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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 18, 1920)
PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1920. Union DepsirHsnenll Prepared Exclusively for The Journal. SERVICE is a word you often see in advertising with many it is only a word here it is an'actual fact. Service means to us just what it means to you. Service is some thing we practice as sincerely as we preach. aimk off 0 mi do mi UNION, NEB. Mrs. E. V. Keedy was a visitor in Omaha a couple of days last week, being a guest at the home of her parents. Fred Devorak, of Sioux City, was a visitor in Union, the guest of his EXCELLENT WOMAN GOES TO REWARD Mrs. Sarah Eaton Succumbs to lin gering Illness Came to Ne braska in the Sixties. this year for a span of mules, which topped the market at the fancy price of $810. The highest price heard of heretofore was a case in Iowa, where a team brought $800 even. Mrs. Sarah ' Raton, wife of John Eaton, who has lived in and about friend. Miss Mary Becker, over the Union for many years, passed away week end. at her home northeast of town last County Commissioner C. F. Harris Saturday evening, after a lingering was looking after some business illness. J matters at' Murray last Monday, hav-, Mrs. Eaton was born In Missouri,' ing driven there in his car early, but came to Iowa when a young -that morning. woman and in 1864 was united in . Mrs. Harry M. Frans was a visi-, marriage to John Eaton, they com- j tor in Nehawka, a guest for the week ing to Nebraska soon afterwards and end at the home of her daughter, ' settling a few miles northeast of the Mrs. Merritt Pollard, returning home present location of Union. They ac Monday morning. I quired, through residence and pur- Don Arries, of Plattsmouth was' chase a farm of some 240 acres, a business visitor in Union on last J But it was located too near to the Mondav. havine driven down from treacherous Missouri river and ere Methodist Church Notes At the Methodist church next Sun day there will be all the regular ser vices with the single exception of the evening sermon, that hour hav ing been given over to the young people of the church, under the di rection of Miss Crozier, superinten dent of the children's leagues of the church. The time will be improv ed with songs and recitations by the childrenand addresses by Prof. E. A. Ward and other members of the faculty of the Union schools. A verv enioyable time is expected. You had better get there on time if you want a good seat. Spring EVaillinery! We have received a very beautiful stock of Spring Millinery, including an appropriate hat for each woman in the vicinity. They are now on display at our store. Come and inspect them and get the choicest as they will soon go at the money-saving prices we have put on them. Union, R. D. STINE, Nebraska the county seat to look after some business matters here. Thomas Walling, Jr., of Platts- long the stream began making en croachments upon the land and at the time of the death of Mr. Eaton . UVUiUO V O AAA AA y Will VA. AUbWkJ i j I mouth, was a visitor in Union last several years ago there remained butj Monday, coming down to read the u""t" r "-," J Miss Kdith Frans visited at the home of Mrs. Merritt Pollard near Nehawka a couple of days the fore part of the week. A. L.. P.ecker and son, John, were visiting in Omaha last Tuesday, wlurr they spent much of the time looking after business matters. Karl Morrit is kept busy these days painting and papering. He was employed during the past week at the home of G. V. Cheney, where lie was decorating the interior with paint and paper. Ki-v. J. li. Taylor was a passenger for Lincoln last Monday, where he we-I to attend the meeting of the pastors of the different churches, who comprise a committee in charge of conducting the activities of the Intcr-Clr.ireh World movement. Uev. and Mrs. Morrison were visi tors at Syracuse during a part of la-it week. Ilev. Morrison returning home for the Sunday services, while Mrs. Morrison remained for a long er visit with their daughter, Mrs. St roils. Cliarl'.'S 1. Spaugler, of near Mur ray, was a visitor in Union on last Monday morning, coming to meet a f.d et a nurse who arrived from Lincoln,, taking her to the home of riarenee Murray, where the infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray is very sick with the whooping cough. Hay Becker drove to Nebraska City last Monday morning, where he had pome business matters to look