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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1920)
1 J THURSDAY, JANUARY 15, 1920. PAGE FOUR PLATTSSIOITTn SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL DOES NOT WANT CHANGE U 0 li ' aa aaaaaaaaaaaaa ;' I i 'Yd Cbe plattsmouth lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at Postofflce, Plattsmoutb. Neb., u cond-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE 'What do you thiuk of an attorney who will defend members of the I. W. W.? Thauk you! That makes it unanimous. :o: The transition from 1919 to "2 would not be so hard for the check writers if so. many blank checks were not printed 191 :c: Governor Morrow of Kentcuky de nies that he is a candidate for vice president, nor so far as the country knows has he done anything to justi fy the accusation that be is. :o: The fact that the e.v-kaiser has to pay the Holland government an in come tax of $30,000 a year sounds to many who know the kaiser like pretty stiff punishment where he is :o: The effort or certain democrats to run Governor Smith of New York for president is nailed at once by the Topeka Journal as a clever and dan gerous move to swing the entire Smith vote in a body. :o: It is easy to tell Hie contents of packages addresed to foreign ports these days. If they are marked "For Deport" they are Goldmans and Berkmans. If they are marked "For Export" they are members of John Where are yester year? the favorite sons of -:o:- There is no record of folly done by Adam after he learned to plow". From Wednesday's Daily. Jesse Hardnock, one of the promi nent residents of near Alvo, was in the city today attending the hearing on the proposed change in the school districts. Mr. Hardnock lives with in two miles of Alvo where they have an excellent consolidated school and under the changes proposed ho would be compelled to send his child to the Eagle school, seven miles distant and this does not make any big hit with Mr. Hardnock. However, the con solidation of the schools is not in volvcd at the present hearing and this phase of the case must be tak en up later but the residents of the county do not take kindly to the idea of the proposed districts. King out the old, ring in the new; ring out the drink.ring in the chew :o: Words: "We have room for but one soul loyalty and that is loyalty to the American people." oii)i:it k iii:ki; :o: Barleycorn tribe. :o:- Only one thing seems certain that normal times have gone to stay. All the times, we shall have from now on will very likely be abnormal. And one of the most distressing things about that is we will never know how government operation of rafl- "roal.s wouT3 ' Ifa v'e worked ' irr normal times. :o: A Chicago actress has returned home from New York to reduce. She says New York is a Babylon of lux ury, and it's impossible to keep from growing fat in that city. She might have disguised herself as a fiction writer and saved that fare from New York to Chicago and doubtless would have reduced quickly enough. :o: More than seven hundred lost their lives in motor accidents in New York last year. Yet we find no agi tation in the New York papers for the return of the horse and buggy, because they are4oo busy urging the return of the saloon to avenge th sixty-odd deaths fyom wood alcohol in the whole country last year. ' ;o: The St. Joseph Gazette enters the race for public approval with a plat form of planets for practical pur poses only. "Why should astrono mers worry so about discovering a new planet," it demands, "especially as no one can see it, if it is discov ered, without a $100,000 telescope? We've got enough planets now for all practical purposes." w n mj It I I f 1 1 1 1 M rl II K" BANKING BOOKKEEPING TELEGRAPHY Wc b.Te taagfct all C.MircUl larZVrean. r.iiuool.r evCTv cradaale. Kip pra- ros Kioi. Lw tuition. Stalest. C4TUOCX INVESTMENTS Public Service Corporation Pay ins 7 Can be had in amounts of $100 i PAUL FITZGERALD, Investment Securities First National Bank Bid"?, Omaha, Neb. The Communist labor party would be more satisfactory if it would com mune less and labor more. :o: We've had a Baker in the national service ior some time. Now