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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1919)
nz two. FLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL,, Children Cry for Fletcher's Ittte Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been la use for oyer thirty years, has borne the signature of - and has beeu made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy. w6W Allow no une to deceive vr,u in th;- All Counterfeits, Imitations and Just-as-goou f are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience agcirst Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine aor other narcotic subctpnec. Its ngc is its guarantee. For niore than thirty years it has beer in constant use for the relief cf Constipation, 1 l?.tulencr Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverisbnecs arising therefrcm, and by regulating the Stomach and Eowe's, aids ; the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural 6lecp, The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. genuine CASTOR! A alwav Bears the Signature of h Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought LOCAL NEWS Wednesday's Daily. Herman OUerstnn ;iml Motor wore in I lie city last eevning from thtir home west of Mynard. Mrs. II. H. I larger was a visitor i:i this city for a short time from I: " home near Cedar Creek today. Mark White and wife of couth of oid I lock Bluffs, were in the city for a r-hrt time yesterday evening look it: after some business. Waller Meisinger from near Ced ar Crick was in the city last even ly.;: k. mins: in with his car and was lucking after some business matters. Sam Goodman of nc?r Mynard w?s a isiior in Plattsmouth for a hl:t.ri this morning having m n:e li'ifinoss tors to look after. Chase Patterson was a visitor in Plattsniouth last evening from his heme? iK.-ar Kock Hlufs, driving up to look after some business for a tiiort time. James S. Pitman of Nehawka was a visitor in this city for a short time this morning -looking after some business matters at the office of the county attorney. J. V. Edmunds of Murray was a visitor in this city for a short time this afternoon, stopping: here after having been to Omaha to look after some business matters. Paul Roberts the lumberman of Cedar Creek, drove down from his home this morning in his car and was looking after some business and was visiting with his father. C. I,. 1'itman of near Nehawka was a visitor in this city for a short time yesterday afternoon having driven up to look' after some busi ness at the office of the county at torney. -Harvey Gregg of near Murray was a visitor in this city for a short time his morning on his return to Murray, after having been at brok en Bow, where he has been vhiting with his brother Hoy Gregg. K. A. Kirkpatrick of Nehawka was in the city yesterduy coming to look after some busines.s matters at the court house, regarding the oid soldiers relief fund of which he i? 'V An 1 rsir2u:.3 - if.-".-,.. . b $ Good te Hoass THAT doesn't mean that you a little moMcy to build one. hou?c3 av.ay. But wc wanlcd the next paragraph. An agricultural expert at the Nebr-? tim a.70 that a farmer could pay fo or the Iced he s;ved in one wiTitcr. statement was made as a result of of farmers. don't have to pay out Vc aren't giving hog you to be sure to read rka station said a short r a S'ood hog house out It v.asn I a guess. The experience on the part And that in real!' only halt the dory. It doesn't take into account that a good hog howre means more pigs per litter and two litters a year instead of one. I Ier is a real investment. A building that mors than pays for iUcif in one year and then gees right on making money fcryou. . n-:t it must lc a srood !io lioue v.-eatS-Tproijf. warm, dry and sunny. Ar.rl ft-r such a hcu-c VVhit? Fie i"tlic most economical for outside imrr l.c it d-ocj vol warp, split, t 1. or rot. It's ca.y to work and nzy .n tor-'s. It coals h littlj rr ere, Lut is cjicapest. in the long run. Pr.-cliool v.-orkinrj pirns, epeci.c.cilion end hill of material for the above l.oy Koum or any other type of farm building are yours for the uitin. Cedar Greek Lumber Company, Cedar Creek, Nebraska. one of the board handling that fund, ! was in the city last evenin? for a short time, looking after the inter ests of the 'boys of the civil war. Mrs. M. Hild was a passenger to Omaha this morning, where she is at the heme of John Iliber and oth er relatives for a time. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Parker who have been visiting at the home of L,. E. Elliott left this afternoon for Storru Lake. Iowa, where, they will visiting at the hospital with her Upend a few days before returning sister-in-law Mrs. Fred Ilild who is recovering after having undergone an operation some weeks since. Raymond Galloway of near Ne hawka, was a visitor in this city for a few hours this morning, having driven up in his car, and was look ing after some business matters for a short time at the court house. Mrs. Frank Sabatka and son Vernon, were passengers to Omaha this uuirning where they will con sult a specialist regarding troubles which both are having with their tonsils, and which they expect will have to be removed. W. E. Rosencrans who has spent several days in the west portion of the stale, returned home this morn ing, and while things are warm in the west crops are being harvested and the threshing of the small grain is going forward rapidly. Miss Gladys Horn oT Omaha, daughter of Mrs. Geo. Horn of that city is visiting in this city fer a short time at the horn of her aunt Mrs. ('. L. Herger and will later go to the country south of i'edar Creek where she will visit with relatives alyo. 1'hillip Ilirz is in receipt of an elegant Hoist ein bull, which he has purchased from the herds of I). ('. F.ower of near Fullerton and which he is placing at the head of his herd west of the city. Mr. Hirz who is a tine stock fancier, and a good business manager, is always keep ing hi herds up to the best. Mrs. Frank Keown. who has been visiting in this city for the pa-t two weeks at the home of her daugh ter Mrs. (Mem Merritt, departed this morning for her home in Iowa, after having had an excellent visit at tli is place. She was called here oil account of the illness of her (laugh ter Miss Florence Keown. who had at that time undergone an operation at a hospital at Nebraska City, but who has since recovered, and is now feeling tine. to their home at Fairbury. From Tuesday's Daily. Walter Dyers of near Rock LUuits was u visitor in this city this after noon looking alter homo busiiwv:; matters. Troy Wiles of Cedar Creek was a visitor in I'lattsnioui h today with his family called here to loor after some business matters. Wil:i I',;:;; 1 II. G. Stromer of Omaha been vuitinsc tor the p::st few days at Weeping Water was a visitor in I'lattsmouth for a short time be tween trains today. Herman Smith from near Nt hawka was a business visitor in th's city for the day, having driven up to look after some business matters for a short time. Mrs. Minnie I. w.od t Weeping Water came in tliis. morning for a visit with friends, and to be in at tendance at the Chautauqua, where her son Master Leland Wood is to play this afternoon. John and Will Seagraves and Wi'l Mickon departed this morning t .r Kedtield. South Pakota. where they will work lor some time assisting in get ling the harvests of that terri tory properly garnered. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Osborne and daughter, of Glen rock, motr r ed to I'lattsmouth and spent Sund iy isiting at the home of Ora Rhodes. They were accompanied bv Mr. C. F. l'ickett. father of Luther Piekett, who spent the day visiting with hn son and family, s This afternoon C. A. Miller arriv ed from his home near Urn ns wick in response to a telegram from his nephew Albert Miller, telling of the sickness of Henry M. Miller. Mr. O. A. Miller's brother and ' asking that he come at once. Mr. Miller just completed his threshing and was al most worn out but hastened to the bedside of his brother, who is re ported as being slightly better. ClilTord IJurbridge and fami!y drove to Lincoln Sunday, where they spent the day as guests at the home of A. E. Hawkins. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Kirus returned with them and will spend a few days visiting here. Mr. Kirus has just returned from France and reached home on last Friday. While In the army he was with 'the ordnance department and his work there was to take care of the German salvage which was turned over at the close of the war. WOMEN USURPED Tiir DiruTO nr pan int. rt unio ur itiLi THURSDAY. JULY 31. 