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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 1, 1919)
1UJXVZ.I. 'J" J- J.'JIW X. J.S1S. Cass County Monument Co UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT H. W. SMITH, PROPRIETOR We liavc Watcd in Plnttsmomh to make our borne. We want t'i qet ncquaimcl with all Ca county jieople, and are loiihiujT f.,r bn.-ines in our line The Monumental Line MAKE YOUR WANTS KNOWN TO US CASS COUNTY Monument Co., Main PLATTSMOITII Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy in ilic'h.ijran. .Mrs. A. l!. Hall. Casey-lie. Mich., ,Bays. "I wih to thank you for your grand good :r:edi"ine. ' Chamberlain's Ccuic Diarrhoea Kemedy. We are never without it in the house, and I am sun- it saved our baby's lift- This summer." Mrs. Mary Carrington. Caseville. Mich., says. "I have ued Chamber lain's Colic an'! Diarrhoea llemedy for years ami it Las always civtn 1' relief." Your Dollar's Opportunity Your dollar's opportunity is now, today! Set it to work for you. Give it the task of multiplying itself. In doing so it will perform its part in the world affairs. Everyman's money should be making use of this opportunity. Farmers, for instance, can not only feed the world; through businesslike handling of their farms and businesslike handling of their in-' comes they can help to develop the world. Thrift Is Patriotism Saving is a form of serving. It is one of the biggest forms of national service service to your country. Our first president said. "Economy makes happy and sound nations." fc3 mi The wa7 to start right is to tart right now! Saving is as much a habit as spending or putting things off. Or.ce formed, it is easy to continue. But un like other habita, it is a good habit. in, ii BANK WITH US The Baivk Of Css Couivty. Flattsmouth, Nebraika 33-Year Loan but which can be paid sooner if desired E3o Commissions We place such loans through the LINCOLN JOINT STOCK LAND BANK OF LINCOLN, NEBR., which during the past year hasloan ed over S6, 000, 000.00 to the farmers of Iowa and Nebraska. NO DELAYS! NO RED TAPE! A FAIR RATE OF INTEREST! Ask us about it Bank of Cass Co., Plattsmouth, Street NEBRASKA Despondency. Sufi'erers from indgestion are apt to become discouraged and feel that complete recovery in not to be hop ed for. No one could make a great er mistake. Hundreds have been permanently cured by taking Cham berlain's Tablets and can now eat anything: that they crave". These tablets strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. If you have not tried them do so at once. Robicribe for the wonmil mm m Nebraska raj TTr K5VNKI OVER THE COUNTY LOUISVILLE Courier t . Mrs. John Albert left Saturday for a visit with her sister, Mrs. Charles Ahl and family at their ranch homo near Oconto. Mr. and Mrs. John Stroy and throe children, Clara, Herbert and Evelyn, of near Murdock. left last week in their ttuick for a trip to Denver to spend a few weeks with relatives. Rev. T. Hartman drove in day to christen the little months-old son of Mr. and George Ilrammer. The little was named Robert Carl, and Sun-two-Mrs. boy is a fine and dandy youngster. Edward Ossenkop has moved his family back to Louisville from Cherry county, near Leat. and will reside on the old home place south east of town. They were very well satisfied with their surroundings in Cherry county but naturally would prefer the splendid advantages they will enjoy on Mr. Ossenkop's farm in this vicinity. We are pleased to receive cards this week from Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Worthiuan and Mrs. R. C. Yant from Estes Park. Colorado, where they are enjoying a delightful outing. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Yant and family made the trip to Colorado in their Buick and Mrs. Worthman and two little daughters went out to join the II. E. Drown family near Scottshluff and later took a cottage with the Yant family. Mrs. George Frampton and her daughter-in-law. Mrs. John Framp ton and two children of Lawton. Oklahoma, are here for a visit with relatives and old friends. Mrs. Frampton informs us that her son. George, has purchased a bank at Saxon, Oklahoma, and is doing well in that business. George learned the banking business in Lincoln and showed a remarkable aptitude for that lice and his many Cass county friends will be pleased to learn that he has started out for himself and that he is prospering. ELMWOOD Leader-Echo Mrs. Perry Colbert has been sick for some time with appendicitis ana an operation is thought to be neces sary. L. W. Roettger and son, Leon and ; wife of Peru spent several days the first of the week visiting friends in this city. A. W. Neihart and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kilmer motored to Lincoln on Wednesday afternoon. The two lat ter remained for several days visit with relatives and friends. M. W. Waltz left on Thursday morning for Ridgeville. Ind.. where he will visit relatives. He will also take in the old soldiers' reunion at Columbus, Ohio. He will then re turn to Ridgeville for a longer visit and will also visit his son. Charley, at Long Island City. N Y.. befora returning. On last Saturday Mrs. Bert Reber of this place who has been suffering with appendicitis for some time went to Lincoln and at Everett hospital underwent an operation. The opera tion was successful and at the pres ent time she is doing as well a:? could be expected. On Monday a deal was made whereby J. D. Durbin sold his fine residence property and ten lots to Mr. Mateer. the purchase price be ing . $4. 