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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 12, 1920)
plattevmoutb tol. xxxvn. PLATTSO50HTH, KEBRASKA. MONDAY, JANUARY 12. 1920. No. 58 AMERICAN LEGIONAIRES HOLD SMOKER MELTING LARGELY ATTENDED BY FORMER SERVICE MEN OF THE COMMUNITY. HEAR OF THE ORDER'S WORK E. E. Kiplinger. of Omaha. Addresses Members of Local Post in Re gard to Accomplishments From Friday's Daily. Last evening the members of Hugh Kearns post of the American Legion enjoyed a very pleasant meeting and smoker at the A. O. V. W. hall. the building having been kindlv of fered to the service men by the Knights of Columbus for the use of the meeting. The formal business session was followed by a social ses Eion of several hours. The members of the post had the pleasure of hearing a very interest ing address by E. E. Kiplinger. of Omaha, who has been active in the work of the Legion in the metropolis and he brought to the attention of the meeting many interesting facts in regard to the work of the orga nization in the nation and state, jlr. Kiplinger, in his remarks, told of. the fight made by the Legion for the Sweet bill in congress which in crease the disability benefits for the - men who had been wounded in the service of their country and of the re-sults that the bill had brought in "relieving the needs of the nwu who bad been incapacitated from labor aB the result of their service. He also Epoke of the stand taken by the so ciety on the bonus proposition in which the hentimeut of the national convention had bfen in favor of the J 1.00 a day for the service men during their time of service and which proposition would be support ed by the Legion and while the con vention had left this up to congress their sentiment had been expressed that this was the fairest one that could be made to insure the men re ceiving a just recompense for their sacrifices during the time they had served. The speaker also outlined the independent position taken by the organization for a square deal for all classes of the citizenship and denounced the stories and propagan da that had frequently been circu lated in an effort to injure the Le gion by representing it as a strike breaking organization, when such was not ihe case, and that it had no part in the disagreements of the classes aside from their stand for law and order in the nation. One of the the matters in which all form er service men are interested is that of the land and homestead laws, and Mr. Kiplinger explained in de tail the Morgan bill that provides a loan of $4,000 to former service men lor home building purposes, wheth er they make their homes in the cities or on the farm. Following the address of the even ing, a very enjoyable musical pro gram was given by the saxophone jazz orchestra composed of Dr. Cald well. E. H. Schulhof and Richard Avard, sa'xophones; Clarence Ledge way, trombone; Anton Bajeck, trap drums and Teter Gradoville, pianist. The members were treated to a luncheon consisting of sandwiches and coffee, which came as the climax of the evening and the remainder of the evening was spent in visiting until a late hour. A large number of new members from the service men of the commun ity enrolled themselves in the Legion at the close of the meeting and will hereafter assist in the helping and protecting the interests of the men who served their country in time oi war INSTALLING NEW FUR NACE THIS WEEK Prom Friday's Dally. The Ann of C. E. Wescott's Sons t having a new furnace installed in their store at the corner of Fifth and MaJn streets, and while the new furnace Is being prepared for use. the proprietors and employes are enjoying (?) a touch of life in the polar regions and their work of taking the yearly inventory is con siderably handicapped. During the enforced heat less condition of the store the employes are displaying! the latest styles of cold defying gar ments and giving a practical demon stration of thein for the customers. The new furnace is of the latest type and much larger than the one formerly in use. It is being installed by J. F. Warga and his force of em ployes. LIG B. BROWN DYING IN DENVER, COLORADO Message Received Here This Morning Tells of Near Approach of the End for Cass Co. Pioneer From Saturday's Dally. This morning a message was re ceived by Mrs. John Cory of this city announcing the fact that her aged uncle. Lig E. Drown, was lying at the point of death at the home of another nelce. Mrs. Em Thrapp. at Denver, Colorado, where for the past few weeks he has been visiting. Mr. Drown was stricken yesterday after noon with a stroke of appcplexy. which has brought on his present eri ical condition. The very advanc ed age of Mr. Brown gives but little hope of his being able to rally as he has been in poor health for some t ime. Lig P.rowh for many years has been one of the best known figures m this portion of ( ass county and for a long period resided on a farm in the old Kenosha neighborhood, where he was affectionately known as "Uncle Lig" to the residents and o these old friends the sad news of he approaching end will come as a great fetiock. He came to C&t, coun ty at an early day and spent the best years of his lifetime here labor ing for the upbuilding of the com munity. In late years Mr. Brown has made his home in Plattsmouth with the family of Mr. and Mrs. John Cory, with frequent trips west to visit his neice in Denver, and it was while on one of these visits that he was stricken down. LARGEST MEETING OF UNION SERVICES Rev. McClusky, Presbyteriar Minis ter, Occupies Pulpit at Services Last Evening. From Saturday's Dally. One of the most interesting cf the serie? of meetings held by the evan gelical churches of the city was. held la'-t evening at the Methodist church and the