191'J. And Were Anxious to Hctain Them Until Abe Jones Showed Them the Folly of Their Ways. I" i l Wednesday's Daily. - There's no telling how far-reach-ii g the effects of the war may really be. Every American soldier will en joy the new Emerson-Loos comedy production. "Oil.' You Women," now boing shown at the Parmcle. t The theme of the comedy deals with the caorts of the returning troops to re gain their jobs which have been preempted by women in their ab seence at the front. In the ultimUe end one among their number, Abe Jones, back from France a hero, suc ceeds in showing the women of his town their rightful place, although rot until lie has declared war on a female political ring and denounc ed men assuming such tasks as knit ting and tending the babies. Th" authors have treated the story with discrimination and the satire is keen as a dagger b'-.ide. The picture was seen by a goodly number last night. Mid will be shown twice tonight ::t the Parmele, thereby concluding its two day engagement here. ARE VISITING RELATIVES AT HURON, SQ. DAKOTA From Wednesday's Daily Mrs. Phillip Tritsch of Percival. Iowa, who has been visiting in this city for a short time at the home of her mother Mrs. J. P. Keil in com pany with her mother departed this afternoon for Huron. South Dakota, where they will spend some time visiting at the home of Henry Keil and wife of that place. i.i;i;i. miki: From Monday's Daily. Mrs. J. W. Johnson who lias been visiting at Lincoln and Weeping Water for a few weeks has returned to her home. Miss Kathryu Evans, who has been the guest" of Miss Eileen Mc Carty. returned to her home at Ara pahoe this morning. Mrs. Casper came iu from Hecla. South Dakota, today and will visit T.. .Mis. . lit: k .lown. .I. ;. i f-. : .-. il !. i V. in. . i. I I I : I- V. ki. . .1. I.! 1 . ' , . (. i I I : . - I 1 . ! 1 1 1 1 1 li I : San- Siiv.l.T, fust ival :t'- ol .liuni spyoer; llit Jf If iKiiin-- inw it . I, oil's. ! viN' os. lon;i- in'.- n t II i " s atnl all pi ioj i a I i s tl 1:1 Ins f.-lalf, II. r.iilni. if living, if loioas- i.i.Kroun ioi!, Ioimos, ,.. i ,,: ..- pt ii i ivi'S and ; il I . . i : i 1 1 intt ro.-ud in hi.- stiit'1: H. Sj i.itioii. ii' il deoosi- ii'ii:ii'W'ii luii.-. ! vis-os. loa lt i:k ! i 'op! .-i ntat ivi-s and nil l i suns ii;tor-st-d in his estato; lis .1. Mii!-r. i: living, if dooo;s.-'- . .'. I is i.'ik:i"n boil's. i- videos, Iok"- li is. ' :shki1 ii jjrosoiitatives and m .diior pel siiii. inti ii stt'd in bis estate sin iiiiKii'iwH !.oii., n rsonal roproson lalivos and all P'T-sdiis Interest ed in the t.-l:-'o d' .ildie ;rinios. ili- eeaseti: 11. e i : n i; ! i ' ii owners and nil Mxovn eiaii.i;in:t ol' Hie Miutliw.est iiiiartei- !' Ir.e nurtlitt'Cft tiuartor iSU' i MV'i i; t::e port Itwost iiuartcr H,c s.(iil nwi st i;.i;irtor NW"U SW'UI :r.o north hjlf of tlio .sou t ii west iuar- i. i 'n il sun iWisl ijiiii rt'I' IN': i SW'i I .ill f S-'-elioti liitieteen i'muis!i'ii ten (tin. North Kailt-'e. font- lie:! i 11. east id' the tdh 1. M., t'a nniiiiy, Xi l.i a.- ka, and all persons elainiii; any of any kind .-aid leal t state, or any pai l tlioreof on and e; i ll ol von are lierelty no un. .1 il. at on tie jMli day of July 1 I a petition was lilid in tl'.e Dis trn t Court of Cass county. N lraska, in widen II. !'. Comer anC W. Comer Aeie plaiiKiUs. anu Mrs. .lolm Snyder iii.-t leal name niiUnown, wile "1 .1 i Snvder: Sai.fold V. Spratlell, if :! ni;r. it iiim i a.v l. bis unknown lieii .ievises li'ualcrs. personal reptosen lalives a-id aii olni-r persons interest ed in Ins estate: Win. il. Spratlin. if :ivinK. if li'i'i'iis'.'il. bis unknown heirs dev.iseos. leitalees. personal represen tatives and all other nelsons interest ed in hit estate- Win. Jl. Spratlon. if livinir, if deceased, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees. personal represcn tatlves and all oilier persons interest ed in bis estate; Thomas J. Miller, if living, if deceased, bis unknown heirs, ucvi.o s, legatees, personal icprcsen .aties and all persons interested in ins estate; the unknown beirs, person al representat ives and all other per sons interested in the estate of Addle wi'inies, deceased; the unknown owners and unknown claimants of the south west iua!'tei of the northwest quarter (SU'd NAV'il; the northwest quarter of the soutiiwest quarter (SWMi S 1 1 ) ; the north half of the .southwest quarter of tlie southwest quarter (N U ''4 SV . all of Section nineteen 1Ui, Township ten (10, .North KanKe I our teen ll, past of the 6tli 1'. Al Uass eoutity, Xeluaska; and all pet sons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or any part there- oi. wore defendants. The object and prayer of which pe tition are to quiet the title in the plain tiffs, 11. J Comer and tt. W Comer, to the southwest quarter of the north west quarter (SV'.4 NW'i) the north west quarter of Hie southwest quarter t.WVVi SVv4; the north hair of the southwest quarter of t lie southwest quarter (.N'A SW 'i S"'4 ), all of Sec lion nineteen tl!). Township ten O0, North Kanue fourteen east of the 6tli 1'. AI., Cujs county, Nebraska, beHiise said plaintiffs have hud the actual, open, notorious, exclusive and adverse possession thereof and every part ami parcel thereof for more than ten years last past prior to the com mencement of said action. and for equitable relief. You pud eaeli of vou are further no tified Unit yon tire, required to an swer said petition on or before Mon day, the I5lh ilnv of September. 