conies a Butler asking for a job. :o: "Why is a headache?" asks an ad vertisement appearing in many of ine newspapers. inings being as they are, we stand on our constitu tional rights. :o: Washington has now fixed the value of the British pound sterling at $3. So, but the value of the Amer ican dollar continues to be fixed by the grocery man. :o: Many of the candidates now pop ping into view are, like the ground hog, afraid of their shadows, and soon will run back into their holes and keep as quiet as possible. :o: The discussion, "Who are the mid dle class?" still goes on. Apparent ly to reach a solution we should have to define the upper and the lower classes and see what's left. :o: I'rtltion f--r A tHioiu t nieiit of lminl t rittor. ine Mine oi .piiiaska, (.ass coun ty, ss. In tho ;oiinty ( ourt. In the matter of tlio estate of Ma. 10. tiooclman, lec-oasfl : On reading ami filing tho tn-titioii of i:enjaniin F. Goodman prayinp; that administration of said estate may le Kinntcil to him as Administrator; ordered. That l-Vln-uarv rth. A. I . at 10 o'clock a. m., is assigned for heariii'-r said petition, when all persons interested in said matter mav appear at a founty "onrt to bo held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of the petitioner should not he granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing; thereof he iven to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plattsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for tlireo suecessiye weeks, prior to said lay of hearing. Hated Jumiarv ). IUl'ii. Al.LK.N .1. liKKSo.V. j!3-3w. County Jinljie. Tour Drugjlat . . DfJGSOG JERSEY BUG SALE! DEATH CF A WELL KNOWN SPEAKER From Wednesdays Dally Jacob II. nick, of Omaha, one of the well know ;i democrats of Nebraska. and who is well known to a large number of the residents of this city, died at ihe University hospital in Omaha on Monday. Mr. Houck has frequently appeared on the platform. speaking ,'or the democratic cause, and has lx en in Plattsmouth a num ber of tiihps to assist in his party work. is survived by the wife and one ..on, Robert Houck. (ALL IMMUNED)' To be held at the Henry Hirz farm, six miles the Louisville road, on west of Plattsmouth on r3 February 1th, 12 Commencing at 1 :30 P. M. These sows are sired by King of Orion, Jr., Sensation Wonder 5th and King cf Orion, and bred to King of Orion, Jr., Supremes Top Orion and Top Su preme and Double Orion. Will also sell three September fall open gilts. WRITE FOR CATALOGUE Are you. Mr. Business Man, tak Ing advantage of our stock of print ing inks? Need letterheads, envel opfis, statements, invoices, checks or cards? Let us print them for vou I! Kl-'IClt I JIO'S SAMO Roger Sullivan's bid for the demo cratic convention in Chicago inlcud ed "taking care of both the wet and dry delegates." Perhaps the com mittee remembered those wood alco hol deaths there. :o: YOUNG PEOPLE ARE UNITED IN MARRIAGE Miss Nellie Knutscn and Rudolpb Meisinger Married This Morn ing at Eight Ilile Grove. From Wednesday's Dally. This morning at 10 o'clock at the parsonage of the Kight Mile Grove Lutheran church occurred the mar riage of Miss Nellie Knutson of Lou isville and Mr. Rudolph Meisinger of near Cedar Creek. The wedding was very quiet one, the bridal party consisting of the bride and groom and Miss Mable Meisinger, cousin of the groom as bridesmaid, and Arthur Meisinger, a brother of the groom as best man. The ceremony was per formed by Rev. Robert Kunsdorf. pastor of the church, who united the young people with the impressive ring service. The bride was very charming in a handsome traveling costume of dark blue broadcloth with a toque hat of the same shade. Following the wed ding the young people came' to Platts mouth and departed this afternoon on a short honeymoon trio Drior to their return to their future home on the farm east of Cedar Creek, where the groom has a pleasant home awaiting the coming of its new mistress. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Oscar Knutson of Louisville and is a young lady very highly esteemed and popular in her home and one of tho active members of the younger social circles of that city. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Meisinger of near Cedar Creek and is one of the best known and Well liked young men of that community where he has been reared to manhood and is nuiubered among the enterprising young farm ers of the county. The Journal in common with the many friends of the young people in the county extends to them the best wishes for a long and very happy married life'and one filled with the Joys they so well deserve. Fine line of stationery and cor respondence paper at the Journal office. mti( i: to o-iu-:snn:vr iii:ii:mi ants To ileortre ". ilyrkit. Mrs. C xv V. Kyi kit and their lMiknown heirs; !aid S;:mson. Mrs. l:ivid Samson and their unknown ln-irs: I'hiliii Seiden- striker. Mrs. I'liilip Seidenst riker and their unknown heirs and all non-resi- lent defendants named in the petition if the Sand Company vs. (leorue W. Kyi kit et si I. tiled and now pending in the istriet ( mu! ot t ass count v. Nebraska: the iiieapolis Com pan v. a corpora I ion. and all other persons in terested in the estates of ileorirc liyrkit. liavid Samson. Philip Seiden- striker and the non-resident stock holders of the said Oreapolis Company and all other non-resident defendants named in said petition: You and each of you are herel- no tified that on the l.'Hh ilav of January, Ut-'O. tile Lyman SuikI Company, a cor poration, tiled its petition in the Dis trict Court of Cass county, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is to imel the title in Ihe said Lyman Sand ompany. plaintiff, in and to the fol lowing described property, situated in the County of Cass, State of Nebraska, to-wit : Commencing: at- a point -"vs.:: feet east ol the southwest corner of ihe southeast iuarter of the southwest luartcr SK', SV'., of Section thir ty-six ;:i. in township thirteen (l::. of KaiiKc thirteen !::. east of the lib I'. M.. and runiiin.-' northwesterly r.."..-.t; feet to a point T':'..l feet east of the northwest corner of said southea iiiarter of the .southwest ouarter df said Section thirty-six: thencn iiinninir east l!s feet to the I'latte river: theree southeasterly alon the bank of said I'latte river until it intersects tii outh line of said section thirty-six: thence runnini? west on said line 1 .". feet to the place of beinnintr. con t.tiniuir :.h acres. le the same more or less: All that portion of the northeast ouarter of the liortheast quarter (NIO'i XK'il of Section one ( 1 . TownsMp twelve North Kanire thirteen ( 1 :: Kast. lyinif north of the line of tin i in ht -of-way of the I',. H M. II. II. Co. in Nebraska, ami west of a line com- liieiicinK at a point ;','. feet east ( the northwest corner of said northeast ouarter of the northeast quarter a nl running in a southeasterly direction u;i til it intersects said railroad riuht-of-way sufficient to contain eiht acres. IW'Ciiminic at a point on the east lin of the west one-half of the northeast (iiiarter ''-.. NK1, of Section one Ml in Township twelve (1), Kanxc thir teen IK!) east. J" H feet south of th northeast corner of said west one-half of the northeast quarter; thence south on the east line of said west one-half of the northeast quarter l-'Sl.s- feet to the riht-ot"-wa y of the P.. A: M. :. I:. Co.. thence northwesterly alwif; said riht-of-way -Oil feet: thence north easterly to the place of lieiri n n i uc. con taining t h i i t y-one one-hu ml red t lis CM 1 no I of an acre, be the same more -r less; A portion of government lot miinii t seven 7). Section thirty-six Clrti. Township thirteen 1 " North of llanfie thirteen i:! east, described as fol lows: lietiinninir at a point on the south line of said Section thirty-six, l:!J feet east of a stone set in. the northeast col tier of the west half of the northeast quarter of Section on Township twelve (tl'l North of Kanue thirteen 1:! east, thence east Mi feet, thence north decrees and SO decrees. West ! I feet; thetee southwesterly feet to the place of beiiiiiin. containing six one-lmndrei!-ths (H-Iimii of an acre more or less. You are further notified that you are required to answer or implead sad petition on or before Monday, the l.'