attendance was the largest by far that has been present at any of the week night services. Rev. H. G. McClusky was the presiding min ister and gave the sermon of the ev ening and gave as his sermon the folly of following of the false ideals of life. The address of the minister was a very strong statement of the principles of the Christian faith and a very eloquent appeal for a higher standard of though and living and of making the highest attainments in life possible. The special music of the evening was that of a male quartet, composed of members of the Presbyterian and Methodist choirs. The usual choir numbers were given and added to the pleasure of the meeting. The fact that the ministers se lected to deliver the sermons are not announced at the service has served to create a great deal of interest as the attendants do not know in' ad vance which one of the excellent speakers will be present to deliver the sermon. FEELING MUCH BETTER From Saturday's Dally. James W. Holmes, w ho has return- P(j home from the Methodist hospital in Omaha, is now feeling greatly im proved although he is still quite'rrftm c9tlirAo,.a r,ti weak from the effects of his opera- tion and stay at the hospital. Mr. ' tioimes nas made very rapid pro- greBs toward recovery and his stay at the hospital was limited to two weeks and since returning home he .has been continually improving. If it's in the card line, call at the Journal office. ADJUSTMENT OF DISTRICTS BIG PROBLEM REDISTRICTING COMMITTEE HAS FACED ONE OF THE BIG GEST OF PROBLEMS mill l w I in tn tup iinTrnn rlnALLI Uf IU Mt VUltno After Hearing of Remonstrances in Regard to It. Matter will be Left to the Ballot. From Friday's Daily The hearings on the proposed pub lie school districts as outlined bv the redisricting committee of the coun ty, which will be held at the court house in this city beginning on Jan uary 12th, will undoubtedly brin in a great many of the residents of the various consolidated districts to be heard on the proposition that has been submitted to them. In many of the districts and e pecially in the district in which this city is to be a part, a great deal of the objection is found in the diffi culty in getting the pupils to and from their homes and especially the smaller children as the distance to be traveled in many instances will require at least two hours and ne cessitate a great ileal of trouble as the condition of the roads at the pres ent time makes it very difficult to get through and this condition may become wore during the winter months. The consolidated school proposi tion as a whole is a very satisfactory and in communities where th best of roads and facilities for hand ling the transportation of the child ren is to be had it is a measure that will greatly increase the effective ness of the schools of the count v and advance the standard of school work. but in the minds of manv the condi tions in the country districts in re gard to roads makes this a difficult problem to be handled. However, the law has put the mat ter up to the citizens of the various districts and the commission will. after hearing the various statements from the different districts, proceed according to law in the matter. Af ter the hearings are had at the of fice of the county superintendent jpon the petition of twenty-five per cent of the school electors living in any of the proposed districts, the county superintendent shall order an election to be held, giving twenty days' notice of the election. If the result is favorable the superinten dent may proceed and within ten days call a meeting of the directors of the district and organize the new district. If the result of the elec tion is not favorable to the new dis trict then the matter is clo.-ed and the district remains as formerly con stituted. County Superintendent Miss Alpha Peterson has had the copy of the law passed by the last legislature print ed in the papers of the county for the benefit of the citizens and they can readily find by reading this the process necessary to carry out the law. The redisricting committee, as previously stated, has had one of the biggest and most disagreeable jobs in the county in preparing a redis ricting measure that would divide the county on as fair a basis as possible and it is now up to the res idents of the various districts to take action on the matter if they see fit. MASONS CONFER DE GREES ON BIG GLASS Plattsmouth Lowge No. 6 Held Ses sion Yesterday Afternoon and Ev ing Conferring Third Degree. The Masonic temple was the scene of much activity yesterday afternoon and last evening when the lodge con- ferred the third degree upon a class j of Eeven members and unfolded to them the veil of Masonry. The' work was commenced at 2 o'clock in i Mrs. Joe Bulin departed this af the afternoon and the conferring of ternoon for Bellevue to visit over the degrees continued until 10 Sunday with relatives and friends o'clock last evening when the last in that city. received into the iier. recess at the din ?.g and a very en- The lodge hald a ner hour last even joyable feast was i hers in the dining pie, the serving b -ld by the mem- room of the t erri ng in the hand;; ' committee and iiitiution was one by all t lie meru esent. f the members of ;rray and neigh- of a very efficiet. this feature of the thoroughly enjoyeii bers of the lodge j: A large number o the order from .Vi; boring towns were the meeting last e- in attendance at uing. DCPCIUCO WZ I nc NLULIILO if LLL UL SERVED PROMOTION Ralph W. White, Formerly of This City and Son Oi A. W. White, Has Important Position. From Saturday's Da:.y. The news has Wn received in this city of the advancement of Ralph W. White, farmer manager of the Nebraska Telephone Co.. in this city and a son of a. W. White, of Plattsmouth. Mr. White has. since his removal from the city, beet: located in the state of Texas as manager of the L'.ell telephone interests at Victoria, one of the important points in the ine of service of the company. He ;as just been appented manager of he Bell telephone lines in northern j Texas and will be located at either F ort Worth or Dalias. the comnanv mt having fully -determined as to which city to make their headquar- ers. The new position is one of great importance as it covers the management of the lines all over the northern portion of the great state f Texas. Mr. White has proven one f the valuable met of the company nd his handling o: the business in terests of lifs t'uinVuny has demon-1 strated his ability. The success of Mr. White will be pleasing news to the hundreds of candidate was full; mysteries of the or and and they look forward to his still further advancement along the lines of his chosen field of operations. RETURNS FROM MEET ING OF POSTMASTERS Nebraska Delegation Appearing Be fore Congressional Committee at Kansas City is Back From Friday's Dally. The committee of the Nebraska first and second class postmasters, consisting of D. C. Morgan of Platts mouth, J. H. Grosvenor of Aurora and N. J. Ludi of Wahoo, returned home yesterday from Kansas City, where they had appeared before the special committee of the United States senate and house of represen tatives which is looking into the matter of the salaries of the postal employes of the country. Mr. Morgan states that this meet ing, which is the hrst to be held by the committee, was quite largely at tended as all branches of the postal service had committees present from the various states to lav their cases before the committee. Congressman Bell, of Georgia, presided over the meeting of the committee and each of the several classes of employes was heard on their appeal for in crease in salaries. The employes of the postal ser vice have claimed that their salaries are inadequate under the present condition of the high cost of living and that they are unable to con tinue with the salaries now in force. There will be several sessions of the committee held in the west before any definite report is made to con gress on what relief is necessary for the several branches of the ser- i vice. FOR TRADE. Ten shoats, ages from eight to 12 weeks. Will trade for corn. Call M. B. Allen, telephone 248-J. RHODE ISLAND RED HENS Several hundred Rhode Island Red hens for sale at reasonable price Mrs. C. R. Todd, phone 3102. 3swl4d om friends in this city and countv!,,.- . . ...... . .... , - NEBRASKA IS WAKING UP TO GOOD ROADS THREE MILLION IN CONTRACTS UNEER WAY IN STATE MORE TO FOLLOW. REPORTS OF STATE 10 WORK Show Four Million More to be Ex pended During Current Year Building Bridges. Nearly 1,500 miles of roads to 4e constructed through state and feder ai aiu nave oeen surveyed; project statements have been submitted in 10C and projects approved in eighty-two. All of these, says Secretary Johnson of the department of pub lic works, are for earth road con struction except a six mile paving project in Dodge county, three grav eling projects and one bridge. Forty contracts representing S45 miles of roadway and costing $3,281,- 700 have been let to date. Two have been completed, the 9.5 miles road way west out of Lincoln being more than half, paving. To this the state and federal gov ernment gave $7C,400, the remain ing $125,600 being paid by Lancas ter county and propertv owners. Miles of road put to grade are 39 representing roads completed, but not finally accepted until the whole project is approved. He says: Construction Program for 1920 J'rojects. 4S; miles 90;.; cost. $.".SS4..n,00. t Amount to be expended from countv fnna under the direction of iiuf urai luicia Willi riair miu jru oral aid. $1,500,000. Amount for maintenance for three fourths automobile tax, 12.000.000. Total for the biennium, $10.6C6.- 000. In addition to the above construc tion work, we will survey and pre pare the plans for one thousand miles of work to be contracted in January for 1921. All of these plans are being prepared, including all data necessary for the complete pav ed road, so that all engineering work that is being done at the present time will be of use when any of the present grading projects are finally paved. "Logging" has been completed on about two thousand miles of the state highway system and same is being platted -on specially printed card board sheets to be laid in hinged frames so as to be accessible for quick reference. This data will show the condition in all detail of every mile of state highway. Also will show all improvements on the road, culvert, bridge and railroad crossings as work is done. In the early spring, logging will be com pleted on the entire system and the organization completed to maintain each mile of the road. In addition to the equipment list ed in this report, there has been a large amount of equipment assigned to us and on my trip to Washington in December, I received assurance from the department of agriculture that we would get at least one hun dred more trucks in this consignment and numerous other small equip ment. We will retain all the large tractors and other construction equipment excepting a part of the trucks. We will retain fifty trucks for construction purposes and the balance will be assigned to the coun-; ties for maintenance work. We will request the counties to pay the state the freight and other incidental ex-; penses that we have had in placing these trucks in condition to use. The automobile registration de partment was reorganized after the 1st of August with the assistance of Mr. Jacobs, and instead of having forty to forty-five people at this time of the year we now have ten. j And Instead