aftT and also visited while there with friends, especially one friend, who claimed his attention to the exclusion of the others, and almost kept him from looking after the business (?) that called him there. Wei!, such is life. Kay and Carl Cross and families departed Monday of this week in their car for Arriba, Colorado, where they will make their home in the future. Henry Born and family were vjsitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Todd over the week end, driv ing down in their car to visit with friends here. E. E. Leach was a passenger on the early passenger train a few days since for Eagle, where he was visit ing with his mother and looking af ter some business matters. W. C. Clark, the proprietor of the Union hotel, was a visitor in Mur ray last Saturday where he was look ing after some business matters and consulting with Drs. Brendel & Brendel regarding his health. Henry II. Becker is keeping pretty busy these days. Monday he had a force of men sawing wood at the home of Oscar Hoback, while an other was shelling corn for Fred Clark northwest of town. Mr. Clark delivered the corn to the Farmers elevator at Union. Emery H. Bauer, who has been visiting for the past week with his brother, Frank Bauer, and whose family are still visiting in Florida, departed a short time since for his home at Nadeby, Alberta, Canada, where he will engage in farming as soon as it can be done there. Misses Anderson and Crozier, who are teachers in the Union schools, were guests at the home of Mrs. J. M. Chalfant last Friday evening at a six o'clock dinner, and from their account of the affair we are safe in saying that Mrs. Chalfant is not only an excellent entertainer, but one of the best of cooks. 30,000 Acres LINCOLN COUNTY, COLORADO LAND FOR SALE! We are making trips to Colorado every week. Come and make a trip and see the country. Special prices on farms to March 1, 1920. Prices $17.50 to $50 per acre, according to location and improve ments. One wheat crop will pay for the land. Land already sown in wheat. Have 60 acres 3 miles east of Union for quick sale at $135.00 per acre. Good terms. Phone L. R. Upton, phone No. 39. CHAS. BOWDISH, Box 11. Union, Neb. Hens 29c lb. Eggs 40c Doz. Ml. and MRS. POULTRY RAISER: Can you afford to let your chickens roost in trees and sheds and deposit those gold nugets called eggs under some barn or out in the weeds or no telling where some place where they may never be found, or will be spoiled when you do find them? Now is the time to build Biddie a new bungalow. Let us furnish the material and Mr. and Mrs. Rhode Island Red, yourself and we will all be happy. Frans Bros. Lumber Co., Phone 69-A Union, Neb. light meters of the customers of the Nebraska Gas and Electric company. S. C. Keckler, of Arriba, Colorado, was a visitor in Union last Monday, coming to look after some business matters in connection with the trans fer of some lands he. has been sell ing. George Stander and son, Russell Since then it has all been eaten away by the river, whose waters roll in relentless fury where the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eaton once was. ,. Mrs. Eaton was known to a large circle of close and warm friends, all of whom admired the noble charac ter possessed by this estimable wom an, and who now delight to honor her memory. Her father, Joseph ra V. Stander, accompanied by Col. W. j pjei.f wa8 a Baptist preacher in the R. Young, came down from Platts-1 earlier days, and had a congregation mouth Monday, while on their way 1 at what is known as the Sciota to Avoca, where they went to pur-'school house, where he preached the chase some cattle. gospel for many years. Charles Bowdish was a visitor in' The funeral was held at the Sciota Lincoln last Saturday, where he was school and the remains laid to rest looking after some business matters in the quiet cemetery at that place, and on his return came via Murdock, ' amidst the scenes which were part where he had some business to and parcel of her life, and where the transact with O. W. Gillespie. j every heart throb of the friends and Roy Gerkin and wife and Miss neighbors is one of honor and re Edith Frans were guests at the spect to the memory of this good home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wolfe woman. Rev. W. A. Taylor, her per for dinner Sunday, and in the af- sonal friend and pastor, delivered ternoon all visited at the home of the funeral message of cheer to the Mrs. James Frans, the mother