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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1920)
THURSDAY, JANUARY 15. 19 PAGE TWO rLATTSMOTJTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL n: a n b alvo ras i Prepared exclusively for the Plattsniouth Journal by our Special Alvo Representative B Henry Clapp went to Lincoln on Monday. A. X. Myers wa? a Lincoln visi tor Tuesday. Sherman Wolfe was on the t-iek litt Wednesday. ('. R. Jordan went to Lincoln Tues ilay on business?. S. C. Movies was in business Monday. Carl D. (Janz was in on business Friday. Mrs. K. M. Stone went to Lincoln Tuesday Mi's .Mary Taylor returned urilay evening from Murdock. Mr. anil Mr.s. W. L. Copple turned Thursday from Lincoln. The Alvo folks who are in hos- Lincoln on Pluttsmouth Sat- re- Rouse had the pleasure of a visit 'the pastor talked about i Fashioning with three of the formers cousins. Lite atter oaas lueais. we are two c whom are here from their i thankful for the expressions of ap honies in Washington, they being preeiation Mrs. Ellen Sims and her sister. Mrs. Mary Finley and Mrs. Schroeder, of Greenwood. A very enjoyable- day was spent by all. A delegation of nun from hero Next Sunday morning will be set apart i'ur the reception of members and performing the sacred rite of baptism. We invite all those who have no church home to come with made a trip to Lincoln Monday to us. Wo' offer you an opportunity to j interview the state engineer in re-: serve wini us in tne won; oi tins gard to the proposed new state iiih-j community, and also the benefits of way through Cass county, but found j a helpful communion., that the route had alreadv been fix-1 We have made arrangements to ed and aside from receiving some J organize a boys' club in the very valuable information, nothing was j near future, which we hope will be done.' tioiioweu soon hy a like organiza- Miss Marie Stroemor. assisted by It ion among the girls. pitats in Lincoln are doing nicely. The you n .res? child of Mrs. Nellie Gaicia is very sick with pneumonia. ' Mrs. ('. F. Kosenow visited her daw. liter in Prairie Home last week. Mrs. Walter Rathhuu was a visitor at Prairie Heme last Tuesday. Chris Kisohniann and Scott Jor dan were in Omaha last week with a load of stock. Jesse liardnock was in Omaha and Plattsmouth on business the first of the week. ' ?!y Stewart was in Lincoln Wed r;day to visit his father, who is in the hospital there. Mrs. Archie Miller was operator vii;o! for appendicitis in Lincoln on Vnarsday of last week. Mr.-. S. C. Hoyles and daughter. Mrs. C. 1. f!a;u. were passengers to Lincoln luesuay morning. Airs. A. J. Brobst anil children have returned from a several days visit with relatives at Pradshaw. Mr. af.d Mrs. Knicelv and child ren, in' C ;;;,eil Pluffs. recently visit ed Dr. ar.d .Mrs. L. Muir and i!i'gh- T I ' i' r . Mr-;. Dr. Koy Within: and sister, r.rti Strain, of Sidney, spent Mon day :.i.d Tuesday with her aunt. Mrs. 1 . . ". . Vincent. The Ladies Aid society met last Wodmsday with .Mrs. M. C. Keefer. .!rs. turner iioimnon assisted in the i-nt. rtauimcnt. J'rrd I'ronty moved into the Del- IhMti'ii residence lat week. Mrs. uty has U'L-n ouite i!l latelv but i- a liv le better agavi. Mr-, m. K. Stair b'lt Januarv .jtn i" vi.-it i:-T children in Llmwood Mo. S!if- v..:.- accompanied bv her iIi'htT. Mrs. Hriggs. 'r'i- Ea:;l- to'vn basket ball tea a? came over to Alvo Monday night ; .d i!i:"e,.t. i i:-ir town team but v v wo.-: n.entior. ti.e score. "he W man":- Reading club held indoor picnic tor the and their families on list at the lninif of Mr. and Itoyies. They enjoyed the .:i r at noon. W. Shaffer and her little can:" in on Monday from where she had been visit ic'her the- p;;st few weeks. Miss Rachel Stander. entertained at a miscellaneous shower for Miss Ruth Rush at the home of the form er Tuesday evening of last week. Miss Rush is to be married next month and has resigned her position in the schools here and will finish her work . here Friday. Those at tending the shower were all the teachers here and Mrs. Andrew II. 5ir.c:nt r. W. I. Casey came down from his home in Denver Monday, arriving i:i Alvo Tuesday morning, where he visited the Frank Edw-.rd.; homo an 1 other friends a few hours. Mr. Kd wards took him to Maniey and Om aha, from where he left for a visit in Kansas City before returning to Denver. Mrs. Casey is in Nashville. Tenn.. at present, where she was called by the death of her father, who was buried the day before Christinas. Her many friends extend sympathy. Our moving picture en' ert ainmem lor ine loUi win uk smiles, lr.i- kiirmg the Utile niters, Jane ami Kathcii'io Loj. ():i January J.'mi the f ailure -viii he "Jiirus of Prey.' SiiiCer; v, K. A. K NIC IIT. .Minister. la Pi t r ! l.:ei-b rs Thursd :" Mrs. :-. C picni-r di .Mr:. C dauuliif r Ueat rice, i:tg her t : peinl several days with her hus