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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 3, 1920)
Nebraska Stat Historf. cal Socitty 3 vol. xxxvtl PLATTSMO OTH, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1920. NO. 93 3ounral DAY OF RE MEMBRANCE IN PLATTSMOUTH GRAVES OF SOLDIERS AND SAIL ORS DEAD IN OAK HILL CEM ETERY ARE DECORATED From Tuesday' Ia!ly. The observance of decoration 'Jay in this city was conducted in a very impressive manner by the patriotic societies of the city and the directum of the progiam of the day placed in the hands of the members of the Grand Army and Relief Corps. The lowering elols of the early morn ing threatened rain but by 9 o"cIo : the skies were clearing and the pro gram of the decoration of the graves carried out by the W. K. C. and Joy Scouts. The morning services held at Oak Hill cemetery were participat ed in for the first tim? by the Amer lean Legion who assisted the Grand Army of the Republic and Relief Corp in the beautiful ceremonies that marked the tribute to the dead. The services were held at the sol diers mound in the cemetery and were onducted by Hon. R. B. Wind ham. Thomas Wiles and T. W. Glenn for the Grand Army. A firing squad of Legion men composed tof Ralph Allen. Alfred Wilson. Wayne Allen. H. J. Heneger, Tom Walling, Harry Winscot. with John Palacek as com mandant and Edward Maybee. bugler and Carl Wohlf3rth. color guard, gave the last salute to the dead and taps. At the conclusion of this cer emony the graves of the veterans were decorated including the graves of the two world war veterans, August Hesse and George Kopischka and also the grave that represents the last resting place' of Edward Ripple, al though the body cf Mr. Ripple is still resting in France. The program in the afternoon at the hih school was very interest ing and reflected the sentiment of the day of memory and recollection. The services were opened by the singing of America, led by Don C. York and in which all present joined and was followed .by the invocation by Rev. H. G. McClusky of the First Pres byterian church. The P. M. quartet composed of Rev. A. V. Hunter, Rev. H. G. Mc Clusky, Don C. York and Frank A. Cloidt. gave two very pleasing num bers which were ot a patriotic na ture and given in the usual pleasing manner of this excellent quartet. The first address of the afternoon was that by Attorney C. A. Hawls who spoke on the heroism of j.e.u-e and pleaded for a nation trained and cultured against the making of war that resulted in the destruction cf human life that could be easily avoided. The speaker gave :. num ber of cases of the sacrifices of the men of the nation in time of peace and urged a law that would permit the mobilization of the man power of the country in the pursuits of peace as well as in war. Mrs. Allen J. Beeson, one of the gifted elocutionists of the city give as her number the immortal ad'iress of President Lincoln at the dedica tion of the battlefield of Gettysburg and which has become one of the basic doctrines of the American Rc public. A few remarks were contributed by Frank Smith to the program on behalf of the world war organiza tions. Mrs. William Baird won much ap proval in her beautiful and dramaMc icndition of the poem "Story of the Dandy 5th" and which afforded her an unusual opportunity to display her ability as a dramatic reader. r Mr. Windham offered to the pro gram a short poem of the soldiers of the past and present that was very appropriate to the occasion. The main addre-s of the occasion was that delivered by Judge James T. Begley and was one of the best addresses ever heard in thi3 city on a similar occasion and In which the speaker forcibly and clearly brought home the sentiment of the day as well as the great basic principles upon which the American citizenship is founded. The speaker outlined the causes leading to all of the wars in which the United States had parti cipated and in which a great spir itual issue has been at the forefront and which had spread the doctrine of the freedom of mankind over the world in which we have become such a force and power. Judge Begley paid a touching and beautiful tribute to the soldiers and sailors of the republic who had laid down their lives in the many struggles of the past and in the great civil war as well as in the world war. The speaker was unsparing in his criti cism of the profiteer, who while ben efitting from the acts of sacrifice of the service men of the nation had boldly exacted a tribute from the people of the nation that was so great that it would have amply paid the war debt of the nation had it not been diverted to these private interests. He also defended the right of the man who labors to se cure as just and equitable a wage as possible and attacked the law that would seek to set aside the American principle of the right of a man to la bor for whom and