of many friends who were present. the three ladies. . j Mrs. Applcgate of Omaha was a - ts js0 a rorkjnan visitor in Union for the past f ew 151ar rorter whom all know as days, being a guest of her numerous heinK a hand man has rigged up a friends here. Mrs. Applegate said biacksmith forge at his home west she expects to move to Lincoln soon, of Union and now can do work for o 1? J ii nr l-i ai lni rrli tap t wa VtiD . . - himself when it is needed, as well as for others should the occasion require it. Blair is a "good Indian", and in addition is a cunning work er or artificer in iron and steel taking her daughter, Mrs. Wayne Dickson with her, as physicians be lieve a change of residence will benefit the latter. Miss Jessie Todd, who has been sick at her home in the city for cnniA tlma nact a lioinc Timch imnroved and able to be no Installs a New Engine and about the house. Mrs. J. W. Wm. James, who lives a few miles Kinzslev and son Douclas. of Down- south of Union. was a visitor in ers Grove. 111., are guests at the 'town last Monday, called here to Tndrt hnmo iin.i Mis .Tussi.' w pii-l look after the installing of a new iovinir the coniDanv of her niece engine in the car of Rue Frans very much. which was put out of commission Ralph Lindsay made a quick trip last winter by a sudden and severe over the state last week, departing freeze. Mr. James, who is the Buick from Union Thursday in his car for representative in this territory, brot Grant, where he had some business a new motor with him ana installed interests to look after. He return- it in the car for Mr. Frans, return ed Saturday evening, having been i ing to his home the following morn- away but three days and two nights. -ing. While in the city, he had ns which is pretty good time in which add his name to the large and grow th tr-wnt ormw tho ct-ito aiui haft 1 inir list of readers of the Platts to sav nothinsr of stoDoiiiE at the ! mouth Journal, thus being assured of other end of the line to give atten tion to business matters. Has Completed Business Course Miss Edith Frans, who has been attending a business school in Lin coin during the past winter, re turned home a few days ago, having completed the course. She will visit with friends here a short time be fore beginning work in her new po sition with the Sheldon Manufactur ing company of Nehawka, as a mem ber of the office force. Miss Frans is well qualified for the position she is accepting and will, we know, make abundantly good. receiving all the news of Cass coun ty in the future. Intermediates Elect Officers At a meeting of the Intermediate Epworth leaguers at the Methodist church last Wednesday afternoon, a very pleasant time was had when, among other features of the meeting there was held an election of officers for the coming year. The following officers were elected: Miss Letha Por ter, president; Miss Edith Morton, vice-president; Carl Suavely, secre tary and Lucian Banning, treasurer. Loses a Bull Recently Guy Stokes, who with his mother moved from their former home near Union to a farm in the Murray neighborhood, was in town on last Monday, being called here on ac count of the loss of a valuable bull. which he had left at the home of Matt McQuinn, while moving the remainder of his effects. Weather Was Very Bad Last Thursday evening Messrs. and Mesdames Wm. Baird and E. H. Wescott, of Plattsmouth, came to Union as per previous arrangements to give an entertainment under the auspices of the Senior Epworth league, in which they themselves are excellent workers. They gave the program which was greatly appre ciated by those in attendance, but on account of the exceedingly severe weather, which was bordering on an old fashioned March blizzard, there were not as many in attendance as it was hoped there might be. Two Jacks for Sale I have two large jacks, one 6 years and the other 8 years old, which I am offering for sale. The younger one especially large. Their colts can be seen here. Address or telephone me. E. E. LEACH, tf) Union, Neb. 80 ACRES FOR SALE Eighty acres, 3 mlies northeast of Union, known as the Wm. Albin farm, ottered for sale If taken with in the next four weeks; large brick house. For further particulars call on J. E. Shrader, Nehawka, Nebr. Marketed Hogs at Nebr. City Albert and Ruben Hathaway ship ped their hogs to the Nebraska City market last Monday morning, they being hauled by Roy Becker in his truck. Mr. Hathaway went along to look after selling the porkers They found