band's parents, Mr. ami Mrs. J. A. Sliif'ler. On last Friday. Mr. amf Mrs. J. Net $2.00 1.40 4.23 Phone Rates Established The new rales ordered for the Alvo Telephone company by the X braska State Railway Commission eifeetive Januarv 1. I'.i20. are as follows: (Iross Business, per month ?2.2. Residence, per month-- 1.05 Farm line, per quarter. r,.00 Kxt. belN. per month--Desk sets, extra, month- Net rates shall be collected where bills for business and residence ser vice are paid on or before the 10th ot tr.e month in which the service is rendered and on rural service v here bills are paid quarterly in advance during the first month of the ouarter in which the service is rendered. Methodist Church Items Sunday. January 11th. was a bij nay with us. The Sundav school at tendance was i ). neieg eight more than the previous total enrollment. Still there are manv children and adu;t;; in our cosnn.miitv a no art" j ... not in atten. lance. We m'st rur- di.uly and earnestly invite all those aii ont themselves trom iMvne f-. fMce. ami ke-p tn-'ir cniidren a av i. no. to join with, us. , e are no? here to make Methodists but to solve y;i. in the best possible wav. Do let u-; help. Our church is rapidly becoming too small for those who wish to at tend the services. Last Siinuav at me morning service, chairs were priced in the aisles in oruer to seat the overflow. And thi without ny special announcement or spec ial program. It is a good auaurv wnen people are llius mteres'eil m attending religious services. House well filled also in the evening, when tew, LOCAL NEWS From Monday'- Dally. Attorney t . I.. UItt e.r weeping Water was in the titv todav attend- ?!ig to legal business at the court house.. J.i. Cross of Ciuon was in tin city today for a few hours looking alter some matters at the court house. Ray Chriswis.-er of near Xehawka was in the city for a few hour to attend the school hearing at the court house. MNs Alice Li-ton, who is engaged in teaching" at LlmwooU was m the city over Sunday visiting with rela tives and friends. W. 11. Moil. of Louisville, was among the visitors in the city today to attend the hearings on the pro posed school districts. J. L. Smith came up this morninu tri.-iu his home near Nehawka 1o spend a few hours looking after some busine.'s affairs in the count v seal. C. K. Heebner of Xehawka was in the cily today for a few hours to at tend the hearing on some of proposed school districts in the vicinity of his home. Philip St rai'er ami-wife from we t of Murrav were i'i the citv todav for a vhoit time-euro ite from tlu'r home to Omaha where they will visit for the day. F. W. Vountr. oi near Fuion. wap iti the city today attending to so-ne matters i:i connection with his bit farm sab- which will he held on Ft ! ruarv 2i; 1. Henry Heeot'.tr. one-of tiie promi nent residents ot near Cedar Cietk. w::s in the city Saturday looking ter some trading and visiting with friends. n. :i. t tiviswisstr oi iuar .e- hawka was among those going to Omaha this morning where he was called to look after some matters of business. J. D. Bramblett, one of the old residents of the county, came up this morning from his homo and spent the day here With his friends in the count v seat. John C. Spangbr. C. G. May field and Ernie Ahl were anions those at tending the school boundary hearing at the court house today from the vicinity of Louisville. Dr. I). F. Brendel of Murray was a visitor in Omaha today for a few hours going to tiiat city on the after noon Burlington train to look after ome professional matters. u . I . Wheeler and I'ncle Ben i.echman. trom the Murrav neigh borhood, were in the city today. coming m to attend, the hearing on the school rc-ad iustineiif George Fverett and son Ralph. Dave Katon and James Roddy from east ot Tnion were in the citv todav ittn.ding hearing on the proposed changes in .school districts. Albert Wheeler of Murray was mong thos'.' visiting in the city Sat urday where he spent a few hours looking after some mat Iri s of busi ness as well as calling on his many friends. get her! Come! Let us reason to That's a Scriptural injunction, and one that we all would do well to heed, but it also makes a good heading for this ad, because it expresses exactly what we want to say Lo you. There seems to be a great deal of misunderstanding these days regarding economic conditions. Wc all know that prices are high, but the reason for it is not always plain. It is not our province to discuss other lines perhaps we are not qualified to do that but in regard to Men's and Boys Clothing, we think we are posted, and ve tried to show in our "Looking Forward' ad a few days ago the peculiar reasons why men's wear is high. From what we can gather in talking with people we believe that a great many are clinging lo the impression that by next Spring clothing is going to be cheaper. We only wish we could share that belief, because we don t want to see it any higher, but we know for a certainty that it will be it can't be otherwise and our reasoning is, that if you need it, buy it now. You arc compelled to wear some kind of clothing for comfort and decency the question is this Why not buy it now before it goes any higher? To be sure, it is high now, but the difference between what it is now and will be before it's cheaper, represents quite a saving. We can sell you a suit or overcoat today for $25 to $30 lhat we cannot buy at that price for next season. We can do that with most anything in our line now. Isn't it better to "face the facts" and not "kid" yourself? Come in and let us reason this out with you. Il will pay you more than it will us. DISCOUNT ! Ladies Coats! j C. Wescotfc's "EVERYBODY'S STORE" 'us icrday afternoon for Los Angeles. Calif., where they will visit for the winter season in that city and other pciuts in southern California. Mr. Becker and v. ife made trip to Kan sas City over the -Missouri Pacific and from there will go over the Santa Fe railroad. H. A. Schwartz and wife motored up tins morni::g from their farm ionic northea ing from his farm home to attend to a few matters of business with the merchants. V. J. Alt house and Henry Greer of Alvo were in the city today for a few hours to attend the hearing on the school districts at court house. J. L. Jardine of Greenwood was a visitor in the city today to attend the hearing: at the court house in of Xehawka to spend . regard to the proposed changes in .the i TOR SALE. I have for sale several good milk cows, tuberculine tested. Will lie fresh soon and are good heavy milk ers. See Xeil D. Cameron Bellevue Blvd., block north of Chuds road. f Telephone South 3517, Omaha. a snort time in ire city attending to'crnnni districts business affairs and while here. Mr. Schwartz called a:d enrolled Lis sub- liption to tie Journal and will hereafter have this household neces- ty sent to hii:. Vvmleyou wcHx lor Giiaers JSISS 'ypur monoy and eovae day (jthers wHi EVERY OWNER OF EVERY STORE OR FACTORY ALMOST WITHOUT EXCEPTION, WAS AN EMPLOYE IN IT ONCE. IF YOU ARC GOING TO EVER BE. OR DO ANYTHING WORTH WHILE, YOU MUST HAVE MONEY IN THE BANK. MANY A CHANCE WILL PRESV NT ITSELF TO YOU. IF YOU HAVE MONEY YOU CAN TAKE IT. - - YOUR COMMON SENSE SHOULD TELL YOU THAT THAT MONEY WILL COME IN HANDY SOME DAY. WE ADD 3;; INTEREST TO SAVINGS ACCOUNTS SEMIANNUALLY. ?7 a rniers State Sank PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA Frank McXtirlin .of near Louisville, brother of John McXurlin of this city, was here today visiting his brother and also attending the hear ing on the school district readjust ments. John Loh ties, one of "'the- best of Cass county's citizens, came in this morning from his home near Cedar Creek and spent the day visiting with his friends and looking after some business matters. William Schneider and wife, Mrs. Mary Wolff and Miss Xoyes motored down yesterday from their homes at Cedar, Creek and spent the day visit ing at the home ot John F. Wolff and family for the. day. Frank Pankontn. of near Wcping Water came in this morning to spend a few hours looking after some business af!'a'r in the countv seat! unit a'teii'limr the .hearing on th; nropr.scd school districts. J. II. Pecker and wife departed yes- Fiom Tiirsiiay's l-'aily. Fred Zink of near Flmwoou was n the city today attending the hear ings on the proposed school districts. Adam Meisinger oi" near Cedar ( reck was in the citv todav for a few hours looking after some matters of l jiness. Augifst P.ornemeier of Klmwood was among the visitors in the city today attending the hearing on the school question. John Cerry Stark of Klmwood was in the city today visiting iiis friends and attending the hearing of the school question at the court house. George Oehlerking of Klmwood was a visitor in the county seat to day to attend the hearings on the proposed consolidated school dis tricts. Mr. and Mr-'. A. Wayne Propst motored up from Union yesterday afternoon and visited at the home of Mr. Propst's parents Mr. and Mrs It. L. Propst. Karl Hunter of the Weeping Wat er Republican was in the city today looking titter some business matter's William Deles Dernier, the Klm wood attorneywas in the city tday attending county court where he ap- ! pea red as attorney in the final set tlement of the Joseph Hoffman estate. ' ' Fred Lau and w'ife of near Mur dock were inuhe city today for a few hours visiting with friends as well as attending the school district hear ing and while in the city Mr. Lau was a pleasant caller at the Journal office. RHODE ISLAND RED HENS Several hundred Rhode Island Red hens for sale at reasonable price. Mrs. C. R. Todd, phone 3102. 