a hiuirhter: Mattie Kgcnberger. a daugh ter: William Carmuek. a son; P.erlha I.. Long, a daughter; John K. Carmack, a son and Kditli M. Ciicgg, a daughter, all of legal aire, and that said decedent was -seized of the fee simple title to the following described real property to-wit: The nvth half of Lots one ( 1 ) and two (2i, Plock seventeen (17) in Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, which was the homestead of said de ceased, and that on the death of the .-aid decedent the said title to said real propertv descended according to the decedent laws of the State of Ne braska, to the said children of said deceased, in common and undivided, share ami share alike, to each indi vidual one-seventh, but subject to the light of homestead of the said lius land, Joseph H. Cray, therein; that petitioner is one of the heirs of said decedent and the owner of a one-seventh interest in said estate, and pray ing for a determination of the time of be death of the said Mattie Gray, and of her heirs at law, the degree of kin sblr, and the right of descent of the rent propertv belonging to said de cedent in the State of Nebraska, and for an Order hairing claims against -Hd estate, and for such other orders iioct s--ary for. a correct determination of said matter. Said matter lias been set for hearing at tin; c.Mintv Court room in Platts :io nth. Cass countv, Nebraska, on the !Mli dav of June, 192t), at 9 o'clock a. :i.. at which tine-'and place all per sons interested may appear and con test said petition. Hated May 1020. ALLKN J. mCKSOX. ml7-3w. County Judge. i,i:r;i, MiTK'i! In the T'isirlct Court of Cass coun tv, Nebraska. lien iamiii K. Sr.odgrass, Plaintiff, vs. I'.llen M. While: Mattie Williams; Mary I-:. Keilhley; Ann Mickelwait; Maud Tacetti: the following nartied persons ,i m 1 also their unknown heirs, uevi s, K-atees, ami personal represen tatives of each of them, to-wit: Abel L. c;,ii,!s; M.irv Wolcott; Mary K. Wol tott. and the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representatives of W'iieatbv M ickelwait, lllisiania Mickelwait an.l Fred II. Mickelwait; Also that part of clovernment Lots one and two In Section 20. in Town ship 12, North, Pange It, Fast of the tili P. M.. in Cass countv, Nebraska, b scribed as follow s: Commencing at tiie northwest corner of said Section 2". and running thence east on the north line of said section to the southwestern- in.! of the right-of-way of the Hurlington & Missouri Iliver rail road companv in Nebraska: thence fol lowing said line of right-of-way in a south, asterlv direction until said line intersects the division line described In a certain deed made by Wheatley Mickeiwait and wife to said railroad companv. recorded in P.ook "li'' of def ds. at page r.OS, of the records of sai l countv: thence following said di vision line in a southeaster! v direction to ti e south line of said Covernment J.ol cue; theme south 03 W.. IS chains end !!nks; thence west 12 links: l hence north 10 chains; thence west 10 chains to the section line: thence north en said section line 23 chains ami 2t; links to the place of beginning (except Lots 27 and :i:. as indicated on the plat books of said county) and known us sub lot one of Government Lots one and itwo; also lots numbered 11 and 41 in said. Section 20,' and all persons claiming any ' interest ot any kind in said rial estate or any part thereof, liefendants. To Fllen M. White, Mary K. Keithley. Maud Tacetti and to the following named persons and also their unknown heirs, devisee?, legatees ,and personal iepre--e''3ives of each of them, to-v-jt: Abel L. Childs: Mary Wolcott and Marv E. Wolcott: and to the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representatives of the following named deceased persons: Wheatley Mickel- wait, deceased: Illisiana Miokclwait. deceased ami Fred 11. Mickelwait, die-eased; and also to tho above describ ed real estate and all persons claim ing any interest of any kind in said real estate or an- part thereof. De fendants: Yon and each of you are hereby noti fied that on the LMth day of May, A. I). 1!0. Hen.lamin K. Snodffrass, plaintiff herein, lias tiled his petition in the District Court of Ciss county. Nebras ka, asainst said defendants, the object ami prayer of which are to quiet the title of the above described real es tate in the plaintiff, awainst all claims ami demands, each and all of said de fendants niijrht have in and to .said real estate or any part thereof, and to permanently enjoin each and all of said defendants from making- any claim or demand in law or in equity against said ival estate. Von sue required to answer said pe tition on .or before the llith day of July, lirjiT or your default will lie en tered and title quieted in plaintiff, as prayed for in the petition. Hated this I'Jnd Uav of Mav, 1920. HKNJA.MIN K. SNODUUASS. Plaintiff. D. O. DWYEK. H1-7-4W. Attorney. OTICK TO ntKDlTOItS State of Nebraska, Cass coun- The ty. ss, In the County Court. In the matter of the beit Va'.Iery. deceased. estate of Al- To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth, in said countv, on the 12th dav of June, A. D. 1020, at 10 o'clock a. in", and on the 1.1th day of September, A. 1. at Hi o'clock a. in., to receive and examine all claims against said state, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 12th day of June, A. 1). l'J20. and the time limited for payment of . hp year from said 12th day debts is of June, 11: 0. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 6th day of Ma v. 1920. ALLEN (Seal) J. BEKSON, County Judge. otici: to citi:iiTous The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. ' In the County Court. Jn the matter of the estate of Kli zabeth I'arry. deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are- hereby notitied that I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth, in said county, on the 12th day of June, A. H. I'.l2l. at 10 o'clock a. in.. ami on the PUli day of September, A. H. P.120, at 10 o'clock a. m., to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the 12th day of June. A. H. 1920, and the time limited for payment of debts is one year from said 12th day of June, 1 U20. Witness my hand and the seal of said Countv Court this Gth day of May, 11)20. allkn J. p.i:i:son. (S al) County Judge. oicm-:it ni' m:ititi IVi(in for Appoint incut d in i ii ix t rn I r i x. The t v. s: In Hi s-pb ( n A una State of Nebraska, Cass coun- the County Court. the matter of the estate of Jo Xitka. deceased. reading and tiling the petition of Zitka praying that admmistra- tion of said estate may be granted to Anna Zitka as Administratrix: Ordered, That June loth. A. I. 1320, at lo o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all per sons interested in said matter may ap pear at a County Court to be held in ami for said county, ami show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted; ami that notice of the pendency of said petition and the bear ing thereof be given to .all persons interested in said matter by publish ing a copy of this order in the Platts mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news paper printed in said county for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Hate.l May mth. 1020. ALLKN J. P.EKSON. (Seal) ml7-3 County Judge. AOTM'K TO CltKIUTOKS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Fred Comlen. Heeensed. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notitied, that I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth in said county, on the 22nd day of June, i:2M, and the 22nd day of Sep tember, 1120, at 1 o'clock a. m. of each day, to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a -view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from tho 22nd day of June, A. H. 1!20, and the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said 22ml day of June, 1020. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 25th day of Mav, 1920. ALLKN J. P.KKSON, (Seal)' m 2 7 -? County Judge. MITK i: TO CKKDITOKS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun tv, ss. In the County Court. . in the matter of the estate of Hum phrey Lee Oldham, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notitied that I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth, in said comity, on the 22nd day of June and the 22nd day of Septem ber, 1H20. at 0 o'clock a. m. of each day, to receive and examine all claims against "said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate Is three months from the 22nd day of June, A. H. 1920. ami the time limited for pay ment of debts is one year from said 22ml dav of June, 1920. Witness mv hand and the seal of said County Court this 25th day of Mav, 1920. , . ALLEN J. HKESOX. (Seal) ni27-? County Judge. IT'S FOOLISH TO SUFFER When So Many People are Pointing the Way Out of It. You may be brave enough to stand backache or headache or dizziness. But, if, in addition urination is dis ordered, look out. If you don't try to fix vour sick kidneys, you may fall into the clutches of dangerous disease before you know it. But, if you live more carefully and help your kidneys with Doan'a Kidney Pills, you can stop the pains you have and avoid future danger as well. Don't experiment use the remedv riattsmouth people are pub licly endorsing. Ask your neighbor! Read this case: Mrs. J. M. Hiber, 1403 Vine street, Plattsmouth, says: "Once in a while I get a dull ache across. my kidneys, but a few doses of Doan's Kidney Pills soon overcome this trouble. I couldn't recommend a better medi cine for backache and kidney com plaint." Price 60S at all dealers. Don t siinplv ask for a kidney remedy get Doans Kidney Fills tne same that Mrs. Hiber had. Foster-Mil-burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. May wcivo you tlm4oir wiucSi belpod thousands' N the fssesssthn blasters m Bggfrsnri, Flagce cad Italy. Scsoec&fen bestrttibi plates fthistrste the New &saar cdbSncts, each of vrhidh is a direct &cxtstion from some historic furni ture treasure. one should buy a phonogr&ph without gettxog this bock. It'afree.. Weyrich & Hadraba D oiog Our Bes We ask our patrons' indulgence and patience for a short time. - We are trying to secure workmen with the proper qualifications and hope soon to be supplied. We are also exerting ourself to the limit to catch up with our work. We will get to your job as soon as wc can possibly do so. Painting - Decorating Wood Finishing n it irv n hv I liicf ovhntf MURDOCK, NEBR. JOHN DEERE Farm Machinery! We carry a full and complete line of the reli-tble John Deere farm machinery, and are ready to fill your order for anything in our line. Plows and corn farming implements of all kind, as well as haying and harvest ing machinery. Also threshers necessities. WARE ROOMS ON SOUTH SIXTH STREET Dm 3. PLATTSMOUTH pass of E&ison end i &j t0&) ZtSJlSr Slr SI4 S?It t ii (&i "b n i NEBRASKA 1 V f