the roads in fair condi tion and were able to make very good time on the trip. Makes Purchase of Two Farms W. H. Porter, who has been in the west for more than a week, and who made the trip in a car which he dis posed of while out there, returned home last Saturday, coming via the Missouri Pacific from Lincoln. While on the way out Mr. Por ter was storm-stayed for a day at York, but made the trip in nice shape, finding very good roads all the way out. He visited at Grant, Nebraska, and also at Holyoke, Colo rado, meeting friends at both places and then continued on his way to Burlington, Colorado, where he re mained a few days. The first man he met there was Jack M. Chalfant, who is busy with his tractors break ing prairie. Mr. Porter purchased two quar ter sections of land while there, get ting them adjoining and some six or seven miles north of Burlington. He traded his car in on the land and de clares he rwill purchase a new car, having got enough allowance for the old one to almost cover the cost of a new one. Mr. Porter is very fav orably impressed with the country out there. Col. W. R. Young Has Good Sale Col. W. R. Young went to Tal mage last Saturday, where he held a closing out sale of farm implements and stock for one Edward Mesigotus. There was a large crowd present to participate in the sale which was one of large proportions. Mr. Young was well pleased with the results of the auction, he hav ing achieved the distinction of get ting the highest price paid anywhera a complete general line of Staple Merchandise When in need of anything call on A. L. DECKER, Union, Nebraska Bakery and Food Sale Mrs. J. B. Taylor will have charge of a bakery and food sale which the Ladies Aid society of the Baptist church will hold at the Farmers Co operative store on Saturday afternoon of this week. Members of the church and others are being asked to con tribute to, this sale, by furnishing Rnmpthins- or else bakincr some sale able dainty. The townsfolks as well as those from the country are invit ed to patronize the sale and secure their good edibles for the Sunday dinner there, tnus neiping oui me ladies and doing themselves a good turn as well. Ready for Spring Work! I have paper books from three different firms, with very beautiful and tasteful patterns contained therein. I am prepared to do your interior decorating and out side painting. Call at my home and see samples, or phone me and I will call on you. EARL MERRITT, Painter and Decorator Phone No. 86 -;- -:- -:- Union, Nebr. Many Receive Prizes at Show The medicine show, or what was best known as the "Indian show," which held forth in Union last week, gave out many prizes to the citizens of our village during the course of the various entertainments which they gave here. The best prize was the diamond ring which was given to the most popular young woman, and which went to Miss Eva Hathaway, with a safe margin over her nearest com petitor, and which is highly prized by this young lady. One evening a prize of $5 each was awarded to the oldest man and oldest woman respectively who were present at the show. Dan Lynn was able to pull down the gent's money and Mrs. Chittester drew the five spot as the oldest lady present. In addition, Mrs. T. E. Hathaway re ceived an elegant rocking chair as a gift from the show company. The show is holding forth in our neighboring village of Murray this week. Buys Cass County Land Joe Everett, who recently pur chased some land near Arriba, Colo rado, has disposed of the same at a right smart profit and decided to lo cate permanently in Cass county, purchasing the D. A. Eaton place east of Union. Despite the handsome profits that are being made in west ern lands, Mr. Everett still thinks Cass county dirt pretty good prop erty to hold onto. Camp Fire Girls' Picnic The Junior Camp .Fire girls last Tuesday took a hike under the gui dance of their'chaperone. Miss Mary Becker, picknicking at the Gruber pond, where they ate their supper and had a most excellent time. The return trip was made at a late hour, and upon arrival home all the lassies were pretty tired, though happy. Ralph Earnest Ross Arrives Last Satuday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ross, Ralph Ernest Ross arrived and gave his parents a vociferous and joyous greeting anent hsi first appearance The household is wreathed in smiles on account of the Joy which this young man has brought. Ralph is a bouncing big boy and the pride of his parents. Here's to you, young