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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (July 10, 1919)
riATTSinoirrn elmi-weekly jouriial TITUHSDAY. JULY 10. 1913 LET GERMANY WORK. XZbc plattsrnoutb journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA Entered at I'ostofTice. I'lattsmouth. Neb., as second-class mall matter, R. A. BATES, Publisher SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE The Ked are beginning blue. :o: to feel O wad some powir I lie :iftie ie us to see the bill collect or before lie sees lis. :o: If j said that only G.OOO.OOO Americans carry life insurance. C'wau! There is that many asents. :o: " A woman's will always prevails, unless she is rich enough fur the lawyers to break it after she is dead. :o: It generally costs a fellow from one to ten thousand dollars in thN country to prove tUat he is not guilty. :o: There is -talk about the Crown Prince heading a tJerman revolu tion. If he does, it will certainly be a f liver. :o: Kvcn after the meek have inherit ed the earth some blustering trust ollieial will come around and collect the rent. At last there are some slight signs that Germany is coming to her sense. Says the Taglische Rund schau of Berlin 'What we need is a despot to compel the nation to work. If we are unable to install him, our cue mies will send him That is the plain, simple truth. I The former kaiser has been at work ever since the armistice, saying You may kid gloves and string nothing and sawing wood the n:o.,t beans, but you can't bull frogs, :o: I lifer is no solution for the II. (' I... Kvcn the temperature is unus ually high. :o: "I'.eef remains high thought cattle drop." Apparently the only thing the poor public can do is to drop beef. :o: :o:- We read that bustles are coming bark. Woman is constantly enlarg ing her sphere. If it isn't one way it's another. :o: Man wants little here below, a poet sang with lire; there's only one comment to make that poet was a liar. : o : The more we study the statutes tin- more we become in favor of en forcing all the law;?, against every body but ourselves. :o: A carpenter planes the white planks And makes them smooth and flat. And children marvel that lie's paid For haing fun like that. When you notice how eager and anxious, and almost daffy, women arc over bargain counter sales, you can figure out ' how some of i:s get grabbed up as husbands. :o: The electric fan certainly has the palm leaf beaten for efficiency. That i. if the owmr knows enough to u-e it for blowing the cool air into a room, or the hot air out. instead of merely stirring the same dead air around and around. :o: Londoners protest once more agaisnt the playing of music writ ten by Cennan composers. Maybe they are right. Still. tJerman music wax the lease offensive thing about llermany. And most of the Herman composers had a proper contempt for 1'russia. :o: Farmers in Long Isl.ind, N. Y., are said to be pestered by lo cn.ts that they can't work. They seem to be losing a rare opportun ity. Haven't they heard the ver dict of that Johns Hopkins professor, that locusts are good to eat, and taste like .shrimp? Why don't they spread the news and supply the New York market with locusts? Or why doesn't some enterprising canner put them up and offer them as "Long Island Shrimp?" useful and profitable undertaking of his whole life. A What the t'ior man nation needs Is to do likewise. To make the Allies some small measure of recompense for the evil lone them, to restore their own country to something of its former prosperity and comfort and to make their own" future tolerable and re spectable, the Germans must stop Congress will soon have to decide whining, stop talking of revenge, what percentage, of alcohol makes a stop their eternal preparations for drink intoxicating. What congress- war a,ld to work patiently and man in qualified by experience to I constructively. pass on that question? I Honest work is in Itself a cleans- :o: ig force. Through honest work Flower beds filled with poppies I and discreet silence Germany may in grown from seed imported from time wipe out the memory of her Flanders fields form a part of the evil past and renovate her own decorations in an Ohio memorial soul. And it will be much better park dedicated to the soldiers of the for her to do it of her own free will. great war. :o:- The big wheat crop now being harvested in Cass count v ought to help its all just a trifle, hut follow ed by a good corn crop will help us a great deal more. Can we slp over a ringer this year. :o: . iii voluntary penance, under the compulsion of the nations