when he' and to strike if necessary to his rights. Judge Begley was st his best in his plea for the acceptance of a league of nations with or without reservations but which would tend to lessen the dangers of warfare of which no one was desirous The speaker also scored the agitator who was opposing the principles upon which the American government wts founded and the pacifist who would make any sacrifice of honor or prin ciple to keep from defending the everlasting principles upon which the republic was founded. He stat ed that if necessary he would do all that was possible for his country and would gladly offer all he had and those be loved in the cause of his country and expressed his regret that he had not had the privilege of being a member of the force that participated in the great world war. Judge Begley also urged the granting of compensation to the men who had served and exacting it from the swollen fortunes of those, who had profited by the war to acquire great wealth- - The meeting was closed by the singing of the old familiar war song of the boys in blue, "Tenting on the Old Camp Ground, the audience be ing led by Mrs. E. H. Wescott with the accompaniment played by Mr. Wescott. DOINGS AT THE CASS GO. COURT HOUSE Marriage and Meeting of County Board Enliven Usual Routine at the County Place of Business Frotn Tuesday's Dally. This morning Dan Cupid invaded the court of Judge A. J. Beeson and Blackstone and Kent were forgotten in the assistance given by the judge to the little love god and as the re sult of the kind efforts of the court. Mr. Walter W. Bogenrief ' and Miss Nellie F. Malone departed from the court house as man and wife. The ceremony was witnessed by Wilson Gilmore. one of the visitors from the county at the school hearing. The county commissioners opened their regular monthly meeting this morning with all the membership present and at once the task of au diting the various claims were taken up and attended to by the board. A number of the road overseers and assessors were present to transact matters with the board. Iu the office of the clerk of the dis trict court the suit to quiet tittle was filed entitled William Nickels vs. Bernard G. Wiley et al. Clerk of the District Court James M. Robertson and family were out at Louisville Sunday and enjoyed the memorial exercises which were held there on that date. REPORT OF POPPY COMMITTEE The following Is the report of the sale of poppies for the benefit of the French children: Paid out: Poppies $7.50 Streamers and badges 1.20 Postage .35 $9.05 Received: Sale of popples $192.86 Less $9.05 expense, leaves balance of 183.81 The committee desires to thank all those who gave their time and assis tance in the sale of the poppies and for the generous people of the city who contributed so liberally to the cause. Mrs. R. P. Westover, chairman. NEGRO GETS JOLT FOR PETTY LARCENY Percy Love, Charged With Theft of Lap Robe From Car at Alvo, Is Ar raigned in District Court Today Frorr Tuesday's Pally This morning Percy Love, a negro, was arraigned before District Judge Eegley in the district court and en tered a plea of guilty to the charge of having stolen a lap robe from the automobile of Wayne Schwartz at Alvo, a few days ago. The negro had been arrested at Lincoln and was brought to this city by Sheriff Quin ton Saturday and and lodged in jail. The prisoner stated to the court that he was nineteen years of age and his home was in Illinois and that for some time he had been employed by the Avery Construction company. He had saw the lap robe in the car and temptation had been too much for him and he had yielded and con sequently became involved in the toils of the law. Under the law the court had no option in the matter and the man was given a sentence of from one to seven years in the state penitentiary at Lancaster. The robe taken was one that was valued at $50 and shows how very severe the penalty can be for the theft of even small articles. It does not take much stuff under the present high prices to amount to $50 and the law is very severe on this as it makes the sentence one that will confine those found guilty for a year at least. Ldv? will be taken to Lincoln at once b Sheriff Quinton to commence the serving of his sentence. ML PLEASANT PEO PLE HAVE HEARING Petition Asking for Change of Boun daries So As to Give Them More Territory Filed. From Tuesday's Dally. This morning a delegation of the residents of Mt. Pleasant precinct were in the city to attend a hearing held in the district court room on the petition of the Mt. Pleasant peo ple for a readjustment of the boun dary lines of fhe school district as outlined under the proposed re- districting plan. The district as outlined, it i claimed does not allow sufficient property or land and it is to adjust it that the hearing has been held. State Superintendent J. L. Matzen. of Lincoln, presided