man, and may you ever be a joy to the household of Ross. Receives Call to Further Service Rev. W. A. Taylor, who has min istered to the flock at the Baptist church at Wabash for some time, and whose term of service as supply pastor expired the 1st of March, re ceived a letter from the secretary of the church board a few days ago, in which was expressed appreciation of the excellent service Rev. Taylor and his good wife have rendered during the time they have been connected with the work at that inland point The services there are what is known as half time or alternate Sunday devotions. In his letter. Secretary I. C. Mc Crory expressed the feeling of his co-workers on the board that Rev. Taylor continue his ministrations in their midst and stated that the con gregation had decided to increase the salary of the supply pastor another hundred dollars a year. Why Colds are DaEgerous You are often told to "beware of a cold," but why? We will tell you: Every cold weakens the lungs, low ers the vitality and paves the way for the more serious diseases. Peo ple who contract flu and the pneu monia first take cold. The longer a cold hangs on the greater the dan ger, especially from the germ dis eases, as a cold prepares the system for the reception and development of the germs of consumption, diptheria, scarlet fever and whooping cough. The quicker you get rid of your cold the less the danger of contracting one of these diseases. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has a great reputa tion as a cure for colds and can be depended upon. It is pleasant to take. Any skin itching is a temper test er. The more you scratch, the worse it itches, Doan's Ointment is for piles, eczema any skin itching. 60c at all drug stores. Things Good to Eat! I am selling Staple and Fancy Groceries. Come in and we will help you solve the problem of the high cost of living. We have everything in the grocery line in season, and soil at the lowest price, consistent with reliable lines of merchandise. Give us a trial. R. D. STm UNION NEBRASKA 46 That Baby Overland5 We have accepted the agency in Union and vicinity for tbe "Baby Overland." which you must see and ride in to appreciate. We also carry Olds-omobiio Cars and Trucks and Iteo Cars and Trucks. We have a number of good mechanics ready for any work that may be offered in t lie repair line. We also carry a full Mock of tires and- accesories for all makes of cars. See us lor cars or repair work. WILLS UNION NEBRASKA 1 m Frid.'.y evening Mrs. Fr.-.nk Buell and Mrs. Fred Zink entertained their Sunday school class at the home ol the former. A number of games were played of which all took part in a lively way. There were 30 present. A lovely 2-course luncheon was served. All depatred in the wee hours of the night noting the hos tesses royal entertainers. Mr. and Mrs. George Buell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Cox were the guets of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Buell Sunday. Ruth t wo-month-old daughter of Clarence Murray and wife, living near Murray, died Tuevday afternoon after a twelve days' illness from whoopingcoush. The family just re cently moved to Murray, Mr. Murray being employed by Chas. Spemgler. The funeral of little Ruth was held at the home Wednesday Jit one o'clock, conducted by Uev. K. 11. l'on tiers. Interment was made at Oltor bein cemetery. FOR SALE A number 1 work mare I) years old, weight loOO, in. shape Lo ;;o in the harness and do her p:irt any place. Also one John Deere ri.l':'.. combine lister practically new. S e Howard Craves, one mile south of Plattsmouth on the old fair grou:id. 4i-5w. FOR SALE Coitonwood and maple block wood $4 and $5 per load delivered. Elbert Wiles, Telephone 3521. tf-dw Although Journal wani-aas cost but little the results they bring ar wonderful. Try them. Cleaning and Pressing IS OUR SPECIALTY! en's and Ladies' Garments Hade as Good as New! Will call for garments when requested and will also pay parcel post charges one way on all mail orders. Prices Host Reasonable and Satisfaction Guaranteed! When in need of a fine hand tailored suit call and look our tailoring department. We can save you money. 4 ' FRED LUGSCH, Phone 166 DRY CLEANER AND TAILOR Plattsmouth, Neb. A. PEDEnSEIl BLflCKSniTIl! tfll have purchased the Krecklow shop in Louisville and am prepared to do all kinds of Blacksmithing, Horse Shoeing, Etc. J Bring me your work. I guarantee sat isfaction. LOUISVILLE -:- -:- -:- NEBRASKA 4