she has wronged. :o: TftE ESTIMABLE BARTENDER. I J committee" the new boss of the Houseare playing politics with ap propriations. This committee will make heavy cuts, without regard for the needs, and then let the sen ate increase the amounts given, or put them in special bills to come later. Members of the "steering committee" seem to think it will sound well, in the coming campaign, to say that they reduced the esti-j mates of the democratic administra tion "one billion dollars." That would help, republican candidates for the House in their campaigns. they argue. But the democratic leaders will not let them succeed in any such nolitical trickery. House leaders will make it plain to the! public what is going on. r During the debate in the House on the shipping board appropria tion Representatives Moore of Penn sylvania and Britten of Illinois closely questioned - Representative Good of Iowa, chairman of the ap propriations" committee, about the total appropriated for shipping. Messrs. Moore, Britten and Good are leading republicans, 7mt the rep resentatives from Pennsylvania and Illinois were suspicious cf the gen tleman from Iowa. It was broivght out that the ship ping board was about to be deprived of monev needed to carry out its nlans for a merchant marine. Mr. Good admitted that there is a probability this provision for the shiDDing board may fall, short of I ML t!SllSI i p 1 1 i if lih 1 I i i !!! Hi y'V&yy:y& d) 3 Ijl'Sjl the national joy smoke y 4 .K-.-tii-aJi ft !! .l I H . U' Cnpx-rlaM br ft. J. U. . lubcc-kj Co. "1 t.. u.... ....,1 ... : w nat is ansoiuieiv necessary n pecially high in public estimation But perhaps the estimate has been Belgium is buying from the Unit- wrong. Hear what Dr. II. Pierce ed States army all the machine tools ("lark. New York neurologist, has to it has in France. They are to rejsay in praise of the profession: place the tools stolen by the Ger- "Abolish the saloon if we must. mans. And Germany. oronerlv but keen the bartender. He is iren- i enough, will pay the bill. erally a good fellow, and far better :o: - (educated, as a rule,' than the pat unat tto you think of the new ron. When the saloon passes, the highway just south of Plattsmouth? loss of this genial friend will be i It is a daisy, but don't say anything fet by multitudes of light tipplers about the connecting link between throughout the country." the' city pavement and the newly The "education" of the typical graded road. All that it needs is a bartender may be called in question whole lot of work, and who is going bv those who choose to aDnlv acade- to do it? INVESTMENTS Public Service Corporation Paying 7 Can be had in amounts of $100 PAUL FITZGERALD, Investment Securities First National Bank Bld'g, Omaha, Neb. mic standards; but certain it is that he is generally an expert in his knowledge of human nature. And that, according to many phil osophers, is the highest form of knowledge. The metropolitan nerve specialist need not be so disconsolate, how ever, over the prospect. The bar tender is not going to vanish from the face of the earth. Communities I that have alrpaitv cone Hrv have man says he ' " found that the good ones keep right on serving the public, and very :o: Congress, after making a great show of its intention to adopt a budget system, has finally disposed of the matter by arranging for a commission to investigate and re port on the subject, which is prob ably as much as anybody had a right to expect from any congress along the line of business like innovation. :o: A Michigan hotel has found that when men don't drink, they spend more for food. Which doesn't exactly harmonize larReI the sanle pubHc at lnat' as with the argument, soberly put forth by some anti-prohibitionists, that men. who are used to having drinks with their meals can't digest their food without them. :o: waiters or as dispensers of oft drinks. In one or two states that have recently sworn off, most of the bartenders are said to have remain ed right in the same saloons, using their old-time skill in handling Austria objects to being made I near-beer, ginger ale, etc., and con "the heir of all the resnonsibilit v of I ducting themselves 'with all their i the Austro-Hungarian Kmpire, of accustomed geniality winch it was the smallest, poorest. There is no need to be pessimistic, most, peaceful and most liberal of I Good things are seldom lost, even states." Poor Austria. All these! in reform waves. years nobody seems to have realized :o:- what an innoVent lamb she was. How could the world wrong her so? Why, she hadn't anything more to do with the war than