at the hearing, which was before the re-districting commission composed of J. M. Tee- garden of Weeping Water; J. J. Gus- tin, of Murdock and County Superin tendent Miss Alpha Peterson. As the neighboring district In which the town of Murray is lo cated has an excess of .territory, it is thought that there may be a sat isfactory settlement that will give Mt. Pleasant more territory and les sen the area of the Murray dis trict. Mt. Pleasant has the disadvantage of other districts in that it has no towns or railroads and is dependent entirely upon the farm population. Among those attending the hearing today aside from the state superin tendent and members of the re-districting commission were F. L. Hild, Wilson Gilmore, P. A. Hild, A. J. Engelkemeier, Searl S. Davis and Mrs. Ed Gansemer. OLD TIMER HERE From Tuesday's Daily. Yesterday morning Benjamin Y. Hoback, one of the pioneer residents of near Union came up with his grandson, Benjamin F. Anderson, to spend a few hours in the county seat and while here was a caller at the Journal office to . have his sub scription advanced for another year. Mr. Hoback is one of the real eld residents of Cass county and with his parents came to Nebraska In the territorial days and when settle ments were few and far between. Mr. Hoback states that when a very small boy he came to Plattsmouth with his father to look after their trading and the city then consisted of a few scattering houses, a gen eral store and a saloon and Indians were a very common sight min?lfng with the other residents of the tiny frontier settlement. CHANGE IN TRAIN TINE From Tuesday's DaPy. Several changes.- have been mad? in the running tirfie of the "stub" trains out of this city as the result of the new card issued by the Is lington. Train No. 0 that goes from Plattsmouth to Pacific Junct'-jn to connect with 3o. :; lias been changed from 2:25. p. m. to 2:40 p. m. and train No. laving here to connect with the Schuyler nt Ore apolis. will leave t!i: city at J: 03 p. m. instead of 3:I'-p. m. as here tofore. These charges are import ant, especially on the Schuyler con nections to residents from Cedar Creek, Louisville, and South Bond and should be notec. POPPIES BRINGS IN FUNDS FOB ORPHANS Sale of Poppies on oaturday Netted $183.81 for War Orphans of War Swept France From Tuesday's Pall"-. The ladies of the -city who, Satur day, carried on the t-ale of poppies for the purpose of rui.-ing funds ' r the relief of the war orphan.-; iu the war swept areas of Trance, received a very generous response 'o t heir cause and sold 2.010 of the tiny crimson flowers that represented a contribution to the cause of charity from the generous h. arted pec-pie of the city. In the campaign Mrs. H. W. Smith secured the larg.-t sale having sold $00 of the popp'ts for the benefit of the needy "hililren. Members of the campfire girl i. Amer ican Legion auxiliary and individu als assisted nobly In the work ar.d their efforts will be appreciate! by those whose wt.nts they have assist ed in relieving. Ou'.y in a very few casos did the-solicif-T meet wr.a a ;efusal to get In on J he movement to Hid the hungry and homeless tots of France. The donations were volun tary and ranged from all sums from one cent to $1 and no matter the amount of the contribution it demon strated the right spirit of help'tilncss to those who need it most. QUESTION OF ELEVA TOR INTERESTING ONE Necessity of Shipping Grain Over tlic Burlington Brings Question ' of Elevator. From Tuesday's Dally. In the lat few days there has been more or less discussion among farm ers of this section of the codniy the advisability e,f an elevator at this point where shipments of grain might be made over the Burlington. The fact that it has ie;n impossible to secure sufficient cars along the lines of the Missouri Pacific has caused many of the farmers residing along the line of that road to bring their grain on into Plattsmouth for shipment and as a result they have been able to handle all grain deliver ed here, but owing to the lack of el evator space it has been more trying to the farmers themselves as it has necessitated the handling of the grain by scoops instead of elevating it. Certainly the matter is one that should be considered by those who are interested as furnishing a means of handling the grain for shipment. NEBRASKA COMES SECOND Nebraska Legionaires are jubilant over the excellent showing their state made in the recent national membership drive. Nebraska rank ed second, closely following New Hampshire which won first honors. A telegram was received this week at state headquarters at Lincoln an nouncing the returns and congratu lating the Nebraska soldiers on their record. Massachusetts came In third, California fourth. Kansas fifth, Ohio sixth and Illinois seventh. The Nebraska department of the American Legion now has over 270 posts, thirty women's auxiliaries and over 20,000 members. Every county in the state with the excep tion of two, has one or more posts. J. W. Philpot and wife and daugh ter, Miss Blanche, of near WTeeping Water, were in the city today visit ing with friends. BALL GAME WON BY THE RED SOX Nehawka Team Plays Good Game Eut Loses by a Score of 3 to 1 to the Red Sox rYom Tuesday's Daily. Yesterday afternoon a small, but enthusiastic bunch of ba.