.lh day of March. or judgment will be taken by default against you and each of you and a decree quiet ing title in the plaintiff to all of s:rd feal estate herein described as prayed for in said petition. l.YMAN SANI COMPANY. J1.-.-.-.W. Plaintiff. Poultry Wanted! I buy poultry any daj of the week except Saturday. On account of sudden market changes, I cannot quote prices. When having any poultry to sell, please call Phone 2411. W. T. RICHARDSON MYNAED, NEBK. Notice i- hereby iveii that under nd by viiine of an order of the lis- trict Court in and for Cass county. Nebraska, made and entered on the isth day f November, P.l, in the case of II. ,v yv. Hay et ' al, anil an order of s.ile Issued by the Clerk of said court on the t;th iluv of January, 19;'l. toe i. ; dersifined. releree duly ap pointed by the court, will offer for sale at p:.!die auction at the south front door .f tire Court House in the City of Portsmouth, Cass county, Ne braska, on Saturday the 11th day of February, IJii'O. at tho hour of ten o'clock a. in., the sale to be held open for two h" us on said day: the follow-, ins: dcscrihi'd real estate, together with all appurtenances thereunto beloneiiiK. situated i:i the County of Cass, State of Nebraska to-wit The vest one-half w U ) of th northeast one-foiirt !i (nw',1 ff Section seven 7 , in Township ten ( HI). Nortli of Kangfe : yen fill, containing eighty acres, more or less. That said sale will be made upon the following terms and conditions: One third cash to be paid at the time of sale: one-ti ird in one year and one third in two years, said deferred pay ments to .haw interest at the rate of six per ce-it n;r per annum, secured by a i!ioriv;i jo on toe rea 1 estate above described, t lie purchaser to have th eption of paviuur any greater sum than one-third i:i cash or the entire pur chuse price in cash, but all subject to a murlti'iiK'' now existing against sai iani tor 1 1 sum ot 5.:,uuii.o: due on the ith da. ot September, Iateil a' Plattsmouth. Nebraska this lith da of January. I'.ll''!. MATTHKVV OKIilNC. JS-C.v. Keferee PHILIP HIR: PLATTSMOUTH, NEBR. V. R. Young, Auctioneer Geo. O. Dovey, Clerk COL. W. R. YOUNG'S FUTURE SALE DATES Popular Southeastern Nebraska Auc tioneer Has Large Eeinands Made on His Time. ror any pain, ourn, scald or bruise, apply Dr. Thomas' Ecleetric Oil the household reined v. Two sizes. 20c and COc at all drug stores PUBLIC SALE! We will oiler for sale at public auction to the highest bidder at our home. I ii miles and 1 - miles north of IMattsniouth, and 1 miles east of Cedar Creek and 5 miles east and z ',2 miles north of Louisville, on Thursday, January 22, 1920, the following described property, to- wit, commencing at 10 a. m.: Seven Head of Horses. One black team, weight 2J0O; one black team, weight 2500; one sorrel horse, weight 1400; one black horse weight i:'.()0; one brown horse, weight 1300. Ten Head of Cattle. Five cows. 4 giving milk; two vear old steers; two S-months-old heifers one 2-year-old bull. Sixteen Head of Hogs. Sixteen head of hogs, ranging in weight from 150 to 200 pounds. Farm Implements. One 7-foot McCormick binder; one 3-foot McCormick mower; two Avery cultivators; one Moline cultivator; one Gorham seeder; one 2-row stalk cutter; one corn planter with lfiO rods of wire; one 2-row Iladger cul tivator; one 3-section harrow; one Ifi-inch walking plow; one J. I. Case sulky plow; one P. and O. 16-inch sulky plow; two St. Joe combined walking listers; one 1-horse drill; one hay rake; one 1-hole corn shell cr; one llawkeye corn elevatorind power with grinder; one corn stalk rake; three lumber wagons; 1 truck wagon; one hay rack, 10-foot; one spring wagon; one top buggy, nearly new; two buggies;, two sets 1 V2 working harness; two sets 1 work ing harness; one set buggy harness; one set single hnrrsy liarnessr one saddle; three sets of fly nets; and many other articles too numerous to mention. J-unch will be served at noon. Terms of Sale. All sums of $10 and under cash; on all sums over $10 a credit of 6 to 12 months will be given, purchaser giving good bankable note, bearing 8 per cent from date. All property to be settled for before removed from the premises. FOllNOFF DUOS., Owners. Ilex Young. Auctioneer. A. O. Ault, Clerk. Col. W. It. Young, the popular auctioneer of southeastern Nebraska! promises to be a busy man as will be noted from the following schedule of future sale dates he already has booked : JANUARY Henry Horn Plattsmouth 1G Joe S'jhicssl P lattsmouth 17 D. C. Lonegran, Poland-Florence 19 Julius Hoist Orant, Nebr. 20 Henry Glissman Omaha 21 L. G. 