Prussia had. SENSELESS REDUCTIONS. -:o:- Four hundred scientists have met in California to discuss earthquakes and the best means of protection against, them. If they're open to amateur ideas, vve modestly sug gest putting a few bands of re-in-forced concrete around the earth to strengthen and steady it. Or if that looks like too much trouble, why not use bamboo for building mater ial, as the Japanese do, so that a little shaking won't do any harm. :o: Have you heard anything about a new engine and better equipment for the local light plant. .We may have another storm within a few days, and the result will be another total eclipse over the city of Platts mouth, only. We might get some thing out of the prcsent'company,' if we can locate the "man behind the gun." Let" everybody do a little talking for a more reliable electric equipment at the home plant. Arbitrary reduction of appropria tions ordered by the standpat "steer ing committee" of the House has not . taken well with the country and republican leaders are begin ning to hear from it. It is evident that there is a deep sentiment and desire in the . hearts of the people for honest, justifiable economy, but not for wilfull, deliberate, senseless reductions that cripple the govern ment and threaten the comforts and welfare of returning soldiers. If the House program for the avia tion service of the Army and the Tavy goes through the United Sfates will become a third-rate na tion in aircraft and airmen. The action of the House in this instance is proving a flare-back. The roar from the press of the nation has caused republican senators to rush into print with promises to recon struct provisions framed by the House. . It is charged by democrats that the republicans of the House, fol- carry out the program Of the ad ministration. "I am greatly interested in see ing this bilf carry enough money to enable the shipping board to bring to successful conclusion its desires for a well-balanced fleet of cargo and nassensrer carriers." said Mr. Britten. :o: '- Dvsnensia is America's curse. To restore digestion, normal weight. gtiod health and purify the blood. use Burdock's Blood Bitters. Sold at all drug stores. Price, $1.25. NEVER was such right-handed-two-fisted smokejoy as you puff out of a '' jimmy pipe packed with Prince Albert I That's because P. A., has the quality You can't fool your taste apparatus any more than you can get five aces out of a family deckl So, when you hit Prince Albert, coming and going, and get up half an hour earlier just to start stoking your pipe, you know you've got the big prize on the end of your line! Prince Albert's quality alone puts it in a class of its .own, but when you figure that P. A. is made by our exclusive patented process that cuts out bite and parch well you feel like getting a flock pf dictionaries to find enough words to express your happy days sentiments ! Toppy red bass, tidy red tins, handsome pound and half-pound tin humidors and that classy, practical pound crystal glass humidor urith sponge moistener top that keeps the tobacco in such perfect condition. R. J. Reynolds Tobacco Company," Winston-Salem, N. C 1 m z4$ i W. A. ROBERTSON. Lawyer. East of Riley Ilotj!. -J-Coates Elock, Second Floor. all jnM'sons interested in saM matter. may, ami do, appear at ti.e ounty Court to ie liehi in and for paid court ly, on llii l'Jili day of July A. 1 . lyl!. t Hi oVIoi k a. in. to show cause, il liny tl:-!- I"', wny me prayer m in- petitioner should not In- granted and hat the J. earing thereof Le sjiven to II persons interested in said matter Ijy iu hi isi. a eop ot this uninr in the 1 Mat t sinotit h .Journal, a si-mi-wee-iv newspaper piinted in said county. r three successive weeks prior to aid day of liearinir. Witness my hand, and seal of said i "01111. this Oth cay of June -. i 1 a 1 y. ali.-;n j. I1KKSOX, fount v Ju lie. l!y IM.OKK.NCi; AVI1ITK. Seal j j::-::w. Clerk. MITK i: OK Iii:.itl(i mitk i: TO itK.m roits The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss: in the County Court. Jn t'e matter of the estate of Her man Kupke, Iteceaseil. To the Creditors or said i.staie: You are l.erehv notified. That I will. it at the Count v Court room in IMatts- on the ljtn day month In snhl conntv. of July. l!r.i. and 011 the loth day tM;.-r. a son a:cl Matin October, 1911. at 10 o clock a. ni. eacn day. to receive and examine an claims nsr'alnst Knhl nstate. with a. view to I "or netermiiuilloi! of llelrlilp In the County Court of the County f C;.ss. N. hraska. In re Instates of Jacob Carper, Onev I. Carper. Anderson Carper ami Wfred I.emmel Carper, each oeccase.i. The Slate of Nebraska, to all persons interested hi said estates, ireditois .mi heirs take notice that Mat tie .1. I'orter' lias d l;.