-e ball fans gathered to witness the opening con test of the wasrii between the Plattsmouth lied Sox and the Ne hawka. team. The Morris Packing company of Omaha, had been sche duled for this event, but on Sunday stnt a nut ice to the effect that they would have to have a guarantee of! one hundred iron men to play here and Manager Wclff concluded that thev could seek creener fields to se- cure the hundreJ smacks and get ting in touch with the Nehawka team, which is cne of the be t in the county, secured them for the game here. Walter Conners did the mound act for the locals and eight of the visitors were retired through his puzzling twists of the horsehide and but for several errors the vis itors would have been scoreless. Er rors on the part of Nehawka also gave Plattsmouth their third run of the game. The fourth inning saw the first scoring of the game and it was in this session that the visitors an nexed their lonely score. McFar land secured a first base hit and was assisted along by an error by Christie and "Hoot" Griffin, the rierht fielder of the visitors added to the unsettled condition of the game with a safe jab that allowed the scor ing of McFarland. For the Sox, Christie secured a safe hit and was advanced when Cooper, the Nehawka pitcher, errored in throwing to first allowirg Ilerold to roach the key stone sa.-k and Christie end Petelxitb registered later. In the seventh Conners showed his old time batting form with a two-sacker and later scored. The visitors were a nice clever bunch of ball players and gave the fans a good exhibition of the nation al pastime. RETURNS FR0:i HOSPITAL Ff'tn Tuesday's Daily. Sunday afternoon Mis Wilma Rouse, who has been at the Imman- uel hospital in Omaha for the past two weeks was nrougnt ojck to ner home in this, city. Miss Rouse has had ?. very severe case of appendi citis and an operation was neees- sarv, wnicn loriunaieiy na.: iroea very successful in every way. The . . .. . . . . ; ... t , .1 . . many menus or mis estimate iau are rejoicing in her return and the fact that she is in such apparent good health. PAYS TRIBUTE TO THE SOLDIER DEAD Services at First Presbyterian Church Very Largely Attended and Elo quent Sermon Delivered From Tuesday's Dally. The memorial sermon was giver. Sunday morning at the First Prcs Lyterian church and the serviee was very largely attended by the citizens -f the community who gathered to pay their tribute to those who had served the nation on the battlefield and upon the sea. The choir of the church and the P. M. quartet furnished the music for the occasion, the choir giving as a special number the "Recessional" by Kipling, the solo part being carried by Miss Mathilde Vallery. The male quartet composed of Rev. A. V. Hunt er, D. C. York, Rev. McClusky and Frank Cloidt, gave a very enjoyable patriotic number. The scripture lesson was given by Rev. A. V. Hunter, taking as the les son the 22nd chapter and seventh verse of St. Luke. Rev. McClusky in his remarks spoke of the gratitude and ingrati tude of men and nations of Russia as the example of a land ungrateful for the sacrifices that has made them a nation and of the United States which was truly mindful of the bles sings that the nation's dead had pur chased for them upon the battlefield. From the storm and stress of th revolution that had fused into being Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean, through the trying days of civil strife when tluquestion of national unit; ti n 1 tpff1 t Ti a ti71 rif li f rp I public had battled bravelv for the . principles they had received fro-n their forefathers. The soldiers of the civil war had preserved the na tional life that had been born in the freedom of mankind and a half cen tury later the men of the nation had been called upon to cross the sea to struggle with the forces that would and their victory with its sacrifices j l ad won 'for all mankind the freedom ' that had been the birthright of ! America, and which she had given to the world. Rev. McClusky also paid a tribute to the brave men of the southland who had fallen in the war. The members of the Grand Army I of Republic and the Woman's Relief Corps occupied Heats of honor in th church and their thinning ranks spake eloquently of the passage of time since the blue clad soldiers of the republic had struggled on the battlefield. EPISCOPAL LADIES ENJOY AFTERNOON St. Mary"s and St. Luke's Guilds Are Entertained at Home of I,Irs. Martha J. Petersen. t'forr. Weilnepdar'a