of having only numeri-; cal index, we now have a numeri- j cal Index, an alphabetical index and a card index so that we can locate any car registered In 1920 by engine1 number. This new method of in dexing cars will aid materially in the location of stolen cars and the reorganization will save us approxi mately $8,000 per year. State Aid Bridges During the year, 1919, we have 'completed the Mitchell. Mitchell Val t ley, Hartley. Webf Point and North Platte state aid bridges. The state's share of this construction was $115, 4 95.97, the counties paying the bal ance. In every case, th county paid half or more than hcli of the cost of construction. We also purchased the As h land toll bridge for S22.000.00, of which the state paid one-half the cost. State aid bridge contracts let in 1919. Morrill. Minatare. Grand Is land, Central City and Henry bridges, cost t49.473.0G. The state's share I of the cost is $14,350.00. The three bridges lej in Seottsbluff countv are largely being paid for from county bond issues, the state furnishing $8,000 each and supervision. Copies of all these contracts are being filed in detail with the department of finance. The bureau of roads and bridges has been divided into five divisions with a division engineer at the head of each division, headquarters being located as follows: Division No. 1, Lincoln; division No. 2, Norfolk; division No. 3. Hastings; division No. 4, North Platte: division No Seottsbluff. Division engineers have direct charge of projects under construe tion. co-operate with county high way commissioners on maintenance. ive aid to counties on their inter nal construction and make weekly repo'rts to the secretary, department of public works. ICE IS 12 TO 14 INCHES THICK--0F 6000 QUALITY Prom Friday's Dally. The ice harvest got well under ay yesterday when Mctakens laid two tiers of 12 to 14-lnch ice in the ice house of Guy W. Morgan, at the rear of his confectionery store. The ice seems to be of very good quality and has not attained sufficient thick ness to insure it lasting without so heavy a loss from melting as is the case with the thinner cakes. Numerous other ice houses over the city will be filled in rapid suc cession, McMakens having a large force of workmen engaged in har vesting the crop. RECORD OF DIVORCES From Friday' Daily. The record of divorces filed in the year 1919 in the office of the clerk of the district court shows that the average number of releases for the unhappily wedded is maintaining a fair average as this year there were twenty-one cases filed as against twenty-two in 1918 and twenty in 1917. The divorce figures as com pared with the number of marriages in the county in the past year shows that the divorces run on an average of one divorce in every six marriages so that the record in this matter is one to give food for thought to those who are contemplating matrimony. The popular line of Dennison stick ers and cards at the Journal effice. If You Want Business Credit! A good way to create business credit is to open a checking account at a bank of established business reputation. A check book from the First National Bank gives you recognized business standing. Each check received by your creditors strengthens your credit with men who appreciate a sound banking connection. Moreover, acquaintanceship with our officers may be valuable in an emer gency. Pay all your bills by checks on the First National Bank and turn your liabilities into gen uine assets. Firct National Bank "The Bank Where YouFeel at Home" 3 CONSIDERING FORMATION OF A HOUSING CO. MEMBERS OF THE COMMERCIAL CLUB TAKE UP PROPOSI TION THIS WEEK. MATTER IS HEARING A HEAD Much Interest Shown in Proposition ar.d Company will Probably Be Launched Soon. From Friday' Dally. The Commercial club of the city has been considering seriously fur the past week the forming of a housing company to l:ok alter the erection of a number of houses to relieve the congested condition of the city in regard to providing the proper homes for those who are d.'- sirious of locating in Plattsmouth. and in this movement they have met with the greatest of encouragement from the citizens and business men. While the plans have not U??v. ful ly completed a large amount of stock has been promised in the company that is to be formed and it is thought that in a very short time it will be possible to incorporate the company and get started on the building pro gram by the opening of the spring months and aid in the securing of modern homes for those who desire to locate in the city. This proposition is one that has been confronting a number of the towns In the eastern portion of the state' and iu wveral of ' thm com panies composed of local business men have been formed and are pre paring to deal with the problem of more and better homes. To assist the" growth of a commun- munity it is necessary to provide ade quate houses and especially for those who are not in a position to have their own homes erected at this time, and with the Burlington shops here as the principal industry of the city. !t is impossible to provide houses for. the men who move into the city to be employed in the shops. The movement is one that should meet with the fullest co-opera turn from the citizens as it is for the up building of the community and t lu men who are hacking il arc pre paring to do their best for the bet terment of the city and the securing of more families to add to the popu- ation of the city. F. W. Young, of t'nion, came up ast evening to spend a few hours here looking after securing some printing for his big public sale that Is to be held at his farm in the com ing month, prior to his romovul to Colorado. Miss Teresa Hemple was a visitor in Omaha today going to that city on the early Burlington train.