'Todd Union 22 Fornoif Uros. Cedar Creek 23 Geo. Schoeman Louisville 24 Frank Steppat Plattsmouth 2U Martin Olson Nebraska City 27 Jinl Tilson Murray 25 Warren Wiley Murray 29-30-C1, Pure bred Duroc hog sale at Creighton, Neb. FEBRUARY 2 W. R. Young's sale of pure bred Holstein cattle and Spotted Po land China hogs Plattsmouth :? Grover Will Mynard 4 Karnest Schnitzker Nebr. City 5 L. H. Heil '-Mynard 0 Philip Hirz, Duroc Plattsmouth 7 Fred Haffke Plattsmouth 9 Otto Schafer, DurocCedar Creek 11 Fred Young Union 12 A. P. Johnson : Avoca 13 Frank Mrasek Murray 14 John Wunderlich Nehawka 1G Hen Wiles Murray 17 Ray Pollard, Hampshire, Nehawka 15 Adam Schafer Mynard Dave Eaton Carl Cross Herman Beck Herman Burns C. R. Corbet t Ed Gansemer 2G Mrs. J. G. Easter . 27 F. G. Hull 19 20 21 23 24 25 Union Union Murray Avoca Elm wood Mynard Nehawka -Plattsmouth Model Rose Comb Rhode Island Red Cocks and White Wyandotte Cocks; single male bird, ?2.00. I. H. Reinke. Shady Spring Farm, South Bend, Nebr.' d29-lmo. Doan's Regulets are recommended by many who say they operate easily without griping and without bad af ter effects. 30c at all drug stores. Money to loan on city real estate by the Plattsmouth Loan & Building Association. See T. M. Patterson. Secretary. 3-2 tfd 10 John Schoeman Louisville The Journal prints sale bills. mu m i; to i(i:m i nits The State of Nebraska, Casn coin ty, ss. In the County Court. In th.' matter of the Estate of Wil liam Taylor, deceased. To the creditors of said cs!:te: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in I'ia Mi llionth, in said county, on the "id d:iv of February, lUl'O, and on the .ird d.iv of May. 19l'. at Id o'clock a. in., on each of said days, to receive and ex amine all claims atralnst said estate, Willi a view to their adjust rnent and allowance. The time limited for the pr scuta 'ion of claims against -said es tate is three months from the -'nd i;iv if February, .. I . l!l'n, and the time limited for payment of debts is one ver from said 1'nd ilav of 1 "ehi ua rv, 19l"i. Witness my hand and the seal of said "oiintv Court, this Jith dav of December,- lull. ALLKX .T. HKESO.V. (Heal) djy-4w County Judtre. TOR SALE Fifteen tons of No. 1 alfalfa hay. second and third cuttings. Also ::oo bushels of white ear corn. lfyron Babbitt, telephone 31-J. 2tw-3Ml W. A. E0EEKTS0K, Lawyer. EHEt ot Riley Hot a!. Coates Elock, Second Floor. Good custom tailor ing brings out the best that's in you; your build, the way you stand,. your ideas, are all made to count. That easily can be seen in pleas ing expression, in the fine lines of FRED LUGSGH, Dry Cleaner and Tailor, PHONE 166 lattsmouth, Nebraska It's the expert work manship, the correct style, the pure wool fabrics that makes our tailoring give you last ing satisfaction. Measured Noi s: i i I i I i a I i I H i 1 I B. K. F. Timers for FORD CARS This little accesory on your Ford far will work ''. wonders. Starts easily in zero weather, puts pep into the motor. Easily installed lasts the life of your Ford. : No oiling required. No rollers to wear out and short your motor. JMoney Back Guarantee With Every B. K. F. Timer Sold We have the agency for Cass county and carry a stock for immediate delivery. Call 'and have one installed. GARAGE AND REPAIR MEN We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU. Studebaker Cars Maxwell Cars and Trucks Repair and overhaul your car now Our shop is at your command. Shipment of denatured alcohol just arrived aim::: J. l- WOLFF, Main St. Garage Telephone 79 Block South of Postoffice a;ca.innwxKU,a!iKxaiCTi!ini!il!M nn 11 Mllsliy US) AND HEADSTONES Buy this winter and save 15 per cent. Work not to be paid for until it is set in the spring To many wait until spring to buy. -" 1 1 1 1 Cass County Ptonument Company H. WY SMITH ":" PlatUmouth, N Telephone 177 I I t