700. 00. The Durbin family will live there however until March first. Jim says he does not know yet what he will do. The Durbin fam ily have lived in Elm wood for 22 years. August Rosenow brought up town on Wednesday a curiosity in the shape of an ear of corn that has all the patriotic colors the red. white and blue were plainly visible. The ear of corn was taken from his mother's. Grandma Rosenow, garden in the north end of town and prov ed quite a curiosity to all who saw it. Elmwood added three more victor ies to her already long list. On Tues day they played Eagle, winning- by a score of 4 to 2. Picnic day they rolled up a score of 6 to 4. On Sun day with Louisville they won by a score of 5 to 3. These were good fast games rand Elmwood can well feel proud of her team. They have developed into a real team and can play ball with any of them. FEED CORN. I have about 300 bushels of 1918 white ear corn left on my farm that I would like to sell for feed corn. Anyone wishing any. leave your order with me at Farmers State Bank, or call at J. C. Meisinger farm. 29-3td2rw . L. MEISINGER. :-K-:-:-:":-:-:-:"H"-:-:-:-:-i" WEEPING WATER Republican Miss Josephine Plttman went to Union Sunday to visit her sister whose husband had the misfortune to get three ribs broken when in a tip-over with a load of hay. Dr. M. U. Thomas was operated on last Saturday at a Lincoln hos pital. The last reports," as near as we learn, is that the doctor is 'get ting along nicely. The new engine for the electric light plant arrived the first of the week. A place for installing it along side the other two engines is being gotten in readiness and as soon as the new generator arrives the new J equipment will be gotten into use. John Bourke went to Omaha Wed nesday morning to attend the de tails of getting their new home ready as he expects to move his family up next week. His daugh ter. Miss Olyve, underwent a minor operation at the St. Catherine's hos pital Monday and is getting along very nicely. Joe Tuma. wife and baby; also Miss Bessie Tuma, of Omaha are spending the week at the home of their sister Mrs. W. P. Sitzman. Mr. Tuma works in the post office, while his sister is in a telephone office, and they are both having their vaca tions. Mrs. Emil Shonbeck received a message Saturday from her son Louie Paulsen stating that he would be home in a couple of weeks. Louie is in the navy and is on a destroyer. As the message came from New York, it is presumed that he has just returned from a trip across. J. M. Teegarden and son William were Lincoln passengers Wednesday morning, going up to see about a room for William who will at tent1 state university this year; and alsr to accompany home Mrs. Teegarder who had visited her daughter Mrs. Edwin Steckley since Tuesday morn ing. The Misses Tressie and Gladys Ward returned last Wednesday from a seven weeks' visit with their unci Tom Williams at Carlsbad. X. M Mr. Williams came up . here for e few days and took the girls hack with him. They made S00 miles of the trip in a car on the way down to New Mexico. The girls report a fine trip and they liked the country fine. Mi3S Marie Philpot and her cousin Lloyd Philpot came in.Xrom Venan tro. Nebr.. where they have beer i during the threshing season. They I also found time to take a few days' trip to Denver by auto, which more than made up for the work at threshing time. Miss Marie was as sisting her sister. Miss- Lena, with the cooking on Albert's ranch and Lloyd was driving a tractor and hauling wheat around Venango and Imperial. u . EAGLE Beacon i .1. Mrs. Trimble went down to Fair mont the first of the week to visii her daughter, Mrs. Stewart, am also to attend the big home-coming celebration at that place. The Cass county teachers' insti tute is in session at Plattsmouti this week. The only one preseu from Eagle, so far as we have beei able to learn is Miss Jeanette Adams Ed Peterson returned Saturda morning from Lexington, where In has been for several weeks assisting Jess Wall with his threshing. Hi says Jess went on to Denver for l little auto trip. Mrs. John Peterson returned or Live Poultry U17AWTED t A car load of live poultry, to be delivered at poultry car near Bur lington Freight Depot, .Plattsmouth, Nebr., on Thursday, Sept. 4, one day only, for which we will pay in cash, as follows : Hers, per lb. - '. 