11. i I F. COM P.. C. V. t'OJIKR, Plaintiffs C. A. UAAYLS. 5-lw' Attorney This is the package with the moisture-proof jacket that keeps Chesterfield's original flavor ar;d freshness intact. Your Chesterfields never become either soggy or dry. They always reach you in prime shape for smoking. And, Chesterfields do something for your smoke-hunger that you've always wished a cigarette would do they "touch the smoke zpoi" they let you know you're smoking they satisfy right down to the ground ' It's the blend that does it, and the blend can't be copied. a v'-V-. l ETT of Turkish and Domestic tobaccos blended 7' 9 . r VVI j m3 TJ vri ju v s ' ACCEPTS A CALL TO COLORADO. t-'ro'.i Wednesday's Ltally. The paper of the Christian church known as the "Standard" contains the news of the ceparture from East Enid, Oklahoma. a I which place he has been for some time, go ing there from here, and where he has been teaching in the Christian University, of Rev. A. J. Hargett, who was the former minister of the Christian church here, has ac cept . a call to Boulder, Colorado, where lie will minister to the church at that place. Heavy, impure blood, makes a muddy, pimply complexion, head aches, nausea, indigestion. Thin blood makes you weak, pale and sickly. For pure blood, sound di gestion, use tturdock Blood Bitters. $1.25 at all stores. Fancy box jper at this office. I.KCiAI, SOTH'K To William Peiinett, if livingr. if le eeased, his unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives and all other persons interested in the es tate of William Uennett; all persons Interested in the estate of Jackson . Old hum . deceased, including creditors and claimants: You and each of you are hereby no tiH,i tiiut on Mii 12th day of July loin ! netitiori was filed in the lis- t -..' curt nt Cass county. Nebraska in which W. O. lloedcker was plain if ut,H villi:im Keiinett. If liviner. if .i...... k.i i.iu iinktinwn heirs, devisees u,.i' npi'Knnal renresentatives and nil otber nersons Interesten in me w into of William Bennett and- all per- : ... . . . . e i-wL . i utiirnt n il in i lie hmulc v i uin c, O d ham. deeeasea, niuuuius creditors and claimants, were .1., nt i The object and prayer or wmc.i j.e- tition are to quiet tne tme in plaintiff. W. O. Boedeker. to boi .n..H.u'nut nnurlpr ISW b 7-4 I Ol ,.M.Uiwn rlfn nd Lot one (1) in the southeast quarter of the south west quarter (810 V4 SW',4) feei'tj" ihiri,. 1'ine mid the west half or tne ..rii',ui nnurtor Vi. NWH) and ihi west balf of the souinwesi. vrvv'L'. rf Kpi-tinn thirty all in 'Township eleven No'JJ1 i ai eouiitv. NftiiasKa. because said plaintiff lias bad the actual, open. notorious, exclusive aim buci- session thereof, end every part and parcel thereof for more than ten years last past prior to the commencement of said action, and for equitable re- " Vou and each of you arc further notified that on are required to an swer satd petition on or before Mon day, the 15th day of September, 1919. For a mild, easy action of the bowels, try Doan's Regulets, a mod ern laxative. 30c at till stores. itch, scald head, herpes, ecabics-, Doan's Ointment is highly recom mended. 60c a box at all stores. For any itching piles, eczema, salt skin trouble, rheum, hives, Wall Taper, Paints, Glass. Picture Framing. Frank (Jobclmau. the two the W. ii hi uouh; tv fc.iv. lJlaintin. FROM riRE OR &UR6LkRS DON'T SPEND ALL THAT MONEY JUST BECAUSE. YOU ARE GOING TO GET SOME MORE IN A FEW DAYS. PUT SOME OF IT IN OUR BANK. DO THIS EVERY TIME AND YOU WILL SOON HAVE A NICE SUM TO YOUR CREDIT. THEN YOU CAN EN LARGE YOUR BUSINESS AND MAKE MORE MONEY. COME IN. WE WILL WELCOME YOU. WE PAY y7o ON TIME CERTIFICATES AND 3 1-2 ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. BRING IN YOUR SAVINGS ACCOUNT PASS BOOK AND RE CEIVE YOUR CREDIT FOR YOUR INTEREST DUE THIS MONTH. C. A. J14-6W RAWLS, Attorney. Subicribe for the Journal. Farmers Stale PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA ank