3swl4 3 NOTICE ADMINISTRATORS SALE. The Xoyes farm, which is located one mile east and one mile south of Louisville, is offered Tor sale in order to settle the etsate. The farm con tains'3C0 acres, has modern improve ments: an S-rtom house with 'ight, heat and bath, new basement bai u 36x30 feet. A 5-room house for ten ant. CHARLES K. XOYKS, Administrator. 'B'ris:.!::s!t:!':a!r;:'Bi': i wzm: Bi.i' ei::h: m LBitB-THmjis: 'S'lrariaircrrBr Etc-. b: a i n il il 33CS3&k fS3XZB $?v U tl t3fl anc TRUCK - H n n n H Henry A. Guthmann. the Murdock 3 banker. Henry Sehlonhoff. Herman Henry Packemeyer were among the Murdock visitors in the city today to take part in the hearing on the con solidated school districts. Mrs. S. Ray Smith departed tins Reichman, Carl g Leaehnian and i A i morn in; on the early Burlington l train for Omaha accompanying her mother. Mrs. Jacob Domingo, that far on her journey to her home in Weeping Water. Mr. Domingo will depart this afternoon for home and after their week's visit here with the daughter. LOUISVILLE COUPLE WEDDED LAST WEEK at the court house iii the interest of Miss Alice Stander and Roy B. Clif- his newspaper. Peter Stander and C. K. Xoyes of Louisville were among the visitors from out in the county present today to attend the hearing on the propos ed school districts. Anold Stut t and Fred Schafer of Avoca precinct canre in this mornin to attend the hearing at the court house on the proposed changes in the school districts of the county. ISornomeier, Ed Karnst and William Porneineier of Klmwood were in the county seat today look ing after their interests in the pro posed changes in the school districts of the count v. W. F. Kosenow, one of the leading residents of near Kasle was in the city for a few hours today lookin after some matters at. the court house and whilo here called at the Journal office for a pleasant visit. C. M. Andrus. Dan Dourke and George Coon of the Maniey school board were in the city today for a few hours attending to some business matters at the court house in regard to the proposed changes in the school districts. ford Married in Omaha by Rev. John Calvert. From "Wednesday's Daily. Charles Wood of Alvo was among those coming in this afternoon to at tend the school hearing. William Knaiif arid wife of near Murdock were in the city today for a few hours to attend the school ' hearing. At the.M. K. parsonage in Omaha on January 2. 1920, occurred the marriage of two well known Louis ville young people. Miss Alice E. Stander and Mr. Roy It. Clifford. Rev. John Calvert, a former pastor and long time friend of the bride, officiating. They were accompanied by James Stander, brother of the bride. Both are excellent young people and grew to maturity in Louisville, being schoolmates in the Louisville schools. The bride spent a part of the past year in California, and re turned but a few weeks ago, osten sibly to prepare- for the approaching marriage. The" groom is a hustling young business man and is traveling for the M. K. Smith company of Omaha. His territory is through western Kansas with headquarters at Horton, where they will estab lish a home. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford are taking a novel wedding tour, Mr. Clifford is traveling over his regular territory. accompanied by his bride. Louis ville Courier. a f ! I Si I We have a number on hand in 6tore rooms now, but you may rest assured they won't last long. Better place your order now. You'll need that Speed Wagon from now on. PRICES Speed Wagon $1,710.00 Reo 6, Touring or Roadster .$1,820.00 Prices Include War Taz and the Freight. We tho have; a number of second hand cars for " sale. Come in and look them over. f a D R D tJ H H ...., The Gold Standard of Values J. E. &VlASf, Prop. imimiMrBMW! B;.ii:B!:i.Bi:i!;'u.'!!B!:i!:B;iBi;. :b::;:b;:.b::.b;::::h;: b:i b:; b a a a m m Si We print law briels, sale Mils, letter heads, envelopes, statements. checks. Invoices and in fact every thing but money, postage stamps and butter. Let us have your next, job If it's in the stationery line, call or u I Mark White came up this niorn-jat the Journal omce. oi Under orders of the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, I will sell at Public Auction to the highest bidder for cash at the south door of the Court House at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, January 26th, 1920, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., the following described land: THE EAST HALF (Ei2) OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER (NWV4)-0F SECTION THIRTY-THREE (33) IN TOWNSHIP ELEVEN (11) NORTH OF RAN3E NIITF (9), EAST OF THE SIXTH P. M. IN CASS COUNTY NEBRASKA. -This is the sale of the Dean Kamm Eighty which is tocaiea one mne norm and one and one-half mile west of Alvo, Nebraska. This farm is improved This sale will remain open one hour. The terms of this sale are $3,000.00 cash at time of bid as earnest money the remainder to be paid in cash at the time of the confir mation of the deed. : CARL D. CANZ, Referee. i