28c Springs, per lb. 28c Old Cox, per lb. 15c Duck, per lb. -23c Horse Hides, each $13.G0 Beef Hides,- per lb. 33c We will be on hand rain or shine and take care of all marketable poultry offered for sale. Yours truly, W. E. ZEENEY. Tuesday from a visit of a v.oek with relatives at Harlan and Irwin, lowi. Her nephew, Loren Blair, who has been here with her during his vaca tion, went home with her. Mrs. (J. J. Reitter aii son from jlendo. Wyo., who have been here visiting. left last Saturday for Rock Island, 111., to visit her broth er, Percy McCallister. . Her mother, Mrs. P. H. Dickson, of near Palmyra, went to visit at the same place two weeks ago. Mrs. Lawrence Spoonf-r left Wed nesday morning lor Jacksonville. Florida, to see her mother, who is seriously ill at that place. Mr. Spooner's mother will remain here and keep house during her absence. Mrs. E. E. Champion and three children of Cando, North Dakota, arrived in Eagle Saturday night for( a visit with her parents. Mrs. Cham-j pion is the eldest daughter of the : Beacon family and this is her first I visit home for two years. Her hus-j band expects to come about the first' of the month, and it is their present I intention to proceed to California! soon. NEHAWKA News Frank Boedeker and wife return ?d this afternoon from a month's racation in the west. The heavy rain which fell here Tuesday morning was greatly appre ciated and will make plowing ami ch easier. Nick Klaurens returned last veek from a trip to the western ?art of the state, where he has land nterests. The Messrs. Ruffner and Reed, ac companied by the Misses Hunt and Carr. of Omaha, were guests at "the borne of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Kirk oatrick last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sturm and laughter Gertrude, who have been njoying an outii.s the past six A-eeks at the principal lake resorts if Iowa and Minnesota, returned ionic Friday night. Malcolm Pollard underwent, a sur gical operation at his home two niles southwest of Nehawka on last Saturday. The operation was per formed by Dr. Jonas of Omaha and issistants and was successful. The patient is getting along as well a: t is to be hoped. Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartz re urned from a week's vis;t with heir son. Otto and family today, Aho live at Merna. Nebraska. Mr. Schwartz brought back samples ol" orn and Sudan grass grown by his- j on there this season, which would j ndicate that Otto has splendid j :rops this year. This is his first ear there, the family moving from N'ehawka last March. A very serious accident occurred last Thursday when Ray Galloway -as riding on a load of hay and the rack upset. Instead of falling with the hay he jumped to the other ide and fell on a wheel hurting him self inwardly. Dr. Barritt 'was call id at once and for several days Mr. jalloway lay in a doubtful condi tion. He is better now, although tie still suffers greatly from his in juries. Efforts to get a nurse were lseless until Saturday night when me came down from Omaha. It is noped by his many friends that ho vill have a speedy recovery. X OTITIC TO fltlCIHTOICS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun- '' "s" , . In the County Court. J it the matter of the Kstate of Har riet A. Sharp, tlec-easeil. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. I will it at the County Court room in Platts mouth in said county on September !'!. 1919. and Iieeember 30. 1919. at 10:00 a. in. on. each day to receive and ex amine all claim afrainst sakl -state. with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time liniitnd for the presentation of claims against said estate is three, months from the 1:9th lav of September A. r. 1919, and the time limited for payment of debts is ne year from said 29th (lay of Sep-temtei-, 1919. Witness my band and the seal of said Countv Court this L'Tth day of August. 1919. ALLEN' .T. BE15SOX. Countv .Indue. Ilv FLORENCE WHITE. Scall Clerk. oTirr. to KKiiiTmis The State of Nebraska, Cass coun tv. ss. 'in the Countv Court. In the matter or the estate of Ellen Daniheu, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: Yon re hereby notified. That I will sit ft the County Court room in Platts tioi1i n sad countv on the 11th day fcf October, 1919, and 11th day of I e oembT. 1919. ft the hour of ten 110) Vcloek a. m. eacli of said days, to re ceive and examine f" claims asraint aid estate, with a view to their ad ,istrncnt and allowance. The time lim ited for the presentation of claims nsrainst said estate is three months from the 11th dav of September A. I 1919. and the time limited for payment of debts is one vear from said ::ntii da" of August. 1919. - Witness mv hand and the seal of said Countv Court, this SOth day ot Ausust. 