Da My. The ladies of St. Mary's and St. Luke's Guilds of the Episcopal church were very pleasantly enter tained yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Martha J. Petersen on lower Main street. The rooms had been very charmingly arranged with the attractive flowers of the early summer as decorations and made a pleasing touch to the scene. Mrs. Petersen was assisted in entertaining and serving by Mrs. J. C. Petersen, Jr., and Miss Mjrrtle Petersen. The afternoon was spent in the regular business of the guilds as well as in the plying of the busy needle while a number of the party offered several enjoyable musical selections which were much enjoyed and which were intersperced by selections on the Victrola. At an appropriate hour a dainty two-course luncheon was served which made the completeness of an afternoon of the rarest plea sure.. The attendance was quite large and the members of the party enjoyed to the utmost the hospital ity afforded them by their hostesses. COMPLAIN OF DEPREDATIONS From Wednesday's Dally. A number of the persons who own lots at the Oak Hill cemetery have been making complaint of the fact hat potted plants which had been set out on the lots and graves hav? "orcn taken up and carried away. It v.rnTld seem that the last resting Place of the dead would be sacrei fiom the hands of the vandals but it eems such is not the case. Prior to decoration day not a few had planted flowers on the lots and had expected to find them growing nicely by decor ation elay and their surprise and re gret was very great when it was discovered that some one had be;n Email enough to take away the re membrances that had been placed at the resting place of a loved one. The First National Bank Plattsmouth, Nebraska "The Dank Where You Feel at Home" LAD HAS START LING EXPERIENCE Sixteen Year Old Lad Employed as Laborer in Store Department at Shops, Misused by Companion From Wednesday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon into the list ening ear of Sheriff Quinton was poured a sad story of the experiences of a sixteen year old lad who has for several days been employed in the store? department of the Burlington and who with a number of compan ions livd in a bunk car near the coal chutes at the entrance of the shop yards. Monday morning there arrived from Omaha a in:in giving the r.imc of Frank Murphy ar.d who had been shipped here to -labor with the pang. tnd he at once took up his domicile with the other nun in the car and his attention was taken by the six teen year e!l boy. a that of Marc Anthony had been charmed by the lovely Cleopatra, and in the evening the man Murphy and the boy went out to promenade up the tracks In the direction of the pumping station and later the young man returned with a wild story of being batted around and otherwise abu-ed by Murphy. Then the hurried change f scene and the appearance of Sheriff Quinton who was informed yesterday of the affair and hastened down to the scene of action and brought the man Alurphv up to tbe court hot:s. where he was questioned :.- was a! o the boy and it was fcund that the boy had not suffered pr, serious dam age as was first reported but a; the air would be much purer by th? with- elrawal of Murphy he was advised to double time out of the city and lot no time in getting under way ar.d by this-time has put many miles be tween him and peaceful Platts ;n'uth. Murphy staled that he had come here from Omaha where he had been employed but came originally from th Pacific coast, having been to Seattle and Centralia. Wash., last winter. From the manner e f his de parture it looked as though he would not stop until lie had gotten .caf?lr hack to the coast. PUPIIS OF MISS OLIVE GAS? rt a v From Tuesday'.i Dally. Saturday afterneon the puril ot Miv; Olive Gass gave a piano recital .it her home. The elay wi ar. ideal spring day and between cj n:'d 7' relatives, friends and pupils were in attendance. Spring flowers d;-e'rnte-l he rooms and many of the pieces plajed were appropriate to the spring t'rr.e. A program of 31 nurit-eis was well rendered by the pupils. A spe cial number, "Ah! I have sighed to rest me", from the opera, II Trova tore. was given by Mrs. Arthur Troop on the violin, accompanied at the piano by her little daughter, Kath leen. Glen Dunbar of Avoca was a decor ation day visitor in this city with his uncle, Sheriff C. D. Quinton and family. W. T.' Richardson of Myrard writes insurance for the Farmers Mutual of Lincoln. Phone 2411. Investments for Special Funds! Our Certificates of Deposit are especially recommended to treasur ers, custodians and trustees of tem porary and permanent funds. These certificates are written evi dences of deposit, signed by an offi cer of this bank, thus protecting them with our entire resources. They are renewable every six months at the annual interest rate of four per cent.