-r petition allesm that Jacob Carper, a resident and in habitant of the County of Cass. Ne- raska. departed this lift; intestate on il.out the litli day of November, l.s7. Iea iir-r him surviving as his sole nd only heirs-at-Iaw, his widow, Omy I. CArper. 1 ami the following named hildren. to-wit: Anderson t.arper. son: Annie Louise I'liman. nee ( ar- per. a daughter; -nreu i.emmei ai- ,1. 1 'oiler. IU"- irper, a daughter: thai said aaeoo irptr was the owner in lee of the 1'oilowiiiu- described real estate, situ- I'orter. of Union, Nebraska, and the following named jrrandcliildren: Lu cian Carper, Hazel Carper and Ieleene Carper, children of a deceased son. An derson .Lee Carper, and Lena Carper, daughter of a deceased son. a urea Lemmel Carper; that the said Annie Louise Pitman and Mattie J. Porter and the said Lera Carper are eacli entitled to an undirided one-fourth of tin- esiate of oney J. Carper, deceas ed, and the said Lucia n Carper, Hazel Carper ami Jieleene Carper are each entitled to an undivided one-1 wel It li of said estate; that more than two yen is have elapsed sitice the death of each of said decedents save and- ex cept the said Oney I. Carper, whose 1 "talc was exempt lrom the levy Of attachment, execution or other mesne process; that ".no application for ad ministration of said estates lias been had in the State of Nebraska; that each of said decedents were residents of tbe Countv of Cass, Nebraska, at the time of their death and possessed of property therein, and that said p titioner as the daughter and sister 1 said decedents is entitled to an ut divided one-fourth'of all the said pro erty, and .praying for a determinate of the time of the death of each said persons, to-wit: Jacob Carpe Oney I. Carper, Anderson Lee Carp and Alfred Lemmel Carper, eacli d ceased: a determination of their heir the decree of kinship and the riftht descent of the real property heloriKfu to said decedents in the State of N bra ska. and for such othfr orders t may be necessary in the premise which said petition lias been set t hearing on the 'JSrd day of July, 191 at 9 a. m., at the County Judge's ol tice in the court house at I'lattsmout! Cass county, Nebraska. Dated at Plattsmouth, Nebrask. this ilUth day of June A. L. 1919. ALLKN J. BKKSO.V, County JudKe. By FLORENCE WHITE. (Seal! j.'3-ow. . Clerk. their adjustment and allowance. The.;ti.l in t'e County of Cass, Nebraska time limited for the presentation of -flu- south half S!-i of the southeast claims airainst said estate is four quarter (SK'i) of Section Town months from tbe lOtli day of June, -hip m, Kanqe l::. east of the 6th P. A. 1 1. 1!'19. and the time limited for u. ,j the County of Cass. Nebraska: T:ivment of debts is one vear from 1 Vat said land was the homestead of said loth day of June, 1919 Witness my hand and the seal or said Countv Court, this 10th day ot June, 1919. ALLLX J. Hl-.l-.s! .n. (Seal) Jll-4v County Judge. OltDKK ok iii:hi lowing the advice of the "steering 1 mas, a executrix: 1 It is hereby ordered that y nnal Nollce of ITobnte of Will In the County Court of Cass county. Nebraska. State of. Nebraska, County of Cass, ss : To all persons interested In the Instate of John Kdwin ISarwiek, de ceased : on readintr the petition of Hilda Cofl'man pru vinsr . that the instrument liled in this "court nn the ltli day of June. XII!'. and purporting to be the last will ami testament of the said deceased, niav be proved and allowed. ind recorded . ns the last will and tes tament of J6hn Kdwin Harwick, de ceased; that said instrument be ad mitted to probate, anil the administra tion or said estate he granted to . A. Hobertson, ns executor; It is herebv ordered mat you, ano all persons interested in said matter. mav. and do. appear at the Counl Court to be held in and for said coun tv, on the 19th day of July A. 1 . 