1919. r ALLEN .T. BKESOX. (Seal) sl-4w. County Judge. SHORTHAND iiooKKKiirivt; TEI.I-XiU A 111 V We have taught these branches of busi ness trsiiriinsr for 20 vears. Positions for everv graduate. UapicU promotions. Low tuition. Students work ror tneir hoard while attenoiug. abk. tor tree Catalog A. Boyles College, Omaha, Nebr. jj DON'T FORGET HOSV2E &B3DUSTHY! I will pay the highest market price for Poultry, Eggs and Cream! Remember that I buy every day in the week. Please call me before selling your produce. I am ready to buy at all times. Tril.LT'MMNli H)S. Plattsmouth Produce Co. Sixth Strekt STORK AT MEISINGER HOME. Frcm Saturday's Daily. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meisinger in Eight Mile Grove pre cinct has been gladdened by the ar rival there on Thursday evening of a fine little son and heir. The moth er and little one are doing njcely and Henry is very proud of the ad dition to the family. The friends in this city will be pleased to learn of the good fortune of Mr. and Mrs. Meisinger an trust that the little son may live fco be a joy and com fort to the parents in their old age. Just What She Needed. "I used a bottle of Chamberlain's Tablets seme time ago and they proved to be just what I needed," writes Mrs. Volta Bankson. ChiMi cothe. Mo. "They not only relieved me of indigestion but toned up my liver and rid me of backache and dizziness that I had been subject to for some time. They did m;: a world of good and I will always s-peak a good word for them." There Are Parts of Nebraska WHERE LAND 15 HIGHER THAN IN CASS COUNTY, BUT NOVHERE CAN YOU FIND LAND MORE PRODUCTIVE OR CROPS SAFER. a Look over these choice Cass county farms we are offering for sale at prices that are attractive to the pur chaser. Every one of these farms will be worth more money before spring: 104 acres located at the edge of a Cass county town, 1i mil from elevator. There are 1; acre;-: in pasture ar.d the balance is alt good farm land. The improvements consist of a good eight room house, big barn, corn crib, hog house and other small buildings. Ycu have a market practically on the farm and situated as it is it will make an ideal place to handle stock profitably with the least work.' The price cf this farm is ?C00 per acre and the owner will give good terms to purchaser. JCO acres located miles southwest of .Louisville. The land consists of 50 acres of . good pasture with running water fed by spring, and 110 acres of choice farm land, all in a high state of cultivation. Thd improvements consist of a good two-story Ft on?' house, a baesment bam for JM head of horses, with granaries built in above, double corn crib and other small buildings. The im provements could not be built under $10,000.00. This is un all around goo(L-farm and is bound to be worth more' in six months than we are asking. Price $225.00 per acre. Will give good terms. 4S2 acres six miles west of riattsmouth. Nebraska. miles from shipping point for both grain and live stock, and 10 miles from the South Omaha market. This farm consists of 225 acres farm land, of which CO acres is in alfalfa. We have already put up 19 big 10-ton stacks of alfalfa hay on this farm this yar, and the third crop is now ready for cutting. The stand is perfect and free of any weeds. The balance of the farm land has been teeded down in the last few years and is in excellent shape. The improvements consist of a good house, large cattle barn, 48x60, horse barn, hog shed 120 feet long, cattle shed, good big granary, corn cribs, and other buildings. All the land is well fenced and cross fenced, two big hog pastures fenced hog tight. The pasture consi.sts o.' blue grass and clover and is very fine. 0 acres of it in the bottom. This is extra good pasture and not affected by dry weather. There is a good spring in the pasture furnishing an abundance of good water the year around. Where the improvements are there is a goo' well and large underground supply, tank from which run underground pipes to self waterers for all the live stock. Lots of this pasture land, especially that close to the improvements, could be farmed with very little work, and it is as good as any land you can find anywhere." The price of this place is $75,000.00 and good terms can be arranged with purchaser. These farms are all for immediate sale, possession to be given March 1st, 1920. It is time to do your fall plowing so do not lose any time investigating these good propositions. We will be glad to show you any of these farms at any time. t ITS A PLEASURE TO SHOW CASS COUNTY LAND. J. P. Falter REAL ESTATE Phone 2S J. M. Palmer of Nehawka was in the city today for a few hours en route home from Omaha where lie has been with sev-jral cars of hogs on the market. - George M. Hild, the Perkins coun ty land man. accompanied by Chris Tschirren and Rex Young, returned home this morning from a trip out to Grant. Nebraska, and vicinity, looking over the land. DELCO-LIGHT- The carji-lete Ceclri: Light and Power Plant j Pumps tbf water and srrind-. the feed. An extra hand at chore t hue. ISY ROSENTHAL. Tel. D. 5093 Omaha, Neb. E3L t DOB INSURANCE 1 f