191H at 10 o'clock a. m., to show cause, if any there he, wny me prayer m n.e petitioner should not be granted, and that notice of the pendency of said petition and that-the hearing thereof be iflven to ail persons Interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this Order tn the Plattsmouth Jour nal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said countv, for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing:. Witness mv hand, and seal of said Court, this pull day of June A. I. 1919. ALLKN J. BKKSON. Countv Jiidjjo. H- KLOKKNCi: WHITE, (SMl) jJS-oW. Clerk. OIIDKIt OK II K. It I Mi iml .Notice of I'roimle f A ill In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, ss: To all persons' interested in the Kstate of Michael TImmas, deceased: On read In it the petition of Kosina TImmas prayin that the instrument filed in this court on the 20th day of June, lf19. and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said deceased, mav '-: proved and allowed, and recorded" as the last will and tes tament of M.cliael Timmas. deceased" that said instrument be admitted to nrohate ant tbe administration of sajrt estate be Granted to Kosina Tim- the raid Jacob Carper at the time oi his death and descended to his said hildren in final shares, each an ua- livided one-fourth, subject to the uo - - find homestead Iluhl 01 JUS said ividow which terminated at her deatii n May l::, l!i:: that administration proceedings were duly had in the es tate of said Jacob Carper., deceased, by petition tiled in the County Court of the Countv of Cass. Nebraska. 011 the L'l'nd (lav of November. lT.'. un der which said proceedings notice to creditors was dulv niven and final set tlement dulv mad.-, but that by rea son of failure of said court to make i finding as to heirship and assign ment of said estate. it is necessary that heirship in said estate-be estab lished: that thereafter on or about the ISth dav of April. ll0.!. the said Al fred Lemmel Carper, beinn the owner of an undivided one-fourth of said real estate, departed this life intes tate, leaving !iim surviving as his sob' and onlv heirs at law. his widow. Laura Carper, who departed this lile on or about the 14th day of June. 191".. and two children. Lee Carper, a son, who departed this life May II. 191!'. unmarried and without issue. and Lena Carper, a daughter of lawful aso, residing at Fairfax, Missouri, and by reason thereof, the said Lena Carper is now the owner of an undivided one fourth of said above described real es tate: that thereafter on May 10, 191. 1, the said Anderson Lee Carper, beiriit the owner of an undivided one-fourth of said above described real estate, departed this life intestate, leaving him surviving his widow. (..ertrude Carper and three minor children, to-; wit: Lucian Carper, aire thirteen years; Hazel Carper. ai?e eleven years and Deleene Carper, nse tour years, mat bv reason thereof, the said tjertrude c'mper, widow is now the owner of an undivided one-twelfth of said real es tate and each of said minor children, to-wit. Lucian Carper. Hazel Carper and Ie!eene Carper, are entitled to an undivided eleven thirty-sixths of said estate. And that by reason of the foreiroing facts the said Annie Louise Pitman, nee Carper, and the said Mat tie J. Porter, nee Carper, are. each the owners of an undivided one-fourth ot said real estate. That on May IS. said Onef I. fs.rner lenarted this ilie luiesirtie. beintr a resident ana the County of Cass Fistula-Pay When'Cured .W-' A muo sysicm 01 ireauucui lum cures rues, ristuia ana other Recta 1 Diseases in a abort time, without a severe lur gical operation. No Chloroform. Ether or other general anesthetic nted. A cure Guaranteed in every case accented for treatment, and no money to be paid until cured. Write for book on Rectal Diseases, with names and testimonials of more than 1000 prominent people who have been permanently cured. DR. E. R. TARRY 240 B Building OMAHA, NEBRASKA DRS.'MACH & r.lACH, THE DENTISTS H The largest and best equipped dental ofifices in Omaha. Experts H in r-hnrce. of all wort. Ladv attendant. MODERATE PRICES. Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized after using. iTHiRn FLOOR, PAXTON BLOCK, OMAH If You ever Expect TO HH'.r K - Inhabitant of Nebraska, and possessed of personal property there in of approximately the value of Four Hundred Dollars ($400). which said fOU, . .1, Im. . f propertv was exempt, irwu me i. . j -attachment, exeoution or other mesne rroc-ess nd not subject o the payment of anv debts of said deceased, and that at the time of the death of said Oney I. Carper, she left her surviving as Tier sole and only-heirs at law, her i r.. Mhiors Anntf Louise Pitman, ot and Bradshaw, Nebraska and Mattie J. You must pur Money in the Bank; let it stay there AND ALWAYS ADD TO IT THE FIRST STEP IS: COME INTO OUR BANK AND OPEN AN ACCOOUNT. j THE SECOND STEP IS: TO REGULARLY ADD AS MUCH AJ YOU CAN TO IT. THE THIRD STEP IS: TO KEEP THIS UP FOR A YEAR THEt YOU WILL NEVER QUIT. YOU WILL HAVE FOUND THE PEACE AND COMFORT WHia COMES TO THE MAN WITH MONEY. YOU WILL RECEIVE 3 1-2 PER CENT INTEREST ON A SAV INGS ACCOUNT. Farmers State Sank! PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA